Wheatgrass root medicinal properties and contraindications. Wheatgrass description

Dog grass, as well as wheatgrass, zhitets, also ponyry and dandur - this is what wheatgrass is called in different regions, the medicinal properties of which have long been no secret to traditional medicine. You can find out how the grass and wheatgrass rhizome are treated, why it is considered a blood cleanser, and what connects the weed with energy drinks from this article.

Cats, dogs and wild animals eat wheatgrass, which cleanses and restores the digestive system. This is due to the fact that 70% of the plant is chlorophyll, a natural pigment that removes toxins and waste from the body. A medicine called “creeping wheatgrass” can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. In the second case, you need to know exactly what healing wheatgrass looks like.

The hero of the article belongs to perennial herbaceous plants from the genus of cereals. It blooms in May-June, and its fruits can be expected in August-September. The medicinal plant is widespread in Europe and Asia; it is impossible to find it only in dark forests and deserts. But the main localization of wheatgrass is meadows, fields, as well as gardens and fallow lands. Although medicinal herbs can also grow on forest edges.

Although medicinal, wheatgrass is a weed with an extended creeping rhizome. It has a spike-shaped inflorescence up to 30 cm long, crowned by an erect stem with long flat leaves. The fruit of the weed is a grain.

Its roots do not have a period of rest; as soon as you touch them, they immediately rise to growth. In the soil, the roots are located horizontally and branch. All weed species are tenacious and hardy, but botany knows few such “persistent” examples as creeping wheatgrass, a description of which cannot be imagined without mentioning its ability to take over the entire garden. As a weed they are unbearable, but the beneficial properties of the herb cannot be denied.

Chemical composition

The weed contains a high content of ascorbic acid, carotene and alanine, as well as avenin, fatty oil, and saponin. It contains sodium, iron and calcium, pectin and inulin, silicic acid and fructose. The roots also contain protein formations, as well as little-studied glycosides.

The composition is rich, balanced, and can help not only animals that wisely consume wheatgrass as food, but also people. At the same time, a weed can be both a garden pest and a remedy that can relieve a person from a painful cough, urine retention, and even rheumatism.

Medicinal properties of the plant

It should be noted that the use of wheatgrass in some countries is limited for medical purposes, while in others, on the contrary, it is widespread. The Swiss, for example, actively use the outstanding properties of creeping weed. In Germany, it is also customary to treat many diseases with the help, including wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass treatment - scope of use:

  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections - the plant is used as a diaphoretic, which allows one to cope with hyperthermia;
  • swelling and inflammation – when used correctly, relieves or reduces severity;
  • solving problems related to the visual analyzer;
  • appetite stimulation;
  • help with hypertension and diabetes (not as a mono-drug, but in combination);
  • constipation and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, works as a soft enveloping agent;
  • antihelminthic effect without toxic effect;
  • multivitamin supplement for vitamin deficiency and rickets;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • metabolic arthritis;
  • arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

From the video you will learn useful information about the medicinal properties of wheatgrass.

It is obvious that folk medicine is multidisciplinary. And in each specific case, you also need to understand what exactly works against the disease, the rhizome or the grass.


The leaves of the weed are used less frequently, while the wheatgrass root exhibits medicinal properties more clearly. The ground part is usually used in the treatment of skin pathologies and joint diseases. But sometimes the herb is also used as a diuretic, as a choleretic and expectorant product.

Again, a parallel can be drawn with the animal world; cats and dogs eat wheatgrass leaves to compensate for the lack of valuable substances. A person can also take advantage of the healing properties of the plant, which in the above-ground part can be equated to a multivitamin complex.


More attention is paid to the rhizome of wheatgrass: healers actively used it, modern supporters of traditional medicine also collect and dry the roots of the weed. Although it is not necessary to dry them, they can also be used fresh.
Avicenna also wrote about wheatgrass that it heals wounds and helps with eye diseases. It has been proven that the rhizome of the plant can improve metabolic processes in patients with diabetes and can seriously relieve pain from arthritis and gout. It is even called a natural energy drink, because using recipes with wheatgrass restores vigor and vitality.

Medicines on the rhizome of the weed help to get rid of phlegm during bronchitis. It can also be used as a mild immunostimulant on the eve of the so-called cold season.


There are strict regulations regarding who should not use medicines and folk remedies with wheatgrass.

Contraindications apply to such diagnoses as:

  • acute pancreatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ulcer during an exacerbation;
  • coelica;
  • early childhood (up to 3 years);
  • certain forms of allergies and individual intolerances.

Pregnant women should be extremely careful with any means related to traditional medicine. Only with the knowledge of the doctor managing the pregnancy can you drink decoctions and infusions. Even the external use of a folk remedy must be agreed with a doctor.

The use of wheatgrass in folk medicine

Creeping wheatgrass root

Wheatgrass decoctions are most often used. They can reduce the pain of rheumatism. There have been documented cases where such treatment helped to minimize pain in arthritis. Decoctions help cope with both cystitis and hemorrhoids.

Very often, doctors themselves advise patients to drink wheatgrass decoctions if the patients have been taking antibiotics for a long time (or if the course was multi-component). It is believed that the plant, or more precisely, its blood purifying properties, rid the body of the remains of chemical compounds of antibiotics, remove waste and toxins.

If you are very tired, feel weak and suffer from the blues, the same wheatgrass decoction will help cheer you up and relieve fatigue. Regulation of metabolic processes - wheatgrass also helps with this, our ancestors knew a lot about the medicinal properties and use of which. And recipes based on the plant have survived to this day, although, of course, they are rather forgotten.

Recipes for preparing creeping wheatgrass at home

The first recipe will help reduce the manifestations of hemorrhoids, and is also effective for cystitis and chronic inflammation of the rectum. Although, by and large, this decoction is universal - almost all diseases stated in the list of indications can be corrected with a classic decoction.

Recipe with wheatgrass and currants:

  1. Take a tablespoon of crushed rhizomes of the plant, pour 1 glass of boiled water.
  2. The composition needs to be boiled for about 10 minutes, after which it should be cooled, strained and squeezed.
  3. If you want to flavor the composition, then add finely chopped black currant leaves to the chopped wheatgrass rhizome.
  4. The decoction should be taken 150 g three times a day before meals.

Microenemas and microenemas can be done using this decoction, but the need for their use should be discussed with a doctor.

The juice of the plant will also be healing. The weed stems along with root fragments need to be scalded with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder (can be chopped in a blender). The resulting slurry should be diluted with water 1 to 1, squeezed through a thick sterile cloth, and then boiled for a couple of minutes. Drink the finished composition one tablespoon three times a day before meals. This wheatgrass juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Making wheatgrass juice

For cystitis and skin diseases, a bath with wheatgrass decoction can be useful. The recipe involves placing 100 g of wheatgrass and burdock rhizomes in a large enamel basin or saucepan. This mixture needs to be poured into 5 liters of hot water and boiled for 12-15 minutes. The entire strained broth is poured into a filled bath. If you take this bath once a week, the severity of skin disease will become less severe.

You should lie in the medicinal bath for at least half an hour, first you need to take a shower, wash off makeup, etc. It is reasonable to combine healing baths with taking wheatgrass decoction internally.

Composition for baths for joint diseases:

  1. Take 50 g of crushed wheatgrass rhizomes and fill them with 4 liters of water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes.
  3. Pour the mixture, cooled to 40 degrees, into the container where you are going to make local baths. It is also possible to use the decoction for compresses.

Such baths are used for arthritis, eczema, and furunculosis.

And wheatgrass infusion is used as a mild laxative. 2 teaspoons of crushed rhizome are enough, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. Let the mixture sit for no more than an hour, after which it must be strained. 2 tablespoons of infusion three times a day half an hour before meals, and the problem of constipation will be solved.

And if you pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of crushed wheatgrass root, you get tea. You can add honey to it and drink it as usual. A few days and this morning tea will noticeably relieve fatigue, tone you up and help you avoid getting colds in cold weather.

Collection and drying of raw materials

If you intend to use only the above-ground part of the plant, then collect it, as well as all other herbs, in the first half of the day - at this time the concentration of valuable substances in the plant is higher. It is ideal to collect raw materials during flowering, but this is important for drying. Fresh consumption does not put forward such categorical requirements - you can collect it at any time if you hurry up with use.

Wheatgrass rhizomes are harvested in the spring, even before the plant sprouts. You can do this in the fall, after the foliage has withered. The rhizomes must be cleared of soil, thoroughly washed and dried. When you dry the roots, do not forget to turn them over. It is more convenient to dry them in dryers at 50 degrees. You can tell that the roots are dried at the moment when, when bent, they begin to break rather than bend. Such features of the dried structure allow us to understand the readiness of the plant.

More information about collecting and using wheatgrass rhizomes can be found in this video.

Drying in the sun is not the best option; the beneficial properties of wheatgrass are lost faster. Therefore, prepare the plant either in an electric dryer or, which is also very convenient, in a bathhouse. Herbs can be stored for no more than two years, and roots - three years maximum. But the raw materials will be most beneficial for human health in the first year after collection.

Here it is, wheatgrass, the medicinal properties and use in folk medicine of this plant have long been studied and somewhere undeservedly deprived of attention. Feel free to add a weed to your herbal medicine cabinet, just make sure you recognize wheatgrass first (a close-up photo will be a guide). So, from a large and annoying weed, it can become for you, first of all, a medicinal herb and a cheap, accessible folk healer.

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Creeping wheatgrass is the most famous and widespread weed in our gardens. All weeds have incredible vitality and fertility, but wheatgrass is perhaps one of the record holders, and all because it reproduces by both seeds and rhizomes. In addition, wheatgrass is a real natural storehouse of nutrients! This plant has a number of medicinal properties.

Science knows several dozen species of wheatgrass. In Asia alone, there are 53 species of it. Creeping wheatgrass is especially common. Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski Family: Poaceae (Poaceae, Gramineae). Class: Monocots Type: Rhizomatous perennial.

Folk names: zhitets, zhanets, whinny Ponyr, dandur, root - grass, dog grass, worm - grass.

Botanical description

A perennial herbaceous plant 40–130 cm high with long creeping rhizomes that does not form turf. Stems are erect. Leaves are alternate, flat, linear, glabrous, vaginal. Leaf blades are green or bluish-green, usually 3-8 mm wide.

The inflorescence is a complex spike. The flowers are small, pale green, inconspicuous, collected in spikelets of 4-7 pieces. The spikelets, in turn, form long apical ears, up to 15 cm long. Blooms in June - August. The fruit is a grain, similar to wheat, up to 0.5 cm long. The rhizome is horizontal, cord-shaped. Grows in fields, meadows, grassy slopes, forest clearings.

The Latin name of this plant, a malicious weed, is Agropyron repens translated means - fire fields creeping, for the farmer and gardener, creeping wheatgrass (Elitrigia repens) turns into a constant nightmare. The appearance of wheatgrass on a field can be compared to a fire. It’s rare that a gardener can boast that there is not a single bush of creeping wheatgrass in his beds.

Its rhizomes do not have a dormant period and begin to grow at the slightest damage. They are located horizontally in the soil and branch. The tops of such branches bend upward and emerge to the surface of the soil, giving rise to a new wheatgrass individual.

After June 22, the rhizomes begin to grow downwards, thicken, forming nodules for overwintering. In good conditions, on loose, fertile soils, wheatgrass reproduces only by rhizomes, without bothering with flowering. Seeds are formed when the soil is compacted and dried out, in dry years, and when the development of rhizomes is difficult. The rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass in the soil can reach several hundred kilometers per hectare in length, then they have about 250 million buds, each of which is capable of sprouting and forming an independent plant. The bulk of rhizomes on arable lands lies at a depth of 10 - 12 cm. On dense soils - at a depth of 3 - 5 cm. In an undisturbed rhizome on virgin lands, from 2 to 54 percent of the buds germinate. Young wheatgrass rhizomes are white, old ones are yellowish-brown. The yield of rhizomes can reach 2.5 kilograms/meter 2.

In the spring, literally from under the snow, they immediately begin to grow. At the same time, the growth force of the rhizomes is so great that they freely penetrate old boards 2–3 cm thick. and whole potato tubers. When the apical bud of a shoot is removed or damaged, the next bud begins to grow. Any segment of rhizome that has at least one bud can grow. The root system is made up of underground stems that penetrate the soil by 75 cm in the first year of life, 195 cm in the second, and 250 cm in the third (the main mass is no deeper than 20 cm, on compacted soils - 8...10 cm). Weeding does not give anything in the fight against wheatgrass; the only remedy is to remove the rhizomes when digging. Left to its own devices, the wheatgrass thicket is quite durable - it exists for 6 - 7 years, then gradually thins out and dies.

All weeds have enviable vitality and endurance. And especially among them, creeping wheatgrass stands out. But, despite its harmfulness, wheatgrass can also bring great benefits. Probably its “aggressive” vitality is responsible for its healing properties. Thanks to the agropyrene contained in wheatgrass, it does not freeze in winter, no matter how cold it gets. Working at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences, I managed to isolate this substance and “force” spring wheat sown in the fall to overwinter.

By crossing wheat and wheatgrass, wheat-wheatgrass hybrids were obtained that gave high yields, were resistant to stress, frost, soaking, freezing and were perennials. They reproduced by rhizomes. We had to hollow out wheatgrass rhizomes from ice in winter to extract the phytohormone Abscisic acid from the rhizomes. He is so tenacious.

The rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass were quite widely used for medicinal purposes back in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, in medieval folk medicine, and are also widely used in modern folk medicine in European countries and in homeopathy.

Avicenna in the “Canon of Medical Science” wrote about creeping wheatgrass:

“It is useful for fresh wounds if applied to them, especially its root, which has healing properties.

It prevents the occurrence of all catarrhs.

Its squeezed juice, boiled with honey or wine - both are taken in equal quantities by weight - is an excellent medicine for the eyes. This medicine is prepared (this way): take the squeezed juice of sila, half of it as myrrh, a third as pepper and a third as frankincense and mix. This is an excellent medicine that should be kept in a copper box.”

And before the revolution, wheatgrass was specially harvested for pharmaceutical needs. In the Poltava province alone, over 200 pounds of root were collected annually. It is used in medicine and is considered a pharmacopoeial raw material in many countries. Poland, for example, exports wheatgrass rhizomes to Western Europe. Once upon a time, Russia also carried out such exports. Up to several hundred pounds of raw materials were exported from the Voronezh province to Europe annually

The word wheatgrass comes from a very ancient Proto-Slavic root - pyro - bread, rye and, indeed, under certain conditions it is able to justify this name. Wheatgrass rhizome contains in dry form 5 - 6 percent protein, 30 - 40% sugars. Wheatgrass also contains, instead of starch, triticin - a white, tasteless and odorless powder, which, when its aqueous solution is heated with hydrochloric acid, turns into fruit sugar - fructose. Wheatgrass contains a little essential oil and a lot of mucus - up to 10%.

In folk medicine, wheatgrass is used for coughs, and as a diuretic, it removes uric acid from the body and is recommended for gout and rheumatism. Abroad, in some countries, wheatgrass is also included in the arsenal of official herbal medicine. Wheatgrass is sometimes called dog grass. It is often eaten by dogs and cats, especially those who live in an apartment and do not receive enough vitamins. Such animals, having reached the wheatgrass thickets, literally graze in them. This is a completely normal phenomenon, but sick animals look for wheatgrass especially diligently, and it is not surprising, because in folk medicine it is used in blood purifying preparations.

Chemical composition

50 mg% carotene and alanine.

The following was found in the rhizomes:

phenolic compound avenin,

polysaccharide triticin C 12 H 22 O 11, (10%),

150 mg% ascorbic acid.

5% fructan,

1.5% fatty oil

Apple acid,

3-4% levulosis,

about 3% fructose,

mannitol (2.5 - 3%) and other carbohydrates, as well as


levulosis (3-4%),

agropyrene C 12 H 12 (1-phenylhexene-2-in-4),

silicic acid,

amino acids,

little-studied glycosides,

protein substances (about 9.2%),

fatty oil, essential oil (up to 0.006%), about 6 mg% carotene,

other substances.

Healing and therapeutic properties of creeping wheatgrass

Medicines from the rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass have diuretic, blood purifying, enveloping, expectorant, diaphoretic and mild laxative properties. Wheatgrass extract is used to prepare pills. Rhizomes are included in children's soothing tea, diuretic tea No. 3.

There is hardly an ailment that they would not try to fight with its help, one way or another. The most important indications for the use of wheatgrass rhizomes in folk medicine are anemia, rickets, lung diseases, urinary retention, liver and gall bladder diseases, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, rheumatism and gout, skin rashes and complaints associated with menstruation.

In case of bronchial diseases, due to the presence of silicic acid, its effect is similar to that of horsetail and can be used for metabolic problems, rheumatism and gout.

The main area of ​​application of wheatgrass is the so-called blood purification, when toxins are removed from the body with increased outflow of water, which affects, first of all, the reduction of skin rashes.

Fatigue and weakness are relieved. Moreover, all components act together, both vitamins and minerals, saponins and related compounds. They mainly use tea, which they drink regularly for several weeks, 1 cup 2 times a day.

The German National Health Service indicates the following areas of use of wheatgrass rhizomes: to increase urination during inflammatory processes in the urinary tract; as a supplement in the treatment of upper respiratory tract catarrh. Healing baths with infusion of wheatgrass are useful for diathesis (scrofula), hemorrhoids and rickets.

In scientific medicine, wheatgrass rhizomes are used as a regulating salt metabolism, enveloping, expectorant, diaphoretic, laxative, diuretic and blood purifying agent, and also as the basis of pills.

Wheatgrass is eaten by cats and dogs. It has an antihelminthic effect.

Wheatgrass is also used for diseases of the liver (hepatitis, lipodystrophy, cirrhosis), gall bladder and bile ducts, cholelithiasis, usually together with other herbs. In addition, systematic use of the plant helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. It is believed that silicic acid, which is found in wheatgrass, promotes accelerated tissue regeneration, strengthens capillary walls, and reduces inflammatory processes.

Wheatgrass is effective for acne vulgaris and other skin diseases. In Bulgarian therapy it is used in the complex treatment of eczema, neurodermatitis, prurigo, urticaria, collagenosis, baldness, graying of hair.

Due to the presence of sugars and vitamins, wheatgrass is considered a nutritious, tonic, restorative, sleep and appetite-improving remedy. It is used in the treatment of hypertension and malignant tumors.


Skin diseases

Boil 15g of rhizomes with roots of wheatgrass for 10 minutes. in a sealed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 2-4 weeks.


Wheatgrass works as a metabolic regulator. Traditional medicine recommends this recipe: take 4 tbsp. l. dry crushed wheatgrass rhizomes into 5 glasses of water, put on low heat and boil until the volume is reduced by one quarter. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.


Chronic inflammation of the colon, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, wheatgrass decoction is prescribed at night in the form of a microenema of 30-60 g. To prepare the decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of raw material into 1 glass of hot water, boil for 5-10 minutes, cool, filter and squeeze. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Instead of decoction, you can use fresh juice from the above-ground part of the plant. To do this, the stems are washed in running water, scalded with boiling water, passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, squeezed through a thick cloth and boiled for 3 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Sweaty feet

Sweating of feet with odor and suppuration. Wash your feet thoroughly with warm water and soap, rinse with cold water. Take straw from barley or oats or wheat or weave wheatgrass between your fingers, like weaving baskets. Put on clean socks and sleep through the night. In the morning, throw away the straw, wash your feet, and put on clean socks. Repeat this every day at night. People consider it one of the best remedies. It is enough to do this for a week and the disease goes away for many years. The smell, sweating of the feet, and suppuration disappear.


Pour 4 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizomes with 5 cups of boiling water and boil until about a quarter of the volume evaporates. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.

Male diseases (infertility)

Pour two cups of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of creeping wheatgrass rhizome. Prepare a decoction. Take half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

The rhizome of creeping wheatgrass is useful. Pour 1 tablespoon of wheatgrass into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain and drink 1 tablespoon at a time. 3 times a day before meals.


Pour 4 tablespoons of dry, finely chopped wheatgrass rhizomes with 5 cups of water, boil until the volume is reduced by a quarter. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Gastritis, colitis, enteritis, metabolic disorders

Take 5 teaspoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizome and pour 1 glass of cold boiled water. Infuse for 12 hours, strain, pour 1 cup of boiling water over the remaining mass of rhizomes, leave in a warm place for 1 hour, strain, mix both infusions. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

Exudative diathesis

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, leave, covered, for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.


Pour 5 tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass root into 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and do enemas for chronic constipation.

Decoction for the treatment of tuberculosis

Required: 250 ml milk, 2 tbsp. l. dried wheatgrass roots (or 1 tbsp fresh). Cooking method. Dry the wheatgrass roots, add hot milk and boil for 5 minutes. Strain. Mode of application. Cool the product slightly and drink in one dose. Take up to 3 glasses a day for tuberculosis.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Boil 2 tablespoons of dried wheatgrass roots (fresh - 1 tablespoon) in 1 glass of milk for 5 minutes, cool slightly and drink in one serving. Take up to 3 glasses per day. The same decoction also helps with other intractable diseases.


Take 20g of wheatgrass rhizomes, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for several hours, strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Cystitis, urolithiasis, articular rheumatism, gout

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizome with 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes in a sealed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Tea mixture for juvenile acne

Wheat grass 20.0 Tricolor violet 10.0 Horsetail 10.0 Nettle 10.0. Pour two heaped teaspoons of the mixture into 1/4 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes and then strain. Drink regularly 1 cup of tea 3 times a day.

Salts in joints

Often the cause of joint pain is general slagging in the body. How to cleanse yourself. Collect wheatgrass rhizomes from the garden and rinse thoroughly. Infuse one glass of rhizomes for 12 hours in a liter of boiled water, add honey to taste and drink half a glass 3-5 times a day.


For gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis

Take the infusion: 2 tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass root, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water in the evening, leave overnight in a tightly sealed container. The next day, take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cholelithiasis, urolithiasis

Make a decoction of 60 grams of crushed wheatgrass rhizomes per 1 liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Take 3 times a day, 1/2-1 glass for 3-4 weeks

For osteochondrosis

30g of wheatgrass rhizomes are boiled in 1 liter of water until half remains. Take 3 times a day, 100 ml.

For chronic pancreatitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract

A decoction of the rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass is prescribed: pour 2 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials into 1 glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain, squeeze, bring the volume to the original volume. Take 3 times a day before meals, 1/3 cup.

For cough associated with a cold, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract

Pour 15g of dry crushed wheatgrass rhizome into 2 cups of cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Take 3 times a day, 1/2 cup.

To enhance the expectorant Add 1 teaspoon of coltsfoot flowers, mullein and elderberry leaves to the wheatgrass rhizome.

To improve vision

4 tablespoons of dry crushed wheatgrass rhizomes per 5 cups of boiling water, boil until the volume is reduced by 1/4, strain. Take 4-5 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

For cancer

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed dry rhizomes of wheatgrass into 1/2 liter of boiling water, cook over low heat for 12-15 minutes, leave for 2-3 hours. Drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 3-4 weeks.

As a mild laxative and diuretic

A decoction (1:10) of wheatgrass rhizomes is prescribed 2 - 3 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. Decoction: 2 teaspoons of rhizome per 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 5-7 minutes. over very low heat. Infuse, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

For rheumatism and aching joints

4 teaspoons of wheatgrass rhizome per 1 glass of cold boiled water. Leave for 12 hours, strain. Pour the rest of the rhizome with 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain. Mix both infusions. Take 1/3 cup 2-4 times a day.

For abdominal dropsy

Boil 15g of rhizomes with roots of wheatgrass for 10 minutes. in a sealed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

For constipation use the juice of the wheatgrass grass (1:20) as an enema.

For cold sores

Take 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks, 200 - 600 ml of creeping wheatgrass juice, squeezed from rhizomes (April - early May, autumn) and grass. To do this, the rhizomes, washed in running water, are scalded with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water 1:1, squeezed through a thick cloth and boiled for 3 minutes.

For radiation sickness

Infuse 2 tablespoons of crushed roots in 500 ml of boiling water (in a thermos) for 8 hours, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Take during the day in 3 doses per 30 minutes. warm before meals.

For furunculosis

To prepare it, pour 4 tablespoons of crushed rhizome into 1 glass of hot water, boil for 5 minutes and filter. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

For eczema

Make a decoction of wheatgrass root (collected in May): for 20g of roots - 1 cup of boiling water. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day before meals. Make lotions from the decoction externally. For various skin diseases, take a bath once a week. To do this, place 100 g of wheatgrass and burdock rhizomes in an enamel bucket, fill half the container with hot water and boil for 10 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. at a water temperature of 36 - 37°C.

For childhood eczema

Take 50 ml of wheatgrass juice, squeezed from rhizomes and grass, 2-3 times a day for 3 - 4 weeks, and bathe children in it.

For urate and oxalate stones

Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day of a decoction of wheatgrass rhizomes: 4 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials in 5 glasses of water, boil until the volume is reduced by 1/4, strain. When the type of stones has not been established, use a cold infusion of wheatgrass rhizomes: 15g of crushed dry raw material in 2 cups of cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day.

For rickets, scrofula, diathesis

Cold infusion of creeping wheatgrass rhizomes: 15 g of dry crushed raw material in 2 cups of cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

For cholelithiasis

An infusion of wheatgrass rhizomes, which is prepared in a rather original way, is very useful. 4 teaspoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizomes, pour 1 glass of cold boiled water and leave for 12 hours. Then the infusion is drained, and the raw material is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. The resulting infusion is poured into the previously prepared one. The drink is drunk in equal portions throughout the day.
When purifying the blood, when, with increased outflow of water, waste products are removed from the body, which affects, first of all, the reduction of skin rashes They mainly use tea, which they drink regularly for several weeks, 1 cup 2 times a day. Wheatgrass tea: pour 2-3 teaspoons of wheatgrass into 1/4 liter of hot water and let stand for 10 minutes. They also recommend juice from fresh rhizomes, which is prepared using a juicer; take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day .


Wash the wheatgrass stems thoroughly, scald with boiling water, and pass through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, squeezed out and boiled for 3-5 minutes over low heat. If the juice needs to be stored for a long time, it is filled with vodka in a 1:1 ratio and placed in a cold place, tightly closed.

Freshly prepared wheatgrass juice is drunk daily for 2-3 months, 1/2 cup 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Wheatgrass juice is taken 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals for uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation.

Juice from fresh leaves is taken for cholelithiasis, 1 glass 3 times a day for 15-20 days.

The juice of fresh wheatgrass leaves is used in folk medicine for urine and cholelithiasis, osteochondrosis, and furunculosis. (Take 0.5 cups 1-2 times a day).

Freshly prepared juice is used for colds of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Drink it for 3-4 months, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals.


Wheatgrass rhizomes (60g per 1 liter of boiling water) are taken for gastrointestinal diseases, gall and kidney stones and all skin diseases, for furunculosis, and also as an expectorant. In the latter case, a mixture of wheatgrass, linden blossom, black elderberry flowers, white leaves and mullein flowers is used. All components in the mixture are taken in equal parts. Take 3 glasses of this steam daily - 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water. This drug is taken for many chest diseases. Wheatgrass decoction is used for enemas for chronic constipation, while napar is used for baths for skin diseases and scrofula.


2 tbsp. spoons of raw material are poured into 1 glass of hot water, boiled for 5-10 minutes, cooled, filtered and squeezed. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals for bile and urolithiasis and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. A decoction of the same concentration is used to treat gout, rheumatism and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. To enhance the expectorant effect, add 1 teaspoon of coltsfoot flowers, mullein and elderberry leaves to the wheatgrass rhizome. For hemorrhoids, chronic inflammation of the large intestine, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, wheatgrass decoction is prescribed at night in the form of a microenema with a volume of 30-60 ml.

Instead of decoction, you can use fresh juice from the above-ground part of the plant. The stems are washed in running water, scalded, passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, squeezed through a thick cloth and boiled for 3 minutes. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day before meals. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Strong decoction

To prepare it, 4 tbsp. spoons of crushed rhizome are poured into 1 glass of hot water, boiled for 5 minutes and filtered. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals, 20 minutes before meals for furunculosis. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. The broth is prepared only for one day, as it quickly spoils. The same decoction is used to prepare baths in which children with diathesis are bathed.


Place 100 g of wheatgrass and burdock rhizomes in a large enamel pan or bucket, pour in 5 liters of hot water and boil for 10 minutes. It is recommended to take this bath for various skin diseases at least once a week. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, the water temperature is 36-37 0 C. It is recommended to combine such baths with taking the decoction orally. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of raw material into 1 glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, cool and filter. Take 1 glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

The broth is prepared only for one day, as it quickly spoils.

Fresh rhizomes

Wheatgrass is used to prepare soups, salads, and side dishes for fatty meat, fish, and vegetable dishes. Dried rhizomes are ground into flour, from which porridge and jelly are cooked; it is added to wheat and rye flour when baking bread, flat cakes and pancakes. Roasted rhizomes make good surrogate coffee.

Infusion of wheatgrass rhizomes

Required: 2 tbsp, l. wheatgrass rhizomes, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over the wheatgrass rhizomes in the evening, leave in a tightly sealed container until the morning, and strain. Mode of application. Drink warm in 3 doses throughout the day, 20-40 minutes before meals for cystitis.


Medicinal raw materials are the rhizomes of the plant, which are advisable to harvest during the period of tillage (harrowing) in agricultural fields (in the fall - late August - September, less often in the spring). When harvesting rhizomes, they are cleaned of stems, leaf sheaths and roots, washed in water and dried in air or in dryers at a temperature of 60-70 ° C, often turning and stirring.

You can dry it by laying it out in a thin layer, directly in the sun. After drying, the rhizomes are placed in a pile and thoroughly ground by hand, just like kneading dough or washing clothes. At the same time, small roots break off, the remains of soil and leaves fall off. After grinding, the garbage is sifted out, or just some rhizomes are selected from the pile, leaving the garbage on the paper or table. Drying is considered complete when the rhizomes do not bend, but when bent they fold at an acute angle. The shelf life of raw materials is 2-3 years. The raw material has no odor, the taste is sweetish. Store rhizomes like any carbohydrate raw material in well-closed jars.


Treatment of children under two years of age with any herbal remedies poses a potential danger.

In the presence of good health and short-term use of the drug within the dose limits, and other precautions, treatment of children of two years of age is possible. The exception is pregnant women.

Wheatgrass is often contaminated with a poisonous fungus containing ergot. Discard plants with black coating!


Salads, side dishes for meat, fish and vegetable dishes, and soups are prepared from fresh rhizomes. The dried ones are suitable for producing flour; they cook porridge, jelly, beer, and bake bread. Coffee surrogate. Good forage plant. In cultivation it can produce a hay yield of up to 50-60 c/ha.


Flour and wheatgrass

Dig up underground branching white wheatgrass rhizomes in early spring, rinse with cold water, and air dry. Grind to remove brown scales, grind into flour or cereal.

Wheatgrass rhizome bread

Wash the wheatgrass rhizomes, dry and grind into flour. Prepare the dough and ferment it with soaked bread or wheat flour. As soon as the dough rises, cut it into loaves and bake in the oven. Moisten the finished bread with cold water and cool.

Soup with wheatgrass rhizomes

Season the meat broth (300 ml) with potatoes (50g), carrots (20g), finely chopped onions (20g), herbs (5g), and wheatgrass rhizomes (70g). Salt - to taste.

Wheatgrass rhizome salad

Wash fresh rhizomes (120g), mince or finely chop. Add onion (20g), carrots (30g), sorrel (5g), dill (3-5g). Season with vegetable oil or mayonnaise (10g). Add salt (to taste).

Salad from wheatgrass rhizomes with other plants

Mix boiled rhizomes (100g) with blanched crushed leaves of nettle (50g), dandelion, honey, plantain (30g each), add salt and mix thoroughly. Season with mayonnaise (sour cream, tomato sauce, vegetable oil) (100g). Sprinkle with dill, parsley and green onions (15g).

Porridge with wheatgrass

To prepare porridge, mix wheatgrass with other cereals (pearl barley, buckwheat, millet, etc.) in a ratio of 1:2, 1:1. Cook over low heat or water bath until done. Add salt at the end of cooking, keep in a warm place for 1-2 hours. Add milk or butter before serving.

Wheatgrass casserole

Wash wheatgrass rhizomes (150g) thoroughly, boil in salted water, cut into pieces, and pass through a meat grinder. Place the mixture in a frying pan, pour in the egg-milk mixture (1 egg, 50 ml milk, 25 g butter), you can add sausages and bake in the oven.

Wheatgrass puree

Wash wheatgrass rhizomes (250g) thoroughly with cold water, boil in salted water until softened, drain the water. Pass the rhizomes through a meat grinder, add sautéed onions (50g), ground pepper (2g), and salt. Season with butter or sour cream (15g).

Wheatgrass is the second unique plant that should be on every table. Just like, the medicinal properties of wheatgrass are unique. Not using this plant to strengthen your body is an unacceptable mistake.

Attention! The material contains information that is recommended to be used under the supervision of a specialist.

Creeping wheatgrass - description

Creeping wheatgrass is a cereal. This grass is an aggressive perennial weed that is familiar to almost all summer residents and gardeners.

Its roots can stretch for tens of meters and therefore it is very difficult to get rid of it. This grass can sometimes reach 1.5 meters in height.

This plant has a thin, long root with many branches. Wheatgrass has thin, long leaves that can reach 40 cm.

Often found in fields and meadows. Wheatgrass blooms in June-July. Its flowers gather in spikes.

Medicinal properties

Wheatgrass has found wide use in folk medicine. It is used for:

Anti-inflammatory processes;

Pain relief;

Diabetes mellitus;

Pulmonary tuberculosis;

Intestinal diseases;


Ovarian dysfunction in women;

Metabolic disorders;

Partial loss of vision;








Stones in the gall bladder and kidneys;

For all kidney diseases;

Urinary incontinence;






To improve mood, used for chronic fatigue syndrome;

As a hemostatic and blood purifying agent;

Wound healing;



Antioxidant agent.

And this is not a completely complete list. It is believed that there are no diseases for which wheatgrass could not help. The main functions of this plant can be attributed to anti-inflammatory, nutritional, general strengthening and normalization of metabolism.

Most diseases fall under these functions, so this unique plant should be on every table, at least as a general tonic and to restore metabolism.

With our diet and stressful life, it is simply necessary to help our body be healthy.

Wheatgrass roots are mainly used to treat and strengthen the body. But sometimes juice and decoction are made from the fresh plant, which are used for partial loss of vision.

Wheatgrass contraindications

The plant has a number of contraindications. Contraindications include:

Acute pancreatitis;

Stomach ulcer during exacerbation;


Some forms of allergies;

Individual intolerance.

It is also undesirable to give wheatgrass to children under 3 years of age.


Skin diseases Boil 15g of rhizomes with roots of wheatgrass for 10 minutes. in a sealed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 2-4 weeks.
Diabetes Wheatgrass works as a metabolic regulator. Traditional medicine recommends this recipe: take 4 tbsp. l. dry crushed wheatgrass rhizomes into 5 glasses of water, put on low heat and boil until the volume is reduced by one quarter. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.
Haemorrhoids Chronic inflammation of the colon, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, wheatgrass decoction is prescribed at night in the form of a microenema of 30-60 g. To prepare the decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of raw material into 1 glass of hot water, boil for 5-10 minutes, cool, filter and squeeze. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. Instead of decoction, you can use fresh juice from the above-ground part of the plant. To do this, the stems are washed in running water, scalded with boiling water, passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, squeezed through a thick cloth and boiled for 3 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
Sweaty feet Sweating of feet with odor and suppuration. Wash your feet thoroughly with warm water and soap, rinse with cold water. Take straw from barley or oats or wheat or weave wheatgrass between your fingers, like weaving baskets. Put on clean socks and sleep through the night. In the morning, throw away the straw, wash your feet, and put on clean socks. Repeat this daily at night. It is popularly considered one of the best remedies. It is enough to do this for a week and the disease goes away for many years. The smell, sweating of the feet, and suppuration disappear.
Fatigue Pour 4 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizomes with 5 cups of boiling water and boil until about a quarter of the volume evaporates. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.
Male diseases (infertility) Pour two cups of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of creeping wheatgrass rhizome. Prepare a decoction. Take half a glass 4 times a day before meals. The rhizome of creeping wheatgrass is useful. Pour 1 tablespoon of wheatgrass into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain and drink 1 tablespoon at a time. 3 times a day before meals.
Arthritis Pour 4 tablespoons of dry, finely chopped wheatgrass rhizomes with 5 cups of water, boil until the volume is reduced by a quarter. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
Gastritis, colitis, enteritis, metabolic disorders Take 5 teaspoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizome and pour 1 glass of cold boiled water. Infuse for 12 hours, strain, pour 1 cup of boiling water over the remaining mass of rhizomes, leave in a warm place for 1 hour, strain, mix both infusions. Take ½ glass 4 times a day before meals.
Exudative diathesis Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, leave, covered, for 2 hours, strain. Take ½ glass 3-4 times a day before meals.
Constipation Pour 5 tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass root into 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and do enemas for chronic constipation.
Decoction for the treatment of tuberculosis Required: 250 ml milk, 2 tbsp. l. dried wheatgrass roots (or 1 tbsp fresh).

Cooking method. Dry the wheatgrass roots, add hot milk and boil for 5 minutes. Strain.

Mode of application. Cool the product slightly and drink in one dose. Take up to 3 glasses a day for tuberculosis.

Pulmonary tuberculosis Boil 2 tablespoons of dried wheatgrass roots (fresh - 1 tablespoon) in 1 glass of milk for 5 minutes, cool slightly and drink in one serving. Take up to 3 glasses per day. The same decoction also helps with other intractable diseases.
Cholecystitis Take 20g of wheatgrass rhizomes, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for several hours, strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Cystitis, urolithiasis, articular rheumatism, gout Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizome with 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes in a sealed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Tea mixture for juvenile acne Wheatgrass 20.0; Tricolor violet 10.0; Horsetail 10.0; Nettle 10.0. Pour two heaped teaspoons of the mixture into ¼ liter of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes and then strain. Drink regularly 1 cup of tea 3 times a day.
Salts in joints Often the cause of joint pain is general slagging in the body. How to cleanse yourself. Collect wheatgrass rhizomes from the garden and rinse thoroughly. Infuse one glass of rhizomes for 12 hours in a liter of boiled water, add honey to taste and drink half a glass 3-5 times a day.

When to harvest wheatgrass

If the above-ground part of the plant is used, then, like all herbs, it should be collected in the first half of the day, when the concentration of nutrients is higher. The best time to collect herbs for storage and drying is during flowering, but any time while the plant is green is suitable for fresh consumption.

Wheatgrass roots are harvested in early spring (before emergence) or autumn (after the foliage withers). They are cleared of soil, washed and dried in a ventilated place. When drying, the roots need to be turned over periodically. The optimal temperature for drying in dryers is 50-60 Cº.

When the roots, when bent, stop bending and break (at an acute bending angle), the roots are dried. When drying in the sun, some of the nutrients may be lost, and in the shade it is not always possible to dry the roots well. A good way to dry herbs and roots in a bath.

The shelf life of herbs is up to 2 years, roots up to 3 years. The maximum benefit of dried raw materials will be in the first year of storage.

How to use


For infusion, put 2 tbsp in a thermos. spoons of wheatgrass roots and pour boiling water over them. If you do this in the evening, the infusion will be ready by morning. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink throughout the day before meals.

Infusions are mainly used as an anti-inflammatory agent, as well as a laxative, diuretic and expectorant.


For 1 l. take 25 grams of water. roots and cook over low heat until half the water is reduced. Then the broth is filtered and taken 3 times a day before meals. The decoction is used for osteochondrosis, salt deposition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.


Juice can be prepared from fresh greens of the plant and from its rhizomes. To obtain juice from the rhizomes, they are washed and scalded with water. Then it is passed through a meat grinder and mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio. Then the resulting mixture is squeezed through a thick cloth and boiled for about 3 minutes. Take 1 tbsp of juice before meals. spoon. The juice should be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 days.


Wheatgrass roots are crushed and brewed as tea (2 tsp per glass of boiling water). Wheatgrass tea is drunk as a cleansing and strengthening agent with an anti-inflammatory effect.


For a therapeutic bath, take 100 grams. wheatgrass roots and... The raw materials are poured with 5 liters of boiling water and then boiled for 10 minutes. It turns out a healing decoction, which is poured into the bath.

This bath is good for skin diseases. You need to take a bath at least once a week for 30 minutes. Her temperature is about 37 Cº. Along with the bath, you should additionally take a decoction of wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass recipes

Fresh roots are used in many dishes. These can be soups, salads, vegetable dishes, side dishes and even baked goods.

For example, for soup, you can add 0.5 cups of crushed wheatgrass roots to 2 cups of water. For salad, the roots are passed through a meat grinder. In the casserole, the roots are crushed. Several recipes from the Internet.

Borscht made from wheatgrass.

4 liters of water + a bunch of wheatgrass (rhizome and greens) + dandelion green leaves + 6-8 potatoes + 2 medium carrots + a bunch of green onions + 2 eggs + green parsley + dill + salt. Wash the green dandelion leaves well. Place them in salted water for half an hour to remove the bitterness. Wash the wheatgrass. Place in boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Then remove the wheatgrass and throw it away.

Add chopped potatoes and salt to this broth (brownish in color). Let it boil. Add carrots. Cook until the potatoes are ready. At the end of cooking, pour in the eggs, lightly beaten with a knife, while stirring. Add chopped green onions, herbs and dandelion leaves. Let stand for 15 minutes covered. You can add sour cream.

0.5 l of meat broth + 2 pcs. potatoes + 1 carrot + 1 onion + 50 g wheatgrass rhizomes + parsley + salt. Add potatoes, carrots, and onions to the meat broth. Cook until half cooked. Then add chopped wheatgrass rhizomes and parsley. Add salt. Boil for 5 minutes. Wheatgrass rhizome soup.

Wheatgrass rhizome salad.

Wash fresh rhizomes (120 g), mince or finely chop. Add onion (20 g), carrots (30 g), sorrel (5 g), dill (3-5 g). Season with vegetable oil or mayonnaise (10 g). Add salt.

Salad from wheatgrass rhizomes with other plants.

Mix boiled rhizomes (100 g) with blanched crushed leaves of nettle (50 g), dandelion, honey, plantain (30 g each). Add salt. Mix. Season with mayonnaise (sour cream, tomato sauce, vegetable oil) (100 g). Sprinkle with dill, parsley and green onions (15 g).

Porridge with wheatgrass. Mix wheatgrass (1:2, 1:1) with other cereals: pearl barley, buckwheat, millet, etc. Cook over low heat until tender. Salt at the end of cooking. Let stand in a warm place for 1-2 hours. Add milk or butter.

Potatoes baked with burdock, wheatgrass and onions

250g potatoes, 50g burdock roots and wheatgrass rhizomes, 40g onions, 50g vegetable oil, 10g crackers.

Peel the potatoes, boil, cut into slices. Peel the burdock roots, grate them on a coarse grater, rinse the wheatgrass rhizomes thoroughly and chop finely. Grease a frying pan with oil, layer potato slices, burdock, wheatgrass and fried onions, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, and bake in the oven.

Wheatgrass puree.

Wash wheatgrass rhizomes (250 g) thoroughly with cold water. Boil in salted water until softened. Drain the water. Skip and chop the rhizomes. Add: sauteed onion (50 g) + ground pepper (2 g) + salt. Season with butter or sour cream (15 g).

The healing properties of wheatgrass are unique and give health to humans. Use this plant in your diet and prepare the raw materials yourself in advance, rather than using ineffective pharmacy options.

Good health to you!

In the article we discuss creeping wheatgrass. You will learn the chemical composition of the plant, the medicinal properties of wheatgrass and contraindications to its use. We will tell you how to prepare infusions and decoctions for the treatment of cough, diabetes, oncology, joints and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Creeping wheatgrass is a herbaceous plant of the Cereal family (lat. Gramineae). This weed reduces the yield of neighboring crops by drawing water and minerals from the soil.

Latin name: Elytrigia repens. Other names: dog grass, wheatgrass, ponyry, dandur, root-grass, grass-grass, dog-tooth, ortanets, grass-worm, grass-grass, grass-grass, plover. Look what creeping wheatgrass looks like in the photo. Appearance (photo) of creeping wheatgrass

What does it look like

The rhizome of creeping wheatgrass is long and horizontal with numerous secondary shoots. The root of wheatgrass penetrates to a depth of 5 to 15 cm. The shoots of the plant reach a height of 40 to 150 cm.

The leaves are flat, linear. The length of the leaf plate is from 15 to 40 cm, width - up to 10 mm.

Flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences of 3–8 pieces. The length of the spikelet is from 1 to 2 cm, width - 5-7 mm. The inflorescences grow on the axial stem and form a common spike from 7 to 30 cm long. Wheatgrass blooms from June to July.

The fruits are flat, long seeds. Creeping wheatgrass bears fruit from July to September.

Where does it grow

In the wild, the wheatgrass plant is found in Europe, Asia and North Africa. In Russia it grows almost throughout the entire country.

Creeping wheatgrass prefers fertile, moist soils. The plant is found in mountains and plains. Grows near other cereal crops. Loves wetlands.

Grass and rhizome

Wheatgrass and its rhizome are used as medicinal raw materials.. The beneficial properties of creeping wheatgrass are used to treat oncology, diabetes, diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system.

Medicinal raw materials of wheatgrass can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of dried leaves, stems and roots or in the form of a ready-made tincture and extract of the plant. At home, infusions and decoctions are prepared from dry raw materials.

Chemical composition

Wheatgrass contains:

  • glycosides;
  • carotene;
  • essential oil;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • Sahara;
  • triticin;
  • mucus.

Medicinal properties

The herb and root of wheatgrass have medicinal properties. The medicinal properties and contraindications of wheatgrass lie in the chemical composition of the plant. Organic acids and glycosides strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize metabolism, polysaccharides increase immunity.

The plant has diuretic and laxative effects. Products based on it are used to treat constipation, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

The healing properties of wheatgrass root are used for bronchitis, pneumonia and ARVI. Decoctions and infusions of the plant have diaphoretic and expectorant effects.

When used externally, wheatgrass-based products are effective for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout and skin diseases. The plant has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerating effects.

How to collect

Wheatgrass is harvested throughout the entire growing season. Rhizomes are collected in early spring or late autumn after the plant has completely flowered. The stems with leaves are cut with a sharp knife, the rhizomes are dug up, cleared of soil and washed under running water.

Medicinal raw materials are laid out evenly on a flat surface and dried in the open sun at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Store creeping wheatgrass in paper bags or fabric bags for a year.

How to use

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of creeping wheatgrass are widely used. Based on medicinal raw materials, you can prepare tea, decoction, tincture and freshly squeezed plant juice at home.

Depending on the disease, these remedies are taken orally or used externally in the form of lotions, compresses and rubbing. To enhance the therapeutic effect, medications and external procedures are combined. Let's look at the most common recipes based on creeping wheatgrass.

Cough infusion

Creeping wheatgrass can be purchased at a pharmacy. Infusion of wheatgrass has an expectorant and diaphoretic effect. The drug is taken 20-30 minutes before meals. If the drink is prepared in advance, you need to warm it up a little before drinking.


  1. Creeping wheatgrass rhizomes - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the wheatgrass rhizomes, put them in a thermos and pour boiling water over them. Leave with the lid tightly closed for at least 8 hours. Strain the finished drink.

How to use: Take 150 ml of the drink 3 times a day.

Result: Wheatgrass infusion has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects, effectively eliminates cough and clears the bronchi of mucus.

Decoction for the stomach

For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, a decoction of creeping wheatgrass is useful. The drink is used to treat gastritis, ulcers, duodenitis and indigestion.


  1. Dry wheatgrass roots - 5 tablespoons.
  2. Calendula flowers - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour water over the roots and flowers of the plants, place in a water bath and simmer under the lid over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Remove the broth from the heat, leave to steep for 2-3 hours, then strain.

How to use: Take ½ glass 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Result: The drink has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. When taken regularly, it effectively restores the gastric mucosa and normalizes digestion.

Enemas for constipation

Wheatgrass has a laxative and anti-inflammatory effect. Enemas with a decoction of the plant are used for chronic constipation.


  1. Wheatgrass root - 60 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 600 ml.

How to cook: Pour water over the medicinal raw material, place it on the stove and bring to a boil. Simmer over medium heat, covered, for 8-10 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove, filter the broth and dilute it with water so that the liquid volume is 600 ml.

How to use: For an enema, use a warm decoction with a temperature of 36-37 degrees. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

Result: The procedure effectively softens stool. Ingestion of wheatgrass decoction enhances intestinal motility.

Bath for joints

A decoction of wheatgrass is used to prepare medicinal baths for hemorrhoids and joint diseases. The procedure is contraindicated during the acute phase. After the acute process has stopped, baths can be taken daily.


  1. Wheatgrass roots - 60 gr.
  2. Water - 2 liters.

How to cook: Cover the wheatgrass roots with water, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Simmer the liquid under the lid for half an hour. Filter the finished broth through a strainer or gauze and squeeze out the cake.

How to use: Add the resulting decoction to the filled bath. The duration of the procedure is 20−30 minutes. Take warm baths daily.

Result: The procedure eliminates pain, increases motor activity of joints, removes salts and toxins from the body.

Decoction for diabetes

A decoction of wheatgrass is used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of diabetes. The drink effectively normalizes metabolism and regulates blood sugar levels.


  1. Wheatgrass - 4 tablespoons.
  2. Horsetail - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Water - 5 glasses.

How to cook: Pour water over the herb plants, place in a water bath and boil until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Remove from heat and strain.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Result: The drink increases the body's defenses and normalizes metabolism. In combination with insulin-containing drugs, it regulates blood sugar levels.

Juice for oncology

Creeping wheatgrass juice effectively cleanses the body of waste and toxins and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic cells and neoplasms. The drink is prepared from fresh leaves and stems of the plant.


  1. Fresh wheatgrass leaves - 300 gr.
  2. Water - 50 ml.

How to cook: Rinse the leaves of the plant under running water, sort them and remove damaged blades of grass. Place the greens in a blender and blend at maximum speed until the consistency of mush. Transfer the mixture to multi-layer gauze and squeeze out the juice. Add water and stir.

How to use: Take 2 tablespoons of the drink 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Result: When taken systematically, the drink stops the development and spread of cancer cells and reduces the size of the tumor.


Contraindications for use of creeping wheatgrass:

  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • pregnancy period.

Before using products based on wheatgrass, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will select the dosage and course of treatment. Excessive consumption of herbal preparations leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.


Creeping wheatgrass belongs to the genus Wheatgrass (lat. Elytrigia), the family Poaceae (lat. Gramineae). The plant belongs to the order Poaceae or Poaceae (lat. Poales), class Monocots (lat. Liliopsida), department Flowering or Angiosperms (lat. Magnoliophyta or Angiospermae).


The genus Wheatgrass includes 14 plant species:

  • elytrigia acuta;
  • elytrigia elongata;
  • elytrigia meotica;
  • elytrigia repens;
  • elytrigia tesquicola;
  • elytrigia arenosa;
  • elytrigia intermedia;
  • elytrigia obtusiflora;
  • elytrigia campestris;
  • elytrigia juncea;
  • elytrigia sosnovskyi;
  • elytrigia corsica;
  • elytrigia meotica;
  • elytrigia mucronata;
  • elytrigia stipifolia.

For more information about wheatgrass, watch the video:

Creeping wheatgrass infographics

Photo of creeping wheatgrass, its beneficial properties and application:
Infographics on creeping wheatgrass

What to remember

  1. The medicinal properties of wheatgrass are used to treat oncology, diabetes, diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system.
  2. Plant-based products have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diaphoretic, and diuretic effects.
  3. Despite the minimal list of contraindications, wheatgrass-based preparations should be used strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the dosage. Excessive consumption leads to symptoms of poisoning and intestinal upset.

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Common names: zhizite, ryan, rye ponyr, dandur, root-grass, dog-grass, worm-grass.

The rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass were quite widely used for medicinal purposes back in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, in medieval folk medicine, and are also widely used in modern folk medicine in European countries and in homeopathy.

Avicenna in the “Canon of Medical Science” wrote about creeping wheatgrass:

“It is useful for fresh wounds if applied to them, especially its root, which has healing properties.

It prevents the occurrence of all catarrhs.

Its squeezed juice, boiled with honey or wine - both are taken in equal quantities by weight - is an excellent medicine for the eyes. This medicine is prepared (this way): take the squeezed juice of sila, half of it as myrrh, a third as pepper and a third as frankincense and mix. This is an excellent medicine that should be kept in a copper box.”

In folk medicine, wheatgrass is used for coughs, and also as a diuretic; it removes uric acid from the body and is recommended for gout and rheumatism.

In some countries, wheatgrass is also included in the arsenal of official phototherapy.

Wheatgrass is sometimes called dog grass. It is often eaten by dogs and cats, especially those who live in an apartment and do not receive enough vitamins. Such animals, having reached the wheatgrass thickets, literally graze in them. This is a completely normal phenomenon, but sick animals especially diligently look for wheatgrass and it is not surprising, because in folk medicine it is used in blood purifying preparations.

Healing and therapeutic properties of creeping wheatgrass

Medicines from the rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass have diuretic, blood purifying, enveloping, expectorant, diaphoretic and mild laxative properties. Wheatgrass extract is used to prepare pills. Rhizomes are included in children's soothing tea, diuretic tea No. 3.

There is hardly an ailment that they would not try to fight with its help.

The most important indications for the use of wheatgrass rhizomes in folk medicine:

  • anemia,

  • rickets,

  • lung diseases,

  • urinary retention,

  • liver and gallbladder diseases,

  • inflammation of the stomach and intestines,

  • rheumatism and gout,

  • skin rashes,

  • complaints related to menstruation.

For bronchial diseases, due to the presence of silicic acid, its effect is similar to that of horsetail, and can be used for metabolic problems, rheumatism and gout.

The main area of ​​application of wheatgrass is the so-called blood purification,when, with increased outflow of water, toxins are removed from the body, which affects, first of all, the reduction of skin rashes.

Fatigue and weakness are relieved. Moreover, all components act together, both vitamins and minerals, saponins and related compounds.

They mainly use tea, which they drink regularly for several weeks, 1 cup 2 times a day.


Skin diseases

Boil 15g of rhizomes with roots of wheatgrass for 10 minutes. in a sealed container, leave for 4 hours, strain.

Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 2-4 weeks.


Wheatgrass works as a metabolic regulator.

Traditional medicine recommends this recipe: take 4 tbsp. l. dry crushed wheatgrass rhizomes into 5 glasses of water, put on low heat and boil until the volume is reduced by one quarter. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.


Chronic inflammation of the colon, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, wheatgrass decoction is prescribed at night in the form of a microenema of 30-60 g. To prepare the decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of raw material into 1 glass of hot water, boil for 5-10 minutes, cool, filter and squeeze. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Instead of decoction, you can use fresh juice from the above-ground part of the plant. To do this, the stems are washed in running water, scalded with boiling water, passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, squeezed through a thick cloth and boiled for 3 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Sweaty feet

Sweating of feet with odor and suppuration. Wash your feet thoroughly with warm water and soap, rinse with cold water. Take straw from barley or oats or wheat or weave wheatgrass between your fingers, like weaving baskets. Put on clean socks and sleep through the night. In the morning, throw away the straw, wash your feet, and put on clean socks. Repeat this daily at night.

It is popularly considered one of the best remedies. It is enough to do this for a week and the disease goes away for many years. The smell, sweating of the feet, and suppuration disappear.


Pour 4 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizomes with 5 cups of boiling water and boil until about a quarter of the volume evaporates. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.

Male diseases (infertility)

Pour two cups of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of creeping wheatgrass rhizome. Prepare a decoction. Take half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

The rhizome of creeping wheatgrass is useful. Pour 1 tablespoon of wheatgrass into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain and drink 1 tablespoon at a time. 3 times a day before meals.


Pour 4 tablespoons of dry, finely chopped wheatgrass rhizomes with 5 cups of water, boil until the volume is reduced by a quarter. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Gastritis, colitis, enteritis, metabolic disorders

Take 5 teaspoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizome and pour 1 glass of cold boiled water. Infuse for 12 hours, strain, pour 1 cup of boiling water over the remaining mass of rhizomes, leave in a warm place for 1 hour, strain, mix both infusions. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

Exudative diathesis

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, leave, covered, for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.


Pour 5 tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass root into 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and do enemas for chronic constipation.

Decoction for the treatment of tuberculosis

Required: 250 ml milk, 2 tbsp. l. dried wheatgrass roots (or 1 tbsp fresh).

Cooking method. Dry the wheatgrass roots, add hot milk and boil for 5 minutes. Strain.

Mode of application. Cool the product slightly and drink in one dose. Take up to 3 glasses a day for tuberculosis.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Boil 2 tablespoons of dried wheatgrass roots (fresh - 1 tablespoon) in 1 glass of milk for 5 minutes, cool slightly and drink in one serving. Take up to 3 glasses per day.

The same decoction also helps with other intractable diseases.


Take 20g of wheatgrass rhizomes, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for several hours, strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day.

The course of treatment is 1 month.

Cystitis, urolithiasis, articular rheumatism, gout

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizome with 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes in a sealed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Tea mixture for juvenile acne

Wheatgrass 20.0; Tricolor violet 10.0; Horsetail 10.0; Nettle 10.0.

Pour two heaped teaspoons of the mixture into 1/4 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes and then strain. Drink regularly 1 cup of tea 3 times a day.

Salts in joints

Often the cause of joint pain is general slagging in the body.

How to cleanse yourself. Collect wheatgrass rhizomes from the garden and rinse thoroughly. Infuse one glass of rhizomes for 12 hours in a liter of boiled water, add honey to taste and drink half a glass 3-5 times a day.