When to light a candle for repose. How to properly light candles in church

The Orthodox faith honors traditions that have been observed for many centuries. Any temple guest always lights a candle for himself and his loved ones.

Fire is God's light that warms humanity. How to correctly light a candle for health and peace, which icon to turn to - read about all the nuances below.

The significance of this tradition

A candle is a symbolic object that stores Divine light. First of all, they light a candle to the Lord, the Mother of God or the Holy Apostles.

They buy a wax symbol in the temple, the money from the purchase is a sacrifice that a person gives voluntarily for the needs of the church.

Important! The main thing is sincerity. Giving a gift with a callous soul is a great sin.

The burning fire symbolizes infinity. The words of a person are like a parcel to the Kingdom of Heaven, favor towards God and his companions.

The fire rushes upward, meaning that all souls are eternal. Thoughts should be directed to the Almighty.

Traditionally, candles are lit before a service or during a break between prayers. Pushing towards candlesticks is a sign of bad taste and disrespect.

Fire transmitted from a burning candle to another. Do not use your own matches or lighter to start the fire.

How to light a candle for good health?

It is worth praying to the Almighty, Jesus Christ and the Mother of God for health. People suffering from serious illnesses and their relatives turn to Saint Panteleimon the healer.

You can ask St. Anna to give you a child; infertile diseases are cured by prayers to the Righteous Fathers.

A candle is placed for any Saint, give preference to your patron. You can approach any stand; avoid rectangular pedestals.

To avoid mistakes, follow these step-by-step steps:

  1. Buy a candle at the store.
  2. Approach the icon and cross yourself.
  3. Light the fire and melt the other end to place in a candlestick.
  4. Cross yourself, read the “Our Father” twice.
  5. Mentally ask God or the Holy Saint for healing.

Advice! Pray for health to Matrona of Moscow or Saint Seraphim. Ask for a miracle sincerely, believe in the help of the Almighty powers.

Where to put for repose?

They pray for repose in front of the funeral pedestal, which is usually located in the corner. On it stands the crucifixion of Christ the Savior. There are lamps on the sides, and there is a special pocket for notes.

After purchasing a candle, go to the candlesticks:

  1. Cross yourself 2 times, looking at the Crucifixion of the Lord.
  2. Come over to the lamps, light your candle.
  3. Install it to a free cell. Observe safety precautions, there must be a distance between candles, avoid contact with neighboring ones.
  4. Tell“Rest, O Lord, the soul of Thy departed (name),” read the prayer words.
  5. If you need to pray for several people, repeat the steps and light more candles if necessary. You can leave one burning object for all the souls of the dead.
  6. Cross yourself, bow, make room at the funeral table.

The table on which the fire burns for the dead is called kanun. It differs in appearance.

Do not pray for a living person near the eve, there is a chance of causing damage. Leave a memorial note in a special box or wooden box.

If There is no funeral pedestal in the temple, turn to any icon.

One candle can be lit for several people, the main thing is not to forget to mention all the names in the note and in the prayer address. Candles can be placed on any side.

What else can you light candles for?

God accepts a person in his temple with any needs. They light a candle for the remission of sins, but there is no need to confess at this moment.

You can ask the Saints for wealth, family happiness and a speedy recovery.

Pray Only an Orthodox and baptized person can. God will hear any prayer. Light a candle at home and find solace.

During major church holidays, it is customary to light a fire at the head of the table during dinner.

Which icons should I turn to?

You can pray to any icon without restrictions. Choose the image of your Patron, Guardian Angel or the Almighty.

Cross yourself while looking at the icon, not at the clergyman. Seek help from the Holy Saints to alleviate suffering and ask for the fulfillment of desires.

Request Who to pray to How to ask for a request to be fulfilled
About recovery from a serious illness Theotokos, Savior, Lord and His Saints Pray, take holy water from the temple
About family well-being Theotokos, Xenia of Petersburg, Saint Aviv and Samon, Saint Gury Ask your husband for forgiveness, seek reconciliation
About getting rid of bad habits Before the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, Righteous John of Kronstadt, Great Martyr Boniface Reading a prayer
Absolution Any icon Reading a prayer
About the health of an unbaptized child Mother of God Silently light a candle, you can’t speak
Before surgery Healer Panteleimon, Holy doctors Damian and Cosmas, Nicholas the Wonderworker It is better to go through the rites of Confession and Communion, pray for the doctor, so that God will guide him during the operation
For success in business To any Saint Pray for successful completion of the transaction
About your health Any icon Praying in the first person
On the repose of the unbaptized You can't pray You can't pray

A pregnant woman can also light a candle and ask for the health of the unborn baby and a successful birth.

You cannot pray for deceased non-Orthodox and unbaptized people. Prayers are considered unworthy for suicidal people who have voluntarily taken their own lives.

Advice! Don't turn to God with petty desires. Ask for help in a pinch, thank Him for success in your affairs.

Fill each day with thoughts of the Divine presence in your life. May luck be on your side.

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We are accustomed to the fact that when a person dies, they light a candle for the repose, but what this means is unknown to many.

Even in ancient times, people feared the wrath of higher powers and wanted to appease them. How can you treat a creature that does not have a body? The decision came to turn the gifts into smoke. Therefore, food, animals, and, among some nationalities, even people were burned on sacrificial altars.

Christians believed that the sacrifice should be conditional. Fire has always symbolized infinity, so by lighting it, you ask God, eternal life for the soul of the deceased.

How to light candles for the repose: where and how to place them

A special place is reserved for commemorating the dead in any temple. Usually it is located at the very beginning of the hall, to the left of the doors. Most often this is a marble or iron table, called kanun. You can recognize it by its rectangular candlestick and the icon of the Crucifixion.

For the convenience of new parishioners, the text of the prayer that needs to be said is usually posted on the wall. Because not everyone can know it by heart. How many candles will be lit for remembrance does not matter, the main thing is that the spoken words come from the heart.

In the routine of everyday affairs, not everyone has the opportunity to attend church regularly. Most often people come to God on a major holiday or with serious problems. They see the solution as lighting a candle, not always understanding why. Many people do not know why this should be done, but they are firmly convinced that such an action will solve their problems and failures. Such people do not think about who and how to light candles in the church correctly, considering the action itself to be a kind of magical ritual.

Lit candle

You need to come to church with faith, repentance and knowledge of customs. Services in churches are held not only on weekends, but also during the week, evening and morning. You can find out about them in the temple or church itself, as well as on the Internet if the parish has a website.

Each church has a shop at the entrance that sells:

  • Candles;
  • Images;
  • Jewelry - rings, crosses and more;
  • Literature;
  • Calendars and other paper paraphernalia.

In front of the church bench, as a rule, there is a table on which there are blank notes called “On health” and “On repose.” The names speak for themselves, so the names of relatives and friends are written on them so that during the prayer service the clergyman can pray for their health or the repose of their souls. It is important to write the names of people who have undergone the sacrament of baptism.

The written notes are handed over to the store and paid for. Along with this they buy candles. How many to buy, everyone chooses for himself. For some, three is enough, for others - ten. To decide on the quantity, it is enough to know how to properly place candles in a church.

A candle is lit before prayer. They turn to the Lord and saints for support, help or gratitude, asking for forgiveness of sins. Fire is a symbol of faith in Orthodoxy. He is like Jesus himself, radiating light. The candle symbolizes a person who wants to get rid of sin.

Superstitions and prohibitions

Among the people there are signs according to which:

  • The candle can only be placed with the right hand;
  • If the wick goes out, then misfortune is sure to await;
  • You cannot burn the bottom of the candle to light it.

These are the main misconceptions invented by people who are far from the church. It does not matter to the Lord and the saints which hand a person uses. It is logical that it is inconvenient for a left-handed person to perform manipulations with his right hand, so as not to burn his hands or clothes.

A candle can go out due to a poor-quality wick or a draft. The bottom is scorched from other candles in order to secure it in the candlestick, and this is not a sin.

Buying candles in a parish means that a person has made a voluntary sacrifice to the Lord. The money raised by the church shop is spent on a good cause. Some come to church with their own candles, bought outside much cheaper, and light them next to each image. Such behavior is regarded as a sin. You cannot ask the Lord for help and at the same time have selfish thoughts.

It is sinful to use church candles in magical rituals. For example, they believe that a candle about health placed upside down can cause harm to a person. But God’s punishment for such behavior is more likely to be inflicted by the person who inflicted it. Magic and belief in God are incompatible. Those who have at least once performed magical rituals and repent of it must come to the temple, confess and ask for absolution.

How to place candles correctly

The church has a large number of icons of the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary and saints. It is not the parishioner’s task to place candles near each of them. In addition to the priest, there are ministers in the parish who, during the service, look after the candlesticks and remove the cinders. You can learn from them how to light candles in church and what to say.

Lighters and matches are not allowed in parishes. You can light a candle from a lamp, but be careful so that the melted wax does not get into the oil and put it out. The best option is to light it from those already in the candlestick.

The candle is first scorched from below and then inserted into the socket of an iron candlestick. It is important that she stands straight and does not touch others. If the candlestick is filled with sand, then the candle is simply recessed and lightly sprinkled so that it does not fall. If there are no free nests, the candle is placed on a candlestick. The servants will light it themselves when others burn out. You cannot install 2 candles in one nest or independently clear the space from burning out strangers.

Don't be shy to ask the attendants, how to light candles in church. The sequence is simple, requiring at least four candles:

  1. If the visit to church falls on a major church holiday, then the first one is placed on the central table at the altar, where the icon is located, marking the celebrated event;
  2. The second is placed near the image of the person venerated by the given parish and the relics of the saint, if there are any;
  3. The rest are usually bets on health and peace in any quantity.

Anyone who wishes should pray and light candles before the service begins so as not to disturb other parishioners. If a person is late, then he should wait until the end of the prayer service.

Virtual parish

The Internet has long entered human life and is penetrating deeper and deeper, like a disease. Using it, you can make an appointment at the hospital, put your child on a waiting list for kindergarten, or apply to school. This is very convenient because you don’t have to stand in lines. Some time ago, virtual chapels appeared on the Internet.

You can pray in virtual chapels, order prayer services and even order the lighting of candles in any church in Russia. Moreover, this is done free of charge. Many users appreciated the service. The creators themselves claim that it is convenient for use by those who do not have the opportunity to visit a church or temple. Icons in the virtual parish are displayed in the form of pictures.

The majority of clergy are of the same opinion that we need to communicate with God directly, and not through digital technology. Lighting a candle and saying a prayer to the Lord means showing your love and faith in him, and electronic messages do not matter to him and cannot be heard.

About health

There is no clear framework for which icons can be lit with candles for health in the church. Everyone chooses where to place it themselves. After reading the prayer for the granting of health to yourself, you need to light a candle to the guardian angel in front of the face of the saint whose name the parishioner is baptized. You can place them on the Most Holy Theotokos or any revered saint. If the desired image is not in the church, then they light a candle to any icon of the Lord.

Number of candles each chooses independently. You can put one about the health of all your family and friends and submit a note. Some consider it obligatory to supply them personally to everyone. In case of health problems, they read a prayer to the healer Panteleimon and place a candle near his image. A person suffering from envious people and enemies must pray to the Lord for their health and forgiveness of their sins.

About repose

In church, with rare exceptions, candles for the repose are placed on a rectangular candlestick - a canon. This is a funeral table on which the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is present. It is usually located on the left side of the church. If a parishioner, not knowing where in the church they place candles for the repose, accidentally puts a candle for health on the eve table, do not be upset. Everyone is alive to the Lord.

How many candles to buy you need to decide in advance. You can have one for everyone who is being remembered, or a personal one for everyone. When approaching the table, you must cross yourself twice and bow. Then light a candle and remember those remembered. Just look at the fire and think about everyone. Emotions in the form of tears should not be shy. After reading the prayer “For the Repose”, cross yourself again, bow and step aside.

Many pregnant women do not visit cemeteries, but the church does not forbid them to light candles for the repose of their relatives and friends. You can also visit the grave of a loved one. You should refrain from funeral processions so as not to be nervous and not experience severe stress, which can harm the baby.

Prayer requests to the saints

You can match any image in the parish. Near each one is usually placed Orthodox prayer. Read it carefully without rushing.

A REMINDER ON HOW TO LIT CANDLES FOR THE REST!!! Any baptized person is interested in the question: how to light candles for the repose in church? For this purpose, any Orthodox church has a kanun or eve table. This design is a medium-sized table with a marble or metal board. It can be easily found: on the eve table there is a rectangular candlestick with the Crucifixion of the Lord installed on it. In most cases, eves are installed in the temple to the left of the entrance. This is the very place where in the church you light candles for the repose. If for some reason there is no icon of the Crucifixion in the church, then a candle for the repose can be placed at any icon. The main thing is not to do it “automatically”, thoughtlessly and meaninglessly. It is necessary to remember the image of each deceased person, for whom a candle is lit and placed. How to correctly place candles for the repose: We have sorted out the question: where in the church to place the candles for the repose. Now we need to give a complete algorithm for further actions. Here it is: Go to the icon of the Crucifixion of the Lord and cross yourself twice. Light a candle from a lamp or from other burning candles (but in no case from a lighter). Place the candle in a free cell and secure it in such a way that it does not fall and does not have any points of contact with the candles standing next door. What do you say when you light candles for the repose? While installing the candle, you need to say a short prayer: “Rest, O Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name).” After this, without any fuss or haste, you need to cross yourself and bow. If you need to put more candles, then everything is done in the same way. In cases where a candle is lit for the repose of one person, then after the completion of the ceremony you need to quietly step aside. Is it possible to light candles for suicides? It is impossible to light candles for the repose of a suicide, just as it is impossible to pray for him in church, and even more so to perform a funeral service. Moreover, in ancient times, suicides were not even buried in graveyards - only behind the fence of the cemetery. But times have changed, and now all those who voluntarily departed for another world are buried in cemeteries, along with the ordinary dead. You can light candles for the repose of a suicidal person only at home, and then only with a special blessing. Only his closest relatives can pray for him at home. Funeral services are permitted only in very rare cases, but this is a special rite, and such issues should be resolved with the priest. Usually, a funeral service is performed for a suicide if during his lifetime he was mentally ill, and then one has to seek permission from the bishop himself or his representative. Is it possible for pregnant women to light candles for their repose? If a woman is pregnant, then she can go to church, pray and light candles for the repose of the soul of the deceased. The fact is that carrying a child in your womb is God's blessing. After all, an unborn baby is the fruit of the joint creation of two loving people and our Lord. There is even a saying that says that a pregnant woman carries under her heart what belongs to God and herself. But not so long ago, a pregnant woman was not allowed anywhere: they were afraid of the evil eye. Now, visiting church by a woman in an interesting situation is even welcomed, but with reservations: you cannot attend church for forty days if a miscarriage has occurred, and during the same period after childbirth, until the bleeding completely stops. Then another question arises: if you are menstruating, should you light candles for the repose or not? During this not very pleasant, but inevitable period, it is better to refuse to go to church altogether. But there is another opinion. It is believed that physiology is not a hindrance to attending church. And on “critical days” you can perform any rituals; there is nothing indecent or unclean about it. Natural physiological processes cannot defile a person, for only sins defile him. Do they light candles for the repose of the unbaptized? There is a rule: do not pray out loud for unbaptized people in church. And during the Liturgy, the unbaptized are not remembered at all: neither out loud, nor mentally. Therefore, they pray for them only at home or in church, but without mentioning their name out loud. Naturally, you cannot submit notes either, but to the question: “Is it possible to light candles for the repose of an unbaptized person?” any parishioner will receive an affirmative answer. Why do they light candles for the repose of living people? If they light candles for the repose of a living person, then we can say with confidence that they wish him harm or are trying to bring damage to him. In this case, the person will begin to dry out, illnesses that have come from God knows where will fall on him, he will lose interest in life, and will soon die. There is another reason, psychological. When someone finds out that a funeral candle has been lit for him, this person begins to get nervous and show concern. These experiences can easily drive him not only into depression, but also into the grave. Sorcerers and other “well-wishers” light candles for the repose of the living. But they don’t think at all that such actions cause harm not to other people, but to themselves. And it is very difficult to harm a living person in this way. After all, God sees everything. But what to do if candles are lit for the repose of a living person? Nothing. Just remember that any evil is punishable and tends to return a hundredfold. And our Lord himself knows what’s what. When to light candles for repose after death? When should you light candles for the repose if a person died today? In fact, you can start lighting candles on the day of death, and so on for forty days. This is very important both for the soul of the deceased and for his relatives. But, before the forty-day period, candles are lit for the newly deceased, and then for the repose of the soul. How often do you light candles for the repose? Yes, as you wish. There will be no harm from this. In some houses, funeral candles burn until the fortieth day. It is clear that there is nothing wrong with this, but on the contrary. But in most cases, candles are lit on the day of death and burn until the body of the deceased is removed, and at the funeral meal too. And then they light up only on the ninth and fortieth day. At the same time, you need to know: how to correctly light candles for the repose at home, and whether it is possible to light candles for the repose in the evening. A funeral candle is lit at home in front of the icon. It is imperative to pray for the soul of the deceased. But a candle placed in a temple is considered not only a sacrifice to God, but also a sign of a person’s participation in collective prayer. In fact, a memorial service is held in the church, at which they pray for all the departed. Therefore, a church candle has a number of advantages over a home candle. However, you can install it at home. By the way, you can light not only a candle, but also a lamp in front of the icon. As for the second question, you can light a candle for the repose at any time of the day: even in the morning, even in the evening. You just need to know for sure that the person really died. Is it possible to light candles for repose on Saturday? Yes, and on Sunday too, but during the period from Easter to Trinity, this cannot be done. Some subtleties that you need to know about: Every person should know where to place candles for health and peace. Health candles are placed on a round table, and funeral candles are placed on a rectangular table (eve). If someone mixed something up, then there is nothing reprehensible about it. God already knows for whom and what a believer prays, and to whom and for what candles are lit. It doesn’t matter which icon they light candles for its repose. Any. Where in the temple they place candles for the repose can be easily determined. If you see a rectangular table with a marble top and a mounted Crucifix of the Lord, then you need to go straight to it. It's eve. But when he is absent from the temple, a funeral candle can be placed on any icon. How many candles are lit for the repose? Yes, as much as you think is necessary. Some light several candles for one person, and some light one candle for the souls of several dead. It is only important to remember them all in prayer. This is the answer to the question “how to light candles for the repose of many people?” It doesn’t matter at all: on which side they light the candle for repose. With anyone.

Most people, when they come to church, consider it their responsibility to light candles. Some approach the issue fundamentally and purchase the most massive specimens, hoping that in this way they will quickly receive answers to their questions and earn many preferences. But the essence of lighting candles is not the fulfillment of human desires, almost always dictated by earthly passions, but the humble desire of the human soul to join the Divine light. But you still need to know the basic rules of where in the church to light candles for health, so as not to spoil the visit to the temple for yourself or the rest of the parishioners.

What is a church candle?

The burning of a church candle, like the candle itself, has many meanings, and all of them relate to the spiritual component of the connection between God and man. First of all, this symbolizes the believer’s prayerful fervor before the Lord, secondly, it is a voluntary and feasible sacrifice to God and his church, and also means a person’s involvement in the invisible divine light.

The lighting of candles, lamps, and lamps in Christian churches historically dates back to the times when believers had to hold services in caves. But even then, the light of a candle not only helped to illuminate the place of prayer, but was a symbol of Christ. A parishioner in a church must light a candle with fervent prayer and love; in the absence of religious feelings, the ritual takes on a pagan color.

How to put candles?

The main rule is sincere faith, love for God and the person for whom the prayer will be said. The number of candles does not matter; the whole point of the ritual is purity of thoughts and an ardent desire for health to one’s neighbor. The rules of behavior in the church require lighting candles before the start of the church service, so that later, by walking and actions, you do not interfere with parishioners praying, and clergymen conducting the service.

You can also light a candle at the end of the service. There are certain rules of conduct in church when a parishioner lights candles:

  • Near the candlestick they make two bows from the waist while simultaneously making the sign of the cross.
  • Next, light a candle; this can be done from any candle standing on a candlestick. Do not light a candle from the central lamp, so as not to accidentally extinguish it with dripping wax.
  • It is necessary to cross yourself again and place the candle in a free socket.
  • After installation, a bow is made from the waist with the simultaneous sign of the cross.
  • Next the prayer is read.
  • If there are no free places in the candlestick, then you do not need to extinguish and remove other candles without authorization. The candle is placed next to the candlestick or they wait until the church workers find an opportunity to empty the nests of the common candlestick.
  • You can only stand with a lit candle in church at funeral services or for absolution in the presence of a priest.

Occasion and place

Candles in church are lit for health and peace. Health candles are lit for various reasons - with a prayer for health and long life, in gratitude for an event that has happened, with a prayer for help or protection in any endeavor, and for many other reasons, health candles are used.

Where to put and how to determine the place for the symbol of health? The priests say that there are no special requirements for which icons to place a candle near. If a person does not know where to put it, then the best solution would be the central candlestick, where most often there is a place and the opportunity to refer to the icons of the main iconostasis.

But in every church there is a particularly revered icon, near which parishioners often pray and services are celebrated. These icons are considered the most powerful symbols, and most people prefer to leave their candle there. In this case, you should definitely read the canonical prayer dedicated to this icon and the saint depicted on it, but if the prayer is unknown to the parishioner, then sincere faith will help him and the words will flow from the heart, which is more valuable.

A person who comes to church for the first time is poorly oriented not only in symbols, but in certain actions, especially when he strives to light candles for health. Where to put it so as not to mistakenly set the fire for the repose. A candlestick with funeral candles stands on a separate table and is located in front of the Holy Crucifix. It differs in shape; funeral candlesticks in churches almost always have a circle as a base, while funeral candlesticks have a square or rectangle without a main candle or lamp.

Fundamental approach

If your state of mind requires involvement in spiritual life and you need to express your respect, then you need to know where in the church to light candles for health:

  • It is good for the soul to place a candle in the candlestick of the central lectern and at the same time bow, pray and make the sign of the cross. Actions should be calm, thoughtful, with awareness and peace of mind.
  • If there are relics of a saint in the church, then it is necessary to light a candle in honor of his memory.
  • An icon revered in a temple is also a symbol where a candle will become appropriate and soul-helping along with a sincere prayer to the saint or saint who is depicted on the icon.
  • A prayer for health (your own or a loved one) is performed near any icon, at the same time leaving a candle on any candlestick in the temple. If you know the name of the heavenly patron in whose honor the parishioner was baptized, then the best choice would be to turn to the icon with the image of the saint and read a prayer for protection and health.


A neophyte in a church has many questions, the first of which is where in the church to light candles for health. Over time, an internal understanding of the semantic and spiritual load of one’s stay within the religious space awakens and questions become even larger.

Main questions:

  • What candles are lit for good health? Church candles are not divided into types according to their purpose. They are the same for all needs. Differences may be in shape (straight, tapered), size or materials of manufacture (wax, paraffin, mixed). To the delight of parishioners, in church shops or from private manufacturers you can buy candles decorated with carvings, symbols, and various colors; this has nothing to do with the canonical rules.
  • Where in the church should we place an unbaptized child? In this case, a candle is placed on the central candlestick, but it is advisable to baptize the newborn as soon as possible. A priest is invited home to perform the ceremony if it is impossible to bring the child to the baptismal temple. After the sacrament has been performed, you can order magpies, prayer services, etc.
  • Where in the church to light candles for health and deliverance from addiction to alcohol, drugs, and gambling? The prayer is performed in front of the icons of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, the holy martyr Boniface and the righteous John of Kronstadt, and a candle is placed there.
  • Is it possible to pray and light a candle for yourself? They pray for their health, mental and physical, and place candles in front of the icons of their heavenly patron or on the central candlestick. At the same time, they do not forget to exalt for everything they have.
  • Where in the church do you light candles for good health and successful surgery? Among Orthodox saints, Panteleimon the Healer occupies a special place; he is considered the main assistant in the recovery and successful outcome of all medical interventions. Saints Cosmas and Damian are also venerated and helpful. The patient is recommended to confess, take communion and order a prayer service in church for a successful outcome of the operation. It will be useful to pray for the surgeon who will perform the operation and that the Lord will control his hands.