Prayer to the Crimean onion for eye diseases. Prayer to Saint Luke of Crimea for the healing of a child in Russian

Unfortunately, diseases in modern world- Not unusual. Quite often, official medicine does not always help save life loved one. Often prayer, like earthly medicines, contributes to the health and recovery of the patient. There are several saints in the church who can heal ailments. The most famous among them are Panteleimon the Healer, John of Kronstadt and Luke of Crimea. Prayer to Luka Krymsky for health often turns out to be very strong and provides healing even from very serious illnesses.

A little about the saint

It is customary to pray to Luke of Crimea for the conception of a child, the health of the offspring, in case of illness, for the health of loved ones and for healing from deadly diseases, even such as cancer and AIDS. Luka Krymsky was a surgeon and could heal even the most hopeless patients. For some time he worked in a maternity hospital, giving healing to sick women and even stopping bleeding. Therefore, it is customary to pray to him for those who suffer from female diseases or experience difficulties in conceiving a child. In some cases, prayer to this particular saint allows one to recover even in very difficult cases. This is the prayer to Orthodox Luka Krymsky for health that is considered one of the most powerful.

“Saint Luke, Great Servant of Christ! Hear us sinners and help God’s servant (name) to be healed from a serious illness, grant him health, hear our prayer. Help him, Lord, ease his physical and mental torment, grant him health, longevity, longevity, peace and repentance. Have mercy on us sinners, save, protect and heal! For the grace of God be with us all, amen.”

There is also a prayer to Luke of Crimea for the health of the child. It can also be read by a pregnant woman, since, according to the canons of the church, the embryo is already considered a child.

“Saint Luke of Crimea, great saint of God! Heal my child (child’s name) from illness, grant him health for many years, protect, preserve and have mercy. Shower grace on him, so be it, amen.”

If the child has not yet been born, the name is not given. Such a prayer to Luka Krymsky for the health of the child helps not only those who were born, but also unborn children and their mother. Especially if the pregnancy is difficult. In some cases, prayer helps to overcome even severe defects in intrauterine development.

The prayer to Luka Krymsky for health is considered one of the most powerful. People turn to him both for women’s diseases, to facilitate childbirth, operations, and for fatal illnesses of loved ones. Luka helps different people, if the prayer is sincere and from the heart.

Diseases have haunted humanity throughout its history, and our times are no exception. Your cure for a particular disease modern people prefer to trust doctors. Believers also hope for help higher powers, frantically pray to God and the saints. One of these saints is Krymsky, who is usually approached with prayer for healing, and also before an upcoming operation.

Luka Krymsky devoted his entire life to saving people. The Lord God Himself placed this great responsibility on him, endowing the saint with the miraculous gift of healing and insight.

The text of the Prayer for healing and health addressed to Luke of Crimea is as follows:

This prayer can be said before any surgical intervention. The main thing is to do this with deep faith in God, imagining a successful outcome of the operation. Prayer will help harmonize your state of mind, calm you down, and give you faith in recovery.

It should be noted that surgeons themselves often turn to the help of St. Luke of Crimea before an upcoming complex operation. They believe that this prayer service will strengthen the hand and help minimize potential complications. A portrait of a saint or his icon often occupies a prominent place in doctors' offices.

How to correctly pray to Luka Krymsky for healing before surgery?

The prayer for healing addressed to Luka Krymsky should be said not only by the patient himself - it’s good if his family and friends do this too. You can call on the help of a saint at any time and in any place, but it is best to do this at home, in front of his icon, by the light of a lit candle (you can buy them in the church).

  • In order to cure a disease, prayer is said at least 3 times a day, every day, until recovery.
  • If the patient is about to undergo surgery, it is recommended to read the prayer on the eve of the appointed day, kneeling before the image of the saint. You can pronounce words out loud or silently, the number of repetitions is 40 times. The best effect will be achieved if the prayer service is read while within the walls of the temple, or at the relics of Luke the Crimean.

Prayer ritual

If the sick person’s condition does not allow him to pray on his own, then his relatives should do it for him. They may also conduct a special prayer ritual in which the food and drink of the sufferer are enchanted. The essence of the ritual:

  1. Pour into a glass container running water(approximately 0.5 liters), place the container next to 7 lit candles, in front of the icon of Luke of Crimea. Candles must be purchased during some church holiday!
  2. Say the “Lord’s Prayer” (“Our Father”) 3 times, after it - the prayer to Luke of Crimea.

The patient must be given enchanted water to drink three times a day and add a few drops to food. If the sick person cannot eat or drink for health reasons, his hands, feet and head should be washed with water, and after the procedure, the sign of the cross should be placed on him three times.

A few hours before the start of the operation, it is recommended to recite the above prayer on the clothes and bed of the sufferer, so that the outcome of the medical intervention is favorable.

From the life of Luka Krymsky

(years of life: 1877 - 1961) - a representative of the 20th century, a saint who earned fame during his lifetime. This is a man on his own life example managed to combine incompatible phenomena - medicine and religion.

In the world, Saint Luke of Crimea was known as Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky. He was born in Kerch, into an impoverished family of noble origin. He was a talented person in many respects. Initially, the young man received an art education, graduating from art school, and also studied painting in Munich.

However, Valentin Feliksovich found his true calling in serving the people. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine at Kyiv University, his career began as a brilliant surgeon and a talented scientist with a worldwide reputation. He has many complex operations to his credit, during which even hopelessly ill people were cured, as well as numerous works on medicine, conveying his invaluable healing experience.

The main part of Voino-Yasenetsky’s life occurred during a politically unstable and difficult time. In the 20s of the 20th century, he was charged with espionage and exiled to Siberia. But even in exile, he continued his surgical activities and helped sick people. In addition to his knowledge, in his work he also used the sacrament of prayer - before each operation, Valentin Feliksovich prayed and drew a cross on the patient’s body, and there were always icons in the surgical department.

After a long stay in the cold regions, Voino-Yasenetsky, whose health had already been significantly undermined, was sent to Crimea. There he continued to write medical works, which later received worldwide recognition. Later, the surgeon and scientist took holy orders and became a monk with the name Luke, and in 1946 he became Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea. His holy name- Luka Krymsky - appeared precisely because of this fact.

Wherever Valentin Feliksovich was, the flow of patients to him did not stop. God gave him not only medical talent, but also the gift of miracles. Many of his lifetime miracles are known. For example, with the help of surgery and prayer, he was once able to heal a young man who had been blind since birth, and restored his sight the whole family, saved a patient’s legs scalded in boiling water, healed a child from a large tumor, praying for several days for his health, and much more.

By old age, Luka Krymsky was almost completely blind, but even in this state he continued to advise his young colleagues. This one died amazing person June 11, 1961. His grave became a place of pilgrimage for many people who came here and prayed for health. Luke Krymsky continued to help the suffering after his death.

In 1995 he was canonized by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and in 2000 he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. His relics were transferred to Holy Trinity convent, located in Simferopol.

The Lord allows illness to cleanse the human soul. But faith can be weak: as soon as the patient feels unwell, he feels fear, and having spent all the means for healing and not receiving relief, he falls into despair. It’s good if torment brings the sufferer to God: He already has the most powerful medicine that you just have to ask with faith.

Holy Doctor - Prayer Book for the Sick

Patients of the 21st century can be called happy people. Medicine has advanced far forward, the chances of recovery have increased significantly, and a new holy healer appeared before God - Bishop Luke of Crimea, a Russian doctor, surgeon, who went through all the misfortunes of hard times. He is familiar with all diseases, he feels the suffering of every patient. A prayer to Luka Krymsky for healing is a medicine that helps you regain health.

Saint Luke

Important! As effective treatment doctors often recommend surgical operations. The risk of interventions in the body has been significantly reduced thanks to achieved successes in surgery, anesthesia, new technologies and equipment. Among the scientists who worked on this is St. Luke, glorified by the Church as a saint. A prayer to Luka Krymsky before surgery is offered not only by patients, but also by doctors.

When you could lose your freedom for visiting church, St. Luke prayed before operations and gave lectures to medical students, wearing a cassock and a cross.

Saints to whom we pray in illness:

Lying in the hospital free time It is better to devote to reading the book of Archbishop Luke Voino-Yasenetsky “I fell in love with suffering”, collections of his sermons.

At the end of his life, being almost blind, Bishop Luke continued to receive the sick. His diagnoses were surprisingly accurate, since they were no longer made by professional skills, but by the power of God. Moreover, now, communicating with the Lord in heaven, St. Luke will not hesitate to come to the rescue.

Watch a video about praying to Saint Luke

The history of Russia is rich in righteous people; they appeared even during times of persecution of the Church of Christ. The example of Saint Luke of Crimea is unique, whose prayers and medical art saved hundreds of people. There was a lot in his destiny - a happy childhood, marriage, exile, service to God and people. Already in the 20th century. was recognized as a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church. In this article we will consider a prayer to Luke of Crimea for healing.

The choice of life path of Luka Krymsky

Valentin (the worldly name of the future monk) came from an ancient Belarusian family, his father was a Catholic, his mother was Orthodox. Both were very pious kind people, mutual understanding and respect reigned in the family. Carefully preparing his servant, the Lord gave him enough good memories worthy of parents so that the future shepherd could withstand the trials of adult life.

Prayer for the future Saint Luke of Crimea has become a common activity since childhood. Therefore, when the time came to get acquainted with the text of the New Testament, the words of the Lord fell on prepared soil, which yielded abundant fruit. At first, the young man wanted to be an artist, but considered it unworthy for himself to develop his high feelings when so many people were suffering around. His youth occurred at the end of the 19th century, when the ideas of Count Tolstoy were popular. True, Valentin himself soon saw their inconsistency.

  • After graduating from Kiev University, the talented young man declared his desire to treat ordinary men, which greatly surprised those around him, since he had a talent for science. Soon he married a nurse he knew, who became his faithful assistant. Not yet thinking about the priesthood, Saint Luke of Crimea began to save people. Forgetting about rest, he fought epidemics of typhus and smallpox; peasants even from neighboring counties came to him for advice.

In the year the revolution began, he took a post in Tashkent, trying to save his wife from the onset of tuberculosis by changing the climate. 2 years later she died, leaving her husband with 4 children in his arms. From this period, the doctor began to turn to prayer more and more often, which became noticeable to everyone around him. A couple of years after the death of his wife, he accepted holy orders at the suggestion of the local bishop.

What to do if illness strikes

Everything in this life is in the hand of God. When He sends an illness, we must accept it calmly and patiently, but this does not mean that we cannot pray for healing. St. Luke of Crimea was a doctor of medicine, but during operations he came in vestments, with a cross on his chest. Icons hung in the room. Relying on his knowledge and experience, he still recognized the primacy of God.

In what cases do they turn to Saint Luke of Crimea?

  • Before the operation, so that it is successful.
  • They pray for the child's healing.
  • ABOUT quick recovery after surgery.

Saint Luke of Crimea combined the ministry of a clergyman and the profession of a surgeon almost all his life. He was not just an ordinary doctor, he wrote scientific works, moved medicine forward. The human soul also requires an experienced mentor. This is how Saint Luke of Crimea can be for you. He never looked at titles, was not afraid of anyone, boldly professed his faith, and did everything for the good of his charges.

You can read a prayer for healing yourself, but it is better to ask relatives and friends about it. If the illness is serious, and there is no strength to get out of bed, you can turn to the saints even in this situation. When the condition improves, you will be able to sit down or stand up as much as your strength allows.

Let the relatives go to church and order a church commemoration during the Liturgy. And at home you can turn to Saint Luke of Crimea in the morning and before bed. Text Orthodox prayer there is no need to change, you need to add your own words after reading is finished. If there are a lot of people around, you can read “to yourself,” but for spiritually weak people, experienced people recommend saying the holy words out loud. Quietly so that you can hear it yourself. They have a beneficial effect on the body and soul.

Saint Luke of Crimea became the founder of Christian anthropology. Already during his lifetime, the common people respected the saint so much that one day there was a riot when the conditions of his exile were tightened. After the death of the righteous man, people who prayed at his grave began to receive healings. In 1996, incorruptible relics were discovered, which are now located in Simferopol. In 2000 he was canonized as a new martyr.
May Saint Luke help you!

Text of the prayer to Saint Luke of Crimea for recovery

O all-blessed confessor, holy saint, our Father Luke, great servant of Christ. With tenderness we bow the knee of our hearts, and falling before the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like the children of our father, we pray to you with all diligence: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the Merciful and Humane-loving God. To whom you stand now in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel. We believe that you love us with the same love with which you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth.

Ask Christ our God, may He strengthen His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: may He give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them to the shepherds: to observe the right of believers, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, and to reprove those who oppose. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation.

Strengthening our cities, fruitful lands, deliverance from famine and destruction. Comfort for the grieving, healing for the ailing, return to the path of truth for those who have lost their way, blessing for the parents, education and teaching for the children in the fear of the Lord, help and intercession for the orphaned and needy.

Grant us all your archpastoral blessing, so that if we have such prayerful intercession, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms.

Guide us on the path that leads to the villages of the righteous, and pray to the omnipotent God for us, so that in eternal life we ​​will be worthy with you to constantly glorify the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Listen to prayer for healing

Prayer to Saint Luke of Crimea for healing and recovery was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) is one of the newly glorified saints, who, however, is already surrounded by enormous veneration among Orthodox Christians. His life was cut short in the early sixties of the 20th century as a result of a long illness. But his name is not forgotten; daily prayers are offered to Saint Luke of Crimea from the lips of many believers.

The formation of the personality of Saint Luke

Before moving on to the texts of the saint’s prayers themselves, we should understand a little about the biography of this person. This will give an understanding of why prayer is offered to him at all. Saint Luke was given the name Valentin at birth - Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky. He was born in 1877 in Kerch. As a child, he had a penchant for drawing and dreamed of becoming an artist, but ultimately chose the path of a doctor. After graduating from Kiev University, Valentin worked as a surgeon at Far East, operating on wounded soldiers who took part in battles during Russo-Japanese War. In 1917, he moved to Turkestan, where he continued to practice medicine in one of the hospitals in Tashkent. In 1920, he headed the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy at Turkestan University and gave lectures.

Taking Holy Orders

While living in Tashkent, Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky begins to show an active interest in church life. Thanks to one of his speeches in 1920 regarding church life in Turkestan, Valentin was noticed by the Tashkent Bishop Innocent, who ordained him to the rank of deacon, and then priest. Having taken upon himself the burden of shepherding and bearing the obedience of a cathedral preacher, Valentin did not abandon medicine and scientific activity, while continuing to operate and teach.

Persecution and exile of Archbishop Luke

The persecution of Father Valentin began after he took monastic vows in 1923 with the name Luke in honor of the evangelist, who, according to legend, was also a doctor. In the same year, Hieromonk Luke was ordained to the rank of bishop, after which the first exile followed - to Turukhansk.

While in prison, Bishop Luke worked on his book “Essays on Purulent Surgery,” for which he would later be personally awarded by Comrade Stalin. Soon, Right Reverend Luke was sent to Moscow, where the authorities allowed him to serve and live in an apartment. Fourteen years later, during the anti-religious persecutions of 1937, Bishop Luke’s second exile followed, this time to Krasnoyarsk. When the war began, he was sent to work as a doctor at the Krasnoyarsk evacuation point. Since 1943, he has also occupied the Krasnoyarsk bishop's see. However, just a year later he faces moving again. Now, as a bishop, he travels to the Tambov region, but does not stop working in medicine, coordinating under his leadership about 150 hospitals in the region.

Awards and canonization

With the end of the war, Archbishop Luke will receive a church reward - the right to wear a diamond cross on his hood. And from the outside state power he is awarded the medal “For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."

In 1946, Archbishop Luke was awarded another award - the Stalin Prize of the 1st degree - for his contribution to the development of domestic science in the field of medicine.

In the same year he was transferred as a bishop to Simferopol, entrusted with the Crimean See. There the Most Reverend Luke will spend the rest of his life. By the end of his days, he will completely lose his sight, but still will not stop serving.

At this time, the Council of the Moscow Theological Academy accepts His Eminence Luke as an honorary member of the academy. And his posthumous veneration among the church people led to a natural canonization: in 1996 in Simferopol, Archbishop Luke was glorified as a saint and confessor of the faith.

His lifetime service as a doctor also determined his place in the cathedral of saints - prayer to St. Luke became a means of healing and recovery. People obsessed with various ailments and diseases turn to him, as well as to Saint Panteleimon. However, praying for something else is also not prohibited. Many parents read, for example, prayers to St. Luke for children and family well-being. As the patron saint of the area, Archbishop Luke is remembered in those places where he carried out his pastoral ministry - in Crimea, Tambov, Tashkent, Krasnoyarsk, etc.

General prayer to Saint Luke

In personal prayers, you can pray in your own words, but joint services are subject to a certain order and have a standardized set of texts. Below we will present a prayer to St. Luke of Crimea in Russian translation:

O all-blessed confessor, saint, our father Luke! Great saint of Christ! In tenderness, bending the knees of our hearts, like the child of our father, we beg you with all zeal: hear us, sinners. Offer our prayer to the merciful and humane God, to whom you stand in the goodness of the saints, with angelic faces. For we believe that you love us with the same love with which you loved all your neighbors when you were on earth.
Ask Christ our God to strengthen his children in the spirit correct faith and piety. May he give the shepherds holy zeal and concern for the salvation of the flock entrusted to them. Let them protect the rights of believers, strengthen the weak in the faith, instruct the ignorant, and rebuke those who resist. Give each of us the gift that we need, and which will be useful both for eternal salvation and in this life. Grant our cities affirmation, the earth fertility, protection from hunger and disease, comfort to the grieving, recovery to the sick, return those who are astray to the path of truth, bless the parents, raise and raise children in the fear of the Lord, help the orphans and the lonely. Give us all your archpastoral blessing, so that we, having this prayerful intercession, will get rid of the opposition of the devil and avoid all enmity, disorder, heresies and schisms. Lead us to the road leading to the villages of the righteous, praying for us to the Almighty God, so that eternal life We are honored with you to continually glorify the consubstantial and inseparable Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This is common prayer Saint Luke, read during official services. Prayer books intended for private use also contain other versions of the texts. One of them - a prayer to St. Luke for health - will be given below. For ease of understanding the text, it will also be presented in Russian translation.

Saint Luke: prayer for recovery

Oh, blessed Saint Luke, hear and accept us sinners turning to you in prayer! In your life, you are accustomed to accepting and helping everyone who needs your help. Listen to us, the mourners, who call with faith and hope for your intercession. Grant us ambulance and miraculous healing! May your mercy not be squandered now towards us, the unworthy. Heal us, who suffer in this hectic world and find no consolation and compassion anywhere in our mental sorrows and physical illnesses. Deliver us from the temptations and torments of the devil, help us carry our cross in life, endure all the difficulties of life and not lose the image of God in it and preserve the Orthodox faith. Give us the strength to have firm trust and hope in God, unfeigned love for our neighbors, so that when the time comes to part with life, we will achieve the Kingdom of Heaven together with all those pleasing to God. Amen

This is how Saint Luke is venerated in the Orthodox Church. The prayer for recovery can be read not only during times of physical exhaustion, but also during times of depression or some kind of mental illness. In addition, the range of illnesses in the church tradition also includes spiritual problems, for example, doubts in faith.