Not global problems. Contemporary global issues

Throughout their existence, people face problems global scale. The growth of scientific and technological progress has influenced the fact that there are more negative processes affecting the planet as a whole. Modern philosophy requires their in-depth understanding in order to predict the consequences of such influence. Global problems modernity and ways to solve them concern all countries on earth. Therefore, not so long ago a new concept appeared - global studies, which is based on a scientific and philosophical strategy for eliminating unpleasant phenomena on an international scale.

There are many specialists working in the field of global studies, and this is no coincidence. The reasons that prevent humanity from developing harmoniously and moving forward are complex in nature and do not depend on one factor. That is why it is necessary to analyze the slightest changes in the political, social, economic state of states and peoples. From whether he can global community decide in time, the life of all humanity depends.

How problems are classified

The problems of humanity, which are global in nature, affect the lives of all people and lead to serious social and economic losses. When they escalate, they can threaten the existence of the world's population. To solve them, governments of all countries must unite and act together.

There is a scientific and philosophical classification of problems, formed on the basis of long-term research. It consists of three large groups.

  • The first includes problems that affect political and economic interests different countries. They can be roughly divided into confrontation between “East and West”, between backward and developed countries, and into the prevention of terrorism and war. It also includes maintaining peace and establishing a fair economic order on the planet.
  • The second group contains problems arising from the interaction of humanity with nature. This is a shortage of raw materials, fuel and energy, a problem of preserving the World Ocean, flora and fauna of the earth.
  • The third group includes problems that may be associated with the individual and society. The main ones are overpopulation of the earth, education and health care.

Global studies carefully examines the problems of our time, based on philosophy and scientific and technical basis. Philosophy explains that their occurrence is not an accident, but a pattern associated with progress in society and influencing the development of mankind.

  • do everything to preserve peace;
  • reduce rapid population growth;
  • reduce the use of natural resources;
  • stop and reduce planetary pollution;
  • reduce the social gap between people;
  • eradicate poverty and hunger everywhere.

Scientific and philosophical theory requires not only to state problems, but also to give a clear answer on how to solve them.

Causes and solutions to problems

Understanding global problems is very important for humanity. This is the first step towards eliminating them.

The main condition for preserving life is peace on earth, therefore it is necessary to eliminate the threat of a third world war. The scientific and technological revolution gave people thermonuclear weapons, the use of which can destroy entire cities and countries. Ways to solve this problem could be:

  • stopping the arms race, a complete ban on the creation and use of weapons of mass destruction;
  • strict control over chemical and nuclear warheads;
  • reduction in military spending and a ban on the arms trade.

To solve global environmental problems, humanity needs to try hard. There is a threat hanging over people. This is due to the expected warming that is caused by emissions. If it happens, it will be catastrophic for the earth. The geosystem of the planet will begin to change. As a result of melting glaciers, the level of the World Ocean will rise, thousands of kilometers will be flooded coastal zone. The planet will be subject to a barrage of hurricanes, earthquakes and other extreme events. This will lead to death and destruction.

High concentration harmful substances in the atmosphere leads to another global problem - the destruction of the ozone layer and the emergence ozone holes. They are the cause and have a detrimental effect on all living things. The concept “has not been fully studied, but scientists have some information.

  • These problems can be solved by reducing environmental pollution.
  • It is necessary to reduce industrial emissions into the atmosphere, using the latest scientific and technological progress, and make every effort to preserve forests.

The demographic problem has long been relevant for humanity. Today, most developing countries are experiencing a baby boom and the population is growing rapidly. In developed countries, on the contrary, this indicator is falling and the nation is aging. Social philosophy suggests looking for a solution in a competent demographic policy, which should be pursued by the governments of all countries.

The fuel and raw materials problem threatens the world community with a shortage of various resources necessary to ensure the lives of people in the modern world. Already, many countries are suffering from insufficient quantity fuel and energy.

  • To eliminate this disaster, natural resources must be distributed economically.
  • Use non-traditional types of energy sources, for example, wind, solar power plants.
  • Develop nuclear energy and wisely use the power of the World Ocean.

Food shortages are severely affecting many countries. According to official data, about 1.2 million people are undernourished in the modern world. There are two ways to solve this global problem for humanity.

  • The essence of the first method is that it is necessary to increase the area for pastures and crops in order to produce more food for consumption.
  • The second method recommends not increasing territories, but modernizing existing ones. Productivity can be improved by using scientific and technical innovations. For example, biotechnologies, with the help of which frost-resistant and high-yielding varieties plants.

The global problem of backwardness of underdeveloped countries is carefully studied social philosophy. Many experts believe that the reason for the slow development of states is rapid population growth amid the lack of a developed economy. This leads to total poverty of people. To support these states, the international community must implement financial assistance, build hospitals, schools, various industrial enterprises and promote the development of the economy of backward peoples.

Problems of the World Ocean and human health

IN Lately The threat to the world's oceans is acutely felt. Environmental pollution and irrational use of its resources have led to the fact that it is on the verge of destruction. Today, the goal of humanity is to preserve the ecosystem, because without it the planet cannot survive. This requires a certain strategy:

  • prohibit the burial of nuclear and other hazardous substances;
  • improve the structure of the world economy by creating separate places for oil production and fishing;
  • protect recreational resources from destruction;
  • improve industrial complexes located on the ocean shore.

The health of the world's inhabitants is an important global problem of our time. Scientific and technological progress stimulates the emergence of new drugs for serious diseases. Invented the latest equipment for diagnosis and treatment. But despite this, epidemics often occur that claim thousands of lives, so scientists continue to actively develop advanced methods of control.

However, medicine is not a panacea. By by and large, the health of each individual person in his own hands. And above all, it's about lifestyle. After all, the causes of terrible diseases, as a rule, are:

  • poor nutrition and overeating,
  • immobility,
  • smoking,
  • alcoholism,
  • stress,
  • bad ecology.

Without waiting for solutions to global world problems, everyone can take care of their own health and the well-being of loved ones - and the world's population will become much healthier and happier. Why not a massive success?

The action plan is simple and clear, and the main thing here is to move from theory to practice. Reconsider your diet in favor of natural products, fresh vegetables and fruits; if you smoke - as soon as possible, do the same with your addiction to alcohol; if your life is full of stress, identify their sources and deal with negative factors, eliminating them if possible. Be sure to start moving more. As for ecology, it matters on the most local scale - in your apartment, workplace. Try to create a healthy environment around you and seriously consider moving to another area if your air quality is poor. Remember: what we breathe every day (including tobacco smoke) and what we eat every day has a key impact on our health.

Each problem has its own specifics and methods of elimination, but they all affect the common interests of humanity. Therefore, their resolution will require the efforts of all people. Modern philosophy warns that any problems can become global, and our task is to promptly notice and prevent their development.

Global problems of our time- this is a set of socio-natural problems, the solution of which determines the social progress of mankind and the preservation of civilization. These problems are characterized by dynamism, arise as an objective factor in the development of society and require the united efforts of all humanity to be solved. Global problems are interconnected, cover all aspects of people's lives and affect all countries of the world.

List of global problems

    Unsolved problem of reversal of aging in humans and poor public awareness of neglected aging.

    the North-South problem - the development gap between rich and poor countries, poverty, hunger and illiteracy;

    preventing thermonuclear war and ensuring peace for all peoples, preventing the world community from unauthorized proliferation of nuclear technologies and radioactive pollution of the environment;

    prevention of catastrophic environmental pollution and reduction of biodiversity;

    providing humanity with resources;

    global warming;

    ozone holes;

    the problem of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and AIDS.

    demographic development (population explosion in developing countries and demographic crisis in developed countries).



Global problems are a consequence of the confrontation between nature and human culture, as well as the inconsistency or incompatibility of multidirectional trends in the development of human culture itself. Natural nature exists on the principle of negative feedback (see biotic regulation of the environment), while human culture exists on the principle of positive feedback.

Attempts to solve

    Demographic transition - the natural end of the demographic explosion of the 1960s

    Nuclear disarmament

    Energy saving

    Montreal Protocol (1989) - combating ozone holes

    Kyoto Protocol (1997) - fight against global warming.

    Scientific prizes for successful radical life extension of mammals (mice) and their rejuvenation.

    Club of Rome (1968)

Global problems of our time

Global problems of our time.

Features of integration processes covering the most different areas life

people, manifest themselves most deeply and acutely in the so-called global

problems of our time.

Global problems:

Environmental problem

Save the world

Space and ocean exploration

Food problem

Population problem

The problem of overcoming backwardness

Raw material problem

Features of global problems.

1) They have a planetary, global character, affecting the interests of everyone

peoples of the world.

2) They threaten degradation and death of all humanity.

3) Need urgent and effective solutions.

4) They require the collective efforts of all states, joint actions of peoples.

Most of the problems that we associate today with global problems

modernity, have accompanied humanity throughout its history. TO

These should primarily include problems of ecology, peace preservation,

overcoming poverty, hunger, illiteracy.

But after the Second World War, thanks to an unprecedented scale

transformative human activity, all these problems turned into

global, expressing the contradictions of the holistic modern world And

denoting with unprecedented force the need for cooperation and unity of all

people of the Earth.

Nowadays, global problems:

On the one hand, they demonstrate the close interconnection of states;

On the other hand, they reveal the deep contradictions of this unity.

The development of human society has always been contradictory. It's constant

was accompanied not only by the establishment of a harmonious connection with nature, but also

destructive effect on her.

Apparently, noticeable damage to nature was already caused by synanthropes (about 400 thousand

years ago) who began to use fire. As a result of the

Due to fires, significant areas of vegetation were destroyed.

Scientists believe that the intensive hunting of mammoths by ancient people was one of

the most important reasons for the extinction of this species of animals.

The transition from the appropriative nature that began about 12 thousand years ago

management to the producer, associated primarily with the development

agriculture, also led to very significant negative impacts on

surrounding nature.

The farming technology in those days was as follows: at a certain

the forest was burned in the area, then basic tillage and sowing were carried out

plant seeds. Such a field could produce a harvest for only 2-3 years, after which

the soil was depleted and it was necessary to move to a new site.

Besides, ecological problems in ancient times, mining often gave rise to


So, in the 7th – 4th centuries BC. intensive development in ancient Greece

silver-lead mines, which required large volumes of strong

forests, led to the actual destruction of forests on the Antique Peninsula.

Significant changes in natural landscapes were caused by the construction of cities,

which began to take place in the Middle East about 5 thousand years ago, and

Of course, a significant burden on nature was accompanied by the development


But although these human influences on environment got more and more

scale, nevertheless, until the second half of the 20th century they had a local


Humanity, developing along the path of progress, gradually accumulated

material and spiritual resources to satisfy their needs, however

he never managed to completely get rid of hunger, poverty and

illiteracy. The severity of these problems was felt by each nation in its own way, and

the ways to solve them have never before gone beyond the boundaries of individual


Meanwhile, it is known from history that the steadily growing interactions between

peoples, exchange of industrial and agricultural products

production, spiritual values ​​were constantly accompanied by acute

military clashes. For the period from 3500 BC. 14,530 wars occurred.

And only 292 years people lived without wars.

Killed in wars (million people)

XVII century 3.3

XVIII century 5.5

About 70 million people lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars.

These were the first world wars in the entire history of mankind, in which

The vast majority of countries in the world participated. They marked the beginning

turning the problem of war and peace into a global one.

What gave rise to global problems? The answer to this question is, in essence,

pretty simple. Global problems resulted from:

WITH one side of the enormous scale of human activity, radically

changing nature, society, people's way of life.

WITH the other side of a person’s inability to rationally manage this

mighty force.

Ecological problem.

Economic activity in a number of countries today is so powerfully developed that

that it affects the environmental situation not only within an individual

country, but also far beyond its borders.

Typical examples:

The UK 'exports' 2/3 of its industrial emissions.

75-90% of acid rain in Scandinavian countries is of foreign origin.

Acid rain in the UK affects 2/3 of woodlands, and in

countries of continental Europe - about half of their area.

The USA lacks the oxygen that is naturally produced in their


The largest rivers, lakes, seas of Europe and North America intensively

are polluted by industrial waste from enterprises in various countries,

using their water resources.

From 1950 to 1984, the production of mineral fertilizers increased from 13.5 million.

tons up to 121 million tons per year. Their use gave 1/3 of the increase

agricultural products.

At the same time, the use of chemicals has increased sharply in recent decades

fertilizers, as well as various chemical plant protection products have become one

one of the most important causes of global environmental pollution. Spaced

water and air over vast distances, they are included in the geochemical

the cycle of substances throughout the Earth, often causing significant damage to nature,

and even to the man himself.

The rapidly developing process has become very characteristic of our time.

removal of environmentally harmful enterprises to underdeveloped countries.

Huge and ever-expanding use of natural resources

mineral resources have led not only to the depletion of raw materials in individual countries,

but also to a significant impoverishment of the entire raw material base of the planet.

The era of extensive use of potential is ending before our eyes

biosphere. This is confirmed by the following factors:

§ Today there is negligible amount of undeveloped land left to exploit


§ The area of ​​deserts is systematically increasing. From 1975 to 2000

it increases by 20%;

§ The reduction in forest cover on the planet is of great concern. Since 1950

by 2000, the forest area will decrease by almost 10%, but forests are light

the whole Earth;

§ Exploitation of water basins, including the World Ocean,

carried out on such a scale that nature does not have time to reproduce what

what a person takes.

Constant development of industry, transport, agriculture, etc.

requires a sharp increase in energy expenditure and entails an ever-increasing

load on nature. Currently, as a result of intense human

activities even climate change occurs.

Compared to the beginning of the last century, the content carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

increased by 30%, with 10% of this increase coming from the last 30 years. Promotion

its concentration leads to the so-called greenhouse effect, as a result

which causes the climate of the entire planet to warm.

Scientists believe that this kind of change is already taking place in our time.

As a result of human activity, warming has occurred within 0.5

degrees. However, if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles

compared to its level in the pre-industrial era, i.e. will increase by another 70%,

then very drastic changes will occur in the life of the Earth. First of all, at 2-4

degrees, and at the poles the average temperature will increase by 6-8 degrees, which, in

in turn, will cause irreversible processes:

Melting ice

Rising sea level by one meter

Flooding of many coastal areas

Changes in moisture exchange on the Earth's surface

Reduced precipitation

Changing wind direction

It is clear that such changes will pose enormous problems for people,

related to farming, reproduction of the necessary conditions for their

Today, as rightly one of the first marks of V.I. Vernadsky,

humanity has gained such power in transforming the world around us that it

begins to significantly influence the evolution of the biosphere as a whole.

Human economic activity in our time already entails

climate change, it affects the chemical composition of water and air

basins of the Earth on the animal and plant world of the planet, on its entire appearance.

The problem of war and peace.

The problem of war and peace has become global literally before our eyes, and

primarily as a result of the sharply increased power of weapons.

Only one today nuclear weapons accumulated so much that its explosive

force is several thousand times greater than the power of the ammunition used in all

wars that have been fought before.

Nuclear charges are stored in the arsenals of different countries, the total power

which is several million times greater than the power of a bomb dropped on

Hiroshima. But this bomb killed over 200 thousand people! 40% area

the city turned to ashes, 92% was mutilated beyond recognition. Fatal

The consequences of the atomic bomb are still felt by thousands of people.

For each person currently only in the form of nuclear weapons

there are so many explosives that their trinitrotoluene

the equivalent exceeds 10 tons. If people had that much food,

how many types of weapons and explosives exist on the planet!.. By this

weapons can destroy all life on Earth many dozens of times. But

Today even “conventional” means of warfare are quite capable of causing

global damage to both humanity and nature. Moreover, it should be kept in mind that

warfare technologies are evolving towards greater destruction

civilian population. The ratio between the number of civilian deaths and

Global problems of humanity affect our planet as a whole. Therefore, all peoples and states are engaged in solving them. This term appeared in the late 60s of the XX century. Currently there is a special scientific branch, which studies and solves global problems of humanity. It is called global studies.

Scientific experts work in this field various areas: biologists, soil scientists, chemists, physicists, geologists. And this is no coincidence, because the global problems of humanity are complex in nature and their emergence does not depend on any one factor. On the contrary, it is very important to take into account the economic, political, and social changes taking place in the world. Life on the planet in the future depends on how correctly the modern global problems of humanity are solved.

You need to know: some of them have existed for a long time, others, quite “young”, are associated with the fact that people began to negatively impact the world. Because of this, for example, environmental problems of mankind have arisen. They can be called the main difficulties of modern society. Although the problem of environmental pollution itself appeared a long time ago. All varieties interact with each other. Often one problem provokes another.

Sometimes it happens that global problems of humanity can be solved and completely gotten rid of them. First of all, this concerns epidemics that threatened the lives of people all over the planet and led to their mass death, but then they were stopped, for example, with the help of an invented vaccine. At the same time, completely new problems appear that were previously unknown to society, or existing ones grow to a global level, for example, depletion of the ozone layer. The cause of their occurrence is human activity. The problem of environmental pollution allows us to see this very clearly. But in other cases, the tendency of people to influence the misfortunes that happen to them and threaten their existence is clearly visible. So, what problems of humanity that have planetary significance exist?

Environmental disaster

It is caused by daily environmental pollution and depletion of earth and water reserves. All these factors together can accelerate the onset of environmental disaster. Man considers himself the king of nature, but at the same time does not strive to preserve it in its original form. This is also hampered by industrialization, which is proceeding at a rapid pace. Negatively affecting its habitat, humanity destroys it and does not think about it. It is not for nothing that pollution standards have been developed and are regularly exceeded. As a result, humanity's environmental problems may become irreversible. To avoid this, we must pay attention to the preservation of flora and fauna, and try to preserve the biosphere of our planet. And for this it is necessary to make production and other human activities more environmentally friendly so that the impact on the environment is less aggressive.

Demographic problem

The world's population is growing rapidly. And although the “population explosion” has already subsided, the problem still remains. The situation with food and natural resources is deteriorating. Their stocks are decreasing. At the same time, it increases Negative influence on the environment, it is impossible to cope with unemployment and poverty. Difficulties arise with education and healthcare. The UN has taken upon itself the solution to global problems of this nature. The organization created a special plan. One of its points is the family planning program.


After creation nuclear bomb, the population tries to avoid the consequences of its use. For this purpose, non-aggression and disarmament treaties are signed between countries. Laws are being adopted to ban nuclear arsenals and stop the arms trade. The presidents of leading states hope in this way to avoid the outbreak of the Third World War, as a result of which, as they suspect, all life on Earth could be destroyed.

Food problem

In some countries, the population is experiencing food shortages. Residents of Africa and other third countries of the world suffer especially from hunger. To solve this problem, two options have been created. The first is aimed at ensuring that pastures, fields, and fishing areas gradually increase their area. If you follow the second option, you should not increase the territory, but increase the productivity of existing ones. For this purpose, the latest biotechnologies, methods of land reclamation, and mechanization are being developed. High-yielding plant varieties are being created.


Despite active development medicine, the emergence of new vaccines and drugs, humanity continues to get sick. Moreover, many diseases threaten the lives of the population. Therefore, in our time, the development of treatment methods is actively underway. Modern substances are created in laboratories for effective immunization of the population. Unfortunately, most dangerous diseases XXI century - oncology and AIDS - remain incurable.

Ocean problem

Recently, this resource has not only been actively researched, but also used for the needs of humanity. Experience shows that it can provide food, natural resources, and energy. The ocean is a trade route that helps restore communication between countries. At the same time, its reserves are used unevenly, and military operations are ongoing on its surface. In addition, it serves as a base for the disposal of waste, including radioactive waste. Humanity is obliged to preserve the riches of the World Ocean, avoid pollution, and rationally use its gifts.

Space exploration

This space belongs to all humanity, which means that all peoples must use their scientific and technical potential to explore it. Created for deep space exploration special programs, which use all modern achievements in this field.

People know that if these problems do not go away, the planet may die. But why do many people not want to do anything, hoping that everything will disappear and “dissolve” by itself? Although, in truth, such inaction is better than the active destruction of nature, pollution of forests, water bodies, destruction of animals and plants, especially rare species.

It is impossible to understand the behavior of such people. It would not hurt them to think about the fact that their children and grandchildren will have to live, if, of course, it is still possible, on a dying planet. You shouldn’t count on anyone being able to rid the world of difficulties in just one minute. a short time. Global problems of humanity can only be solved together if all of humanity makes an effort. The threat of destruction in the near future should not be frightening. It is best if it can stimulate the potential inherent in each of us.

Don’t think that it’s difficult to cope with the world’s problems alone. This makes it seem like it is useless to act, and thoughts of powerlessness in the face of difficulties appear. The point is to join forces and help at least your city prosper. Solve small problems of your habitat. And when every person on Earth begins to have such responsibility towards themselves and their country, large-scale, global problems will also be solved.

Humanity are those situations on the solution of which the further existence and development of civilization directly depends. The emergence of such problems is due to the uneven development of various areas of life and knowledge of people and the emergence of contradictions in the socio-economic, political and natural system of relations.

Thus, global problems are understood as those that affect the lives of all people on the planet, and the solution of which requires the joint efforts of all states. As for the list of these situations, it looks like this:

  1. Poverty.
  2. Food difficulties.
  3. Energy.
  4. Demographic crisis.
  5. Development of the World Ocean.

This list is dynamic and structural elements change as civilization rapidly develops. As a result of this, not only its composition changes, but also the level of priority of a particular problem.

Note that every global problem of humanity has its causes, these are:

  1. Increased usage natural resources.
  2. Deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet, bad influence development of industrial production.
  3. Increasing disparity between developed and developing countries.
  4. Creating weapons that can destroy masses of people, thus threatening the existence of civilization as a whole.

In order to become more familiar with this issue, it is necessary to study in detail the existing global problems of humanity. Philosophy deals not only with their study, but also with the analysis of the possible influence that they will have in one case or another on society as a whole.

Note that this situation can only be resolved if certain requirements are met. Thus, preventing a world war is possible when the pace of development of the arms race is significantly reduced, and a ban on the creation and demand for the elimination of nuclear weapons is adopted.

Also, some global problems of humanity can be resolved by overcoming cultural and economic inequality between the population of Western and Eastern countries, which are developed, and other, underdeveloped countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Note that very great importance will have overcoming the crisis that has arisen between man and nature. Otherwise, the consequences will be catastrophic: complete depletion of natural resources. Thus, these global problems of humanity require people to develop measures aimed at more economical use of existing resource potential and the reduction of water and air with various types of waste.

Also important point that will help stop the looming crisis is to reduce population growth in less developed countries economic system, as well as an increase in the birth rate in developed capitalist countries.

Remember that the global problems of humanity and their negative impact can be overcome by reducing the consequences of the scientific and technological revolution in the world, as well as by strengthening the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction, and smoking. AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases that undermine the health of nations as a whole.

Let us note that these problems require an immediate solution, otherwise the world will fall into a persistent crisis that could lead to irreparable consequences. Don't think that this won't affect you and me. We must remember that changing the situation depends on the participation of each person. You shouldn’t stand aside, because these problems affect each of us.

The problems of our time and the future of humanity - these are the questions that concern all modern politicians and scientists. This is understandable. After all, the future of the Earth and all humanity really depends on solving modern problems.

Origin of the term

The term “global problems” began to appear in scientific literature in the late 60s of the last century. This is how scientists characterized both new problems that appeared at the junction of the industrial and information eras, and old ones that existed in the “man-nature-society” system, aggravated and aggravated in modern conditions.

Figure 1. Environmental pollution

Global problems are problems that cannot be solved by the efforts of one country or one people, but at the same time, the fate of the entire human civilization depends on their solution.


Scientists identify two large groups reasons that led to the emergence of global problems.

  • The growth of local problems, conflicts and contradictions into global ones (this is due to the process of globalization, unification and generalization of humanity).
  • Active transformative human activity that influences nature, the political situation and society.

Types of global problems

The global problems facing humanity include three large groups of problems (modern classification).

Table"List of global problems of humanity"

TOP 3 articleswho are reading along with this

Group The essence of the problems (characteristic) Examples of major global issues included in the group
Intersocial global issues Problems existing in the “society-society” system related to maintaining security and peace on the planet 1. The problem of preventing a global nuclear catastrophe.

2. The problem of war and peace.

3. The problem of overcoming the backwardness of developing countries.

4. Creation optimal conditions for the social progress of all peoples.

Ecological problems Problems existing in the “society-nature” system related to overcoming various environmental problems 1. Raw materials problem.

2. Food problem.

3. Energy problem.

4. Prevention of environmental pollution.

5. Preventing the extinction of various animals and plants.

Social problems Problems existing in the “person-society” system related to overcoming complex social problems 1. Demographic problem.

2. The problem of maintaining human health.

3. The problem of spreading education.

4. Overcoming the negative impacts of the STR (scientific and technological revolution).

All global problems are connected to each other and influence each other. It is impossible to solve them separately; it is necessary A complex approach. That is why priority global problems were identified, the essence of which is similar, and on the solution of which the near future of the Earth depends.

Let's imagine the dependence of problems on each other schematically and name the global problems of humanity in order of their importance.

Figure 2. Connection of global problems with each other

  • The problem of the world (disarmament of countries and prevention of a new global conflict) is associated with the problem (hereinafter “-”) of overcoming the backwardness of developing countries.
  • Ecological problem - demographic problem.
  • Energy problem – raw materials problem.
  • Food problem – use of the World Ocean.

It is interesting that the solution to all global problems is possible if we try to solve the most important and pressing problem at the moment - global space exploration.

Common features (signs) of global problems

Despite the fact that global problems are modern stage There are many developments of humanity, they all have common features:

  • they affect the life activity of all humanity at once;
  • they are an objective factor in the development of humanity;
  • they require an urgent decision;
  • they involve international cooperation;
  • The fate of all human civilization depends on their decision.

Figure 3. The problem of hunger in African countries

Main directions for resolving world problems and threats

To solve global problems, the efforts of all humanity are needed, and not only material and physical, but also psychological. In order for the work to be successful, it is necessary

  • to form a new planetary consciousness, constantly inform people about threats, give them only relevant information, and train them;
  • develop effective system cooperation between countries in solving global problems: studying, monitoring the situation, preventing the situation from worsening, creating a forecasting system;
  • concentrate a large number of strength specifically in solving global problems.

Social forecasts for the existence of humanity

Based on the fact that the list of global problems is currently worsening and expanding, scientists are doing social forecasts existence of humanity:

  • pessimistic forecast or environmental pessimism(in short, the essence of the forecast comes down to the fact that humanity is waiting for a large-scale ecological catastrophy and inevitable death);
  • optimistic forecast or scientific and technical optimism(scientists hope that scientific and technical progress will lead to global problems being resolved).

What have we learned?

The term “global problems” is not new, and it does not refer only to those problems that emerged at the end of the 20th century. All global problems have both their own characteristics and similarities. They are interconnected and the solution to one problem depends on the timely resolution of the other.

The topic “Global problems of our time” is one of the main ones in social studies lessons at school. On the topic “Global problems, threats and challenges” they make reports and write abstracts, and it is necessary not only to give examples of problems, but also to show their connection, and explain how it is possible to cope with this or that problem.

Test on the topic

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