Illegal installation of air conditioning on the facade. Rules for installing an air conditioner on the facade of an apartment building and building

The air conditioner consists of two blocks - external and internal. There will be no problems with the indoor unit, since it is installed on the property of the homeowner. With the outside, not everything is so simple, so many people wonder whether it is possible to hang an air conditioner on the facade of the house.

Each city has its own regulations. In some places, the installation of an air conditioner will require permission from local authorities, in others the consent of the owners is sufficient.

There are a number of prohibitive requirements that practically do not differ in different cities:

  • It is prohibited to install an external unit of cooling equipment from the façade side.
  • It is prohibited to install equipment from external or inside buildings that are of historical or architectural value are included in the appropriate register.
  • It is prohibited to place the outdoor unit above pedestrian paths.
  • It is prohibited to install the air conditioner on the architectural elements of the building: columns, pilasters, entablatures, rosettes and others.
  • It is prohibited to install air conditioners into window and door openings without a special barrier.

There are practically no problems with obtaining permits for installation external unit cooling equipment inside yards. The most problems can arise with historical architectural monuments.

From the point of view of the structural component of the building, everything is also not so simple. It is easy to install an air conditioner on a brick and panel wall base. There won't be any special problems. When installing an air conditioner on a ventilated façade, a number of problems may arise.

Let's consider the rules and technology for standard installation of an air conditioner, and then technological features installing an air conditioner on a ventilated façade.

Do-it-yourself air conditioner installation begins with choosing the installation location. Optimal place mounting the external unit - the lower or side part of the wall under the window or balcony. The main thing is that it can be fixed and maintained.

It is not recommended to place the external unit on the south or west side, as it gets very hot. If possible, install on the east or north side. Draining condensate should not cause problems for neighbors. If the hose is directed to the window or balcony drip of the apartment from below, then problems may arise.

Required tools and materials

Tools for installing the air conditioner are prepared in advance. Carrying out work and running after every nail or hammer is unprofessional and time-consuming. To install an air conditioner you may need:

  • Hammer drill with concrete drills of different diameters.
  • Pump.
  • Riemer.
  • Pipe flaring kit.
  • Pressure gauge.
  • Voltage tester.
  • Copper tube with factory-rolled ends.
  • Building level.
  • Anchor bolts for a screwdriver, 100 - 150 mm long.

Installation of the external unit

The mounting scheme is quite simple. First of all, the place for installing the support brackets is marked. Construction level a horizontal line is drawn. The first vertical line is drawn perpendicular to it. The intersection is the top of the first support bracket. Then a second vertical line is drawn on the wall through a distance equal to the installation step of the brackets. On the vertical lines, a cross marks the places for drilling for anchor bolts. Using a hammer drill, holes are drilled with a diameter slightly smaller than the size of the anchor.

After preparation for installation, it is drilled through hole with a diameter of 80 - 100 mm. A copper tube will be laid through it and electric wires. The edges of the hole are cleaned from sharp chips. IN brick house It's better to drill into the seam. It's easier than breaking through a rock. For non-standard mounting of the air conditioner on the loggia, instead of anchors, studs are used, which are tightened on both sides balcony railing.

After completing the entire complex preparatory work The brackets are fixed to the wall. anchor bolt twists to maximum force. Before final fixation, the horizontal and vertical installation is checked.

On last stage The block is fastened. The distance from the radiator cap to the wall is 80 - 100 mm. The external unit is securely fixed to the brackets with galvanized bolts. It is necessary to carefully monitor the spatial position of the block. Severe misalignment may cause unstable operation or failure.

Installation of the indoor unit

Correct installation of the indoor unit is the key to long-term operation of the entire cooling system. How less distance from the external to the internal unit, the more efficiently the air conditioning system operates. Better position inner part air conditioner so that cold air does not enter the sleeping or resting area. Let this be a “dead” corner. In any case, the entire volume of air is cooled. It is not recommended to install the inside of the air conditioner close to heating devices, behind a barrier of curtains or blinds.

The section of wall for installation of the unit is checked for the presence of wiring or other communication lines. If this is not done, then you can drill the electrical wire.

After checking, the installation location of the plate for attaching the indoor unit is marked. To do this, a horizontal line is drawn at a distance of 100 - 150 mm from the ceiling and 50 - 100 mm from the corner, on which the places for drilling holes for dowels are marked.

The wall is grooved from the through hole to the edge of the mounting plate. A copper tube and an electrical wire are hidden in the groove.

A tube and wire are passed through the through hole. One end remains outside, the other ends indoors.

After this, a mounting plate is installed on the marked area, on which it is mounted indoor unit conventional or precision air conditioner.


For air conditioning systems, their own line is laid with a wire thickness of 1.5-2 square meters. A separate one is installed circuit breaker. Knot electrical connection is described in detail in the installation instructions for air conditioners.

Pipe laying

The copper tube is laid in a groove or on top of the wall. Polyurethane foam winding is used for thermal insulation. The length of the tube is the sum of the distances between the blocks plus 1 thousand mm for bending. To prevent dents from forming, the pipe is bent using special tool. Then it is rolled.

After rolling, the pipe is alternately connected to the fittings of both air conditioner units. To remove condensate, a reinforced plastic tube is used, which is connected to the drain pipe.

Evacuation and filling of the system

Excess air is removed by a pump, which is connected to the system for 40 - 60 minutes. After evacuation, freon is pumped into the system. You need to strictly monitor your blood pressure.

Completion of work

All cracks in the wall are sealed polyurethane foam, sealant or cement mortar. The groove is closed with mortar.

The main part of attaching the air conditioner to a ventilated façade or to sandwich panels is no different from installing it to brick or concrete walls. The main difference is the installation of brackets. They cannot be attached to an unstable base made of insulation. In places where the brackets are installed, the cladding and insulation are cut down to the stone or concrete panel. Then the installation continues according to the algorithm described above.

You can find out how much it costs to install an air conditioner by phone or on the manufacturers’ websites. The price depends on the quality of the base, the number of floors, the difficulty of access to the installation site, and the weight of the external unit.

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Do I need approval and permission to install an air conditioner on the facade of a house?

At first glance, the judicial practice of courts of general jurisdiction on the question of “whether permission is needed to install an air conditioner” is not uniform. When considering one case, the court decision states that the installation of an air conditioner requires the consent of the owners and authorities; when considering another case, the court indicates that such approvals and permits are not required by law.
Are there any rules for installing an air conditioner, a law governing this problem, with whom to coordinate, etc. - these questions are not always asked by citizens and organizations who want to install an air conditioner on the facade of a residential building. Sometimes the consequence of such frivolity is a court decision to dismantle already installed air conditioner.

Let's consider two positions on this topic.

1. Permission to install an air conditioner on the facade of a building must be obtained in any case..

Proponents of this point of view give the following arguments.
The facade of the building, as the enclosing load-bearing structure of the house, is common property in apartment building(Clause 1, Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 244 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 “On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building.”
According to Art. 246 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the disposal of property in shared ownership is carried out by agreement of all its participants.
Some courts in their decisions, as well as the authors of commentaries, indicate that “in law enforcement practice, the installation of an air conditioner is regarded as a refurbishment (rearrangement) of a premises and even as a reconstruction of a building (clause 1 of article 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, clause 14 of article 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation) .
Gosstroy of the Russian Federation in clause 3.5.8 of Resolution No. 170 of September 27, 2003 “On approval of Rules and Standards technical operation housing stock" Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 indicated the following: "housing stock maintenance organizations ensure that various guy ropes, pendants, signboards, signs (flagpoles and other devices) are not attached to the walls of buildings, installation of air conditioners and satellite antennas without appropriate permission."
As stated in Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, decisions on reconstruction and repair, as well as on the transfer of common property in an apartment building for use, are made by a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.
From the above legal norms we can conclude that to install an air conditioner it is necessary to obtain permission not only from the authorized local government body, but also from the owners of the premises of an apartment building.
This position means in practice the following.
To obtain permission from the local government to install an air conditioner on the facade of a building, it is necessary to develop a project for installing the air conditioner and coordinate the project for compliance sanitary standards and rules in Rospotrebnadzor, in the management organization, in the authorities responsible for compliance appearance facade of the building after installing the air conditioner accepted standards and others.
In addition, a citizen who wants to install an air conditioner must initiate a general meeting of owners of the premises of the house, at which the majority must approve the installation of an air conditioner. It is clear that in buildings with several hundred apartments, this is extremely problematic.
Thus, to install a small air conditioner that will not interfere with anyone, a citizen will have to spend several weeks, or even months. Behind given time The hot summer will probably end already.

2. Second position: by general rule, permission is not required to install an air conditioner on the facade of a building.

In our opinion, this position is more fair and justified.
1) The above paragraph 3.5.8. Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170 which states that it is inadmissible to install air conditioners without the appropriate permission, does not mention what kind of permission we are talking about: the permission of the owners of the premises of the house or the permission of the local government. But, based on the fact that the issues of use, ownership and disposal of common property in shared ownership are regulated by the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account that Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170 is a public act, and not private law, we can conclude that in clause 3.5.8. The resolution deals with the need to obtain permission from the authorized government body.
Norms federal laws, by-laws do not directly indicate the need to obtain permission to install an air conditioner. However, it must be taken into account that housing legislation is under joint jurisdiction Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regions). A subject of the Federation has the right to adopt a law regulating the installation of both air conditioners and other equipment on the facades of buildings, prescribe the procedure for obtaining permits and approvals, and name the authorities authorized to approve the air conditioner installation project.
From judicial practice it follows that not in all regions such normative act accepted. Similar regulations were adopted, for example, in St. Petersburg, and until recently existed in Moscow, but have been canceled since 2011.
Thus, before installing an air conditioner, you should ask whether there is a regulatory act in your region, territory, or republic regulating the procedure for obtaining permits for installing equipment on a building. If there is no such act, we believe that the authorities do not have grounds to issue any permit. To verify this, you can contact the administration municipality with a request to clarify the procedure for installing an air conditioner on the facade of the building.
In addition, we should not forget that if your house is a cultural heritage site, then in any case you will have to obtain permission to install an air conditioner, antenna, cables, or any other equipment on the supporting structure of the building.

2) Air conditioner installation - refurbishment (refurbishment)?

According to Article 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the reconstruction of residential premises is the installation, replacement or transfer of utility networks, sanitary, electrical or other equipment, requiring changes to the technical passport of the residential premises .
There are industrial, semi-industrial and domestic air conditioners. Installation of industrial air conditioners may require reconstruction of the premises, which will entail the need to make changes to the technical data sheet of the premises, or even reconstruction of the building. In this case, you cannot do without permits.
However, as practice shows, the installation of an air conditioner (domestic or semi-industrial) is not always qualified by the courts as reconstruction, redevelopment or re-equipment of the premises. This means that no government permission is required for installation.

3) Is a decision of the general meeting of owners required to install an air conditioner?

As judicial practice shows, the lack of consent of the owners of the premises of the house to install an air conditioner, as a basis for satisfying the requirements for dismantling the air conditioner, is cited by the court as an additional argument in the event that an already installed air conditioner violates the rights of other owners of the premises. As a rule, such violations of citizens' rights are expressed in the following:
- the neighbors’ air conditioner makes loud noise, hums, vibrates, which disturbs the peace of citizens (usually neighbors);
- the air conditioner is installed on the balcony, loggia of the plaintiff citizens or on external wall buildings directly next to the window of citizens’ apartments within the perimeter of their residential premises - partially blocks the view from the window; when it rains, drops from the installed air conditioner fall into the apartment window;
- the air conditioner drain pipe is mounted in such a way that condensation flows onto the windows of apartments belonging to other citizens, which leads to the destruction of the wall of a residential building.
- other violations, including those committed during the installation of the air conditioner (formation of cracks on the facade of the building, non-compliance with fire safety measures that create a threat of fire, short circuit, etc.)
It is worth noting that there are also judicial acts where demands for the dismantling of the air conditioner are satisfied on the basis of the standards given above in position No. 1. We believe that a formal approach to resolving this type of dispute is not correct and reasonable. In our opinion, the requirement for an obligation to dismantle the air conditioner can only be satisfied if the plaintiff has proven that his right has been violated. At the same time, the argument that the wall is the common property of the owners of the premises, and therefore, in all cases, the consent of the owners for its use is necessary, must be rejected on the basis that the person who installed the air conditioner is also the owner of the premises and a co-owner of the share in the right to the common property and if this owner does not create obstacles to the exercise of the right of use and ownership by other owners of the premises, does not violate their rights to favorable and safe conditions residence, then there is no violated right subject to judicial protection.

However, the following should be noted. The owners of the premises of an apartment building have the right to make decisions on the procedure for using the common property of the house. The owners of premises are not deprived of the right to make decisions, for example, on the procedure for installing air conditioners, antennas and other equipment on the facade of a residential building. Also, the owners have the right to state that already placed on load-bearing structures Air conditioners at home violate the rights of citizens and must be dismantled, which should be reflected in the minutes of the general meeting of owners. Let us remind you that the decision of the general meeting of owners (adopted by a majority of votes and in the presence of a quorum) is mandatory for execution by all owners of the premises of a given residential building. It seems that in this case the owner of the air conditioner is obliged to obey the decision of the general meeting, or to appeal this decision in a court. If the owner refuses to dismantle the air conditioner, the owners have the right to go to court with a demand to remove obstacles to use (Article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), i.e. on the defendant's obligation to dismantle the installed equipment.

Every year on the facades of residential and public buildings Thousands of new air conditioners are appearing in cities. The peak in demand occurs on the first hot days of the year, because few people follow the well-known proverb that says that the cart must be prepared in winter. Purchase and installation are done in a matter of hours, and no one even thinks about such a thing as permission to install an air conditioner, with rare exceptions. Meanwhile, this is a serious issue, which we will discuss in this article.

Requirements of legislative acts

It should be noted that restrictions on unauthorized installation of outdoor air conditioner units on building facades are present in legislative framework all states former USSR. In theory, every citizen of a country is obliged to comply with its laws. Including requirements regarding the installation of climate control equipment or satellite dishes. In practice, people are not concerned about this, except perhaps some law-abiding apartment residents. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

If you study the legislative acts of the Russian Federation to determine whether permission is required to install an air conditioner in an apartment, the answer will be definitely yes. The Housing Code requires that this be registered with local authorities. To do this, it is necessary to complete project documentation, which will indicate:

  • installation location of the outdoor module with justification;
  • technical characteristics of the equipment;
  • electrical power consumption;
  • device mounting diagram;
  • Electrical diagram for connecting to the home network.

Note. A specialized organization that has the appropriate permits has the right to develop the project. Because from the point of view of legislation, work on attaching the outdoor unit of a split system to load-bearing wall there is interference in the building structure.

Having in hand finished project, as well as a package of documents certifying ownership of the apartment and the air conditioner itself, the citizen applies to the local government and after some time receives permission to install it on the facade of the house. In addition, in accordance with the Civil Code, it is necessary to obtain approval for installation from the other owners of this apartment building. The easiest way to resolve the issue is to general meeting co-owners, but in practice this is difficult to implement.

Similar requirements to the letter of the law exist in other countries of the post-Soviet space, for example, in Belarus and Ukraine. The algorithm for obtaining a permit is approximately the same, with various variations. If we think logically, then the requirements of legislative acts are not meaningless, since often the number of different units of climate control equipment on facades reaches the point of absurdity, as shown in the photo:

How it happens in practice

Important. You will not be given a document allowing you to install climate control equipment on the facades of a building that is an architectural monument. You need to anticipate such a turn and purchase an air conditioner without an outdoor unit or install the latter on the roof of the building, attic space and other places where building codes allow this.

In principle, the legal way of registration does not seem so difficult, although it requires some financial costs, in particular, for the production project documentation. Unfortunately, in practice this path is truly thorny, and obtaining permission to install it costs almost twice as much as the cost of the air conditioner itself.

The reason is known to every Russian or Ukrainian citizen - the desire of every official to receive illegal benefits from this. Accordingly, intermediary firms arise that promote your issue for a certain amount, which is then transferred to the hands of responsible persons. If you refuse the services of such a company, you risk receiving a permit no earlier than in a year. That is why the vast majority of citizens do not register it at all, installing a split system at their own peril and risk.

By the way, in some small cities the issue can be resolved more easily, as evidenced by reviews from people on the forums. Sometimes it is enough to contact local authority with documents for the unit and the corresponding application, as well as make payment for services to a bank account (the amount is very small). At the same time, the sample permit for the installation of an air conditioner can be anything, because there is no single form of the document. Often a permit form for the installation of advertising structures is taken as a basis.

Advice. The legal way to install split-systems should not be dismissed out of hand. Before installing it without permission, make inquiries with the local government authorities in your city. Perhaps the procedure will be very simple and quick.

If you have made an unequivocal decision to install an air conditioner without obtaining permits, then it is important not to provoke the filing of a claim from any of the neighbors or the organization servicing the house. To do this, it is recommended to visit in advance the apartments adjacent to yours on all sides in order to explain to the residents the essence of the issue and obtain from them written consent drawn up in free form. And in order to avoid conflicts in the future, when installing an external unit, you need to take into account the following points:

  • the unit should not make much noise and disturb the peace of your neighbors;
  • You cannot place the air conditioner on a common loggia or next to other people’s windows;
  • condensate drainage should be organized in such a way that water from the tube does not drum on underlying metal canopies or window sills;
  • installation must be carried out carefully so that cracks do not appear on the wall. Refrigerant lines should look neat and not flop around in the wind.

Failure to comply with these rules will violate the rights of residents of surrounding apartments, you risk being sued and back to the original situation where a permit is required. Only on top of that you will have to pay a fine, and in extreme cases, dismantle the air conditioner.


In our article, we in no way encourage homeowners to illegally install split systems. On the contrary, before installation, it is proposed to study the situation with obtaining a permit and make every effort to obtain it. Unauthorized installation always carries the risk of being sued with negative consequences.

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When it comes to creating a comfortable atmosphere in an apartment, owners believe that they have the right to install climate control systems without obtaining any permits. As a result, they face serious problems. What are the rules for installing an air conditioner in an apartment? Is prior approval required for such an event?

Legislative aspects

When someone wants to install an air conditioner in an apartment, he is firmly convinced that he has every right to do so. After all, citizens often install climate control equipment without coordinating such work with any authorities. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Sometimes some legal proceedings end with the tenant of an apartment building (MKD) being told that such activities cannot be carried out without obtaining the appropriate permission from the authorities and obtaining the consent of the neighbors, and it is necessary to dismantle the unit.

What does the legislation say about this? To clarify for yourself all the answers to the questions, you should familiarize yourself with a silent number of documents:

  • Civil and Housing Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Rules approved by Government Decree No. 491 dated August 13, 2006 (as amended on February 27, 2017), prescribing the conditions for maintaining common property;
  • Sanitary and technical standards.
Why do discrepancies arise? Installing an air conditioner on a loggia (balcony, facade) is considered a simple renovation of the home, which does not require permission, unlike reconstruction or redevelopment. However, there are other nuances due to which approval may still be required.

It is extremely important that installing an air conditioner on a balcony or other place does not disturb the residents of the apartment building. Because in this case they have every right to complain. Interferences include loud operation of the device, difficulties arising during installation when condensation drips onto someone else's balcony (window). If such precedents arise, those dissatisfied may go to court, and it is possible that the climate control equipment will have to be dismantled.