Where to go after school. Prestigious universities

Do young people need higher education today or is it enough to get by with a secondary vocational education and, being a highly specialized specialist, you can start earning money much earlier than university graduates - a question that has set the teeth on edge in modern society.

What are the advantages of studying at a university?

On the one hand, a university is a place where you can spend three, four, five or even six years of your life interestingly and usefully (depending on your specialty). What the university will teach you is how to correctly set goals and highlight priority tasks. Naturally, there are courses in educational programs that most students consider completely unnecessary, but this is an excellent opportunity to understand what other subjects are important.

You need to understand that the main subjects for students will always be 2-3 subjects, having studied which they will be able to apply knowledge in their professional activities in the future. However, there are a number of disciplines, such as, say, psychology, political science, additional foreign languages, accounting, the study of which would not be superfluous. The most important thing that they can give is broadening one’s horizons, whatever one may say, they will make any highly specialized specialist a person with an improved perception of the world around him. They, by and large, will become exactly the foundation that will subsequently allow students to become aces in their main specialty.

Among other things, higher education institutions provide an excellent opportunity not only to meet new people, but also to make good friendships, and maybe even partnerships (you can often read stories where two or three students came up with something interesting and earned good money from it ). If the study takes place at a serious and successful university, then most students throughout their education will have the opportunity to receive some kind of grant to study abroad, or simply attend a course of lectures thanks to exchange programs. In this way, universities give their students an excellent opportunity to travel, learn a lot of new things, touch other cultures and look at how human life can be built differently.

Good universities are equipped with advanced equipment for research and laboratory testing, so for those who in the future intend to connect their lives with applied sciences, the university is the right place.

What are the disadvantages of studying at universities?

The main thing that can be highlighted is that not a single higher education institution can guarantee its graduates with one hundred percent certainty a good and well-paid job. In Europe, everything is simpler with this: if a specialist is smart, then the employers themselves will take such a person with his hands and feet. In the post-Soviet space, unfortunately, there is no such thing: there are often situations when graduates, even with honors diplomas, receive several times less money than those who only have a certificate of secondary specialized education behind them.

Another disadvantage, which for many students seems to be an incomparable advantage, is something like the saying “life is very fun from session to session.” As a rule, students are seriously involved in the educational process only when the time comes to take tests and exams. The rest of the time, Russian students, frankly speaking, are idle. The picture is different in Europe: there, students create their own curriculum, so they can study only what they find interesting and important. Therefore, if you have the opportunity and money to obtain higher education, then it is better to go to one of the European universities, since the bachelor's degrees there promise much more prospects than post-Soviet universities.

Sergey Meleshin, New York

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Andrey Golostyan, Sydney

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Every prestige depends on success and is lost after failure.
Z. Freud.

University prestige – what does this mean? Big name? Number of “successful” graduates? Highly qualified teaching staff? Training for in-demand specialties? Each of these factors is important and valuable, but the general, final concept of “prestige” still lies in the quality of education that you can receive at this university.

Many students, on the threshold of admissions to universities, begin to doubt which university to apply to. Some have initially decided on an educational institution and are moving towards their goal with a firmly planned step, some are guided by financial opportunities, others by the prestige of the university.

What are the main advantages of studying at a prestigious university, a university with a loud and well-known name?

Prestigious universities. Advantages

Many universities are considered prestigious because they have a number of advantages over “regular” ones. Here are the main ones:

One of the very first and probably the most important advantages of well-known universities is the quality of education. Be that as it may, true professionals work in such higher educational institutions. And this does not mean that in other universities the teachers are not professionals. However, it is common for any person to strive for the best, and no recognition is given for nothing;

Advantages when looking for a job - career prospects. Having received a diploma from a prestigious university, you will have some advantage over other applicants. A big name is always heard, and if your university is known throughout the country, this will significantly increase your chances of getting the desired job;

Opportunity to diversify your social circle. This rule is effective for any university, however, as a rule, ambitious and purposeful people enroll in prestigious universities, especially if they receive education on a budgetary basis. Acquaintance and prolonged communication with people who have these qualities will only have a positive effect on you.

Prestigious universities. Flaws

No matter how strange it may sound, studying at a prestigious university also has a number of significant disadvantages compared to receiving an education at a lesser-known educational institution:

The financial side of the issue. You always have to pay for quality. Many universities that are considered prestigious are beyond the means of ordinary people who do not have high incomes;

High requirements. A prestigious university will not spoil its reputation and make concessions to a student who does not want to study as expected. Competition for admission to such universities is usually very high, and, accordingly, the choice of the university is also high;

Excessive requirements for graduation. Many graduates of prestigious universities are not inclined to lower the bar and strive to get a well-paid job immediately after graduation. This is, of course, a good aspiration, but it is necessary to take into account the level of training, knowledge and experience.

All of the above advantages and disadvantages are effective only if you really want to learn and gain decent knowledge. If you only need a diploma from a prestigious university, then in most cases it will have the same weight as the diplomas of similar students from less prestigious universities.

Prestigious universities. Rating

So, which universities are considered the most prestigious in Russia? Among the ten best:

year 2014
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 3
5 6
6 5
7 7
8 9
9 8
10 10

When choosing a university, its prestige should not be the deciding factor for you. Read student reviews, hostel availability, compare your financial capabilities with your desires. If nothing prevents you from entering a well-known educational institution, then, of course, submit your documents there. But if for some reason you cannot afford an education at a prestigious university, do not despair. Ultimately, it's all up to you. Your level of training, desire to gain theoretical and practical skills, self-development - this is what is really valuable. And in an ordinary, unknown university you can get an excellent, decent education if you want it. After all, as you know, walking can only be taught to those who take steps on their own.

Numerous international studies prove that Canada is one of the five, and according to some ratings, the top three, the most comfortable and favorable countries for permanent residence. The labor market, tax system, legislation and real estate prices create a favorable atmosphere in the country for both its native residents and emigrants. Canadian education is also considered prestigious and provides a solid foundation for a career. Many school graduates from different countries want to get an education in Canada. Since the standard of living in Canada is considered quite high.

Higher education institutions in Canada

There are many different universities in Canada. They all have their own large territory, which is called campuses. Since a university in Canada is not just one scientific building, but a group of academic buildings, student dormitories and additional buildings in which various student centers are located. Studying in Canada is not just a standard higher education, but a full-fledged student life. Also on campus you can find canteens, a gym, open areas for sports games, and student clubs.

Lectures at universities are held in a rather interesting format. Every student has the right to express their opinion on the topic. The teacher tries to interest students, and not just read boring and monotonous material to them. At Canadian universities, the educational process is carried out in such a way that students have a desire to study the subject in depth and gain additional knowledge within the framework of their specialty.

Work while studying

All students who are studying long-term educational programs, that is, receiving higher education, have the right to part-time employment. After studying at the university, you can work part-time either in your specialty or in another field if the student needs additional financial resources. Various commercial organizations in Canada are willing to take on paid internships for university students. This is an excellent chance to start a career, since then there is an opportunity to stay working in this company. In any case, completing a paid internship in a commercial organization in Canada is an excellent line on the resume of every graduate.

A higher education diploma from a Canadian university is valued all over the world. With such education, you can work both in Canada and in any other country.

The Russian education system has undergone significant changes over the past ten years. The era of change began in 2003, when it was decided to “adjust” the domestic system to European standards. Russia became a participant in the Bologna process, the goal of which is the formation of a single zone of European education. The consequences of this decision cause mixed reactions to this day.

However, Russian universities, in accordance with Western standards, now graduate masters and bachelors. Despite all the changes, the quality of education has decreased significantly, the cost has increased, graduation from a university has ceased to be a guarantee of successful employment, and a Russian diploma abroad in most cases has to be confirmed. Graduates are increasingly faced with the question of whether they need to enroll in a university. To answer this, you should weigh all the advantages and difficulties of this type of training.

Benefits of Higher Education

Parents and teachers tell graduates about the importance and necessity of getting an education at a university, and this is no coincidence. Such a diploma really increases the chances of a successful future, and for these reasons:

Employment. Despite the fact that modern employers often value real experience and practical skills over theoretical knowledge, a diploma still provides a competitive advantage. This is an excellent indicator of a person’s learning ability, not to mention systemic knowledge and broad outlook. From the employer’s point of view, such an employee is more promising, and training him in the specifics of the job will not be difficult.

Choice of profession. For those who fundamentally do not want to spend five or six years of their life studying textbooks, mastering theoretical training, access to some professional areas will simply be closed. First of all, this is, of course, medicine, pedagogy and jurisprudence. Without the necessary knowledge, it is difficult to become, for example, an architect or a biophysicist, or to obtain a profession as an engineer or diplomat.

Career. If you conduct a comparative analysis of a certain number of large companies, you will notice that middle managers, and even more so top managers, have one, and more often than not several higher educations in various fields. And this is done not for prestige, but to gain knowledge that is simply necessary for competent business management in a fiercely competitive environment. It is quite difficult for an employee who does not have a diploma to move up the career ladder, since with the same level of professionalism, a promotion will be offered to a more “educated” colleague.

Favourite buisness. You can only enjoy your daily routine if you have great love for your work. For some people, the search for their direction and profession continues for quite a long time, and higher education can help in this matter. Having one diploma in hand, it is much easier and faster to get another profession or undergo retraining.

Higher education. What are the disadvantages?

Despite the undeniable benefits, a person who decides to graduate from a university will nevertheless encounter certain problems and difficulties. First of all, this is, of course, reduced availability of training due to high costs. You can undergo training at state expense only once, having the required number of points for admission. If you receive a second education or do not have enough points, you will have to pay for training. Moreover, getting into the commercial department of a state university is also not easy; admission is also based on a competition.

The cost of educational services will depend on the chosen faculty, region and educational institution itself, however, recently the amounts have increased significantly. Students whose parents cannot pay full tuition fees are often forced to combine work and study, which is a serious burden. Another difficulty is the length of training.

Over several years spent at the university, a theoretical basis is formed, but practical skills and experience are also necessary for employment, which forces students to get a job. Another disadvantage of the modern educational system in Russia is its quality. The number of private universities is growing steadily; only a few have a truly high level of education and a good reputation.

As a result, having spent a decent amount and time on training, a graduate of such a university does not receive the necessary knowledge. Therefore, when applying, it is important to pay attention to the state accreditation and license of the educational institution in question. Too low payment for the services provided and the location of the educational building should also alert future students and their parents.


The pros and cons of getting a higher education can be debated endlessly. As a result, everyone makes the final decision themselves, depending on their plans for the future. If you have a goal to make a career in a Russian or foreign large company, master a serious profession or obtain an academic degree, obtaining a university diploma will be a necessary step towards this goal. Modern realities, however, are such that even with a great desire, not everyone now has the opportunity to receive this type of education.

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Do I need to study at university?, institute, university? A question that high school students often ask themselves. And even those who went to college or technical school a little earlier are also thinking about the need for further education. After all, what does yesterday’s student want? Independence, work, interesting life and adult decisions. The institute with its classes, tests, coursework, sessions and exams does not fit well into this idealistic picture. So is it worth spending another 5-7 years to get your qualifications, or is it quite possible to make your way in life without a higher education?

Do you need to study at a university to become successful in life?

The answer will be short: “Yes!”, although there are quite a few: “But!”

Of course, university is not a guarantee of success in business, but it opens up a lot of opportunities for self-realization. What gives a person studying at the institute? Among the most important points I would like to note:

  1. Basic education. Many disciplines, working with information, developed ability to think logically and analyze - all this has a positive effect on the overall development of erudition and intelligence.
  2. Ability to communicate. In universities you have to establish communication connections with a variety of people. The practical experience gained in this way is invaluable in the future.
  3. Formation of your own time management and planning skills for the rational distribution of time and financial resources.
  4. Finding a way out of difficult situations and solving assigned problems.

Similar experience can be obtained outside the university, but it will take much more time, and the mistakes made are unlikely to be comparable to the grades in the record book. And so that studying evokes associations not only with books, lectures and nightly vigils over notes, try to study easily at the institute!

Study, work, relax - smart students manage to do everything

What’s good is that most of the work is left to you to do yourself. This means that no one keeps track of how a course project or course project is written. Such “freedom” helps students wisely use all available opportunities for excellent study!

All subjects while studying at a university can be divided into three categories:

  • unimportant, which do not play any role for education and future specialty;
  • general education, developing intelligence and erudition;
  • profile necessary for mastering the specialty.

The first block includes disciplines such as physical education. It is included in the compulsory curriculum and
helps maintain the health of young people. But it has no educational significance.

The list of subjects from the second group is determined by the department of the higher educational institution. This is most often history, philosophy for technical specialties and mathematics, statistics for humanities. They are taught in the first two years, and the task of the disciplines is to broaden the horizons of students and provide basic concepts in the subjects.

Profile lectures, seminars and practices are of primary importance for any smart student and require careful immersion in the material. After all, high-quality mastery of a specialty begins already from the first year, and neglecting classes in basic subjects is stupid and short-sighted.

But there is no need to pore over essays, coursework and tests in non-core disciplines on your own. They can and even need to be ordered on our service website, where services of any complexity are offered in the shortest possible time and at very reasonable prices.

They say that it is impossible to chase two birds with one stone... With reasonable planning, you can do everything. And by combining higher education and work and personal life, there will no longer be any doubt about whether you need to study at the university!