New Year's interior: beautiful DIY decor. Fairy-tale interior, or how to decorate a children's room for the New Year

Now it's time to think about decorating the New Year's interior. Despite the fact that there is still enough time before the holiday, preparations may be delayed. Competent design directly depends on the new owner of the year, who will not be slow to take over. The bright, ambitious Rooster will be replaced by a Dog full of vital energy. As a full-fledged hostess, she will make characteristic changes in style and decoration home design. Decorating an apartment for the New Year 2019 - 65 photo ideas in our article.

Cheerful loving games The dog welcomes many bright and unusual toys, but the decoration itself should not be full of splendor and pomp. Simplicity and peace are what the hostess of the year loves. You should also remember that the arrangement of garlands, streamers and other hanging tinsel should fit harmoniously into the general interior premises. Another extremely important advice is to decorate the apartment for the New Year with your own hands. The dog loves simplicity very much, avoiding things that are too expensive.

Much to the delight of the owners, the Internet world is simply teeming with a variety of sites and videos, by looking at which the owners of the house can choose a suitable activity for themselves and make amazing toys. In addition to decorations, you should carefully consider the choice of material used, color palette, location and layout to avoid spontaneity and satisfy the lady of the year. Decorating the apartment for the New Year photo:

Interior color palette for the New Year

Choosing a color for decorations is one of the main steps ahead of the holidays. A special place in the new year is occupied by gold, all shades of brown, yellow and white colors. However, red, as well as blue, green and silver, do not take last place. In a harmonious combination, the combination of colors will create the necessary cozy atmosphere that the Dog loves so much.

How to beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year - red, brown and green color. White with gold and red decoration. Silver with green and white tones. Don’t be shy about too bright combinations; 2019 expects memorable and cheerful holidays from its fans, so the decoration of the New Year’s interior should be bright and colorful.

Material used for decoration

The choice of material used for decoration should also be taken seriously. A special place should be given to natural ingredients: fakes from dried plants, cones, twigs. Cones coated with gold and silver look great. Dry twigs can be decorated with a variety of satin ribbons. Having created a bouquet and perched it on the windowsill, coffee table or mantelpiece. For ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year, see photos:

In Europe there is old tradition hang a wreath of fir branches on the door. If you are lucky enough to visit the forest, be sure to grab a few spruce branches. At home, connect them in a circle and secure them carefully with wire. You can decorate your wreath with something else.

Decorations made from sweets come in second place. The presence of a variety of sweets, cookies, and fruits will delight not only children, but also adults.

Sweet decor can be placed not only on the Christmas tree, but also in any place where the decoration will be in harmony with the general background.

The leaders are strictly followed by textiles, garlands and plastic. In order to obtain a high-quality textile craft, you should prepare a solid base in advance; the material is subject to deformation. How to decorate an apartment New Year— a voluminous toy in the shape of a dog would look like an excellent decoration.

Garlands, rain, streamers are those things that no New Year's holiday can do without. Thanks to multi-colored garlands, you can create stunning patterns not only on the Christmas tree, but throughout interior. And also grab outer side houses and trees located in the yard. Decorating the apartment for the New Year, see photo ideas in examples:

Plastic bottles are a material that allows you to make both a whole product and individual elements. Dogs, Christmas trees and candlesticks made of plastic will be an excellent decoration not only for the festive table, but also for interior decoration.

Beads and satin ribbons are also a good addition, with which you can make bows and decorate a furniture set with them.

Festive table decoration

To decorate your apartment for the New Year 2019 with your own hands - the festive table should create a feeling of a warm, cozy atmosphere that sets you on a positive note. Fine suitable design serving in eco style. Linen and cotton tablecloth light colors, dishes containing light brown and white tones will be an excellent decor, giving relaxation and warmth.

Natural pine cones, candles and napkins with the emblem of the hostess of the New Year are suitable as additional decorations.

You can also use baskets filled with natural elements as decoration. Christmas tree cones. Rowan branches, dried leaves, twigs are perfect for decorations. The cones can be coated with silver or gold paint, and the branches can be wrapped in beads or added with satin ribbon bows. This will dilute the decor and make the table setting suitable for the planned holiday. Ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year - photo:

Selection of dishes for the New Year's table

It is important not only how to beautifully decorate the apartment for the New Year 2019, but also the table. The coming year gives owners the opportunity to prepare the dishes that they like most. The dog does not go overboard with food and luxurious exotic dishes do not require mandatory presence. Particular emphasis can be placed on meat dishes oh their Doggy is very loving. Cutlets, chops, and steaks must be present on the table. Well, if possible, barbecue will be just a godsend for a festive dinner.

In addition to meat dishes, you are allowed to treat yourself and your guests to poultry and fish, both marinated and in any other form. Welcome to the table simple types pickles, cucumbers, tomatoes, and boiled potatoes, decorated with herbs, will serve as an excellent main course.

When starting to decorate the New Year's interior with your own hands, the main thing is to remember the harmonious distribution and simplicity of the selected elements. Decorate the shelves with gilded candlesticks or candles fancy shapes. The window sill can be decorated with tinsel mixed with pine cones. How to decorate an apartment for the New Year - photo examples:

Do you want a holiday to settle in your home? Start preparing for the holiday now and use our tips.

How to decorate your home for the New Year

Make a plan

You need to plan in advance what Christmas accessories you would like to see in your apartment. It is advisable to start thinking about this from the inside of the house, gradually moving to the outside. Take photos of the rooms in your apartment and the area around the house. This will greatly facilitate the process of planning types of accessories. You need to take these pictures with you on the day you go shopping for toys and other paraphernalia. So you definitely won’t go wrong with your choice.

Find a use for your Christmas tree branches

When you buy a real tree, you inevitably have to trim individual branches from the tree before you start decorating. You shouldn’t throw away these scraps, because they can be successfully used as a natural garland. It can be used to decorate a staircase, a doorway, a fireplace, or even your family’s holiday table. In addition, cut branches will be useful for lovers of beautiful Christmas wreaths. They are usually placed near the front door or window.

Choose a New Year's Color Scheme

Using different color schemes for New Year's decoration of an apartment is, of course, great. But when organizing a holiday, we recommend that you draw up a specific shade scheme that will allow you to create a bright and original evening. In the same color scheme you can decorate the whole house. If desired, each room can be decorated differently. For example, you can use a red and gold scheme to decorate festive spruce, and the fireplace can be decorated with green and silver shades. In addition, you can use the listed tones to decorate your entire apartment.

LED lights on the facade of the house

If you have own house If you are attracted to the option of placing bright lights on its façade, consider using programmable LED lights that change colors. On a dark snowy evening, such accessories can create a fabulous Christmas mood. LED flashlights consume much less electrical energy than classic lights. This means you can easily decorate outer part home without increasing financial costs.


Christmas decorations are the most versatile. You can give free rein to your imagination and choose the decorations to suit your taste. Decorations that traditionally hang on the tree can also be used successfully in other parts of the house. You can also use transparent jars and containers. They can serve stylishly and cutely to demonstrate the bright accessories located inside them. Such transparent containers can be easily placed on dining table or in the bedroom bedside table. You can be sure that you will be able to create a great mood.

Likewise, removable hooks can be attached to the bottom of shelves and cabinets to hang garland-like decorations. Along kitchen cabinets You can hang a chain of bright “rain” accessories. Do you want to decorate the shelves in your living room? Do the same.

Paper snowflakes

Another element with which you can cheaply and sincerely decorate your home for the New Year. All you need for this is scissors and white paper. A significant advantage of such an accessory is that you can involve your whole family in making it.

#2. Decorating the house for the New Year - photo examples

At the end of the article I would like to show examples of New Year's interiors that we really liked. There are several dozen photographs and we have arranged them in order: New Year's interior hall/corridor, then living room/hall, dining room, bedroom and at the end of the children's room. We hope some photo ideas will be useful to you. We wish you a pleasant and beautiful New Year holidays!

Silver-blue home decoration for the New Year

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Preparing for New Year's holidays lifts your spirits and brings an atmosphere of magic to your home. Many people are interested in the question: how to decorate a room for the New Year 2017 in order to give family and guests a lot of positive impressions? Year Fire Rooster involves the use of bright, rich colors and plant elements. Show your imagination and you can beautifully decorate your apartment with your own hands.

In order to beautifully decorate your room for the New Year, take note of these simple rules:

  • choose a Christmas tree according to the size of the room. A small Christmas tree is not noticeable in a large living room, and a huge tree does not fit into small room and will take up a lot of space;
  • match the decorations to the interior style of the room. For example, if the interior of the room is made in one tone, choose bright multi-colored decorations;
  • Fresh smells will help create a New Year's atmosphere. Interesting New Year's decoration A small vase of orange will become a room with a pleasant smell. Remove the pulp from the orange and cut out an original vase from the peel. Pour coffee into it and your home will be filled with the New Year's aroma. The second method is to soak dry twigs of any tree essential oil with the smell of pine. Stick the branches into the tree or place them in a vase and decorate with garlands. Pleasant aroma spread unobtrusively throughout the room.

Symbol of 2017 - Fire Rooster

2017 is the year of the fiery red rooster. If you want to bring good luck to your apartment, you will have to please the owner of the year. The bright Rooster will love a multi-colored fluffy garland. Choose the color scheme for your interior design in yellow, lilac, purple, red, orange or lilac shades. Use bright snowflakes of various sizes and shapes, large balls of the above shades and sparkles. But don’t turn the room into a circus booth; the shades should be in harmony and fit with the overall interior.

The rooster lives in the country, so create a rustic decor indoors. Looks good in decor Wicker basket with balls, flat wide tray with a candle. Set aside the main place for the rooster figurine. It can be a soft toy, a Christmas tree, or make a figurine of a cockerel out of cardboard, coloring bright colors and placing it near a bowl of grain. Big decorative candle will appease the owner of the year and bring good luck and health to the apartment.

An interesting holiday idea - a whole chicken family. The housewife can knit figurines of chickens and hens. Hand-made birds placed under the Christmas tree or on the New Year's table will lift the spirits of all guests.

Decorating the living room for the New Year 2017

The owners celebrate the New Year in the living room, and there is a decorated Christmas tree. To decorate a room for the New Year 2017, use pine wreaths, beautiful candles, winter compositions from bows, toys and Christmas tree branches. Decorate not only the Christmas tree with garlands, but also doors and windows. Volumetric snowflakes, balls or funny figures on a chandelier will bring a fabulous atmosphere to the room.

Hang red socks, ribbons and spruce branches in the style of American films over the fireplace (if you have one). For a country style, use bouquets of fresh hay instead of pine needles. Make decorations from wood, fabric and other natural materials.

Decorating the bedroom for the New Year 2017

Don't overload this room with decor. Decorate the windows with snowflakes and add some New Year's compositions from fir branches. From plain white paper you can beautifully decorate your room for the New Year with your own hands, just make beautiful snowflakes.

Decorating a children's room for the New Year 2017

Draw posters with the image of the Rooster with your children and hang them on the walls in the nursery. Reflective stickers will create a fabulous atmosphere at night for your child. Place rain and tinsel on soft toys with your baby. Paint the windows with gouache window frame hang a garland. During the holiday, change the regular light bulbs in the chandelier to colored ones. Create a fairy-tale Rooster, Father Frost and Snow Maiden from helium balloons.

We still have a lot of time to prepare for the holiday! And preparations for the New Year 2019 include decorating your apartment and house, so you need to think not only about what to cook, what outfit to wear, where to go, choose gifts, but also to come up with decoration ideas. Read the article, stock up on materials, get inspired by interesting ideas and let’s create a magically beautiful environment in your home.

Features of home decoration for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig

The coming year eastern calendar- this is the year of the Pig, to be more precise, the Yellow Earth Pig. This means that in decorating the house for the New Year 2019, the Pig the main colors will be yellow and its shades, as well as similar colors - orange, red, golden, terracotta, beige, sand, ocher.

You need to start decorating your home by cleaning the space - go through all the things, equipment, accessories, decorative elements and throw away what you don’t need or give it to safe hands. The pig has a playful character and loves fun, which means your home should have plenty of spacious space for entertainment, games and fun. Therefore, there should be no clutter in the house, and moreover, the space will help you stylishly decorate the house for the New Year - because then nothing will distract from the beautiful decorations.

If you bet Christmas tree, then try to decorate it gold and red balloons. The symbol of the year will like gold, and red will attract money to the house.

To decorate your entire apartment or a separate room for the New Year in the style of the main symbol, hang it in the room garland with yellow, red, white lights.

Hang it on the door a beautiful wreath made of fir branches or twigs, decorated with gifts of nature: cones, acorns, chestnuts. To make the product match the symbol, you can partially cover it with gold paint. You can read in more detail about how you can decorate doors.

It is also desirable that each of the crafts contain a symbol of the year - Pig. It can be cut from felt, sewn from denim, velvet or any other material. These can be individual toys on a string or a whole garland.

If you don’t want to bother yourself too much, you can easily decorate your room for the New Year using felt products. Use the simplest pattern to sew a felt pig. Such toys are sewn by hand, and a contrasting color of thread is used.

By the way, it is already known that Yellow The Earth Pig prefers natural, soft materials . For example, she likes wood clay products, natural fabrics (cotton, linen), candles, soft plush, living elements of the forest (cones, acorns), so take this feature into account when decorating your home. Except yellow color, you can also use brown, chocolate, terracotta, ocher, sand, red.

General Tips:

  • If you have small apartment or room, and you want to decorate it festively for the New Year, but at the same time not clutter the room, then focus on windows and walls. This way you can save space and clean up beautifully. small room. More detailed information about the design of windows and walls - and.
  • Do accents not only on decorative items, but also on goodies! Your family and guests will be delighted when they see creative New Year's themed snacks and goodies among the holiday decorations. Food compositions will help you decorate your home in an unusual way for the New Year!

  • Don’t forget to involve children in decorating the house. Firstly, you will provide yourself with peace and quiet for at least half an hour, and secondly, such activities with children unite, bring closer together, develop imagination and lift their spirits.

  • If you are going to buy decorations for your home for the New Year, then choose quality products. Avoid suspiciously expensive or foul-smelling products. Useful tips on choosing an artificial and live Christmas tree are waiting for you!
  • Decorate recommended for New Year not only the hall, but also other rooms in the house. This way, you can avoid sharp contrast and enhance the feeling of celebration.

Video: decorating a house and apartment for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig.

When to decorate

Many people are interested in when is the best time to decorate their home for the New Year, so as not to be late or decorate too early. There are no rules as such regarding this issue.

There are only approximate recommendations for when to start decorating your home for the New Year. This is usually done in the second half of December, that is, two weeks before the festival you can start. The most optimal time- in one or a week and a half. In general, you can decide for yourself what date is most convenient for you to bring beauty to your home for the New Year.

How to decorate the outside of a house (facade) for the New Year

Beautiful decoration for the New Year of a private or country house, as well as dachas can give you the feeling of a real fairy tale!

The yard is a space for diversity creative ideas and solutions, so if you live in a private house, then you should not limit yourself to decorating only interior space!


Of course, it’s more interesting to decorate a private house or even a small house in the country. A traditional outdoor home decoration for the New Year is an outdoor garland or fiber optic garland. They are used to decorate a home, yard, fence, trees. For example, a garland can be used to “outline” the contours of a house or decorate a window or entrance.

To decorate your home for the New Year with garlands, use products intended for outdoor use. They are reliable and resistant to weather changes.

Light decoration of the house for the New Year is one of the most festive and elegant!

In addition to this, you can use laser projector for home decoration. If you turn it on for the New Year, it will turn your house into a fairytale castle. The disadvantage of such a device is that it is relatively expensive.


If you do not plan to decorate your house on such a large scale for the New Year, but want everything to look festive and beautiful, then decorate front door and the area near it with the help of snowmen. Place a homemade snowman, attach it to street door wreath, create a composition of branches.

More ideas for decorating doors.

A snowman who will guard the house can be completed from ordinary disposable cups . Connect them with a stapler, and make additional decoration using colored cardboard, material or paints.

And you can decorate a private or Vacation home for the New Year the most ordinary snowman made of snow. Make one or more snowmen in the yard, decorate them with bright details, for example, tinsel, beads, a colorful scarf, or a hat. You can read how to make a snowman in.

Garlands made from improvised materials and natural materials can be used to decorate the front door or street gate. To create interesting options To decorate your home for the New Year, use pine cones, clothespins, pasta, felt toys, ice cream sticks, and acorns.

Photo: examples of decorating the facade and yard of a house with snowmen for the New Year


The traditional wreath is attached to the window and door. But if you have a desire, it would be great to hang it in those parts of the house where you especially want it.

Wood decor

Different colors look very good when decorating a house or yard for the New Year. wooden Toys and crafts made from this material. Moreover, the tree is one of the attributes of the coming year. You can use wooden rods to create adorable deer.

Other ideas

There are other beautiful and stylish ideas, how you can decorate your house for the New Year 2019. We invite you to look photos for inspiration:

How to decorate the inside of a house for the New Year

You can come across many ideas and options on how to decorate the inside of an apartment or private house for the New Year. Each of them has its own charming features. So, you can choose one style or combine several.

Interior items(wardrobe, table, fireplace)

The furniture in the house also deserves attention, and it can also be beautifully decorated with your own hands for the New Year. Wardrobe mirrors can be painted paints, glue the walls beautiful applications, you should put New Year's ones on the chest of drawers or fireplace compositions with candles and natural materials.

Even household appliances It wouldn’t hurt to give a picturesque look with the help of sticky paper.

They always look beautiful in a New Year's composition candelabra and various candlesticks.

Interesting and original ideas (crafts, candles, tinsel, goodies)

It is not necessary to create something large-scale, grandiose, because even the smallest but original crafts fill the house with a fabulous atmosphere. There are many interesting and unexpected ideas for decorating your home for the New Year, for example:


Let's say you can create small New Year's bonsai. You will need:

  • small pot;
  • thick wooden stick;
  • foam base in the form of a ball;
  • glue gun;
  • decor

Such crafts will help you decorate your apartment in a stylish and unusual way for the New Year!


Candles are a traditional item of holiday decor - they have long been used to decorate rooms and wreaths. Why don’t you use this decoration for your apartment for the New Year? In addition, you can buy them or make them yourself.

Important! Be careful when using candles! Do not leave them burning unattended or place them near flammable items.

Not a trivial idea: prepare small candles for each guest as a gift. This will be both a table decoration and a useful souvenir. Here's what you'll need:

  • a jar of cream or baby food;
  • paraffin;
  • wick;
  • aroma oils.

Tinsel, rain

Tinsel and shiny rain are used not only to decorate a Christmas tree, but also to decorate a private house or apartment for the New Year. Fortunately, the variety of such products allows you to choose the perfect one. suitable option for each individual case.

Here's how to decorate your room with tinsel and rain for the New Year:

  • hang on a chandelier;
  • decorate windows;
  • make an impromptu drawing on the wall with tinsel (for example, a Christmas tree, a snowman);
  • you can decorate the window of the room with rain by creating an improvised curtain;
  • decorate the ceiling (by the way, interesting and detailed information You can learn about the design of the ceiling in).


Outlandishly decorated trays of food on a table or on a windowsill compete perfectly with even the most beautiful decorative items. Create stylish compositions with food just before the holiday or before the arrival of guests.

Photos for inspiration on creating room decorations for the New Year using food:

Holiday crafts, accessories, souvenirs

It also wouldn’t hurt to decorate the New Year’s table and home interior with cute crafts and souvenirs for the New Year. For decoration, place them in prominent places so that they are pleasing to the eye. And also put them near each guest (if you are going to invite them) so that you can take a souvenir home.

It is important that the table decoration does not deviate from the overall design style of the entire house. In particular, if you use everywhere natural materials, then create all crafts from natural objects.

Video: interesting crafts with your own hands to decorate a room for the New Year.

You can decorate your house for the New Year 2019 using pictures, photographs, postcards, drawings. Just put the thematic image in a prominent place and admire it to lift your spirits.

And to make your family New Year’s photos bright and unforgettable, you need to take care of accessories that will cheer up your family and guests and create the right atmosphere.

As always, felt toys held in high regard for the New Year. Use them to decorate your home in a variety of ways and in a fun way. For example, you can make a Yellow Pig, a snowman, Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, a New Year's stocking. If you have your own ideas, it is advisable to bring them to life with the help of felt.

From improvised means (and these can be ice cream sticks, clothespins, corks) you get very cute and touching New Year's souvenirs. Out of traffic jams can be made Christmas tree,made from popsicle sticks- small Christmas decorations . Use a glue gun and paints to create beauty in just 20-30 minutes.

And from cardboard case and simple materials make original ones Christmas trees. Great option to decorate a room for the New Year for those who protect nature, do not buy natural Christmas trees, but prefer to give a second life to old items.

Christmas tree toys from ordinary ones light bulbs They will help you create paints and a little imagination.

These are the simple and beautiful decorations you can make with your own hands to decorate your home and apartment for the New Year 2019. All you need is ordinary disposable plates, paints, cotton wool, colored paper, glue. Try making fragrant Christmas tree crafts from dried citrus fruits. With these crafts you can decorate your home in an original way for the New Year.

Photos of interesting ideas

On this interesting ideas don't end! You have the opportunity to come up with something of your own and decorate your home in an original way for the New Year. For inspiration you can look at the photo unusual ideas room decoration:

Decorating the nursery

In principle, all of the above tips and ideas for decorating a house and apartment for the New Year 2019 can also be applied to a children’s room. But still, there are some tricks that it is recommended to pay attention to.

  • Remember safety! If the child is small (up to 6-7 years old), exclude the use of glass toys, easily breakable, thorny products so that the baby does not get hurt if the product accidentally breaks.
  • Also don't hang bright ones decorative elements too high. After all, children are often very curious, and in this case they may have a desire to touch a colorful object. Let everything hang “within reach” so that the child does not try to climb too high.

  • Don't be afraid of colorful decor, let the room sparkle with bright colors! Children will surely love it if the nursery contains picturesque and bright decor. Let the baby feel like he is in a fairy tale.
  • Be sure to include your baby in the registration process! He will receive a lot of positive emotions if he becomes a direct participant in the decoration.

  • Also, your child will be delighted if you teach him how to make decorations for his room for the New Year with his own hands. Show how to make snowflakes, crafts from natural materials.
  • Children will surely love it if you paint the window with paints or toothpaste(you can find out how to do this in).

Photo: options beautiful decoration children's room for the New Year

You can decorate a house or apartment for the New Year either inexpensively or luxuriously. It all depends on your capabilities and desires. In any case, it’s nice to not only save money once again, but also get an excellent result. Let's figure out how to do this.

To decorate your house or apartment for the New Year on a budget, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Handle with care decorative items(garlands, toys, etc.). And then you will have the opportunity to use them on next year and don’t spend money on new purchases.
  • Often, high-quality, beautiful toys and decorative elements have a high price, so we recommend making decorations for your home and apartment for the New Year with your own hands. Remember your skills, show your imagination, create knitted, wooden, rag, paper crafts.

  • If you don’t want to spend money on buying a live Christmas tree, then build an impromptu version of the Christmas tree from books, pillows, sticks, garlands, and photographs. With this solution, you can decorate your room in an original way for the New Year (you can read other ideas for creating interesting Christmas trees and tips for decorating trees).
  • Decorate the room with lots of homemade snowflakes. To create them you only need scissors and paper. They will help you decorate your home for the New Year as cheaply as possible. Even if you use them only for decoration, it will still turn out cute, atmospheric and very stylish (the fashion for minimalism has not been canceled!).
  • To decorate a room for the New Year on a budget, hang a lot of garlands everywhere, and even with the most modest budget, the house will shine with a solemn and bright atmosphere.
  • It would also be nice to place pine cones, spruce branches, chestnuts, and acorns everywhere.

  • For crafts, you don’t have to buy materials, but use everything you have in the house, for example, natural materials (cones, twigs, sticks, chestnuts, dried flowers, etc.), fabric, paper, various accessories, plasticine. Use waste fabric - you can use it to make flags, toys, bows.

Photo: ideas on how to inexpensively decorate a room for the New Year

Decorating a house is important with good mood, involving all family members. To create small crafts you will need a good spacious place with bright lighting. Give yourself a few hours without distractions so you can relax and get into your work. Get inspired, get inspired and create things filled with warmth and positivity!

Video gallery

We invite you to watch a variety of video materials on how to decorate a room for the New Year. Each of them contains useful tips and instructions, interesting ideas and tricks.

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Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 16 minutes

The main components of a magical New Year's atmosphere are the smell of pine needles with a tangerine note, a decorated Christmas tree and festive decor. Do you want to immerse yourself in a wonderful New Year's tale without spending a lot of money on interior decoration? We will tell you how to decorate your apartment for the New Year stylishly and effectively with minimal investment to leave more money for a rich holiday table and the best gifts for loved ones.

Let's start with the basics

Decorating an apartment and a New Year tree is a real art. This is where knowledge comes in handy design techniques, delicate taste and skillful hands. If you simply hang up all the decorations in the house, you can end up with a cluttered and tastelessly decorated apartment. But even beginners in this matter should not despair: our tips will help you easily cope with the task and turn the process of decorating your home into a pleasant and exciting event.

Advice: before you start decorating, think over the concept of the festive interior, imagine the overall picture in advance. This will help you choose the right decorations and get a result that will delight you and surprise your guests.

First step: selecting colors

There are 2 options here: you can choose a classic New Year's color scheme or turn to the eastern calendar, according to which the Yellow Earth Pig will become the symbol of the coming year.

Tip: to make the interior harmonious and stylish, do not use more than 2-3 primary colors. Combining more tones with each other is much more difficult.

Traditional New Year's color combinations:

  • red and gold;
  • silver (gold) and blue;
  • white and red;
  • red and green.

Having decided on a color scheme, try to stick to it when selecting decorations: Christmas tree decorations, garlands, tinsel, ribbons and other New Year’s attributes.

Good news for those who want to be on trend: the colors that “like” the mistress of the next year - the Pig - and correspond to the elements of the Earth, remain the same as last year, which means you can leave some of the decorations from the last holiday. Suitable:

  • yellow and its shades - lemon, sand, golden;
  • brown;
  • ocher;
  • beige;
  • olive;
  • coffee.

You can revive and dilute these neutral and calm colors with red, orange, and gold. White is also acceptable, but in limited quantities, to emphasize the basic tones.

Step two: select materials

As you prepare for 2019, you should minimize your use of traditional materials, purchased in kiosks and stores - tinsel, plastic balls, garlands. The pig is a country animal, and for decorations to match the symbol and element of the year, they must be made from natural and natural materials. Suitable for us:

  • tree;

  • metal;
  • stones and minerals;

  • clay;
  • ceramics and glass;

  • paper;

  • dry branches;
  • cones;

  • spruce and pine needles;
  • sweet decorations - sweets, lollipops, gingerbread;

  • fruits - tangerines, oranges, apples, dried orange slices;
  • textile;

  • tree bark;

  • ribbons;
  • linen cord, threads and yarn;

  • nuts, definitely acorns (the pig’s favorite treat);
  • vine and straw;

  • dried flowers;
  • spices – cinnamon sticks, star anise, cloves.

Natural jewelry – fashion trend, besides, it’s very inexpensive and very beautiful!

You can add elegance to natural accessories using white, gold and silver paint, and sparkles in cans (glitter).

By the way, it is desirable that the symbol of the New Year holiday also be natural. Let the artificial Christmas tree stand in the closet or on the balcony for another year, and let the real forest beauty take pride of place. Those who find spruce branches not lush enough can choose pine. Perfect optionliving tree, growing in a pot.

Step three: preparing the decor

At this stage, we buy or make decorations with our own hands, which we decide to use to create a festive atmosphere. Let's look at the most interesting and creative ideas.

New Year's wreath

The classic attribute of the New Year, which is usually hung on the front door, moved to us from Western countries. You can make it from anything: from fir branches, balls, cones, beads, paper, ribbons, tinsel and any natural materials.

  1. Prepare the base. Flat base- a cardboard ring 10 cm wide, voluminous - a newspaper rolled into a ring.
  2. Using wire and glue gun attach spruce branches to the base, which should completely cover it. Or decorate the ring with fabric, beautiful paper, twine, twigs.
  3. Attach pine cones, berries, dried flowers, balls, Christmas tree decorations, spices, ribbons, paper snowflakes or other decorative elements on top with hot glue.
  4. Decorate the wreath with gold paint, sparkles, and artificial snow.

Take as a basis beautiful photos or come up with your own original version!

Table Christmas trees

A large Christmas tree is usually installed in the hall; miniature copies can be placed in other rooms.

The easiest way to create a small decorative Christmas tree:

  1. Make a cone out of thick paper.
  2. Apply glue or secure with double-sided tape, wrap with tinsel, fabric, thread.
  3. Glue pebbles, beads, balls, bows, pine cones, jewelry, tiny gift boxes - whatever you want.
  4. Add paint or glitter if needed.

New Year's candles

Beautiful candles will be a great addition New Year's decor. Themed products in the shape of houses, Christmas trees, snowmen and Santa Clauses are not cheap and do not always fit organically into the interior. You can take ordinary candles, preferably thick ones, and decorate them or arrange interesting compositions, as in the photo.

Suitable for these purposes:

  • glasses with thin stems;

  • beautiful spices;

  • fabric or knitted “shirts”;

  • rope and threads;
  • cans and plain paper;

  • natural materials.

Vases with pine cones

Incredibly simple, but effective and original decoration. We paint the cones with spray paint in bright colors, if desired, grease with PVA and sprinkle with glitter, place in transparent vases.

If you alternate pine cones with Christmas balls, you don’t have to paint them: the natural color will contrast well with the bright toys.

Another option is silver and gold-plated cones mixed with nuts and balls of the same colors.

Tip: a composition with pine cones can be complemented with a monochromatic luminous garland.

No need to think that paper decorations They look cheap and undignified. Done with skillful hands, they inspire admiration. We offer you to choose the most beautiful and stylish paper garlands that you can make yourself or with your children.

  • Christmas trees. Green ones go well with red or gold stars. If the background is bright and colorful, they may be white.

  • Circles. They look impressive on windows, shelves, chandeliers. Circles are cut out of thick paper and stitched onto sewing machine. The distance between adjacent elements is 0.5–1 cm.

  • Stars, snowflakes, pigs. They are made in the same way as the previous garland, only the circles are replaced with corresponding figures.

Decorative fireplace

It’s great when the apartment has a fireplace: it will become the second most important object after the Christmas tree and will make the room even more festive and cozy. It is not necessary to buy an electric fireplace; a high-quality imitation is enough to create a New Year’s atmosphere.

A false fireplace can be made from plasterboard, detailed instructions located . This product is durable and will please its owners for many years.

For budget option, which will only be used on holidays, regular cardboard boxes will also work.

You can use any available materials - plywood, wood and even polystyrene foam, as in the next photo.

Tip: candles or a garland with yellow or red lights can help imitate a fire burning in a fireplace. And you can decorate it with wreaths, tinsel, pine needles, and socks for gifts.

Step four: decorate the house

Our main decorations are made, things that cannot be made ourselves, such as electric garlands, are purchased. It's time for a fabulous home makeover!


So, how can you decorate windows:

  • traditional paper snowflakes glued to glass;

  • whole fabulous paper compositions;
  • drawings with toothpaste applied through a stencil - it looks like snow and is washed off much easier than glue;

  • electric flashlights;
  • Christmas tree balls suspended on satin ribbons attached to the cornice;

  • light paper garlands;
  • paper composition with a hidden garland placed on the windowsill.


Walls can be decorated:

  • balls;
  • wreaths;
  • snowflakes;

  • compositions made from natural materials;
  • electric lights mounted in the form of a light panel;
  • paper garlands or flags.

Tip: a composition made of any materials, laid out in the form of a New Year's tree, will look unusual. It will replace the holiday symbol in rooms where a large Christmas tree was not placed - in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the nursery - or in one-room apartment, where there is very little space.


The ceiling doesn't need large quantities decorations, but garlands, tinsel, hanging balls on ribbons, snowflakes and stars would be quite appropriate. They can be mounted both on the ceiling itself and on the chandelier.

Festive table

For decoration New Year's table you need to choose the right tablecloth. It will be good if it corresponds to the general color scheme and have a beautiful edging. Or you can lay out 2 tablecloths: the lower one, bright, will look fun from under the upper one, made in a neutral color.

Candles, bows, decorating cutlery, and festive themed napkins will look good on the table. In the center of the table you can place a symbol of the coming year - a figurine, a piggy bank or a toy depicting a pig. Or this original New Year's cake.

We decorate the Christmas tree

To make the Christmas tree stylish and beautiful, and not tasteless and sloppy, you need to decorate it according to all the rules.

  • First, an electric garland is hung, and only then tinsel, balls and other toys. In this case, the lanterns will shine among the branches without obscuring the rest of the decor.

  • To ensure the tree is well lit, you need to use sufficient quantity light bulbs A tree 1 m high will require at least 100 lights.
  • The size of the toys should correspond to the dimensions of the Christmas tree. Big tall tree It is advisable to decorate with large balls, small ones with smaller toys.
  • The colors of the Christmas tree decorations should match the tone of the room decor.

  • Will emphasize natural shape Christmas trees correct placement decorations: large items should be hung at the bottom and in the middle, small ones – higher.
  • In addition to the usual Christmas balls and traditional snowflakes, you can use bows, small gift boxes, cute felt pig figurines, family photos and crafts made from natural materials.

  • Rain, glass balls, sparkles, and artificial snow will help make your holiday tree shiny and sparkling.
  • It is better to drape the crosspiece or bucket of sand in which the Christmas tree stands with fabric or disguise it with colored or corrugated paper.

On next video the designer will give a few useful tips for decorating the New Year tree.

Mr.Build wishes you a happy New Year and a wonderful mood!

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