Frozen pollock: benefits and harms. Beneficial properties of pollock for humans

Pollock is a representative of the Cod family, distributed in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and is cold-loving. Capable of diving to a depth of 0.7 km. Vegetarian, feeds on plankton, and is a long-liver. It can live up to 15-20 years if it does not get caught in the nets of fishers.

The meat is white, 80% water, and very tender in taste. This is the most hypoallergenic type of fish. It is recommended to be introduced into the diet even for children aged seven months.

In the article you will learn about the benefits and potential harm of popular fish, whether the product is useful for the elderly and children, and how to prepare it tasty and healthy.

How to choose a good product

Don't forget to check the expiration date on the product label.

Energy and nutritional value, calorie content, chemical composition

Pollock is rich in easily digestible protein.

The nutritional value of pollock per 100 g of product can be presented in the table:

The composition of pollock per 100 g of product contains a negligible amount of fat and a lot of protein with a complete absence of carbohydrates.

The glycemic index is zero, i.e. the concentration of sugar in the blood plasma does not increase after eating. Considering the presence of only “good” cholesterol in the product, fish is healthy and those who want to lose weight.

Unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 stimulate mental activity and prevent development.

The calorie content of fish (fillet, dried and in other types of packaging) is only 70 kcal per 100 g. Vitamins included:

  • A, responsible for youthful skin and visual acuity.
  • PP, or nicotinic acid, which promotes better absorption of fats and carbohydrates, converting them into thermal energy.
  • B1, B2, B6, helping to resist stress and increasing physical endurance.
  • E, slows down aging, neutralizes the effects of free radicals.

The product has micro- and macroelements - sodium, fluorine, cobalt, and sulfur.

Pollock contains large quantities and optimal ratios of selenium, iodine and chromium. Selenium binds poisons and toxins, gently removing them from the body. Chromium is responsible for fat and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulating it. And iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is also involved in the synthesis of the hormone thyroxine, which activates metabolic processes and prevents the development of obesity and depression. To satisfy a person’s daily need for iodine, only 100 g of fish is enough.

Video about the dangers and benefits of pollock (fillet and other parts):

Health Benefits

Pollock, due to the presence of vitamins, micro- and macro-elements, and protein, is good for health. When consumed regularly, it exhibits the following properties:

Pollock is very useful for smokers: thanks to the microelement selenium, it neutralizes toxins coming from tobacco smoke. At the same time, vitamin A prevents the development of lung cancer. With regular moderate consumption, the craving for smoking is reduced.

It is especially necessary for alcoholics during rehabilitation. Pollock restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, replenishing the body's reserves of nutrients.

What are the health benefits?

Due to its low calorie content and rich composition, the product can be useful to all categories of people. It has a delicate sweetish taste and is easily and completely digestible.

For adult men and women

This is a supplier of high-quality protein necessary for the full functioning of the body.

Chromium and nicotinic acid regulate lipid metabolism, normalize blood pressure. Unsaturated fatty acids support brain function.

Regular consumption of pollock increases stress resistance and reduces the craving for smoking.

A large amount of iodine in the product keeps the reproductive system healthy.

The microelement zinc activates the work of the thymus gland, which boosts immunity, ensures full functioning of the male gonads, preventing the development of sexual weakness and impotence.

Women need to consume pollock during menopause. This product will balance the psycho-emotional state and provide the necessary energy for an active and creative life.


It will help cope with toxicosis in the first trimester, as it contains selenium, which rids the body of toxins. At the same time, including pollock in the diet is beneficial for:

  • preserving the beauty and health of teeth, hair, nails.
  • Formation of a healthy nervous system and skeletal bones in the fetus.
  • Maintaining muscle tone, including the pelvic floor.

It does not create heaviness in the stomach after eating, activates the gastrointestinal tract, and fights constipation, which is very important for most women expecting a baby.

Usefulness during lactation

In the first three months of a baby’s life, fish is consumed little by little, very carefully, for fear of possible allergies.

In the absence of allergic phenomena nursing mothers should include this product in their diet, since he:

  • improves the quality of breast milk;
  • promotes lactation;
  • increases the absorption of calcium by a nursing mother;
  • With high nutritional value, it does not threaten weight gain. This is important because most women gain extra pounds when breastfeeding.

Thanks to a large amount of iodine and vitamin A, the baby and mother are guaranteed a calm, complete sleep and joyful wakefulness.

For children

This product is for children you need to eat at least once a week to form healthy bones and nervous system. Kids don't really like fish dishes. Pollock is a pleasant exception.

Thanks to its delicate consistency, pleasant nutty taste and faint fishy smell, all children like it.

You can start feeding minced fish to babies as early as seven months, once a week.

You cannot insist if the baby resolutely refuses the product. It is better to offer it again in a month.

Especially the product is useful for increasing mental and physical stress. For example, on the eve of competitions, exams, etc. A large amount of protein, a balanced composition of macro- and microelements will allow children to remain calm, cheerful and clear-minded.

For the elderly

In old age, pollock is also very useful for the following reasons:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • Prevents the development of osteoporosis due to its calcium content.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • With constant use, it complicates the development of atherosclerosis and oncology.
  • Helps maintain mental activity, memory, and physical mobility.
  • Prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Relieves swelling.

Video about the beneficial and harmful properties of pollock caviar:

Potential dangers and contraindications

The main danger is that unscrupulous suppliers may purchase a product caught in an environmentally unfavorable area. Russian manufacturers have not yet encountered such incidents.

Another danger is substitution with other varieties of fish. The benefits of pollock are explained by its feeding exclusively on plankton.. And they can replace it with deep-sea varieties that eat waste found at the bottom.

Such fish can be harmful, especially to pregnant women and children.

The product is also contraindicated for:

  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance;
  • acute pyelonephritis.

Pollock is very useful for patients with diabetes, especially type 1, since zinc helps preserve and activate the beta cells of the pancreas.

And chromium is responsible for . For diabetics of any type, only boiled or stewed fish is healthy. Fried or smoked products are contraindicated for them.

It is also necessary, for example, for hepatitis (during remission). For normal functioning, the liver requires high-quality, easily digestible protein with a minimum fat content.

It should also be eaten by everyone who wants to lose weight, as it supplies all the substances the body needs with minimal calories. It is not advisable for dieters to eat fried fish.

Pollock is best eaten boiled, stewed or baked. It cooks very quickly. Before cooking, you need to cut off the head, fins and tail from a whole carcass, carefully remove the entrails, trying not to damage the gall bladder, and cut into portions. It is usually sold as fillets or gutted carcasses without heads.

Then soak in salted water (10 g/1 liter of water) for one hour to remove possible heavy metal salts.

If you don’t want to have a big breakfast, you can also eat this fish at lunch, combining it with boiled vegetables and fresh salad. You should not eat pollock at night.

Animal protein is poorly absorbed during sleep.

Healthy people can eat 200-250 g per day, three times a week. The same amount can be recommended for pregnant and lactating women in the absence of contraindications.

Elderly people with diabetes should limit consumption to 150 g per day, twice a week.

Children under three years old can eat fish once every 7 days in the amount recommended by the pediatrician. After three years, pollock can be included in the diet of children twice a week, 50-150 g, depending on age.

Use in cooking

You can prepare many dishes from pollock - soups, salads, casseroles, cutlets, pies, etc. Advantages:


Beat two with 200 ml of water, add salt.

Cut 1 kg of fish into 2-3 cm pieces, put in a baking dish, pour in eggs.

Grate 100 g of any cheese and sprinkle on top. You can spread a few pieces of butter on the surface of the casserole.

Place in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

The casserole can be prepared with the addition of potatoes. To increase the nutritional value of the dish, you can use milk instead of water.

Fish is healthy at any age. Pollock has many advantages over other varieties of fish: availability, excellent taste, balanced composition, low calorie content.

It doesn't require cleaning and is quick to prepare. The product is easily absorbed by the body and has very few contraindications.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching an interesting video with more useful information about pollock:

In contact with

Along with Atlantic whiting, Pacific pollock was previously considered a resource of little nutritional value. :39 Along with other pelagic predators (mackerel, cod, tuna, horse mackerel) it finds food at different trophic levels. :46 Among the cod-like fish of the World Ocean (cod, haddock, blue whiting, saffron cod, cod, burbot, pollock, whiting and others), pollock occupies a leading place in terms of production volume: 1991 - 4893484, 1992 - 4986664, 1993 - 4619008, 1994 - 4299474 , 1995 - 4687718 tons. :49

Due to overfishing, the existence of pollock is under serious threat, so Greenpeace has been calling for, since the fall of 2009, to refrain from purchasing and consuming pollock and its products.



  • The Asian coast is in the Sea of ​​Japan, Okhotsk and Bering Seas.
  • American coast - Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, Monterey Bay (English: Alaska pollock).
  • Ocean waters - up to the Sangar Strait, rare to the south.
  • A closely related species was found in the Barents Sea - Atlantic pollock (Theragra finnmarchica).

World catch

Up to 4 million tons, half of the catch came from the former USSR. The fishery is regulated.

Among the EU countries, the largest importers of pollock from Russia and China are Germany, France and the UK. In 1996, about 95% of pollock imported into the EU was destined mainly for these three countries.

Pollock products

  • frozen pollock fillet (used as a semi-finished product)
  • salted pollock caviar
  • dried fish
  • pollock liver (contains a large amount of fat and vitamin A).
  • surimi (often used to imitate crab meat, "crab sticks")
  • used in the fast food industry (for example, Filet-o-Fish in

The cod family lives in the seas of the Pacific Ocean and feeds on plankton. It has a low price and has become widespread due to its nutritious meat. The liver of this fish has a high dietary value due to the content of vitamins and is included in the diet of people suffering from skin diseases.

Pollock is a cod fish that lives in cold sea waters at a depth of up to 300 m; during migrations it can drop below 500-700 m. During spawning, the fish rises to shallow water. Egg laying can occur in winter, spring and summer. The eggs develop at shallow depths.

Pollock belongs to the cod family and lives in the seas of the Pacific Ocean.

The lifespan of the fish is about 15 years, sexual maturity is reached at 3-4 years. Adults can weigh up to 2.5-5 kg. Depending on their size at different stages of life, they feed on small planktonic crustaceans (cyclops, daphnia), small fish (smelt, capelin), squid, caviar and fry of their relatives.

The body size of an adult can be up to 1 m. The fish has large eyes, a spotted body, 3 fins on the back, 2 pectoral fins, 2 pelvic fins, and a short antennae on the chin.

For fishing, individuals from 20 cm are selected. In the 1980s. The global catch amounted to 7 million tons. In the 90s it decreased to 5 million tons at the beginning of the 21st century. - up to 3 million tons. The Greenpeace organization raised the alarm about the decline in pollock numbers in 2009. By 2015, the pollock catch in Russia amounted to more than 1.5 million tons.

Chemical composition and calorie content of pollock

Pollock is a source of protein - 100 g of fish contains 23 g of protein. Meat contains virtually no carbohydrates; a small amount of glycogen is found in the liver. Pollock is a low-fat fish containing only 1.2 g of lipids, which include fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6, and cholesterol in a small amount (90 mg).

Most of the fat is contained in the liver and caviar, which are sold separately in canned form. 100 g of fish have an energy value of 111 kcal.

Fish contains phosphorus, sodium (420 mg), potassium (430 mg). It is a rich source of calcium, zinc, iron, trace elements cobalt, copper, fluorine and chromium, manganese, selenium, iodine, fatty acids, selenium.

Pollock meat contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, B vitamins, including rutin, choline, cobalamin, vitamin C - ascorbic acid in small quantities.

Useful properties of pollock

This seafood has good nutritional value. Due to its low fat content and high amount of protein, it is valued in dietetics, helping overweight people get rid of fat deposits.

Iodine and selenium in the product prevent the development of hypothyroidism and cretinism. Zinc contained in fish is an antioxidant and is responsible for the production of insulin and sex hormones. Iron is an essential trace element for hematopoiesis. Vitamin B12 supports the formation of red blood cells, the functioning of the nervous system, methylation processes in the liver, and prevents fatty hepatosis.

Calcium in pollock is necessary for bone growth and the prevention of osteoporosis in older people, is involved in blood clotting, and is needed for adequate functioning of the central nervous system. Phosphorus supports normal mental activity. Vitamin D prevents the development of osteoporosis, rickets and autoimmune diseases.

For women

Pollock fillet is a valuable source of protein and a low-calorie product. Steamed cutlets made from it will be a hearty dish for lunch if you are on a diet.

Iodine and selenium will prevent obesity, hair loss, and deterioration of skin condition caused by thyroid dysfunction.

Zinc helps produce female sex hormones to support reproductive health, as does vitamin E.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, you can eat pollock, as it contains a large amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

With its low calorie content, pollock contains a large amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. This makes it a suitable product for pregnant and lactating women. Thanks to its chemical composition, fish supplies mothers with minerals that prevent cretinism in the child and promote the growth of bones and other tissues of the developing body.

For men

Protein improves muscle mass in men. Zinc and selenium support potency and function of the sex glands. Vitamin D promotes testosterone production.

At what age can pollock be eaten by children?

Fish is distinguished by its hypoallergenicity. Children can be fed pollock products from the age of 7 months. Mashed potatoes, steamed cutlets, and soups are prepared from fish fillets for children.

Feeding children with pollock dishes supplies the growing body with vitamins, minerals, and protein, without overloading it with fats, which are difficult to digest.

Pollock for weight loss

This low-calorie product is used in dietetics because... contains all the nutrients the body needs. It saturates the body thanks to protein, does not increase the level of insulin and glucose in the blood, helping overweight people get rid of excess fat on the stomach and buttocks.

Zinc, selenium, iodine normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, failures in which lead to obesity.

A diet that includes pollock can be supplemented with other products - sauces for steamed cutlets, a side dish of porridge (rice, buckwheat).

Pollock caviar - benefits and harm

Pollock caviar is a higher calorie product than fish, as it contains more fat. It contains 28 g of protein, 1.9 g of fat. Calorie content is 132 kcal.

Pollock roe contains a large amount of fat.

Caviar is sold in the form of salted preserves, so it can be harmful to hypertensive patients and people with kidney problems.

Benefits and harms of pollock liver

The calorie content of pollock liver is about 450 kcal. It contains little protein - about 6%. But it is a rich source of fat (50%) and fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D.

The liver can cause harm to the body if consumed in large quantities. It is rich in potentially hepatotoxic vitamin A, so if you eat it excessively, hypervitaminosis can develop, which will negatively affect liver function. In addition, liver is a fatty product that can cause an attack of biliary colic in the presence of cholelithiasis and pain in the right hypochondrium with biliary dyskinesia.

What is the difference between pollock liver and cod liver?

Pollock is found in less polluted waters of the Pacific Ocean, so its liver is more environmentally friendly. In terms of other parameters - calorie content, nutritional value, the presence of vitamins and minerals - these products are close.

How to cook pollock

Pollock is eaten boiled, fried, baked, dried (dried), smoked. Fish must be completely fried or boiled so that no potentially dangerous microorganisms remain in it. It is necessary to check the readiness of the meat with a fork or toothpick.

The product should not be cooked for too long and overcooked, otherwise omega-3 acids are destroyed and turn into carcinogens.

Pollock can be prepared in the form of cutlets by adding egg, salt, and spices to the minced meat. The cutlets are cooked in a double boiler, in a frying pan with hot oil, and served with side dishes and sauces.

Pollock can be cut into pieces and fried, after moistening them in beaten egg and rolling in flour.

Caviar is spread on bread and butter. The liver is added to salads, for example from boiled beans with onions, seasoning the dish with lemon juice.

When choosing, you need to take into account that the fish does not have any foreign odors.

Frozen fish should not have a strong fishy or foreign odor. High-quality fillets are white without pink or yellow spots, which indicate fat oxidation.

It is advisable that the fish or fillet be covered with a thin ice crust that does not contain polyphosphates to retain moisture and increase the weight of the product.

Sometimes bottom fish pangasius or tilapia, which can absorb harmful substances, are passed off as pollock. feed on waste from the bottom of the sea. These fish can be farmed artificially in dirty waters. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy fish from market traders who do not have a quality certificate.

Frozen fish can only be stored in the freezer at -18°C.

Dried fish should be stored in appropriate packaging in a cool, dry place.

If you are allergic, you should not eat pollock.

The product is harmful if you have an individual intolerance to this fish, i.e. allergies. Pollution is also possible - the waters of the Pacific Ocean may contain mercury and other toxic substances, then it becomes harmful to health.

Since ancient times, seafood has been the main food for humans. An incredible number of varieties of edible fish live in ocean waters, differing in shape, classification, taste and nutritional properties. Despite the abundance of varieties, nutritionists agreed that pollock has many advantages.

This is perhaps the most ancient variety known to people since the Middle Ages. We will not say the exact date of its discovery, but it is definitely clear that the meat of the sea creature has always been highly valued. However, now many people do not like this fish and consider it food for the poor.

This statement is extremely erroneous. The composition is in no way inferior, and in some ways superior to red varieties of fish (salmon, salmon). Numerous studies and discoveries of scientists convincingly demonstrate the harm and benefits of pollock.

Fish is low in calories and at the same time highly nutritious, so it is recommended for obese people. To appreciate the taste, you need to know the correct cooking technology. At the end of the article, you will definitely read the dietary recipe.

General information

Pollock (the photo illustrates the individual in detail) is a large one belonging to the Cod family. History describes cases of catching meter-long carcasses weighing 5 kg. Habitat - mainly the waters of the Okhotsk, Japanese, Barents and The fish is unpretentious in nutrition, its diet includes crustaceans and squids. Often, adults devour their fry and larvae.

The pollock population has declined significantly since the 1990s, which is associated with an increase in the price of fillets. Small fish up to 40 cm in fresh frozen, dried and dried form often arrive on store shelves. Minced meat and feed flour are produced on an industrial scale, and the liver is preserved. found in crab sticks (surimi). In Russia, the benefits and harms of which, according to experts, are very popular due to the presence of potassium and phosphorus.

Pollock - a helper from physical misfortunes

It has been proven to exhibit antioxidant properties and activate brain processes. With an unstable psycho-emotional background, folk and traditional medicine strongly advise including pollock in the weekly diet. The content of fatty acids and thyroxine will have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiac systems, keeping blood circulation and joints in good condition.

It is not for nothing that the harm and benefits of pollock are the subject of discussion among experts. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption will normalize plasma sugar levels, as well as improve memory, concentration and give energy. A huge advantage is the presence of cobalt. The microelement is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism and hematopoietic processes. Without it, the normal functioning of vital organs is impossible.

Cheap doesn't mean bad

The harm and benefits of pollock directly depend on the set of minerals and vitamins. It contains a high content of retinol - it reliably protects our vision, epidermis and respiratory system from the harmful effects of viruses and microbes. Vitamin deficiency leads to the destruction of bone and dental tissue. It is worth noting the presence of nicotinic acid (about 23%), which strengthens nerve endings, regulates the gastrointestinal tract and redox processes.

The benefit lies in the presence of iodine - it supports the functioning of the thyroid gland, is responsible for the functioning of the endocrine glands and promotes the growth and development of the child’s body. Fish also contains a lot of other significant chemical elements: fluorine, chromium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur. You can endlessly describe and list the value and medicinal properties of cod, so pollock is unfairly rejected by the audience.

Lose weight deliciously and without harm to health

Surely few people knew about the dietary properties of pollock. We hasten to please everyone who is losing weight: boiled fish contains no more than 80 kcal. There is practically no fat in the pulp, and everything that is there breaks down into amino acids. It can be included in the diet menu. In this case, your body will sufficiently receive the necessary vitamin and mineral complex.

Pollock caviar has similar properties. The benefits and harms of the product have been tested many times. A tasty and nutritious dish will diversify your diet, fill your body with missing energy and protect you from fatigue. Just don't count on the fish to burn off accumulated fatty tissue - that's what physical exercise is for. It is recommended to boil, stew, bake and steam the carcass. To avoid gaining extra calories, avoid frying, do not use fatty sauces, butter, sour cream, mayonnaise and cream.

Disadvantages to watch out for

How to cook dietary pollock?

The cost of a kilogram of fish does not exceed 120 rubles. Therefore, everyone can afford to try it. We will tell you where to start preparing pollock so that the flesh turns out juicy, aromatic and tasty.

As you know, the meat of this fish is not distinguished by outstanding qualities; it is rather lean with a neutral taste, without piquancy or spiciness. We recommend using fragrant spices, sauces and vegetables - following the example of the Koreans, who know a lot about cooking.

Diet recipe up your sleeve

The low-calorie baked dish is cooked in its own juice on a vegetable “cushion”. As a result, we see a juicy, very tender and delicious fish. What do we need for cooking? A kilogram carcass of pollock without a head, vegetables (two carrots, three onions), a small lemon. Seasonings and spices: ground black pepper, two bay leaves, Provençal herbs (to taste), parsley (bunch), tomato paste (100 g) and salt. You will also need a glass of water and a baking sleeve (available in the store).

Technological process

We thoroughly wash the carcass (if necessary, gut it), cut it into portions no less than 3 cm thick, add salt and pepper, and pour plenty of lemon juice over it. Combine grated carrots and chopped onions with the indicated spices, add tomato paste or ketchup. To add spice, add chili and garlic.

We put a vegetable “pillow” in the sleeve, pieces of seafood on top, fill it with water, tie it with thread and bake for about an hour. If desired, a minute before turning off, open the bag slightly and let a crust form. Garnish with herbs and lemon wedges and enjoy a delicious, affordable and healthy meal.

There are many cooking variations - choose according to your taste. But remember: the harm and benefits of pollock depend on the amount of its consumption.