Thread curtains are original window curtains. Thread curtains in the interior: tips, photos, materials Black and white muslin curtains with blinds

They look interesting, a little fabulous and, of course, beautiful. They can successfully separate zones in a studio apartment, decorate a restaurant space, or separate tables in a cafe. Filament curtains create a feeling of airiness, lightness, understatement.

The photo shows thread curtains in the interior of the hall in combination with turquoise curtains.


To make flowing rope curtains can be used different materials. For example, dense or thin threads are complemented with beads, bugles, feathers, and seed beads.

In addition, the entire thread can consist of rhinestones, stones or metal. Products can be, in addition to the standard flat canvas tending downwards, intricate lambrequins.

They can be braided and draped, used the entire length or shortened a little in the right places. These curtains are not only suitable for windows, they are great for decoration doorways and interior partitions.

Their color palette very large: you can choose plain curtains, with a pattern, a gradient transition of tones, monochrome and multi-color.

Curtains are divided into types, depending on the material of manufacture:


It is muslin that is most popular among other species. Its strands do not get tangled, like the version with beads.

Despite their sophistication, thread curtains slightly shade the room.

Designers prefer to use muslin because of the special charm it gives to the room, as well as a number of such positive qualities:

  • strength and elasticity;
  • possibility of combination with other textiles;
  • wide range of colors;
  • ease of use;
  • no need for ironing and detangling;
  • fashionable appearance.

Possibility of use in the interior

For a retro-style living room, you can use threads in combination with fringe. To create a classic atmosphere, it is better to avoid bright sequins and rhinestones. The standard variety of thin cords of contrasting or harmonizing colors in combination with a lambrequin or thick curtains is more suitable.

The photo shows a combination with classic curtains.

The photo shows a variant of drapery in the form of swags.

For cool high-tech, silver streams made of metal beads, textiles with lurex or small chains are used. For minimalism, choose plain products.

For eco-style, strands made from natural bamboo, linen fiber or cotton are suitable.

Kissey curtains are somewhat extravagant, which is why they complement all areas of modern interior style so well.

The bedroom has a romantic, secluded, calming atmosphere. It is these sensations that can complement the thread streams on the windows. For a young lady’s room, select items with beads or delicate feathers to match the finish.

For a married couple, you can use more universal method, combining different colors and texture, without solid decor.

You can decorate curtains with flowers and all kinds of tiebacks.

These curtains are also appropriate in a nursery. The use of bright colors with animal, plant or cartoon patterns will delight the baby, lift their spirits, and, of course, will please them for their unusualness.

Rainbow colors, voluminous and textured strands are perfect; you can safely use various decorations.

More often they use a shortened type of thread curtains or collect them in multi-level bundles and braids. For this room it is better to choose synthetic material, which does not absorb odors and repels dust.

For a small studio apartment, airy thread partitions are simply a godsend. They divide the area into zones without cluttering up the space. You can separate the dining room from the kitchen, or the work area from the living room, creating a cozy atmosphere.

Care requirements

Fragile and weightless-looking textiles are quite easy to wash. To do this, the strands are braided, removed from the cornice and placed in a special bag. The delicate mode is fine.

You can rinse the product in soapy water with your hands, but all the threads must also be woven into a braid. Items with solid decor are recommended to be washed exclusively by hand. There is no need to iron the muslin. Directly from the machine, they hang it on the cornice and straighten it out. The entire care process takes less time and effort than with conventional curtains.

Flowing fashionable curtains emphasize the sophistication and modernity of the room. They are easy to care for. They perfectly complement the interior of a living room, bedroom, nursery, and look great in a banquet hall. You can improvise with them every day, changing the mood and character of the premises.

Thread curtains, or muslin, appeared as an element of room decoration in the countries of the Arab East. They were quite easy to use, diffused bright sunlight, creating a cozy partial shade effect, and ensured good air circulation. They can also be used for decoration, delimitation and zoning of space. Due to their shape, they visually increase the height of the room, as if “raising the ceiling,” which is convenient small rooms. Thread curtains are used in room design and with other styles. Using clips, tiebacks or simply tying a knot, thread curtains can be given different interesting shapes. Variations have appeared where, instead of ordinary threads, braided cords are used, the so-called “noodles”, spiral weaving, and decorations in the form of pompoms along the entire length. There are models of thread curtains decorated with beads, sequins, glass beads and other elements.

Thread curtains to create a new environment

Unlike other types, thread curtains are easy to use, they do not require careful care, and they do not need to be washed as often. Well-chosen color and shape will create a room cozy atmosphere. Different images - from ethnic motifs and abstract drawings to painting reproductions - will give the room its own style. With such curtains you can decorate windows, cover doorways, and zone a room. Such a translucent “wall” creates a half-tone effect, scattering too bright light, without at all interfering with your passing through it.

Original ideas for home decoration find a new embodiment, including thread curtains in the interior modern house. Sliding rope curtains on entrance doors some African and Asian peoples, and this meant that not everyone was allowed entry. They separated the chambers of the rulers from the prying eyes of commoners and servants, created a shadow at the entrance and some kind of barrier. It was easy to exit through the curtained doorway with ammunition in both hands, pushing aside hanging bamboo or wood elements. Today, this idea has found many adherents in decorating interiors of different styles.

Black and white thread curtains

Transparent thread curtains

Lightweight thread muslin, freely transmitting light and air, has found a modern embodiment in different qualities:

  • window curtains;
  • original decor;
  • method of zoning premises;
  • isolation of personal space in the common room.

You can buy such a window accessory or make it yourself. There are sliding models and those with fixed placement on sale. Thread curtains, narrow ribbons and hanging beads have something in common - instead of a solid curtain, a curtain is formed from individual flowing elements. They are used:

  • as an alternative to curtains;
  • as window decoration;
  • for a doorway instead of curtains and a door;
  • for zoning (instead of a screen).

This is an excellent solution when you want something original in interior design. Separating curtains can hang from the eaves in a continuous “rain”, as they are sometimes called, and from individual strips you can create a decor in the form of a lambrequin. By using tiebacks or hairpins, like hair, you can easily make decorations for regular tulle or curtains. Such thread curtains look luxurious in modern interior, moreover, in different options as in the photo.

Pink thread curtains

Curtain threads

Attention! Ready-made muslin or thread curtains are sold by the meter on a wide ribbon that is attached to the cornice. Leaving the required length, it is easy to cut the curtain just above the floor level and tie each fragment with a knot so as not to spoil the weaving. Length correction is carried out after completing the “curl” (braids, tucks, throws).

The curtain made of threads is quite variable:

  • any colour;
  • thickness of threads;
  • placement on eaves;
  • strung decor;
  • length of fragments;
  • smooth or beveled edge;
  • combination with other curtains.

Black thread curtains in the interior

Multi-colored thread curtains in the interior

It is possible to choose any mounting option on the eaves, changing the appearance of the thread veil.

  1. To make the “rain” three times thicker, you can sew the ribbon with bow folds before placing it on the cornice.
  2. Pierced with eyelets, the strip guides the threads in waves.
  3. On the “string” cornice, the base can be threaded along the edge, piercing through 1-2 cm.
  4. It is easiest to sew with a sleeve and thread a thin cornice if there is no other fastening.
  5. The curtain placed on a special curtain tape for hooks is the usual position.

Reference. The thread version is called “muslin” or “rain”, and the metallized thread version is called “strings”. Kisey is a light fabric of rare weave, now it is not produced, but this is how light curtains began to be called.

It’s easy to find a lot on sale various options or build it yourself:

  • colored curtains;
  • plain curtains of any shade;
  • fibers of different quality (natural, synthetic and metallized yarn);
  • patterned proposals (beaded or wooden panels);
  • strung decor.

Attention! Thin muslin is produced mainly for window decoration or zoning. Large solid pieces are more suitable for a doorway. Rare elements can be used for various decorations interior, for example, thread curtains in the kitchen interior. They are braided, draped, pinned, thrown over, shortened for a rounded or beveled edge.

Not for cat lovers best opportunity discourage pets from climbing fabric curtains onto curtain rods. With sharp claws, they can damage the structure of the threads; you will have to shorten them in any order. In addition, animals show great interest in the moving threads that sway in the draft. Little children “taste” them and try to tear off the “beautiful string” of beads. Perhaps, over time, children and pets will get used to thread muslin, but the first experience will be disastrous for such decor.

Red thread curtains

Sheer thread curtains

Advantages and disadvantages of thread curtains

Curtains made from individual threads (ribbons, ropes) have many advantages:

  • are issued from practical materials with dust-repellent impregnation;
  • do not require ironing or frequent washing;
  • easy to attach;
  • no specially shaped cornices are needed;
  • easily ventilate rooms without pulling back like curtains;
  • limit excess sunlight;
  • minimize drafts;
  • prevent insects from entering the room.

These thread curtains in the kitchen interior quickly get dirty, but they are easy to wash in a mesh bag or in braids. Decorative elements are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner from top to bottom, collecting strands at the bottom with an elastic band, adding a weighting agent. If in doubt, you can take it to specialists for dry cleaning.

Thread muslin is much more practical than a solid window veil. They do not need to be moved along the eaves, wanting to open a window or balcony door. When passing through a door curtain made of bamboo, wood or glass beads, it is not necessary to use your hands to remove these fragments, especially when you need to bring something in.

White thread curtains in the interior

Beautiful thread curtains in the interior

Attention! Psychologists recommend curtains made of threads in the interior for those who have a fear of closed spaces, but also need to isolate their personal space. A permeable curtain creates the illusion of separation, while it is easy to observe what is happening from your bed or sofa, fenced off with thread decor.

Stylistically, they are also very variable - they easily fit into most interior styles, especially in combination with other window decorations. Designers suggest combining them with transparent tulle - as decoration or as an alternative to light translucent fabrics. They fit under blinds and multi-layer curtains with lambrequins. Depending on the method of distribution and the types of strung elements, rope or thread curtains will modernize the interior of a living room or other room.

In fairness, it is worth mentioning their disadvantages:

  • get tangled in a draft (can be weighted down with glass beads at the bottom);
  • inappropriate in historical styles;
  • attract pets and small children.

These curtains are not made from every yarn, but only from a strong elastic thread that does not stretch under the weight of the beads. This decor is easy to make with your own hands, and this is another advantage. They are attached directly to the cornice in the form of a loop with two free ends.

Multi-colored thread curtains

Thread curtains in the interior

Common types of filament curtains, their characteristics

At excavations, threads in the form of metal rings of the same diameter were found. Structurally, this is the simplest curtain, which was mastered by lost civilizations thousands of years ago. Today, in their likeness, ring curtains are made from straw and flexible tree bark. They are used in country houses on doorways.

Rope curtains were once fashionable and were woven with macramé knots. The original knotted panels on the sides and hanging rain with drops of beads were the original decor, made by hand. Due to the labor-intensive nature of the large consumption of a thin bundle or rope, they were very rare. Today, macrame as a folk craft is almost lost.

The easiest way to make ribbon curtains from non-flowing fabrics is to make them yourself; this is the simplest decor in this category. Large wooden, plastic and glass beads are strung on them. Original decor obtained by stringing with knots according to a certain pattern. Rope and ribbon decor is used not only in residential premises, but also in mini-hotels, bars and creative studios.

Light thread curtains

Curtain thread design

When they say “thread” curtains, this is quite arbitrary. Upon examination, you will notice that they are flat and round, as if crocheted, braided or twisted in spirals. Yarn of different quality (natural, mixed and synthetic), varying degrees of elasticity. There are threads with woven beads, small sequins, shiny threads.

Stacked elements on small rings, but they connect different elements different sizes. Thread curtains look amazing in the bedroom interior. These are large sparkles, metal or plastic circles, crescents, stars and other figures. They often have large decorations - flowers, butterflies, birds, snowflakes, leaves, etc. They are somewhat reminiscent of small-format Christmas tree decorations.

Panels of beads with various images resemble cross stitch, where the element has its own color in the overall pattern. The pattern is chosen depending on the style of the interior and the purpose of the curtain. For example, juicy fruits are suitable for the kitchen or garden.

Thread curtains glowing with diode bulbs are rare, but this is the most beautiful decor. There is something mystical and attractive about this. They vaguely resemble Christmas tree garlands, but the small bulbs are protected by a capsule, for example, in the form of a crystal bead. There are plain and colored options. Such a curtain can be made from a garland yourself if you are trained as an electrician, but it is difficult to find large beads with a wide passage for protected wires.

Purple curtains in the interior

Beautiful white curtains in the interior

Mixed models are also popular - from different elements or materials.

Today you can buy ready-made curtains from oblong fragments or make them yourself, suitable:

  • small pieces of wood;
  • shells;
  • bamboo;
  • large crystals and sparkles;
  • wine corks;
  • crocheted items;
  • thin metal plates;
  • old CDs;
  • artificial flowers;
  • plastic butterflies;
  • homemade ceramics (beads);
  • remains of a crystal chandelier;
  • small Christmas decorations etc.

Set patterns made from wooden, ceramic, bone or bamboo elements are excellent door decor in the interior space. Once upon a time they were very fashionable, although they were not particularly beautiful. Modern proposals are much more interesting, a real home decoration in ethnic, retro or eco-style.

Black curtains in the interior

Golden curtains in the interior

A curtain made of shells on a thick fishing line is one of the most picturesque decorative elements, thanks to its unique natural material. They are used for design in nautical style at the dacha and in the apartment. Hanging “bottoms” can be made entirely of small shells (with large elements at certain intervals) or with missing bases. Single elements are secured with knots with a bead for fixation. This great way“attach” the collection brought from the sea. They are suitable for decorating a bathroom or a teenager's room.

Advice. If you want to create such decor with your own hands for any room, reconsider what you have at home and what material is worth buying.

Many people have large beads, flat wooden blocks(or what to make them from), glass beads, beads, colored feathers. Pompoms, artificial flowers and plastic butterflies are easy to make yourself. The base must be strong and resistant to stretching. Heavy fragments are placed closer to the cornice, light ones - below. You can sew a weight along the very edge so that the curtain sways less in the wind. Beads, nuts entwined with yarn, beautiful buttons or tassels sewn from pieces of fringe rolled up are suitable.

Shiny thread curtains in the interior

Multi-colored thread curtains

Selection of rain curtain colors for different styles

When choosing the shade of rope or ribbon curtains, you need to focus on the overall design concept or individual elements. But it is better to use the properties of color.

  • A warm spectrum will give “more sun” to the north side of the house, a cold spectrum is used for the southern room.
  • Bright curtains will complement the decor of a faceless interior, especially in addition to new upholstery upholstered furniture.
  • The harmony of a balanced interior should not be disturbed; it is better to add something neutral. If the general background of the room is white, milky, light gray, pale blue or beige, then the exquisite additions should be the same.
  • Contrasting colors are also not always appropriate, but they can set off the usual palette and slightly modernize the decor.

Light colored thread curtains

Curtains threads of different colors

Thread muslin perfectly complements a modern interior

  1. Retro - it’s better to take something simple, without glitter and chic, rope or ribbon variations, combined with draperies and frills of curtains. Curtains made from paper clips with tubes made from postcards were in fashion; they were easy to replicate.
  2. Oriental styles - different materials, the Arab world - the shine of silk threads with crystal beads and tassels, Japan and China use bamboo.
  3. For a marine style, curtains with shells and rope decor with nautical knots are suitable.
  4. Eclectic interior - a combination of old and new in the overall concept.
  5. Eco-style is characterized by curtains made from natural materials.
  6. Postmodernism and Art Deco – elegant styles, where many original ones are appropriate design solutions, but taste and sense of proportion are important.
  7. Techno, loft and hi-tech are “cold” rain made of metallized threads, preferably with diode or neon lighting of the ceiling cornice.
  8. Laconic minimalism does not tolerate excesses - these are monochromatic solutions for the general background.
  9. Ladies' glamorous bedroom - the more luxury and sparkle, the better.

Advice. The method of attaching muslin curtains also matters. It is better to hide the curtain tape behind a decorative strip or lambrequin. Macrame ribbons and ropes tied directly to the cornice will look appropriate for retro and country styles. Closed ceiling cornice with lighting – The best decision for modern design.

Bright white thread curtains

White thread curtains

Thread curtains

Don't forget about the practical side. In the kitchen, such decor looks fresh and original, but large elements will have to be washed or sponged often. In the bedroom, muslin will be replaced by a canopy. A homemade option is suitable for a schoolchild’s room. It is worth doing something new in the interior without significant costs, like these thread curtains presented in the photo gallery.

Video: How to hang thread curtains. How to wash thread curtains

50 photos of examples of thread curtains in the interior:

Curtains for windows and doorways can give any room a special atmosphere and become the final chord in interior design. Today, noodle curtains are popular. These are curtains in the form of threads.

There is a huge selection of models of such curtains on sale in different color solutions. They are suitable for decorating any room and are affordable for everyone. This product harmonizes well with all interior trends.

Important! Kisey noodle curtains are suitable as a decorative element and prevent the penetration of sunlight and prying eyes.

Thread curtains are divided into several options:

  • narrow;
  • plush in the shape of a spiral or chain;
  • plain;
  • multi-colored combinations;
  • with pompoms;
  • with decorative details: feathers, beads, bugles.

Advice! A rainbow in a marine style looks beautiful: a combination of rich blue, turquoise and blue shades are suitable for a bedroom located on the south side. It will bring a feeling of coolness in bright sunlight.

How to hang noodle curtains

Kisey is a decorative element consisting of several rows of threads that are attached to a base border.

Such curtains are attached in 3 ways:

  • thread the cornice through the border;
  • using hooks;
  • Sew the braid and hang it to the cornice.

How to hang such curtains so that they do not get tangled? We perform the following actions:

  • remove from the packaging - manufacturers tie the threads in several places with thick or thin ribbons. This prevents them from getting tangled;
  • remove the first tape and hang it on the curtain rod;
  • remove the remaining tapes and carefully disassemble the threads;
  • spread the muslin along the entire cornice.

Important! Try not to pull the threads and unravel from top to bottom.

How to design such curtains? You have many options: stick plastic flowers or butterflies, hearts, the main thing is that the decorative elements fit into the interior. You are allowed to use holders of your choice.

Thread curtains in the interior

When using thread curtains in the interior, it is necessary to take into account some of their features of use:

  • it is allowed to combine thread products with other curtain options;

Advice! Use oriental velvet fabrics or Chinese fabric curtains for a stylish design solution.

  • Thread curtains are good for zoning space. Perfect for doorways or to cover niches in rooms;
  • Designs with various decor are welcome - lurex threads, small sequins, beads with bugles are used.

Noodle curtains are made from polyester and other artificial threads different thicknesses and length. They are available for sale with different textures.

Another advantage is that you do not need the services of a professional seamstress. Kiseya is for sale standard length, and if necessary, you can carefully trim the curtains with ordinary scissors without any additional processing.

For which rooms are rope curtains suitable?

Thanks to its beauty, convenience and practicality, muslin is widely used in the interior of the most different rooms: living room kitchen, bedroom, children's room, corridor, cafe, restaurants.

What color are these curtains? On sale you will find absolutely any color range, and select a suitable palette of one or several tones.

Look good in a classic living room design. Designers advise decorating window openings with thread products of different textures. Suitable for a high-tech living room bright hues with several levels. The harmony of the design is wonderfully emphasized by black and white thread products with cutouts.

Advice! To make such curtains in the hall look stylish and impressive, make deep folds. For example, for a cornice width of 3 m, the width should be 6 m.

Kisey is perfect for the bedroom. Black, tightly interlocking threads will not allow penetration sunlight and interfere with morning rest.

For the nursery, choose bright colors - yellow, orange, green or red. Use both plain and combined curtains of several colors.

Hanging curtains for the doorway

Thread curtains (muslin, pendants) are suitable not only for windows, but also fit perfectly into doorways. Decorative door hangings are made from the following materials:

  • beads or beads;
  • wooden planks;
  • metal elements;
  • textiles;
  • improvised means: paper clips, CDs.

Advice! Curtains made of metal elements are suitable for a futuristic style, and wooden curtains for retro or country style.

Beads are used to create hanging curtains. Beads are available for sale various forms and sizes. It is popular to use rain curtains, which are made from teardrop-shaped beads.

There are curtains that look like chains; stylish marine-style curtains made from ropes with various knots look interesting.

Before hanging, first buy special hooks, or sew braid onto the top edge of the curtain.

Thread curtains for the kitchen

Floss curtains for the kitchen are designed to create an extraordinary design for such a room. In the kitchen interior, these curtains meet all the necessary criteria, namely:

  • ease of care;
  • do not interfere with functionality in the kitchen;
  • practical.

Hangers are perfect for a doorway instead of a door.

Manufacturers process thread curtains special materials, that allow:

  • reject dust;
  • do not absorb odors;
  • make minor dirt invisible.

For the kitchen, choose products that match the furniture and wall decoration. Universal option– white or pastel shades of curtains.

Many housewives use curtain decorations not only in the kitchen, but also in the bedroom and living room. For example, decorating with butterflies or flowers on threads will add a special charm to the room.

How to hang such curtains in doorway? You can pre-attach a special cornice and use hooks on the braid to hang the curtains. Or the well-known option is to stretch a strong wire over the doorway and secure the curtain.

In the interior of the living room in one-room apartment thread curtains are perfect for delimiting space, separating the work area from the relaxation area.

Photo - 42 Noodle curtains for the kitchen with clips

How to make thread curtains with your own hands

Making homemade pendants is easy even for a beginner. You only need threads. Thread fibers will replace:

  • buttons;
  • shells;
  • traffic jams;
  • ribbons;
  • beads;
  • beads;
  • stones.

What to make pendants from is up to you.

Before making it yourself, it is important to determine the length of the product. Measure window parameters accurately.

Before you hang your curtains beautifully, buy a metal strip or braid.

How to unravel thread curtains? If your pendants are made from purchased threads, try not to tug at them and carefully unravel them from top to bottom.

Don't be discouraged if you don't know how to hem a curtain noodle. To adjust the height, just trim the ends with ordinary scissors.

Advice! Before cutting off the unnecessary length, attach it to the curtain rod and let it hang for 1-2 days.

You can watch a visual master class on how to beautifully make decorative pendants for window and door openings in the video:

Now you know what you can use to make a decorative noodle curtain, how to hang it and how to shorten it if necessary. And below you can view several more options for curtains made of threads.

Photo - 50 Noodle curtains with rhombus