Chandeliers for the home: and their varieties (26 photos). How to use chandeliers in the interior Hanging chandeliers in the living room interior

As is known, it is one of the components good interior. The location of lamps, candlesticks, and chandeliers can influence the overall atmosphere and mood of the room.

Light can create coziness and, on the contrary, make the environment gloomy and cold. Incorrectly selected lighting can completely ruin the overall picture of even the most expensive interior.

Criteria for choosing a chandelier

You need to choose a chandelier for the living room very carefully, taking into account about a dozen different criteria. After all, a chandelier is an integral attribute of the interior design of a room. It is very important that it not only fits well into general design, but also had high quality characteristics.

Today, choosing a chandelier is also very difficult, since even among domestic producers You can find a great variety of different models, differing in appearance and style.

For the living room, the most popular now are chandeliers made of crystal or in the Art Nouveau style. Chandeliers with additional technical and engineering devices are also very relevant.

Chandelier with a lot of candles

For example, among such models you can now find a chandelier with remote control, which is made from environmentally friendly material.

Rectangular chandeliers

It’s easy to get confused in such a variety of models, and therefore there is a high risk of making incorrect choice. For this reason, here are the criteria to guide you when choosing a chandelier:

  • the style in which the chandelier is made;
  • chandelier size;
  • power;
  • form;
  • design (number of lampshades, etc.);
  • technical features of the chandelier;
  • manufacturer.

Choosing a chandelier style for the living room

When choosing the style of a chandelier, you should pay attention to general interior premises for which it will be purchased.

Living room chandelier size

When choosing a chandelier for the living room, it is important to be able to choose the right size. So, by choosing a chandelier that is too large for, you can easily “overload” it, but a smaller one will obviously get lost in a large living room.

It is important to follow the rule here: For a large living room, pay attention to chandeliers with wide details. How smaller size living room, the smaller the chandelier for it should be.

Chandelier power

For more complete lighting in the room, it is necessary to take into account the power characteristics of the chandelier for the living room. The power of a lighting device is the sum of the power of all the lamps that are used in it.

To determine the lamp power that should suit a particular chandelier, you must follow the following calculations: divide the total power of the chandelier by the number of lamps that are in it.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the typical characteristics of the lamps with which the chandelier is equipped, since they can be different for each one. For example, a chandelier with fragile elements should have low-power lamps.

Design and types of chandeliers

In general, all types of chandeliers can be divided into: ceiling ones, which are fixed to the ceiling, and classic ones, which are suspended from the ceiling. In order for the chandelier to fit harmoniously and correctly into the design of the room, it is necessary to take into account some features.

Cloud chandelier

For a room with a lot of free space, you should not choose a ceiling chandelier, as it will get lost in this space.

When choosing a chandelier for the living room, pay attention to its shape and color. According to their shape, all chandeliers are mainly divided into round and elongated.

The color palette of chandeliers should be chosen based on the “second”. An interior with classic elements of details should contain a chandelier in warmer, pastel shades.

  • Preference should be given to chandelier models for the living room that have a lower degree of energy consumption.
  • It is worth purchasing chandeliers with several switching modes and power adjustment.
  • When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the cartridges.

Lighting plays a key role in shaping the image of any room. Depending on size, purpose and set functional zones space, it may have different sources of artificial light. But in almost all cases, ceiling lights - chandeliers - are used. Long gone are the days when a chandelier performed exclusively the functions of a lighting fixture. In a modern interior, a ceiling lamp can act as the main decorative element, be color accent design, serves to link the central objects of the room or reflect the concept of any stylistic direction. In a word, the choice of a chandelier, no matter what room you are decorating, must be taken responsibly, because you will need to solve many dilemmas - the size and shape of the lamp, color scheme, the power of the device and even the color and intensity of light fluxes. well and fashion design pendant lamps for rooms for various purposes You can look at our large selection of photos of design projects collected around the world.

Criteria for choosing a modern chandelier

In addition to its main functional component - lighting a space, a chandelier can perform other options - zoning a room, visually making it more spacious and voluminous due to correctly selected lighting intensity and distribution of light fluxes, it can create the necessary accent, become a central element of the interior, and distract attention from unsuccessful objects or entire areas.

So, the choice of chandelier is influenced by the following criteria:

  • purpose of the room - it is obvious that a chandelier for a bathroom and a living room, for example, must be chosen differently;
  • the size of the room and the number of functional zones, the presence of other lighting fixtures - even in small rooms, the lighting system rarely consists of one pendant lamp, given the multifunctionality of the rooms, each segment requires its own source of artificial light;
  • the color palette of the interior influences the choice of chandelier design, its power and lighting color (warm or cold flow);
  • the stylistic direction in interior design directly influences the choice of chandelier model;
  • financial capabilities of the owners of the premises for which the lamp is being selected and their idea of ​​the beauty and practicality of lighting devices - cost range modern chandeliers incredibly wide.

Types of modern chandeliers by design and style

In terms of design features, the most popular type of chandeliers today are pendant lamps. The name speaks for itself - such a chandelier must have a string, cord or chain on which the main elements of the lamp are attached - a lampshade (one or more) and its supporting structure. The length of the pendant lamp can be adjusted depending on the size of the room (mainly the height of the ceiling) and the atmosphere that needs to be created in the room with its help - a solemn one, brightly illuminating the entire space, or an intimate one, scattering the lighting and dimming it.

The second most popular type of chandeliers is ceiling lights. Such lighting They do not have a suspension and are attached directly to the ceiling. The design may consist of one large lampshade adjacent to the ceiling surface or several lampshades supported unified system. Ceiling chandeliers – perfect option for rooms with low ceiling. These lamps are easy to care for. But to replace a light bulb in a chandelier consisting of one large shade, you will have to unscrew the entire structure from the ceiling.

There are also chandeliers that are difficult to identify as one of the two types of lamps from a design point of view. Most often this is designer models, ornate in shape, they can be partially fixed to the ceiling, partially located on pendants, or represent a structure that is externally difficult to identify with one or another type of lamp.

Classic chandeliers and their variations

One of the most popular types chandeliers from the point of view of stylistic execution are a classic model. Most of us associate the very concept of a chandelier with this type of lamp - smooth lines suspended structure with several shades, most often contains decorative elements. But the name “classical” chandelier should not confuse you - this type of lamp is relevant for almost any style of interior design - from neo-classical to avant-garde. Traditional chandeliers with a modern design can be presented in a wide variety of variations.

Initially, the classic chandelier was the personification of the wealth and taste of the owners (in fact, only wealthy homeowners could afford chandeliers). They were made from natural materials - metal, glass, crystal, lampshades could be made of fabric. For many of our compatriots, a crystal chandelier is still a symbol of luxury, elegance and prosperity.

The first chandeliers were essentially hanging candlesticks. In special metal frames candles were inserted. The memory of the roots of the classical chandelier is embodied in modern models. Pendant lamps with imitation of burning candles are incredibly popular and look great in rooms of any purpose, made in the neo-classical style, various modifications of the classical style, contemporary and shabby chic.

Modern chandeliers in a traditional style can be made entirely of plastic, decorated with decorative elements (such as Swarovski rhinestones) and still look luxurious, respectable and even pretentious. But the modern style of decorating living spaces still inclines us to purchase chandeliers of a laconic design, with a minimal set of decor.

If you add to a classic chandelier a bright color and many decorative elements, then it easily becomes not only a decoration of the interior, but its main color accent, the center of attraction of all views.

The most popular are chandeliers of the traditional model with a metal, lightweight frame and several shades, most often made of fabric. Such pendant lamps Quite versatile, they fit harmoniously into the modern interior of any type of room. Such a chandelier would be appropriate in a living room, bedroom, even a children's room or a spacious hallway. Besides, this model does not require very high ceilings in the room.

Art Nouveau pendant lamps

Art Nouveau style appeared as a counterbalance to all classical motifs in the field of interior design. Everything new and ultra-modern, going against traditional forms, was usually called modern. In fact, at present, any chandelier that differs in type from the classical one can be called a lamp in the Art Nouveau style. These include ultra-modern chandeliers with an avant-garde design that bring creativity to the design of space and minimalist lamps that can be used in the interior of any room.

There are countless options for designing a chandelier in the Art Nouveau style. These can be laconic designs with several light bulbs without shades or elaborate lamps with many decorative elements, behind which it is difficult to see the light sources themselves.

Eco-style chandeliers

The desire to use everything natural in a modern style could not ignore such an area of ​​interior design as the production of lighting fixtures. At the same time, chandeliers created using natural materials, can organically fit not only into eco-style or country. They perfectly complement almost all types of modern style and look harmonious in rooms decorated in shabby chic, Provence, eclectic, Scandinavian and even avant-garde styles.

When making eco-style chandeliers, we use natural materials– metal, wood, glass, crystal, fabric, paper (most often rice), shells, pebbles, twigs, straw, bamboo can serve as decorative elements.

Chandelier for zoning a modern room

Traditionally, a chandelier is hung in the center of the room. But in Lately Multifunctional interiors have become increasingly widespread - spaces consisting of several segments require a more comprehensive lighting system. Very often the central chandelier is complemented by built-in lighting - this may be like LED Strip Light, located along the perimeter of the ceiling, and lamps placed locally depending on the location of the functional areas.

The chandelier can be located not only in the center of the room. For example, it can become an element of zoning for a particular functional segment. In the living room, which combines the functions of a dining room, the chandelier can be placed above dining table. IN common room with a fireplace, the chandelier can be “moved” towards the soft zone, especially if, in addition to the pendant lamp, there are other light sources - floor lamp or wall sconces.

In the bedroom, the chandelier can be hung not in the center of the room, but at the foot of the bed (if you want to use a fairly long structure, but the height of the ceiling does not allow it) or equipped with a pair of pendant lamps bedside tables on both sides of the bed.

For a spacious room, a pair of identical chandeliers is quite often used. design technique for foreign projects. But even in our country, many homeowners were able to appreciate the benefits of such an arrangement of lighting fixtures. On the one hand, you can illuminate a considerable area of ​​the room while maintaining a symmetrical setting, on the other hand, you can create an original tandem that can become the highlight of the interior.

What if there are not two chandeliers, but three? Of course, for such lighting and decoration, a considerable area of ​​​​the room is required and its height is sufficient. A trio of identical pendant lamps looks especially impressive when placed strictly in a row.

It is logical that a chandelier, if it is not the only lighting fixture in the room, should match the style of other lamps. At the same time, experts argue that there is no need to select devices from the same collection; it is enough to opt for models of the same stylistic affiliation, made from the same materials, even if different color, decorated with different decor.

On the other hand, chandeliers that are excellent in the way they are executed and decorated, illuminating one room, are an interesting and bold design move. If you feel brave enough for such interior design, it will become a distinctive feature not only of this room, but of the entire home.

Modern chandeliers: photos of 2018 models

The final accent of an apartment renovation is the correctly selected chandeliers and lamps. Classic ceiling chandeliers in the interior along with elegant wall sconces, lamps and floor lamps - any lighting fixtures can highlight unique design And creativity to the decoration of rooms.

In a modern interior, a chandelier, in addition to its lighting function, often acts as the main decorative tool.

The most important task of renovating an apartment is renovating the living room. a guest room is the most visited place for both apartment residents and guests. This is where you need to try to achieve maximum harmony in order to advantageously present stylistic moments and surprise with impeccable taste.

The traditional option is a crystal chandelier located in the center of the ceiling of the room. Made of transparent crystal, sparkling in the rays of the sun (or in the reflections of candles behind festive table), it will fit perfectly into any interior style: from classic modest to modernist especially expensive.

A classic crystal chandelier is associated with luxury, elegance and well-being

The chandelier is relevant for almost any style - from neo-classical to avant-garde

Thanks to the correctly selected shape and size of the crystal chandelier, it is easy to adjust the visual appearance of the room.

Lamps with imitation hot candles look great in various classical, shabby chic and contemporary styles

  • A wide crystal shape right up to the ceiling will make the room appear more spacious.
  • If the design of the lamp is chosen with elongated crystal icicles, then it will easily “lower” the ceiling closer to the floor, which is often used when you want to fill an apartment with high ceilings with homeliness.
  • A round crystal chandelier, on the contrary, will make the ceiling higher and the room itself more elongated upward.
  • The strict geometry of the central crystal lamp will add solidity to the interior, i.e. it will be the right choice for arranging not only a living room, but also an office.

A chandelier with a rigid attachment to the ceiling visually raises the height of the room

Compact chandelier in a minimalist style living room

The ceiling lampshade in the living room can have additions in the form of gilded chains, candlesticks, decorative elements made of metal, bronze, glass or expensive natural stones. It is worth considering that a chandelier for a living room interior is not purchased so often, and even if after overhaul If you still decide to change the shape of the central electric lamp, then you will not want to make the next such replacement soon. That is why it is worth paying attention special attention when choosing a chandelier and it is advisable to buy the most practical option.

Variety of shapes and types of chandeliers

Modern industry offers a huge selection of chandeliers of the most various forms and types. This assortment provides excellent opportunities to successfully hide undesirable aspects of the interior or apartment layout.

There are two types of ceiling lamps:

  1. On a rigid wide mount to the ceiling (the plane of the chandelier to the plane of the ceiling).
  2. Hanging models.

A lamp with a wide ceiling mount has the specificity of “raising” the ceiling and making the room visually higher. This shape will transform the room into a modern style.

Hanging chandeliers are suitable for high ceilings, for Not large premises it is better to use flat models

Hanging chandeliers are a set of lampshades (or one lampshade) on a long suspension. The suspension is attached to the ceiling using a special hook hidden under a decorative figured element. The length of the suspension can often be adjusted.

The design of the external shape of the lampshade is presented quite widely:

  1. The classic form is traditional semicircular, cylindrical, figured shades, open, closed or upside down. The configuration (location) of the lampshades allows you to play with the direction of the light flow, i.e., enhance it (open lampshades facing down) or make the light diffused soft ( closed form lampshade or the light is directed upward, but is reflected from the ceiling around the room).

    Crystal chandeliers look rich and are used mainly for large rooms with high ceilings

  2. The antipode of classics will be vintage: vintage “antique” chandeliers are forged, relief patterns with elements of colored glass, wood or fabric.

    A forged chandelier is ideal for interiors made using wood or natural stone

  3. Eco-style in lampshade design is presented in the form of natural materials, which are used for the manufacture of lampshades and general decoration. Wood, cones, spruce branches, feathers, antlers, shells - these gifts of nature are used to create forms that are unique in beauty and grace.

    Features of chandeliers in eco-style - shades made of natural materials

  4. A direct type of eco-chandelier is a chandelier in Japanese style. In essence, the same natural composition of the lampshade design, but from materials from the East: bamboo, rice paper and others. Another characteristic of the Japanese style is the clear geometry of the pattern and the absence of any pomp or luxury (everything is as restrained and laconic as possible).

    Japanese style chandelier made of wood with rice paper shades

  5. Modern style offers enough variants of models: from the correct geometry (multi-tiered metal rings with additional surroundings in the form of candlesticks, neon lights, beads) to the absolute avant-garde both in form and in materials (star scattering, waterfall and others).

    Designer chandelier of unconventional shape

Chandelier color

According to the color principle, the entire variety of ceiling lampshades in a modern interior can be divided into two categories:

  • plain;
  • colored.

The second option (colored lamps) is appropriate in children's rooms or even in the kitchen (in country style, pop art). This approach will fill the room with spontaneity, lightness, and playfulness.

But a chandelier can also act as the main color accent

But plain chandeliers are universal choice for any room, which will give the interior phlegmaticity, solidity and emotional equanimity. Actually, chandeliers in one color are almost invisible (they do not catch the eye like bright multi-color ones). Unless you choose an absolute contrast in the color of the lampshade and the general background of the room. But, at the same time, thanks to such a chandelier, the renovation of the room will be harmonious and complete.

The color balance of the chandelier can be confidently enhanced by the selected light source. For example, the yellow light of ordinary incandescent lamps will fill the room with warmth and comfort, but in a chandelier it will remove the decorum and epic calm. Light from ordinary incandescent lamps has the most beneficial effect on human eyes and does not cause pain or excessive stress.

The black chandelier looks extravagant and matches bright interior and high white ceiling

The white chandelier goes with all shades and suits any interior.

Energy-saving lamps will be a cost-effective alternative to incandescent lamps. By luminous flux there are cold white and warm yellowish, therefore, the general background of the perception of light can be the same as that from an incandescent lamp.

Halogen, fluorescent, reflective and LED bulbs is the result of technical innovation. This type of lighting fixture will fill the room with clean, invigorating white (or colored) light. They are quite different in external shape and color content (a full palette of colors and shades is presented). Such modern motifs and the manufacturability of these light sources are perfect for an office, hallway, or bathroom.

How to choose the right chandelier for a room

Considering the variety of shapes, types, colors of ceiling lampshades and their intended purpose as an indispensable element of the interior, it is easy to get confused in the choice. We offer brief tips and rules for choosing an electric lamp for a room.

  1. Correspondence between the external dimensions of the chandelier and the overall dimensions of the room. Under high ceiling In a wide living room, a small single chandelier will look illogical. Just as in a small room with a small window and a low ceiling, it would be inappropriate to hang a luxurious royal chandelier on several levels. In other words, look for the “golden mean” to achieve harmony of space.

    Huge industrial style chandelier

  2. Color combination. The color of the lampshades must integrate the overall background of the room’s decor. Contrasts are undesirable here, since this irritates the human psyche, which will certainly affect communication with loved ones. As a result, you will want to change the provocateur chandelier at any cost. The most tolerant and harmless color of lampshades is white or transparent. For this reason, crystal lamps are too often chosen, white glass, plastic.

    Luxurious chandelier with stained glass shades

  3. It's very important to guess suitable diameter lamp for the overall size of the ceiling plane. Here you can use mathematics: divide the length and width of the room’s ceiling (in cm) by 30, add the resulting numbers and multiply the sum by 2.5 - this is the approximate diameter of the chandelier for a given ceiling.

    Well-chosen diameter of the chandelier, which serves as zoning for the dining area of ​​the kitchen

  4. The height of the lampshade hanging is another nuance the right choice. No one wants to hit their head on the edges of a crystal or any other chandelier. Therefore: from the floor to the edge of the lampshade there must be a minimum of 2 meters in height. As mentioned above in the text, most models of modern pendant chandeliers have a height adjuster, and therefore problems with this issue do not arise.

    Laconic model with a long pendant

  5. It is worth taking seriously the purpose of the room where you plan to buy a lamp. For an office, nursery or kitchen, bright light is very important and necessary, i.e. choose open views lampshades or models modern style with halogen or fluorescent lamps. But for a bedroom or living room, a soft luminous flux is desirable, which does not irritate the eyes and sets the mood for rest and relaxation. For these purposes, it is better to choose closed shades and classic “Ilyich bulbs”.

    Chandelier with a textile lampshade in a colorful eclectic interior

  6. And the last rule for choosing a chandelier is your own taste. You live in an apartment and see this piece of illumination every day. This means that you must like the shape, size and color of the electric lamp, and only then meet all the selection criteria described above.

    Cloud chandelier in the background gray walls living room

Of course, the harmonious combination of the chandelier with the interior style plays a significant role. So, for a vintage interior style or for a Provence style, a lampshade in the style rustic country. Choose classic crystal, airy shapes or multi-level pendants for these styles.

Likewise, if the interior is modern, high-tech, military, futurism and other neo-modern styles, it will be “decorated” with an old-fashioned lampshade and made of simple material. If the design is modern, then the lamp must correspond to the fashion of the 21st century.

For a spacious living room, a pair of identical pendant lamps is a fairly commonly used technique to illuminate large area and create an original interior

There can be three chandeliers if it fits harmoniously into the design of the room

IN modern interiors a chandelier is sometimes replaced by many light bulbs suspended on cords without any shades

If you carefully consider all the above tips, it is easy to choose a chandelier that is ideal in appearance, shape and color, which will delight the eye for many years!

Video on how to choose a chandelier to match your interior style

Photo: chandeliers for every taste and color

How to transform the interior of any room, make it more interesting and luxurious? To do this, it is not at all necessary to renovate the room or completely update the furniture. Sometimes, it’s enough just to hang a beautiful chandelier and the room will sparkle with new colors.

Chandelier is important element any interior, which plays not only a functional role, but also decorative role. It gives the room a special atmosphere of comfort and coziness, fills it with light and shine. Therefore, most people choose beautiful chandeliers that are designed to emphasize the design idea and style of the room.

The first chandeliers appeared in the 4th century in Byzantium, where pendant lamps began to be used. Even then, craftsmen sought to create the most beautiful chandeliers using stone, bronze, wood, and mica. They came up with more and more original and unusual options chandeliers, giving them intricate shapes.

Over time, exquisite forged, crystal, multi-tiered chandeliers with many candles, gilding, silver, and enamel began to appear. Of course, they could only decorate palace halls.

Today, beautiful chandeliers are available to everyone. However, the concept of “beautiful” is quite multifaceted and individual; it can include many characteristics, and for each person they will be different. But still there is an exception to the rule - this is a classic.

Classic beautiful chandeliers are true works of art, which remain attractive for many centuries. Forging, gilding, bronze, crystal - all this gives the room a special charm and luxury.

Beautiful chandeliers in the interior - photo

Their crystal chandeliers are very beautiful, emphasizing the grace and nobility of style. They can be made in the form of a ball, lanterns, bowls, openwork flowers, a waterfall, and have several horns, chains, pendants, mirrors and other decorative elements. Beautiful chandeliers are often decorated with Swarovski crystals, which emphasize the taste and status of the owner.

Many people prefer Art Nouveau chandeliers for their unusual shapes, ornate curved elements, bold details and color combinations. They always look original and are made of colored glass, crystal, wood, leather, metal, and semi-precious stones.

They are distinguished by curved lines in the shape of plants, birds, flowers, butterflies, and leaves. These beautiful chandeliers attract connoisseurs of modern art and young people who love experiments.

The concept of beauty is very individual, Therefore, a lot here depends on your tastes and the chosen interior style. Some are crazy about exotic, fancy chandeliers, others prefer exclusive designer models, others choose creative, bright chandeliers abstract forms.

A beautiful chandelier is the highlight of your interior

A crystal drop loomed, this is not the norm. Functional compatibility depends, first of all, not on the chandelier itself, but on the owner.

To avoid the embarrassment described above, you should take into account the height, diameter of the base of the chandelier and the number of shades ( lamps).

Chandelier height

Selected based on minimum distance(20-30 cm) between the head of the tallest family member and extreme point chandeliers. With ceiling heights of more than 3 meters, practice fades into the background and gives way to aesthetics. If the ceiling material allows, you can hang a massive pendant chandelier. Well, if it so happens that the room is commensurate with a hobbit’s home, then there are options for ceiling-mounted chandeliers without legs and ornate arms with shades.

To determine the optimal diameter of the chandelier (in meters), there is a formula: (Dk + Shk) / 10, where: Dk and Shk are the length and width of the room in meters, respectively.

Number of lamps

There are a number of criteria for their selection, depending on the purpose of the rooms (with a ceiling height of 2.5-3 m). Living room traditionally the largest room and requires bright lighting of 20 W per each square meter. Medium light level suitable for bathroom, office, kitchen or nursery, and here the requirements of 16-18 W are valid. For the bedroom, dim light with a modest 12-14 W is used.

Color balance

When choosing a chandelier, you should pay attention to color scheme rooms. Warm colors ceiling lamps are often a common solution. The advice of many designers comes down to choosing a secondary dominant color in the room, like perfect solution for the chandelier. This should highlight the general style and do not go too far in the direction of merging the chandelier with the main range.