Main export flows of types of engineering products. World engineering complex

Mechanical engineering is one of the most capacious branches of Russian industry. It includes the production of all kinds of machines, equipment and devices. Modern mechanical engineering consists of more than 200 sub-sectors and industries. In total, more than 80 million people are employed in mechanical engineering in the world, and the number of individual products produced reaches 3 million. Russian Federation More than 3.5 million people work in the mechanical engineering sector.

Mechanical engineering is the main branch of world industry. On the world machine-building complex accounts for about 35% of the cost of all products produced in the world. The main centers of mechanical engineering are the USA, China, Japan and Western European countries.

In the Russian Federation, the volume of output of mechanical engineering enterprises in 2014 amounted to more than 5.74 trillion. rubles This is 5.2% less than in 2013. But even despite this drop, the result of 2014 is one of the best in engineering industry. Mechanical engineering accounts for about 20% of the output of the entire Russian manufacturing industry.

Enterprises of the Russian mechanical engineering complex are located mainly in the European part of the country. About 78% of all products are produced in three Federal Districts. The leader is Central Federal District, whose enterprises produce about 1/3 of all mechanical engineering products. In percentage terms, the share of each of the Federal Districts is as follows:

  • Central Federal District – 31%
  • Volga Federal District – 26%
  • Northwestern Federal District – 21%
  • Ural Federal District – 8%
  • Siberian Federal District – 7%
  • Southern Federal District – 4%
  • Far Eastern Federal District – 2%
  • North Caucasus Federal District – 1%

The industry structure of Russian mechanical engineering consists of three main sectors:

  • Production of machinery and equipment;
  • Production of electrical equipment;
  • Production Vehicle.

The largest share in production volume in 2014 was accounted for by the production of vehicles - just under 51%, which in monetary terms is 2,925 billion rubles. The share of production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment accounted for 28% or 1,611 billion rubles, and the share of production of machinery and equipment amounted to 21% or 1,202 billion rubles.

Import and export of mechanical engineering

Definition 1

Exporting is the process of taking goods out of a country, while importing is the process of bringing products in from abroad.

IN modern world Import is the most common activity in trade. That is why imports are considered the basis of international economic relations.

Often export products are delivered to many countries at the same time.

It is possible to export not only manufactured products, but also capital; such export is usually called investing funds in order to establish own production abroad.

According to 2016 data 8.5% Russian exports falls on mechanical engineering. At the same time, 30% of these products are sent to the CIS countries, and 70% to neighboring countries.

In the period from 2000 to 2008, exports to Russia were in a state of growth.

Exports have a raw material and technological focus, and also determine the country’s role in industry specialization. Eg, a large number of export indicates high scientific, technical and production levels industries. And large exports of mineral resources, on the contrary, indicate the underdevelopment of high-tech industries.

It is worth noting that Russia is one of the countries with a large percentage of exports of oil and gas products, in which it is the undisputed leader, while in the export of machinery and equipment Russia lags behind many developed countries, such as the USA, Japan, Germany, Korea, France and etc.

There is such an organization as Customs Union is a kind of agreement between countries on the abolition of customs duties on trade and the creation of a single customs territory.

The countries that are members of the Customs Union have significantly increased their dependence on imports over the period from 2007 to 2012. During this period, Russian exports grew by 29%, while imports grew by 123%.

In 2012, Russia accounted for the most most of exports (16.6 billion). that is, during this period, much more cars were imported into Russia than were exported. At the same time, it was a net importer (a country in which the share of imports is many times greater than the share of exports) for all types of economic activity.

Note 1

The largest share of exports is aircraft.

Of imports, 35% came from the production of equipment and vehicles, and 31% from electrical equipment.

It is worth noting that Russia has huge potential import substitution. This is due to the high demand for engineering products, taking into account the fact that it is satisfied through imports. All this comes against the backdrop of a constant increase in purchases of imported equipment.

Indicators of domestic demand for automotive products and durable goods are constantly growing, since the saturation of markets with these products is still far from the indicators of developed countries.

In many ways, the process of import substitution depends on the replacement of engineering equipment, namely how quickly and efficiently the replacement will be made. A striking example serves the automotive industry. Modernization of production in the presence of stable effective demand and the creation of preferences for investors can take place in quite a short time. It is also worth noting that the source of financing can be resources accumulated during economic growth, that is, it is not necessary to look for investors on the side.

Unlike imports, opportunities to expand exports are limited. This is due, firstly, to the fact that rising consumer and investment demand will absorb most of the increase in output, without allowing an increase in export supplies. Secondly, it is almost impossible to predict an increase in demand for Russian engineering products on the world market, since there is a fairly large lag behind developed countries. All this leads to the conclusion that Russian mechanical engineering products are not in great demand on the world market, and quickly occupying a separate niche is almost impossible.

Russian exports in 2017

In 2017, there was an increase in exports of mechanical engineering products by 14.6%, which is the first major jump since 2013.

Russian exports have their own specifics; they do not provide for large export contracts, which is why indicators can fluctuate greatly. The main specificity of Russian exports are military and nuclear complexes.

In 2017, turbo exports jet engines grew by 28%, which is the second result in history (the first was in 2013). This allowed Russia to be one of the five largest exporters of these products.

2017 was marked by the fact that an absolute record was set in exports, namely, the export of jet engines increased, the increase of which was 40%. This made Russia a leader in jet engine exporters.

Note 2

The series of best performance in 2017 does not end there. Exports hit another record high nuclear reactors, which increased 2.7 times compared to 2010.

Another good result was the export of boilers central heating, which grew by 37%. IN modern history this is one of the best indicators. The previous best figure also dates back to 2010.

After giving way to 2004, 2017 exports of electric batteries grew by 18%.

Exports of refrigeration equipment increased by 49%, most of it made up of refrigerated display cases.

Things are a little worse with car exports - here the increase was 23%, which is the third result. However, there is a stable, although not great, growth.

Exports of freight and passenger cars grew by 49% in 2017, which is second only to the peak of 2008-2012.

Also, the best results of 2017 were the export of such products as:

  1. Medical devices and instruments (16.9%),
  2. Lasers and special optics (84%),
  3. Equipment for poultry farming (increase in volume by 2 times),
  4. Air conditioners (28%),
  5. Mechanical sprayers (92%).

The main branch of world industry. The development of mechanical engineering largely determines the overall level of development of a particular country. In this industry, the most noticeable gap is between developed and developing countries.

General features of mechanical engineering:

  1. Mechanical engineering ranks first among industries in terms of product value. It accounts for about 35% of the value of global industrial output.
  2. Among industries, mechanical engineering is the most labor-intensive production. It ranks first in terms of the number of employed (80 million people). Instrument making, electrical engineering and aerospace industries, nuclear engineering and other industries that produce complex equipment are particularly labor-intensive. In this regard, one of the main conditions for the location of mechanical engineering is to provide it with a qualified workforce, the presence of a certain level of industrial culture, centers scientific research and developments.
  3. Proximity to the raw material base is important only for some branches of heavy engineering (production of metallurgical, mining equipment, boiler making, etc.).
  4. Mechanical engineering is one of the most knowledge-intensive industries. The achievements of scientific and technical progress are being implemented primarily in the industries of this industry.
  5. Mechanical engineering has the most complex industry composition (more than 300 different industries), which is constantly changing. The newest industries quickly become new and then become old.
  6. There is a huge demand for mechanical engineering products in the world, which is constantly increasing.
  7. Mechanical engineering has the largest, constantly expanding range of products (several million items). At the same time, the industry’s products vary in terms of mass output (for example, aircraft - about 1 thousand per year, metal-cutting machines - 1.2 million, tractors - 1.3 million, cars - 40-50 million, electronic equipment - 150 million, watches - 1 billion pieces).
  8. Different branches of mechanical engineering have different requirements for raw materials. At the same time, there is a tendency for the share of ferrous metallurgy products to decrease and the share of non-ferrous metallurgy products to increase.
  9. Mechanical engineering occupies a leading place in international economic relations(38% of the cost of all goods international trade). For example, mechanical engineering provides 2/3 of Japan's exports and? exports from countries such as and.
  10. Mechanical engineering contributes to the greatest extent to deepening specialization and cooperation in the world economy.

Industry composition of mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is divided into three groups:

1. General engineering, including machine tool building, heavy engineering, agricultural, nuclear engineering and other industries.

General mechanical engineering is distinguished by the following properties:

  • variety of products from piece ( atomic reactor) to mass;
  • variety of connections with other sectors of industry and agriculture.

2. Transport engineering is the second most important branch of mechanical engineering, the products of which often have dual purposes (civil and military).

Characteristics of the main sub-sectors of transport engineering:

Automotive industry– leading branch of transport engineering:

  • 60 million cars are produced annually, 40% of which are exported;
  • the industry employs about 60 million people;
  • 75% of cars are passenger cars; 25% are freight vehicles, of which many are light-duty, special vehicles and buses;
  • high degree of industry concentration (90% of cars are produced by 10 largest companies, the largest of which are: General Motors (USA), Ford (USA), Toyota (Japan), Volkswagen (Germany), Daimer Chrysler (Germany - USA), Fiat ( ), Renault (France).

Aerospace industry– the second branch of transport engineering.

Distinctive features:

  • high knowledge intensity;
  • industry products are produced only by large firms;
  • complex composition of the industry: aircraft production; helicopter production; production of aircraft engines; production of avionics (electronic and navigation equipment for aircraft); rocket science; creation of spacecraft.
  • the use of complex technologies that require special requirements to the scientific and production base and the qualifications of workers.


  • high material and labor intensity of ship production
  • the role of shipbuilding among the mechanical engineering industries is gradually decreasing;
  • in the production of ships there is a decrease in the share of passenger transport and an increase in the share of special transport (tankers, container ships, icebreakers, research vessels, etc.);
  • the center of shipbuilding has moved from Western Europe and the USA to Asia (Korea Japan China);

Production of railway equipment– the oldest branch of transport engineering, producing locomotives, various freight cars, tanks, passenger cars, etc.

The production of railway equipment is gradually declining in the USA and Russia, but is increasing in Asia (PRC,). Europe is increasingly moving towards the production of high-speed passenger trains.

3. Electrical engineering, including electronics.

  • the most knowledge-intensive branch of mechanical engineering;
  • the fastest growing branch of mechanical engineering;
  • high degree of concentration of production (production is mainly concentrated in large companies in the USA, Japan (the USA and Japan produce 90% of microcircuits), Southeast Asia (Korea, ), Western Europe);
  • rapid growth of systemic connections both within the industry and with other industries;
  • within the industry, the growth rate of consumer electronics production is declining, while computers and microcircuits are growing (production of computers and microcircuits is 40–45% of general production electrical engineering and electronics).

Location of mechanical engineering industries

The location of mechanical engineering enterprises is largely influenced by:

  • availability of qualified work force;
  • availability of scientific centers;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • consumers.
  1. Until recently, 90% of mechanical engineering products were produced by developed countries, and only 10% by developing countries. But today the share of developing countries is already 25% and continues to increase.
  2. In the world's mechanical engineering, the dominant position is occupied by a small group of developed countries - the USA, which accounts for almost 30% of the value of engineering products, Japan - 15%, Germany - about 10%, France, Great Britain, Italy, . These countries have developed almost all types of modern mechanical engineering, and their share in global exports of machinery is high (developed countries in general account for over 80% of global exports of machinery and equipment). With an almost complete range of engineering products, a key role in the development of mechanical engineering in this group of countries belongs to the aerospace industry, microelectronics, robotics, nuclear power engineering, machine tool building, heavy engineering, and automotive industry.
    The group of leaders in global mechanical engineering also includes (6% of the value of engineering products), China (3%) and several small industrialized countries - the Netherlands, etc.
  3. Mechanical engineering has greatly advanced in its development in developing countries. Unlike developed countries, whose mechanical engineering is based on high level research and development (R&D), highly qualified workforce and focused mainly on the production of technically complex and high-quality products, the mechanical engineering of developing countries, based on the low cost of local labor, specializes, as a rule, in the production of mass, labor-intensive, but technically simple, low-quality types of products. Among the enterprises here there are many purely assembly plants that receive kits of machines in disassembled form from industrialized countries. Few developing countries have modern machine-building plants, primarily the newly industrialized ones - Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Mexico. The main directions of development of their mechanical engineering are the production of household electrical appliances, automotive industry, and shipbuilding.
  4. The main exporters of mechanical engineering products are: Japan, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada.
  5. The location of some branches of mechanical engineering is presented in the table.

Top ten countries

Automotive production

USA; Japan; Germany; France; R.Korea; Great Britain; Spain; Canada; Italy; .

Meth production llor cutting machines

Japan, Germany, USA, Italy, China, Switzerland, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Spain, France

Production tract ors

Russia, Japan, India, USA, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Brazil.

TV production isor

China, R. Korea, USA, Brazil, Japan, Spain, Singapore, Turkey, UK.

Shipbuilding (launching)

Korea, Japan, Germany, Brazil, Taiwan, Denmark, China, Yugoslavia, .

The largest producers and exporters of general engineering products in general are developed countries: Germany, the USA, Japan, etc. Developed countries are also the main manufacturers and suppliers of machine tools to the world market (Japan, Germany, USA, Italy and Switzerland). The general engineering industry of developing countries is dominated by the production of agricultural machinery and simple equipment.

World leaders in the field of electrical engineering and electronics are the USA, Japan, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Production household electrical appliances and consumer electronics products have also developed in developing countries, especially in the countries of Eastern and South-East Asia.

Among the branches of transport engineering, the automotive industry is developing most dynamically. The area of ​​its spatial distribution is constantly growing. Even in the first half of the 20th century, one country reigned supreme - the United States (83%), but then the transition to a polycentric model began. In the second half of the twentieth century, three centers emerged: the USA, Western Europe, and Japan. In the 90s, the automotive industry began to spread to Asia (R. Korea, China, India, Turkey, Malaysia) and Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc.) However, the countries of Foreign Europe (Germany, France, Spain and etc.), the USA and Japan remain leaders and produce more than 70% of all cars in the world. In addition, most of the automobile factories located in developing countries belong to leading companies in these countries.

The top ten countries for car production are presented in the table. It can be added that the number of countries with a car production rate of over 1 million per year also includes Mexico, Russia and.

The largest exporters of cars: Japan (4.6 million per year), Germany (3.6), France.

Unlike the automotive industry, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, rolling stock production railways is experiencing stagnation. The main reason for this is the lack of demand for their products.

Shipbuilding has moved from developed countries to developing ones. The largest ship manufacturers were South Korea(ahead and took first place in the world), Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, China, Taiwan. At the same time, the United States and Western European countries (Great Britain, Germany, etc.), as a result of the reduction in ship production, ceased to play a significant role in global shipbuilding.

Thus, in the territorial structure of mechanical engineering, four main mechanical engineering regions can be distinguished:

  • North America (USA, Canada, Mexico);
  • Foreign Europe (Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain);
  • East and Southeast Asia;

The (USA, Canada) accounts for approximately 1/3 of the cost of mechanical engineering products. This region produces almost all types of engineering products of any level of complexity, but international division The labor region acts, first of all, as the largest manufacturer and exporter of highly complex machines, heavy engineering products and knowledge-intensive industries. Thus, in the United States, which occupies a leading position in the region and the world in terms of the total value of mechanical engineering products, a large role belongs to aerospace engineering, military-industrial electronics, computer production, nuclear power engineering, military shipbuilding, etc. The United States ranks third in the world on the export of mechanical engineering products and the first - on imports.

(without the CIS) also accounts for about 1/3 of the world's mechanical engineering production. The region produces mainly mass engineering products, but maintains its position in some of the newest industries. The region is particularly distinguished by general mechanical engineering (machine tool building, production of equipment for metallurgy, textile, paper, watchmaking and other industries), electrical engineering and electronics, and transport engineering (automotive, aircraft, etc.). Leader of European mechanical engineering Germany - largest exporter in the region and second in the world in mechanical engineering products.

The region, which includes the countries of East and Southeast Asia, produces approximately a quarter of the world's mechanical engineering production. The main stimulating factor in the development of mechanical engineering in the countries of the region is the relative cheapness of labor. The leader of the region is Japan - the second mechanical engineering power in the world, the world's largest exporter of mechanical engineering products, especially products of the most skilled industries (microelectronics, electrical engineering, aircraft engineering, robotics, etc.). Other countries - China, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. produce labor-intensive but less complex products (production of household electrical appliances, cars, ships, etc.) and are also very actively involved in work on foreign market. Thus, the region produces both mass engineering products and highly complex products.

They form a special region of world mechanical engineering. They have a full range of engineering production. For most countries in the region, mechanical engineering is one of the main branches of international specialization. The aviation, rocket and space industries, consumer electronics, and some simple branches of general mechanical engineering (production of agricultural machinery, metal-intensive machine tools, power equipment, etc.) have received particularly great development here. At the same time, there is a serious lag in a number of industries, especially knowledge-intensive ones. The leader of the CIS is Russia, despite the enormous opportunities for the development of mechanical engineering (significant production, scientific, technical, intellectual and resource potential, a capacious domestic market with great demand for a variety of engineering products, etc.), in the international division of labor it stands out only for the production of weapons and the latest space technology and is even forced to import many types of machines.

Outside the main machine-building regions, there are mechanical engineering centers that are quite large in scale and complexity of production structures - India, Brazil, Argentina. Their mechanical engineering mainly works for the domestic market. These countries export cars, sea vessels, bicycles, and simple types of household appliances(refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, calculators, watches, etc.).

Now the mechanical engineering of the world is a huge industry, but it originated in the 18th century. Great Britain can be called its ancestor. Over time, they spread into our century - this is one of the main components of the industry of the entire planet.

general information

In world trade, mechanical engineering products bring 38% of profits from total production. Moreover, most branches of the industry are independent of the remoteness of raw materials, except for mining, metallurgical and similar enterprises.

In the mechanical engineering industry itself there is a tendency towards an increase in the raw material demand for non-ferrous metals and chemical industry, and work with ferrous metal is on the decline.

The global mechanical engineering industry confidently ranks first in terms of the value of final products, accounting for 35% of the entire industry, and the number of jobs, numbering more than 80 million.

Due to rapid progress, the industrial composition of mechanical engineering is subject to regular changes. Some industries disappear, while others appear, increasing production. The range of their products is simply huge and includes many types: from airplanes to wristwatches.

Complex fields of mechanical engineering, such as instrumentation, nuclear industry and aerospace, require knowledge-intensive resources and qualified specialists. Here we constantly introduce latest developments scientists aimed at improving product quality. This shows that developed mechanical engineering is characteristic of more successful and economically established countries than developing ones.

Mechanical engineering industries

Divided into three groups:

  • general mechanical engineering;
  • transport engineering;
  • electrical engineering.

General engineering includes heavy engineering, the nuclear sector, the production of agricultural equipment and others. Product diversity is an original feature of this industry.

Transport engineering is divided into several narrow-profile industries, including automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, aerospace industry, and production of railway equipment. Transport engineering has both a civilian and military focus.

Mechanical engineering of the world

Automotive industry

Henry Ford started the assembly line production of automobiles. Together with the division of labor, this allowed the company to reduce the car assembly time by eight times. So the USA firmly established itself in the car market and for more than half a century, sales of American cars accounted for 80% of the total world turnover.

By the end of the last century, the United States lost its leading position to the countries of Western Europe and Japan. The latter successfully placed its bet on small cars. During the oil crisis, when saving gasoline was of no small importance, this move turned out to be very advantageous. Since the late 90s, the geography of car production has changed. Less successful countries in Asia and Latin America have taken up the automotive industry.

During the same period, large companies began not only to conquer the domestic market, but also to actively open branches in competing countries. American cars began to be sold in Europe and Japan, and European and Japanese firms entered the US market. The Japanese had the opportunity to purchase a car under a European or American brand.

The industry is currently

Today, the Japanese national car market sells 4.5 million cars a year. In Western Europe, the amount of cars sold reaches 15 million. Americans are the leaders in domestic sales. In the United States, the number of cars sold is approaching 17 million. But experts note the rapid growth of automobile production in China and India, which in the future may create competition for well-known companies.

The total production of automobiles in the world is measured at 60 million units per year. The same number of millions of workers are employed in this industry. Of the total number of cars produced by all countries, only 25% are trucks. These include:

  • buses;
  • specialist. transport;
  • small trucks.

90% of the world's cars are produced by large automobile companies.

Many brands could not withstand the struggle that took place in last years. These enterprises were absorbed by the sharks of the automobile market, such as the American General Motors and Ford Motor, and the German-American Dymler AG. German Volkswagen and BMW, French Renault and PSA, and Italian Fiat have established themselves on the European continent. In Japan, the main automobile concerns were Toyota Motor and Honda.

Aerospace industry

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Germany occupied the leadership in aircraft manufacturing. After World War II, the USSR and the USA became the main aviation powers.

The Americans were betting on general development aviation, both military and civil. Policy Soviet Union was not so pragmatic and the main research in the aeronautical field was focused on state defense.

The engines created by Soviet designers were intended for military aircraft. Ultra-fast and very uneconomical, such engines were absolutely unsuitable civil aviation. Therefore, American companies became leaders in the production of airliners, and passenger aircraft of the USSR, even after the collapse of the country, could not compete with them.

The types of products in the aerospace industry are extensive:

  • aircraft;
  • aircraft engines;
  • avionics;
  • helicopters;
  • launch vehicles;
  • spacecraft.

The scientific capacity of this industry is the highest and requires qualified specialists. As before, the leader here is the United States, and the products of its companies Boeing-McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed Martin Corporation, General Dynamics, United Technologies are the most in demand in the world.


In recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in the construction of passenger airliners. The launching of special vessels such as tankers, icebreakers and container ships has increased. The production of ships smoothly moved from Europe to Asia and the USA. South Korea and Japan are now the undisputed leaders in the construction of sea vessels.

Railway production

The oldest of the industries, which includes the production of locomotives, passenger and freight cars, and railway equipment, is now experiencing problems. This is due to the changed geography of production. Now train construction is increasingly taking place in Asian countries such as India and China. Europe is relying on modern high-speed trains.

Electrical engineering is the most knowledge-intensive and most progressive industry. IN Lately There is a decline in the production of household electrical appliances and an increase in the production of microcircuits.

The leaders in this industry are companies from the USA, Japan and South Korea. China, Taiwan and other Asian countries are rapidly developing in this direction.

Geography of mechanical engineering industries

The successful development of mechanical engineering requires certain resources.

  • Scientific centers. Will allow the introduction of new technologies into production.
  • Developed infrastructure. Excellent raw material base and product sales.
  • Consumer. Enterprises require stable demand for their products.
  • Work force. Qualified specialists reduce the risk of defects and affect production speed.

The mechanical engineering industry is conventionally divided into 4 regions: North America, Western Europe, Asia, countries former USSR.

The North American region includes large manufacturers, like the USA, Canada and Mexico. The cost of products sold is 1/3 of the global value. Another 1/3 comes from Europe, where the main exporters are Germany, France and Britain. Japan occupies a leading position in the Asian region. China has also been considered a major eastern exporter in recent years.

Russia is the undisputed leader and main producer among the countries of the former USSR, but on the world stage, domestic mechanical engineering is best known in the military sphere. Aviation and space developments Russian scientists are consistently attracted to foreign consumers. In other industries, Russia lags significantly behind foreign competitors.

Until recently, large companies were located in fairly developed countries and accounted for 90% of the total world mechanical engineering. Now there is a reverse trend and 25% of production is already located in developing countries.

The new geography is driven by inexpensive labor, attracting leading companies to open branches in Asian countries. Typically, at such enterprises the work is not complicated and often comes down to simply assembling equipment from the provided components.

Largest countries exporting mechanical engineering products

Mechanical engineering in the leading countries brings significant capital to state budgets. For example, the share of the cost of production sold by the United States is 30% of the world value. Japan sells goods at 15%. Germany about 10%. Other producing countries are less successful: France, Canada, China, Great Britain.

  • USA – $405 billion;
  • Japan – 310 billion;
  • Germany – 302 billion;
  • France – 141 billion;
  • Great Britain – 138 billion;
  • China – 120 billion;
  • Canada – 105 billion

Leading countries in some industries:

  • Automotive industry - USA, Japan, Germany, France, South Korea.
  • Machine tool industry – Japan, Germany, USA, Italy, China.
  • Tractors – Russia, Japan, India, USA, Belarus.
  • TVs – China, South Korea, USA, Brazil, Malaysia.
  • Shipbuilding - South Korea, Japan, Germany, Brazil, Taiwan.

The main countries exporting mechanical engineering products:

  • Japan;
  • Germany;
  • Great Britain;
  • France;
  • Italy;
  • Canada;
  • Korea.

Of the developing countries on this list:

  • China;
  • Taiwan;
  • Singapore;
  • India;
  • Türkiye;
  • Mexico;
  • Brazil.

The main task of mechanical engineering is to provide society with new, increasingly modern machines. MAIN TASK

The role and significance of mechanical engineering.

It accounts for 36%
enterprises, 40% employed, 20%
gross industrial output
Mechanical engineering products
used everywhere: in
industry, agriculture,
everyday life, in transport, in armed
Determines the pace of scientific and technical

Groups of mechanical engineering industries
Equipment for
lifting and transport.
General and
Machine tool industry,
equipment for
light and food
office equipment,
household and

Heavy engineering provides equipment for the energy, metallurgy, chemical, and mining industries.


Background Information

Mechanical engineering is the most
dynamic industry
industry which
reflects the level of development of countries
(in the industrial structure
developed countries share
mechanical engineering – 34%).
It is especially characteristic of her
deepening specialization
production and expansion
How the industry emerged 200 years ago
back during industrial
revolution in England.
Nowadays, according to the number of employed (80
million people), and by number
the cost of production it
ranks first among
industries of the world

Composition of the mechanical engineering complex

defining defining scientific and technological progress in mechanical engineering
NTP in everything
mechanical engineering
Electrical Engineering Machine Tools and
mechanical engineering
Radio engineering

Tractor and
mechanical engineering

mechanical engineering
Manufacturing of machines for
metallurgy and
Lifting and transport
mechanical engineering
Mechanical Engineering for Chemical and Petroleum
light and food
mechanical engineering

Stroitelnodorozhnoe and
mechanical engineering
designs and products

Industry groups


Level of development of mechanical engineering in regions and countries of the world

Australia, China,
India, NIS Asia,
South Africa, Brazil,
Indonesia, Mongolia,
Iran, Afghanistan,
DR Congo,
Peru, Chile
Arabia, countries

Geography of mechanical engineering


Engineering centers of the world

North America, where almost all types are produced
engineering products, from the highest to medium and
low degree of complexity.
Foreign Europe, which produces mainly
mass engineering products, but also retains its own
positions in some of the newest industries.
East and Southeast Asia, in which Japan is the leader,
also combining mass engineering products with
products itself high technology; it also includes “Asian
Tigers", specializing primarily in the production of household goods
electronics; and China.
CIS, for most countries of which mechanical engineering is one of the
main branches of international specialization.

Main exporters and importers of cars


Compilation of EGC of a sector of the economy

The importance of the industry in the world economy, its sectoral composition,
influence of scientific and technological revolution on its development.
Raw materials and fuel resources of the industry and their placement.
Product production volumes with distribution by
main geographical regions.
Main producing countries.
Main areas and centers of production; factors,
which determined the location of the industry in these areas.
Environmental and ecological problems, arising in
connection with the development of the industry.
Main countries (regions) for exporting products. Main
countries (regions) of import of products. The most important cargo flows.
Prospects for the development and location of the industry.