Maximum extraction power. How to choose the right power hood for the kitchen? Which company is better to buy a hood

Let's start, perhaps, with natural and. As the name implies, the first type includes ventilation and everything that has nothing to do with devices. Accordingly, to mechanical ventilation include fans, hoods, supply valves and other equipment for creating forced air flow.

Good for the moderate speed of this flow, which creates comfortable conditions indoors for a person – the wind is not felt. Although correctly installed high-quality forced ventilation also does not bring drafts. But there is also a minus: at low air flow speed at natural ventilation a wider cross-section is needed to feed it. As a rule, the most effective ventilation is provided with complete open windows or doors, which speeds up the air exchange process, but can negatively affect the health of residents, especially in winter period of the year. If we ventilate the house by partially opening the windows or completely opening the vents, such ventilation requires about 30–75 minutes, and here the window frame may freeze, which may well lead to condensation, and the cold air entering long time, leads to health problems. Widely open windows speed up air exchange in the room; through ventilation will take approximately 4–10 minutes, which is safe for window frames, but with such ventilation almost all the heat in the house comes out, and for a long time indoor temperatures are quite low, which again increases the risk of disease.

We should also not forget about the increasingly popular supply valves, which are installed not only on windows, but also on walls inside rooms (wall supply valve), if the window design does not provide for such valves. The wall valve provides air infiltration and is an oblong pipe installed through the wall, closed on both sides with grilles and adjustable from the inside. It can be either completely open or completely closed. For convenience in the interior, it is recommended to place such a valve next to the window, since it can be hidden under tulle, and the flow of passing air will be heated by radiators located under the window sills.

For normal air circulation throughout the apartment, it is necessary to ensure its free movement. To do this on interior doors install transfer grilles so that the air moves smoothly from supply systems to the exhaust, passing throughout the house, through all the rooms. It is important to consider that the correct flow is considered to be the one in which the smelliest room (toilet, bathroom, kitchen) is the last. If it is not possible to install a flow grille, it is enough to simply leave a gap between the door and the floor, about 2 cm. This is enough for air to move easily around the house.

In cases where natural ventilation is not enough or there is no desire to provide it, they switch to using mechanical ventilation.

Choosing a kitchen hood should start with determining technical characteristics device you like. Many users do not study this issue well enough, paying attention only to the dimensions and design of the device. As a result, they acquire a device that is too weak, which cannot cope with the air masses in the room, or, on the contrary, it is too powerful, creating noise and consuming a lot of electricity. To avoid these problems, you need to know how to calculate the hood in accordance with the dimensions and features of the kitchen.

Among the technical characteristics Special attention It is worth paying attention to the power and performance of the device. These indicators reflect the volume of air masses that the hood passes through itself over a certain time, as well as the energy spent on this process. If you correctly calculate the volume of air in the room and take into account additional factors, you can determine exactly how much time the appliance needs to completely ventilate the kitchen. This will allow you not to make a mistake when choosing an exhaust device and subsequently use it as efficiently and economically as possible.
In this material we will tell you how to calculate the power of a kitchen hood so that it successfully copes with the ventilation of the room.

Types of kitchen hoods

Exhaust devices are divided into several types according to their method of operation, design and mounting option. The type of device often determines the degree of its performance, so at the first stage of selection, it is worth remembering this pattern.

  1. Flow hoods are models equipped with a dome that remove polluted air into common system ventilation through the chimney. Such hoods can have quite high power.
  2. Recirculation hoods are compact hoods, the operating principle of which is to pass air masses through a system of cleaning filters. These models, as a rule, have less power than flow-through ones; they pass a limited volume of air through them.

The rules for calculating performance for different types of hoods are slightly different. In a recirculation system, the main factor is the power of the motor, and in a flow-through system, the efficiency of air removal into the ventilation shaft.

Formula for calculating the performance of a recirculating hood

The standard calculation of the required performance of a kitchen hood is carried out using the following formula:

where: N - design capacity, m³/hour;
S—kitchen area, m²;
h – ceiling height, m;
12 - accepted by SES;
1.3—minimum reserve ratio.

Hood performance calculator

  • when using an electric stove;
  • kitchen with closed doors and windows, separated from other rooms;
  • The shape of the room is rectangular.

It is important to note that the calculation formula allows you to find out what volumes of air the device will process when maximum power and speed of work. Of course, in real conditions the device cannot constantly operate in the most energy-consuming mode. To get a more accurate result, it is recommended to add 15–20% to the final figure, this way you will calculate the productivity kitchen hood For efficient work in medium mode.

If used for cooking gas stove, then coefficient 12 should be changed to 20 without hesitation. In this case, in addition to fumes, ventilation will have to remove gas combustion products from the kitchen. If the design has carbon filter, it is worth adding 20 to 30%, since it creates additional resistance for the incoming air.

Calculation of the performance of a flow-through exhaust system

Calculation of the power of an exhaust hood with an air duct is also carried out by calculating the volume of air masses in the room. However, the performance of such a system is greatly influenced by throughput air duct. If the air exhaust duct is not installed correctly, the high-power appliance will not operate efficiently and may even fail. Common problems resulting in high noise levels and overheating of the electrical parts of the device.

In almost all apartment buildings The air ducts do not exceed 12–13 cm in diameter. Up to 400 m³ of air can be removed through them per hour. This figure should be taken into account when choosing a hood for the kitchen - if you buy a device with a higher performance, the power consumption will increase with a slight increase in performance.

An important factor is the length and shape of the chimney pipe. If the exit to the ventilation shaft is too far from the installation site of the hood, and the channel itself has unevenness and angles, the air will pass through it at a lower speed. In this case, installing a powerful exhaust device is also unjustified.

Effect of hood shape on power level

In addition to differences in the way they work, kitchen hoods also differ in the type of design.

  1. Dome or fireplace. This design is made in the shape of a trapezoid or cone. Thanks to this device, it creates additional natural cravings air. It can have different powers, up to the highest levels.
  2. T-shaped. Simplified version hoods with a chimney; instead of a dome, rectangular panels are used. In a compact form it can be built inside furniture. With a wide drawing surface, it often has high productivity.
  3. Inclined. An appliance with a chimney, the lower part of which is located at an angle relative to the wall. This shape provides good air draft and saves space. Has high and average performance indicators.
  4. Wall-mounted. A device with filters that purify the air and remove it back into the room. It has no outlet for ventilation. Has a medium power level.
  5. Hanging or sliding. Convenient and discreet, but ineffective models of recirculation hoods. As a rule, they have low power. Used on small kitchens or upon provision additional system ventilation.

Thus, we can conclude that the best option for spacious rooms is a classic fireplace or T shape ventilation, as well as some of the inclined models. They can provide enough power to ventilate the kitchen. IN small rooms You can also install a wall-mounted recirculation model, but in this case you need to be especially careful in calculating the performance of the hood and the volume of air masses.

Hood dimensions as an indicator of performance

When calculating the power of a kitchen hood, it is logical to assume that the larger the exhaust surface of the device, the greater the volume of air it can let through during operation. Accordingly, small (built-in or folding) hood models have low performance indicators, while large dome hoods have the highest performance.

This is the only one external factor, by which you can “determine” the operating power of the device by eye. However, today this approach cannot be called correct. Modern hoods can be highly efficient even with a compact design. An example of this is T-shaped and inclined hoods, which, in the absence of an impressive dome, do an excellent job of ventilating even spacious rooms.

Noise level at different device performance

noise level

When passing large volume air through the exhaust ducts, a sound naturally arises, which increases when the motor operates with high power. In residential areas, noise can interfere with the comfort of the kitchen and even penetrate into other rooms. Therefore, it is very important to choose a hood of such power that the noise level during its operation does not exceed permissible limits.

The most low level Small hoods with low power have noise levels - their indicators do not exceed 40–45 decibels. This is a fairly comfortable level for constant operation of the device in automatic mode. However, when choosing such a model, you will have to sacrifice the efficiency of its operation.

Kitchen hoods with high power have high noise levels and can create discomfort when working outside. large rooms. Experts recommend turning these devices “on full” only in emergencies; for daily use, set the settings to average. Then the hood will not make loud sounds during operation.

Features of calculating the power of a kitchen hood

Let's summarize to answer the question of how to choose a kitchen hood based on power? To do this, you should take into account a number of factors that we have already noted above:

  • Calculating the volume of air in the room.
  • Find out the diameter of the air duct and its length.
  • Having made adjustments in accordance with the presence of filtration systems and pipe bends.
  • Noting the type of stove and the frequency of its use.
  • Having determined a comfortable noise level.

Together, calculating the performance of a kitchen hood using these parameters will ensure that the appliance operates efficiently and economically. You can read about other features of choosing ventilation systems in special sections of our website.

Properly calculated power plays a significant role when purchasing a device. Specific odors during cooking and frying food, fumes, burning, smoke - all this is removed using this device. However, this is only possible when its performance matches the required characteristics.

So as not to buy just an elegant kitchen accessory Instead of a working device, before going to the store you need to calculate the power of the hood. And to correctly calculate the formula, you need to understand the design and operating principle of the exhaust device. All the necessary information can be found in this article.

Why do you need power calculation?

The performance of the engine will determine how much exhaust air the hood can replace in an hour, and it is measured in cubic meters. The main task of this device is to eliminate specific odors in the kitchen, as well as timely removal of fat, soot, and fumes that are inevitably present when cooking and frying food.

How to calculate a kitchen hood so that the performance complies with the conditions of SNiP. Having selected and installed a hood of the required power, the costs for it will be compensated over time by saving detergents.

Factors affecting power calculation

To calculate the performance of a kitchen hood, the formula is used:

Q=s × h × 12.

Here, only the size of the room, height to the ceiling and air exchange rate are taken into account. This is a correct calculation, but not complete.

In addition to the kitchen area, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • family composition (clean air consumption must meet sanitary standards per person);
  • frequency of cooking;
  • what dishes are prepared (with fatty broth or healthy food);
  • cross-section, length, material of air ducts.

The type of stove and the location of the room also influence the power of the device. Let's look at the last two parameters in more detail.

Slab type

Undoubtedly, the area and type of stove affects the performance of the hood. The type of stove affects the amount of waste in the form of scale and burning that gets into the air when frying meat, boiling borscht, or healthy food with only vegetables. At the same time, the flow of fresh air into the room also occurs in different ways. Consequently, the air exchange rate also changes.

Let's take a closer look at how this happens:

  1. The calculation of a kitchen hood in the presence of an electric stove differs from the classic one, since combustion products do not penetrate into the air, except for steam from cooking food. As a rule, the air exchange rate for these electric stoves is increased in calculations from 12 to 15, while the classic formula will also change as follows:

Q=S × H × 15.

  1. When a gas stove is used, the air exchange rate increases to 20. This is due to the fact that in addition to evaporation, combustion products in the form of burning, soot, scorch, etc. enter the air space above the stove. Here the formula for calculating productivity will be different: S × H × 20.
  2. It would be incorrect to state unequivocally that if there is hob with an area of ​​65 cm, the hood should be more productive than with a smaller slab of 55 cm. However, logically this can be assumed, because hoods with a larger area process the air mass from a slab of a larger surface. It is simply impossible to completely remove all harmful particles and odors from cooking at low power.

It is important not to make mistakes when calculating device parameters. Calculating the power of a hood is much easier if you take into account the main aspects.

Kitchen location

When calculating the performance of a kitchen hood, the type, area and isolation of it are taken into account. This could be: an apartment in the form of a studio, a kitchen and living room at the same time, a separate kitchen. Also, sometimes an arch is installed in the opening instead of a door, or the door is constantly open, in which case these parameters must also be taken into account.

Here the kitchen, one way or another, is combined with the adjacent room, so the conditions for calculating the performance of the hood increase several times. Thus, when calculating the power of the device, you need to take into account these additional parameters in the adjacent room, thereby fully providing your household with fresh air.

There is an opinion among users that in a small kitchen a low-power hood is sufficient. But in a small room, odors dissipate faster, which means there is a greater amount of polluted air.

Accordingly, in order for the air to be clean, air exchange must occur more often. However, the hood with low power it simply cannot provide this, or the engine will overheat and sooner or later burn out.

The greater the power of the kitchen hood, the sooner the air above the stove in the kitchen is cleaned. Productivity can be quickly calculated using the table below.

Height to ceiling in m
2,2 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,6 4,0
Kitchen area m2 6 243 254 279 300 326 376
7 269 288 331 352 378 441
8 309 341 369 401 441 502
9 349 381 419 451 489 559
10 389 419 472 501 551 631
11 431 459 509 551 611 691
12 459 510 559 601 649 752
13 512 552 610 653 708 809
14 552 589 649 702 758 869
15 592 628 699 753 822 941

Exhaust device performance

In small kitchens it is allowed to install low-power exhaust devices with a capacity of 200-300 m³/h. The price of these devices is relatively small and they perform their task under certain conditions: cooking occurs no more than two or three times a day and in small volumes. For more frequent cooking, it is better to use a classic hood with a power of 600 m³/h.

On a note! The productivity of the device is indicated in m³/h. Sometimes it is called power. However, this value cannot be used as power consumption, which is defined in watts (W).

Productivity must comply with SNiP standards. During an hour of operation, air is replaced approximately 10-12 times. For calculations, as a rule, they take the number 12. If household members often smoke in the kitchen, then the productivity of the unit increases by 20-30%.

Power calculation

As is already known, to quickly calculate the performance of the device, use the following formula:

P=S × H × 12, Where

P– calculated power value;

S– area of ​​the room;

H- ceiling height;

12 – replacement of air mass in the kitchen in accordance with SNiP.

This formulation is suitable for relatively small volumes of air in the room, up to 40 m³. It is used to determine the lowest extraction power. In practice this value may vary as it is influenced by other aspects: type hob and air circulation, family composition and kitchen location.

For clear example Let us give a calculation of the performance of a hood for a kitchen measuring 12 m2.

For this, the following initial data is provided:

  • room dimensions 12 m2 (3 × 4);
  • distance to ceiling – 2.8 m;
  • family members – 3 people;
  • the electric stove is used 3 times a day, for which the air exchange rate is 15 according to sanitary standards (coefficient 1.5);
  • There is an air duct available.

To calculate the performance of the hood, you need to substitute the input digital values ​​into the formula:

(3 × 4) × 2.8 × 12 × 1.5 = 604.8 m³/h

Consequently, calculations have shown that for a kitchen with dimensions of 12 m2, the productivity of the device is at least 600 m³/h. That is, it moves this mass of air in an hour. Choosing a product with these parameters will not be difficult in any price range.

What to pay attention to

When selecting a device, first of all, you need to find out whether there is a possibility of connecting to exhaust ventilation. If the room has this throughput channel, it’s very good. If there is no possibility of connection, you will have to purchase a hood with special filters built into the device.

Hood type

Devices are divided according to the principle of operation, and more specifically, according to the method of removing air flow from the hob.

Two types are implied exhaust devices:

  • flow-through;
  • recirculating
  1. The first type of devices designed to connect it to a ventilation duct and to exhaust exhaust air outside. Moreover, such hoods can be combined. They can remove the air flow to the street, or they can immediately return it back, after passing it through filters.

Such modes are chosen at the will of the owner; generally, the second option is convenient to use in winter, so as not to cool the kitchen with the flow of cold air during replacement. Before connecting the hood, you need to check the draft in the channel; to do this, just bring the flame of a candle or match to the hole and make sure whether it deviates towards the channel.

If the draft in the well is weak, then you need to clean it first, otherwise the hood will not fully cope with its task. Another option is to move a separate ventilation duct outside with further insulation.

  1. Second type– the recirculation one is equipped with a filter system, and such devices do not need to be connected to the ventilation duct. In these hoods, the purification of the air mass takes place in two stages. First, mesh filter elements remove particles of fat, burning, and scale.

Then the air mass undergoes a second cleaning through Activated carbon, after which everyone disappears unpleasant odors and then the air returns back into the kitchen. During operation of the unit, filters provide resistance to air circulation, and this must also be taken into account when calculating performance. It is recommended to increase the indicator for such units by approximately 20-30%.

Noise level

When purchasing a hood for your kitchen, you need to pay attention to its noise level, since the sounds produced by different household appliances can cause your discomfort. How to find out the noise level from the installed device? This indicator is indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer. Modern hoods have a noise value from 30 to 70 dB.

An acceptable indicator according to SNiP is considered to be a level from 30 to 45 dB. In case digital value the hood will have more, then its operation will be loud. The more massive the walls of the exhaust device body, the quieter it will work, since all sounds will be absorbed inside the device.

Sometimes manufacturers soundproof the outside of the unit using various sound-absorbing materials. And also in some models, instead of one, two fans with lower power are built-in, which significantly affects the overall noise level towards a decrease.

As a result of such design changes, modern hoods have the lowest noise levels.

  1. Performance. The more powerful the device, the more efficiently it will move the air. Therefore, it will create more noise when operating this way. Therefore, you should not purchase a hood with a power exceeding that calculated for a given room.
  2. Number of operating modes. Choose a kitchen hood with several modes. This way you can reduce noise by setting the process to a minimum value. When choosing, you do not need to buy a model with a noise level greater than 45 dB.
  3. Noise level value. Periodically clean the first stage filters and promptly change the second stage carbon filter elements, since when they are dirty they also significantly increase the noise level.


It is not easy for the average person to navigate the range of models of exhaust devices presented and make the right choice. At the same time, if the device is purchased with appropriate power and a suitable size, then the operation of this unit will allow it to provide a pleasant atmosphere and a healthy microclimate in the apartment.

Nowadays, it is probably impossible to imagine a modern kitchen, equipped according to the rules of the latest trends in technological progress, that would not have a good-quality, powerful, functional and productive hood. It is worth saying that the old models were very far from such a description, and the noise from them reached neighboring rooms through the walls. But, given the rapid development of technology, it can no longer be said that the hoods offered by manufacturers have not become several steps higher. But how can we determine the quality of the hood, its performance and usefulness? After all, you can rarely be 100% confident in the integrity of the manufacturer. Calculating a kitchen hood is the best way out!

Making the calculation correctly is not a difficult matter, but it is important. Only having all the data on hand can you be confident in the stable operation and maximum efficiency of the device. With a good hood, smells and fumes will never stagnate in your kitchen; You will also free yourself from such an unpleasant task as washing the walls from greasy deposits. There will always be indoors Fresh air, purity. In addition, you will save great money on detergents, cosmetic repairs, replacement of quickly worn out hoods.

How to calculate the hood power?

Speaking about the classic (universal) formula for calculating hood power, it is worth remembering that this is not the only option, but it is the simplest, and most importantly, it works. To calculate, you will need to measure the kitchen area and height, then multiply all the data and multiply the result by a factor of 10-12 (the amount of new air entering the room per hour). If we take into account SES standards, air renewal should occur about 12 times in one hour.

If you need to calculate the performance of the hood, if the air duct is already clogged and there are no plans to clean it, you need to multiply the resulting number by two more. When buying a new hood, it is advisable to choose a model whose productivity will slightly exceed the resulting number.


The drawing force is calculated in cubic meters per hour. The mass of air that the hood can process varies in the range of 160-1000 m3.

Formulas for calculating kitchen hoods:

1) With electric hob:

Q = (X x Y x Z) x 15 + 15% = m3/hour,

2) With gas hob:

Q = (X x Y x Z) x 20 + 15% = m3/hour,

    • X is the length of the kitchen;
    • Y is the width of the kitchen;
    • Z - ceiling height;
    • 15% - taking into account the resistance of the ventilation shaft.

An example of calculating the hood power for a kitchen with dimensions X = 3 m, Y = 4 m, Z = 3 m and a gas stove:

Q = (3 x 4 x 3) x 20 + 15% = 720 + 0.15*720 = 828 m3/hour

For an even easier calculation, use the hood power calculator.

Dinner has long been eaten, but the smell of food is still in the air? It's time to find out how to choose a kitchen hood based on power. The new household appliance will be faithful assistant housewives. With it you can forget about drops of fat, vapor and unpleasant odor.

Modern household appliances have a lot of parameters. The main criterion when purchasing an exhaust system is its performance: the more powerful the equipment, the cleaner air while cooking. Separate points worth highlighting are functionality, operating principles, dimensions and the presence of additional elements. Before making your choice, it is worth understanding all the nuances of the device.

Principle of operation

Depending on how the air is purified, hoods are:

  • circulation;
  • flow-through.

In circulation mode, the air passes through the cleaning system and returns back to the room. A variety of filters contain dust, grease and soot. Function fine cleaning destroys unpleasant odors. This is also a disadvantage of the device: a large number of filters creates air resistance, which reduces performance. Carbon filters cannot be cleaned and will have to be replaced over time.

Circulating hoods do not require an air duct. They are inexpensive and installation is not difficult. Unfortunately, they are the leader in noise production.

For flow-through systems, an air duct is required. They suck up contaminants and discharge them into the ventilation. Installation of pipes or corrugations is carried out during the installation of the device itself. Inside the hood there are metal filters on which all the soot settles. They are washed periodically in warm soapy water. Such systems have great performance.

Type of shell

In conditions small apartment Most often, suspended hoods are installed. They fit into any interior. Hanging system is characterized by low cost and quick installation. It is installed above the stove, the body can be hidden under the front of the cabinet. The only drawback is weak power.

A fireplace or dome hood is also easy to install yourself. There are many design options. The price range is wide, you can find a budget option. The dome system is highly efficient.

The built-in model is installed inside the kitchen set, making the body invisible. Some devices have a retractable panel that increases the air intake area. The device can be installed in a kitchen of any size.

Has large sizes wall model. It resembles an umbrella. It is impossible to hide such a hood behind the façade of the unit. You will have to choose a model that fits perfectly into the interior.

The island system is designed for kitchens in which the stove is located in the middle of the room. The air duct is simultaneously load-bearing structure. This model is attached to the ceiling. You can choose a kitchen appliance that suits any style: from retro to hi-tech.


Before visiting the store household appliances should be measured kitchen stove. You need to know its length and width. The width of the hood should be a little larger to absorb all the dirty air. Most often, the dimensions of the devices vary from 45 to 90 cm.

The mounting height is also taken into account. For gas stoves, the exhaust system is mounted at a height of 70 cm, and for electric stoves - 80 cm. To choose the right housing size, you need to consider whether air will escape beyond the working area. Design modern models Well thought out: no need to be afraid that the hood will look bulky.

Filtration system

Particles settling on the walls of pipes create a favorable environment for pathogenic microorganisms. Filters trap and eliminate unpleasant odors. Grease filters prevent large particles from settling on equipment parts. Without such a barrier, the engine will quickly fail.

The fine filter is based on activated carbon. It absorbs odors, vapor impurities and harmful compounds. Filters are a cassette with an adsorbent inside; vary in shape and size. They are changed as they become dirty.

Extra options

There are a number of secondary functions that make the hood more convenient and ergonomic. It is advisable to pay attention to:

  1. Noise level. To ensure that the kitchen appliance does not distract, you need to choose a hood with characteristics of no more than 45 dB.
  2. Backlight. Facade lighting will make cooking even more comfortable. There is a choice of halogen or LED lamps.
  3. Control. There are push-button and touch controls. Expensive models are equipped with a remote control.
  4. Material. Budget segment hoods are made of painted metal. Stainless steel is a little more expensive. Tinted glass is a highly valuable material.
  5. Emergency indication. Some models can switch themselves off if there is a risk of fire.
  6. Work after switching off. Once completed, the fan runs for a while, sucking up any remaining fumes.
  7. Automatic speed switching. If the smoke becomes greater, the sensor will select the appropriate fan speed.

How to choose a kitchen hood based on power

External data and additional elements not the main indicators. In the first place are technical data and volumes of purified air. The hood productivity is calculated in cubic meters/hour, and the power consumption is calculated in kilowatts spent on the operation of the device. In an hour, the equipment must refresh all the air in the room at least ten times.

The power of the hood depends on its performance. The more powerful the fan, the more air the hood will push through. Traditional power calculations are designed for circulation models. The productivity formula is simple.

You need to multiply the kitchen area by the ceiling height and by a factor of 12. If the house has a gas stove, then the factor is changed to 20. The last figure is sanitary standard absorbed cubes of air in residential buildings. 20% of the power reserve is added to the finished value.

This formula will calculate ideal conditions For:

  • kitchens with small electric stoves;
  • closed premises;
  • small rectangular room.

If there is an arched opening in the room or the door is always open, then calculations are made based on the area of ​​the corridors.

Devices with exhaust system it is necessary to calculate the cross-section of the air duct. IN panel apartments section ventilation ducts is 12.5 cm. This is enough to move about 400 cubic meters of air. A hood with a higher capacity will not cope with its task.

High power technology has significant drawback: high noise level. Most models have asynchronous electric motors that are quieter than others household appliances. But if you turn on the hood at full power, the noise will cause discomfort. In a house where there are small children, it is better to install a quiet device. Inclined models have low noise levels and high power.

Rating of the most powerful kitchen hoods

The modern household appliances market offers a wide range of hoods. The budget segment is not inferior in range to expensive brands. The list of popular models will help you make right choice, based on the device parameters.

Island hood of stainless steel made in a futuristic design. Allows you to work in both air exhaust and circulation modes. The grease filter is made of aluminum, it perfectly retains soot. Halogen lamps provide good illumination of the work surface. The versatile design allows it to be placed above an island or against a wall. The powerful 35 kW motor operates silently. Push-button control allows you to select one of three speeds. The productivity is 1050 m3/h, which will clean the air in a large kitchen. The noise level is very low. Carbon filter is not included.

The island hood is available in two colors: white and black. The metal body is easy to clean from dirt. The productivity of the device is 1050 m3/h. Touch control includes a timer function. 4 LED lamps make the cooking process more comfortable. The hood operates in two speed modes. The maximum width of the hob at which the device will function normally is 90 cm. With high motor power, the maximum noise level is only 49 dB.

The quiet inclined hood features an original appearance. High level performance allows you to absorb even the most pungent odors. It has four modes, the highest of which removes polluted air in a matter of minutes. The aluminum filter traps soot and grease. Workplace will be illuminated by two bright lamps. The touch buttons are protected by glass, which ensures flawless gear shifting. The noise level in turbo mode is 59 dB. The 15-minute timer absorbs residual odors after the hob has finished operating.

The most powerful island hood on the list. Completely eliminates combustion products, fat and soot. The built-in diffuser suppresses noise and ensures efficiency even with problematic ductwork. It is possible to install additional cleaning filters. The model provides 3 speed modes. The maximum noise level is 68 dB. The design allows the hood to fit harmoniously into any interior. Halogen lamps illuminate hob. The glass surface can be used as a shelf for necessary things.

A budget option for a fireplace hood. The case is made of stainless steel. Power is 310 watts. Two decorative boxes allow you to set the hood exactly in height. High performance allows you to clean the air even in large rooms. Light sources are located at the front of the device. The keypad switches on one of three speeds and has a timer. A grease filter protects internal parts from fumes; a carbon filter is purchased separately and lasts for about six months.

A kitchen hood is not a tribute to fashion, but a necessity and a manifestation of caring for the family. Liquid vapors, detergents and droplets vegetable oils pollute the air of the apartment, furniture, ceiling. After cooking tasty food I have to start cleaning. You should choose a hood for your kitchen based on power so that it copes with the tasks. Correct calculation of productivity will make it possible to buy high-quality model. In everything else - design, color, type of case and lighting, you can safely rely on your taste.

Installationfireplace islandfireplace islandfireplace wallfireplace islandfireplace wall
Operating modesdrainage/circulationdrainage/circulationdrainage/circulationdrainage/circulationdrainage/circulation
PeculiaritiesGrease filterAnti-return valve, grease filterGrease filterAnti-return valve, grease filter, clock
Pricefrom 29900 rub.from 52100 rub.from 30,400 rub.from 40900 rub.from 12500 rub.
Where can I buy