Chizhevsky's chandelier has no scientific confirmation. Air ionizers - benefits and harms, device and components, operating rules, recommendations and contraindications for use, reviews

What is a Chizhevsky chandelier? Operating principle? More harm or benefit?

  1. A silent electrical discharge, the air is ionized. Read on the Internet. I think there will be opinions from specialists both for and against. Once upon a time there was a fashionable hobby, a lot of advertising. We bought a SUPER-PLUS ionizer a long time ago, but over time it began to produce too much ozone (ozone is very harmful), and we almost stopped using it. If you just turn it on before leaving for a few hours, and after arriving, ventilate the room or wait until the ozone completely disintegrates (not very long). Of course, there will be fewer microbes in the air, but you also feel sorry for your lungs (or rather, bronchi).
  2. Contraindications to the use of the Chizhevsky chandelier
    The lack of evidence did not become an argument for the USSR Ministry of Health, which in 1959 put forward a list of contraindications, according to which the use of a Chizhevsky lamp has the following negative consequences for humans:

    General weakening of the body. If the human body has been severely depleted, ionization will not be beneficial.
    Development of bronchial asthma or a similar condition. It is impossible to say with one hundred percent certainty about the appearance of problems with the lungs, but some patients noticed the development of this disease while using a Chizhevsky lamp.
    Impaired heart function, in particular the development of heart failure of degrees I and II.
    Vascular spasms and atherosclerosis.

  3. Produces beneficial negatively charged ions
  4. The Chizhevsky chandelier should be used only in rooms with minimal dust; in residential premises its use is highly undesirable
  5. Hard to tell!
    After all, everything is relative
    Operating principle: ionizes air - ozone
    Ozone in large quantities is harmful
    in small cases - conditionally useful
  6. Chizhevsky's chandelier is nothing more than one of the world's first aeroionizers made in the form of a chandelier.

    The principle of operation of devices such as the Chizhevsky Chandelier is to saturate the air with negative oxygen ions. In turn, air ions inhaled by a person give off their electrical charges to red blood cells, and with them to the cells of the whole body, normalizing metabolic processes.

    In addition, Chizhevsky’s chandelier neutralizes the “smog” of positive ions from electronic devices, “revives” conditioned air, and removes dust and microorganisms from the atmosphere.

    This is an excellent preventive and therapeutic remedy that saves you from many diseases and increases mental and physical performance.

    A constant lack of aeroins indoors can lead to heart attacks, strokes, thrombosis and other vascular diseases due to disruption of blood clotting processes.

    Scientific studies have shown that the effect of various aeroionizers has a normalizing effect on respiratory metabolism and blood pressure, helps normalize the condition of the mucous membrane and prevent stomach and duodenal ulcers, activates the immune system, motor activity, and has a pronounced anti-stress, antimicrobial and antiviral effect.

    Ionized air provides prevention and treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, and hypertension. It gives positive results in the treatment of bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, silicosis, nosebleeds, childhood diseases, and many eye and women's diseases.

    Negative air ions increase immunity, many diseases are cured. Thanks to air ions, patients with burns of more than 70% of the skin surface survive.

    If there is an infectious patient in the house, Chizhevsky's chandelier will help to sterilize the room, since after half an hour of treatment with negative ions, the number of microbes in the room decreases by 4-5 times!

    Moreover, under the influence of Chizhevsky’s chandelier, not only the air is disinfected, but also the patient’s sputum becomes harmless to others! In addition to air ions, healing effect have tiny droplets of water dispersed in the air that carry a negative charge. This process can be compared with the natural hydroionization of air near waterfalls, the sea coast, and on the banks of mountain rivers.

    Recovery with the help of the Chizhevsky Chandelier requires a minimum of time and labor. It is enough just to ventilate the room well, then turn on the Chizhevsky Chandelier and leave the room for a quarter of an hour.

    Chizhevsky's chandelier does not give side effects, however, people suffering from the 3rd degree of angina pectoris, the 3rd degree of atherosclerosis, the 2nd and 3rd stages of tuberculosis, cancer, and also in case of a heart attack should use the Chizhevsky Chandelier only after consulting a doctor!

    “When aeroionization becomes as widespread in our country as electrification, it will be possible to talk about preserving health, protecting against a number of infections and increasing the longevity of the vast masses of the people.” — A. L. Chizhevsky.

  7. It is very important to understand that the air ionizer (Chizhevsky lamp) was developed and used specifically as a medical device to provide therapeutic effects, which required strict adherence to the application procedure and constant medical supervision for patients. Aeroionization using the Chizhevsky method has never been a means of disease prevention. This Chizhevsky method cannot be recommended to consumers for prevention, due to the impossibility of meeting all the necessary above conditions at home. Therefore, it is simply impossible to use this method in apartments. Obviously, a healthy person does not need to take medications, and the use of medical procedures without the necessary indications, an example of which is air ionization according to the Chizhevsky method, seems just as unjustified. Attempts to uncontrolled use of an ionizer (Chizhevsky lamp) can cause harm to health.
    For prevention, you can use bipolar ionizers, which do not give an “overdose” of ions, high ozone concentrations, electrostatic field. If it is not possible to install a bipolar ionizer, it is better to do without an ionizer, since there will be more side effects than imaginary benefits
  8. At one end of this “chandelier” a high-voltage negative potential is collected. It is believed that light negative ions benefit the body.
    But. These products have one drawback. This is the release of ozone. Which, by the way, is a strong poison and an aggressive oxidizing agent. In nature, after a thunderstorm with a small amount of ozone, the air becomes so fresh. And in Moscow conditions, dust charged with negative potential will “stick” to everything that surrounds the chandelier. And to your lungs, by the way.
    I once bought myself a super-plus turbo ionizer-air purifier. It was in my room. So, not knowing about ozone, I received a slight burn to the upper respiratory tract. And besides, skin irritation on the entire face.
    But the cactus and seedlings really liked this thing. The cactus, which had been ten centimeters for five years, grew another five centimeters in a month and began to resemble a penis with a bright pink head, like a cucumber. And the tomato seedlings on my north side became stronger than on the balcony on the south.
    If you really want to radically improve your health in the cheapest way, then take an interest in the topic about breathing exercises. I have a very hard time getting up in the morning, with great difficulty I tear myself away from the pillow, so before getting up, I use this technique of exercises to accumulate energy using rhythmic breathing
Write information for this page for us, scientists, researchers, engineers of Mordovian state university them. N.P. Ogarev, who has been dealing with this topic since 1990, was forced to publish numerous about the dangers of Chizhevsky's chandelier, sometimes naive, based on elementary technical illiteracy, sometimes a special distortion of facts, physical phenomena, documents. This is done mainly by manufacturers bipolar air ionizers who are interested in selling their products. We will try, in a form accessible to any educated person, to talk about the myths associated with unipolar air ionizers - Chizhevsky chandeliers.

The disadvantage of the Chizhevsky chandelier, the harmfulness of the Chizhevsky chandelier:

This is the biggest "disadvantage". The fact is that human senses do not react in any way to the presence of additional electrons in the air.

A correctly assembled and correctly installed ionizer does not manifest itself in any way.
There is no “mountain” smell (like after a thunderstorm), no all kinds of lighting effects, no immediate improvement in well-being.
Those. turning on the air ionizer is subjectively imperceptible. However, such a device should be present in every room.
His influence will only manifest itself through long time(days, months, years), when our body, receiving electrical charges characteristic of nature, will maintain good health, vigor, health and ensure longevity.
The fact is that man, during evolution (about 2.5 million years) got used to breathing natural air, which is filled with negative charges (due to the action of the Sun, plants, water evaporation, etc.). And only at the beginning of the 20th century did people begin to move en masse into houses made of brick and reinforced concrete, where natural charges are instantly neutralized. In such rooms, a person, not receiving the necessary charges, begins to feel unwell, quickly get tired, and get sick.
To restore the natural electrical composition of the air, air ionizers are needed - Chizhevsky chandeliers.

The positive effect of Chizhevsky’s chandelier can only be explained by human suggestibility.

About the placebo effect
- this is the phenomenon of improving a person’s health due to the fact that he believes in the effectiveness of some effect, which is actually neutral.
Many sources of information report that air ionizers (Chizhevsky chandeliers) do not affect human well-being in any way. It's just a matter of suggestibility.
This is why they criticize the statistics of treating diseases with the help of Chizhevsky’s chandelier, who “did not provide” for a control group, with the chandelier present, but not turned on. In the conditions of Karlag (Karaganda), when Chizhevsky conducted massive research on air ionizers on human health, this was impossible to do.
Let a person be susceptible to suggestibility.
But how can we explain the facts of the impact of Chizhevsky’s chandelier on plants that are drawn to the air ionizer as if they were drawn to the Sun?
Animals and birds that are not subject to the concept of suggestibility, when exposed to Chizhevsky’s chandelier, gain weight, do not get sick, and mortality decreases.

A huge amount of negative oxygen ions produced by Chizhevsky’s chandelier.

Indeed, in catalogs, characteristics, descriptions, and passports of Chizhevsky chandeliers, large numbers of ion concentrations are given, which are expressed in values ​​with a large number of zeros. Now objectively: In one cubic centimeter air (1 cm 3), on average, there are 5.6 10 18 oxygen molecules. At the highest degree of ionization (near the tip of the ionizer), the number of ionized oxygen molecules ranges from 1 10 6 to 5 10 6. Consequently, the percentage of ionized molecules will be from 1.8 -11% to 8.9 -11%. To put these numbers into perspective, let's take, for example, a very large room at 100 square meters(10m x 10m x 2.5m - ceiling height), where the ionizer with the highest productivity is installed. For this room, the volume of ionized air, at the maximum degree of ionization, will be only 0.2 cubic millimeters - this is the size of the point in this sentence.
However, this very minute amount of ionized oxygen molecules greatly affects our well-being.
This is how nature ordered it. Man has become accustomed to this over millions of years of evolution.

The dust is charged, flies to the person, enters the mouth, nose and penetrates deeply into the body.
Hence the “advice”: When turning on the Chizhevsky chandelier, you need to leave the room for a few minutes so that dust does not get inside the human body, and also close the door and windows to avoid the influx of dust.

The dust does charge, but this does not happen instantly, but over several minutes.
For clarity, let's compare the sizes of dust particles, take the smallest - 0.2 microns, and the sizes of an oxygen molecule and an electron.
If we increase the size of fine dust to sizes 9 storey building(30 meters), then the size of the oxygen molecule will be smaller sizes tennis ball (5.4 centimeters), and the size of an electron is 0.43 micrometers (this is 250 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair).

It may be incorrect to compare the sizes of particles with their electrical properties, but it is clearly seen that charging such a huge (on the atomic scale) dust particle will require more than one hundred ions, and quite a long time.
For example, we took the finest dust. Imagine that dust particles can be 200 - 500 times larger.
Charged dust begins to drift slowly (0.1 - 0.4 cm/sec) towards the positive electrode - walls, ceiling, floor.
Due to its charge, dust is attracted to an oppositely charged surface, where it settles.
Over time (1-3 months of operation of the Chizhevsky chandelier), a layer is formed consisting of both large particles and fine dust, which is difficult to remove.
This is where the myth came from that Chizhevsky’s chandelier creates “harmful” dust that penetrates deep into the human body and is just as difficult to remove as it is difficult to clean the surfaces of rooms.
Charged dust, unlike regular dust, lingers in the upper respiratory tract and CANNOT penetrate further.
The human body easily removes such dust particles.
And neutrally charged dust can actually penetrate far into a person’s lungs.

Even if we imagine that we inhale charged dust, we can “draw” the following picture:

Let's take an average room of 16 m2, with a ceiling height of 2.5 m. The surface area where dust will attract will be: ceiling - 16 m2, floor - 16 m2, walls - 4 x 2.5 x 4 = 40 m2, total - 72 m2, not counting other items, furnishings, furniture, etc. The surface area of ​​the human respiratory tract is: mouth (wide open) - 0.0017 m2, nose - 0.0001 m2, total: 0.0018 m2.
The percentage of dust entering our body will be 0.0025% - an insignificant part that we don’t even need to think about.

Air ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier) can not produce dust, soot, and soot, which cause blackness around the device. What is deposited on the ceiling, walls, and floor is taken from the air in the room. This is what flies around. This is what we breathe. Everything that we have to wash from walls, ceilings, etc. was in the air, and therefore, without an ionizer, ends up in our body.
Agree that it is better to have all this crap on the walls than in our lungs. It may not be easy to remove contaminants from room surfaces, but it will be even more difficult to remove them from our body.

Example: Several years ago we installed our air ionizers (Chizhevsky chandeliers) in one of the workshops of a local lighting plant.
After a month of operation, we were informed that the mercury concentration had increased tenfold. It turned out that they measured mercury concentrations by scraping samples from the walls of the workshop. Indeed, the concentration of mercury on the walls has increased, but in the air it has decreased by the same amount.

If you are concerned about dust deposition, then you can turn on the air ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier) for a minimum time (indicated in the device passport). Because The main purpose of the Chizhevsky chandelier is air ionization, i.e. creation in the air of the room of an electrical composition of air corresponding to the natural one.

An air ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier) creates a strong electrostatic field, clothes become electrified, hair on the head rises, and electric shock occurs when touching objects. The ionizer can cause damage to electronic devices.

Indeed, Chizhevsky's chandelier creates an electrostatic field. This is its inherent property. Without this, the operation of a real air ionizer is not possible.
Of course, this is not convenient, but it is completely harmless. Human body consists of water ranging from 55% to 80%, which is a conductor.
Therefore, a person cannot accumulate static electricity. Static collects on clothes, primarily on artificial, synthetically created ones, although some natural materials capable of accumulating static electricity. For example, even without air ionization, you can get a current discharge when you suddenly take off a sweater, jacket, or when you walk on a rug, carpet, and then touch a refrigerator, heating radiator, etc. By the way, many ionizers, most imported or bipolar , there are no such phenomena, therefore, there is practically no ionization there.
About the quantitative indicators of the formation of an electrostatic field: The air ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier) creates an electrostatic field with a intensity of 25 kV/mm (0.25 kV/m) directly near the tip of the device. Further, the tension decreases exponentially. At a distance of 0.5 - 2 meters from the device, the electrostatic field strength corresponds to the Earth's electric field (by the way, negative polarity) - 100-200 V/m.
The minimum norm of the electrostatic field, the time of a person’s stay in which is not limited in time, according to GOST 12.1.045-84 and SanPiN 2.4.7/1.1.1286-03 is 100 times greater.
Of course, the formation of electrostatics is unpleasant, but without this it is impossible to use real air ionizers (Chizhevsky chandeliers).
To reduce the influence of this factor, it is enough to use the ionizer for a minimum time (indicated in the passport for the device), or turn on the ionizer at night, during sleep.
As for the failure of electronic devices, our devices operate without negative consequences for themselves and complex electronics at a distance of 30 cm and further. This is for standard modes. Those. when everything is fine. But just in case, we write: The ionizer should be located no closer than 1.5 meters from TV screens, computer displays, complex electronic equipment and massive metal objects (heating radiators, refrigerators, washing machines, safes, etc.). This is for emergency modes. For example: falling ionizer, accidental spark discharge, etc.
Example: In city N, our devices were installed in a computer class. Reported: when air ionizers are turned on the local network stops working. As a result, it turned out that computer network was assembled incorrectly - the computers were connected only by information ports, there was no grounding of the computer cases. When the defect was corrected, the local network worked stably when Chizhevsky's chandeliers were turned on.

Touching the needles of Chizhevsky's chandelier is dangerous to health - you will get an electric shock!

It's true - it will hit, but it's not dangerous to health.
Despite high voltage, supplied to the emitter, the device does not pose any danger to humans, due to the limitation of the output current at a safe level.
However, you should not touch the device when it is turned on, because this will cause a small, unpleasant discharge of static electricity.
The same discharges occur, for example, when you suddenly take off your sweater or when you walk along the palace, and then touch the refrigerator, radiator, etc.

When using only negative ions (in the case of unipolar ionizers), a person becomes negatively charged, and the new ions produced simply do not enter the respiratory tract, and there will be absolutely no benefit from such negative ions, so it is better to purchase a bipolar ionizer.

The human body, which consists of almost 80% water, from a physics point of view, is a conductor of electricity and cannot be “charged.”
Therefore, all the talk about the fact that a person accumulates negative charges and new negative charges will be “repelled” from him is completely groundless and unscientific.
But the use of bipolar ionizers is just useless.

Unipolar ionizers are recommended to be used indoors in the absence of people, as a strong electrostatic field is formed, which is undoubtedly very harmful, because dust flying in any room receives a charge, best case scenario settles on the walls, in the worst case - in the respiratory tract, from where, unlike just dust, charged dust does not come out naturally, as a result, after 5-10 years a person is able to get bronchial asthma.

There is no point in using unipolar ionizers indoors in the absence of people, unless for air purification, which is not the main purpose of the Chizhevsky chandelier. Charged dust falling into nearby Airways, gives up all excess charges and becomes neutral and is very easily removed from the body. As for bronchial asthma, it is with the help of Chizhevsky’s chandelier that many are cured of this disease. (There are examples among our employees.)

About bipolar air ionizers.

Bipolar air ionizers produce both negative and positive ions.
Their generation can occur simultaneously or alternately, depending on the design.
At the same time, manufacturers indicate the advantages of bipolar ionizers over unipolar ones that produce only negatively charged ions (Chizhevsky chandeliers), such as: no electrostatic field, no dust deposition on objects, walls, ceilings, compliance sanitary rules and standards (SanPiN).
However, the most important thing is not taken into account - the difference in the impact of positive and negative air charges on a person.
The effect of negative and positive ions on the human body is completely different.
This was proven by A.L. Chizhevsky in his experiments at the beginning of the 20th century.
Negative air ions are biologically beneficial, positive air ions have an unfavorable, harmful effect on the body.
Guidelines for the therapeutic use of ionized air (aeroionotherapy).
Guide to the use of ionized air in industry, agriculture and medicine.
Aeroionification in the national economy.
The same was confirmed by scientists from our university.
The effect of an air ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier) on hemostasis during physical inactivity.
The influence of negative oxygen ions on blood coagulation.

From a physical point of view:

What is a negatively charged oxygen ion - an oxygen molecule with an additional electron (or two electrons) attached.
This “extra” electron tends to leave the molecule, carrying energy with it.
Those. the negative oxygen ion carries with it additional energy (electron).

A positive oxygen ion is an oxygen molecule with an electron (hole) removed.
In this case, the positive ion will tend to take away an electron to become equilibrium neutral.
Those. the positive ion will take energy (electron).

Therefore, it is completely clear why negative oxygen ions have a positive effect on organisms
- bring additional energy, and positive ones - harm - take away energy.
When exposed to a unipolar ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier),
man receives required amount negatively charged air ions (as happens in nature).

Under the action of a bipolar ionizer, negative and positive charges are neutralized.
As a result, the person does not receive any charges.
Hence all the “advantages” of bipolar ionizers - the absence of static electricity and dust deposition.

Unipolar ionizers (Chizhevsky chandeliers) use a voltage of 25 kV to produce ions. And in bipolar ionizers 4-5 kV.

At a voltage of 4 kV, ionization is practically absent. Normal, stable ionization begins at a voltage of more than 16-20 kV.
Chizhevsky used devices with voltages from 20 to 100 kV or more.
However, at a voltage greater than 30 kV, problems with insulation and ozone formation begin to appear, so we chose the optimal voltage - 25 kV.

On the issue of compliance with sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN).

Manufacturers of bipolar ionizers interpret this document incorrectly:
"The SanPiN standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2003 say that when ionizing air it is necessary to use How positive, So and negative ions."
"According to modern SanPiN, air must contain ions of both polarities."
In fact, in the document SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the air ion composition of air in industrial and public premises" indicate only the minimum permissible and maximum permissible concentrations of air ions of both polarities, in the opinion of sanitary doctors.
In addition, paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6 indicate information that never not given by the inventors of bipolar ionizers:
2.5. In personnel breathing zones at workplaces where there are sources of electrostatic fields (video display terminals or other types of office equipment), the absence of air ions of positive polarity is allowed.
2.6. IN medicinal purposes other indicators of the air ion composition may be used if this is provided for in the approved regulations in the prescribed manner methods of treatment or use of air ionizers.
Our devices, of course, comply with these SanPiNs. As evidenced by previously issued certificates.
Since July 1, 2010, sanitary and epidemiological certificates for products have been abolished.
Instead, certificates of state registration products. Air ionizers are not subject to mandatory state registration.
In addition, SanPiN does not take into account different action air ions of negative and positive polarity per person.
Back in 1920 - 83 years earlier than the adoption of SanPiN, A.L. Chizhevsky established that ions of negative polarity have a beneficial effect on living organisms, and positive oxygen ions are extremely harmful.
V. Polyakova’s “Physics of Aeroionization”, in the journal “Radio” No. 3, p. 36, will help explain why 1 cm 3 of air cannot contain both negative and positive charges at the same time. 2002.
Air molecules are in continuous thermal motion, moving chaotically and continuously colliding with each other.
The root mean square speed of molecules is about 500 m/s, which is 1.5 times the speed of sound!
It is clear why they often collide with each other, and the average free path does not exceed 0.25 microns (this is half the wavelength of light).
If there are both negative and positive ions in 1 cm 3 of air, then they very quickly neutralize each other, not only due to the thermal movement of air molecules, but also due to the mutual attraction of opposite charges.

Unipolar devices should absolutely not be used in continuous mode, as they produce ozone.

IN ANY MODE AND ANY IONIZERS SHOULD NOT PRODUCE OZONE, which is a strong oxidizing agent and very harmful to health, refers to the most high class danger to humans.
Maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of ozone in the air working area according to GOST 12.1.005-88 should not exceed 0.1 mg/m 3. The presence of ozone in a room is easily determined by its specific, sharp, sour odor.
Due to the fact that the perceptible threshold of ozone odor is significantly lower than the maximum permissible concentration, and is approximately 0.01 mg/m 3, this odor should warn against the use of ozone-generating devices.
When operating devices that use high-voltage technologies, such as copy machines, laser printers, an unpleasant, pungent ozone odor occurs, which does not necessarily indicate that the maximum permissible concentration is exceeded, but it warns of the formation of ozone during operation of these devices or their malfunction.
The same can be said about air ionizers - the ozone smell that occurs during their operation should tell you about a malfunction or improper operation, or improper design of the device.
As for ozone formation by the Aeroion-25 air ionizers, tests have shown that their inclusion does not in any way affect the readings of the measuring instruments, i.e., the background values ​​of the ozone content in the air did not change when the air ionizers of Chizhevsky chandeliers were turned on.
The ozone concentration of our devices does not exceed SanPiN standards, as evidenced by previously issued (currently not mandatory) certificates.
However, attention should be paid to the requirements for correct installation air ionizers. From the point of view of ozone formation, the most important requirement is the distance from the Aeroion-25 air ionizer to any nearby objects, walls, ceilings. This distance should be as large as possible (at least 25 cm). It is also advisable to install devices further away from large, massive metal objects - refrigerators, washing machines, safes, heating radiators, etc.
When these distances decrease, the likelihood of spark discharges arises, which are the source of ozone formation.
This requirement is not met in air ionizers that have a casing, which is made for the good purpose of protecting people from touching high-voltage parts. But, at the same time, the distance from the emitter (ionizing electrode, tip, needle) to the surface of the body does not exceed 1-4 cm.
Even though this housing and casing is made of non-conductive material, microscopic electrical discharges still occur, which lead to the generation of ozone.
Small-sized air ionizers, mainly automobile ones, were repeatedly sent to our laboratory.
When they were turned on, one immediately felt the sour smell of ozone, which many buyers approvingly accept as a “mountain” smell, not realizing that they were inhaling a poisonous gas that kills all living things and is used to sterilize medical instruments, disinfect water, premises, warehouses, basements, etc. .d.

A device called the “Chizhevsky chandelier” is nothing more than an air ionizer. When the device is turned on, under the influence of applied voltage, it forms negative ions of oxygen and nitrogen that are part of the air, thereby creating a feeling of freshness in the air. True, the lamp does not affect the composition of the substances in the environment at all.

In fact, this is not a lamp in the classical sense, the device does not emit light, and it is not worth using it for a long period. A device that operates for a long time creates a strong electric field. However, the developer deliberately did not lower the electrode voltage, as the device would lose its effectiveness.

IN natural conditions fresh, clean ionized air is the natural conditions of mountainous, wooded, steppe areas, as well as the atmospheric environment near bodies of water (seas, rivers), in salt caves, etc. You most likely have experienced healing properties stay outside the city. But in the conditions of medical and sanatorium institutions, an ordinary Chizhevsky chandelier helps to create such an effect. Note that devices with this principle of operation are used not only in medical institutions, but also as an “air freshener” in residential and office premises, as well as objects where sedimentation of dust suspension is required.

The way to use the chandelier is very simple:

  • to ionize the air in the room - 10-15 minutes, it is better for the person to stay in another room at this time, after the procedure - wet cleaning;
  • for therapeutic purposes - start with a half-hour stay under the chandelier, gradually increase the dosage by half an hour until you reach 3-4 hours a day.

At first, you may experience mild headaches - from an excess of fresh air. This is a normal reaction of the body to fresh air.

Useful properties of an air ionizer

To evaluate the effectiveness of using the device, we provide a list of the beneficial effects of artificial air ionization on the human body.

  1. Anticoagulant effect, as a result, improves blood microcirculation: normalizes blood pressure, protects blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  2. Normalization of body temperature.
  3. Relief of joint pain.
  4. Acceleration of the postoperative recovery process.
  5. Improved appetite and sleep.
  6. Protecting the alveoli of the lungs, increasing the vital capacity of the respiratory organ.
  7. Increasing the immune barrier: weakening the body’s susceptibility to viral infections.
  8. Acceleration of metabolic processes.
  9. Maintaining secretory functions.
  10. Stimulation of cell and tissue regeneration processes.
  11. Reducing the intensity of allergic manifestations.
  12. Normalization of labor activity and stimulation of lactation.
  13. Anti-stress effect.

Negative Impact

Although there are mostly positive reviews about the use of the Chizhevsky chandelier, you need to understand that the air ionizer charges not only air particles, but also all the substances contained in it: dust, microflora, and so on. It is harmful to breathe the dust accumulated during the operation of the chandelier, so after ionization the room should be thoroughly washed. People staying in the room while the device is operating are also susceptible to dust settling on them, particles of which can enter the respiratory system. Sterility of premises is one of the conditions effective use air ionizer.

People with certain medical conditions should be careful with the chandelier. For example, with III degree of angina and atherosclerosis, II and III stages tuberculosis, oncology and in case of a heart attack, the device can be used only with the permission of a doctor.

Chizhevsky chandelier: consumer reviews

Konstantin:“I’ve been using it for about two years now. I turn it on every day in the morning for 10-15 minutes. I forgot when I was sick. No new sores were discovered. Really useful thing."

Elena:“I don’t have a chandelier, but a lamp. I bought it on the recommendation of my attending physician (I suffer from allergic-type bronchial asthma). Asthmatic attacks have become less frequent and are easier, wheezing has almost disappeared.”

Sergey:“The Chizhevsky chandelier produces only negative ions. If for medicinal purposes this is often the main requirement, then at home, it seems to me, it is better to use bipolar aeroionizers.”

Air ionizer A device that produces negative ions of oxygen and nitrogen gases that are part of the air. Ionized air has no odor, but creates a feeling of fresh, clean air in the room.

Aeroion starvation in humans can provoke excessive production of the hormones histamine or serotonin. And this can negatively affect the functioning of the lungs, reduce the level of oxygen in the cells of the body, cause migraine attacks, insomnia, fatigue, nervousness, depression, and asthma attacks.

Aeroions Tiny complexes of atoms or molecules that carry a positive or negative charge. They are present in natural natural conditions open spaces (in forests, fields, sea, oceans and mountainous areas).

Very often people get confused in the terms Aeroions and Ions, although in essence they are the same thing, it’s just that the first term is more often used in relation to the oxygen molecule.

And he A monatomic or polyatomic electrically charged particle that carries an electrical charge. When it has a positive charge, the ion is positive. If the charge is negative, then the ion is negative.

According to modern Sanitary Regulations and Regulations, air must contain ions of both polarities within the following limits. Positive - from 400 to 50,000 per cm3. Negative - from 600 to 50,000 per cm3.


Air ionizer damage

Since the ionizer gives a charge to all particles present in the air, dust and microflora also become charged. Charged dust particles and microorganisms begin to be attracted to special electrodes in the device or to any surfaces in the room. As a result, dirty circles may form around the ionizer. Therefore, after ionization in the room, thorough wet cleaning is necessary. Since breathing the dust accumulated during the operation of the ionizer is harmful.

If there were people in the room during the ionization process, then dirt particles from the air will settle on them and, therefore, can enter the respiratory tract, causing harm to the body.

If there are viruses in the air mass of the room, or there is a person with an airborne disease, then the likelihood of contracting an infection healthy people in the same room increases many times over.


The benefits of an air ionizer

The effects of charged particles on the human body have been studied for more than two centuries. Experiments have shown that air ionization is very useful. If a person constantly breathes ionized air, then he has:

  • There is an increase in performance
  • Improves general state
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Many diseases are much easier
  • Insomnia goes away
  • Depression disappears

Aeroions activate the work of red blood cells in the blood, as a result of which gas exchange in the lungs increases by an average of 10%.

Ions successfully fight dust, fine allergens and other suspended matter in the air of a living space. Useful “light” ions quickly combine with molecules of foreign impurities that are always in the air and deposit them down.

How to choose an air ionizer

When purchasing an ionizer, please note that there are two types of devices on sale - unipolar ionizers and bipolar ionizers.

Unipolar ionizers during their operation produce only negatively charged ions, as well as a fairly large dose of ozone. They were common in the last century. At that time, it was believed that a person needed only negatively charged ions, since there were already enough positive ions in the air.

At the end of the 20th century, it was proven that humans need both types of ions. The SanPiN standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2003 state that when ionizing air, it is necessary to use both positive and negative ions.

If only negative ions are produced (as is the case with a unipolar ionizer), then the entire person and clothing are charged negatively, and the new produced ions simply do not enter the respiratory tract, and there will be absolutely no benefit from such negative ions, so it is better to purchase a bipolar ionizer .

The better bipolar ionizer

Bipolar ionizers are the latest advancement in indoor air purification technology. In addition, bipolar ionizers have a number of advantages compared to unipolar ionizers.

When using a bipolar ionizer:

  • An electrostatic field is not formed, but if it was already in the room, it is completely neutralized.
  • Ozone emission is below the maximum permissible concentration (ozone is a strong oxidizing agent and in large doses is very harmful to equipment and humans).
  • Unlike unipolar ionizers, ions of nitrogen compounds, which are also very harmful, are not formed.

Rules for choosing an ionizer

When choosing an ionizer, you should be guided by a number of the following rules:

  1. When choosing an ionizer, be sure to find information in the instructions about the number of ions produced. The higher this number, the better. The maximum figure for a home ionizer is 50,000.
  2. Check with the seller for certificates for the device. There should be two of them - technical and hygienic. The first confirms that the device is safe and suitable for use. The second guarantees that the device actually produces sufficient quantity air ions for humans. If the number of generated air ions declared by the manufacturer exceeds 50,000, this means that such a device is intended for medical use. It must have an additional medical certificate, which is issued after certain clinical tests.
  3. The ionizer should not produce ozone, which is harmful to the human body. The ozone emission rate of the device should be significantly lower than the maximum permissible concentration (maximum permissible concentration standard - 0.1 mg/m3).
  4. When choosing an ionizer, you should take into account the size of the room and select a device with a suitable range and sufficient ion production power. The minimum for an average city apartment is 400 ions/cubic meter. cm with a positive charge and 600 ions/cc. cm with a negative charge, the polarity indicator should be equal to -0.2. The optimal ion content in the air is 1500-3000 ions/cubic meter. cm with a positive charge and 3000 - 5000 ions/cc. cm with a negative charge, the polarity indicator should be from -0.5 to 0, which corresponds in saturation to sea and mountain air.
  5. There are active and passive models of ionizers. When choosing an ionizer, it is better to give preference active systems with a built-in fan, since its presence significantly increases the diffusion properties of the device.

Today, the leading manufacturers of air ionizers are German and Italian manufacturers. However, there are a number of domestic models that are in no way inferior to foreign devices.


Ionizer - Chizhevsky chandelier

The famous Chizhevsky chandelier belongs to unipolar ionizers and, despite its popularity, no longer has the same performance as it previously had.

Chizhevsky's first chandelier was about a meter in diameter and was connected to a voltage of 100,000 volts, resulting in a huge electromagnetic field harmful to humans. Therefore, it was possible to be near this chandelier for no more than 5-7 minutes at a distance of at least 1.5 meters. In addition, during the operation of the chandelier, a lot of ozone, harmful to humans, was formed.

Chizhevsky did not deliberately lower the tension, despite all the accompanying negative factors. This voltage was necessary to create a residual field strength between the chandelier and the floor, which had to be grounded. After all, only in this case will the field lines be closed to the floor, and dust will not be smeared on the walls (this cannot be repeated at home).

Damage to the Chizhevsky chandelier

Based on all of the above, it becomes clear that modern devices called the Chizhevsky Chandelier is not just a useless, but even a harmful analogue.

  • Chizhevsky's chandelier produces only negative ions, and any deviation in the ratio of the concentration of positive to negative air ions causes harm to the human body. If the deviation of the unipolarity coefficient, i.e. The ratio of the concentration of positive to negative air ions is outside the range from 0.4 to 1, then a strong electrostatic field is formed, which is very harmful to all living things, including electronics. Therefore, unipolar ionizers cannot be used.
  • The Chizhevsky chandelier is designed in such a way that negative air ions spread throughout the room very unevenly. That is, their concentration near the lamp can be significantly higher than normal, and at a distance of 1.5 meters the ion density can drop significantly, without bringing any benefit to humans.
  • The emission of ozone in the Chizhevsky chandelier is above the MPC (maximum permissible concentration).
  • Nitrogen compound ions are formed which are harmful to the body.

Chizhevsky's chandelier was originally assembled as an experimental sample to find out how negative ions act on the human body. Many years have passed since that time and science has made a lot of discoveries in the field of ionization, on the basis of which modern devices have been made that have a positive effect on the human body and eliminate side effects. negative impacts devices from previous years.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


A device designed to ionize the air in the house is called a Chizhevsky lamp or chandelier. To modern man This device allows you to feel like you are in the forest, smell the smell after a thunderstorm own apartment. The ionizer helps improve conditions in many diseases and normalizes the body's metabolic processes. A chandelier cannot replace walking fresh air, but is able to maintain the tone of a city person who has not yet managed to get out into nature.

What is a Chizhevsky chandelier

The human body cannot exist without air. Our health and well-being depend on its quality and composition. One of the components of air is ions, which carry a positive or negative charge, which is determined by the number of electrons. To change the number of electrons in the air, a Chizhevsky lamp is used - the first ionizer invented.

What is an air ionizer for?

IN modern apartment or home there is a lot of equipment that brings comfort to residents, but saturates the air with positive oxygen ions. The result is a deficiency of negative charges. The design of the Chizhevsky lamp, which can have different design, the electrode is located. When the chandelier is turned on, it produces electrons, which give the flow of particles in the air a negative charge. The development is designed to neutralize the effects of technology and give the air space a sufficient amount of negative ions, similar to forest ones.

Benefits and harms

Air ionization using a chandelier is a process whose benefits scientists have not stopped arguing for more than half a century. With the necessary negative charges of oxygen ions, the air masses are cleansed and disinfected from bacteria, but an excess of particles can cause harm to living organisms. Achieving an optimal balance is extremely difficult, so the question of the benefits and harms of a lamp is ambiguous. It has been established that air purification with the Chizhevsky device leads to the possibility of improving the condition of patients with certain diseases, including:

  • bronchitis, rhinitis, laryngitis;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis (initial stage);
  • allergy;
  • hypertension;
  • neurosis;
  • whooping cough.

The device has a positive effect on the healing process of wounds and burns. Air ionization will be useful for various infectious diseases. The device helps with general poor health, fatigue, and weakness. Other positive effects of the chandelier on the body are also noted:

  • increased performance and the ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • normalization of respiratory exchange;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reducing the risk of spreading infections;
  • improved mood.

The numerous cases in which a chandelier can be beneficial do not reduce potential harm for the body from its use. Studies have shown that the Chizhevsky device can cause the following conditions:

  • wheezing when breathing or other problems with lung function;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • the appearance of headaches;
  • deterioration in general well-being due to additional stress on the body.

How does an air ionizer work?

The operating principle of the Chizhevsky air ionizer is simple. The main element of the chandelier is the electrode. It is supplied with high voltage (20-30 kilovolts), generated in a system of two electrodes. They have different radii, the smaller one has a needle installed. The second electrode is the wire through which voltage is transmitted. Electrons are released from the surface of the needle, which collide with air molecules and form a negatively charged ion. When a person inhales air ions, they will transfer their charges to red blood cells, which will affect metabolic processes.

Instructions for using the Chizhevsky chandelier

In order for the Chizhevsky air ionizer to benefit residents, the device should be used carefully. The first session should not exceed 30 minutes. Gradually, the operating time of the chandelier increases to 3-4 hours a day. It is considered normal for city residents if, during the first sessions, headache and dizziness. Such sensations can be caused by unusually clean air. Reduce the operating time of the chandelier to avoid negative consequences. There are a number of rules for installing a lamp:

  • ceiling height – at least 2.5 m;
  • indoor air humidity – up to 80%;
  • there should be no toxic substances in the air;
  • the distance from the chandelier to equipment and television equipment is at least 2.5 m;
  • There should be a space of 0.5 m between objects in the room and the ionizer.

DIY air ionizer

You can make Chizhevsky’s device yourself. To do this, you will need a metal hoop, the diameter of which does not exceed one meter. Copper wires (diameter up to 1 mm, tin-plated) should be secured to it with a slack. They need to be placed mutually perpendicular at a distance of 35-45 mm from each other. Sharp metal needles are soldered to the intersection of the wires. You will also need to solder three copper wires one end at an equal distance to the hoop, and connect the other ends together above it. The generator is connected to this connection.


There are several circuits for high-voltage power supplies for a Chizhevsky lamp, using which even a novice radio enthusiast can assemble the device. For example, a chandelier circuit for ionization may consist of the following elements:

  • fuse (low resistance resistor);
  • voltage divider (two resistors);
  • diode bridge;
  • timing chain;
  • capacitor;
  • two dinistres;
  • diode;
  • outputs to the transformer winding.

Contraindications of the Chizhevsky chandelier

Manufacturers of ionization chandeliers claim that there are no direct contraindications to the use of the equipment. All prohibitions are established for reasons of safety and caution when using devices, and not because of the research being conducted. There are theories according to which it is better not to carry out recovery with the help of Chizhevsky’s scientific development for the following problems:

  • atherosclerosis grade 3;
  • tuberculosis stages 2 and 3;
  • oncology;
  • renal hypertension;
  • heart failure of 1 and 2 degrees;
  • severe vascular sclerosis;
  • conditions after myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage.

What to consider when purchasing

Before purchasing a chandelier for air ionization, be sure to read the technical data sheet of the device. The manufacturer must indicate the area for which the device is designed, operating voltage, power consumption, and specific ionization. The parameters for choosing the area and power of the chandelier are simple and clear. You need to know the size of your premises and network performance. Operating voltage should vary between 20 and 30 kW. Specific ionization is a parameter that determines the operating time of the Chizhevsky device required to purify the air.