Minsk higher educational institutions list. Education in Belarus

Belarus- the most beautiful and tranquil country located in Eastern Europe. Endless forest expanses, numerous picturesque lakes, people with a calm disposition. The country is famous for its historical past. The cultural heritage of Belarusians is known throughout the world. Belarus is hardworking and hospitable, and is a great place for those who want to live in peace and harmony on an equal basis with others. Here you can study, work and live well. We invite you on a tour of medical universities in Belarus. A wide variety of educational institutions makes it possible large selection various specialties. Medical universities are considered the most prestigious.

Belarusian State Medical University (BSMU)

BSMU is located in the city of Minsk. The university was founded in 1921. The higher medical institution has 8 faculties: medical, pediatric, military medical, dental, medical and preventive, medical faculty for foreign students, pharmaceutical, faculty of career guidance and pre-university training. 7046 students are studying at 70 departments at BSMU, including 808 foreign students.

To enter the university, you must go through the CT (central testing) procedure in three subjects: Belarusian or Russian (your choice), chemistry and biology. Upon admission, a separate competition is held for each faculty separately. Admission is made based on the summation of points scored based on the results of the CT and the average score of the certificate of secondary education.

Admission is made to budget and paid forms of education. The passing score for admission to the budget form of education in 2014 was:

    at the Faculty of Medicine – 335,

    at the pediatric faculty - 303 points,

    in dentistry – 360.

When students entered paid education at the Faculty of Medicine, the passing score was 258 points, at the Faculty of Pediatrics - 279 points, at the Faculty of Dentistry - 317.

The cost of training for foreign citizens at the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmaceutical and Medical Prevention is $3,800; the tuition fee for the dental faculty was $4,200.

The cost of living for foreign citizens in a university dormitory is $720 per year.

Address BSMU: 220116, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, Dzerzhinsky Ave., 83.

Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University (VSMU)

The university was founded on November 1, 1934. VSMU has 7 faculties: medical, pharmaceutical, dental, faculty of training of foreign citizens, faculty of pre-university training, psychology and pedagogy, faculty of advanced training; 67 departments In 2014, 555 people were enrolled at the university (on a budget basis) and 265 applicants on a paid form of education.

Admission to the university is based on the results of testing and a certificate competition (the total score is summed up). To enter a higher medical institution, the following exams are taken: Belarusian or Russian language (optional), chemistry, biology. Applicants from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan have the opportunity to enter the university on equal terms with citizens of the Republic of Belarus by passing exams at the Centralized Testing, or, like foreign citizens, without presenting certificates of the Belarusian CT.

Tuition fees for the 2014 academic year were: Faculty of Medicine - $4,000, Faculty of Dentistry - $4,100, Faculty of Pharmacy (full-time study) - $3,500, part-time study - $1,700, Preparatory Department - $2,000.

The passing score for enrollment in 2014 was: Faculty of Medicine (for the budget) - 270, for the paid form of education - 202; Faculty of Pharmacy (budget) - 307, on a paid basis - 282.

VSMU address: 210023, Vitebsk, Frunze Ave., 27.

Grodno State Medical University (GrSMU)

The medical university was founded in 1958. GrSMU includes the following faculties: medical-psychological, medical, faculty of foreign students, medical-diagnostic, pediatric. Education at the university takes place in 46 departments. GrSMU has more than 4,000 students and over 500 teachers.

Applicants who have a diploma of completion of a secondary specialized medical institution are accepted for full-time education.

In 2014, the university enrolled 475 students on a budget and 205 on a paid form of education.

The passing score for admission to GrSMU for the 2014 academic year was:

    for the Faculty of Medicine (for the budget) - 250, for a paid form of education - 215;

    for the pediatric faculty (for the budget) - 240, for a paid form of education - 198;

    for the medical and psychological faculty (budget) - 200 points, for a paid basis - 187;

    for the Faculty of Medical Diagnostics – 230 (budget), 219 (paid form of education).

Tuition fees range from 19,380,000 Belarusian rubles (medical faculty) to 18,550,000 Belarusian rubles. rub. (medical diagnostic faculty).

Address of GrSMU: 230009, Grodno, st. Gorky, 80.

Gomel State Medical University (GSMU)

The university was founded on November 1, 1990. The creation of the State Medical University was associated with an urgent need qualified specialists for the treatment of victims after the Chernobyl accident.

At Gomel Medical University, students study at 4 faculties: medical, medical-diagnostic, faculty for training foreign specialists, and pre-university training. GSMU offers internship and clinical residency, doctoral studies, postgraduate studies, and master's programs. Educational and research activities are carried out at 36 departments of the university. About 300 Gomel teachers medical university have the title of professor. Training is carried out on the basis of 18 modernly equipped clinics. 3,669 students are studying at GSMU, of which about 400 are foreign representatives. Visiting students live in dormitories; there are four of them at the university.

The passing score for admission to the State Medical University in 2014 was: Faculty of Medicine (budget) - 238, paid form of education - 201 points; Faculty of Medical Diagnostics (budget) – 250 points, paid training – 193.

The cost of training at Gomel Medical University for the 2014 academic year was 16,800,000 Belarusian rubles.

Address GSMU: 246000, Gomel, st. Lange, 5.

Studying in Belarus may be of interest to those Russians who, for some reason, do not want or cannot study in their homeland, but do not have the means to study in Europe or America. Education in Belarus is not so prestigious, but it is of high quality and free.

According to the Ministry of Education of Belarus, today more than 2 thousand Russians are studying in 55 Belarusian universities. Basically, these are, of course, universities in Minsk: there are many universities in the capital offering a full range of specialties. At the same time, living in Minsk will cost a Russian much less than living in Moscow or St. Petersburg - this is another factor in favor of Belarusian education.

Again, as BusinessTimes already noted in previous materials about Belarus, our Union State still exists in practice: under an agreement between the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation dated December 25, 1998, citizens of both countries have equal rights to higher education. In other words, Russians have the right to enter Belarusian universities to a budget department on a general basis, receive a scholarship and apply for a dormitory, or, if you did not pass the competition, study at a paid department. The cost of paid education at the Belarusian State University - the country's leading university - is 1000 - 1300 dollars per semester for full-time study, depending on the chosen faculty. Evening and correspondence courses, as well as studying at other universities, will cost you much less. A Belarusian diploma is recognized in Russia without the need for any certification.

However, there are some nuances in Belarusian education that it is better to know about in advance. For example, since 2003, both secondary and higher education in Belarus are assessed on a 10-point scale. The “10” rating is not the traditional “5”, but “5+”, and it is practically not used. “9” is a “5”, “6” is a classic four, below the Belarusian “5” points is an unsatisfactory mark, below the Russian three. It will take you some time to get used to the 10-point scale - and most importantly, when applying to Belarusian universities, you will need to transfer your school certificate to this system using a special translation scale: the average score of the certificate is added to the results of the entrance exams.

The entrance exams themselves - centralized testing (CT) - are analogous to the Russian Unified State Exam, but not quite. For example, in the CT for the Russian language there is more theory, but there is no essay, and in the CT for mathematics you just need to enter the results in the answer form and check the boxes, without a solution. The main difficulty for Russians in passing the CT is the need to register on time and come to the exams, which are usually held in the second half of June. Registration usually takes place a month in advance. exact dates change from year to year and it is better for applicants to monitor this information on the websites of the universities themselves.

The first step when entering any country in the world is choosing a university. In Belarus, the higher education system is represented by the following types educational institutions:

Classical University;
- specialized university or academy;
- institute;
- higher college.

Studying at most universities lasts 4-5 years. The following universities in the country are considered leading:

— Belarusian State University, opened in 1921;

— Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"

Belarusian National Technical University
— Belarusian State Economic University

— Belarusian State Pedagogical University them. M. Tanka
— Belarusian State Medical University
— Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University
— Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts
— Belarusian State University physical culture

— Belarusian state academy arts
— Belarusian State Academy of Music
— Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus

To enter one of these universities, in addition to the CT results, you need to submit the following documents:

— application form, filled out when submitting documents;

— originals of documents on secondary education;

— original medical certificate of health confirming the ability to study;

— a copy of the birth certificate and a copy of the passport;

— 6 or 8 photographs 4x6 cm.

After you decide on a university, pass the CT test and submit documents, and finally find out about your admission, the question will arise of where to live. There are dormitories in Belarusian universities, but it’s better not to rely on them - there is a catastrophic lack of places even in the BSU dormitory. The solution is to rent a room or apartment, which is quite cheap in Belarus. Even rent in Minsk one-room apartment you can start from 200 dollars, a room for 80. In regional cities prices will be even lower.

Placement upon graduation - a remnant of the Soviet education system that still exists in Belarus - is voluntary for Russians.

The article will tell you about the features of education in Minsk, about many universities in the city and the services provided.

No one will argue that this moment great importance moment of human education. It is not possible to receive high-quality services everywhere and it is very important to familiarize yourself with the list of higher educational institutions in Minsk before submitting the required list of documents.

the site presents to your attention current list universities that have a high rating among residents of the country of Belarus. Both foreign citizens and residents of the city of Minsk can study there. For representatives with a different citizenship, the conditions for admission to a university are somewhat different from others.

If you are going to enroll in a university on a commercial basis, you simply must familiarize yourself with the list of such offers. You can read about the rules for admission on a paid and free basis on the websites of these educational institutions, which are listed under the name of the university. The information is always relevant and fresh.

Most foreigners and locals choose higher educational establishments in order to obtain the missing amount of knowledge and become good specialists in the chosen industry.

In universities of the city of Minsk you can get education in full-time and part-time forms of study. There are also preparatory courses for future students, which are available to absolutely every applicant, and retraining of personnel. For example, after studying for some time in your chosen specialty, you realized that you are not inspired by this specificity. You can easily change future profession by filling out the appropriate document forms. There is a distance learning function. If for some reason you are unable to attend the University in person, you will be able to obtain a diploma by studying remotely at home.

After completing training at universities in Minsk, you will receive a high-quality knowledge base, and will also be able to find a job to your liking in many companies not only in Minsk, but also in many other cities and countries at your request.

Belarus has a developed education system that provides training for a wide range of specialists who are ready to work effectively in modern world. Higher education in Belarus is prestigious and at the same time affordable. We have compiled the top 20 for you best universities countries where you can get high-quality higher education.

Belarusian State University

BSU rightfully takes first place in various rankings higher institutions Belarus. This is the most prestigious university in the country, which is not so easy to get into due to great competition among applicants and high passing scores.

But if you manage to become a student at BSU, you will get many opportunities for further growth: starting from development creative potential, ending with internships abroad. Nonresident students and foreigners are provided with a comfortable hostel.

Belarusian National Technical University

BNTU is a leading engineering and technical university in Belarus that trains specialists for all industries National economy countries. Studying at BNTU is closely related to production activities.

Passing scores are above average, but getting on the list of those enrolled at BNTU is still easier than at BSU. The Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Architecture are popular among students information technologies and Robotics, Faculty of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship.

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) is a top university in Belarus for training IT specialists. Many faculties of BSUIR have high passing scores (more than 300). A decent level of training is confirmed by certificates of compliance with quality management in Belarus and Germany.

Teachers have high scientific titles and degrees; under their leadership there is every chance of receiving a grant from the world's best IT companies. The university actively practices internships abroad and student exchange programs. State-funded graduates can choose the proposal they like most for distribution, because there are more applications than graduates.

Belarusian State Economic University

BSEU (formerly the Belarusian State Institute of National Economy, or in student slang “narkhoz”) is the leading university in Belarus for training specialists in the field of economics. The prestige of economic specialties is maintained from year to year, which is why the passing scores at BSEU are quite high, especially in specialties related to international economic relations.

But can the requirements for specialists on whom the well-being of the entire country depends be low? Starting from the first year, BSEU offers its students different kinds practitioner, and also provides support to graduates in distribution.

Minsk State Linguistic University

Minsk State Linguistic University (MSLU) is the leading university in Belarus in the field of foreign languages. Inyaz in Minsk teaches 22 European and Oriental languages.

Graduates of the linguistic university work as teachers, translators, and translator-referents. Minsk State Linguistic University is equipped with modern classrooms and laboratories where lectures, practical and laboratory classes, and video conferences are held.

Inyaz owns a rich library, which contains materials in 115 languages. MSLU cooperates with the World Association of Linguistic Universities, UNESCO and universities in 33 countries.

Belarusian State Medical University

Belarusian State Medical University (BSMU) is a university with rich history, advanced experience and global authority. 72 departments of BSMU train future general practitioners, pharmacists, pediatricians, dentists, hygienists, and military doctors.

The passing scores at the faculties of the medical university are high, especially in dentistry and pharmacy. BSMU cooperates with foreign scientific centers and educational institutions, and also organizes high-level scientific events.

Grodno State University named after. Yanka Kupala

Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala (GrSU) - regional university, which offers a wide range of specialties. Passing scores and tuition fees at Grodno State University are lower than at capital universities.

Created for students and teachers educational portal GrSU, where you can see the class schedule, programs, look into scientific library, read electronic journal. GrSU cares about the development of international relations - the university has the following student exchange programs: Erasmus, DAAD, IAESTE, MOST, Baltic University.

Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University

Vitebsk state orders Peoples' Friendship Medical University trains doctors and pharmacists. VSMU annually organizes internships for students at partner medical universities. Since 2010, a master's degree has been opened at VSMU. A diploma from Vitebsk Medical University is recognized in America, Lithuania, Ireland, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, and the CIS countries.

At the moment, the university has 63 departments in which future doctors and pharmacists specialize. For high-quality training of students, the MOODLE distance learning system (MDL) of VSMU and a medical library that meets international standards have been created.

Gomel State University named after. Francysk Skaryna

Gomel State University named after Francis Skaryna is a large regional university that trains economists, lawyers, engineers, linguists, historians, philologists, biologists, and teachers. Research and development of Gomel University are recognized not only in Belarus, but also abroad. The university organizes master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies, and there are councils for defending doctoral and master's theses. The GSU has two research centers - the history and culture of East Slavic peoples and the physical and chemical center.

GSU closely cooperates with universities and scientific institutes of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, China, Finland, Switzerland, Iran, Hungary, France, USA, Germany, Spain, etc. The university is taking care of expanding the list of partners from countries far and near abroad. Gomel University participates in the international student exchange program Erasmus+.

Grodno State Medical University

Grodno State Medical University (GrSMU) is a modern university that provides high-quality higher medical education. The university specializes in pediatrics, general medicine, medical diagnostics and medical psychology.

Since 2010, a master's degree has been operating at the Grodno State Medical University. Grodno Medical University - participant international program"Global World Communicator (GWC). Education and Science". Passing marks, as well as the cost of training, at Grodno State Medical University are lower than in the capital medical university, and the quality of training is excellent.

Vitebsk State University named after. P.M. Masherova

Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov (VSU) is a university with a wide choice of specialties and areas of social, humanitarian and natural science education. Education at VSU is carried out at two levels (bachelor's and master's degrees), and there is a postgraduate course. VSU students and teachers undergo internships at universities in Germany, Sweden, Cuba, Poland, Romania and other countries, and participate in the development of international projects and grants.

Brest State University named after. A.S. Pushkin

Over the seven decades of its history, Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin has rightfully become the center of education, scientific and cultural life of the region. University on modern stage development is characterized by versatility and multi-level professional training: the opportunity to undergo pre-university training; obtain higher education in 9 profiles; continue your studies in master's and postgraduate studies; improve your qualifications, obtain postgraduate education at the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining.

Gomel State Medical University

Gomel State Medical University (GSMU) is a young but reputable university in Belarus. Within its walls, future specialists in medical and preventive medicine are trained. The GSMU offers internship, clinical residency, master's, postgraduate and doctoral programs.

Among the main partners of the medical university are universities in Japan, Russia, Scotland and other countries. GSMU takes care of building up the material and technical base, developing current programs training, promotion professional level employees. The Medical University in Gomel pays great attention to student life and scientific development.

Brest State Technical University

BrSTU is a large scientific and educational center in the western region of the Republic of Belarus. Here specialists are trained and carried out large volume scientific research in the fields of construction, architecture, electronics, mechanical engineering, economics and ecology. The training program at BrSTU is aimed not only at training highly qualified specialists, but also at nurturing well-rounded individuals.

Polotsk State University

Polotsk State University (PSU) is a large regional university that trains students in 45 specialties. Some of the highest passing scores are obtained at the Faculty of Finance and Economics of PSU, where they teach economics, logistics and social communications. Recently, the specialty “Production of products based on three-dimensional technologies” has been opened at Polotsk University.

Belarusian State Technological University

BSTU specializes in training personnel for forestry and chemical industry, publishing, information technology. Every year, BSTU students travel abroad to improve their professional training. The university is conducting distance learning in the master's program.

Belarusian State University of Transport

BelSUT trains military and civil engineers in the field of construction, mechanics, electrical engineering, as well as economists, architects, specialists customs law. A separate correspondence faculty has been organized at BelSUT, where you can get in-demand economic specialties. BelSUT's passing scores are high, and the cost of training is comparable to other universities of a similar profile.

Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after. M.Tanka

State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank is a leading pedagogical university in Belarus with a century-old history. Its main task is the professional training of teachers for preschool, secondary and higher education institutions. The faculties of BSPU have the necessary technical and scientific base for training successful teachers. It is possible to enter BSPU without exams if you are a medalist or a graduate of a pedagogical class. For this reason, the passing scores for some specialties are 400.

Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts

BGUKI maintains its position as the leading university of the Republic of Belarus in the field of culture and strives to gain international recognition and become an innovative educational institution European type, where the best academic traditions and new ideas are combined, providing high level training specialists capable of self-improvement, ready for successful work in the sociocultural sphere.

Mogilev State University named after. A.A.Kuleshova

Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov trains specialists for all fields public life, but the priority is still teaching professions. Much attention is paid here to the development of student science and the development of current research problems. Students have a library at their disposal scientific works university teachers (MSU repository).

We wish you good luck in your application!