Wood sawing in the 21st century: exploring new possibilities of a tool with history. Wood saw: which one is better? Power saw for wood

A hacksaw, or as it is also called, a wood saw, is a tool that should be in every home, and even more so in every dacha. But choosing a hacksaw for wood is not as simple as it seems, and further on, we will analyze in detail the types of tools, you will learn about the configuration and purpose of various types of teeth, we will “go through” famous brands, and finally I will tell you what a reciprocating electric hacksaw for wood is and how to choose it.

Hand Tool Specifications

A hand saw for wood has several fundamental parameters - steel grade, blade length, blade shape and handle tilt, but the most important parameter is the shape and type of tooth, and this characteristic is the same for both manual and electric models.

The quality of domestic hacksaws for wood is in no way inferior to their foreign counterparts

Hacksaw blade length

It all depends on the purpose for which the hacksaw is purchased. So if you take a hacksaw to city ​​apartment and you don’t plan to work with it constantly, then a folding model with a blade length of 300 – 400 mm is quite sufficient. For a private house or cottage you already need a full-size tool with a blade of 500 - 700mm.

Important! When cutting a workpiece, the length of the blade must be at least twice the thickness of the workpiece, otherwise sawdust will accumulate inside the cut and the hacksaw will quickly jam.

Folding or small-sized types of wood hacksaws are suitable for one-time work.

Steel grade for wood hacksaw

In the recent past, hacksaws were made from grades HRc45 and HRc50; the metal is of high quality, but the blade requires periodic sharpening. Now all leading manufacturers produce hacksaws with combined blades.

The blade itself is made of HRc45 steel, which provides it with good flexibility and high strength, and the cutting edge with teeth is made of HRc55 or HRc60 steel. You can recognize these hacksaws by their dark cutting edge.

Important! When purchasing a hacksaw with a dark edge made of high-strength steel, make sure that it is already set and sharpened well. The fact is that sharpening and wiring by an amateur of such metal at home is very problematic, so you will have to pay extra for sharpening the blade.

Wood saws with a dark cutting edge are of high quality

Choosing a tooth for a wood hacksaw

Before we look at tooth configuration, let's talk about tooth markings and size. Any types of hacksaws for wood are classified according to the same parameters. The marking indicates the number of teeth per 1 inch (1`` = 25.4 mm) and denotes this indicator as TPI.

The TPI indicator indicates the number of teeth per 1 inch of blade

  • A fine-tooth wood saw has a TPI of 7 or higher. And what? larger number TPI, the more accurate and cleaner the cut will be, but at the same time, the speed of work with such a tool decreases in proportion to the increase in TPI, in other words, a small tooth cuts accurately, cleanly, but for a long time;
  • A hacksaw for wood with a large tooth has a TPI from 1 to 7. A similar tool is designed for work in gardens and summer cottages, in other words, a large tooth is used to cut firewood or cut branches.

The higher the TPI indicator in the marking, the cleaner and smoother the wood cut will be

There is a common expression “middle tooth”, but in the documents the TPI value of the middle tooth is not recorded anywhere, but people popularly refer to this direction as hacksaws with a TPI of 5 to 8.

Tooth pitch is far from the only parameter when choosing a hacksaw

Hacksaw tooth diagram Explanation

Made in the form of an isosceles triangle, sharpening is done on both sides.


Here the triangle is beveled towards the cut and the cutting edge of the tooth becomes perpendicular to the wood. Sharpening is performed only from the working (perpendicular) side; as a result, the tooth bites into the mass like a chisel.

Designed to dissolve wood along the grain.


An excellent solution if you are buying a hacksaw “for all occasions in life.” The triangular tooth is slightly beveled towards the cut, while sharpening is done on both sides of the tooth.

As a result, when cutting along the blade, the tooth works like a chisel, and reverse sharpening also allows you to effectively cut wood across the grain.


This kind of sharpening is sometimes called triangular, but in reality it is not so.

More often a dagger tooth is used as a basis, but sometimes a universal one is also sharpened. The top of the triangle is slightly cut at an angle and further sharpened. This approach allows you to work with wood in any direction and at any angle.


Complex sharpening allows you to do without setting the tooth, but only a professional can do it.

The triangular tooth is sharpened on both sides and beveled towards the handle, plus the top is cut and also sharpened.

When working with a hacksaw, the cut occurs only while the tool is moving toward the worker. The Japanese were the first to use this technology, so the name was taken from there.


Here, several types of teeth are assembled on the canvas, but the essence of a wolf tooth is the presence of gaps between sectors.

This hacksaw is designed for cutting tough and damp wood, so it’s hard to find models shorter than half a meter.

Important! In addition to the configuration shown on the left, there are several more hacksaw designs with gaps between the teeth; they are called differently, but the purpose is the same - to cut raw wood.

How to choose a hacksaw for wood

Trusted manufacturers of hand saws for wood

  • "Bison"- a domestic manufacturer with a good reputation. Almost all hacksaws from Zubr come with a hardened set tooth and high-quality sharpening. The company specializes in products with medium and fine teeth, but the line also includes other models, including those with replaceable blades;

    Models of hacksaws with replaceable blades are classified as semi-professional tools

  • "Gross Piranha"- here we are dealing with combination hacksaws. The main blade in such a tool is made of flexible steel HRc52, and the cutting edge with teeth is made of high-strength hardened iron HRc66. The special pride of this brand is the line of “Piranha” models, which additionally has a Teflon coating and laser sharpening of the tooth;

    Piranha hacksaws with Teflon coating and laser sharpening are particularly durable and easy to move

  • "Stanley General Purpose"— initially this brand belonged to representatives of the French industry, but now they have opened several subsidiaries in Russia, which has allowed them to reduce the price without losing the quality of the product. The basic set is also present here, that is, a hardened tooth and laser sharpening. The most popular model is with TPI8 pitch;

    French hacksaws have been famous for their high quality for more than half a century

  • Irwin Xpert— models of this brand are of high quality, but compared to the saws mentioned above, they are almost 2 times more expensive. Although, according to the owners, this tool is worth the money;

    The special configuration of the cutting edge in hacksaws from Irwin Xpert allows you to work equally successfully with both raw and hard dry wood

  • "Sandvik"— the quality of Swedish instruments has been famous for several hundred years. Sandvik is the old name of the well-known Bahco brand. In our market, the Swedes have created a joint venture and produce high-quality hacksaws under the name “Tyosha”. There is no priority for certain models; all tools from this brand are of high quality.

    Swedish hacksaws produced under the domestic brand “Tyosha” are famous for their excellent quality

What is a reciprocating saw and how to choose one

Now let's figure out how to choose an electric hacksaw for wood; in the language of professionals, such a tool is called a reciprocating saw. Compared to hand tools, the selection criteria are slightly different. So, in addition to the reciprocating motion, the reciprocating saw also has a pendulum stroke.

For pruning trees with a reciprocating saw, the tool has a pendulum operating mode.

Vibrations of the blade based on the pendulum principle allow you to work much more efficiently, for example, when pruning trees or other rough work. And the standard mode is good for unraveling sheets of different densities.

In this case, the question of which hacksaw is better for wood will not be entirely correct, because in reciprocating saws the effectiveness of the tool depends on the right choice blades. There are blades designed for working on wood, metal, stone, drywall, etc.

Each reciprocating saw blade is designed to work with a specific material.

But the choice of a reciprocating saw does not end only with the purchase of a high-quality blade for the appropriate material; there are also a number of subtleties:

  • I, like most craftsmen in this field, believe that buying an electric hacksaw with a power of up to 600 W is simply a waste of money. With it you can cut branches up to 20 mm in diameter and no more. From 600 W to 1 KW suitable for diverse dacha work, and a tool with a power of 1.2 kW is already classified as semi-professional and can effectively cut any materials;
  • It is advisable to choose a model where a special key is not needed to change the blade;
  • It is better to take a tool with a cutting depth limiter, which, by the way, can also be adjusted with a key or without a key; accordingly, the second type of hacksaw is more convenient;
  • Pay attention to the head that holds the blade. There are universal models into which any blade can be inserted, while there are heads “sharpened” only for branded blades from a given manufacturer. It’s not a fact that the store will have the right model of branded canvas, so take a station wagon;
  • Theoretically, all reciprocating saws have the ability to disable the pendulum stroke, but when purchasing, it is advisable to check how adequately this option works;
  • A reciprocating saw with a speed regulator will significantly expand your work capabilities, and it is desirable that this regulator has a fine-tuning function;
  • Another useful function is the ability to rotate the blade at different angles; this option is especially useful when working on the ceiling and in hard-to-reach, tight spaces;

A reciprocating saw with a battery, compared to corded models, has less power, but it is more convenient to use.


Based on the recommendations given above and the video in this article, choosing the right hacksaw for wood will become much easier for you and keep in mind that wasted money is not the worst thing, a poor-quality tool will take a lot of time and effort, and most importantly, such hacksaws can be dangerous. If you want to add something to what has been said or have any questions, welcome to the comments, let’s chat.

It is extremely difficult to overestimate the need for a wood saw in the household. This simple tool is reliable and faithful assistant when renovating an apartment or building country house, can be useful when improving a summer cottage or complex garden care. However, before you go to the store, it would be useful to find out its technical and performance characteristics. Read more about how to avoid mistakes when choosing a hacksaw for wood later in our article.

How to choose a hacksaw for wood

When choosing a saw, whether for gardening work, or for repair and construction purposes, it is worth approaching responsibly. After all, when buying the wrong tool in best case scenario difficulties will arise in your work, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result, and in the worst case, there is a risk of injury.

Experienced carpenters advise paying attention to the working surface of the hacksaw - the blade. Before purchasing, be sure to find out what kind of steel is used in the saw. A blade with good hardening and correctly sharpened teeth will be much more effective in use than a tool with a poor working base.

A hand saw is without a doubt a necessary tool in the household.

There are different types of hacksaws for woodworking, which differ in many ways. For example, the ease of sawing and the service life of a hacksaw depend on the blade. In total, when buying a hacksaw for wood, you should pay attention to three components:

  1. Blade (steel grade, length);
  2. Teeth (their size, shape, distance between them);
  3. Handle model.

Length and size of the canvas

You need to choose a hacksaw for wood based on your needs: for cutting small, not large building materials, a 300 mm hacksaw is enough. If the purpose of the purchase is repair, use in the country, or, especially, construction, it is advisable to choose a saw with a base of 450 - 500 mm. Also, we must not forget about the “golden rule” of choosing a hacksaw: the length of the tool must be at least twice as long as the workpiece being cut.

The most common hacksaws - with blade lengths from 350 to 600 mm - are medium sizes. It is believed that up to thirty-five centimeters these are mini-saws, and over 60 cm – large ones. The success of working with wood depends on the correct choice of blade length.

If you take a tool that is shorter than optimal, you will have to put more effort into cutting. By choosing a blade that is too long, the saw will spring back and also create additional difficulties.

Tooth size and shape

This property of the saw affects the main factor of the tool - its purpose. Right size easy to select using the TPI coefficient. This is a special scale showing the number of teeth per inch of working length of the blade. Often this coefficient is indicated directly on the working surface of the tool.

Advice! Hacksaws with large teeth are well suited for roughing, initial work on construction sites, sawing trunks. Working with small cutters will take more time and effort, but the quality will be higher.

Differences between incisors in appearance

The triangular tooth configuration is considered standard. Variations are allowed: acute or isosceles triangle. The advantage of such teeth is that they are easy to sharpen. The cut is quite neat without any rough notches.

It is best to use a hacksaw with triangular cutters for transverse or longitudinal cuts.

Another important point What you should pay attention to before purchasing a saw is the teeth of the blade. Cheap models use regular cutters, while expensive ones use higher quality hardened teeth. This characteristic will affect the cutting speed and accuracy.

The option with a hardened cutter is good because of its energy consumption - you don’t have to sharpen anything yourself, because the saw will be as sharp as possible. However, a non-hardened cutter can always be sharpened “to suit you” (or when it becomes dull), which cannot be done with hardened teeth.

With small cutters the cut will be more accurate, but the work will take more time; with large ones, on the contrary, you can saw off faster, but the result will be a rough cut.

Sharpening saw teeth is a difficult task, so if you do not have enough experience, it is better to entrust this task to a professional

Handle design

The design of the handle is an important characteristic that affects the quality and safety of work. There are handles different forms, depending on the purpose of the hacksaw. They can be made from different materials: wood, plastic, metal or rubberized.

There are 2 types of handles:

  • reversible (with the ability to easily change the canvas)
  • classical.

Important! An awkwardly held hacksaw will slip in your hands, bend and move poorly through the source material, which can lead to injury.

Material requirements

So that the hacksaw can serve you for a long time, you should choose a model whose blade and handle are made of high-quality materials. Such a hand saw will of course cost more, but you are unlikely to achieve a quick and high-quality cut with a cheap option.

Technical characteristics of hacksaws

According to GOST, wood hacksaws intended for carpentry and joinery work (hand cutting of wood) must meet certain technical characteristics.

IN state standard it is specified what materials the blade and handles can be made of, and what the connection between the working surface and the handle should be. The permitted dimensions of the tool and its individual parts are also indicated. There are requirements for sharpening and spacing of cutters, the minimum permissible sharpening rate to the front and rear edges of the tool.

Types of hacksaws for wood

When wondering how to choose a hacksaw for wood, first of all you need to start from what you are purchasing it for.

  1. If you need a hacksaw for plywood, then just choose a classic - inexpensive option, where there are always variations with the base and cutters.
  2. If the tool is planned to be used for various types of work (repairs at the dacha or in the apartment), then the advantage will be that it is included in a set of replacement blades. By changing the working base depending on your goals, you can use one saw to make straight, transverse, and figured cuts, and trim trees and shrubs.

When choosing a hacksaw, it is important to pay attention to all its components, because its performance properties will depend on this. It is better to buy a stainless steel tool - the price is more expensive, but the service life will be longer.


The most popular hacksaw for wood, based on a wide blade. The length of the saw can vary, as can the number of teeth. Universal in use.

The set may contain replaceable blades and special miter boxes for sawing wood at different angles. This type of saw is suitable for cutting chipboard, working with wood or plywood, for laminate.


A circular hacksaw has a narrow blade and closely spaced teeth. For certain types of work, there is a model with a double-sided arrangement of cutting elements.

This type of saw is well suited for precise cutting along pre-marked contours. If necessary, a circular hacksaw is used to cut holes (round, square and others). You need to be careful when working - sometimes it can slip out of your hands.

With a reward

A two-handed hacksaw with handles on both sides. The size of the working surface is 12-15 cm, width 8-10 cm. Externally, the saw is similar to a plane.

The main application includes cutting out tenon and mortise. Moreover, the saw is suitable for any type of wood, even the hardest.


Carpenter's hand saw for finer and more precise cuts. The main advantage is the presence of a metal or brass casing that protects the instrument. Thanks to the additional protection (shank), you can work with hard materials and still get neat cuts - after all, the hacksaw itself has fine hardened teeth.

For filing the eyes, it is most convenient to use axing hacksaw. The only disadvantage of this model is that the butt prevents you from making a cut deeper than the width of the working surface.


For ease of use, garden saws are often made with a curved blade. This is an excellent option for working in the local area. All thanks to the special design - a narrowed end with widely spaced incisors, which are set apart in a special way for comfortable cutting of branches and twigs.

The material from which it is made garden saw– this is strong chromium steel, specially hardened, for an even cut so as not to damage the bark.


It received this name due to its similarity with an archery bow. Ideal for removing small branches and branches, although it can also handle harder material. Distinctive feature bow hacksaw - a thin blade fixed in a single frame on both sides. Sizes range from 300 to 910 mm in length.

Good to know! All bow saws are tensioned blade tools. It is also worth noting that the main tools used by cabinetmakers are bow saws.

  • The saw is considered quite fragile, but there is no need to worry: it can be easily restored by replacing the blade with a new one. Thus, a disadvantage in the form of fragility is transformed into an advantage - easy repair and durability.

Important! You need to be careful when working with this type of saw; the frame located at an acute angle touches your palm, which can lead to injury.

Wide hacksaw

Excellent for cutting large wood, most effective when cutting across the grain. This type of hacksaw can also be divided for longitudinal or cross cutting.

The teeth are triangular in shape (may contain an inclined “oblique sharpening”) with a sharpening angle from 40° to 50° degrees. They are separately equipped with various blades for comfortable carpentry or plumbing work.

Fine tooth hacksaw small size, which consists of a handle and a straight flat panel. It is used when cutting thin boards, chipboards, when cutting curved elements and for smooth cuts.

A negative characteristic is noticeable deviations during operation. Therefore, in order to get an even cut along the intended line, you will have to work more carefully and slower than with a wide hacksaw.


The lopper is the main tool for complex work on summer cottage. Pruning trees, hard-to-reach shoots in large bushes - these tasks are easier to perform with a lopper than with a regular hacksaw, thanks to the extended handles of the tool.

Type of loppers:

  1. They work on the principle of cutting down branches and branches;
  2. Remove branches and thin twigs by biting them off.

Some of the significant advantages of loppers include:

  • sharpened blades so as not to damage the bark of plants when pruning bushes and trees;
  • Loppers are traditionally made of indestructible metal. This is done so that when cutting branches, the secreted juice does not spoil the hacksaw with corrosion;
  • lightness and compactness of the tool. This garden view saw does not exceed 0.5 kilograms, it is convenient to work with it on stairs and other heights.

Many models of this equipment are more reminiscent of scissors than regular saw. Some loppers consist of a single, sharp blade with a straight or curved edge—this model primarily cuts through the wood rather than sawing it.

Transverse two-handed

A two-handed cross-cut saw, popularly called “Friendship 2,” is used for working with round, solid timber. It differs in the configuration of the cutters, which have the shape of an isosceles triangle, which facilitates the unimpeded ejection of wood particles from the cut. Saw sizes vary from 100 to 175 cm, width from 14 to 16 cm.

One of the disadvantages is that two people are required to operate this saw. However, the performance of a cross-cut saw when cutting wood is significantly higher than that of a saw with a single handle.

Popular models of hacksaws in Russia

  • Hacksaw "Kremlevka" – refers to a universal tool, the main purpose of which is still cutting wooden blanks. In total, the Kremlevka model range includes more than 10 models, with various forms teeth, handles and different lengths.

Interesting to know! The first Kremlevka models were considered country saws, but now you can find examples suitable for large boards and logs.

The main feature of the saw is the shape of the tooth (special symmetry, eliminating idling during reciprocating motion) which ensures soft movement of the unit, which allows it to move effectively both in length and also across the wood fiber. There are models with a cast base and handle; two-handed saws are popular for round timber and timber.

“Kremlevka” is time-tested reliability

  • Line of hacksaws from Delta presented in three main groups: “ordinary” intended primarily for the garden, “standard” - medium-sized, and “premium” - designed for large-sized wood.

Most saws have a super-resistant polymer coating and high-carbon hardened steel. When buying a hand saw for the first time, it is better to give preference to popular models and well-proven manufacturers.

For comfortable work, all Delta saws are equipped with a comfortable handle that fits well in the hand.

  • Travel folding hacksaws are becoming increasingly popular. Indeed, with the help of a compact but well-sharpened saw, it is faster and more convenient to get rid of interfering knots than with an ax.

The weight of the instrument plays an important role - tourist models usually do not exceed 200 grams. A case for a hacksaw is relevant in many cases. Often people take a saw on a picnic - to cut a log, get rid of interfering knots.

Important! The cover for folding hand saws should fit snugly and not loosen. It should also be easy to remove and put back on, while completely covering the working surface of the saw.

You can buy various cases for hand saws on the market, each type has its own advantage. Sheath covers are characterized by a high degree of protection and durability. In any case, additional protection will not be superfluous when storing the instrument in a room with high humidity.

Every true craftsman (even at home) always has a convenient and multifunctional circular electric saw. But sometimes there are types of work when you need to saw off only one part, or simply perform small amounts of work, and get electrical device I do not want. In this case, a hacksaw blade will help you out. But how to choose good hacksaw for wood, which will be convenient to work with and can easily “gnaw through” any type of wood, we will consider further.

The saw can rightfully be called the mother of all hand tools. From the moment people realized the importance of iron and created the first saw, the tool has changed many times and already has a dozen “sisters” that can be used to perform any type of work.

Let's take a closer look at what each of these parameters should be.

Hacksaw blade - what it should be like

The main part of the tool is the blade. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a hacksaw for wood is the length of the blade. A lot will depend on this, at least even the possibilities of application.

At the same time, the larger the canvas, the more it will spring, which will complicate the process, especially when working with maple, ash and oak.

If you plan to saw bars or narrow slats, a tool with a length of 25 to 30 cm will be enough for you. When planning to use a tool for serious work in construction, give preference to tools with a blade length of 50 cm.

When choosing the length, you should be guided by the rule that the length should exceed the diameter of the element being processed by exactly 2 times.

If you don't follow this recommendation, you will make your job more difficult. The teeth of a short hacksaw will only jam in the wood, and it will be very difficult to move such a saw to free it from sawdust.

Working in an uncomfortable environment will cause you to become tired sooner than if you had followed all the instructions.

Typically, the width of a hacksaw blade is from 10 to 20 cm. Models with a smaller width have many disadvantages, since they are impractical and will immediately fail. But keep in mind that too wide instruments will not give you comfort.

For the manufacture of hacksaws, alloy steel is used, which differs from ordinary steel in its high content of carbon and silicon of the following grades:

  1. 65G, 60 S2A.
  2. 8 XF, 9 XF, 9 XC.
  3. Y7, Y7A, Y8, Y8A, Y8G, Y8GA, Y9A, Y10.

The metal is hardened by special exposure to a magnetic field, due to which a high-frequency electric current appears.

When spread on the surface, it heats the top layer of metal, after which it is hardened cold water. According to the standard, the hardness of the metal should be 45 HRC, but it is better to give preference to products whose blade hardness will be from 55 to 60.

A high-density wood saw will have good flexibility, but the teeth will be stable. Externally, upon inspection, you will determine the quality of the instrument by the dark shade of the sharpened teeth.

What kind of teeth should there be?

Another important factor in a tool's performance and cutting performance is the size of the teeth. An indicator such as sawing accuracy is designated TPI, which means the number of teeth per inch (2.54 cm).

The relationship between this technical parameter is as follows:

  • A blade with larger teeth gives high speed when working, but in this case, expect a sloppy and rough cut.
  • Hacksaws with fine teeth will make a clean and precise cut, but the work speed will be several times lower.

When you decide on the size of the teeth, focus on the type of material being processed.

When working with materials such as chipboard. Where high cutting accuracy is needed, you should take a tool with an index of 7 to 9, and for logs in the garden, where the cleanliness of the cut does not play an important role, an index of 3 to 6 is suitable.

If you compare an ordinary and a hardened tooth, the difference will be that an ordinary one does not become dull for a long time during everyday use. But a hacksaw with hardened teeth cannot be resharpened, so when the quality of the cut decreases, you have no choice but to simply throw it away.

The advantage of a regular tooth is that it can be sharpened. This work is periodically carried out using a file marked with an accident ( for sharpening saws). To sharpen, you need to run the file over each tooth several times.

Depending on the type of teeth, there are three types of hand saws:

Some types of instruments have teeth that are shaped like a trapezoid. This decision has created a new generation of hacksaw blades, which are wear-resistant and much stronger.

But it is worth considering that sharpening such a blade is a difficult task, since it is difficult to shape the complex shape of small teeth. This greatly reduces the service life of the tool, at the end of which you will have to change the blade or choose another good hacksaw for wood.

Nowadays, new models of hacksaws are increasingly found on the market, which are designed for cutting not yet dried. Small chips pass easily between the saw teeth and do not make work difficult.


This is a small saw that consists of a flat, straight blade and a handle. With its help, you can perform a number of minor works: cut out curved parts, make a through cut, etc.

It is made of cloth with double-sided teeth in the form of a triangle, sometimes with parallel sharpening. The disadvantage of the tool is that when pressed during operation, the blade may deviate from the specified direction.


A hand saw with standard parameters can have any type of teeth and is most often equipped with several blades for changing, which have different designs and types of teeth. Despite the versatility stated in the parameters, such saws are not suitable for making furniture.

With a butt

Both narrow and standard saws tend to bend when the stiffness threshold increases. To avoid this, it will be effective to use a tool with a backing, which will act as a stiffener. The presence of such a “fixer” will not make it possible to make a cut larger than the width of the blade, since it will prevent the blade from passing into the tree to a greater depth.


This type of saw is a bulkier device that is a manual version of a jigsaw. Due to the fact that the design is solid and its threaded connection handles, such saws can easily overcome knots, making cuts along patterns and radii.

Depending on the intended type of work and the design of the saw, there may be:

  • Transverse– for cutting across the wood grain.
  • Sweeping- for cutting lengthwise.
  • Circular– for creating holes, roundings and cutting shapes.
  • Spike– for cutting connecting tenons and sawing out simple geometric shapes on the workpiece.

Only a bow saw can perform all these functions without additional tools.

The procedure for choosing is quite simple:

Now about the handles. They are usually made of plastic. Prefabricated handles are made from two plastic halves, which are not very rigid. It is much more convenient to work with tools that have a one-piece handle equipped with a rubber backing for the fingers. If you have a rubber insert, it will be much more convenient for you to make a grip, thereby protecting yourself from the formation of calluses.

You can often find tools with a flip-over and a standard handle on sale. The first option is convenient because it is possible to replace the canvas with a new one if its service life expires.

Please also keep in mind that not all saw models are sold sharpened, and this seemingly insignificant detail determines how quickly you can start working.

According to customer reviews, the following have won trust:

Wood has been used as a building material since time immemorial. And now it has not lost its popularity. It is loved for its environmental friendliness and ease of processing, which is best done using wood hacksaws. These tools are available with different parameters, which are selected depending on the specific purpose.


The saw is one of the first hand tools invented by man. Centuries have passed since the appearance of the first rough version, and many varieties have appeared for work different types.

As for hand saws for wood, they differ from each other in many parameters, including the following:

Let's look at each in detail.

Hacksaw blade

In principle, this is the instrument itself. The most important parameter of the canvas is its length. It is this that determines the range of application possibilities. However, the longer the blade, the stronger the spring, which makes working with hard wood such as oak, ash or maple especially difficult. For sawing small objects such as plinths, bars or narrow slats, a hand-held wood hacksaw with a blade length will suffice 25−30 cm. For more serious work, you need a tool with a blade length 45−50 cm.

A simple rule for determining the length: the canvas should be doubled larger diameter logs that will be sawed with its help. The teeth of a short hacksaw will jam in the wood, requiring much more effort to work, which will quickly cause fatigue. The width of the blade usually varies in the range of 10−20 cm. A narrower blade is not allowed, as it breaks at the slightest bend, but an overly wide blade is inconvenient to work with your hands.

Material of manufacture

Blades for hacksaws are made of tool alloy steel with a high content of carbon and silicon, grades:

  • 8 HF, 9 HF, 9 HS;
  • 65 G, 60 C2A;
  • U7, U7A, U 8, U8A, U8G, U8GA, U9A, U 10.

The metal is hardened by exposing it to an alternating magnetic field when a high-frequency electric current appears. As it spreads over the surface, it heats the metal layer, which hardens after cooling. A hardness of 45 HR C is considered standard, although it is recommended to take products with a hardness of 55-60 HR C when the flexibility is sufficient and the teeth have high stability. Upon external inspection of such a tool, you can see the darkish tint of the sharpened teeth.

Teeth parameters

Precision and performance mainly depends on tooth size.

The defining indicator is “TPI” - the number of teeth per inch.

There is an inverse relationship between these technical parameters:

  • Blades with large teeth allow you to work at high speed, but the cut is sloppy and rough.
  • Using a blade with fine teeth guarantees a clean and precise cut, but the speed of work is relatively low.

When determining the size of the teeth, focus on the material being processed. To work with chipboard, for example, greater cutting accuracy is required, so a tool with a high TPI of 7−9 is selected. For cutting logs and gardening work, where the cleanliness of the cut is not so important, TPI 3-6 is enough.

The difference between a hardened tooth and an ordinary tooth is that the first one does not become dull for a long time in everyday use. But a saw with hardened teeth cannot be sharpened again; it can only be thrown away after use. Ordinary teeth can be sharpened, which is done with a special file marked with an accident (for sharpening saws). It is enough to pass over each tooth several times.

Depending on the type of teeth, there are three types of hacksaws for different types of sawing:

Some modern tools have teeth trapezoidal. This increases strength and wear resistance, but sharpening such a blade is not easy, since the trapezoidal teeth are difficult to shape. Because of this, the service life is greatly reduced, and after it has expired the blade has to be replaced.

The market also offers modernized hacksaws. They are effective for cutting raw wood. During operation, wet chips easily come out through the gaps between the teeth, and the movement of the tool is not hampered.

Types of hand saws for wood

It is impossible to say for sure which hacksaw is better for wood. Eat different variants, for different types of work. Let's describe them.

Depending on the design and purpose of the saw, there are:

  • Swing - for longitudinal cutting.
  • Transverse - for sawing across the grain.
  • Circular - for making holes, figure sawing, making roundings.
  • Tenoning - for cutting connecting tenons and cutting out simple geometric shapes.

You can cut the material lengthwise and crosswise only with a bow saw, cutting blanks with complex lines. The work can be done without an assistant.

Handle type

In many ways, the ease of use of a tool is determined by the shape and material of its handle. Handles can be wooden or plastic. The surface at the grip site should not allow the hand to slip. This effect is eliminated by making scars on the handle, or covering it with a rubber layer. The saw can be cast or with a reversible blade. In the latter case, it is easy to replace the canvas.

Conventional handles are made of plastic. Prefabricated plastic handles of two halves do not have sufficient rigidity; it is much more convenient to handle a tool with a one-piece handle with a rubberized backing for the fingers. The rubber insert allows for a tighter grip, which prevents the formation of calluses.

To choose correctly hand saw woodworking, you need to follow a number of recommendations. You need to pay attention to the following:

  • Target. For carpentry work, you need a saw with fine teeth, which will ensure high cutting accuracy. Carpenters need a blade with large teeth.
  • Fabric uniformity. Gently bend the fabric at an angle of 30-45° and release it. The slightest deviations on the fold line (even within 2 mm) indicate low quality of the metal.
  • Frequency of use. If you need a saw for one-time work, it is better to take a tool with hardened teeth. The service life is quite long, and you don’t have to worry about sharpening and setting.
  • Price. High-quality models from leading manufacturers are an order of magnitude more expensive than consumer goods. But the high price is a kind of guarantee of wear resistance and durability. However, for one-time work it is not advisable to buy an expensive tool.

Decide on the purpose of the tool, see how it fits in your hand. Please read the included instructions, if available. These minimal “wisdoms” are repeatedly will reduce the risk of choosing a bad tool.

Having your own set of tools seems necessary in everyday life home handyman. The saw occupies a central place in it, since when working with wood and its derivatives, it is irreplaceable. Despite the abundance of saws on sale, the most rational solution can be considered the purchase of a universal variety that can replace numerous analogues in its functionality.

Saw selection

In order to purchase a suitable copy, you need to pay attention to a number of product parameters, as well as take into account personal preferences. In this regard, visiting a store seems to be a more preferable option, since choosing a hacksaw for wood seems difficult without independently assessing the convenience of the tool.

Today there is a huge range of hand saws, which differ from each other both in their characteristics and in design. The last parameter is especially important, as it has a huge impact on the performance properties of the saw.

If the saw design allows for the possibility of dismantling and replacing the cutting blade, the consumer has the opportunity to save money if the blade is damaged. In addition, such a design suggests the possibility of using a number of canvases in the process of work, each of which has a different purpose.

Types of saws by blade type

Existing hand saws for wood are distinguished by the type of blade used, because it is the main element of the tool. Similar categories include:

  • A narrow strip designed for through cuts and work in confined spaces. This option is most suitable for simple garden work, as well as cutting workpieces of small thickness. Disadvantages include low performance.
  • Standard canvas. It seems most the best option , suitable for the vast majority of work. It features high cutting accuracy and productivity. The disadvantage is its bulky dimensions, making storage, use and transportation inconvenient.
  • Canvas equipped with a stiffening rib. Intended for a perfectly straight cut, which is especially important in the manufacture of furniture and other structures. It does not allow performing a number of jobs, since the cutting depth is limited by the width of the blade used.
  • Onion cloth. Suitable for special saws and features excellent cutting accuracy. Involves fastening along the edges, as well as the ability to adjust the tension. Large dimensions and design features do not allow deep cuts at an angle.

The type of saw blade should be selected depending on the work that is planned to be performed with it. If the master’s plans include purchasing a universal tool, it is advisable to think about purchasing collapsible design , which will allow you to purchase and use a set of paintings of various types.

How to choose the length of the canvas

When considering the range of saws, it is important to consider that there is no universal option for the length of the cutting element. Short options are distinguished by their ability to be used in conditions of lack of space, however, they have low productivity, which does not allow performing a large amount of work. A long blade is distinguished by cutting accuracy and high productivity, but large dimensions do not allow achieving high accuracy.

Experienced craftsmen recommend following simple rule, allowing you to select the optimal length of the cutting element. It says that the required length is equal to twice the thickness of the largest workpiece used for this class of saws. In this regard, saws are divided into two large categories, depending on their dimensions.

Products from 20 to 40 centimeters long are ideal for working with small boards, blanks, slats, as well as for figured cutting. This option is worth buying for garden work, but its productivity is low.

Analogs from 45 to 70 centimeters are noticeably more convenient for full sawing of large-sized workpieces, logs, boards and other similar objects. To increase the cutting accuracy, it is recommended to use a special guard to prevent the saw from moving during work.


Many consumers planning to buy hacksaws for wood prefer to purchase products from certain brands that have a reputation and guarantee the quality of their products. Among domestic manufacturers we should mention Izhstal, Ermak, Enkor, as well as a number of others. The main advantage of domestic hacksaws for wood seems to be the relatively low cost, even professional models, with high quality products. Izhstal seems to be one of the leaders and has a wide range of products.

However, if you need to purchase non-standard saws, you will have to use more expensive products from foreign brands. First of all, there is Bahco, which is famous for its Japanese-style double-sided hacksaws, which allow you to make neat and precise longitudinal cuts. Brigadier products have a good combination of price and quality.

Material of manufacture

Since there are many products on the market of unsatisfactory quality, it is recommended to disassemble the materials from which reliable and durable tools. The cutting part is usually made of steel, since this material is better suited than others for similar works. It is strongly recommended that its hardness be at least 45 HRC, which will allow you to successfully and safely sharpen the tool teeth.

If this indicator is lower, the saw will quickly become dull and the blade will become less elastic. However, the cost of such products is noticeably lower than more durable ones, which allows saving money without the need to perform large volumes of work.

You can often buy products whose manufacturers have provided for combined tool hardening. This means that the blade itself has a hardness of 45 HRC, and the teeth are more durable - 60. This allows the blade to remain flexible and not break, and the teeth can maintain their sharpness throughout the entire period of use. Setting teeth and sharpening them yourself is not recommended unless you have special equipment and skills.

Tooth shape

One more important characteristic hand saw appears tooth shape used for cutting. This parameter is very important, since the purpose of the tool, as well as the productivity of the work, depends on it.

There are several most common options:

  • teeth with an acute angle, about 40-50 degrees;
  • teeth in the shape of equilateral triangles;
  • teeth are sharpened on both sides, the leading edge is perpendicular to the movement.

The last option seems to be the most universal, since it allows you to work with a wide range of materials and is capable of sawing the workpiece both along and across the grain. The performance of such a product leaves much to be desired, however this type teeth allows you to completely replace analogues.

The first type of teeth is distinguished by its ability to excellently saw workpieces along the grain. Moreover, each of the teeth has two working surfaces at once, which increases productivity. Another feature is the rapid removal of even raw sawdust from the cutting area.

The second option is more suitable for working with dry wood. It cannot boast of high productivity, and cutting wet wood will require constant cleaning of the tool.

If you need to purchase a truly universal tool, it is recommended to pay attention to products whose cutting blade includes several types of teeth.

Multifunctional canvases

To date The most popular are universal canvases. Their design is simple and well-thought-out: some teeth cut across the fibers of the workpiece, and the second are responsible for cutting along. In this case, between the groups of teeth there are special grooves that are responsible for the removal of sawdust. This option is ideal for everyday use, however, cutting accuracy may cause problems.

There are also a number special tools, noticeably different from most analogues. These should include first of all furniture saw, which does not have jagged edges and allows you to achieve a perfectly smooth cut. For long-term use similar type saw, it is necessary to perform special sharpening of the teeth. This option is ideal for working with plywood, chipboard and other materials used in furniture production.

Another exotic option seems to be Japanese hacksaw, which has unique features. Sharpening of teeth is carried out similarly to a universal type of saw, however, it is assumed that the movement of the tool when performing work will be towards the master himself, and not vice versa, as in more traditional options.


The choice of handle directly depends on the personal preferences of the master, however, it is possible to highlight a number of features that will certainly make the work more productive, safe and comfortable.

A quality handle should:

  • have an organic shape suitable for the hand;
  • be made of modern and durable materials;
  • be able to adjust the mounting angle, which will allow the use of a wider range of canvases.

Since each master has his own ideas about convenience when performing work hand saw, more specific recommendations do not make sense. If the handle is selected correctly, labor productivity will noticeably increase, and the hand will get noticeably less tired, even if a small saw is used.