Fly-clattering script staged in a dhow. Theatrical production of the fairy tale "The Fly-Tsokotukha" (in a new way)

Script for junior schoolchildren“The Tsokotuha Fly Goes to School”

We want to tell you one simple fairy tale, or maybe not a simple one, or maybe not a fairy tale.
We remember her from childhood, or maybe not from childhood,

We may not remember, but we will remember...
Like the Fly - Tsokotuha, the gilded belly decided to go to the gymnasium...

I am a Fly - Tsokotuha
Gilded belly!
Fly across the field
Let's go, let's go!
Fly money
Found it, found it!
One two three four five…
I can't count!
What to do? How to be?
We need to go to school!
They will teach me there
If they don't torture you,
And count and read,
Understand English. (thinks)
It's not easy to get into school
Small flies.
Ask questions
Teachers are wasps.
Don't you know the answer?
Go home, hello!
Well, you have to take risks,
I need to go to school.

/Wasps appear/

1 Wasp:
Fly, come closer.
Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.
I really want to know
How can you count?

2 O sa:

The goat is standing, the goat is crying:
“OH, trouble, trouble, trouble!
They ran away in all directions
Seven kids.
One - into the woods,
And the other one is behind a haystack,
And the third kid
Hid in a barrel!
How many kids are there?
Are they sitting in a hut?

Mu Ha:

You guys will help,
Tell me the answer!
(children answer)

3 Wasp:
Grandma put it in the oven
Bake pies with cabbage.
For Natasha, Kolya, Vova
The pies are already ready.
Yes, one more pie
The cat was dragged under the bench.
Yes, there are four in the oven.
The grandchildren count the pies.
If you can, help
Count the pies!

Mu Ha:
You guys will help,
Tell me the answer!
(children answer)

1 O sa:
Mukha, do you know the letters?
Are you already reading?
Try reading it
And solve the riddle.

2 O sa:
It was on Sunday
It's the elephant's birthday.
The guests sang, had fun,
They were spinning so much in the round dance!
They were spinning like that, they were spinning like that,
That they fell into pieces.
One two three four five,
Help gather guests!

M ear(reads on the poster):
An - lo - ti - pa - wild - dil, ko - kro - shim - ze - pan - koril, na - mot - ge - be - raf - e - gi, Mur - go - la - le - bra - braz - live!
You guys will help,
Tell me the answer!
(children answer)

3 O sa:
It's okay, student,
You will study with us!
/Wasps leave/

Mu Ha:
No, it was not in vain that I took the risk!
Still made it onto the list!
Passed everything - from “A” to “Z”,
The gymnasium is waiting for me!
We need to gather all our friends,
Tell this news!
I need to arrange a holiday.
Everyone will be happy, of course!
/The song “Sounds” Good mood» words and music S. Yudina/

Mu Ha:
I invite you to play
Sing along with us.
/The song “Simple Song” sounds - with movements./
/Butterfly Appears/

Baboch ka:
Oh, how much fun you have
In the clearing at this hour!
You played so well!
Are we a little late?

Enough of your chatting already,
Start dancing!
/Butterfly and Beetle dancing/

Leading y:
Suddenly... some old man - Spider
He dragged our Fly into a corner.

Spider (singing):
I'm an evil Spider
Long arms,
I'll catch all the flies
I'll drag you along with me,
I'll swallow them all.
/Throws a thread onto Mukha/
Mu Ha:
But the villain is not joking,
He twists his arms and legs with ropes!

Pa uk:
Couldn't answer the questions
Wasps chased me home!
And you passed the exams!
You took my place!
I'll twist you tighter
And it’s not you who will go to class, but me!!!

Mu Ha:
Dear guests, help!
Drive away the spider - the villain!
And I fed you
And I gave you something to drink
Don't leave me
In my last hour!

Leading y:
Suddenly... it flies from somewhere
Little mosquito
And it burns in his hand
Small flashlight.

Where is the killer? Where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his claws!
Get out of my way
You are an arthropod!

Pa uk:

What are you talking about us?
Spiders are in a class of their own!

/Duel between Mosquito and Spider/
/Song of the Fly and the Mosquito/

I am a Fly - Tsokotuha,
Gilded belly.
Co. Mar(sings):
I saved you from death
I arrived in good hour.
I defeated the villain!
I freed you!
And now, maiden soul,
Together we will go to study!

I'm glad to go to class with you!
We must say goodbye to the garden!

/Wasps come out/

1 O sa:
We don't say goodbye to you
We say "Goodbye" to you.

2 O sa:
On September 1st, our school will warmly welcome you.
And everyone will rightfully call you students of school No. 30.

3 O sa:
And we, your senior comrades,
We will try to help you in everything.
See you in September.

Leading y:
Dear Guys! This fairy tale was dedicated to children from kindergartens. Let's welcome them!

Lyudmila Egorova


Clarify children's knowledge about the works of K. Chukovsky;

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Fly - Tsokotukha”, using intonational means of expressiveness, gestures, facial expressions;

Teach children to form new word formations;

To instill in children a sense of compassion for the weak and defenseless.


Fly – Michiie Semyonova

Komar: Valera Arinosov

Spider: Maria Prokopyevna Egorova

Cockroaches - Mylakhanova Aina, Antonov Sasha.

Butterfly - Stepanova Masha.

Frog - Vitya Vasiliev.

Ladybugs - Inessa Pavlova, Artem Ymykov.

Bee - Sidorova Sakhaaya.

Beetle - Doctors Tolya

Grasshoppers - Nurgun Ivanov, Alexandrova Raya

Ants - Tima Dyarikov, Diana Pavlova

Fireflies - Vasya Afanasyev, Sargy Nikolaeva, Stas Andreev.

Look with all your eyes

And listen with two ears.

It's called a fairy tale.

Fly Tsokotukha!

Music is playing. The presenter comes on stage and reads:

Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly!

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

To the music, Fly-Tsokotukha finds money. The fly rejoices and skips away.

Mucha went to the market

And I bought a samovar:

Against the background of music, Mukha-Tsokotukha walks through the bazaar with money in his hand, approaches the samovar, examines it and buys it (i.e., gives the money to the seller).

I am the Tsokotuha Fly,

Gilded belly!

I went to the market

And I bought a samovar.

I'll treat my friends to tea,

Let them come in the evening.

The cockroaches came running

All glasses were drunk.

Insects came to Mukha,

They brought her boots.

You accept it from the Bugs

A couple of boots.

The boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps.

(They hand over the boots, Mukha bows).

Thank you, Bukashechki!

And the insects -

Three cups each

With milk

And a pretzel:

Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

Birthday girl!

Bee and Beetle arrived

They brought honey.

I am a furry bee -

I brought you honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

Thank you, Bee and Beetle.

The Bee gives honey to the Fly.

Butterfly and frog came

They gave me red flowers.

Thank you, Butterfly and the Frog!

The butterfly gives flowers to the Tsokotukha Fly.

“Beautiful butterfly,

Eat the jam!

Or you don't like it

Our treat?”

Grasshoppers came to Mukha,

Fireflies and ants.

Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

Birthday girl!

Suddenly Spider's music sounds. The Spider approaches the Fly, she is terrified.

I'm an evil Spider

Long arms,

I will destroy all the midges (everyone runs away)

I catch them in the web. Ha ha ha.

Fly-Tsokotukha (prays on his knees):

“Dear guests, help!

Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you

And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me

In my last hour!”

But the worm beetles

We got scared

In the corners, in the cracks

They fled:


Under the sofas

And the boogers

Under the benches

And the bugs under the bed -

They don't want to fight!

And no one even moves

Won't move:

Get lost and die


But the villain is not joking,

He twists Mukha’s arms and legs with ropes,

Sharp teeth pierce into the very heart

And she drinks her blood.

The fly screams (ahhhh)


And the villain is silent,


Suddenly it flies from somewhere

Little Mosquito,

And it burns in his hand

Small flashlight.

The mosquito is very brave and fast,

Just a brave musketeer.

A mosquito flies in and flies up to the Spider

I am a brave mosquito, a daring fellow!

Where's the Spider? Where is the Villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws.

I'm not afraid of scary things.

I'll fight the spider now.

Fight between Mosquito and Spider. The mosquito cuts off all of the Spider's legs, the Spider wriggles on the floor and crawls away.

Did I kill the villain?

Did I free you?


And now, maiden soul,

Let's have fun together!

Mosquito gives Mukha his hand, and together they walk around the hall to the solemn march.

There are bugs and boogers here

They crawl out from under the bench.

All children:

“Glory, glory to Komaru -

To the winner!”

The cockroaches have come running

The drums started beating.

Bom! boom! boom! boom!

All the children come out, then dance in pairs to “Little Country”.





Granny Bee

Cockroaches (2)



Flea beetles (2)


Ladybugs (3)

A fly walks along the path. Appears to the audience on the front stage.


Among the midges and insects,

Among butterflies and wasps

More beautiful than the Cluttering Fly

You won't find anyone.

I'm beautiful and playful

Playful and smart.

And all over the fly world

There is only one clicking sound.

He notices a coin in the grass.

Oh, what is this? Money! Now I'm rich! But what should I do with it? Maybe sew a new outfit? But this one is still good, especially that gilded belly. How it suits me! (Admires himself.) I know! We need to buy a samovar and invite guests. Gotta make some homemade baked goods! You can bake a cake, you just need to buy sugar, flour and eggs. It's decided, I'm going to the market.

Oh, how I love guests! I will call the grasshopper-fiddler, and we will have fun and dance all night!

At the back of the stage there is a table with a telephone and chairs. Mukha appears with a string bag and a samovar in his hands.

Fly. Wow, how heavy! But it’s time to get down to business, there’s no time to sit back.

He pours water into the samovar, lays out food on the table, goes to the phone and dials the numbers one by one.


Come to visit,

Grandma Bee!

Tell the wasps

Which called them too.

Hello, bugs!

Bring the cups quickly.

The samovar is almost ready -

I am waiting for guests from all over.

Fleas, fleas, come,

Bring your butterfly with you.

Let's have fun -

I'm the birthday girl!

The fly finishes cooking festive table. The guests begin to gather.


Hello, Mushka!

Here are the boots.

They have gold clasps.

Fly. Thank you!


Hello, Mukha! How are you?

I brought some honey.

The Butterfly appears and gives the Fly a bouquet of flowers. Insects run in with cups in their hands, then cockroaches with a string of bagels.


Oh, thank you, dear ones.

For dear gifts!

I ask everyone to come to the table quickly.

Guests sit around the table. A fly spills tea.


Here, try some sweets!

Hot tea with milk,

Yes, with honey, and with a pretzel!


What do you? What do you?

It's a sin to say!

Master of treats!

This is jam -

Simply delicious!


And the pies!

Cockroach. And the buns

Our glorious fly!

Blows her a kiss.


Oh, how right I am!

I forgot the music

Violinist over for tea

I didn't invite!

Dials a phone number.


Ah, Grasshopper, dear,

Come with Dragonfly!

Just grab the violin -

We all want to dance.

Enter the Grasshopper and the Dragonfly.


Here comes our maestro,

Well, let's dance now!

The grasshopper tunes the violin.

Cockroach(addresses Dragonfly).

Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

Birthday girl!


Congratulations! Congratulations!

I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

Fly. Thank you!

The cockroach grabs the Fly by the arm and leads him to the center. Everyone starts dancing and singing.


Summer has come, everything has blossomed,

Forests and fields sing:



Do-re-do, -

We are all together

Let's sing to the beauty fly,

And loving and praising:




The round dance gives way to a cheerful polka.

Alarming chords sound, everyone freezes. Spider appears on the scene.


That's how much fun you have!

Well, dance now:

First I'll kill the fly

And I will come after you!

Everyone runs away in fear and hides. The Spider holds the Fly by the hand and she breaks free.


Pooka for tea

You didn't invite.

So now die -

I have power!

Throws a web at Mukha and drags her to the edge of the proscenium.

Three presenters take the stage.

1st presenter.

But the worm beetles got scared,

They fled to the corners and cracks.

2nd presenter.

Cockroaches - under the sofas,

And the boogers are under the benches.

3rd presenter.

And the bugs under the bed -

They don't want to fight!

1st presenter.

And no one even moves

Won't move:

Get lost - die

Birthday girl!

2nd presenter.

And the grasshopper, and the grasshopper,

Well, just like a little man -

Hop, hop, hop, hop!

3rd presenter.

Behind a bush, under a bridge

And keep quiet!

1st presenter.

But the villain is not joking,

He's arms and legs to Mucha

He twists the ropes.

Sharp teeth pierce the heart

And she drinks her blood.

2nd presenter.

The fly screams


And the villain is still silent,


3rd presenter.

Suddenly it flies from somewhere

Little mosquito

1st presenter.

And it burns in his hand

Small flashlight.


Where is the killer? Where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws!

He fights with the Spider, frees Mukha from the ropes and takes him to the middle of the stage.

Guests appear from their hiding places with the words: “Glory, glory to the victorious Mosquito!”


Hey, Flea friends,

Run along the path

Call the musicians -

Let's dance!

The Cockroaches come out with a drum and an accordion, and the Grasshopper comes out with a violin.


Have fun, people -

The fly is getting married.


For the dashing, daring,

Young Mosquito!

Everyone is dancing.

1st presenter. Boots squeak

2nd presenter. Heels are knocking -

3rd presenter.

There will be, there will be midges

Have fun until the morning!


Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

Birthday girl!

Natalya Sibogatova
Scenario for a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “The Clapping Fly”

Theatrical musical performance V preparatory group "Sun" By fairy tale K. Chukovsky

« Fly Tsokotukha»

Prepared and carried out: Sibogatova N. A.

Moscow 2013

“It is in play that a child becomes fluent in speech

says what he thinks, and not what is needed.

Not to teach and train, but to play with him,

fantasize, compose, invent -

This is what a child needs"

Gianni Rodari

Theater is a means of emotional and aesthetic education of children in kindergarten. Theatrical activity allows you to develop the experience of social skills of behavior, due to the fact that each fairy tale or literary work for children preschool age always have a moral orientation (kindness, courage, friendship, etc.). Thanks to theater a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart and expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Theatrical activities help the child overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness.

Theatrical games are games- representations. In them, with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, posture and gait, gesture, specific images are created. IN theatrical The game develops dialogical, emotionally rich speech. Children better assimilate the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality. Thanks to theatrical games, children’s emotional sphere develops, the experience of children’s cooperation expands and enriches, both in real and imaginary situations. Besides, theatrical activity is fraught with enormous opportunities for correcting personal development.

In the preparatory speech therapy group "Sun" in accordance with the thematic plan of educational work, one of the weeks was dedicated. Defined two main directions activities: development of the emotional sphere of children and introducing them to the basics theatrical activities. Every day of the week was dedicated specific topic:

Monday: conversation with children about theater.

Tuesday: collective application by fairy tale K. Chukovsky« Fly Tsokotukha»

Wednesday: reading fairy tales K. Chukovsky« Fly Tsokotukha» . Thematic exhibition of drawings "What do we know about theater

Thursday: making attributes for theatrical performance.

Friday: fairy tale dramatization« Fly Tsokotukha»

Script for a theatrical performance based on a fairy tale

TO. Chukovsky« Fly Tsokotukha»

Target: develop artistic and performing skills, activate lexicon, improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Integration of educational regions: socialization, communication, music.

Tasks: promote the development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying an image, consolidate the ability to perform means of expression (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, movements, develop clear pronunciation, consistency of character dialogue, continue to consolidate the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the diverse nature of the music, develop the ability to act in theater group.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales K. AND. Chukovsky« Fly Tsokotukha» , looking at illustrations for fairy tale, memorization of poetic texts, discussion of character images, preparation of means theatrical expressiveness(scenery, costumes).

Characters: Fly Tsokotukha, Bees, Flea, Butterfly, Ladybug, Beetle, Spider, Mosquito.

Scenery: costumes for characters; samovar, coin-money, flowers, barrel of honey, flashlight, mesh-web, drying bags, table setting, items folk arts (spoons, nesting dolls, balalaikas, boxes, whistles).

Progress of the event:

Leading: Our life is boring without fairy tales.

A day is as precious as a whole year.

All the best and brighter than paint,

If a fairy tale will come to us!

Music by V. Gavrilin sounds "Capriccio". The clattering fly flies, dances, finds "money".

Leading: Fly, Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly!

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

Fly Tsokotukha: What should I buy? Maybe the dress is blue?

Maybe shoes? Maybe a skirt?

Okay, I’ll think about it for a minute...

No, I’ll go to the market and buy a samovar!

To the soundtrack of music by V. Gavrilin "Capriccio" Fly- Tsokotukha brings out the samovar and treats to the table.

Fly Tsokotukha: Oh, what, oh, what,

It's beautiful and painted!

Don't be shy, come

I expect your visit at exactly one o'clock.

Come, crawl,

If you don't have wings.

Leading: The forest insects found out about the holiday - the birthday of the Fly - Tsokotukha, and flew to her to congratulate her on this wonderful day.

Under Russian folk song "Bees" the bees fly out. They dance and fly up to the Fly - a clattering sound.

Bee: Hello, Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly!

I am a neighbor - Bee,

I brought you honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

He gives a jar of honey to Mucha - Tskotuha.

Fly Tsokotukha: Thank you! Please come to the table!

Flea runs out to a Russian folk song “I was going up the hill”

flea: You accept it from Flea

Beautiful boots

Will you wear it often?

You will dance wildly

Oh, the boots are good

So they ask - dance!

Fly Tsokotukha: Thank you, thank you,

The boots are amazing!

Please sit down at the table,

Have some tea.

Zhuk comes out to Russian folk music.

Bug: Zhu - beetle, zhu - beetle,

I brought you flowers.

Zhu - beetle, zhu - beetle,

I collected them myself in the meadow.

Fly Tsokotukha: Thank you, thank you, the bouquet is beautiful, please come to the table!

The melody of a Russian folk song sounds “I will sow quinoa on the shore”, Butterfly flies out.

Butterfly: I fluttered through the flowers,

I came to visit you.

Congratulations, congratulations!

I wish you happiness and joy!

Fly- The clatter invites Butterfly to the table.

Russian folk melody sounds “Oh, you canopy, my canopy.”, Ladybug approaches the table.

Ladybug: I, Ladybug,

black head,

Pea back -

Good guest!

Ladybug: Congratulations on your name day!

Fly Tsokotukha: Thank you, dear guests! Please come to the table!

Leading: Became Fly- clattering guests to regale and treat.

Fly Tsokotukha: Butterfly is a beauty,

Eat the jam

Or you don't like it

Our treat?

Butterfly: Very sweet, very tasty,

Simply delicious!

How amazing Strawberry jam!

Bee: No pancakes and no tea,

Serve pancakes for tea!

Delicious cookies, sweet jam -

What a treat!

Bug: Bee, dear,

You collect honey from flowers,

Will you play with the guests?

All the children play Russian folk game "Bee".

Children stand in a circle, Bee is in the center, sing:

Bees, bees,

They fly above

Stingers - needles,

They fall to the flowers,

Gray, small.

The honey is collected

The wings are scarlet.

They drag it into the deck, w-w-w.

The bee catches the children whom it has caught, speaks: "Freeze"; the child remains standing still, and the game continues, and so on 2-3 times.

In chorus: Congratulations, congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

Help you with everything

We give our word of honor!

The Spider comes out to the music and the guests freeze in horror. The spider approaches the clicking fly, entangles it with a rope, sentences:

Spider: I'm an evil spider,

Long arms.

I came for a fly

The clattering one has arrived!

Fly Tsokotukha: Dear guests, help,

Drive away the villain spider!

Spider: Ha ha ha, I'm not kidding,

I'll twist your legs and arms!

Leading: Why are you sitting?

Help, get a fly out of trouble!

It will disappear beauty fly!

All: What if he deals with us the same way!

Spider: Perish, disappear, birthday girl!

A phonogram of P. Tchaikovsky's music sounds "March", Komar flies out with a saber.

Mosquito: I am a brave mosquito,

Daring fellow.

Where is the spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his snares.

I'm not afraid of spiders

I'm going to fight the spider now!

The phonogram of P. Tchaikovsky's music "March" is played, and the musical and rhythmic movements of "Fights of the Mosquito with the Spider" are performed.

The spider is defeated. The mosquito takes the fly - clattering for hand:

Mosquito (To the fly): I freed you

And now, maiden soul,

Let's have fun together!

Fly Tsokotukha: You saved me from death,

You arrived at a good hour!

Mosquito: Hey centipedes, run along the path,

Call the musicians, let's dance!

The phonogram of music by V. Gavrilin sounds "Capriccio", the mosquito brings the guests to the fore.

A spider appears with a pie

Spider: Forgive me for everything,

Invite you to a party

Let's dance in circles

I want to be friends with you!

Music is playing "The Spider's Song"

All: Today, Birthday fly!

Spider: Happy birthday!

I wish you happiness and joy!

An orchestra performed by children sounds (spoons, whistles, noisemakers,

tambourines, etc.) to music "Russian Dance".

Bug: Well, now,

Don't regret the boot

Don't be sorry for your bast shoes -

Let's "Russian" hurry up!

Russian folk dance is performed "Kalinka".

Leading: Performance is fun

Both for you and for us,

We will finish at this hour.

Oh, you are dear guests,

Come visit us more often!

We are always glad to have friends!

The time has come to part,

We tell you: "Goodbye!" (children in chorus)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 21 “Zagoryanochka” of a general developmental type in the Shchelkovsky municipal district of the Moscow region

Fairy tale dramatization

"Fly Tsokotukha"

middle group


Ivanenko V.N.


Target: develop artistic and performing skills, activate vocabulary, improve the grammatical structure of speech. Integration of educational areas: socialization, communication, music.

Tasks: promote the development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying an image, consolidate the ability to perform means of expression (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, movements), develop clear pronunciation, consistency of character dialogue, continue to consolidate the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the diverse nature of the music, develop the ability to act in a theater group.

Preliminary work: reading and viewing of K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Little Fly,” examining illustrations for the fairy tale, memorizing poetic texts, discussing the images of characters, preparing means of theatrical expression (scenery, costumes).

Characters: Hustlefly, Bee, Flea, Butterfly, Ladybug, Cockroaches, Grasshoppers, Beetles, Spider, Bugs, Mosquito.

Scenery: character costumes; samovar, money coin, flowers, a barrel of honey, lanterns, cobweb mesh, drying bags, table settings, objects of folk art (spoons, nesting dolls, balalaikas, boxes, whistles, samovars).

X O d


Our life is boring without a fairy tale.

A day is as precious as a whole year.

Kinder and brighter colors to everyone,

If a fairy tale comes to us!

The Russian folk song “And I’m in the meadow...” sounds.


Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly!

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

Mukha comes out and finds “money” on the way.

Fly Tsokotukha:

What should I buy?

And I’ll go to the market and buy a samovar.

Because it's a birthday

I will celebrate today

All the cockroach bugs

Treat yourself to sweet tea.

Mucha buys a samovar at the “bazaar”. He sets the table and places the food.

Fly Tsokotukha:

Oh, what, oh, what

It's beautiful and painted!

Don't be shy, come

I expect your visit at exactly one o'clock.

Come, crawl,

If you don't have wings.

Puff-puff-puff, the samovar is boiling,

Puff-puff-puff, steam comes out of the chimney.

Leading: The forest insects learned about the holiday - Mukha's birthday, and flew to her to congratulate her on this wonderful day.

A Bee flies out to the Russian folk song “Bees.”


I am neighbor Bee,

I brought you honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

He hands Mukha a jar of honey.

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thank you! Please come to the table!

Flea runs out to the Russian folk song “I went up the hill.”


Take it from Flea

These red boots

Will you wear it often?

You will dance wildly

On morocco boots

Gold plated clasps,

And a perky heel

He hits - chok, chok, chok!

Oh, the boots are good

So they ask - dance!

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thank you, thank you,

The boots are amazing!

Please sit down at the table,

Have some tea.

Flea and Bee sit down at the table. The beetle comes out to Russian folk music.


Zhu - beetle, zhu - beetle,

I brought you flowers.

Zhu - beetle, zhu - beetle,

I collected them myself in the meadow.

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thank you, thank you, the bouquet is beautiful, please come to the table!

The melody of the Russian folk song “I will sow quinoa on the shore” sounds, and a Butterfly flies out.


I fluttered through the flowers

I came to visit you.

Congratulations, congratulations!

I wish you happiness and joy!

The Fly invites the Butterfly to the table.

The Russian folk melody “Oh you canopy, my canopy...” sounds, Grasshoppers and Ladybug come up to the table.


We are grasshoppers, which means

No worries and no hassle

Day and night we gallop across the field -

We travel all year.


I, Ladybug,

black head,

Pea back -

Good guest!

Grasshoppers and Ladybug:

Happy birthday!

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thank you, dear guests! Please come to the table!


The Tsokotukha Fly began to treat and treat the guests.

Fly Tsokotukha:

Butterfly is a beauty

Eat the jam

Or you don't like it

Our treat?


Very sweet, very tasty

Simply delicious!

How amazing is strawberry jam!

Bukash ki:

Without pancakes and tea there is no tea,

Serve pancakes for tea!

Delicious cookies, sweet jam -

What a treat!


How wonderful, how lovely!





The Beetle addresses the Bee:

Honey bee,

You collect honey from flowers,

Will you play with the guests?

All children play the Russian folk game “Bee”.

Children stand in a circle, Bee is in the center, sing:

Bees, bees,

They fly above

Stingers - needles,

They fall to the flowers,

Gray, small.

The honey is collected

The wings are scarlet.

They drag it into the deck, w-w-w...

The bee catches; whomever she catches, she says: “Freeze”; the child remains standing still, and the game continues, and so on 2-3 times.


And who-eyudaptolzet? Without a machine and without hands, but weaves canvas?

The Spider comes out, the guests freeze in horror. The spider throws a rope loop over the Tskotukha Fly and pulls it towards itself, chanting and singing.


I'm an evil spider

Long arms.

I came for a fly

The clattering one has arrived!

Fly Tsokotukha:

Dear guests, please help,

Drive away the villain spider!


Ha ha ha, I'm not kidding

I'll twist your legs and arms!


Why are you sitting?

Help, get a fly out of trouble!

The beauty fly will disappear!

IN se:

What if he does the same to us?!


But who is it that is rushing to the rescue?


This is our savior, Mosquito-Mosquito, Long Nose!

The Russian folk melody “Polyanka” sounds, Komarik flies out with a saber.


I am a brave mosquito

Daring fellow.

Where is the spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his snares.

I'm not afraid of spiders

I'm going to fight the spider now!

The Mosquito cuts the noose, the Spider runs away, the Mosquito takes the Fly by the hand, all the guests come forward.


I set you free

I defeated the villain.

And now, maiden soul,

Let's have fun together!

Fly Tsokotukha:

You saved me from death

You arrived at a good hour!


Hey centipedes,

Run along the path

Call the musicians

Let's dance!

Children from the audience portray centipedes, they stand one after another, the first child picks up a ball, depicts the head of a centipede, and the rest the body. Children walk in step behind the “head” to the music.


Have fun

Start playing and dancing!

An orchestra performed by children (spoons, whistles, noisemakers, tambourines, etc.) sounds to the music “Russian Dance”.


Well, now, don’t spare the boot, Don’t spare the bast shoes - Let’s get the “Russian” one quickly!

Any dance to a Russian folk melody or Russian folk dance “Kalinka”.


Performance is fun

Both for you and for us,

We will finish at this hour.

Oh, you are dear guests,

Come visit us more often!

We are always glad to have friends!

The time has come to part,

We say to you: “Goodbye!” (children in chorus)