Blood - what tests should I take? How to determine your health status by appearance.

After the appearance of the series “The Theory of Lies” (“Lie to Me”), where the main character, like a living “lie detector,” identifies the criminal by the slightest changes in facial expressions or body position, many dreamed of learning to recognize people’s emotions at first sight. It's time to take your lessons!

“The appearance of a person will give you many more clues than you might think, provided, of course, that you pay enough attention,” says French lawyer, author of the book “How to Understand and Counteract Deception and Manipulation Techniques,” John B. Domon.

Discreet observation can be done, for example, as part of a conversation, without arousing suspicion in the interlocutor. The obvious inspection from head to toe feels like veiled contempt. And do not forget that in physical analysis, what is not there is sometimes as important as what you see.

Sources of visual information

Gait and general appearance

"When you are planning to go to a meeting, it is worth following the golden rule: arrive about fifteen minutes before the scheduled time and position yourself in a place where the subject cannot see you. This will allow you to closely observe him without his knowledge. Take a politician, for example Sarkozy. Funny to see the difference in his body language before and during the interview - at first he has a nervous tic, and when the interview begins, Sarkozy tries his best to hide it. It's the same with Mr. X. Looking at him walking towards a meeting with you, "You will get the same amount of information as during a conversation. It's just that the two sets of data received will be very different. In the first case, Mr. X behaves almost naturally, and in the second he is trying to impress you."

“When we study the situation during a demonstration, we know a lot before the actual demonstration begins. This allows us to identify the leaders, photograph them, assess their potential to influence their supporters, the significance of internal problems, if any, defects in their organization "(from the author's conversation with former employee services general information police).

It seems to me that after you read these statements, nothing more will need to be said. This is how professionals operate, so a good manipulator will begin his analysis even before the object of his interest understands it. He will begin his observation with gait.

Some examples of gait

Free, authoritative gait

This is a person who does not allow his surroundings to distract him from his intended goal, who has made an appointment and decisively goes to it. He has specific goal: to come on time. Hypothesis: this is a person who is able to take responsibility in quite a few matters.

The gait is uniform, but the person constantly turns

This is the walk of people who stare at their shadow, let's "acquit the defendant for lack of evidence." Hypothesis: either he is a slightly absent-minded person, or he has a fairly high libido and is always ready for various love adventures.

A carefree, somewhat slow gait, a person walks with his head down

Hypothesis: the subject is thinking about something of his own, he is excited, passive or feels bad.

Nervous gait, useless movements, the person jumps at the slightest noise

The subject constantly tries to meet the gaze of other people. Hypothesis: This person is stressed or very tense and anxious.

When a person arrives at the meeting place, you need to greet each other. The handshake also provides quite a bit of information.

Making contact, shaking hands

Quite a limp handshake

Hypothesis: a tired, passive person, or if several people came to the meeting and you are the only one who said hello, it means that you are of no interest to the object at this meeting.

A handshake where a person latches on to your hand like an eagle to its prey.

Hypothesis: He decided to break your fingers, a deliberate tactic, a social manifestation of confrontation. Mistrust.

Taking you by one hand, the person places the other hand on your shoulder

Hypothesis: either the object is evaluating you, or there is another manipulator in front of you. In both cases, great pleasure awaits you from communicating with him.

A man takes your hand with both hands

Hypothesis: he intends to ask you for something, to tell you something.

These observations, made at the very beginning of the meeting (and you have used many of the methods presented above to "scan" your interlocutor), will allow you to understand whether the behavior you analyzed without his knowledge corresponds to what he demonstrates to you in further.

If the behavior before and after the meeting is the same, you should check your first observations and can continue the analysis. Otherwise, it becomes clear that this person respects you enough (as an ally or as an adversary) to hide their natural behavior from you.

"In the same way, when you say goodbye, you shouldn't leave immediately, but you should go to your observation post and see how this person will behave after breaking up with you. Has his behavior changed? If so, how does this relate to your conversation? Has the subject returned to his usual behavior? All this is the daily bread of the intelligence officer, mentalist or illusionist - they all collect information without the knowledge of the other person.

If you are accompanied by an object of your interest, the method is the same.

Gait observations

A man walks next to you with his head down

Hypothesis: His behavior shows that he weak person or is hiding something.

The person walks at the same rhythm as you, looking straight ahead, nothing around him interests him

Hypothesis: the subject is excited, but does not want to show it. He thinks about something of his own or concentrates only on the conversation, perhaps his auditory memory dominates.

A man walks with his hands in his pockets

Hypothesis: Contrary to popular belief, hands stuck in pockets do not indicate a lack of self-confidence, rather the opposite. This person is relaxed and takes the most comfortable position.

A man walks, trying to impose his rhythm on you

Hypothesis: this is a person who is used to dominating, he is only interested in what he can get from you.

Watching the Eyes

Circles under the eyes will immediately tell you that a person did not get enough sleep. Meanwhile, bags under the eyes will tell a lot more. For some people, bruises under the eyes are completely unrelated to insomnia, while bags under the eyes will kill their owner. If they are “heavy” and, in addition, the subject’s face is swollen, not to say bloated, then most likely this indicates the use of one of two substances: alcohol or marijuana.

Alcoholism is confirmed by such recognizable signs as bad breath, a characteristic complexion and premature aging.

Of course, reddened eyes may simply indicate that the person has recently cried - "it's obvious, Watson."

In any case, the condition of a person's eyes immediately shows whether he is under stress, and whether he is taking toxic drugs or not.

If a person wears glasses, you should definitely pay attention to them. In the past, many people refused to wear contact lenses because they thought their eyes were too sensitive. The same can be said about body hair removal or Botox injections.

Dental monitoring

Due to the high cost of dental services, people with beautiful teeth come from fairly wealthy backgrounds whose representatives can afford it. On the contrary, a person with a pleasant appearance who is missing a tooth and who is forced to smile in order to hide this defect clearly does not have the money to go to the dentist.

Another important indication: which tooth is missing? It all depends on age. Let's take as an example a man about forty years old: natural evolution suggests that the outer teeth will fall out first because they are more at risk of tooth decay or infection. If the missing or missing tooth is located in the front, you can almost certainly say that it was lost in an accident, fall or argument.

Surprisingly straight teeth indicate that the person has undoubtedly used the services of an orthodontist in the past. This relatively expensive intervention is most often performed in youth and reflects the financial capabilities of his parents. Naturally, black spots on the teeth indicate that your interlocutor is or was a smoker.

Hand Observation

Location wristwatch is very important and can give you some signs that, however, can lead you to the wrong trail, so don’t rush to draw premature conclusions. For example, the classic postulate: a person who wears a watch on his right hand is left-handed. But if you encounter an accordion player (rarely, I know), be aware that a watch on his right hand will interfere with his playing. The same is true for some others musical instruments, for example, violins.

Naturally, clean nails - important detail, which cannot be missed. A person with a manicure has the means to take care of it. Sometimes, however, appearances are deceiving. For example, singer Serge Ginsburg dressed rather casually and dirty. But if you look at the pictures where his hands are visible, you will see that he has a manicure. Ginsburg invented the role for himself - this is no secret to anyone, but such small details make it possible to understand to what extent this person differed from the way he appeared to the public.

White nails are often a sign of anemia. Yellow nails, especially on the index finger and thumb, indicate that a person smokes a lot. A purple tint to the index finger indicates problems with blood circulation. As well as unusual redness and coldness of the hands. Similar problems often occur in women. Nails dotted with dots may indicate some form of eczema or psoriasis.

Hair observation

Naturally, you can only take a closer look at the hair if it is visible. Fewer and fewer people wear hats these days, so having covered hair can indicate a desire to hide baldness or, of course, this has become relevant in Lately- indicate a woman’s religious beliefs.

Women rarely hide their hair, unless, of course, religion requires it of them. Thus, if a person constantly wears a hat, this is most likely a sign of baldness caused by illness or medications.

You can determine whether a person's hair is colored, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, by comparing the hair color with the color of the eyebrows.

Shoe Watching

Many people who carefully monitor their appearance, paradoxically, neglect shoes. Mainly men. Therefore, if you see a well-dressed man with carefully selected and well-maintained shoes, know that he devotes quite a lot significant part time to create an impeccable image. Especially if the back of the heels is not worn out. The average man forgets about them most often.

The condition of a woman's heels will immediately give you valuable information about her financial situation, because heels wear out most quickly when worn, the skin on them deteriorates from any, even the smallest scratch. It is much more difficult for women to keep their shoes in order and much more expensive.

These days everything more women They wear low-heeled shoes to take the weight off their feet, but high-heeled fashion is quickly coming back, so don't deprive yourself of material to analyze.

To be continued...

P indicators of health and diseaseof our body are elementary simple and we encounter them almost every day and do not need special diagnostic equipment for this. After all, our body daily shows us the violations that occur in it, but due to ignorance we do not attach any importance to this. Let's learn - it's easy!

1. Immune system.If there are no and have not been allergic reactions to certain substances, there are no rashes, allergic spots, psoriasis, asthma, pneumonia on the skin... This means that the immune system is functioning normally.

2. Gastrointestinal tract.In the morning you get up full of energy, a sweet sensation remains in your mouth that quickly passes (which means you had a “sweet” dream), and not a bitter sensation, dry mouth, in the morning it is excreted from the large intestine without any foreign odor carbon dioxide(and not hydrogen sulfide and other decay products). You do not have constipation and there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract during the day, the body odor is pleasant and not foul, the smell of your socks and under your arms is also pleasant, then in this case you can be sure that your stomach is functioning like healthy person.

3. Liver.In the mornings and during the day you have no swelling under the eyes, no tingling and pain in the right side under the ribs, no yellow coating on the tongue, no bitterness, no dryness in the mornings and throughout the day, no increased body weight and diseases thyroid gland, then you can be sure that your liver is functioning normally.

4. Condition of the lungs.Take a test to check your lung health. Hold the lit candle in your outstretched hand, then take a deep breath and try to blow out the candle. If you were able to extinguish it, then this means that the lungs are functioning normally. If the attempt was unsuccessful and you were unable to blow out the candle, then it is better to visit a doctor. Keep in mind that lung function declines with age and smoking.

5. Skin.If there is no dandruff, the skin is soft and elastic, blood vessels do not protrude above the surface of the skin, the color of the skin is soft pink and not yellow or pale yellow, your hands and feet do not feel cold, then all cells of the skin surface normally receive nutrients from the blood and optimal biochemical processes in the skin cells are maintained.

6. Connective tissue organs.You can walk several kilometers with joy and a springy gait and not feel tired (and if necessary, happily walk a few more kilometers), lift any weight within your strength, you do not have osteochondrosis. You don’t slouch, there are no joint pains, and your legs don’t “twist” in the evenings so much that you don’t know where to put them. You always want to stretch, move your arms and legs, enjoy physical exercise, etc. In this case, you can be sure that your connective tissue organs are functioning normally.

7. The brain and other organs associated with it.In the morning you get up without headaches, there are none even with any changes in the atmosphere, you easily remember any text, you don’t feel sleepy during lectures, you never faint or fall into a coma, you have no fear of heights and You don’t lose your orientation in space, you don’t get dizzy on swings or on long trips. If your brain and vestibular apparatus are functioning normally, then you are also in a healthy state.

8. Bone tissue.By the age of 40-50, you still have all your teeth in your mouth, and not artificial ones inserted instead of natural ones, the bones do not break under any excessive load, there are no “spurs” on the heel bone, the joints are not swollen, not enlarged in size, which means t bone tissue cells function normally, and you are healthy.

9. Cardiovascular system.Your blood pressure is 120/80, the veins do not protrude either in the arms or legs, there is no venous expansion, no hemorrhoids, no heart arrhythmia, not to mention the absence of strokes and heart attacks, then we can say with confidence that your cardiovascular the system is healthy.

10. Diagnosis of the body by external signs.People have been able to determine health by the condition of their nails, skin color and other signs for a long time. This knowledge is still used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. This is justified: nothing has changed in the human body over thousands of years; it is structured the same way, reacts the same way to illnesses and injuries and gives us the same signs of problems as many centuries ago. By carefully monitoring their condition, we can hear in time the first calls for help from the organ that needs protection, and by contacting a doctor, take timely measures. And each of us can learn the simplest self-diagnosis.

What does our face say?
A very pale face often occurs with anemia or impaired kidney function.
A yellowish tint to the skin, yellow circles under the eyes and age spots are observed in diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.
A red face can be a sign of various skin diseases, as well as a consequence of magnesium deficiency in the body.
Pale pink circles under the eyes may indicate bladder problems. Bluish facial skin is often evidence of problems with the lungs, bronchi, and heart.
Earthy gray color and dark circles under the eyes - possible disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, intestines, and endocrine system.
Swelling - it is worth checking the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels.
Increased dryness - possible various disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, the threat of developing diabetes mellitus, as well as a lack of vitamins in the body.
High humidity- heart disease, lung disease, hormonal disorders, neuroses are likely.

Reading lips
The upper and lower lips respectively represent the state of the stomach and intestines. If the lower lip is red, it indicates constipation. It is necessary to increase your water intake and reduce your consumption of sugary drinks. Recommended physical exercise.
If a crack appears in the corners of the lips, this indicates bacteriosis.
Dark or bluish lips indicate problems with the heart and lungs.
White or pale lips most likely indicate anemia, problems with blood and lymph circulation.
Brown specks on the lips are a sign of worm infection.
Chapped lips: the body lacks fluid.

What about our teeth?
In ancient times, doctors believed that teeth themselves did not hurt or decay, and that each tooth and area of ​​the mucous membrane on the gums corresponded to a specific organ.
If the first two teeth on any of the jaws hurt, then most likely the kidneys and bladder suffer along with them.
A painful 3rd tooth signals the condition of the liver and gallbladder.
Problems with the 4th and 5th teeth of the lower jaw or the 6th and 7th teeth of the upper indicate problems in the stomach, pancreas and spleen.
The 4th and 5th teeth of the upper jaw, as well as the 6th and 7th teeth of the lower jaw, indicate the condition of the colon and stomach.
Patients with 8 wisdom teeth may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the heart and small intestine.

If, when brushing your teeth, your gums begin to bleed and unpleasant smell, this is gingivitis. This may be due to hormonal imbalance.
If a pregnant woman experiences bleeding gums, this is a signal of a hormonal imbalance that can lead to premature birth, or a miscarriage, or the birth of a child with less weight. It is necessary to see a doctor, maintain oral hygiene, eat foods rich in vitamins and fiber, and visit a dentist.

Let's see your language
Each zone on our tongue is a projection of a certain organ, and if some organ is affected, then the appearance and color of the tongue itself changes. A healthy tongue has a pale pink color, a smooth, soft fold and well-defined papillae. On a diseased tongue, some areas may become discolored or reddened, change shape (enlarge or “fall in”, and the folds become sharp and curved).

If the tongue becomes saturated yellow or white, then there are problems with digestion; if the tongue is dark Brown, then this indicates the excessive use of synthetic vitamin preparations, which has led to an imbalance of microflora in the oral cavity; another reason is bad teeth.

The color, thickness and condition of the coating on the tongue also indicate what is going on inside us: the thicker the coating, the more affected the corresponding organ is. It is believed that:
If the plaque is located at the base of the tongue, it means that the person’s gastrointestinal tract is clearly impaired, and if the plaque is on the tip of the tongue or along the edges, the lungs;
Redness of the tip in the middle and a bluish or purple color of the tongue indicate a weak heart;
Curvature of the fold at the tip of the tongue indicates cervical osteochondrosis, in the middle - on the lumbar;
Cracks in the tongue can signal kidney pathology, blood diseases, metabolic disorders and hormonal balance;
Specks on right side and yellowness on the tongue indicate problems with the liver and gall bladder, on the left side and in the middle - a sign of problems in the spleen.

Chinese philosophy believes that if there is an imbalance somewhere in the functioning of the organs, the body sends signals. Therefore, you need to be very attentive to the state of your body. Let's look at some signals that will help diagnose the disease in time.

Look into my eyes
Disease conditions in the body can also be diagnosed by deposits that the body forms around the eyes in the form of “bags.” A healthy person does not have any deposits under the eyes, or there were deposits previously, but they have now been removed by the body, but traces remain in the form of thin lines.

If a person, regardless of age and race, has immune diseases, they manifest themselves in the form of “bags” 2-3 mm wide. In case of disturbances in the synthesis of connective tissue organs, the size of the “bags” increases to 5-7 mm, regardless of gender, age and nationality.

At the same time, with disorders of the cardiovascular system, the size of the “bags” under the eyes increases significantly and reaches 10 mm or more.

If the color of the lower eyelid has changed from pink to white, this indicates problems with metabolism and possible anemia. Strengthen your diet with foods containing iron.
If there are persistent dark circles under the eyes, then problems with the kidneys and adrenal glands cannot be ruled out. In this case, you need to get enough sleep, and stop drinking coffee, cold drinks, fried foods, and significantly increase your consumption of beans, fresh vegetables and fruits.
If the whites of the eyes are yellow, then this may be jaundice or another liver disease. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
If the eyes have become unnaturally bulging, and the weight has decreased without reason, then this indicates an actively working thyroid gland. In this case, it is necessary to do a hormonal analysis.

If you feel dry skin between the eyebrows or around the eyes and numerous wrinkles form, then these signals indicate problems with the liver and spleen. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of meat and foods high in animal fat, and also exclude baked goods, dairy products, eggs, spices, sauces, alcohol, and sugar from the diet. It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamins B2 and B6, fresh fruits and vegetables.

If redness appears at the very top of the nose, at the point where the heart is projected, then this is an indicator of high blood pressure. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt, alcohol and spices.
If capillaries appear at the tip of the nose, on which the gallbladder, stomach and pancreas are projected, these signals indicate disturbances in blood sugar levels. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sugar, coffee and alcohol.

The ears show the condition of the kidneys, and if the cochlea of ​​the ears has become red or purple, then the metabolism is disturbed. In this case, you need to give up sweet drinks and alcohol, sugar and animal fats.
If strange sounds suddenly appear in your ears at night or during the day, you need to turn to official medicine to find out the cause. Sometimes this is a warning of future deafness or internal inflammation.

The cheeks show the condition of the lungs, and if they have a sallow hue, it may indicate lung cancer, while a dark red hue to the cheeks indicates high blood pressure. In the latter case, you just need to quit smoking and monitor your blood pressure.

If longitudinal stripes appear on the nails, this may indicate digestive problems.
If nails turn yellow and lose their shine, this means an unhealthy and unbalanced diet, excessive smoking or serious metabolic problems. In this case, you should increase your intake of protein and calcium, as well as fruits and vegetables.
If you press the thumbnail for 2 seconds. and relax, the nail becomes white, but after a few seconds it restores its normal color. If it takes longer to recover, this indicates physical fatigue, Bad mood or anemia. If this attempt gives a similar result within a few days, it means a metabolic disorder or slow metabolism. If numbness or coldness of the hands is added to this symptom, then you should definitely visit a cardiologist.

If you are losing more than 70 hairs per day every day, then you need to pay attention to your diet, your body may not have enough iron and protein. But, possibly, hormonal disorders associated with the thyroid gland.

One of the most common causes of dandruff is stress.
The cyclical occurrence of dandruff indicates a hormonal imbalance.

If you have great difficulty falling asleep and you rule out reasons such as stress, overeating and excitement before bedtime, then possible reason there may be a lack of calcium or problems with the nervous system. If you experience constant sleepiness, then visit a psychologist.

Unnatural sweating in the morning, immediately after waking up, hides a high risk of a tumor, diabetes, a problem with the thyroid gland or changes in hormonal balance. You should visit a doctor.

We determine your health by your hands.

Hands are a mirror of health, they store great amount information. As if from a book, from them you can read not only the past and future of a person, his character traits and inclinations, but also find out the state of his health. To do this, you just need to look at them carefully.

Red color of palms.
The red color of the palms is characteristic of toxic liver damage, hepatosis or hepatitis. The marble texture on the palms indicates abnormalities of the autonomic nervous system.

Yellow tint on hands.
A yellow tint to the palms indicates that most likely there are some abnormalities in the gallbladder or liver (cholecystitis, biliary tract disorders, hepatitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis).

If there are brown spots.
Brown spots on the back of the hands indicate not only age (pigmentation disorders are usually observed in the elderly), but also problems with the gallbladder.

Hands are peeling.
A lack of vitamins A and D is manifested by peeling in the form of small plates of the skin of the hand, especially the skin of the palms. In case of peeling in the form of large plates, it is worth making an appointment with a dermatologist, since most likely this indicates the presence of fungus on the hands.

Hands are cold or, on the contrary, burning.
If the hands are cold, then this indicates abnormalities in the peripheral circulation; the person probably has a deficiency of nicotinic acid. Accordingly, you should try to compensate for its deficiency with the help of vitamins in the form of tablets or include those foods in your diet that are rich in this acid: cabbage, meat, beans, fish, mushrooms, dairy products.

On the contrary, if the palms “burn”, this indicates that the liver is not able to cope with intoxication, which is caused by poisoning with chemicals, alcohol or medicine. Doctors call such palms liver.

If “goosebumps crawl” on your palms, then deviations should be looked for in the endocrine system.

High humidity.
Increased hand moisture also indicates endocrine problems - probably an overactive thyroid gland. Pale and dry skin of the palms, on the contrary, indicates hypofunction of the thyroid gland, that is, hypothyroidism.

The presence of spots on the ends of the fingers may also indicate health problems.

Numbness in parts of the hands.
Frequent numbness of the little fingers is a good reason to visit a cardiologist, since these symptoms indicate problems with the cardiovascular system. Numbness of the thumbs indicates weakness of the respiratory system.

Oblong folds on the phalanges of the fingers.
If deep folds have formed on the terminal phalanges, directed along the growth of the finger, then doctors advise paying attention to the endocrine system - you probably have diabetes or hypothyroidism.

The purple color of the fingertips hints at problems with the digestive system. Purple or dark red color of fingertips - pay attention to the liver and kidneys. Spots on the elevated bases of the thumbs indicate possible problems reproductive system.

If it itches side surface index finger on the right hand, then the colon should be checked. Roughness of the skin back side The index finger in most cases indicates problems with the gallbladder.

According to the condition of the joints.
You can draw many interesting conclusions by analyzing the condition of the joints. Excessive flexibility of the joints, as well as insufficient flexibility, in the presence of a general decreased tone of the muscles of the fingers, indicates problems with the liver and gall bladder.

The joints of your hands are cracking - replenish calcium reserves in the body. Irregular shape and soreness of the finger joints hint at the presence of arthrosis. These kinds of changes are usually characteristic of people with gout.

Painful swelling and swelling of the joints of the hand, the appearance of redness clearly signal the development of polyarthritis. Soreness in the area between the 2nd and 3rd phalanges of the index or ring finger indicates the impending appearance of serious knee problems.

We look at the proportions of the hands and draw conclusions.
It has long been noticed that people with wide palms good health. True, people with wide palms and short fingers often suffer from disorders of the circulatory system, most often from hypertension.

People with narrow palms, long, thin fingers and pale skin tone on the hands usually have a delicate nervous system and are sensitive to strong changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure, as well as movement between time zones, loud sounds and strong emotions.

Owners of small hands usually have an overly sensitive autonomic nervous system. Their typical diseases- hypotension, bronchial asthma, inflammation of the rectum.

Fleshy palms warn of possible future problems with the circulatory system: they have a slow metabolism and reduced functionality of the thyroid gland.

According to Chinese medicine, in the center of the palm there is a point that is recognized energy center human body. If sharp pressure on the area of ​​this point thumb causes piercing pain, this indicates serious health problems. In this case, it is better not to put off going to the doctor for too long.

Pathology of the genitourinary system is manifested by severe pain during compression of the tubercle located between the ring and middle fingers.

Draw a line from between the beginning of your ring and little fingers to your wrist. The lower third of the wrist of this line on the surface of the palm corresponds to the area of ​​the gallbladder and liver. If pain appears when pressure is applied to this area, then it is worth checking these organs.

All the patterns listed above signal only potential deviations in health status. You should not rely only on this diagnosis, they just help you seek professional help in time.

How to diagnose diseases by pulse?

A doctor, having examined a patient’s pulse, is able to tell a lot about a person’s state of health: what diseases plagued him before the examination, what symptoms are present at the moment, and even, with a high degree of probability, determine future ones. To use this technique professionally, you need long years training, however, there is a simpler version. Using a simple pulse diagnostic method, each person is able to determine the cause of deterioration in health.

Mastering even the simplest technique requires focused attention and daily practice. You should be aware that in some cases it is not recommended to measure your pulse. General rule This is to do research only in a calm state. We list the factors under which you should refrain from using the technique:
■ if you have just eaten or medications;
■ if you feel hungry;
■ immediately after performing heavy work;
■ when exposed to stressful natural factors;
■ if you haven't slept well or are simply depressed.

The most optimal period of time for diagnostics is the period between breakfast and lunch. There are no large pulse jumps in this interval. Accordingly, the result will be more accurate.

The normal heart rate of a healthy person is about 60-100 beats per minute. Its measurement is carried out by lightly pressing three fingers on inner part wrists are usually on the left. Please note that in smokers, people who are sick or in an unstable emotional state, the pulse may be slow or fast.

Try the following experiment:Relax and take your pulse, then exercise vigorously for 5 minutes, and take your pulse again after 10 minutes. After a 10-minute rest, the pulse should recover. If your pulse is restored, then you are strong and energetic, but if not, then you need to lead an active lifestyle and play sports.

Determination of radial pulse.
To check your pulse, bend your wrist slightly while grasping the underside of your other hand tightly. The index, middle and ring fingers should be aligned along the radial artery. Using light pressure, achieve a pulsating sensation. By adjusting the amount of pressure on these points, feel the difference in pulse fluctuations.

Determination of health status by the number of pulse beats.
The state of health can be judged by determining the number of pulse beats. To do this, using the method described above, count the number of pulsations during the respiratory cycle: exhalation, pause, inhalation. If your health is good, then the value should be from 4 to 6.
Results that differ from the norm indicate that there is a good reason to see a doctor. Conduct a study of one hundred pulse beats. If you feel even, energetic tremors the entire time, then your body is fine. With constant fluctuations in the strength and frequency of pulsations, you need to think - is everything normal with your health?

Pulse measurements must be taken on the wrists of both hands. And that's why. The information obtained will help you find out in which area of ​​the body the cause of the ailment or impending illness lies. It is necessary to compare the strength of the pulsations on the left and right wrists. Where this value is greater, the dangerous syndrome lies. For example, the pulse on the right is stronger. Therefore, something is wrong in this same half of the body.

In addition, you need to learn to compare the strength of the pulsations under each finger. This will help narrow down the location of the problem organ. Strong beating under index finger(on either side), signals disorders in the upper body (head, heart, lungs). Strong sensations in the middle area - a problem with the stomach, liver. The ring finger will indicate problems with the lower half of the body (lower back or kidneys).

Determining temperament by pulse.
Various tests are most often used to determine temperament. However, not everyone knows that it is subject to change. Age, psychological and physical condition of the body can cause adjustments in temperament. It can be determined using a simple technique. An important fact should be noted right away. A reliable result is obtained only when in good condition body. Take your pulse and try to do it very accurately. Your state should be calm and balanced. It is best to carry out this procedure in the morning.

A point on any artery is suitable for measuring the pulse: temporal, carotid, brachial, popliteal. In most cases, a beam is used, passing from inside hands. The values ​​obtained as a result of the experiment will determine your temperament.

Interval 76-83 beats per minute. The nature of the pulsations: strong, active tremors, repeated regularly. This type corresponds to a choleric person.
Interval 68-75 beats per minute. The indicators are the same as in the previous case. So you are sanguine.
Frequency less than 67 beats per minute. The nature of the blows is weak, but regular. These are the traits of a phlegmatic person.
The frequency exceeds 83 beats per minute. The pulse is undulating, weak and irregular. This picture defines the traits of a melancholic person.

Signs of diseases and disorders in the body.

* Black circles have formed under the eyes. There is a malfunction in the functioning of the heart and kidneys.
* Red veins have formed in the whites of the eyes. Nervous system exhausted. There is mental and physical fatigue.
* There is a vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows. Intense rhythm of liver work.
* The lower lip is stretched. Intestinal diseases.
* Outbursts of anger are common. Liver function has worsened.
* Hair falls out on the top of the head. The diet contains a lot of animal products.
* Snoring during sleep. Enlarged Achilles tendon. A sign of atherosclerosis and obesity in the chest and abdomen with thin legs and arms.
* Without reason, there is internal anxiety and fear. A heart examination is necessary.
* A fold on the earlobe, located diagonally. The depth of the fold indicates how sclerotic the vessels are and how high the risk of cardiovascular diseases is.
* Redness under the arms and under the eyes, pores on the forehead. This indicates that the heart muscles are poorly supplied with blood.
* Wen (lipomas). Sign of polyps in the colon.
* After eating beets, the urine turns red. The intestinal anticancer defenses are impaired. If the intestines are healthy, then the urine is not colored.
* Double chin, thick neck, chubby cheeks. Poisons accumulate in the body due to poor digestion.
* The neck is brown or red. The abdominal organs are inflamed.
* Large hanging moles. There are polyps inside the body.
* Facial redness and acne that appeared after 40 years. This indicates chronic disease of the intestines, liver and stomach.
* Acne in adolescence. Oily skin.
* Eyelid twitching occurs. There is insufficient magnesium in the body.
* Loss of appetite regularly. Disease of the stomach, intestines, kidneys or heart. And also insufficient content of B vitamins.
* Frequent occurrence of thirst. A sign of diabetes.
* Discharge of blood between periods. Inflammatory processes and even swelling are possible.
* Blood in the stool. Hemorrhoids, intestinal inflammation, hemorrhage. May be a sign of leukemia.
* Brittle fingernails and toenails. Lung or thyroid disease.
* The appearance of yellowness of the skin. Disease of the liver or spleen.
* Blueness of lips and skin. This indicates heart or lung disease.
* Smell from the mouth. Possible stomach disease, as well as metabolic disorders or diabetes.
* Swelling of one leg. It appears when the veins expand or inflammation of the lymph system.
*Both legs swell. This indicates kidney or heart disease.
* Swelling in the abdominal cavity. This indicates liver disease.
* Bleeding gums occur from a deficiency of vitamins C and P, and also occurs with gum inflammation and periodontal disease.

I repeat, here we talk about typical signs that in some cases require contacting a specialist.

from the Internet

What distinguishes man from the animal world is the ability to feel. With the help of emotions, we have the opportunity to “color” not only our words, but also events in life. In the process of communication, almost no one has any problems with how to determine emotional condition of a person - feelings are reflected on the face, read in gestures, facial expressions and notes of voice. However, there are often situations when a person carefully controls his emotions, not allowing him to get to the bottom of the truth, for example, when investigating crimes. In this case, science, medicine and psychology help.

How to determine a person’s emotional state - tests

Each of us is moderately emotional; we try to express our feelings with emotions if something happens around us. For example, we squeal with pleasure if some pleasant event occurs in our life, we swear and become irritable if we feel any discomfort. After all, with the help of simple methods you will understand what and when to do so as not to become a “punching bag,” for example.

There are methods that can be divided into subjective and objective.

Subjective methods of determination

They give quite relative result and are used mainly in school and adolescent psychology, as well as in tests when applying for a job.

Life satisfaction test

There are several options for determining a person’s emotional state using this study, but the most widely used is the Andrews and Leavey method, based on the fact that the subject is presented with a series of cards with faces depicting various emotions and asked to choose the expression that most closely matches his life .

Test for children

In children's preschool institutions A common test is in which a child is asked to draw any picture. Based on the theme of the work and the colors used to draw it, psychologists draw a conclusion about the child’s emotional state and how susceptible he is to stress.

Objective methods of determination

Objective assessment methods include lie detector testing and an EQ test.

EQ testing

This test was created by American psychologists. At the same time, according to these scientists, based on the results, one can talk about certain qualities of a person, and even to some extent predict his behavior in a given situation.

This method is usually used by recruitment agencies (mostly Western) when selecting top managers and other management personnel. The respondent is provided with a list of questions, the answers to which will give specialists an idea of ​​how communicative a given person is and how he will behave in a particular non-standard situation.

Lie detector testing

Using this device, you can determine the emotional state of a person; it is popularly called a lie detector. It should be noted that this unusual way determining the emotional state of a person, and, as a rule, this device is used mainly in forensic investigative practice.

First of all, because with the help of such devices it is possible to detect the slightest changes in a person’s emotions, and at the same time it is able to determine whether the person is lying or not.

After all, scientists have recently established that during a lie, that is, when a person is lying, his psycho-emotional state changes somewhat, and it is accompanied by such phenomena as sweating, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, which are recorded by the device.

Typically, this method is used in judicial practice when you need to know for sure whether a person is lying or telling the truth. The operation of the polygraph is based on the fact that a change in a person’s emotional state, against the background of a lie, affects 97% of his physical and biological parameters, which are recorded by the detector.

Creative ways to determine your emotional state

Musical way

If you want to learn how to determine a person’s emotional state, pay attention to this method. We all know that music affects our emotional state. Scientists have discovered that people listen to certain music when they are experiencing certain emotions, although musical preferences may be completely different.

That is, during a breakup with the woman he loves, a man can listen to songs about love, which in general he simply did not understand before this situation and considered them somewhat incomprehensible, and called men who listen to such music nurses. In other words, you can judge a person's emotional state by observing what kind of music he is listening to at the moment.

Pattern and color

We all know that, like music, color has a great influence on a person. Just look at what pictures he draws, how he paints them, what colors he uses for them. All this speaks about the emotional state of a person, which can be determined using several of the above methods.

To determine a person’s emotional state, carefully monitor not just the gestures of the interlocutor, but in conjunction with his words. We will look at the relationship between words and the accompanying gestures and movements. In addition to obvious, glaring contradictions, such as shaking your head from side to side when saying “yes,” there are many less obvious, but no less indicative signs of deception. This happens both consciously and unconsciously.

Emotional states of the interlocutor. Sometimes people consciously make an effort, wanting to emphasize, emphasize their words, but since their gestures are forced and lack spontaneity, they are inappropriate and untimely. If you know what exactly to pay attention to in such cases, you will notice it immediately and without difficulty.

An excellent indicator of the ambiguity and dubiousness of the message we receive is also the inconsistency of gestures, words and emotions. For example, a person smiles to express sympathy for a friend whose wife has left him.

If you want to be able to determine your emotional state when talking with other people, pay close attention to what experts call the first reaction. This is a spontaneous reflection on a person’s face of true feelings, which sometimes lasts no more than a split second, after which he manages to hide and disguise his real emotions.

Even if you do not have time to “read” or interpret this fleeting expression, the very fact of its appearance on the interlocutor’s face is very good reason in order to begin to suspect the interlocutor of insincerity.

If you want to find out what sensations in the body another person experiences, what emotions are caused by these sensations, what thoughts they revolve around, to grasp the internal state and holistic sense of self of a person, then you need to tune in, for a while to become one.

How can customization be useful? You can tune in to develop love, clarity, lightness, and explore sublime states within yourself, so that you can gradually, by observing, develop these qualities in yourself.

Tuning technique

The most important thing is your sincere wish feel strengths another person, and all the features of the technique given below are just a support for the mind. Technology is not as important as concentration, intention,peace, openness And sincere gratitude to the person if his condition is better than yours, and he acts as a donor for you.

1. Calm down and come to your senses.

Usually we are very deeply involved in our problems and surrounding events, we fight them, overcome them, and pursue goals. Therefore, it can be difficult to awaken your sensitivity to people, tearing your attention away from life's exciting unexpected turns or ingrained routine tasks. Especially if this sensitivity implies that you feel another person from the inside and become him for a while.

Therefore, firstly, you need to calm down yourself, find your natural peaceful state, in which you feel safe and open to the world around you. To do this, you can watch your breathing for 15-20 minutes.

2. Tune in.

Look at the person carefully, and imagine how you would feel if you spoke with such intonation, made such movements with your hands, moved your eyes, straightened your hair, etc. That is, carefully observe facial expressions and gestures and gradually identify with your object until you dissolve in it.

In physics terms, you change the frequency of your perception and move to the frequency of this person. That's probably why it's called "tuning".

Naturally, you must have deep trust and openness towards this person, since you are actually letting him into your body. Therefore, it is not recommended to tune in to people who are obviously heavier than you, you will remove their blocks from them, and if you do not clear yourself in time, do not return back to yourself, this will affect your real health and well-being.

Therefore, better tune in to those who have gone further than you in their development in order to benefit from this.

3. Track your condition.

Observe your own sensations. When you notice them, look, for example, at what you want to do, what emotions you experience, what you think about. You can close your eyes, see some pictures or smell something. It all depends on what type of perception you are most inclined to.

It is quite easy to distinguish a person’s general emotional background, but it is difficult to read thoughts. Knowledge of the chakra system will greatly help you in interpreting the feelings of the person you are studying.

Naturally, the effectiveness of tuning directly depends on the degree of your internal silence: continuing to think about something extraneous, you will not be able to sufficiently reveal your sensitivity, and your personal “interference” will not allow you to see a clear picture.

4. Return to yourself again.

Even during everyday communication, people energetically “mix” with each other, experiencing different emotions and forgetting themselves. Therefore, after a busy day of work, filled with active negotiations, many people want to go get drunk, that is, relax, throw off the burden of other people’s problems.

We suggest minimizing the release of your own energy, that is, to “return to yourself,” do not get drunk, but use meditation, prayer, observation of breathing, or similar to the above-described attunement to images of saints or.

And one more warning: when people mix like this, a more conscious person (and he is such if he is specially attuned to his partner) has the opportunity, by directing his attention, to change the direction of the other person’s attention. This can lead you to very disastrous consequences if, guided by your personal ideas, you will try to forcibly break the will, make a person feel and do what he does not want. Be sure that for this you will get the kickback you deserve.

One of the basic principles of our world is “Freedom of love, free will”, so be careful not to overdo it.


For practice, we suggest you take a video from an interview with a realized person, a Master, who conducts the quality of will in purity, and try to feel and reveal this quality in yourself.

People have long learned to determine health by the condition of their nails, skin color and other signs, and this knowledge is still practiced today in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine and throughout the world. And this is justified: nothing has changed in the human body over millennia; it is structured the same way, reacts to illnesses and injuries in the same way. By carefully monitoring our condition, we can hear in time the first manifestations of signs of a violation of a particular organ that needs protection and take action in time. And each of us can learn the simplest self-diagnosis.

    It is better to do a self-examination in the morning or afternoon, but only if you are not yet tired.

    It’s best to look at yourself in diffuse daylight using two mirrors to get a good look at your face and ears from all sides.

    Record your observations.

    Do not rush to conclusions, do not diagnose yourself and do not self-medicate if you notice any changes. See a doctor and get examined..

1. What does our face tell us?

    A very pale face often occurs with anemia or impaired kidney function.

    A yellow tint to the skin, yellow circles under the eyes and age spots occur due to diseases of the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder.

    If the face is red, then this may be a sign of various skin diseases, as well as a consequence of magnesium deficiency in the body.

    Pale pink circles under the eyes indicate problems with the bladder. Bluish facial skin is often evidence of problems with the lungs, bronchi, and heart.

    Earthy-gray color and dark circles under the eyes - possible disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, intestines, and endocrine system.

    Swelling - it is worth checking the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels.

    Increased dryness of the skin indicates possible disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, the threat of developing diabetes mellitus, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals.

    Increased sweating - heart disease, lung disease, hormonal disorders, and a tendency to neurosis are likely.

2. What diseases can be seen on the lips?

    Dark or bluish lips indicate problems with the heart and lungs.

    White or pale lips may indicate anemia, problems with blood and lymph circulation.

    If there are brown specks on the lips, this may be a sign of helminthic infestation.

    Chapped lips: the body lacks fluid, gastrointestinal problems.

3. Looking at the teeth...

In ancient times, doctors believed that zuwould They themselves do not hurt or decay, but each tooth has a specific organ corresponding to it.

    If the front two teeth on the upper or lower jaw hurt, then most likely the kidneys and bladder suffer along with them.

    A painful 3rd tooth indicates a disorder in the liver and gallbladder.

    Problems with the 4th and 5th lower teeth or the 6th and 7th upper teeth indicate problems in the stomach, pancreas and spleen.

    The 4th and 5th upper teeth and also the 6th and 7th lower teeth indicate the condition of the colon and stomach.

    Molar 8th teeth - wisdom teeth indicate a disturbance in the functioning of the heart and small intestine.

4. Stick out your tongue

Each zone on our tongue is a projection of a certain organ, and if some organ is affected, then the appearance and color of the tongue itself changes. A normal healthy tongue should be pale pink in color, have a smooth, soft fold and well-defined papillae. If a person is not healthy, then some areas on his tongue may become discolored or reddened, change shape, and the folds may become sharp and curved.

A coating on the tongue also indicates that something is wrong in the body: the thicker the coating, the more affected the corresponding organ is. It is believed that:

    if the plaque is located at the base of the tongue, it means that the person’s gastrointestinal tract is clearly impaired, and if the plaque is on the tip of the tongue or along the edges, the lungs;

    redness of the tip in the middle and a bluish or purple color of the tongue indicate a weak heart;

    curvature of the fold at the tip of the tongue indicates cervical osteochondrosis, in the middle - lumbar;

    cracks in the tongue can signal kidney pathology, blood diseases, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance;

    spots on the right side and yellowness on the tongue indicate problems with the liver and gall bladder, on the left side and in the middle - a sign of problems in the spleen.

5. About nails...

Nails carry information not only about those diseases. that already exist or will be, but also about those that were transferred in the past. The plate of a healthy nail is always transparent, it is pale pink in color, with a small light halo at the base. Knowing this, constantly monitor the condition of your nails, do not miss changes in their color - this indicates that there are some problems in the body. A change in the shape, structure or relief of the nail indicates an old disease, perhaps one that has already become chronic or a sign of severe stress that was experienced in the past.

    Too large a halo size or, conversely, its complete absence indicates certain heart diseases.

    Smooth, unnaturally convex nails occur in people with serious heart and lung diseases.

    Flat, with longitudinal stripes and matte white - a sign of liver disease.

    White and brown transverse stripes have appeared on the nails - you should pay attention to the buds.

    A triangular nail, noticeably tapering towards the base, indicates diseases of the spine.

    A very elongated nail is a signal of possible diabetes.

    If the nail is dotted or riddled with grooves, the body most likely lacks vitamins.

    Stripes, inclusions and holes on the nail call for attention to the intestines and spleen.

    A bluish or yellowish color of the nail with a transverse or longitudinal groove indicates problems with the circulatory system and poor circulation.

    Nail separation occurs with prolonged use of antibiotics and with serious disruptions in the functioning of the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

6. What does our skin say?


    on the temples - a signal of problems with the gallbladder;

    on the forehead, nose, upper lip and chin - problems in the intestines;

    between the shoulder blades - ENT diseases;

    just above the waist and in the center of the back - problems with the liver or gall bladder;

    on the buttocks - the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system;

    on the chest - problems with the lungs or bronchi are likely;

    on the shoulders - problems with the intestines.

6. What can your feet say...

Projection zones are concentrated on the feet, as well as on the tongue. internal organs and systems. Impact on these points is often used in acupuncture. One of the Chinese tortures involves beating the feet with bamboo sticks.

    The yellow color of the feet indicates problems with the liver and gallbladder.

    Calluses, spurs and deformities in different places of the foot and toes are not always caused by uncomfortable shoes. Often, this is how diseased organs can send a signal for help.

    Horny skin on the heel and toes indicates metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders, and digestive problems.

    Changes in the temperature and humidity of the feet, pain - a signal to check the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems.

By the way you look, you can easily determine the state of your body. Identify health problems that you may already have or are just developing. All you need is just to take a closer look at yourself and your loved ones.