Kitchen dining room 30 sq. Interior design of kitchen - living room - photos and design projects

The technique of combining several rooms into a single space has not been new for a long time. They resort to it when the area of ​​the rooms does not allow for the arrangement of a full-fledged and functional room.

The most popular option for combining spaces is the kitchen-living room. It combines a functional area for cooking, a cozy dining room, a place for receiving guests and for a pleasant evening with a cup of tea.

Creating a multifunctional room is not an easy task; it is worth considering many factors: think through the details in advance and decide what exactly you want to see in the end.

Furniture design, stylistic decisions and decorative elements are important to consider at the planning stage. Create design projects in a specialized studio or independently in free program. And it will help to get inspired large selection interiors in the video:

When merging multiple areas for various purposes you need to remember that a single space must be preserved so that the same style is maintained throughout.

A kitchen-living room of 30 sq.m cannot do without proper zoning, because... The area is quite large, and in one room it is planned to combine several centers at once - kitchen, guest room, dining room.

8 zoning techniques

Let's look at the most current techniques.

Color division

Walls can be painted in different colors, which are combined with each other. Or choose wallpaper of the same color, but in one of the parts with an original print applied to it.

Use of different materials

For example, flooring. You can use either the same covering of different colors (carpets or laminate), or different materials (floor tiles and parquet).

Furniture as a way of zoning

The bar counter is ideal for zoning purposes. It can be used as an additional area for cooking, a compact place for a quick snack, or for its intended purpose.

A large sofa will also separate well work area from the recreation area.

Partitions and other structures

Additional elements - two-level ceilings, podium, false wall, glass, slatted, translucent partitions, etc., can not only visually, but also actually partially separate areas.

Glass partition - good decision for a combined kitchen-living room with one window. Then the light will freely reach all parts of the room.

Decorative elements for zoning

For example, installed at the junction different zones A large aquarium will fit perfectly into any interior. Or a wooden screen with a carved pattern.


With the help of lighting, you can highlight certain parts of the room, and hide some. You can use different lamps in different areas, which will mark a clear boundary. For example, there is a large chandelier in the guest area, lighting in the work area, and a couple of pendant lamps above the dining table.

7 important nuances when arranging a kitchen-living room

  1. For creating harmonious interior various unifying segments are needed. As a rule, for this purpose, a similar manner of execution is used in finishing work; a single style should be visible throughout.

  1. If you plan to use a lot of furniture, then it is better to use light colors in the decoration; they visually increase the space and help avoid the effect of clutter.

  1. 30 sq m is enough area to use interesting accents in the interior. A kitchen set in bright colors gives the room a more modern and stylish look and makes the interior not boring. In this case, the relaxation area should be kept in calm colors.

  1. For small apartments, it is important to have an additional bed in the kitchen-living room. This applies to both a place for entertaining guests and a sleeping area for a family. Sofa bed would be a practical solution.

For owners of studio apartments, this is also a necessity. For a complete and healthy sleep It’s better to allocate space for a bed; in such an area you can easily afford it.

  1. The choice of kitchen set depends on several factors:
  • how many people are in the family,
  • how spacious and practical the furniture should be;
  • which zone do you want to make bigger?

The usual angular and linear ones are always win-win options.

30 square meters is the area on which you can allow a U-shaped layout of a set or an island.

  1. Particular attention should be paid to cleanliness. It will no longer be possible to leave dirty dishes or garbage. From the living room, this view will ruin the entire impression of the interior. Choose easy-to-clean surfaces if you want cleaning to be quick and easy.

  1. The smell of food and the rapid contamination of the kitchen area affect the choice of furniture upholstery material.

The peculiarity of the combined living room with kitchen dictates the need to choose a sofa, or rather the material for it. It is desirable that the upholstery absorbs odors less and is easy to clean. The removable cover will save time, because... It can be machine washed and will extend the life of upholstered furniture.

Any housewife knows how difficult it is to place on small kitchen all family members so that everyone feels comfortable and comfortable. Kitchen living room 30 sq. m fully meets all the requirements for such premises. But in order to get a kitchen-living room of 30 sq. m, professional designers recommend removing partitions and combining rooms. Let's talk in more detail about the best design for a 30 sq. m living room. m.

Decoration of the kitchen area

Kitchen living room 30 sq. m, the design of which needs to be thought out, can be considered the dream of any woman. If the plans include individual redevelopment of the apartment, combining rooms into one spacious area for cooking, professionals recommend locating it near communications.

Attention! In a multi-storey residential building, there should be no sleeping quarters under the kitchen area.

In a studio apartment, combining the space of a room and a kitchen is a common occurrence; it is initially assumed in the layout.

What does the design of a kitchen living room of 30 sq. m? Let's analyze some recommendations that professional designers offer.

When arranging the kitchen unit, it is advisable to leave more space for the work area, which will be used for preparing food.

Those things that the housewife uses in exceptional cases can be placed on the far shelves of the kitchen cabinets. Any kitchen requires sufficient quantity light, but professional stylists pay special attention to additional lighting of the work area.

Modern living room design 30 sq. m is no exception. For additional lighting can be used Spotlights.

Advice! To evenly distribute light throughout the entire work area, you can embed lamps in the ceiling.

Among the latest fashion trends– use of LED strip around the perimeter of the kitchen apron.

For example, you can illuminate the hob with a light bulb placed inside the hood. Eat certain rules, according to which the main functional elements: refrigerator, sink, stove. They are placed in the living room kitchen so that you can easily move between them.

According to safety regulations, the sink is installed away from the hob, as well as from electrical household appliances, from the bar counter, upholstered furniture, so that splashes of water do not fall on them.

When thinking about the design of a kitchen living room, one should not forget about the hood. Its installation guarantees a long service life kitchen furniture, as well as other elements used in the kitchen.

If you do not install a hood in the kitchen, the furniture upholstery will gradually absorb unpleasant odors and evaporation, and the ceiling will turn yellow, losing its original appearance.

Attention! Modern kitchen differs in many ways electrical appliances, so you need to take care of high-quality electrical wiring.

Professional designers specializing in the design of living room kitchens advise choosing paired rooms electrical sockets to prevent overheating of the wiring.

Design features of the living room area

That part of the space that is intended in the kitchen for the living room is set up with a soft corner. Some property owners prefer to purchase transformable sofas for their kitchens, which, if necessary, turn into full-fledged sleeping places.

In the living room kitchen, which has an area of ​​30 square meters, the living room area is given special attention, since the hostess and guests should feel comfortable and comfortable in this room.

Advice! In order not to clutter up the kitchen space with numerous items, stylists advise purchasing sofa models that have drawers for storing kitchen utensils.

In addition, you can think about options for closed doors on shelves for things, for example, choose a stylish set that includes shelves located horizontally. In the free space there is a TV, and household appliances are also installed.

Cabinets with open shelves are placed on the open wall in the living room kitchen.

In addition to the TV, you can install a home theater in the living room area.

Before you begin remodeling your kitchen, you must obtain permission to dismantle the partition. At correct use Using design techniques, you can achieve a visual expansion of the space and select the right accents between the separate areas of the kitchen and living room.

Professionals are convinced that in such an impressive area it is quite possible to conduct bold experiments with interior style.

Where to start a large-scale redevelopment? Experienced designers They recommend that you first decide on the amount of money that the property owner is willing to spend on transforming the living room kitchen.

Depending on the style direction, the living room kitchen will require various finishing materials, textiles, and furniture that differ in price range.

At the next stage, you can move on to the process of creating a full-fledged design project.

Advice! To develop it, you can use special computer programs or seek help from professional designers.

Having a paper version of the living room kitchen design project is a guarantee of a complete picture of what the space will look like after the design work is completed.

When selecting furniture for the kitchen-living room 30 sq. We also need to use certain nuances.

For example, if you install an oval or round table, you can visually expand the space. The table will become an island area, a kind of accent around which a working atmosphere will be created.

Accentuate dining area stylists advise using a low ceiling lamp.

Attention! In the work area, a directional lighting option is used to achieve high-quality zoning of the space.

When selecting furniture for the dining area, you need to consider general style, chosen to decorate the kitchen part of the space. Otherwise, instead of aesthetic and beautiful view, you will get absolute bad taste.

Among the furniture elements that professional stylists recommend installing in the dining area of ​​the living room kitchen, we highlight an armchair, corner sofas or a soft kitchen corner.

Such a room should be not only comfortable, but also functional. When choosing a room layout, special attention should be paid to the ease of use of the space being decorated.

Style solutions

30 sq. meters is enough space, so designers have the opportunity for creative and productive work. In such a living room kitchen, you can implement any interior design, depending on the personal taste preferences of the property owner.

Attention! Cannot be abused decorative elements, they will interfere with cooking.

Currently, professional stylists offer a variety of options for decorating a kitchen living room of 30 square meters. m:

  • Scandinavian direction;
  • classic;
  • high tech;
  • Provence;
  • modern;
  • fusion

Zoning options

Despite the fact that when combining the space of the hallway and kitchen into one kitchen-living room, professionals try to choose one interior style, they use additional decorative elements to highlight functional areas in the space.

The most common zoning options include arranging columns and creating original arches between the kitchen and living areas.

Advice! For a kitchen with high ceilings, professional stylists advise using ceiling beams, as well as vertical decorative columns.

Interesting design technique The use of screens and portable partitions is considered. They are ideal for situations where you need to isolate, for example, the kitchen work area from the rest of the space for a while.

The material for creating a partition (screen) can be frosted glass, lightweight plastic panels or dense material that does not absorb odors. After completing the cooking process, such a screen can be easily removed.

In addition to mobile partitions, a sliding door structure can also be used as a zoning element.

An interesting solution, appropriate in a space with high ceilings, we can consider installing a suspended multi-level ceiling. For example, in the kitchen part of the room the ceiling is lower than in the living area.

Considering that the kitchen work area must be well lit, installation suspended structure, inside of which there will be several spotlights - a good option.

Advice! In order to be able to adjust the level of illumination in the kitchen area, stylists advise choosing lighting, having several operating modes, an additional remote control.

What kind of coating should I choose to decorate the floor in a room that combines two spaces that differ in their functional purpose?

For example, for that part of the room where the kitchen will be located, professionals advise using ceramic tiles. This material is convenient and easy to maintain, and thanks to the variety of textures and colors currently existing on the market finishing materials, it will fit perfectly into any interior style.

For a space intended for a living room, soft carpet, linoleum, or laminate of a certain class are suitable.

In many design projects, developed for a kitchen-dining room, stylists use a bar counter as a central element in zoning. It can perform several functions at once:

  • divide the space of the room into separate zones;
  • used as a place to eat (in small apartments)

If there is a niche (recess) in the wall, it can also be used when remodeling the living room kitchen. It is quite possible to install shelves in the existing niche and place them on kitchen utensils, which are most often used by the housewife.

What else can be installed in such a space? For example, you can put part of a kitchen unit here or place a cabinet for household appliances, of which a lot is used in a modern kitchen.


It is difficult to imagine comfortable accommodation of all family members and guests in kitchen space, the area of ​​which does not exceed nine square meters. What solutions to the problem do professional designers recommend?

Undoubtedly, the best option they consider combining the hallway with the kitchen, creating a single kitchen living room.

But, do not forget that during the similar works, you must first obtain official permission. After the wall has been dismantled, you can move on to the main finishing works. What interior style should you choose to decorate your living room kitchen? Professionals do not give a definite answer to this question, since each housewife has her own taste preferences. The main thing you should pay attention to is the harmonious fit of the space into the overall image of the apartment or house.

Every woman knows how comfortable it is to have a large kitchen space where family members do not have to be crowded. The kitchen-living room embodies all the requirements that apply to such premises. But it was not always so. Partition between two functional rooms was removed after demands from feminists who considered it discriminatory for women to be isolated in the kitchen. This idea has become popular all over the world. The combined premises received a larger area and many variety of options registration Let's take a closer look at the design of a 30 sq. m kitchen-living room and the design of each functional area separately.

If you are independently remodeling an apartment and combining premises, then when selecting an area where food will be prepared, it is worth placing it closer to communications. If this is a multi-storey residential building, then there should be no bedrooms under the kitchen area. For studio apartments, where such a combination is included in the layout, communications are already provided in certain places.

When placing kitchen furniture, leave more space for the work surface where food will be prepared. Consider storage systems that will have all the necessary items and products within easy reach. Those things that are not used often can be placed on the top shelves of kitchen cabinets.

Any kitchen needs a lot of light. A central chandelier can hang in this area. Desktop lighting is also absolutely necessary. To do this, use spotlights built into the ceiling or into the top bar of the kitchen unit. Good lighting gives an LED strip located above kitchen apron. Convenient if lit hob, for example, a hood lamp.

There are also special rules for the placement of basic elements: stove, sink, refrigerator. They are positioned in such a way that you can move freely between them. But, according to safety precautions, the sink is mounted further from the stove and other electrical appliances, as well as away from upholstered furniture and the bar counter to avoid splashes on them.

Don't forget about the powerful hood. This will help protect furniture and other items in the kitchen-living room of 30 sq. m from contamination. Moreover, furniture upholstery tends to absorb fumes and odors, and the ceiling begins to turn yellow over time.

Remember! A modern kitchen also includes many household electrical appliances: a multicooker, a kettle, a coffee machine, a toaster and more. Therefore, several paired sockets are provided in different places.

In that part of the kitchen-living room where the whole family will relax, they install upholstered furniture. Some people prefer transformable sofas, which can be converted into additional sleeping places as needed. The design of this 30 sq. m kitchen-living room area is also carefully thought out so that the entire design looks cozy and is comfortable for the owners and their guests.

When decorating a living room, you need to pay attention to some points.

If necessary, the design of the living room, located together with the kitchen on 30 square meters, provides furniture for storing things not only for household purposes, as in the photo. Closed and open shelves for storing things. It could be stylish modern wall, consisting of two rows of shelves, lower and upper. Between them on regular wall The TV is attached and the necessary equipment is placed.

Multi-level lighting is convenient because you can have bright light from chandeliers and sconces when receiving guests, and a subdued atmosphere with a floor lamp on during cozy evenings at home, for example, when watching movies.

The main equipment in the living room is usually the TV. This can be a home theater, or various plasma or liquid crystal panels that are mounted on the wall. The main thing is that the location of the screen is at a level that will be comfortable for viewing from armchairs and a sofa.

You can differentiate a large kitchen-living room using visual and substantive methods. Let's look at the features of each group. And in the photo you can see the design of a kitchen-living room of 30 sq. m with different zoning.

This is a visual highlighting of areas of the room using finishing different colors, decor, lighting.

It may be enough to paste wallpaper of different colors in the kitchen and dining areas. Moreover working part requires moisture resistant coating, for example, washable wallpaper or ceramic tiles on the floor. For the rest of the room the selection is not so practical finishing. Here the main role is played by the external attractiveness and tastes of the owners. Carpeting will help divide the room.

The kitchen area requires more light. Here several spotlights are placed on the ceiling or the work surface is illuminated using LED lamp. You can also design a stove with a sink. A chandelier is hung in the center of the living room, but more often they use soft diffused light from sconces, floor lamps, table lamps.

In this case, the priority will be the arrangement of furniture and some architectural solutions.

There can be a lot of such combinations. Stylish and modern solution There will be equipment for a bar counter at the border of the kitchen and living room. Additionally, on top it is decorated with several lamps on long cords or suspension system for storing bottles and glasses. The partition can be a sofa with the seat turned towards the living room. Through shelving to the ceiling will combine the function of a slide and bookcase. A cabinet for dishes with glass doors will provide an additional countertop.

The role of a partition in the interior between the kitchen and living room of 30 sq m can be performed by sliding glass doors. This option is also convenient because odors and evaporation during cooking will not penetrate into the living room. Separate parts of the room and sliding screens or fabric curtains. Partitions made of plasterboard can combine other functions, for example, become a support for a TV panel, contain a built-in aquarium or openings for flowers, books, and various things.

Often in the adjacent kitchen-living room there is a forced division of space by columns, ceiling beams, and partitions. Then it is enough to play with such a design, turning it into a functional or decorative part. For example, decorate a wide arch or hide an old column under stylish shelves for books and various small items. To highlight the kitchen space, you can make a small podium a few meters wide or multi-level ceilings, if height allows.

In such a room there are two key zones that need to be properly furnished.

Main actor Here kitchen set. At the request of the owners, it can be installed along one of the walls, in a U-shape or the letter G. If such a zone is allocated Substantial part room, then it will be convenient to make an island in the center, where the work surface and lower cabinets for dishes will be conveniently located. There can also be a dining group here.

In the kitchen it is also important to have various systems storage: retractable, hanging or rotating baskets, drawers, drying dishes, containers. This will save space and organize household work.

A traditional living room furniture set usually includes:

  • Upholstered furniture: sofa or corner, armchairs;
  • A coffee table or transforming table, which has two layout options: low and high;
  • At the request of the owners, they install a cabinet wall or a more advanced one convenient option- modular system;
  • It's hard to imagine a living room without a TV or home theater.

In each specific case, the choice remains with the owner: what he expects from such a large room. For example, some young couples do not buy dinner table, and eat at the bar, located on the border of the kitchen and living room. But in the recreation area there is a modern home cinema with a large soft corner and armchairs.

Important! A bar counter will help save space by replacing a table and will delimit functional areas, and will also become a storage place for kitchen utensils.

The arrangement of furniture also depends on the shape of the room. If it looks like an elongated rectangle, then at one end it is formed kitchen part, on the other is the living room. In a square studio, the area where food is prepared can be located along one of the walls and separated from the rest of the living room with upholstered furniture by a small plasterboard partition. For examples of the design of a 30 sq. m kitchen-living room, see the photo.

Design styles help decorate a room by combining decoration, furniture, accessories and lighting into a single composition. You don’t have to stick to a specific direction, but just take the color scheme you like as a basis or proceed from the purchased set and upholstered furniture.

But if you want to join the experience of world design, and your soul asks for something unusual and original, then choose the style that best suits your character and mood.

Scandinavian style is characterized by laconicism, lightness and extraordinary comfort. It has a lot of light colors, natural materials and bright decorative details. So, let's make white glossy ones kitchen fronts, the floor is laid out from gray porcelain stoneware, which will go well with the modern household appliances. To support the general mood, you can choose metal brackets, handles, stylish chandelier. The tabletop and bar counter are made of natural oak. Also in the living room area white furniture, small paintings and open shelves. For windows, you should choose blinds rather than curtains to allow as much light into the room as possible. The design of a similar living room of 30 square meters with two windows is shown in the photo.

Loft style or so-called attic style will suit for young creative people who are not burdened by an addiction to comfort and hoarding. Some of the walls in such a room are left unfinished, and some are covered with rough plaster. The kitchen area is easily separated from the living room by a table or shelving unit. You can play on the contrast of the past era and modernity. Then the shine of the ultra-fashionable stove will echo the massive hood. Open shelves are purchased for dishes, and the kitchen set itself can be either made of roughly processed wood or sparkle with a chrome finish. Window frames usually made of wood. The living room has the most simple furniture without decorations.

There is a lot of luxury and gilding in such a room. The kitchen-living room is decorated in soft pastel colors. The walls can be perfectly plastered or covered with expensive wallpaper with a minimum of patterns. Stucco molding is appropriate for ceilings. Moreover, in the living room area there is a luxurious chandelier, and the kitchen is crowned with unique lamps. At the border of two zones, columns are made of expensive materials or openwork wooden arches. The furniture is chosen from natural solids, and the expensive upholstery of sofas and armchairs invites relaxation, echoing the rich design of the windows. In the kitchen, expensive modern appliances coexist with well-known brands of dishes.

This style is for those who prefer minimalism, high tech and correct forms. The decoration of such a kitchen-living room is limited to a number of color solutions: neutral brown, gray, glossy white, black. Different functional areas are separated from each other by furniture: a bar counter or the back of a sofa. In this style, it is imperative to have the most modern appliances: in the kitchen these will be the latest models hob, refrigerator, multicooker and the rest, and in the living room they choose fashionable electronics or a home theater. The walls are decorated with photographs and abstract paintings.

If it is very difficult to stick to one style, then you can take elements from different directions. Then the kitchen-living room will receive an unusual individual design. For example, the energy of Art Deco goes well with ethno-style patterns; the versatility of minimalism will soften Mediterranean style, and neo-classical design itself consists of a combination of past and present. Examples of interiors of a 30 m kitchen-living room, decorated in different styles design, look at the photo.

The kitchen-living room is a fashionable solution that is gaining popularity due to the possibility of obtaining large space and decorate it in the design you like. If you have decided to combine the kitchen and living room or have already bought a studio apartment, then the photos presented here will help you choose the right design.

Often large areas premises are not always good in everyday life.

Rule comfortable life- correspondence of the area of ​​the apartment to its functions. Large apartments do not always cope with this task, nor do small apartments.

We’ll look at how to find balance in this article.

Interior of a living room of 30 sq. meters. Design and choice of finishes

A large living room in a luxury home most often represents a hall for receiving guests and relaxing for the family.

When choosing a design for such a room, you must adhere to a certain level of the interior of rich houses.

There must be a special approach to decorating such living rooms. It is important to choose and arrange furniture wisely so that it looks harmonious in the room.

To increase space, the living room is decorated in light shades and flowers.

It is best to choose furniture to perform the functions of the room; the space should not be cluttered.

Rectangular living room correct form it is better to register in classic look, placing comfortable upholstered furniture in front of a large TV. Bright hues finishing the walls and floor will give the room a special elegance and add more light.

A room with a narrow and long shape should be delimited into zones. By separating the recreation area, for example, from the dining area. This will give the living room functionality.

Room with irregular shape, for example, with niches, requires special attention and careful thought through the details.

Walls with several irregular angles can be straightened using stylish wardrobes or decorative shelves. In the niche you can place an additional seating area or dining area.

Design development for a living room of 30 square meters. meters

In apartments or houses where one room serves as a living room a large room, and the rest are occupied by the bedroom, bathroom, and often resort to combining other zones with it.

For good design Before arrangement, it is necessary to draw up an accurate drawing or plan, indicating on it the location of all the furniture.

Dividing the living room into zones requires closer attention.

It is necessary to correctly combine the zones so that the owners feel comfortable in the room and do not interfere with each other’s leisure time.

Unsuccessful examples can result if you combine a TV viewing area and a work area nearby. It's difficult to concentrate on work when the TV is on nearby.

In the living room you can combine zones: dining room, guest room, watching TV, reading books and a place for leisure for small children.

The most good options The combination of zones in the large living room is the dining area combined with the kitchen area. They harmoniously complement each other and help reduce unnecessary actions and movements when preparing food.

A good combination is the guest room and TV viewing area, which are very closely connected. An area for reading books can be created using comfortable furniture, a small table with a table lamp, a cabinet or shelves for books.

In the living room you can also place a place for small children to play or a corner for needlework and sewing.

A competent plan for demarcating zones will increase the functionality of the living room and add more comfort.

Ideas for decorating a living room of 30 square meters. m

The large living room is full of design options. The interior style will depend on the wall decoration you choose, flooring, decorative elements.

A good solution is to locate your workplace near a window. This way you can delimit the area and save free space.

Interior design options for a living room of 30 square meters. m can be offered to you by competent specialists working in this field.

In an independent project, try to emphasize, and not overshadow, the positive advantages of the living room, observing certain principles in the design of such rooms.

One of the principles is to maintain harmony when choosing furniture. It should be in the same or similar styles.

Disjointed furniture in the interior looks ridiculous and ugly. It is necessary to choose shades for decoration and decoration that are compatible with each other. In large living rooms it is appropriate to use beautiful carpets.

A spacious room must be well lit. Based on this, in addition to the main light, complement the interior with additional light, in the form of table lamps and floor lamps.

With the help of lighting, you can also delimit zones and give the living room coziness and a feeling of homely warmth.

Photo of design options for a living room of 30 sq.m.