Mari heroes of legends. Traditions and legends from the history of the Vyatka Mari, Mari heroes

Let me tell you why our river is called Kokshaga... It was a long time ago. My great-grandmother’s great-grandmother and her great-grandmother don’t remember when this happened, but it was like that.

The evil, despicable Lord Varash then lived on this very river. Hunters hunted for him squirrel, fox, ermine and all other fur-bearing prey, beekeepers brought him honey and wax, and poor farmers brought him rye, barley and various garden foods.

Those who did not obey his will were mercilessly flogged with rods (this happened not so long ago - both my great-grandmother and my great-grandmother said that the rich and the royal servants punished our brother, a peasant, for disobedience).

How long or short did people live like this, but in one forest silt (farm; approx. by admin), a boy was born to poor parents. They named him Koksha. His father wove him a bast cradle and hung it in the right corner of the hut, closer to the hearth.

On the very first night, the hero Kugurak appeared near the cradle. He leaned over the child and said:

Take, Koksha, my strength, and your father will teach you courage.

On the second night, the hero Chotkar leaned towards the unsteady:

Take, Koksha, my dexterity, and you will receive kindness from your mother.

On the third night the hero Akpatyr appeared to the shaky mountain:

I give you wisdom, Koksha, and the people will teach you to love our land.

From that time on, Koksha began to grow by leaps and bounds. In twelve days he turned into a tall, broad-shouldered guy - into a real hero. His father gave him a bow and arrows and told him to go hunting. Koksha pulled the string and shot the arrow upward. The bowstring burst with a ringing sound, and the arrow flew above the clouds and did not return to the ground. Koksha went to the forge and forged an arrowhead weighing one and a half pounds. On the way back, he pulled out a young oak tree and made a bow out of it. And from the veins of the elk he killed he made a bowstring. Having fitted the tip to the arrow, Koksha decided to test the bow. He pulled the bowstring and shot at the centuries-old tree. The arrow pierced the tree and it split.

Less than a week had passed before the servants informed Varash about the miracle hero.

“We must take away the strength of the heroes from him,” he told the servants and taught them how to do this.

Koksha often went far away to hunt, but returned home along the shortest route. So, Varash’s henchmen made an ice hole in the place where Koksha crossed the river, and when the frost covered it with ice, they covered it with snow. Returning from a hunt, tired, but with rich booty, Koksha fell through the ice and began to drown - he did not have time to learn to swim. He choked on water and was about to lose consciousness, but suddenly he heard a voice:

Remember the power of Kugurak. Stand on the bottom and push off.

And then Varash’s henchmen saw how the ice first swelled, then split into several ice floes and Koksha the hero came ashore. “He’s finished anyway,” they grinned maliciously. “Koksha has no place to dry himself, and the severe frost will finish him off.”

Koksha also realized that the end was coming for him. The clothes immediately froze. But then he heard the voice again:

Remember Chotkar's agility. Get on your skis and run.

Koksha put on his skis and ran to the house at full speed. As he ran, he remembered the legend about how Chotkar, while his wife was boiling water for fish soup, managed to run on skis to a lake forty miles from home, catch fish and return back. Koksha ran so fast that he came home as if nothing had happened. The frost could not bind his clothes.

Koksha soon learned that the ice hole was the work of Varash’s henchmen. He approached the Varash fortress and shouted:

Hey Varash! If you are not a coward, come out, let's fight a fair fight!

“Okay, I agree to fight with you, but if you are not a coward either, then come in, we will fight here, in the fortress, on the lists for fist fights,” Varash answered, and the gates of the fortress swung open. And then again Koksha heard a voice:

Remember the wisdom of Akpatyr: do not fight your enemies alone, but gather friends, raise up the people dissatisfied with their enemies.

As soon as the gates of the fortress closed, the guards approached Koksha. The fight was long and furious, but there were many enemies, and Koksha was chained and shackled on his feet.

Throw him into a forty fathom well! - Varash ordered...

How long or how short did Koksha sit in the well, but one day the White-sided Magpie sat on the edge of the log house. Koksha was delighted and asked Soroka:

White-sided magpie! Tell my family that I am in Varash’s well. Let them help me out.

“I don’t help out stupid people,” answered the frivolous Magpie. - You yourself entered the lair of the beast.

And she flew away.

How many days have passed, Korshun sat down on the edge of the log house.

Kite! Kite! Tell your father and mother that I was thrown into the well.

“I won’t tell this to my father and mother,” answered Korshun. -I am friends with Varash and feed on those who are thrown into the well. Your turn will come soon.

And he also flew away.

And time goes on and on. Koksha is getting weaker and weaker. And just when it seemed that there was no hope of salvation, Goose sat down on the log house.

Friend, help me out,” Koksha groaned. - Pass...

I know what you want, Koksha. Stupid chatterer Soroka tells everyone that you are in Varash’s hole, but you know that no one ever believed her. Your parents didn't believe it either. After all, more than five years have passed.

They will believe you...

The goose went down into the well, tore a feather from its wing and gave it to Koksha. He moistened the feather in the bloody wound and pressed his name on the snow-white wing of the bird.

And then they learned about the hero’s sufferings in all the forest silhouettes. The oldest and wisest gathered for a council and began to think about how to help Kokshe-patyr...

One day Varash had some kind of holiday. Suddenly a herd of bulls appeared in front of the gate.

Accept our holiday gift, lord,” the elders said. - We want to slaughter these bulls and treat your brave warriors.

Okay,” said Varash, “slaughter and cook half of the bulls in the yard, and drive the rest into my barns.”

The elders lit fires... Varash’s henchmen ate their fill of boiled meat and went to bed. At night, when everyone in the fortress was asleep, the elders cut the bull skins, tied them into one long strong belt and lowered them into the well. Koksha tied himself with the end of a rawhide belt and was pulled out.

Under the cover of darkness, the elders led Koksha out of the fortress. While the hero was recovering and gaining strength, the blacksmiths forged swords and arrowheads. Warriors from all the ilems gathered, and Koksha the hero stood at the head of the military army.

Soon the evil Varash and his minions were expelled, the people declared Koksha their leader, and since then, they say, people named this forest river Kokshaga in honor of their hero-liberator.

5.Mari region - land of Onar. (chapter from the book “History of the Vetluga Region”) An ancient legend says that once upon a time, in ancient times, a mighty giant lived near the Volga River. His name was Onar. He was so big that he would stand on the steep Volga slope and his head would just barely reach the colored rainbow that rose above the forests. That is why in ancient legends the rainbow is called the Onar Gate. The rainbow shines with all colors, it is so red that you can’t take your eyes off it, and Onar’s clothes were even more beautiful: a white shirt was embroidered on the chest with scarlet, green and yellow silk, Onar was belted with a belt made of blue beads, and silver jewelry sparkled on his hat. The hero Onar had a heroic step: once he steps, he leaves seven miles behind. He didn’t need a road, he walked straight through the forests - he stepped over mighty oaks and pines like small bushes. The swamps did not stop him either: the largest swamp for him was like a kaluga puddle. Onar was a hunter, caught animals, collected honey from wild bees. In search of the beast and the sides full of fragrant honey, he went far from his home, kudo, which stood on the banks of the Volga. In one day, Onar managed to visit both the Volga and Pizhma and Nemda, which flow into the bright Viche, as the Vyatka River is called in Mari. One day Onar was walking along the banks of the Volga, and sand filled his bast shoes. Onar took off his shoes and shook out the sand. Since then, mounds and sand hills have remained on the banks of the Volga. Onar came across a river on his way, and a mischievous thought came to the giant’s mind: he picked up a handful of earth and threw it into the river. A heroic handful lay across the current, dammed the river, and immediately a large lake overflowed in front of the dam. People say about many hills and lakes in our region that these are traces of an ancient giant. It is for this reason, the Mari, that we call our land the land of the hero Onar. In the Mari legends, ONAR appears to us in two forms. As a young titan, a merry fellow and a mischief-maker, the creator of the appearance of the Mari land, and as a mature husband, a hero, the father of the next generation of heroes, a defender of the land and people. The first myths are the most ancient, dating back to the era of the last great glaciation, which is almost two dozen thousand years distant from us. A time when the land north of the Middle Volga region was bound by an ice shell, and in the current middle zone there was permafrost, and the cold summer did not last long. The second ones, clearly later in time, contain familiar motifs from Scandinavian mythology, biblical stories, etc. During the day, ONAR walked around the entire Mari land from edge to edge. Where he sat down to rest, the earth sagged, forming a hollow; his footprints became lakes; where he shook out the sand that had accumulated in his bast shoes, mounds appeared. People used to say about many hills and lakes in our region that these were traces of an ancient giant. For example, not far from the village of Abdaevo (Morkinsky district), Onar shook out his bast shoes and two mountains formed here - Mount Karman and Mount Small Karman. And where Onar slept and left a mark from his head, a hole formed - it filled with water. This is how Lake Kuguer appeared. Similar legends exist in other areas: the village of Kuznetsovo (Gornomariysky district), the village of Serdezh (Morkinsky district), the village of Shukshier (Sernursky district) ... ONAR was a hunter, hunted animals, collected honey from wild bees. There is another ONAR. His height is also tall, but quite commensurate with the height of a person. This is no longer a carefree giant boy, but a mature man, a warrior, armed with a magic sword that glows, sensing evil forces nearby. He knows people, helps them in their work, protects them from enemies, has his own clan, family. At this time, enemies bypass the land of Mari. But now the time has come for ONARU to leave this world. Before his death, he ordered that he be buried in a mound and a magic sword placed next to him. And he said that in the most difficult moment, when there is no other way out, his descendant will be able to raise him from the grave: then the hero will serve his last service to his people - he will defeat his enemies. But woe if they raise him unnecessarily - in this case the people will be left without a defender forever. According to legend, such a person was found who raised the hero in vain. Since then, the Mari had to rely only on their own strength. Such legends, recorded by collectors of folklore in the 19th - early 20th centuries, are consonant and similar to the legends about other Mari heroes - CHOTKAR, CHEMBULAT, KOKSH, VASHPATYR... In the Mari legends, Onar appears to us in tales in two forms. As a titan - the creator of the appearance of the Mari land and as a hero, the father of the next generation of heroes, a defender of the land and people. Onar the giant was young, but so huge that his head almost reached the heavenly rainbow, which is allegorically called Onar’s Gate; the tallest oaks were like grass, knee-deep to him, the most extensive and deep swamps were like puddles. The rainbow shines with all its colors, it is so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off it, and Onar’s clothes were even more beautiful: a white shirt was embroidered on the chest with scarlet, green and yellow silk, Onar was belted with a belt made of blue beads, and on his hat there were silver jewelry. People were nothing more than insects to him. There is an episode in the legend when he picked up a plowman with a horse from the ground and put it in his pocket to show his mother a funny insect. However, she scolded him and ordered him to go back to his previous place and never touch people again. During the day, Onar walked around the entire Mari land from edge to edge. Where he sat down to rest, the earth sagged, forming a hollow; his footprints became lakes; where he shook out the sand that had accumulated in his bast shoes, mounds appeared. The hero Onar had a heroic step: once he steps, he leaves seven miles behind. He didn’t need a road, he walked straight through the forests - he stepped over mighty oaks and pines like small bushes. The swamps did not stop him either: the largest swamp for him was like a Kaluzhinka puddle. Onar was a hunter, caught animals, collected honey from wild bees. In search of the beast and the sides full of fragrant honey, he went far from his home, kudo, which stood on the banks of the Volga. In one day, Onar managed to visit both the Volga and Pizhma and Nemda, which flow into the bright Biche, as the Vyatka River is called in Mari. One day Onar was walking along the banks of the Volga, and sand filled his bast shoes. He took off his shoes and shook out the sand - from then on, mounds and sand hills remained on the banks of the Volga. Onar came across a river on his way, and a mischievous thought came to the giant’s mind: he picked up a handful of earth and threw it into the river. A heroic handful lay across the current, dammed the river, and immediately a large lake overflowed in front of the dam. People say about many hills and lakes in Mari El that these are traces of an ancient giant. And that is why the Mari call their land the land of the hero Onar. There is another Onar. His height is also tall, but quite commensurate with the height of a person. This is no longer a carefree giant boy, but a mature man, a warrior, armed with a magic sword that glows, sensing evil forces nearby. He knows people, helps them in their work, protects them from enemies, has his own clan, family. At this time, enemies bypass the land of Mari. But now the time has come for Onara to leave this world. Before his death, he ordered that he be buried in a mound and a magic sword placed next to him. And he said that in the most difficult moment, when there is no other way out, his descendant will be able to raise him from the grave: then the hero will serve his last service to his people - he will defeat his enemies. But woe if they raise him unnecessarily - in this case the people will be left without a defender forever. According to legend, such a person was found who raised the hero in vain. Since then, the Mari had to rely only on their own strength. In the minds of the ancient Mari, ONARS are the first inhabitants who rose from the sea waters of the earth. ONARS are giant people of extraordinary height and strength. The forests were knee-deep. People call many hills and lakes in the Mountain Mari region the traces of an ancient giant. And again, the ancient Indian legends about the asuras involuntarily come to mind - ancient people (the first inhabitants of planet Earth) - the asuras, who were also giants - their height was 38-50 meters, later they became lower - up to 6 meters (like the Atlanteans). The Mari themselves call their people the name Mari. Among scientists, the question of their origin is open. According to etymology, the Mari are a people living under the protection of the ancient goddess Mara. Mara is fate incarnate, a “spinner deity”, giving life and death, a deity in female form: she is both haze (noon, midday heat) and darkness (night, darkness, gloom). Mara is measure and death, darkness and fog, soul and mother nature, - this is what is beyond human understanding, the end and source of being; a being endowed with universal power, especially influencing the lives and destinies of people. Mara is a form of materialization of otherworldly Power, associated with the state of darkness or haze in the form of a wavering tall white figure. The influence of Mara on the beliefs of the Mari is strong. The Mari are considered the last pagan people of Europe. The Mari religion is based on faith in the forces of nature, which man must honor and respect. Mari temples - Sacred groves. There are about five hundred of them on the territory of the Mari El Republic. In the Sacred Grove, human contact with God is possible. In fact, there are two known plots associated with the ancient giant NARs: in the first, ONAR shakes the earth out of his shoes, which causes mountains (hills) to form; in the second, the Mari digs a large spruce stump out of the ground. A storm comes and carries the stump through the air. The stump hits ONARU's eye. The giant rubs his eye, but the stump does not come out. Then he goes to his mother. She pulls the stump out of her son’s eye and throws it away. The stump flies over the mountains and falls near the Mari's home. A man splits it into firewood and lights the stove for half the winter. ONARA's mother tells her son that if he gets an uprooted stump in his eye, it means that people live in those parts. In search of a man, the giant goes to the banks of the Volga. One day, ONAR sees a crawling insect with six legs, leaving behind stripes of dug up earth. Taking a closer look, he sees a woman plowing her field on a gray horse. The giant lifts the man along with the plow and horse and carries him to his mother. She advises ONARU to return the person to his place, since it is people who are destined to replace the giants. In the village of Shorunzha, Morkinsky district, the first stone for the ONARU monument was recently laid. According to legends and traditions, it was in this area that the Mari Patyr formed mountains and mounds. The stone for the monument was brought from the neighboring village of Korkatovo. Processed, shaped and inscribed. Everything took less than a month. It is impossible to imagine ONARA's appearance today. Tall growth is perhaps his only feature that has come down to us from legends and traditions. Therefore, they decided to put a stone in Shorunzha - as a symbol of power and strength, which, according to legend, ONAR possessed. By the way, the monument itself is not yet completed. Anyone can continue the idea of ​​sculpture. Everyone who approaches this sculptural composition can put a small stone - so that years later, perhaps, a whole mountain of ONARA will be formed. TALE ABOUT THE CREATION OF ONARS: Kugo-Yumo became bored in this world, and he decided to create a man. He kneaded the best clay and sculpted a man and a woman out of it. Made them warriors. Then he breathed life into them and sent them to earth. But since he did not have a measure, the people turned out to be huge, like the gods themselves, taller than the mountains. When they multiplied, there was no rest for the gods. The first-created giants, the Pans, imagined themselves equal to the celestials and waged a struggle against them. Then Kugo-Yumo decided to turn to the Mayor, the wisest of the gods, so that he could suggest how to destroy the Pans. The mayor gave Kugo-Yumo a miraculous hammer. Kugo-Yumo took this hammer and, going down, fought with the giants. Crushed them. After that, he collected the bodies of his enemies and laid them on the right bank of the Volga. Over time, they were overgrown with grass and forest. When turbulent streams of water wash away the earth in the mountains, the bones of ancient giants appear. The legends of the ancient Adabi people (ancestors of modern Yazidis) also say that the first man was created from clay. The ancient peoples of Ancient Egypt and Sumer have the same legends. After some time, Kugo-Yumo decided to create people again, but this time he made them much smaller. However, the Onars turned out to be just as vain as the Pans, only they were more cunning and, when Kugo-Yumo’s patience was exhausted, they hid from him in the forests. Once again Kugo-Yumo had to ask the Mayor for help. He gave him a golden cap. Kugo-Yumo threw his golden hat on the ground, and as a result a terrible heat reigned over it. All living things that were on the surface died. So he dealt with the Onars. Only two of them survived. Anticipating the imminent end of the world, the cunning of the cunning giantesses turned to the Mayor with a prayer to help him avoid the punishment of Kugo-Yumo. At the Mayor’s suggestion, her son Onar dug a deep hole. When heavenly fire engulfed the earth, they sank to its very bottom. They sat there until the first rain fell. Kugo-Yumo, deciding that the giants were finished, took the measure from the Mayor and created people according to it, and so that they would not imagine themselves equal to the gods, he molded them into plowmen. But, waiting until Kugo-Yumo was gone, Keremet hid the bodies, not yet revived by his divine breath, in a secret place, in the thicket of the forest, and threw the measure into the fire. Kugo-Yumo cursed Keremet, throwing him into the deepest abyss. Having learned about this, the Mayor, in secret from Kugo-Yumo, called Onar to him and ordered to find people. So that Onar could fulfill this order, the wise god gave him a magic bow and arrows. The mayor said: “Go and fight the lord of the forest, Puembar, he will guard what you need.” Onar reached the dense forest and began to call Puembar to fight. The owner of the trees came out to meet him; huge, like a hundred-year-old oak. Enemies converged. They fought for a long time, but no one could prevail. Then Onar put arrows in his bow and began to sprinkle the forest with them. The trees were engulfed in hot flames. Puembar began to ask not to destroy his possessions and promised not to interfere with Onar. The giant scattered a fire, trampled it, and then went into the thicket of the forest and found the bodies there. He first took them to his mother, and she took them to Kugo-Yumo. Kugo-Yumo breathed life into people. This is how the human race began. As a reward for this, Kugo-Yumo forgave Onar and his mother. And then, when the giants died, Kugo-Yumo took the Mayor’s gifts. Since then, when Kugo-Yumo is angry, he throws fiery arrows from the sky, those that we call lightning. But a thunderstorm passes, and the magic bow hangs peacefully over the earth like a multi-colored rainbow. The image of Onar and his willingness to serve the people, which is the highest ideal in the minds of the Mari, was sung more than once in Mari legends and traditions, in particular, legends and traditions about the origin of lakes, ravines and mounds on the Mari land are associated with the name of Onar: - p. Kuznetsovo (Kuznetsovskaya village, Gornomariysky district) - there, more than 200 years ago, near the village, the bank of the Sundyrka River collapsed, and huge bones and remains of giants - onars - were discovered. - repair Nikolsky (Korkatovskaya village, Morkinsky district) - In the field near the repair is Onar’s mound, which was formed in the place where Onar shook out the earth that had accumulated there from his bast shoes. - With. Serdezh (Semisolinskaya village, Morkinsky district) - Between the villages of Serdezh and Lumari there are two Onar mounds, one of them is called the mountain of old man Onai. These mounds also formed where the hero shook off his feet. - Abdaevo village (Korkatovskaya village, Morkinsky district). - Not far from this village, Onar shook out his bast shoes and two mountains formed here - Mount Karman and Mount Small Karman. And where Onar slept and left a mark from his head, a hole formed - it filled with water. This is how Lake Kuguer appeared. - village SHUKSHIER (SHUKSHER) (Sernur district) The name translated from the Mari language means “lake of the Shuk-sha river”. Near the village there is a sacred grove - kusoto. Some residents still adhere to the pagan faith. Half a kilometer northeast of the village is the Shukshiera Kurgan - an archaeological monument of the last quarter of the 2nd millennium BC. This mound is evidence of the presence of representatives of the Abashevo culture on the Sernur land. It has long been known among the local population as Onar chonta in honor of the mythical Mari hero Onar. According to legend, Onar, walking through the Mari lands with hundred-meter strides, from time to time shook out the earth from his bast shoes, forming mounds. Near the mound there grows a forest called Ono Kozhla. Local experts said that there used to be lakes not far from the mound. - With. Shorunzha (Morkinsky district) - In the village of Shorunzha, Morkinsky district, a few days ago the first stone was laid for the Mari hero, a character of national legends and traditions - Onar. According to legends and traditions, it was in this area that Onar formed mountains and mounds. Where he sat down to rest, the earth sagged, the traces of his feet became lakes; where he shook out the sand that had accumulated in his bast shoes, mounds appeared. He walked around the entire earth in a day. Titan, creator of the Mari land - this is what Onara is called. 8 national heroes are known in the republic today. But it is Onar that still remains the most popular, especially among children. As a symbol of protection and memory in the village of Shorunzha, Morkinsky district, the first stone was laid on Onar. The stone for the monument was brought from the neighboring village of Korkatovo. Processed, shaped and inscribed. Everything took less than a month. It is definitely impossible to restore Onar’s appearance today. Tall growth is perhaps his only feature that has come down to us from legends and traditions. Therefore, they decided to put a stone in Shorunzha - as a symbol of power and strength, which, according to legend, Onar possessed. By the way, the monument itself is not yet completed. Anyone can continue the idea of ​​sculpture. Everyone who approaches this sculptural composition can put a small stone - so that years later, perhaps, the whole Mount Onara will be formed. The place where the stone was laid was not chosen by chance. It was through the land of the village of Shorunzha, according to legend, that the Mari hero passed. The monument itself is located not far from the mountain that, according to legend, was formed by Onar. It’s probably no coincidence that many places are connected with Onar on Morkinsky land! The most interesting thing is that a native of this region, the legendary Sergei Chavain, dedicated his ballad to this hero: THE LAST ONAR The old epics tell us that in every corner of our native land the brave giant Onars grew taller than the centuries-old oak trees. But then, playing with thick foliage, the trees supported the sky. Now no one will find such people in our Mari region even if they wanted to. Over the years, people became shorter in stature, And the forest suffered a blow from fate... Only Onar did not know trouble and sadness then, Only Onar did not change. One morning he walked through the fields, Alley, the circle of the sun grew above them. Onar pulled out the oak trees with his hands and brought them to his mother with an armful: “Look, mom, what kind of hemp I picked for you in the field, Like a dense grove, like a thick shadow, But I forgot to separate it at all times.” - Oh, my son! You are truly unlucky, It was not the hemp that you tore out, but the forests! - And Her big clear eyes became clouded with a burning tear. Onar was very surprised by the answer. He stood and walked further. And suddenly he noticed a Mari plowman, who was raising the soil for sowing. - What a bug is crawling in front of me! - The walking giant thought out loud. He is a plowman with a horse and a plow. He put his pocket in his vast one. Then Onar saw in a clearing how a man was working with an ax, And in this Onar’s pocket a woodcutter became a neighbor to the plowman. Onar wandered all day in the expanses of this place, and in the evening he said, seeing his mother: “Here, mom, I brought you some funny bugs on purpose to show you!” One was digging, turning up the earth, the other was probably sawing a tree. - Oh, son, my son! Yes, these are people. Or have you already forgotten about them... They will always be like this from now on, only Onaram’s height hasn’t changed! Son, having unearthly strength, don’t be arrogant, don’t offend! ...Onar sits last and grieves, And his mother looks at him with sadness. And the big world is still bubbling, seething with waves, singing with birds, and the sun, rising from the night, floods the sky with its rays. EXCERPT ABOUT THE ONARS FROM N. MOROKHIN’S BOOK “COMBO CORNO”: The ancient Mari epic says that our ancestors were Onar heroes. The forest was waist-deep to them; with one hand they could grab several trees and uproot them. They were so heavy that the ground caved in under them... Fantasy? And I believe that it has no place in folklore. There is only truth, but the key to it is sometimes lost. Trying to explain the myths about the Onars, I studied the history of the landscape of the places where the ancestors of the Mari lived. And I realized that everything is accurate in the myth! The trees are waist-deep, the ground doesn't hold... This is the tundra! There are still traces of it in the Volga region - even dwarf birch can be found. During the last glaciation there was centuries-old frozen soil here. It becomes clear if the legends say that under Onar’s foot the ground was pressed and water came out, and if Onar went to sleep on the ground, then a lake appeared in the hole under his head - this is what happens in the tundra... About glaciation in Povetluzhye: It is known that Natural shrines usually become everything that strikes the imagination of people, but was not created by them. There was something to be surprised by the man who discovered Svetloyar. Amazing purity and transparency of the water - they still drink it unboiled here. The depth is unusual for a generally small lake - up to 36 meters. Unusual vegetation: along the northern shore of Svetloyar you can still find species that are very rare in the forest Trans-Volga region or are generally found only in the tundra: long pondweed, fescue reed, the amazing Lapland sundew - a plant that hunts insects, Lezel's elk orchid. This is a trace of glacial times, that time, almost two dozen millennia distant from us, when the land north of the Nizhny Novgorod Volga region was bound by an ice shell, and in the current middle zone there was permafrost, and the cold summer did not last long. The first written mention of the Cheremis (Mari) is found in the Gothic historian Jordan (6th century). They are also mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. Around this time, the first mentions of other tribes related to the ancient Mari - Meshera, Muroma, Merya, who lived mainly to the west of the Vetluzhsky region, date back. If the Cheremis mainly lived in the territory between the Vetluga and Vyatka rivers, then the Merya (Meryans) lived west of the Vetluga River, including the entire Kostroma region. The question of the origin of the ethnonyms “Mari” and “Cheremis” also remains complex and unclear. The meaning of the word “Mari”, the self-name of the Mari people, is derived by many linguists from the Indo-European term “mar”, “mer” in various sound variations (translated as “man”, “husband”). The word “Cheremis” (as the Russians called the Mari, and in a slightly different, but phonetically similar vowel, many other peoples) has a large number of different interpretations. The first written mention of this ethnonym (in the original “ts-r-mis”) is found in a letter from the Khazar Kagan Joseph to the dignitary of the Cordoba Caliph Hasdai ibn Shaprut (960s. ). D.E. Kazantsev, following the historian of the 19th century. G.I. Peretyatkovich came to the conclusion that the name “Cheremis” was given to the Mari by the Mordovian tribes, and translated this word means “a person living on the sunny side, in the east.” According to I.G. Ivanov, “Cheremis” is “a person from the Chera or Chora tribe,” in other words, neighboring peoples subsequently extended the name of one of the Mari tribes to the entire ethnic group. The version of the Mari local historians of the 1920s and early 1930s, F.E. Egorov and M.N. Yantemir, is widely popular, who suggested that this ethnonym goes back to the Turkic term “warlike person.” F.I. Gordeev, as well as I.S. Galkin, who supported his version, defend the hypothesis about the origin of the word “Cheremis” from the ethnonym “Sarmatian” through the mediation of Turkic languages. A number of other versions were also expressed. The problem of the etymology of the word “Cheremis” is further complicated by the fact that in the Middle Ages (up to the 17th – 18th centuries) this was the name in a number of cases not only for the Mari, but also for their neighbors – the Chuvash and Udmurts. For example, the authors of the textbook “History of the Mari People” about archaeological finds related to Iranian-speaking tribes write that sacrificial fire pits with a large content of bones of domestic animals were discovered in Volga settlements. Rituals associated with the worship of fire and the sacrifice of animals to the gods subsequently became an integral part of the pagan cult of the Mari and other Finno-Ugric people. The worship of the sun was also reflected in applied art: solar (solar) signs in the form of a circle and a cross took a prominent place in the ornaments of the Finno-Ugric peoples. The end of the first millennium BC for the Mari Volga region is characterized by the beginning of the use of iron, mainly from local raw materials - swamp ore. This material was used not only for the manufacture of tools that facilitated the clearing of forests for land plots, cultivation of arable land, etc., but also for the manufacture of more advanced weapons. Wars began to occur more and more often. Among the archaeological monuments of that time, the most characteristic are fortified settlements, protected from the enemy by ramparts and ditches. The hunting way of life is associated with a widespread cult of animals (elk, bear) and waterfowl. Thus, the common distant ancestors of the Finno-Ugric came to the East European Plain, the Middle Volga, Vetluga, Vyatka from the east and south. But the ancient ancestors of the Mari, with their inherent characteristics and characteristics, began to form mainly in the territory now occupied by the Mari. A.G. Ivanov and K.N. Sanukov talk about the resettlement of the ancient Mari. The ancient foundation of the Mari people, which had formed by the beginning of the first millennium, was subject to new influences, mixtures, and movements. But the continuity of the main features of material and spiritual culture was preserved and consolidated, as evidenced, for example, by archaeological finds: temple rings, elements of breast decorations, etc., as well as some features of the funeral rite. Ancient ethnic-forming processes took place in conditions of expanding ties and interaction with related and unrelated tribes. The real names of these tribes remained unknown. Archaeologists gave them conventional names in accordance with the name of the settlement near which their monument was first excavated and studied. In the Volga-Ural zone, two historical and cultural communities arose that had great similarities: the Ananino in the Volga-Kama, on the basis of which the Azelin culture then developed, and the Gorodets-Dyakovo in the Upper Volga and Oka. The Mari Volga region found itself in the contact zone between these archaeological historical and cultural regions. With regard to the social development of tribes, this was the time of the beginning of the collapse of the primitive communal system and the formation of a period of military democracy. The “Great Migration of Peoples” at the beginning of the first millennium also affected the tribes living on the border of the forest zone and forest-steppe. The tribes of the Gorodets culture, under the pressure of the steppe inhabitants, moved north along the Sura and Oka to the Volga, and reached the left bank, in Povetluzhye, and from there to Bolshaya Kokshaga. At the same time, from Vyatka, the Azelinians also penetrated into the area of ​​the Bolshaya and Malaya Kokshaga rivers. As a result of their contact and long-term contacts, with the participation of more ancient local populations, great changes occurred in their original cultures. Archaeologists believe that as a result of the “mutual assimilation” of the Gorodets and Azelin tribes in the second half of the 1st millennium, the ancient Mari tribes were formed. This process is evidenced by such archaeological monuments as the Younger Akhmylovsky burial ground on the left bank of the Volga opposite Kozmodemyansk, the Shor-Unzhinsky burial ground in the Morkinsky district, the Kubashevsky settlement in the south of the Kirov region and others containing materials from the Gorodets and Azelinsky cultures. By the way, the formation of the ancient Mari on the basis of two archaeological cultures predetermined the initial differences between the mountain and meadow Mari (the former had a predominance of features of the Gorodets culture, and the latter - the Azelinskaya). The region of formation and initial habitat of the ancient Mari tribes (Cheremis) in the west and southwest extended far beyond the borders of the modern Republic of Mari El. These tribes occupied not only the entire Povetluga region and the central regions of the Vetluga-Vyatka interfluve, but also the lands west of Vetluga, bordering the Meryan tribes in the area of ​​the Unzha River; on both banks of the Volga, their habitat area extended from the mouth of the Kazanka to the mouth of the Oka. In the south, the ancient Mari occupied not only the lands of the modern Gornomari region, but also northern Chuvashia. In the north, the border of their settlement passed somewhere in the area of ​​​​the city of Kotelnich. At the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennia, when the ancient Mari people were basically already established, close relationships with related Finno-Ugric tribes (except for their closest neighbors - the Mordovians and Udmurts) actually ceased and fairly close contacts were established with the early Turks who invaded the Volga. Already from that time (mid-1st millennium), the Mari language began to experience a strong Turkic influence. The anthropological type of the people also became more Mongoloid. The ancient Mari, already having their own specific characteristics and maintaining a certain similarity with the related Finno-Ugric people, began to experience serious Turkic influence. On the southern outskirts of the Mari territory, the population both assimilated with the Bulgars and was partially forced out to the north. It should be noted that some researchers in China, Mongolia and Europe, when covering the history of Attila’s Empire, include the Finnish-speaking tribes of the Middle Volga region in the empire. Around 750, a new Turkic-speaking people, the Bulgars, settled on the territory of the lower Kama and middle Volga (this is the territory of modern Tatarstan). On this territory, a new state began to form - Volga-Kama Bulgaria with its capital in the city of Bulgar. At the same time, the Eastern Slavs (Rusichs) also developed tribal principalities with their own centers. This happened in the upper reaches of the Oka and Volga, as well as in the territories adjacent to the ancient cities - Novgorod, Pskov, Ladoga, Smolensk, Polotsk, Kiev, Pereyaslavl, Turov, Volyn, Ryazan, Rostov, Murom. The closest of the Slavic tribes to the Vetluga region lived the Krivichi - they lived near the ancient city of Rostov (modern Yaroslavl region), also the Ilmen Slavs, who lived near the city of Beloozero (this is in the modern Vologda region). It was from the city of Rostov, as well as from the city of Murom, that the ancient Russians advanced eastward - towards the Vetluzhsky region. From Beloozero, Russians settled in the northern lands (Vologda, Velikiy Uslyug, Arkhangelsk). At the turn of the 8th-9th centuries, the Old Russian state - Kievan Rus - emerged in Eastern Europe. During the reign of Prince Oleg, the Meryan tribes paid him tribute and participated in military campaigns. So the Meryan squad was in Oleg’s famous march to Constantinople (Constantinople) in 911. From the 9th century, the Mari came into contact with the Slavic and Slavic-Finnish population moving eastward, who founded the cities of Rostov, Galich, Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Rostov, Murom, Vladimir.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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Comparative analysis of the heroes of the Mari and Karelian-Finnish people MBOU "Starotoryalskaya Secondary School" Research work on literature Completed by 7th grade student Ksenia Romanova supervisor: E.I. Kitkaeva

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Hypothesis How did heroes appear in literature? Did these heroes have real prototypes or is this just a desired image and fiction of the people? Is the image of the Mari hero different from the Karelian-Finnish one? Goal: To determine the similarities and differences between the heroes of the Finno-Ugric epic. Objectives: 1. Study the literature on this topic. 2.Compare and compare the images of heroes. 3.Collect materials about the names of heroes in the geographical names of objects. 4. Select works of art associated with the names of these heroes.

3 slide

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Relevance of the topic Everyone living in the Republic of Mari El will be interested to know what the heroic past of the Mari people is, what are the common roots of the Finno-Ugric people. Stages of work: I. Introduction. II. Main part. 1. Study of literature 2. Comparative analysis of Onar-patyr and Väinemöinen. 3. Questioning 4. Names of heroes in geographical names and in art III. Conclusion.

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Bogatyr - 1) a hero of Russian epics and fairy tales who performs feats. 2) a very strong person. (Ozhegov) Bogatyr is a tall, portly, stalwart, prominent, extraordinary strongman; brave, brave and successful warrior, knight. Fairy-tale giant heroes who beat dozens of enemies and various monsters in one fell swoop. (V.I. Dal)

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Mari epic Oral folk art of the Mari is rich in content, types and genres. Various moments of history are reflected in legends and traditions, images of folk heroes and heroes are glorified. Mari tales in allegorical form tell about the life of the people, praising hard work, honesty and modesty, and ridiculing laziness, bragging and greed. The main characters in almost all the most ancient Mari legends, traditions and fairy tales are heroes. Heroes of the Mari people: AKPARS (real name Gazi) is the legendary hero of the Mari people, the head of the mountain Mari. Akpatyr is a national hero of the Mari people. Onar is a legendary Mari hero. Chotkar-patyr is a legendary Mari hero, a reliable and selfless defender of his native land. Chumbylat is a national hero, a warrior prince, a legendary hero who is considered the ancestor of the Mari people. Yylanda is a legendary hero of the Mari people, the head of the Meadow Mari. Prince Syar is a Mari hero who lived during the time of Ivan the Terrible. Poltysh (in Russian pronunciation Boltush) is a legendary Mari prince.

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“Kalevala” The researcher of the Karelian-Finnish epic is Elias Lönnrot. Kalevala consists of 50 runes. The translation into Russian was made by L.P. Belsky in 1888. Today, “Kalevala” has been translated into 59 languages ​​of the world. The main storyline of the Karelian-Finnish epic is the struggle of the heroes of Kalevala with the gloomy country of darkness and cold Pohjela. Heroes rarely take up arms, preferring to fight with powerful words and magic songs. All the characters in Kalevala have supernatural powers. The main characters of the epic: 1. Väinämöinen - the main character of Kalevala, a sorcerer, a spellcaster, who subjugated people and animals with a magic word. 2. Joukahainen is a young, self-confident, self-taught sorcerer. 3.Aino - Joukahainen's sister. 4. Ilmarinen - blacksmith. 5. Lemminkäinen is a cheerful, carefree guy. 6.Louhi is an evil witch.

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Onar Onar is a young titan, merry and mischievous, the creator of the appearance of the Mari land, Onar is a mature husband, a hero, the father of the next generation of heroes, a defender of the land and people. Epic: Mari Origin: unknown. Portrait: Tall. Clothing: a white shirt embroidered on the chest with scarlet, green and yellow silk, belted with a belt of blue beads, and on the hat - silver jewelry, a sword that glows, sensing evil forces nearby. Occupation: farming, hunting. Feats: defense of the native land. Heroic strength: he tore out centuries-old oak trees by their roots - the trees seemed to them like burdocks. Where he sat down to rest, the earth sagged, forming a hollow; his footprints became lakes; where he shook out the sand that had accumulated in his bast shoes, mounds appeared. Family: Onar Ava, Mother of Onar (Onar nyo) Lived: near the Volga River. Died: unknown.

Slide 9

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Väinemöinen Väinemöinen, a hero, prophetic rune singer, sower and sage, was born as an adult; the hero was born a thirty-year-old man. After birth, he swam on the waves for another eight years until he finally reached land. Epic: Karelian-Finnish Origin: sea. Portrait: Old, associated with the water element, the ancestor of the Kalevala people. Occupation: plowman, hunter, fisherman. Feats: awakening from the grave of the dead giant sage Antero Vippunen in order to gain magical knowledge. Heroic power: magic, wisdom, magic kantele Family: mother - Ilmatar, brother - blacksmith Ilmarinen. Lived: on a mountain near Lake Kemmi, half a day’s journey from the village of the Kaleva family. Died: floated out to sea.

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Onar Väinemeinen Birth: the first inhabitant of the earth Lived: near the Volga River. Occupation: plowed, sowed, hunter, collected honey Family: OnarAva, Mother Onara (Onarnyo) Birth: son of the air and sea waves Lived: on a mountain near Lake Kemmiv, half a day's journey from the village of the Kaleva clan Occupation: plowed, sowed, fisherman Family: mother - Ilmatar, brother - blacksmith Ilmarinen. Heroic strength: he uprooted centuries-old oak trees, tree roots seemed to him like specks of dust, people like insects, had a magic sword. Feats: defense of his native land. Heroic power: magic, knowledge, magic kantele Feats: awakening from the grave of the dead giant sage Antero Vippunen Fought with Piyambar, the enemies of the Mari people for peace in his land. Fought with the northern country Pohjelojazasampo.

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Questionnaire Knowledge of the heroes of the Mari and Karelian-Finnish people 1. Who are the heroes? -heroes performing feats in the name of the Motherland; - people of immeasurable strength, resilience, courage; -unusual people; - defenders of the peace and well-being of their native land. 2. Do you know the hero Onar? -Yes; -No. 3. Do you know the hero Väinemöinen? -Yes; -no 4. Who did the heroes serve? -to the people; -to yourself. 5. In the name of whom or what did the heroes perform feats? -in the name of the native land; -in the name of people; -in the name of good; -in the name of glory 6. Can those who defended our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War be called heroes? -Yes; -No.

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“Knowledge of the heroes of the Mari and Karelo-Finnish people” Conclusion. Students know the heroes of the Mari epic well. They are considered defenders of their native land. They performed feats in the name of people. Participants in the Great Patriotic War are also considered heroes.

Slide 13

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Names of heroes in geographical names Legends and traditions about the origin of lakes, ravines and mounds on the Mari land are associated with the name Onar: p. Kuznetsovo (Kuznetsovskaya s/a, Gornomariysky district) repair Nikolsky (Korkatovskaya s/a, Morkinsky district) – On the field near the repair is the mound of Onara village. Serdezh (Semisolinskaya village, Morkinsky district) - Between the villages of Serdezh and Lumari there are two mounds of Onar in the village of Abdaevo (Korkatovskaya village, Morkinsky district). - Not far from this village, Onar shook out his bast shoes and two mountains formed here - Mount Karman and Mount Small Karman. village SHUKSHIER (SHUKSHER) (Sernur district) The name translated from the Mari language means “lake” of the Shuk-sha river - village. Shorunzha (Morkinsky district) - In the village of Shorunzha, Morkinsky district, the first stone was laid for the Mari hero, a character of national legends and traditions - Onar.

In the Karamas settlement of the Volga region of Mari El, the construction of a memorial complex dedicated to the memory of the national hero Chotkar has begun.

What unites any national people? Culture, language, traditions, history... Of no small importance are revered places, which, like never-fading sources, “nourish” his memory and soul, form self-awareness, and determine the future. In our area, one of these “monuments” is associated with the name of the Mari hero Chotkar.

It is located in the Karamas settlement between the villages of Nurmuchash and Usola. Here, on a small picturesque hill near the Pez River, where, according to legend, Chotkar loved to relax, a memory stone was installed on which the words: “Chotkaryn shulyshyzhӧ - mariyn chonyshtyzho” (The soul of Chotkar is in the heart of a Mari). Traditionally, every year, events dedicated to his memory are held in the “legendary” meadow, surrounded by centuries-old spruce and pine trees. At the festival, the historical past of the people, directly related to the life of the national hero, is theatrically recreated; creative groups of the region, amateur artists and famous performers of the republic perform artistic numbers.

But today, unfortunately, all the buildings in the clearing have dilapidated and are in a dilapidated state. The stage, made of boards, on which the main festive action takes place, with its “sad” appearance alone, overshadows the natural beauty. But the distinct inscription on it stands out - Payrem dene, Chotkar tukym! (Happy holiday, Chotkar generation!) - still inspires a “portion” of optimism. All that was left of the spectators' benches were stumps. And the bridge across the river is already scary - the protruding “skeletons” of iron railings do not inspire reliability and confidence (to be honest, I almost fell through). And the arched entrance to the territory, it seems to me, simply does not correspond to reality.

- Chotkar is not just a fictional mythological hero, but a real Mari hero who lived in these parts in the 13th century. His name is associated with the unification and harmony of the people, the ability to unite in difficult times and defend freedom. Any nation, as you know, lives by its roots and traditions. And if this so-called “historical foundation” is strong and reliable, then no processes of assimilation and self-extinction threaten it. On the contrary, they allow you to develop further. Therefore, we must remember our past, know and honor national leaders, improve and preserve historically significant places, - says Igor Kudryavtsev, deputy of the Pomarsky settlement. - Our two organizations “Mari World - 21st Century” and “Mari Ushem” decided to develop this territory and build a memorial complex based on wooden architecture in a single architectural style. After all, this is not only a picturesque corner of nature, but also a place of prayer that unites adherents of the traditional Mari religion. It is not surprising that the five springs located here have some kind of miraculous power... But more on that later.

The national complex is a serious project that requires careful preparation and organization. The initiative group led by Igor Mikhailovich held an organizational meeting, determined specific goals and objectives with the local administration, and invited a number of entrepreneurs from the city and region to take part in what they could. The first financial assistance has already been provided by entrepreneurs V. Semenov, V. Kharitonov, M. Stepanov, E. Maksimov. Deputy of the State Assembly of Mari El R. Grigoriev is very active.

The so-called improvement program is divided into three stages - until June 11 and October 1 of this year, until November 4, 2020. To date, the first, initial one, within the framework of which an oak arch was installed near the bridge and a staircase approach to the “Chotkara Stone” itself was built, has already been completed.

The main merit is the construction team of V. Semenov, headed by Valerian Kuzmin, who has a unique creative artistic vision and individual style. The architectural elements he created are distinguished by their originality and originality, attracting the eye and delighting. They seem to emanate a certain warmth and living energy.

- The builders put their souls into this business, so everything turns out easy and simple for us. Students of the specialized environmental camp at the Bolshoi Karamas School provide great assistance. We need workers, - Valerian Kirillovich smiles. - The main materials used are extraordinary driftwood, branches and tree trunks. Each of them has its own natural texture - bulges, bends, cracks, knots, which give a special “charm”. Why cut down new trees when you can use “second-class” material? Moreover, this is the creation of Mother Nature herself. Of course, in search of them you have to walk through the forests. Sometimes it takes whole days, but the result is worth it.

The second stage involves further construction with the involvement of financial resources from caring Volga residents - the project cannot be completed on entrepreneurial charity alone. Everyone's help is important and needed.

So, before the fall it is planned to equip five springs - clear, deepen, lay oak logs and connect them with paths. All this will be designed in one artistic ensemble. By the way, the springs, as mentioned above, are miraculous - they have life-giving powers, help cleanse the soul from sins, restore health, etc.

It is necessary to build a good stage in the center of the clearing. There is a proposal to build it in the form of Chotkar's helmet. Benches should be comfortable and reliable. In addition, various passages, watchtowers, carved figures of animals and people, elements of past and modern construction art, united by a certain national “handwriting” are outlined. According to V. Kuzmin, all buildings should be made of oak and not a single nail should be visible.

- Regarding architectural richness, we have many different ideas. I invited famous artists here who shared their proposals. There are plans to visit the art school in Yoshkar-Ola and meet with members of the republican public organization of artisans. They can give practical advice and suggest interesting directions in traditional wooden architecture. Perhaps we will hold creative competitions among artists and craftsmen, which will allow us to expand the boundaries of our plans and select the sketches we need from among the works. The winners will, of course, be awarded - noted I. Kudryavtsev, vice-president of the MAOO “Mari World - 21st Century”. - Let me remind you that our project has nothing to do with the development of tourism. This can only be a consequence. Now the main goal is to create a cult place that unites everyone. Creative evenings, competitions, festivals, and various events of spiritual and moral education of a patriotic nature will be held here. There are no plans for any “peledish firefights”.

The third part provides for the connection of government funds and other sources of financing, participation in republican and federal programs. If everything goes according to plan, there is an opportunity to create the Chotkar Foundation and its Board of Trustees.

- I would like to believe and hope that the Volga residents, having become imbued with and interested in our idea, will contribute to the development and preservation of the unique heritage of the Mari people, their traditions and culture. Let the shrine revered by our ancestors be well-groomed, well-appointed and bring joy to the future generation, - says Igor Mikhailovich. - Anyone who wants to offer their ideas on technical and architectural planning, or help financially, can call the phone number +7-909 368-81-80. Call, come, we’ll meet you, we’ll show you.

The construction of this memorial complex was blessed by local map Arkady Fedorov:

- We always try to take care of this territory with our own efforts, but there has never been such a large-scale construction here. Therefore, I gladly supported this idea. After all, every nation has its own leaders, national heroes. In our area - Chotkar Patyr. So why don’t we set up a “corner” where He would invite all the Mari? We must preserve the memory of him, know our roots and history, tell and pass it on to our descendants. If all our plans come true, this will be a new page in the history of our people.

The head of the administration of the Karamas settlement, Boris Nikolaev, also approves of the work begun:

- Of course, it is necessary to increase our self-awareness. The Mari can preserve their identity and identity only through traditions, culture and religion. Perhaps this complex will be the “hotbed” that will contribute to the revival and development of national customs and the unification of the entire Mari people.

PS. Goals and objectives have been defined, the first steps have been taken. There is still a lot to be done, but there are already results that make us unite, think and take direct part in the implementation of this project.

Photo by the author

The Legend of Chotkar Patyr

On the green bank of Ilet, where the Yushut River flows, the poor hunter Shumat had a son, Chotkar, who grew by leaps and bounds. At the age of five he had already become a giant hero and often went hunting with his father. He fought the bear one on one and always defeated him. And when he grew up, there was no one equal to him in strength in the entire district. With one blow of his fist he could break any pine tree, uproot a hundred-year-old oak tree. People were amazed at Chotkar's strength and called him Patyr. He was very kind and friendly to the poor people, merciless to the corrupt rich people who, harboring anger, dreamed of taking revenge on him.

At that time, the Tatar khans often attacked Mari villages. Chotkar Patyr, having gathered the inhabitants of his forest region, went to war against them. He liberated all the lands captured by the enemy and drove the khans into the steppe. Thus, the Tatar governors, taught a lesson by the hero’s army, stopped attacking the Mari lands.

One day, alarming news spread that Chotkar Patyr had fallen ill. People gathered to him from all over.

My dears! - he said. - I lived a long time. It's time to die. Bury me on a high hill near my beloved Ileti.

People were sad and cried. It was scary to part with my hero. But he calmed them down.

Don't be sad, dear ones. If it gets hard for you, come to me on the hill and shout loudly: “Chotkar, Chotkar! We are being pressed by enemies! I'll stand up and help drive them away. But remember: you need to call me at the most difficult hour. And put my sword and shield with me.

Chotkar Patyr died. He was buried on a hill between the villages of Nurmuchash and Usola.

Many years have passed since then. A dense forest grew around the hill, which was covered with fragrant flowers every spring. No one came close to the grave - everyone sacredly honored the order of the forest hero, lived according to his commandments and protected his peace. But the rich did not like that the peasants were being rebellious. Therefore, they conceived a dirty deed - they bribed one Mari named Eshpoldo in order to unnecessarily raise Chotkar.

He went to the grave and on the way met an old man. Upon learning of his intention, he said:

Don't go there, you can't. Chotkar will be offended if you disturb him in vain, and will not rise to our defense a second time. Then the enemy will conquer us.

Eshpoldo listened to him and laughed:

You old people are always very careful and afraid of everything.

He didn't even think of obeying him. Stealthily he made his way to the hill, climbed it and shouted:

Chotkar, Chotkar! We are being pressed by enemies!

Before he had time to shout, thunder struck, the wind rushed like a whirlwind and bent the trees, the earth shook and the grave opened up - Chotkar Patyr came out. He was also tall and powerful. His gray hair shone like silver, and his white beard covered his entire chest. A heavy sword glittered in his hand.

Where are the enemies? - he thundered, his eyes sparkling.

There is no one,” the insidious Eshpoldo said in horror. - I just wanted to know if they are telling the truth about you...

What have you done, unfortunate boy! - he said sadly and slowly sank into his grave.

A few years later, Tatar governors again attacked the Mari lands. Our ancestors fought bravely, defending themselves from evil nomads, but there were more enemies.

Chotkar, Chotkar! “We are being pressed by enemies,” they cried, gathering near the hill.

But the second time Chotkar Patyr did not wake up. And he never got up again, no matter how much the Mari tried to get him up...

Dchildren byd Mari music enter the hall.

Hello, kind, eminent people, walking around the city, living in Volzhsk. We gathered not for the sake of a joke or fun, but to celebrate “National Hero’s Day” - "Maritaleshkekeche».

Every nation has its own national heroes who left their mark on history and who defended their Motherland.And today we will get acquainted with the heroes of the Mari people.

Different peoples have the charm of traditions,

Our own clothes and our own native language,

Well, how can I not be proud of the Mari land,

And what I’ve been used to since childhood.

Let the birds hear

Let the wind hear

Let the torrential rain know

About the fact that the city exists in the world,

It is the golden city of childhood.

I'm inwas born in this city,

And even though I haven’t grown up yet,

I can say one thing for sure:

We are friends with this city.

Song about the Motherland.

The Mari people have epic heroes-heroes:MamychBerdey, Toktaush, MironMusharin, Konai, ChatterboxAndother. Children, who do you know?

Akpars, Akpatyr

Tell me, children, which hero these words belong to:

“Don’t be sad, my dear people!

If you find it difficult, come toto me on the hill and shout loudly: “We are being pressed by enemies, help!” I'll get up and help.


And who from the nationalheroes played the harp.

Children: Akpars.

The harp is playing sonorously,

The Mari region is glorified.

Whistles, rattles, pipes, drums,

Our grandfathers left us all this as a gift.

Orchestra "Marifolk"

Children, what hero did the Volga River reach to his knees in the deepest places, and when he walked through the forest, the tallest trees were up to his waist?

She R.

Let's call him, children. Onar, Onar, come to us!

Runs inKeremet.

Guys, this is notABOUTnar, but simplyKeremetcame to us. Do you know who he is?Keremet? (children's answers)

Keremet, why did you come to us?

We weren't expecting you

WeOnarainvited to visit.

Onaraare you waiting? Can't wait!

I hid him far away and chained him.

Why did you hide it?

Today we celebrate National Hero's Day and really wanted to see him.Sing, dance, and play with him.

So he hid it, because everyone loves him, glorifies him, sings songs. And for me what- Nothing? I won't give it to youOnara!

What do we do? You ruined everything.

Didn't spoil anything. I’ll tell you what: I’m tired of living alone, I also want to have fun, sing and dance.

Go ahead and have fun, who's stopping you? ANDOnaralet go.

Never! I'm so angry because no one loves me.

Guys, how do weKeremetoutwit? Let's play with you, he'll let you goOnara. Keremet, do you want to play with us?

Of course I want! I'm so bored alone. How will we play?

I know an interesting game.

A game "Roosterthe battle"

How strong your boys are. I still want to have fun.

To be as strong as Onar and to defend your native land, you need to train a lot. Let's measure our strength?

A game "Tug of War»

Now I have become kind and cheerful. I'm letting goOnara. Thank you guys for making me laugh. NowOnaraI'll give you(music sounds, Onar enters).

Hello, good people, little children. How beautiful, festive and fun you are.

Hello, Onar! Today is our holiday “National Hero’s Day”- "Maritaleshkekeche." Children, let's singOnarusong.

Song « May yoratem ShochmoElem" Music by A.P. Kolesnikov, L.G. Ivanov, words by L. G. Ivanov

Guys, don't you hear anything?

We hear it's a cuckoo cuckoo.

That's right, it's a cuckoo cuckoo. She invites everyone to a round dance.

Game “Where is the handkerchief”

Open the doors wider,

Let the musicians into the circle.

Where the song flows

Life is fun there.

Sing a funny song

The song is humorous, humorous.

We know a lot of ditties

Both good and bad,

It's good for him to listen

Who doesn't knowno.






Easy gynaKayiklan




Chodirashte kayikmura




Meh moray eelkertyna,


Murash, kushtashVeleogyl,


Chever kecheonchalesYes,




Sit down, guys.National heroes- these are not only epic heroesand fabulous, but also those whowho defended our Motherland inmore time, during the GreatABOUTof the current war.

AYouwhich ones do you know?

Prokhorov, Fedin, Ivanov.

Well done!

live honestly- means serving the Motherland. Thanks everyone. And now I'll go to myIlem(house) and I’ll tell everyone how you celebrate “National Hero’s Day”- "Maritaleshkekeche"


1 child:

How spacious, how wide,

You are my Mari land.

You are like a festive flower

On Russian soil.

2nd child:

And you,my dear, I love you, how I can.

And you know, I won’t stop loving you.

Poem "Shochmo mlandem»

1 child:


Lashtraotem, shemleathers

Kumdanurem, yandarWoodham,


2nd child:






ElnaVerchyn, eryknaverch



Kodeshshemerkalykmaking noise!