Moon in the sign of Sagittarius: characteristics of men and women. Love of those born under the constellation Sagittarius

Let's consider the astrological compatibility of the lunar Sagittarius (when the Moon is in Sagittarius in a person's horoscope). Freedom-loving, cheerful Sagittarius outwardly looks devoid of complexes and prejudices, passionate and even somewhat frivolous.

Moon Sagittarius compatibility in relationships

But you need to know that behind his love of freedom lies one characteristic feature of him: he is very afraid of any attachments, he does not like to take responsibility for another person and in general does not really want to care about anyone other than himself. It is these fears that make him hold on to his freedom so much and be so afraid of losing this freedom.

Therefore, keep in mind that Sagittarius needs a lover who loves freedom as much as he does, and who does not pretend to completely subjugate Sagittarius and make him his property. Connecting your life with an inveterate owner - there can be no greater disaster for Sagittarius!

Therefore, before entering into a close relationship with someone, Sagittarius painfully thinks: will there be a trap here? Very often, in this regard, Sagittarius, regardless of gender, is inclined to be the first to take the initiative and choose a partner: it seems to him that if the choice is made by himself, then he is the master of the situation, which means he will not fall into a trap.

In reality, this is not always the case, but the ability to choose for oneself is very important for Sagittarius: it maintains the illusion of freedom in him. Therefore, when you see a woman openly courting a man who is often younger than her, you can with a high degree of confidence assume that she belongs to the lunar Sagittarius tribe.

There are many benefits to being partnered with a Sagittarius moon. If you are as freedom-loving as he is, and are not distinguished by a thirst for power and a possessive instinct, an alliance with the lunar Sagittarius is even pleasant for you, because it does not impose any obligations.

You can feel completely free, know that no one will demand an account from you, or torment you with jealousy. And provided that you yourself behave in the same way, you will be able to get a lot of joy from the fact that you have a partner with whom you can have a wonderful time, and perhaps even connect your life, if only you are sure that there is nothing wrong with you. under no circumstances will Othello wake up.

If you are dealing with a typical lunar Sagittarius, tune in to a free, calm relationship that does not bind you in any way and is not obligatory to anything. If something does not suit you in such a relationship and you begin to demand something else from Sagittarius, then you will be surprised at how much conviction he has that his behavior is correct, how easily he can justify the correctness of his lifestyle from the highest philosophical positions .

In this case, you need to either come to terms with his theories, philosophies and way of life, or break up and look for a more flexible and more domestic partner.

Lunar Sagittarius themselves only receive true happiness from such calm and free relationships. And since they do not demand much from their partner, they are happy in love quite often!

Although Sagittarius will not take full responsibility for you, although he will not feel obliged to you for anything, he will bring a lot of joy into your life and sunlight.

After all, he is light and cheerful, and therefore, like no one else, he will encourage you in difficult times, pull you out of a state of despondency and give you love just like that, completely unselfishly, without expecting anything in return. Life with him will never be boring.

If you can share his passion for adventure and everything new, your life will shine with completely unusual colors. Don't blame him for his eternal desire for freedom and risk. In principle, despite all their eccentricities, lunar Sagittarians are very warm, generous, sincere people.

Compatibility with other signs

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Aries

If you are a lunar Aries, then your impatience is very attractive to the thrill-loving Sagittarius, although it is somewhat frightening, since in your assertiveness he may see a threat to his freedom. So moderate your ardor, because you really want to have just such a partner as the lunar Sagittarius: unpredictable, prone to play and risk, and at the same time, who is not only a lover, but also a wonderful friend and comrade.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Taurus

If you are a lunar Taurus, then you really want stability and reliability, which Sagittarius just can’t give you... He can accept your care and warmth, but he himself is unlikely to respond in kind. Such a relationship may well suit him, but you will have to seriously break your nature.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Gemini

If you're a Gemini moon, you and a Sagittarius can become completely compatible soulmates. You are both freedom-loving, keen on everything new, both are fickle and therefore are in many ways in tune with each other. Your union can become a union of two “advanced” individuals who respect each other’s freedom. This is truly happiness for both of you!

Moon Sagittarius - Moon Cancer

If you are a Moon Cancer, then you are very attracted to Sagittarius: he is so cheerful, and you miss this so much! But you become very attached to people - and here Sagittarius will disappoint you and even offend you. He will try his best to break free from this attachment.

At the same time, it is possible that he will be interested in ensuring that your union survives: after all, he likes both your sensitivity and your attachment to home. If he flutters and flies somewhere all the time, someone must maintain home comfort!

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Leo

If you are a Leo Moon, then you and Sagittarius Moon have many common interests. Your union can be cheerful and bright. You both love adventure and fun, which means you won't get bored together. Just keep in mind that Sagittarius cannot be commanded. He will find a way to get away from your dominance, but he will try to teach you to live, which you, as a Leo, absolutely cannot stand.

Moon Sagittarius - Moon Virgo

If you are a lunar Virgo, then lunar Sagittarius will only irritate you with his desire for freedom and frivolity: these qualities are alien and incomprehensible to you. And his attempts to teach you will only cause a smile: his way of living is absolutely unacceptable for you. Therefore, you will react to all this with criticism and skeptical remarks, and Sagittarius may very soon become bored with you.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Libra

If you are a lunar Libra, then know that the lunar Sagittarius subconsciously strives for the peace and harmony that you can bring into his life. Just don’t put pressure on him, don’t force him to immediately give up his freedom. However, you will have enough tact and diplomacy to “tame” Sagittarius gradually.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Scorpio

If you are a lunar Scorpio, then if you can somewhat reduce the intensity of your feelings and give up possessive instincts and jealousy, perhaps the union will work out. You are attracted to the optimism and lightness of Sagittarius, and he can really bring into your life the cheerfulness and mobility that is not very characteristic of you.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Sagittarius

If you are a lunar Sagittarius, like your chosen one, then your relationship threatens to turn into a pure formality! Each of you will be busy with your own affairs, have your own social circle, and you will remember each other only occasionally, perhaps only on special holidays. However, you will always have a pleasant time in each other’s company.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Capricorn

Moon Sagittarius compatibility. If you are a lunar Capricorn, then Sagittarius will be interested in you only if he is already tired of his freedom and finally wants something stable, stable and serious. This is where you will come in very handy. So bide your time...

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Aquarius

If you are a lunar Aquarius, you can make a very interesting couple, where relationships are built on intellectual closeness and spiritual mutual understanding, but at the same time they do not always involve remaining faithful to each other. At the same time, you have enough interest and respect for your partner to maintain such a strange relationship for a long time.

Moon Sagittarius - Moon Pisces

If you're a Pisces moon, you can turn your life with a Sagittarius moon into an eternal honeymoon. But it’s strictly contraindicated for you to move on to everyday life. You will be together as long as there is romance, exoticism in your relationship and mutual claims have not yet appeared. However, you can remain in this state for quite a long time!

The qualities of the fire element are manifested by the moon in Sagittarius: at this time independence, cheerfulness, activity, and energy increase. People of this period deftly adapt to various life circumstances, they manage to find the best option solutions to any problem.

The black moon in Sagittarius means a tendency towards demagoguery and reveals tendencies towards sectarianism. During this period, it is better to avoid long trips. The White Moon in Sagittarius expands the spiritual horizon and calls for wisdom.

Distinctive character traits

The Moon in the sign of Sagittarius gives birth to freedom-loving people who prefer to live without boundaries. They are noble, generous, and always try to do things for the good of society. These are everyone's favorites, the life of the party - and it's all about their childishly sweet charm and inexhaustible optimism.

If a person has the moon in this sign, he always has a lot of plans and ideas, but often lacks patience and diligence to implement them. Such people enthusiastically take on many assignments, but impulsiveness, excessive temper, and the desire to get everything as quickly as possible prevent them from completing everything efficiently and on time. Such people are open and straightforward, and because of this they often suffer disappointments and serious emotional wounds.

How does the moon in Sagittarius affect the character of men?

  • From a young age, such men imagine in their thoughts the ideal of their beloved. But they rarely meet such a woman, so many of them remain single.
  • These men often go in search of a lady to distant countries; they are attracted to women of other nationalities.
  • They prefer women with whom they can have fun and spend their leisure time interestingly. Together they can play sports, go to social events, to museums, to exhibitions, to travel actively.
  • Such people love freedom, so it will be difficult for them to decide to tie the knot.
  • Such a man will only become a good family man if he understands, realizes and overcomes his fear of married life.
  • His house is often full of friends. Lunar Sagittarius loves big companies, he feels calm and at ease in such a society.
  • He needs to restrain his positive energy, otherwise its waste will cause lethargy and apathy.

Let us turn to the female half of humanity, which has the moon in this zodiac sign.

  • The distinctive characteristics of these individuals are independence, dreaminess, and idealism.
  • Such women are educated, they also maintain their physical shape.
  • Before marriage, women with the moon in Sagittarius try to enjoy life and take as much as possible from it.
  • They love to travel.
  • Ready to change place of residence. Looking for best place In their lifetime, such ladies are able to travel halfway around the world.
  • They are emotional, often display their feelings for everyone to see, because they do not know how to keep them to themselves.
  • They love big, noisy companies.
  • For the sake of financial well-being, they can take risks and participate in scams.
  • Vanity and confusion can throw women with the moon in this sign out of balance.
  • Such women do not lose their composure even in the most difficult situations; many people envy their optimism.
  • Married life will not stop her on the path to self-development, and this is what attracts her husband.
  • Moon in Sagittarius for a woman natal chart characterizes her as the inspiration of the entire family for important life events.

A child born under the moon in Sagittarius is characterized by activity and a cheerful attitude. For such children, the opinion of their parents, who are undeniable authorities, is important. Parents should become friends and mentors of their child, then the problems in raising such children will be reduced to a minimum.

How compatible are you?

Let's talk about astrological compatibility lunar Sagittarius with other horoscope signs.

10. Lunar Sagittarius can become interested only if they have decided for themselves that a free life is no longer interesting to them, that the time has finally come to start a family and live in harmony and stability.

11. capable of making an excellent match for Sagittarius. These signs are similar in intellectual characteristics, they are united by spiritual mutual understanding.

12. and Sagittarius will be together as long as their relationship is shrouded in exoticism and romance. But as soon as it comes to everyday difficulties, the relationship will end.

The period is favorable for. The home of such a family will be filled with mutual understanding, and spiritual values ​​will be placed at the forefront. Spouses can always find common topics for conversations, they will travel a lot together, bringing souvenirs from long trips. Honest, open relationships will make a happy marriage.

  • Try not to overload your body. Relaxation and self-care are recommended - visit a massage salon, get a manicure.
  • The time is right for travel. It’s good to go somewhere on a tour package or a weekend package.
  • Good time for shopping. When shopping, choose imported goods.
  • As for nutrition, during the period when the moon is in Sagittarius, proteins and fruits are perfectly absorbed.
  • Surgeries on the lungs and liver cleansing will be effective. It is better to postpone surgical intervention related to veins and blood vessels.
  • With such a moon, you can sign important contracts and enter into financial agreements.
  • It is better to postpone the purchase of land and living space during the moon in Sagittarius to a more favorable moment.
  • Experienced gardeners know that the transit of the moon through the sign of Sagittarius is favorable for planting fruits and fast-growing vegetable crops.
  • Progressed moon in Sagittarius - it means it has come good time in gardening for pruning bushes and trees.
  • These days are unfavorable for weeding, watering, and fertilizing plants.
  • This is a good time for cutting hair. A haircut on days when the moon is in Sagittarius will make your hair thick, silky, and voluminous.

The Moon in Sagittarius is characterized by a rather contradictory influence. On the one hand, this is a period active actions. On the other hand, this is the time of philosophers, spiritual, religious and esoteric people.

Sometimes they say that Sagittarius strives for the horizon. And the entire deep philosophical meaning of this phrase is comprehended precisely during the period of the Moon’s passage through the sign of Sagittarius. It is these days that we are overcome by unbridled optimism, which encourages us to create and get creative. And it is precisely on these days that our gaze rushes, figuratively speaking, beyond the horizon, arousing in us an increased interest in distant countries, travel, other cultures and languages.

Worldly affairs, everyday worries and bustle during this period lose their usual significance for us. The desire to study from nowhere comes to the fore something significant capable of bringing benefits in the long term. The moon these days influences us in such a way that many people have the strength and opportunity to rethink a number of issues related to their current lives.

It is no coincidence that when the Moon is in Sagittarius, we are more willing to think about the meaning of life in general, we feel our invisible connection with God and we look into our own future more boldly and confidently. The philosophical attitude that takes possession of us allows people of one faith to be more tolerant of representatives of other religions, and even encourages us to look differently at their rituals and customs by immersing ourselves in their study.

Our unexpectedly appeared loyalty to everything distant and, if you want, a foreign one, can turn into a temporary feeling of hostility towards one’s own homeland in the days of Sagittarius. On days like these there is desire give up everything (at least for a short period!) and go on a trip to distant lands. Some people may feel an irresistible desire to change place of residence, trying to start life again in another city or even country.

Moon in Zodiac signs: Sagittarius

Despite the fact that Sagittarius is a fire sign, its specific influence, inherent in all fire signs, is not as strong as, say, Aries. That is why during the passage of the Moon through the sign of Sagittarius our thirst for action is different reasonable moderation.

And if at Moon in Aries our heightened emotionality and unbridled thirst for action, often interferes with the fulfillment of our desires and intentions, then with the Moon in Sagittarius we are much more likely to benefit from this moderate activity.

The healthy optimism inherent in the Moon being in the constellation Sagittarius, in a positive way also affects people's well-being. During this period, one can hardly expect health problems if there are no obvious prerequisites for this. Naturally, with such initial data, many of our undertakings have every chance of ending successfully (especially if you began to implement your undertakings while the Moon was growing).

On the other hand, excess optimism during this period does not always allow especially emotional people to correctly calculate your own strength. Driven by a thirst for action, we, in the days of Sagittarius, tend to make hasty decisions that can later lead to disappointment.

Often the reason for such a dual manifestation of the influence of the Moon in Sagittarius is that we, carried away by worries about the distant future, completely stop paying attention to everyday affairs.

Certain absentmindedness and irritability can also be characteristic feature of this period. This is typical for those moments when the Moon in Sagittarius is affected by malefic planets.

In some cases this may cause persistent feeling of disappointment own life. This manifests itself especially strongly against the backdrop of a desire to change something radically in one’s life in a situation where change is objectively impossible (you must admit, rarely does anyone afford to give up everything and go on a spontaneous trip, or even more so, move to another country).

Moon signs in everyday life: Sagittarius

Correct actions:

Prevailing healthy positive, which characterizes the period of the Moon’s stay in Sagittarius, allows us to recommend these days for new beginnings in the broadest sense. This is a good time to start working on new projects, for taking on a new position, for planning. In general, this period is highly recommended for hatching and implementing plans that have long-term prospects. In particular, we are talking about intentions associated with a radical change in something in your life.

The Moon in Sagittarius promotes strengthening old ties and establishing new partnerships. It is no coincidence that this period is recommended for concluding transactions with new partners (primarily, this concerns foreign contacts). Various kinds foreign business trips, related to the development of business in other countries (including investing finances in enterprises or banks located abroad) will also bring satisfaction during the days of the Moon in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius days are favorable scientific activity , various creative explorations. In general, during this period the Moon has a beneficial effect on everything related to intellectual activity: here is preparation, passing exams, teaching, and defending dissertations.

This is very favorable period to interact with public and government organizations . These days, it is recommended to submit applications, petitions, and appeals to the courts; This is a good time to found new parties, including political formations.

- Foreign trips with a variety of goals will be especially successful during the days when the Moon is in Sagittarius. This is the ideal period to go on a tourist trip or a sea cruise. An excellent period to participate in international sports competitions taking place abroad.

In the days of Sagittarius, it makes sense to pay attention to spiritual matters. During this period, meetings and theological conversations with clergy, visits to churches and holy places are recommended.

The moon is favorable these days and various kinds occult activities, starting from the study of esoteric literature, and ending with the conduct of various rituals.

it's the same good period For gardening. If you have a summer house or personal plot, it is recommended to devote part of the time to pest control and fertilization fruit trees(during the waning Moon), as well as planting vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs (during the waxing Moon).

If we talk about shopping or choosing gifts during the days of the Moon in Sagittarius, then first of all, you should pay attention to convenient and useful things, which may be useful, for example, on a long trip abroad, in future scientific or creative activities, for playing sports, and so on. In general, Sagittarius days are favorable expensive purchases(including wholesale purchases).

During this period it is also possible to carry out holiday events, host dinner parties, banquets.

On the days of the Moon in Sagittarius, it is also recommended to pay attention to organ strengthening respiratory system . Everything you will do during this period from activities aimed at improving your health lungs and bronchi, will bring double benefits. The same goes for yours nervous system, shoulder joints, arms and fingers.

Incorrect actions:

The Moon being in the sign of Sagittarius means Negative influence for everything related to land and construction work. For example, this is a very unfavorable period if we are talking about, say, land work related to foundation preparation. Unfavorable time for working in quarries, construction building structures, embankments.

When recommending the days of Sagittarius as a time favorable for long-term planning, we should not forget that during this period one can quite easily lose control of affairs urgent and everyday. You should not completely immerse yourself in dreams and plans, as you risk falling behind in life, neglecting matters of immediate necessity.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to focus only on everyday worries, plunging into a routine ordinary petty problems. Try to stick to the golden mean, not forgetting about spiritual food. You should also not be overly picky with your partner, demonstrating your “concern” with current tasks and issues.

Talking about expensive purchases as the right actions during the days of the Moon in Sagittarius is not recommended become euphoric and show excessive unreasonable generosity. Your spending should be well thought out and justified. Otherwise, you risk losing substantial sums by spending them on thoughtless purchases.


The main danger that awaits us during the days of the Moon in Sagittarius is associated with risk revaluation own strength in global planning. Trying to embrace the immensity and having the wrong priorities can backfire on some of us. nervous breakdowns and depression.

Another serious danger is the high risk of getting injuries from sharp objects(when the Moon is affected by Mars). Do not underestimate this warning! For some people, the danger these days may be so obvious that they, if they, for example, are gardening, are advised to refrain from using piercing and cutting tools.

It's also quite dangerous period for everyone whose work activity(or whose vacation) is associated with mountain areas. Thus, rock climbers and mountaineers put their lives at serious risk (especially when the Moon is in Sagittarius in negative aspects with Saturn or Uranus). The likelihood of corresponding injuries is extremely high due to the specific influence of the Moon on the area during this period pelvis and hips.

Actually, this influence causes another danger: during the passage of the Moon through the sign of Sagittarius, such parts of the human body and organs as buttocks, pelvis, thighs, tailbone, liver, blood. During this period, it is extremely dangerous to use potent drugs to treat the above areas. medications . Surgical interventions on these organs and parts of the body are especially dangerous.

Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Sagittarius

Lunar Sagittarius, regardless of gender, mostly demonstrate very enviable optimism and a pronounced desire for justice. Such persons are distinguished by their breadth of nature, which cannot but be appreciated by those around them. For this, for people born with the Moon in Sagittarius, their loved ones, friends and colleagues are ready forgive noticeable mistakes. And there may not be so few of them!

Take, for example, the same desire of such people fight injustice. Often, Lunar Sagittarius themselves complicate their lives by confusing the craving for justice with excessive and unfounded suspicion.

In addition, Lunar Sagittarius your own truth, which is especially noticeable if for such people the Moon in the natal chart is affected. In general, we are comfortable with people born with the Moon in Sagittarius, which is of considerable importance for them.

MEN: for men with the Moon in Sagittarius great importance plays in their lives position in society. Considering the fact that this very position is often determined by the amount of money, it can be difficult for Lunar Sagittarius, who are not inclined to save, to constantly be in harmony. Often such men find themselves in spiritual spheres, which are not always profitable. Intellectual activities are not alien to them.

Quite often, men with the Moon in Sagittarius are different painful pride. The desire for their rightness and importance to be recognized by everyone around them often leads to conflict situations.

Everything would be fine, but except for their career, Lunar Sagittarius transfer the same line of behavior to personal life . For such a man, it is extremely important that his beloved admires him (maybe not explicitly, but regularly!) and supports him in all his endeavors.

Subconsciously, such men are drawn to bright women, women who have already been able to achieve something in life, but in no case should the woman be brighter, smarter and more successful than himself. Although a woman’s successes should be significant, they should not be more significant than his own successes!

WOMEN: As for women with the Moon in Sagittarius, they demonstrate a number of qualities that are also characteristic of men with the Moon in this sign, but they are much more calmly perceived by others. And in fact - to forgive a certain lady frivolity and non-commitment much simpler, especially if she tries in every possible way to emphasize her charm and irresistibility.

But Lunar Sagittarius women try to maintain faith in their own irresistibility in everyone, including, first of all, themselves. It is extremely important for them the opinions of others, and may be very hurt and disappointed by negative comments about their behavior or appearance. However, thanks to their natural mobility, such women often retain slim figure and in adulthood, without particularly denying yourself a variety of food.

In amorous affairs, women with the Moon in Sagittarius have no equal in the sincerity of the manifestation of their feelings. Being by nature gambling people, even in love, they devote themselves from head to toe to their next hobby, demanding in return the same unprecedented sincerity and openness.

However, with such a lady you need to keep your eyes open: as soon as she loses interest in her chosen one for just a moment, she herself will be amazed at how quickly they will start her feelings disappear. Openness and ease in relationships, loyalty and playfulness on the part of a man can make his romance with a woman with the Moon in Sagittarius extremely long and happy.

When the ruler of the night is in the sign of Sagittarius, everyone around, whether they like it or not, is drawn to stability. This is that short period of time when people around them become law-abiding, less likely to deceive each other, and more often seek advice and recommendations. During this time, crime drops sharply.

During this period, teachers are listened to with special attention, and even inveterate poor students develop an interest in studying. Information is better absorbed and educational process argues. So if you need to prepare for an exam, then Sagittarius day is perfect for this.

Also, psychologists do not remain idle: many turn to them for help in a variety of personal and family problems. Even the most controversial legal issues are resolved well during this period.

The main characteristic of this day is related to the fact that people are overwhelmed by the need for constancy and significance, and there is a need to show themselves to others. During this period, everyone wants to be special, important and needed.

Impact on men and women

If at the time of your birth the satellite was in Sagittarius, then this means that you have a very difficult character. But in order to find out all the subtleties of your character, you need to take into account which particular Moon is in this zodiac sign - white or black.

The Black Moon in Sagittarius, or, as it is also called, Lilith, gives a person special magnetism. It is difficult to pass by such a person; he attracts you and seems to fill the space. Usually such people have high self-esteem, they are selfish and selfish. They can give advice to others left and right, and they consider their opinion to be truly true and are not ready to agree with opponents or make concessions.

These people cannot think concretely. This characteristic of thinking makes them superficial. They do not study anything in detail, but try to learn as much as possible about everything, and their knowledge can hardly be called deep.

It happens that the black Moon in Sagittarius can act differently, creating the complete opposite of the person described above. He becomes passive and driven. His self-esteem is extremely low, and even if he has his own opinion, he always keeps it to himself.

The White Moon in Sagittarius, or, as it is also called, Selena, indicates that the person was enlightened in his past incarnations. Such a person must be spiritual and achieve his goals only in a righteous way. If he tries to use “prohibited methods”, he may suffer total collapse.

It is good for such a person to engage in missionary work or, for example, become a teacher. It is important that his activities are related to enlightenment and that he brings spiritual knowledge to people.

It is also worth considering what character traits men and women born during this period have. The Moon in Sagittarius gives women independence. Such women are real cats who walk on their own. These women are idealists, they tend to dream, fantasize and build castles in the air. They have a difficult character, they can be incredibly harmful, and often stubborn. Such a woman has an inner core and internal system values, so it is almost impossible to break it.

This woman is frank, she does not hide her experiences at all. What such a woman has in her soul is on her face, she will not run away and cry in a secluded place, she will show all her feelings at once, and it does not matter whether it is a store or a park.

The moon endows these women with the qualities necessary to be a mistress of the house and a keeper of the hearth, a wonderful wife and a loving mother. Such a woman has the desire and desire to take care of someone and love someone, while she gladly accepts praise and care for herself.

But men with the Moon in Sagittarius are people who have no boundaries or limitations. Such men love freedom like no one else, so they will not take on unnecessary responsibility. At a young age, these men will not get married because they are not ready to burden themselves with obligations they do not need.

With age, such men may settle down and feel the need for true love. But these men are very picky about women, and if something goes wrong, they will easily end the relationship.

These men look for lightness, activity, love of life and integrity in their chosen one. Such men pay Special attention so that their freedom is not limited and they are given the opportunity from time to time to freely “graze in the meadow.” These men, up to forty years old, can be flighty and loving.

What is remarkable about this day?

It is important to know how the phase of the moon affects the features of these days.

  • – this is the very period when you can spend time reading interesting book or watching educational documentary film. It is also good at this time to put everything you have learned in theory into practice.
  • – this period is fraught with non-binding acquaintances. You may be overcome by a sudden passion that will not lead to anything serious.
  • - This perfect time for conducting various master classes and trainings. During this period, people actively absorb knowledge, turning to teachers and professors for help.
  • - a period of conflicts and disputes, as well as the struggle for primacy, and this means that at this time it is better not to enter into disputes with anyone. Competition and rivalry may increase among men.

During the period when the Moon is in Sagittarius, pay attention to your muscles, they need relaxation, and this time is ideal for going for a massage. It is better to cancel any procedures involving blood transfusion for this period. If you play sports, you should not put unnecessary stress on your knees.

If the Moon is waning, then you don’t need to go hiking, and in general long walks will not do you any good. You will get tired quickly enough, but you will not enjoy the hike.

If the Moon is in Sagittarius, then you should not overeat, especially avoid fatty foods. There is no point in overstraining your body these days. Relaxation is what your body needs, especially if the queen of the night sky is waning.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible during this period of time. As astrology says, cutting your hair can be your lucky ticket, as it can affect your career growth. Moreover, a haircut or hair styling that is unexpected for you can attract new job or additional income.

We can say that cutting your hair during this period will change your life, but be prepared for the fact that you will not be delighted with the hairstyle itself. Of course, you won’t be left without hair, but you may be upset because the result will not please you. Also during this period, cutting curly hair can lead to straightening. Therefore, in order for hair cutting to give you pleasure and you are satisfied with the result, it is better to postpone it for another time.

The waning moon is ideal for pedicures, manicures, plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures. You should not get tattoos or piercings at this time.

It is important for gardeners to know that it is better not to plant or replant anything during this period. If the Moon is waning, then you can only plant indoor flowers; after planting, they will bloom more and better. Also, if the Moon is waning, it is good to harvest potatoes, carrots and beets. It’s good to dry mushrooms and medicinal herbs these days.

It's good when the Moon is in Sagittarius to be collected and seek advice from lunar calendar. In addition, it is better to plan important and serious matters in advance. Author: Daria Potykan

Moon and hair cutting

Sagittarius has an extremely ambiguous effect on hair. A haircut on this day will not last long, as they will quickly grow and become unruly. Also, hair styling will not last long on this day, and hair styling itself will not be easy to do. It’s the same story with perm and hair coloring; it won’t last long and fades quickly. If you still decide to get a haircut today, then choose an energetic and cheerful hairdresser, and radiate optimism yourself.

Moon and vegetable garden

Sagittarius is an almost infertile zodiac sign. Although the seedlings will appear quickly and will actively grow, the harvest. If you collect the seeds of such plants on the Full Moon, they will be of very high quality. It is also worth noting that plants planted these days bloom beautifully and for a long time.

The moon and human character

The Moon in Sagittarius rewards a person with the desire for independence, freedom, and the desire to build life at his own discretion. Any instructions, requests strangers and even the person completely ignores relatives. To obey someone, to act according to orders is the worst punishment.

The moon makes such people look for new things: areas of knowledge, interesting people, who definitely need to please and conquer them with their innate wit and spiritual generosity. This quest gives Sagittarius energy and enthusiasm. Lunar Sagittarius is always on the move, he is ardent and irrepressible. Conquering the horizons and answering all your questions is the life credo of Sagittarius.

The search for inner individuality can be a source of great pleasure for them, because they are always in a joyful and optimistic mood.

The Moon determines the ability of people of this sign to expand their consciousness and develop awareness. If he manages to listen to himself even a little, solutions to all pressing problems will come by themselves.

Lunar Sagittarians are not characterized by either depressive states or noticeable mood swings. Their love for life is so great that even in very difficult times, they will still try to find a way out of any situation, without giving in to panic or despair. Of course, such complacency can also take extreme forms. A person becomes carefree and thoughtless, unable to bring his thoughts and ideas to life.

The influence of the Moon on Sagittarius is also expressed in excessive anxiety, illusions and self-deception. However, combined with confidence, luck always comes to the rescue.

An amazing character trait of Sagittarius is manifested in vitality. He, without a moment’s hesitation, is ready, after a crushing failure in any business, to start all over again, without worrying at all about the lost funds. With such love of life he conquers those around him.

The Moon gives Sagittarius a wonderful sense of humor. He is not embarrassed by possible failures and mistakes, because a negative result is also a result.

Lunar Sagittarius needs to learn to listen to himself and stop teaching others about life. Searching for the inner essence - The best way keep yourself busy for Sagittarius.

The positive character traits of Sagittarius include: optimism, enthusiasm, thirst for life, thirst for knowledge, courage, philosophical mindset, independence. Negative properties: carelessness, tactlessness, straightforwardness, insensitivity, riskiness.

The moon and human emotions

The sensitivity inherent in the element of the Moon somewhat contradicts the activity of the emotions of Sagittarius. This liveliness and restlessness often create problems for Moon Sagittarius and prevent them from finding stability. People of this sign need peace at least for a short time, then they will be able to sort out desires and come to a certain goal on an emotional level.

Sagittarius' emotions can come across as superficial. Sagittarius react violently to certain events, conquering everyone with their ease. They find it difficult to keep their emotions to themselves. As for the intimate side of life, people of this sign are not able to show deep feelings and experiences.

Sagittarius is a fire sign. He is characterized by ardor of feelings, passion, which are expressed only when their owner wants it. Sagittarians are afraid of situations that could deprive them of their beloved freedom, so they prefer to keep their feelings “on a leash.”

Lunar Sagittarius often do not take into account the feelings of their lovers, despising any obligations. They also value their inner freedom and will not give it up for anything in the world. The fear of losing her leads to the fact that even relationships with loved ones become unstable. Moon Sagittarius needs to maintain inner individuality.

Moon and career

Lunar Sagittarius approaches life's issues very easily, therefore he chooses a job that suits himself, providing an opportunity to express his energetic nature. Any routine that requires scrupulous study, sitting in one place for hours, will not suit people of this sign. Sagittarians are not afraid of mistakes and failures in their work. People of this sign will still get out thanks to their wonderful sense of humor. Most often, they make a career thanks to their activity, efficiency, and ability to guess the bosses. They feel people well, they know at what moment it is better to ask for advice, and when it is not worth approaching a person. Their bosses love them because work is not a burden for Sagittarians. They know how to turn it into a holiday. Their new ideas, projects are not simple words. Most often, the proposals of people of this sign are effective, because Sagittarius trusts their intuition, comparing its clues with the real state of affairs. Their career depends only on them.

People of this sign are sometimes not fulfilled at work because of the belief that life with its pleasures can pass by. Sagittarius always has a chance to make a career: it all depends on their mood and understanding of the situation.

They make demanding leaders because, devoting themselves completely to work, Sagittarius appreciates this wonderful opportunity to prove themselves. They themselves have difficulty obeying orders. Their inherent optimism and enthusiasm, and belief in their abilities lead Sagittarius to success.

Moon and love relationships

A freedom-loving, noisy, cheerful person of this sign treats love easily and at the same time cautiously, subconsciously fearing that it will turn into a trap and take away his independence.

If he relies on his lunar intuition, he will be able to accurately identify a soul mate in the person he likes. When fate brings him together with his soulmate, he will trust his romantic dreams and will not be tormented by thoughts about how to preserve his destiny. Moon Sagittarius may not agree that his soul mate wants to turn his world upside down, make life more interesting and brighter. These beliefs are caused by the fear of being in a “cage”. By trusting himself more, he will be able to get the most pleasure from life.

Sagittarius Moon is a romantic, but deep down he is afraid of responsibility and the need to take care of someone other than himself. However, having found an ideal partner, he will feel that he likes to think about the other, to be responsible for him. Relationships with such a lover will be very calm and easy. By turning to the inner self, Sagittarius will be able to understand that all arguments in favor of freedom are futile compared to sincere affection and depth of feelings. He will never regret the loss of freedom.

Sagittarians sincerely try to be good friends, but do not really strive to be good lovers. They are absolutely sure that they always know everything better than others. By nature, people of this sign are optimists. When you feel bad, despondent, Bad mood have the upper hand, your lover will make you smile and you will feel calmer and more comfortable.

Sometimes people can get tired of Sagittarius, of their confidence in being right. Sometimes their desire to teach is also annoying. They don't even suspect that it is unpleasant for others.

You can truly appreciate the love and affection of people of this sign if you maintain an open and simple relationship with them. Sagittarians cannot be considered particularly sensual, but they just as sincerely strive to give their soul mate happiness as others.

If Sagittarius himself comes to the idea that you are his only soul mate, then the relationship will be ideal. But love, combined with true and faithful friendship, is exactly what allows two people who meet to enjoy life.

Moon and family relationships

Despite all the restlessness of people of this sign, in the family they, as a rule, adhere to conservative views, that is, they prefer to raise children the way they themselves were once raised. For them, the ideal is not all kinds of reference books and recommendations on education, but, above all, own experience, which, according to Sagittarius, is much more reliable.

The free and easy approach to life characteristic of this sign is often adopted by their children. Lunar Sagittarius, reading notations, often talks about himself as a sinless person who has gone through the vicissitudes of life. Sagittarius should not have his head in the clouds, tormenting his family with a list of his positive qualities and instilling illusions in children.

Sagittarius does not like to control the actions of children and punish. They usually grow on their own, becoming a source of pride for Sagittarius in front of guests and unnecessary when friends leave home.

Lunar Sagittarius is gladly accepted in companies; he becomes the soul of any society. Sometimes in his relationships with people he lacks constancy and patience. But, not valuing his friendships, he gains new acquaintances as quickly as he loses them.

Additional influence. If the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius in the interval:

0° - 10°=> prudence, practicality, realism, freethinking, individualism, intolerance of coercion, mercy, compassion, a penchant for sports, love of earthly joys;

10° - 20°=> ambition, enterprise, activity in any chosen field of activity, increased interest to the opposite sex;

20° - 30°=> humanism, religiosity, idealism, scope in everything, a tendency to violently express feelings.