Account number for improving housing conditions. Waiting person's account

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LETTER from Rosnedvizhimost dated 03/04/2008 VK0876 CLARIFICATIONS ON MANAGEMENT OF CADASTRE CASES (2019) Relevant in 2018

1. Registration and cadastral files of real estate objects

An accounting file is formed after registering an application for state cadastral registration (hereinafter referred to as cadastral registration) of a real estate property; on recording changes in the property (including accounting for part of the property and recording the address of the copyright holder of the property); on deregistration of a property from the cadastral register; on the correction of technical and cadastral errors in cadastral information and when entering cadastral information in accordance with documents received in the order of information interaction.

The accounting file is identified by the registration number of the application, and in the case of receipt of documents for cadastral registration of changes in the property in the order of information interaction - by the registration number of the received documents.

The following documents are consistently included in the accounting file:

Application and documents required for cadastral registration submitted by the applicant;

Documents received in the order of information interaction;

The inspection protocol and the corresponding decision, prepared and executed in accordance with paragraph , , of the Procedure for maintaining the state real estate cadastre, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated February 20, 2008 N 35 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure for maintaining the State Property Committee);

Documents aimed at eliminating the reasons for suspension of cadastral registration (clause 44 of the Procedure for maintaining the State Property Committee).

When a decision is made to refuse to conduct cadastral registration, the accounting file is closed and placed in an archive for storage. In preparation for archival storage, a title page and an internal list of documents, drawn up in accordance with clause , of the Procedure for Maintaining the State Property Committee, are placed in the accounting file. If within three years the registration file for which a decision was made to refuse cadastral registration has not been resumed, such a file is subject to destruction in the prescribed manner.

When making a decision on cadastral registration of a real estate property, the cadastral file of real estate objects is formed from the corresponding accounting file. The cadastral file is identified by the cadastral number of the property.

Conducting cadastral affairs is carried out in accordance with Part IX of the Procedure for maintaining the State Property Committee.

The cadastral file, as it is received by the cadastral registration authority, includes:

Documents on the basis of which information about real estate objects is entered into the state real estate cadastre, including documents necessary for recording changes to a real estate object, recording a part, recording the address of the copyright holder or deregistering a real estate object from the cadastral register (clause , Procedure for maintaining the State Property Committee);

Inspection protocols and corresponding decisions, prepared and executed in accordance with clause , , of the Procedure for maintaining the state real estate cadastre, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 02/20/2008 N 35 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure for maintaining the State Property Committee).

Cadastral files of deregistered land plots are prepared for archival storage in the prescribed manner.

When the “temporary” status of cadastral information is changed to “cancelled” in the cases provided for in clause 53 of the Procedure for maintaining the State Property Committee, copies are made of documents to be returned to the applicant (clause 4 of article 24 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 221-FZ). , which instead of the originals are included in the corresponding cadastral file. The specified cadastral file of a real estate property with the “cancelled” status of cadastral information is stored for three years. After three years, the cadastral file must be destroyed in accordance with the established procedure.

A sample title page is presented in Appendix No. 1.

The housing issue for many citizens today has been quite acute for a long period of time. The main reason for this is the high cost of real estate in our country.

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It is quite difficult to purchase personal property at your own expense, and again, not all citizens have the opportunity to obtain a mortgage.

That is why it is worth working out in advance all the main points regarding government subsidies for obtaining residential real estate ownership. This process has a number of features and difficulties.

To obtain personal property in this way, a citizen must satisfy a number of different requirements. This point is covered in sufficient detail in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Basic Concepts

Residential real estate today is quite expensive. That is why many citizens simply cannot afford such acquisitions.

But at the same time, there are many alternative options for obtaining real estate.

This is not only a mortgage, but also a program for the state acquisition of real estate. There will be different ways to get on the waiting list for an apartment.

At the same time, it is also worth working out in advance a number of issues that relate specifically to the process of registering real estate with the help of the state.

This is a list of required documents, as well as a number of requirements for the citizens themselves who apply to receive real estate in this way.

Moreover, there are a number of regulatory documents that regulate the issue of queuing, as well as all sorts of other issues.

What you need to know

Today, it is quite difficult to obtain ownership of residential real estate, even with government support.

There are many different subtleties. First of all, this concerns the issue of registration.

There are several different options for obtaining assistance from the state in obtaining residential space as personal property:

In some regions there are special programs under which it is possible to obtain housing completely free of charge.

But they apply to truly needy citizens. The list of such is established again by law - at the level of the local administration.

Accordingly, you should carefully study all legal regulations in force within a particular region.

How the state program works

One of the most profitable state-level programs, within the framework of which it will be possible to obtain real estate for personal use, is “social housing”.

This moment is regulated. Intended for use by low-income citizens who need to improve their own living conditions.

However, there are several mandatory conditions that must be met in order to register.

These include primarily the following:

Having citizenship of the Russian Federation This requirement must be strictly fulfilled, without any exceptions (according to paragraphs 4, 5 of Article No. 49 of the RF Housing Code)
A specific citizen or family must receive the status of “poor” Within a specific region
There is a need to improve living conditions For example, there is no sufficient quadrature that relies on each family member in a particular case
Requires permanent residence in a specific region For example, residence on the territory of the Russian Federation must take place for at least 10 years in a row (since funding is provided specifically from the regional budget)
Lack of intentional action During the previous 5 years, aimed at worsening living conditions

Again, there are a fairly large number of subtleties and features related directly to registration.

If possible, it is worth getting advice from the local department of social protection of the population, as well as from other bodies that in one way or another regulate the issue of providing this type of subsidy.

Regulatory regulation

The main regulatory legislative act on the basis of which it will be possible to carry out the process of providing this type of housing is.

It includes a fairly extensive list of sections - if possible, a citizen who wants to carry out the registration process in this way should study all of them without exception.

The issue of providing housing from the state is discussed precisely and in detail in Article No. 49 of this regulatory document.

The issue of compilation, as well as many other points, is revealed.

This document is actually fundamental and contains the most complete and detailed list of basic requirements for the borrowers themselves and the social tenancy agreement.

Also, in the future, real estate of this type is possible.

But this process is carried out within the framework of a completely different regulatory document. determines the basic standards associated with the provision and accounting of a certain amount of living space.

Accordingly, it is precisely on the basis of this NAP that the number of squares that must necessarily fall on a particular citizen is calculated.

If the amount of m2 corresponds to the norm, then the citizen can apply for funds.

There is also a wide range of other grounds, in the presence of which it will be possible to carry out the process of obtaining real estate. A complete list of these is reflected in this section.

Again, before applying for real estate using the method in question, you should definitely understand all the requirements for the recipients themselves.

In this way, control can be exercised in this area. Registration of citizens as persons who really need improved housing conditions and obtaining an apartment is also standardized.

This moment is determined in . Moreover, state supervisory authorities must exercise control in this area.

Citizens do not have the right to artificially create conditions under which it will be possible to get on the waiting list for housing. The consequences of the deliberate deterioration of living conditions are reflected in.

There is a standard list of grounds, in the presence of which it will be possible for government agencies to refuse to place someone on the waiting list.

This moment is covered in. Moreover, the list of grounds for refusal is standard and closed.

Accordingly, if the refusal occurred for other reasons, the citizen has the right to go to court to resolve this situation.

At the same time, whenever possible, it is best to resolve such situations peacefully. Since the trial process takes quite a lot of time.

At the same time, if for some reason there are no alternative options for resolving the situation, the only option left is legal proceedings.

It is advisable to have a preliminary consultation with a lawyer; this will avoid many difficulties.

How to find out what the queue is for an apartment

The algorithm for queuing up for an apartment has many different subtleties and features. It is best to deal with all of these in advance.

Because otherwise, various overlaps will occur. There is an extensive list of subtleties and features.

Preliminary legal consultation will make it possible to avoid all sorts of difficulties. The main questions that should be addressed first include the following:

  • who has the right to registration;
  • where to go;
  • where to look at the progress in the waiting list of citizens for housing.

Who has the right to registration

It is very important to familiarize yourself in advance with all the basic requirements that are established for citizens who wish to carry out the registration process.

The main point is precisely obtaining low-income status. Moreover, it is possible to obtain such status, again, by fulfilling a number of very different requirements and norms.

Moreover, if a salary is at the level of the minimum wage, as well as receiving benefits from the state, this is not yet a basis for obtaining the corresponding status.

First of all, when assessing social status, the following basic criteria are taken into account:

  • availability of total official family income;
  • property value.

Moreover, not only official wages are taken into account, but also all kinds of benefits, alimony, rent, income from deposits and many other income items.

Therefore, again, it is worth clarifying this point in advance. The relevant authorities receive a list of property, as well as its value, through special authorized bodies.

Video: queue for housing

Employees of the social security agency assess whether a particular family can purchase residential real estate as personal property within 20 years.

To do this, they carry out a number of the following special actions:

Where to go

To register, you must contact the regional branch of the Office of the Department of Housing Policy, as well as the Housing Fund with a list of required papers.

With the adoption of Moscow government decree No. 44-PP dated February 22, 2011, much has changed in the work of district housing departments. The issues of registering citizens for housing and preparing orders for the provision of residential premises have been transferred from the territorial executive authorities - councils and prefectures. The KR correspondent asked the head of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow in the Northern District, Igor Shabaldin, to talk about how the new functions are being implemented.

In a single complex

The department's regulations came into force on April 15. The structure of the housing administration was changed to accommodate the new functions. Today there are two reception areas where residents are consulted, documents are collected and draft orders are prepared to recognize citizens as needing residential premises or to assist the city in purchasing housing. A department for registration and maintenance of accounting affairs has been created, which is involved, among other things, in offering living space to those on the waiting list. In the same chain is the department for the implementation of city housing programs. That is, the work from registration to providing Muscovites with space and deregistration takes place in a single complex.

Citizens can contact the reception offices at Solomennaya Strazhka Passage, 8 and Volokolamsk Highway, 7 for all housing issues, including re-registration and privatization. In addition, residents can submit their documents for registration through the “one window” of district administrations, which will transfer them to the district housing administration.

Low-income or not?

The department has taken over the function of recognizing citizens in need of housing as low-income. This is a whole procedure, including the collection of a voluminous package of documents in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 115-PP dated April 7, 2011. Based on the totality of income, movable and immovable property, the family’s ability to acquire living space according to the social norm is calculated.

All factors influencing the decision to register a citizen and recognize him as low-income, or to refuse this, are considered. Everything that the family owns, including outside Moscow, is being studied.

The housing department maintains contact with employees of the district administration of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, since they have experience, methods, and programs for recognizing citizens as low-income. By the way, the Department of Social Protection conducted several training seminars for housing residents.

To get in line

The basic framework requirements for housing registration, defined by Moscow City Law No. 29 “On ensuring the right of Moscow residents to residential premises,” remain the same. To get on the waiting list, citizens must live in the capital for at least 10 years, have not committed any actions in the last 5 years that resulted in the deterioration of living conditions, and also occupy an area less than the housing standard (10 sq. m in separate housing and 15 sq. m in communal apartments for each family member).

True, residents of some communal apartments are registered not from 15, but from 10 square meters. m of total area. This applies to apartments that are considered artificially divided. At one time, they were provided by executive authorities as separate ones, and then citizens changed their financial and personal accounts, or the room was purchased. If the apartments were initially occupied as communal apartments, then registration comes with 15 “squares”.

Questionnaire: check yourself

In order for a citizen to assess his chances of being registered before contacting a specialist and collecting a package of documents, the housing department of the Northern Administrative District developed a questionnaire. A person comes to one of the waiting rooms and answers questions that allow you to understand whether he can be recognized as a person on the waiting list or not. If the answer is yes, you can schedule a consultation. They will tell you what documents need to be submitted to the department. Then comes the collection of documents, their analysis and the recognition procedure - poor or not.

A draft order is prepared and sent in the prescribed manner to the department, where representatives of the Legal Department check compliance with current legislation and approve it. After this, the document is returned to the district housing department, where it is signed by the chief and assigned a number. The citizen will not be given a notice, but a copy of the department’s order, certified with a blue seal, on registration of housing.

If a citizen is recognized as being on a waiting list and in need of city assistance, he must decide within a year which housing program he wants to participate in.

If a person is recognized as low-income and applies for free housing, he needs to confirm his status when undergoing the next re-registration. Currently, according to Law No. 29, re-registration is carried out once every five years, but it may be more often.

Immediate button

“We tried to make it as easy as possible for residents to go to the executive authorities,” says Igor Shabaldin. – We introduced one important innovation. Since there are no long queues regarding registration, and our employees need to deal with other issues, a radio button was installed on the first floor at the entrance to the department. If the “window” is closed, the visitor presses it, and the specialist responsible for this direction immediately comes to him from his workplace and conducts the entire consultation cycle. If the person has already brought documents, registers them.

Within a month, department employees must answer whether the citizen is recognized as being on a waiting list, in need of housing or assistance from the city, or whether he is denied registration.

The situation with the queue is constantly monitored. If three or more people are waiting in the corridor, additional housing administration employees are called in from other directions.

What color is happiness?

The changes also affected the work of housing administration employees with citizens’ appeals and accounting files.

“Each accounting file is the fate of a person,” says Igor Nikolaevich, “and for the business to live, it is necessary to work with it.

The department has introduced a system for displaying accounting records. Let’s say that a person on the waiting list was offered to purchase housing under city reimbursement programs, but he doesn’t want to, he will wait for free housing - the employees put a red dot on such an accounting matter. If those on the waiting list express a desire to take part in a social mortgage, youth program or installment purchase and sale, certain indicators are also placed on their cases. When an area arrives under one program or another, employees only have to open the cabinet in which accounting files are stored by year and number, and select those with the corresponding indication. It is very comfortable.

Algorithm for the future

The methodology for working with citizens' requests is changing; now they are not sent anywhere and they are not given formal replies like - this year we are providing for those on the waiting list for such and such a year. The person is invited to the office and asked to bring documents with him, including those necessary for re-registration. If the status of the waiting list is confirmed, they immediately offer options for speeding up the resolution of the housing issue.

“Thus, we simultaneously solve several problems,” explains Igor Shabaldin, “we carry out re-registration, do not refuse those on the waiting list, but offer what we have today - housing in Chekhov, Podolsk, Krasnogorsk, Dolgoprudny. If a person agreed to some option, it means that the area was used for its intended purpose. If it suddenly turns out that a citizen’s family composition or living conditions have changed, and he cannot be on the waiting list, he will be removed from the register. Finally, the applicant is asked whether he needs a written response? He says no, as a result the employee gets rid of unnecessary work.

This algorithm was tested as a recommendation for several months. In the near future, a management order will be issued on working with letters and appeals from citizens, and the algorithm will become a regulation that will be applied everywhere without fail. As a result, the efficiency of employees will greatly increase, and residents’ complaints will be reduced, the head of the housing administration is convinced.

On a note

  • Today, about 13 thousand families are on the housing register in the Northern District, including 10 thousand who were on the waiting list before March 1, 2005 and three thousand after this date.
  • For questions regarding housing registration, you must contact the reception offices of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow in the Northern Administrative District at the following addresses: Solomennaya Strazhki Passage, 8, Volokolamskoe Highway, 7. Opening hours: Monday to Thursday - from 9.00 to 18.00, on Friday – from 9.00 to 16.45, lunch – from 12.00 to 12.45.

On the territory of Russia, a huge number of different social programs have been developed that make it possible to obtain housing issued by.

However, it is important to remember that not everyone can take advantage of such an offer. To get an apartment you need to provide a large list of documents and...

Not all families are able to save money for their own home, so government assistance is an effective way out of a difficult situation with housing conditions.

Over time, the queue for housing is only moving forward, so how do you find out what your housing score is? Let's look at this in our article.

Who has the right to register

For many, the waiting list for housing is a chance to purchase their own home, without spending large personal sums of money on it, which are sometimes inaccessible to many families.

But it is important to remember that not everyone is allowed to register as those in need.

The list of people who are provided with this type of government assistance includes families:

  • in which the age of neither spouse exceeds 34 years;
  • whose members are not foreigners. Consideration of the possibility of providing a subsidy is carried out taking into account citizenship, the participant must be a citizen of Russia;
  • also receive privileges when queuing.

Absolutely any family that meets the requirements can receive assistance from the social program. a specific list of requirements. These include:

All citizens who meet the above requirements can freely register for housing and wait until they receive the opportunity to purchase an apartment at a reduced cost. When registering for participation in the program, you must present a certificate of income so that social housing employees can study the family’s solvency and offer better conditions.

How to determine your turn

Today there are many different ways to determine your priority for improving your living conditions.

The simplest one is to use online resources city ​​administration of the region.

Through the Internet

Unfortunately, online verification resources do not work in all cities. Information about the operation of the site (whether there is a check function) can be find out when checking out applications for social assistance in purchasing housing.

Searching for information on the Internet is much more convenient than constantly sending applications to receive priority information to the relevant structures.

Unfortunately, checking through city websites is currently only available in major cities: Moscow, Kemerovo, St. Petersburg and some others.

Instructions for verification (shown using the example of the state housing portal of Moscow):

There are also separate websites that offer a free queue tracking service. To obtain information, you need to go to the resource, fill out the case data and send a request. The queue appears on the screen after a few seconds.

Submitting a petition to the local administration

Any family that is on the waiting list for assistance in purchasing a home has the right to request all necessary information from the housing department.

Perhaps the simplest and most common way is sending an application about the serial number. It is compiled and then sent to the appropriate department of the city or district administration.

There are several ways to apply. The first is a request to the housing department; it is submitted in two copies in free form. All papers are sent by registered mail with a description of the contents and the possibility of a return notification (it is necessary to monitor the timing of the response, it should arrive no later than 30 days).

You can also simply contact the administration at your place of residence, they should tell you the current serial number.

Social programs help them develop, allowing them to get their own apartment. However, everything is not so simple; in reality, those wishing to purchase housing will have to make great efforts to prepare documents and get in line, because they will have to collect a large package of documents and contact several government organizations. But it’s worth it, because it’s very difficult for an ordinary family (especially a young one) to save up money for living space on their own; their only chance is to receive government assistance.

For another online option to find out your number in the queue for housing, see the following video:


Registration of citizens in need of improved housing conditions is carried out, as a rule, at their place of residence, in accordance with the norms of housing legislation in force at that time (1980-82).

There can be only one accounting file and changes can be made to it based on documents submitted by the citizen.

Registration of citizens in need of improved housing conditions is carried out according to a single list, from which citizens who have the right to priority and priority receipt of residential premises are simultaneously included in separate lists (clause 15 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated July 31, 1984 N 335 “On the procedure registration of citizens in need
in improving living conditions and providing residential premises in the RSFSR).

For each citizen registered to improve living conditions, a registration file is opened, which must contain all the necessary documents that are the basis for registration (clause 17 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of July 31, 1984 N 335 “On the procedure for registering citizens in need of improved housing conditions, and the provision of residential premises in the RSFSR).

Residential premises are provided to citizens registered as needing improved housing conditions in order of priority, based on the time they were registered and included in the lists for receiving residential premises.

Citizens who have the right to priority and priority receipt of residential premises are included in separate lists for the provision of living space. The procedure for providing residential premises to these categories of citizens is determined in the rules for registering citizens in need of improved housing conditions and providing residential premises (clause 22

Why have you been on the waiting list since 2000, as you say, because you were included in a separate list, since you have the right to priority and priority receipt of residential premises.

Also, according to the currently valid Law of the Moscow Region of October 19, 2015 N 162/2015-OZ “On the procedure for registering citizens who need to be provided with residential premises under lease agreements for residential premises of the housing stock for social use”, for each citizen accepted for registration, a an accounting file that contains statements and documents provided with part 4 of this article, as well as copies of decisions made by the local government body. The accounting file is assigned a number corresponding to the priority number in the Accounting Book. Documents in the accounting file are arranged by date of receipt, pages are numbered, and an inventory is compiled. Changes to the accounting file are made on the basis of documentary information about citizens (clause 14 of the Law of the Moscow Region of October 19, 2015 N 162/2015-OZ “On the procedure for registering citizens who need to be provided with residential premises under lease agreements for residential premises of the social housing stock” ).