DIY metal frame houses. House made of metal profiles: technology and features of lstk

Classical frame house implies a structure based on a frame made of wooden elements, but there is also metal frame. Let's look at what the difference is and which one is better to choose for building your own home.

On this moment the most advanced technology is houses made of LSTK ( Lightweight Steel Thin Wall Structures).
The frame of such houses is made from of stainless steel with a wall thickness of no more than 3 mm. However, such a profile is bent into certain structures (channels, I-beams, etc.), which gives it additional strength.

Metal frame made of LSTK based on aluminum or steel. The metal profile in wall frames has a thickness of 0.7 to 2 mm. and is connected to each other using self-tapping screws or rivets. Installation is carried out without using welding work.

  • This profile is not afraid of moisture and can last for a very long time.
  • It is also not susceptible to rotting, aging, or shrinkage.
  • Thanks to the perforation system, it was possible to practically get rid of “cold bridges”.

It is as easy to assemble as a wooden one (you can do it yourself). Although for cutting you will need metal cutting tools. However, the profiles are attached to each other quite simply (as simply as a profile for gypsum plasterboard), using ordinary metal screws. By the way, this profile already has places for attaching bolts, which makes assembly much easier.

As you can see, LSTC is a rather tempting technology.
When correct assembled house it can stand for a very, very long time.

Metal frame construction has a lot of advantages, the most significant of which is the simplicity and speed of installation. All frame elements are already prepared for assembly, so their installation can be done without any help. construction crews. A wooden frame is more complex in this regard, and its installation must be done more meticulously.

The metal frame is most popular in Canada, Australia and Sweden, although in Russia you can also find houses of this type of construction.

Wooden frame for home

What can be said about a wooden frame? This classic version construction, the most widespread in the world. Almost 80% of frames are based on a wooden frame, and only a small part of the metal frame.

The basis wooden frame- wood coniferous species, and as you know, construction from wood has been going on for centuries, and only improves over time. Likewise, the frame version of a tree house today tightly occupies its niche in country cottage construction. Its advantages: high speed of installation, the ability to move into the house immediately after completion construction work, and high energy efficiency.

There is a lot of forest in Russia, which means it is simply necessary to develop wooden frame housing construction!

When choosing a metal or wooden frame, pay attention to the following points.

  1. Wood is susceptible to rotting - METAL does not rot!
  2. The tree can be attacked by rodents - Rodents are not afraid of METAL!
  3. Wood is sometimes difficult to adjust to size to the nearest millimeter - METAL - please!
  4. A metal frame will last longer than a wooden one!

When choosing this or that material for the frame, it is also necessary to take into account the experience of people living in similar houses.
By reading reviews, you can understand how good a metal or wooden frame is in terms of operation.
After all, building a house is half the battle, but living in it is life!

Cascade LLC has many years of experience in this area.

We are ready in short time create a cottage, townhouse based on metal structures, country house or other residential building of any size, number of floors and architectural style.

Metal structures are actively used to create objects different types and appointments. They are successfully used even in the construction of residential buildings intended for temporary and permanent residence. Cascade LLC has many years of experience in this area. We are ready to quickly create a cottage, townhouse, country house or other residential building of any size, number of floors and architectural style based on metal structures.

Features of the technology

The technology for constructing buildings from metal structures makes it possible to create residential real estate with excellent performance characteristics at minimum costs budget and time. It allows you to achieve a significant reduction in costs and a quick return on investment. Also this technology has the following advantages:

  • Carrying out work at any time of year and weather;
  • reduction of house construction time by 10-12 times;
  • ease of construction of structures regardless of the complexity of their configuration;
  • the opportunity to realize any idea from the field of architecture and interior design;
  • full compliance finished houses modern standards;
  • saving on a complex foundation due to the low weight of the structure.

Construction cost

Advantages of houses made of metal structures

Prefabricated technology involves the construction of residential buildings based on a metal frame, which is covered on top with sandwich panels with various types of insulating fillers. Finished design has many advantages.

Attractive appearance. A variety of color coatings and profile options for sandwich panels can make a building not only beautiful, but also original. In addition, this technology allows you to create almost any shape.

Versatility. Houses based on metal structures can be built on plots with any topography and soil type. They are suitable even for areas with extreme natural and weather conditions (Far North, seismically active regions, etc.).

Excellent performance characteristics. Peculiarities wall material provide the building with high levels of heat and sound insulation. In addition, such houses are fireproof, resistant to moisture, fungi and mold.

Durability. Buildings based on a metal frame are only slightly inferior to permanent buildings in terms of service life. If the construction was carried out with high quality, such houses can last for decades, maintaining their original properties.

Low cost. Construction of buildings and structures in Moscow using this technology is several times cheaper than construction using other materials. This is due to the lack of need for a complex foundation and finishing, as well as the availability of material and ease of installation.

Prices for houses made of metal structures

The cost of a residential building made of metal structures is determined by its key parameters and special wishes of the customer. When making calculations, specialists take into account architectural features, area, number of floors, layout, materials used, equipment, finishing and much more.

If you are looking for an inexpensive solution for building a house, contact the Cascade company. We are ready to develop a project of any complexity and ensure its full implementation.

The walls are made of brick and wood and are familiar. They are reliable, durable and require large material and physical costs. ABOUT frame method construction, we remember when you need to quickly build a refrigerated warehouse from sandwich panels or a change house for a team of builders. The metal frame of the house is assembled and sheathed in a matter of days. In terms of its ability to retain heat and other characteristics, a structure made of profiles and plasterboard is superior to brick ones.

Metal frame construction

Advantages of metal frame house structures

House using metal frame structure

Construction brick house with its shrinkage of the foundation, hardening of the solution and drying of the materials, it takes 2-3 years. Must be done strip foundation and wait several months after pouring for the deformation to stop, remove internal stresses. Acceleration leads to distortions, cracks, and a reduction in the service life of walls.

The positive point of brick and wooden house in its familiarity and predictability. Everyone knows what a house is made of, how to lay out the walls and attach the roof. A frame house seems light and unreliable. It, like Ellie's house, can be blown away by the wind. After all, in America they often report the destruction of houses during a cyclone.

In fact, a metal frame house can withstand the elements and has advantages over classical buildings.

  1. It retains heat better than brick or stone.
  2. The metal frame and cladding are stronger than a wooden frame.
  3. Making a building with 2 floors takes a couple of weeks, and is carried out in any weather, even frost. The exception is heavy rain. It dampens the insulation and makes it unpleasant for workers to work. Do not use power tools.
  4. Cost of materials and installation work much cheaper.
  5. It is easy to make redevelopment and extensions in a house from a profile.
  6. Work at height is carried out without cranes.
  7. The light weight of the walls allows the building to be placed on a light pile or support-column foundation, and the house to be located on a slope and any soil.
  8. Dismantling and installation of the frame can be done in a few days. If desired, it is easy to transport the building to another location.
  9. If a hurricane destroys a structure, then a house made from a profile is much easier to restore. The frame can withstand loads. It is enough to make a new casing. No need to dismantle.

The first frame houses began to be built in America. Some have survived in cold Alaska from the Gold Rush to the present day. In Australia, stingy with rain, they appreciated the ease of construction, quick installation frame made of rolled metal and the possibility of using it for cladding simple materials available nearby. During dry periods, a house made from a profile keeps the inside cool.

Complex calculations and fast construction

We are building a house

For the hobbyist budget house independently, the metal frame can bring surprises. Complex calculations can only be done by specialists. The calculation of beam loads itself corresponds to the level of the first semester of strength-of-materials. But in construction there is a concept of safety. All nodes have a certain safety margin. Should be considered:

  • the specific gravity of metal profile frame;
  • the sheathing is laid on it, the weight of the ceilings presses on it;
  • furniture and various equipment;
  • external loads from snow on the roof, wind;
  • you need to know the coefficient of resistance to statistical and dynamic loads;
  • permissible force for twisting and stretching of a metal profile of a given section;
  • aging and fluidity of metal;
  • seismic vibrations in a given area.

The list of data for calculation is not complete. My friend, a learned mathematician, set out to calculate a metal frame from a square profile. This turned out to be difficult. He refused existing programs and wrote my own. I constantly help him with the construction and renovation of his house and apartment. He gave me this program in gratitude.

Installation starts with a solid base

Metal frame structure of a private house

The main load-bearing and supporting elements of the frame are the lower frame - the platform and racks. Depending on their location, there are different types of frames:

  • with continuous racks;
  • frame with overlap;
  • post-beam;
  • frame-rack;
  • mixed.

The common element is a frame made of a metal profile of a larger section at the bottom of the frame. Basically, it is this that lays on the foundation. An exception is the frame-rack structure, when the load-bearing vertical racks below they turn into piles or rest on them. They try to make such a frame on swampy and flooded soils. There is a gap between the soil and the floor for ventilation. Water flows freely between the metal supports without flooding the house.

Easy to implement metal structure, when the frame is made with solid height, uncut racks. At the level of the ceiling they crash into it vertical beams strapping. Making such a frame for a house yourself is easier than others. But it has a number of limitations:

  • the structure has only a rectangular shape;
  • the height of the house can be “one and a half floors”, or rather a full-height first level and a residential attic.

Canadian technology for assembling houses from ready-made pallets has become widespread. It is convenient to make and sew metal frames separately, then lift and connect them. The load-bearing parts are not only the frame, but also external cladding walls It is often made from durable LSP, MDF, gypsum board and plywood boards. Immediately after assembling the house, you can begin finishing the walls. The installation time of a metal frame made from a profile and its cladding is reduced to 4 – 6 days. Inside, lining is most often used for cladding.

The disadvantage of all designs is the absence ground floor. A basement under the house can be made if the metal frame profile is attached to a strip foundation. The walls of the premises are laid out separately, and the plinth masonry is not used.

The metal profile frame is connected:

  • welding;
  • bolts and crabs under them;
  • with rivets.

Welding can only be done by an experienced welder who has been certified for this type of work. Otherwise, the connection near the seam may soon fail. In this way, load-bearing structures are often fastened metal beams. The rest of the frame can be attached to them using crabs and bolted together.

Rivets firmly hold the structure in seismic zones. They allow the frame to slightly deform under changing loads and thereby remain intact during earthquakes and vibrations.

Internal partitions and sound insulation

Metal frame house

A metal frame made of profiles and pipes is convenient for creating an internal layout of any kind and quickly changing it. Partitions are placed in the right place, filled with polystyrene foam, or less often with mineral wool. You can sheathe with plasterboard in one layer, on load-bearing walls It’s better to double the gypsum board. Moisture-resistant materials are chosen for slopes.

The thickness of the metal profile and insulation is small, 40 – 60 mm. This is enough for soundproofing and installing interior door frames.

Thermal insulation

The metal frame has high coefficient thermal conductivity and in the design of the house the profile represents cold bridges. During construction frame house, metal parts are insulated with foam insulation. It is cut into strips or filled with foam into the voids and surface of the metal during installation. Additional insulation is finishing the walls with plaster or siding.

Waterproofing is laid between the insulation and internal lining. Use vapor barrier films, allowing air to pass through and allowing the walls to breathe.

Low-rise metal frame houses are popular all over the world. According to statistics, housing construction on a metal profile frame occupies 80% of all buildings. The main consumer regions of this technology are Scandinavia, the USA, and Canada.

Such houses have many advantages compared to permanent buildings and houses built on a wooden frame.

Distinctive features of metal frame houses:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • short construction periods of buildings;
  • inertness to weather and climatic conditions;
  • low cost;
  • resistance to heat loss;
  • high fire safety;
  • seismic resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • freedom in choosing architectural solutions;
  • non-shrink technology.

The iron frame, its elements - light steel thin-walled structures, consists of galvanized profiles and thermal profiles, fastening strips and plates for assembling the frame, different types corners. They are not subject to rotting, withstand temperature changes, precipitation, and are resistant to the elements. Steel profile can serve as the basis of a structure without damage for more than 100 years.

It is possible to construct a building on a frame made of LSTK within a month. The parts of the building base are lightweight, which eliminates the use of lifts and cranes. Fastening of frame parts is carried out using threaded connections. These include: self-drilling or tapping screws, bolted connections.

Features of houses on a metal frame

Frame house construction not tied to the climate in the region. A metal frame for a house can be assembled in any climatic zone, the main condition for weather conditions is comfort for workers performing installation.

The emergence and development of technology for the construction of residential buildings on metal frames is caused by the need to quickly erect low-rise buildings from materials cheaper than wood and the ability to establish industrial production frame parts.

The final cost of a frame house made from a metal profile and sandwich panels is significantly lower than construction from brick, gas blocks, wood and ceramic blocks.

High thermal insulation characteristics structures are provided with high-quality insulation. Heating such buildings is much easier and more economical. Heat transfer resistance frame wall a thickness of 25 cm is equal to that of masonry with a thickness of 1.5 m.

Sandwich panels used in frame construction, use mineral wool insulation. Its temperature range is -60…+400ᵒС. Characteristics wall panels make the house resistant to acids and other aggressive environments, temperature changes, and fire. The material from which they are made does not accumulate moisture and is resistant to damage by rodents and microorganisms.

Mineral wool insulation is natural and environmentally friendly. Frame elements made from LSTC can be reused. This property is highly valued by mining companies that build rotational camps. This causes less damage to the regional ecology.

Due to the light weight of the base and sandwich panels, the buildings do not shrink. In buildings built using this technology, it is possible to use different architectural possibilities, since spans without installing intermediate supports can reach 14-24 m.

Disadvantages of a metal profile frame

Base from metal parts has several disadvantages.

  1. In the event of a fire, the galvanized iron base loses its rigidity, the building twists in a spiral, it falls and warps. This feature reduces the evacuation time for residents. Wooden beam, as opposed to iron, is charred under the influence of fire, but maintains its shape.
  2. The complexity of installing built-in furniture and household appliances. To solve the problem, at the design stage, houses are determined with their installation locations, which are reinforced with additional profiles and wooden panels.
  3. Limited number of storeys in the house and the impossibility of using heavy building materials.
  4. High conductivity electric current metal frame. Protection against this problem is the potential balancing system.

Manufacturing and installation of frames from LSTK

The skeleton of the house is made of C- and U-profiles. They are connected with self-tapping screws. The pitch between the racks is 600-1000 mm. It takes into account the dimensions of the insulation panels and allows you to conveniently attach other Decoration Materials.

If a house is being built according to an individual project, then after it has been developed and all the nuances of placing furniture and household appliances In the premises of the future building, a 3D model of the house is made. This allows customers to see the final result in miniature. Upon completion of the registration process project documentation the drawings are transferred to the plant that produces metal frame parts.

On the production line, each part is manufactured separately, numbered, and packaged. Finished parts are equipped with holes for fastenings and utility lines. To install the skeleton of the house, the base parts include connecting elements.

Buildings by individual projects are much more expensive than houses manufactured according to standard designs. To reduce the cost of housing construction, you can use a standard project with a frame made of thermoprofile or light steel thin-walled structures By Canadian technology. What distinguishes it from other technologies for the rapid construction of buildings is its frame made of light reinforced concrete and special SIP panels, which have special thermal insulation characteristics.

In the case of housing construction standard project the customer receives a finished frame of a certain size and shape. The base parts are labeled and packaged according to the house drawings.

As insulation, except mineral wool, can be used:

  • basalt slabs;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • ecowool.

Brick and porcelain stoneware are used to decorate the exterior walls of the house. Hinged ventilated facades are often used as finishing for the facades of frame buildings. various types. Finishing materials such as siding and block house are becoming increasingly popular. Plastering and painting facade walls have not lost their relevance.

Complete with frame parts and connecting elements the customer receives a description of the project, recommendations and instructions for assembling the frame, and a specification of all elements.

the span is 3 meters, consists of a pipe 50x50 3 mm wall and a rigidly screwed beam 50x150. According to all calculations, one such pipe gives a deflection of 1 cm with a load of 150 kilograms on its middle (confirmed experimentally), but at the same time it _will not collapse_. a separate wooden beam 50x150 adds rigidity, about 200 kg load with a good margin. and here is a sandwich like this... the beams go every 50 cm. over them there is a sheathing of 30 boards, laid with 1 cm gaps, with pox boards screwed on top. if you jump on the 2nd floor, you won’t feel it at all on the 1st floor)

P.S. there are just 2 bedrooms, there were no 200 kg fireplaces.

Tell me, what is the logic of using metal? It turns out to be expensive, the issue with cold bridges will somehow need to be resolved, then in the event of a fire it is not clear how the metal will behave when heated

I agree, it's expensive. when compared to wood simply as a material.
now some thoughts:

The pipe costs about 80 rubles per meter, 240 meters of 50x50 pipe and about 150 meters of 20x40 pipe were used for the frame. the total cost was about 60 thousand rubles, which is 2 tons of metal.
I paid about 40 thousand rubles for cutting and welding work, along with the terrace (it is also welded). if they had built it from wood, it would have cost 25-30 thousand rubles worth of material and for the work of crowds of carpenters (we only come in droves!! it would have been 50-60 thousand rubles for the 2nd floor and about 20 thousand rubles for the terrace. I conducted a survey of our craftsmen. I came to the conclusion that I don’t need this and for so much

There will be no cold bridges, because the frame is double. internal, power, from 50x50 pipes. the outside was made from 20x40, the entire height of the house, in order to then sheathe it all on the outside.
the whole trick is that the internal frame does not have access to the street; during the process of insulation with foam plastic, it ends up inside the foam sheets. very convenient by the way, 5 cm foam too.

The outer frame has no contact with interior space, separated from the inner “cage” by a distance of 5 cm (2 pipes were welded horizontally from the outside, along each of the walls). that is, no condensation is expected.

Sheathed with profiled sheets s-8, horizontally, white.

Advantages of metal: as a mechanical engineer, I calculated the loads without any problems; one 50x50 rack can easily support 2 tons of axial load. and my entire structure weighs 2 tons... without finishing and insulation, of course. the racks stand 1 meter apart, there is a safety margin
again, able to assess the quality of the weld. what I couldn't do for wooden structure, which our “craftsmen” only have to turn away and strive to assemble on nails driven in at an angle

The most important thing is the wood that is sold at the bases - natural humidity. it tastes frankly raw. what will happen to him in a year? when will it dry? So many neighbors have been affected by all this that they don’t even consider it for themselves.

As for the fire, the whole joke is that there is nothing to burn in such a house. Rockwool is laid on top of the foam in the ceiling; it burns poorly. The beams themselves, even if untreated, do not pose any risk.
The house below is gas silicate, plastered on the outside with cement, on the inside with rotband and plaster. I plan to paint it. 2nd floor insulation, wall foam, when heated, it melts more than it burns. instantly turning into a small amount of black bubbling plastic slurry, so everything is fine.

By the way, the iron house was planned precisely because in the event of a fire at a neighbor’s house, the corrugated sheet cladding would not be damaged like siding, for example. and it is naturally more convenient to attach the corrugated sheet to metal. and coefficient the expansion is the same, it will never bubble...

As for geometry - I like houses rectangular shape I got almost a cube, with a side of 6 m. It looked magical while it stood without windows
The roof is gable, the height of the attic is 1 meter at the ridge. for the roof, trusses were made on the ground, a triangle with sides 6 m, 3.2 meters, 3.2 meters (approximately) and a height of 1 meter was made. with a central pillar. after which they were completely dragged to the upper perimeter and welded over the racks. The rigidity is more than sufficient.

It turns out to be interesting. Did you carry out strength calculations - or do you do them “by eye”? And how long does it take to prepare/weld the structure? Well, are you a professional welder or did you just start welding during construction? I also thought about this approach - but alas, I don’t know how to cook (. What kind of welding machine do you have?

Strength calculations were made for the ceiling, taking into account the pitch of the beams, length, pipe wall thickness, and pipe profile. to make it easier to cook, I chose the same size profile for the vertical and horizontal parts of the frame, but the overlap was reinforced wooden beams. They were also made for the thickness of the ceiling, later they were screwed to them with screws from the bottom of the board in increments of 50 cm, which are 25x150, and insulation was laid on them. total thickness 20 cm.
There are many formulas for calculating beams in the network; the calculations have been confirmed experimentally.

It took _4 days_ to weld the entire structure of the 2nd floor. Two people participated - a welder sold to me from a construction base (he spoke Russian with difficulty, but it seems that he was born with an electrode in his hands; fortunately, the amount is not fantastic.

The most important thing when welding such a structure is that the parts must be joined so that the seam, if possible, does not work in tension. For example, a pipe should be welded to a vertical post from above, placing it on the end of the post. it's calmer this way

Only two people can cook. one holds everything, supplies it, makes the current more/less, etc., the second with an electrode. The time for welding one joint of two pipes (about 20 cm of seam, in 2 passes) is approximately 3-5 minutes.