Features of personal hygiene during puberty. Sexual characteristics and personal hygiene of boys and girls

The structure of a woman's body is different from a man's. Women are usually smaller in height and weight, with a more developed subcutaneous fat layer in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. An adult woman's body is wider in the pelvic area, a man's body is wider in the shoulders. The female pelvis is wider than the male one, its cavity is more voluminous, and the bones are thinner and more movably connected. Such structural features of the female body contribute to better placement of the uterus with the fetus in the pelvic area during pregnancy and are of great importance for the course of labor and the advancement of the fetus through the birth canal. In women, the chest is wider and shorter, which provides a thoracic type of breathing, which is more favorable during pregnancy. In men, abdominal breathing predominates.

The greatest differences are observed in the structure of the genital organs of men and women.

Personal hygiene- this is a set of hygienic rules, the implementation of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health. Personal hygiene in the narrow sense includes hygienic requirements for keeping the body, linen, and clothing clean.

During puberty, significant changes occur in the body of girls and boys, requiring compliance with special hygiene rules. At this time, all skin glands begin to work intensively, especially in the genital area and in the armpits. The released sweat decomposes and an unpleasant odor appears. This causes irritation. In addition, hygiene necessarily takes into account the structural features and functions of the organs and systems of the body of men and women. The female body is resistant to many unfavorable factors. This is explained by the need to reliably ensure the reproduction function, in which the woman bears the main burden. Women tolerate poor-quality nutrition and lack of sleep better than men; they are less likely to have diseases of the circulatory system, breathing, digestion, and mental disorders. However, diseases of the genital and urinary organs are much more common in women than in men. Therefore, girls, young women, and women must carefully comply with the requirements of personal hygiene.

When the external genital organs are kept untidy, a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms accumulate. Discharge from the genitals is a breeding ground for them. Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia occurs - vulvitis, accompanied by itching and burning. Penetrating into the urinary organs, pathogenic microorganisms cause inflammation of the urethra - urethritis, bladder - cystitis, renal pelvis - pyelitis. From the renal pelvis, the infection can spread to the kidney tissue, causing pyelonephritis - a serious disease that is difficult to treat. The genitals and the folds of skin around them should be washed morning and evening with warm water and soap. Underwear should be changed daily. It is necessary to change socks (stockings, tights) daily. Clothes, underwear and shoes should be loose enough, not restrict movement and be appropriate for the time of year. Girls are not recommended to wear tight belts and bras, which impede blood circulation, cause swelling and contribute to the expansion of veins in the legs.

You need to be in the fresh air as much as possible, be on the move, exercise regularly, properly alternate study sessions with rest, and maintain a sleep schedule.


One of the conditions for strengthening the family and its health is knowledge of the basics of marriage hygiene. It is important to know the mechanism of conception, the birth of a new life. At the same time, the sexual issue goes far beyond biology. This is both a moral and a social issue.

Historically, the number of children in a family and the periods between their births were regulated by tradition or religious regulations, ranging from prohibitions on sexual relations while breastfeeding to the destruction of children born of a certain sex or with physical disabilities. Birth control, being an integral part of demographic policy, is still carried out today, albeit using more humane methods. Many factors influence the fact that in our time in different countries this control sometimes pursues directly opposite goals. While some states strive to limit population growth, others spend no less effort on stimulating childbearing.

There are many contraceptives currently available. All of them are more or less effective. However, each of them has its own indications and contraindications. Therefore, contraceptives can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor who will choose a contraceptive taking into account the woman’s age, the nature of her reproductive function, the state of the reproductive system and concomitant general diseases, as well as the acceptability of various types of contraception. It is recommended to use one type of contraception for no more than a year, then you need to take a break, during which you need to consult a doctor for examination and solution to the problem of a further method of birth control.


Reproductive health according to WHO definition, it is not only the absence of diseases in all areas relating to the reproductive system, its functions and processes, but also a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Reproductive health is a set of factors, methods, procedures and services that support reproductive health and promote the well-being of a family or individual.

Reproductive health is an essential part of overall health and is central to human development. Reproductive health concerns a personal and highly valuable aspect of life. While reflecting the quality of health in childhood and adolescence, supporting reproduction, it also creates the basis for ensuring health after the reproductive years of life for both women and men, and determines the consequences transmitted from generation to generation.

Currently, the state of women's health is the most important basis for the formation of the relationship between generation and generation of the potential of vitality and energy. However, it is the state of health of the woman herself, the degree of her adaptive immune-protective capabilities that becomes the weak link that, under certain unfavorable circumstances, can contribute to a decrease in her reproductive potential, the level of health and vitality of generations at all subsequent stages of the life cycle of their development. Such unfavorable circumstances currently include the presence of somatic, infectious and gynecological diseases in women, living in a state of constant psychological tension and prolonged chronic stress, leading to various manifestations of mental disorders and maladaptation, widespread bad habits, a sharp decline in living standards, insufficient or unbalanced nutrition, difficulties in obtaining timely and adequate medical care, etc.

Teenagers represent the population resource of the republic. Adolescence occupies a special place in the development and formation of a person, as biological and psychological restructuring of the body and adaptation to a new social environment occur. During this period of “confusion,” there is a desire for independence, a search for new identification, and a departure from parental views and values. Hormonal processes occurring in the body of a teenager have a great influence on sexual and emotional behavior, which at times can manifest itself in aggression. A psychological feature of adolescence is the teenager’s dependence on a large number of microsocial (family, school, immediate environment) and macrosocial (society as a whole and its culture) environmental factors. This period is characterized by the desire to quickly understand the world of adults, the desire to think like an adult. The social development of a teenager consists of learning the role of a person in society and ways of realizing this role, in the perception of values ​​and norms in various spheres of life, including in the field of health.

To solve problems of improving reproductive health, it is necessary to direct the attention of adolescents to awareness of the value of reproductive health; to form the necessary knowledge in this area, to enrich individual consciousness with a complex of value concepts, to show its role in the value system.

Homework: §§ 2.2-3.1

Lesson 8


Contraceptives - these are means of prevention pregnancy, which are divided into male (interrupted intercourse method, condoms) and female (diaphragms, cervical caps, spermicidal foams, suppositories, pastes, gels, sponges, hormonal drugs, intrauterine and other devices).

Condoms serve as a barrier for sperm - they prevent it from entering the vagina and at the same time prevent the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. The condom is placed on the erect penis.

Spermicides are chemicals that, when they come into contact with sperm in the vagina, kill them. They are inserted into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse.

Diaphragms are dome-shaped rubber caps with a flexible ring. They are inserted into the vagina and tightly cover the cervix. The contraceptive properties of the diaphragm are partially ensured, on the one hand, by its mechanical barrier function, and on the other, by the action of the spermicide additionally introduced into it.

Cervical caps (pessaries) are rubber caps with an elastic rim that a woman can insert into the vagina and close the uterine os to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.

Intrauterine contraceptives are widely used all over the world as quite effective and easy to use (their effectiveness ranges from 91 to 99.4%). One type of IUD is an intrauterine device, which is inserted in a clinical setting immediately after the end of the next menstruation. Their validity period depends on the type of material from which they are made, and can reach 4-5 years.

Hormonal contraception has also become widespread as an effective method of preventing pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives, depending on the composition of the drugs and the method of their use, are divided into: combined (contain estrogens and gestogens); gestogens in microdoses; drugs with large doses of gestogens or estrogens, used immediately after sexual intercourse; long-acting drugs administered intramuscularly once every 3-6 months; subcutaneous implants in the form of capsules for sewing into the subcutaneous tissue for a period of up to 5 years. Women who decide to take oral contraceptives must first consult a gynecologist and undergo the necessary medical examination. After prescribing the drug, you should strictly adhere to the order of taking the pills, keep a menstrual calendar, monitor changes in body weight, blood pressure levels, and if you have the slightest doubt, be sure to consult a doctor.

Physiological (by keeping a calendar) and temperature contraceptive methods are also used. They are based on determining the days of the menstrual cycle that are favorable and unfavorable for conception.

These methods cannot be used in case of an unstable menstrual cycle, gynecological diseases, overwork, etc.

The method for determining basal temperature involves measuring temperature for 5-8 minutes every morning at the same time, without getting out of bed. This method is unsuitable during periods when a woman is sick, weakened, taking hormones, i.e. when the temperature in the vagina and rectum depends not only on the process of egg maturation.

The so-called rhythmic (physiological, calendar) method and interrupted sexual intercourse are not methods of contraception, because they do not have a contraceptive effect - they do not prevent the sperm from meeting the egg, do not change the viscosity of cervical mucus, and do not prevent the implantation of the egg into the uterus. Thus, they inherently cannot have a contraceptive effect - they cannot prevent pregnancy by their essence and therefore are not contraceptive methods in any way.


To perform the function of reproducing offspring, a woman turns out to be biologically formed by the age of 12-15 years. However, biological readiness to perform childbearing functions at this age does not guarantee the favorable development of pregnancy, since physical and psychological development is completed much later.

Pregnancy and childbirth in very young women often occur with complications. This is explained by the fact that the development of the female body is usually completed only by the age of 18-20, and the development of the pelvic bones and genital organs, the growth of a woman continues even after the end of puberty. Early pregnancy weakens the body and has an adverse effect on neuropsychic and physical maturation. The offspring of very young parents may be weak, sickly and defective.

Psychologist T. Verni believes that the thoughts, experiences, and sensations of the mother are transmitted to the child and are remembered by him. In the future, they play a significant role in the development of his character, behavior, mental well-being, etc. During pregnancy, a woman is advised to be calm and balanced, and those around her are advised not to worry her.

Hygiene rules for a pregnant woman:

1. It is necessary to keep the body clean: this improves skin respiration, helps eliminate various harmful substances from the body, which facilitates the work of the kidneys, which bear a heavy load during pregnancy. In the morning, pregnant women are recommended not only to wash their hands, face, and neck, but also to wipe the entire body with warm water, then rub the skin with a towel. This strengthens the nervous system, improves blood circulation and breathing, and creates a cheerful mood.

2. A pregnant woman should cut her nails short, as a large number of microbes accumulate under them, which is associated with the possibility of tissue injury and infection. It is especially important to keep the external genitalia clean; this prevents the formation of diaper rash and the appearance of pustular rashes, which can cause severe postpartum diseases. You need to wash yourself in the morning and evening with warm boiled water and soap. When washing, it is recommended to use pieces of clean cotton wool. Douching the vagina during pregnancy is not recommended. When visiting a bathhouse, it is advisable to avoid very high temperatures; under no circumstances should you steam yourself or steam your feet. During the last months of pregnancy, you should only shower.

4. A pregnant woman should pay great attention to caring for her mammary glands in order to prepare them for future feeding of the child and prevent the formation of cracked nipples. You must wash and dry your nipples carefully so as not to damage the skin. Air baths for 10-15 minutes 1-2 times a day have a beneficial effect on the mammary glands.

5. A mandatory hygiene measure for pregnant women should be washing their armpits with warm water in the morning.

6. From the first month of pregnancy, a woman should regularly visit the dentist and have her mouth thoroughly sanitized.

7. Clothing for a pregnant woman should be comfortable, not impede movement and not tighten the chest and abdomen. Underwear must be changed frequently. The mammary glands enlarge during pregnancy, so you need to choose the right bra size. In the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a special bandage, which serves as additional support for the uterus and prevents excessive stretching of the abdominal wall muscles. Pregnant women's shoes should be loose, with wide low heels.

8. Heavy physical work, constant body tension, tiring walking, long standing, especially bent over, are harmful to a pregnant woman. But low mobility and inactivity also worsen the functioning of internal organs, leading to muscle lethargy and bad mood. Work that is not associated with special experiences and excessive physical stress has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental state of the pregnant woman.

9. A pregnant woman must be protected from strong emotional experiences. A restful sleep is very important for a pregnant woman, the duration of which should be at least 8-9 hours. A pregnant woman should sleep on her right side.

10. Proper nutrition is extremely important for the health of a pregnant woman and the normal development of the fetus. A pregnant woman's food should be nutritious, tasty, and contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins. The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be differentiated taking into account weight, height, nature of work, energy consumption, geographical conditions, time of year, and gestational age.

11. Of the health activities recommended during pregnancy, physical education is of great importance. It develops and strengthens the body, improves the functioning of the heart, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. Physical exercise strengthens the muscles of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor, improves breathing, blood circulation, promotes the correct position of the fetus in the uterine cavity and the normal course of labor and the postpartum period.

The question of the influence of alcohol, nicotine and toxic substances on fetal development. Thus, American researchers monitored the course of pregnancy in 130 women and the subsequent development of the children born. Thirteen of them, i.e. 10% of the entire group, drank alcohol. Otherwise, the pregnancy conditions were the same (proper nutrition, exercise regimen, medical supervision). It turned out that the development of all children whose mothers drank alcohol deviated significantly from normal. All of them had smaller height and weight at birth, weaker development of the limbs, they grew more slowly, lagged behind in motor activity, and had more or less pronounced developmental defects such as fetal alcohol syndrome. Careful comparative observations in subsequent years did not allow us to establish a single case of the birth of a normal child by a woman who systematically consumed alcohol.

Smoking by a pregnant woman causes spasm of the uterine vessels with a slowdown in uteroplacental blood flow, lasting 20-30 minutes after one smoked cigarette; suppression of fetal respiratory movements; the appearance of nicotine and other toxic substances in the blood of the fetus, which leads to retarded growth, body weight and the birth of a child with its deficiency; the development of pulmonary pathology is noted both in the newborn and in older children; the risk of perinatal mortality and sudden death syndrome before the age of one year increases. A statistical analysis of the life expectancy of smokers and non-smokers revealed that each cigarette smoked shortens life by 5-6 minutes. But no one knows how much the life of an unborn child is shortened by each cigarette smoked by a pregnant woman.

Taking drugs during pregnancy sharply increases the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, leads to decreased weight of the newborn, mental retardation, premature birth, as well as the development of sudden child death syndrome (the risk of sudden death syndrome when taking opium during pregnancy increases twentyfold) . Some drugs (opium and cocaine) lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels of the placenta, thereby limiting the supply of oxygen to the fetus (like nicotine, they cause oxygen starvation of the fetus). The mortality rate of newborn children in women who take drugs reaches 80%.

Pregnancy places great responsibility on a woman. Now she needs to worry not only about her health, but also about the health of her unborn child. The duty of the pregnant woman’s relatives is to keep her in a cheerful mood, protect her from unnecessary worries and worries, and then the joy of upcoming motherhood will not be overshadowed by anything.


If pregnancy is a physiological condition that has a beneficial effect on a woman’s body, then abortion is a violation of this physiological process.

In our country, the protection of mothers and children is a matter of national importance. The state gave women the right to decide the issue of motherhood themselves. If for some reason she does not want to have a child, she can have an abortion in a medical institution. According to the current situation, induced abortions are permitted for women with a pregnancy of no more than 12 weeks.

Unsafe abortion is one of the world's most dramatic health problems. According to WHO, about 5 million unsafe abortions are performed in African countries; Asia - about 10 million; Europe - up to 1 million; Latin America and the Caribbean - 4 million. On average, there is one complicated abortion for every seven births, and from 1 to 5 women out of every 10 who have an abortion require emergency medical care due to complications such as sepsis, bleeding, and trauma. Every year, 78,000 women die from unsafe abortions and hundreds of thousands suffer from various diseases.

Statistics show that unplanned teenage pregnancies most often end in abortion. Thus, for every 100 pregnancies in teenage girls, there are 70 abortions, 15 births and 15 spontaneous miscarriages. Moreover, termination of pregnancy in adolescents in 25% of cases occurs at 22-27 weeks, which has an extremely negative impact on the girl’s health. Teenagers have an 11% higher risk of having a child with congenital abnormalities.

Abortion during the first pregnancy is especially dangerous. Due to the anatomical features of the genital organs, it is much more difficult to perform an abortion on a nulliparous woman than on a woman who has given birth. In nulliparous women, tissues are more often damaged, especially the cervix, which sometimes leads to habitual prematurity. You need to know that termination of the first pregnancy, even in a hospital setting, often leads to infertility for life.

Abortion is the most common cause of gynecological diseases. Complications occur in at least every fifth woman, and in almost half, chronic inflammatory processes in the genital area worsen. Another danger is that abortions performed “on the day of treatment” do not involve any preparation - the examination is minimal. At the same time, the procedure itself for terminating pregnancy by any method contributes to the development of infectious and inflammatory complications. If antibiotics are prescribed for instrumental abortion performed in a hospital, then for medical termination of pregnancy or the use of magnetic caps, antibiotic therapy is not always carried out. When the infection spreads, inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages, pelvic peritonitis, thrombophlebitis (inflammation) of the uterine veins or general blood poisoning - sepsis - may develop. One of the most common consequences of an abortion is menstrual irregularity (it occurs in approximately 12% of women), cycles become irregular, and bleeding between periods is possible.

Among the long-term consequences of abortion are various hormonal disorders, including diseases of the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland - the central regulator of the endocrine system; gynecological pathologies: endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction, chronic endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis (inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and ovaries), infertility. To avoid abortion and its consequences, it is necessary to use various means to prevent pregnancy.

TOPIC: Hygiene of girls, girls, women. Menstrual hygiene. Sexual hygiene

Hygienic education of children from an early age, as well as their parents, serves as a means of preventing inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs. Sex education plays an important role in the rehabilitation of girls suffering from menstrual dysfunction.

Childhood hygiene. From the moment a girl is born, additional rules must be followed when caring for her. Mostly this concerns the care of the genitals. To maintain cleanliness, the genitals are carefully washed daily with warm water and neutral detergents from front to back (so as not to carry the contents of the rectum into the vagina) with soft wipes.

Particular attention should be paid to preventing infection. Typically, these diseases are transmitted by sick mothers if they sleep with their children, or when washing their children with poorly washed hands. It is also dangerous to share towels, sponges, etc.

General hygiene rules come down to proper and rational nutrition, taking into account the characteristics of physical development. It is necessary to teach the girl to empty her intestines and bladder in a timely manner, since overfilling of these organs can lead to a change in the normal position of the uterus.

Girls should avoid heavy physical work.

Girls' clothes and shoes should not impede movement or interfere with normal breathing and blood circulation. To prevent genital irritation, the girl should change her underwear every day.

The overload of girls with school activities is of great importance. Overwork not only has a harmful effect on your overall health, but can also cause menstrual irregularities.

Full hygienic education of girls should be carried out at home or at an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist; students of obstetric colleges working in adolescent centers, in family planning services, as well as in the implementation of healthy lifestyle and valeology programs can be involved.

Hygiene of girls during puberty.

The growth of sexual hair, activation of the sebaceous and sex glands requires increased attention to maintaining the cleanliness of the skin and mucous membranes. In adolescence, even more carefully than in childhood, a girl must observe the rules of genital hygiene.

Compliance with the rules of general and intimate hygiene extends to the chest and armpits. During adolescence, sweat glands are actively functioning. If hygiene is not observed, they may become clogged with the subsequent appearance of a very unpleasant odor. Therefore, you need to shower twice a day, morning and evening. The use of only deodorants, scented sanitary pads, and napkins is highly undesirable.

Increased physiological leucorrhoea during puberty forces one to resort to more frequent washing, using special intimate hygiene products with a neutral environment. They often resort to the use of panty liners, since vaginal discharge, accumulating on the external genitalia or underwear, causes skin irritation, itching, and the addition of microorganisms can trigger the onset of the development of the inflammatory process.

For teenage girls those who do not menstruate, washing the external genitalia with running water should be done at least 1-2 times a day.

Hygiene of menstruating girls.

It is necessary to explain to girls the essence of the manifestations of menstruation and hygienic rules during menstruation, the differences between the sexes, the physiology of the woman’s body, and childbirth. The first menstruation most often begins at 12-14 years of age. This event is extremely important, both from a biological and psychological point of view. Every girl should keep a so-called menstrual calendar, that is, record the time of onset, duration and intensity of menstruation.

The arrival of your period may require a change in your daily routine: you should sleep longer, avoid stressful situations and “scary” films and stories. Physical exercise has a preventative and therapeutic effect.

Loads on menstruation days should be limited, tension in the abdominal muscles, flips, jumps, strength techniques should be avoided, preferably exercising in groups with reduced physical activity. If classes are poorly tolerated or if there is a pathological course of menstruation, girls are completely exempted from classes by the decision of the teacher, school nurse, school doctor or pediatric gynecologist.

During menstruation Intimate hygiene should be given special attention. These days, the genitals are especially susceptible to infection due to a slight decrease in the body's defenses. Blood is an ideal environment for bacteria to live and multiply. At this time, you should especially carefully wash the external genitalia 2-3 times a day with running water using various intimate hygiene products.

It is better to wash in the shower, take a bath and visit the bathhouse. First, the external genitalia are washed, then the skin of the thighs, and lastly the anus area. Linen must be changed daily.

During menstruation, it is recommended to use special pads and tampons. The popularity of intravaginal (vaginal) tampons is increasing. They are used by both mature women, brought up on previous hygienic traditions, and very young girls. As for the use of tampons in virgins, according to P. Pendegrass (1991), in the absence of anatomical deviations in the structure of the hymen, there are no obstacles to the use of tampons. The use of tampons does not lead to a change in the acid-base ratio on menstrual days.

The use of tampons, as the author testifies, does not cause changes in the vaginal microflora that is normal for menstrual days. The use of tampons does not affect local immunity, does not cause cervical diseases, does not cause changes in the parameters of the menstrual cycle and does not provoke the development of genital endometriosis. By the age of menarche (12-14 years), in most girls the hymen has a ring-shaped shape and fringed, softly elastic edges, the diameter of the hymenal opening reaches 1.5-2 cm. For comparison, the maximum diameter of Tampax application tampons is 1.3 cm. When soaked in menstrual fluid, the tampon increases in length rather than width. During menstruation, the hymenal opening enlarges, and the hymen has greater extensibility. Before you start using tampons, you should read the instructions, and if something is unclear, you should contact a specialist. The tampon is inserted with clean, well-washed hands for 3-4 hours. In this case, you should remember the time of insertion of the tampon.

However, it should be remembered that any, even the most modern pads and tampons, soaked in menstrual fluid after a few hours become not only a source of an unpleasant specific odor, but also a place for the active growth of bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended to change pads and tampons at least 3-4 times a day in combination with washing the genitals and thighs 2-3 times a day.

Currently, girls are interested in issues of sexual relations, often much more actively than their parents believe. However, not all women of reproductive age have the necessary knowledge of sexual hygiene.

Some sections of sex education should begin in childhood:

    for younger schoolgirls – genital hygiene;

    for girls of middle and high school age, anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system, preparation for menarche, physiology of the reproductive system, pregnancy, psychology of gender relations are taught;

    for girls of high school age, teaching such topics as contraception, ethics and psychology of gender relations, preparation for motherhood, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, anatomy and physiology of intimate relationships.

Girls need to know that the use of steroid contraceptives does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases; the use of vaginal tampons is acceptable (for virgins); you need to know the most favorable time for conception, know the duration of the menstrual cycle, i.e. you should keep a menstrual calendar.

The most effective in sex education are individual or group conversations with a doctor or psychologist, books, films and television films, lectures, and practical classes at school conducted by doctors. It is necessary to talk about the dangers of smoking, drinking alcohol, and early sexual activity. Thus, the objectives of sex education include:

    providing information about the anatomical structure and functioning of the female and male reproductive system;

    instilling skills in proper hygienic care of a girl’s external genitalia, including during menstruation;

    information about the main acute and chronic diseases of the female reproductive system, the reasons for their formation, as well as methods of prevention;

    formation of positive reproductive attitudes, study of various ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy;

    familiarity with the routes of spread, possible consequences and methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection;

    psychological and sexological preparation of a girl for a future sexual partnership, information about physiological and psychological differences between the sexes, different types of sexual activity, sexual orientation, hygiene of intimate life.

Hygiene for menopausal women. Compliance with hygiene rules throughout life is the key to a successful course of the menopause.

General wiping with water at room temperature, warm baths (35-37 °C), and exposure to fresh air are of great benefit to the body. Light physical exercise, especially for women who engage in mental work, contributes to a milder course of menopausal syndrome. Great attention should be paid to cleanliness of the skin, in particular the genitals. Daily hygienic washing with warm water and soap should become a habit.

Hygiene requirements in old age and old age do not differ significantly from those in previous periods of a woman’s life.

Hygiene of girls during puberty

The appearance of the first menstruation marks the beginning of puberty, but does not yet mean that the girl’s body is prepared to perform the functions inherent in a woman. The onset of sexual activity, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and feeding a child are permissible at a later age - starting from 19-20 years. The period of a girl’s life from the moment of the appearance of menstruation until the age of 19-20 is the time of the final formation of menstrual function, anatomical and functional maturation of the whole organism in general and the organs of the reproductive system in particular.
By the time the first menstruation appears, the girl’s secondary sexual characteristics are almost fully developed. At the age of 14-15, the girl experiences characteristic development of the pelvis, the roundness of the shoulders appears, and the mammary glands protruding above the surface of the chest reach a certain development. Hair appears in the external genital area and armpits.

During this period of a girl’s life, a new section of hygiene appears - menstrual hygiene.
It should be remembered that bleeding during menstruation is only an external, partial manifestation of the diverse and complex changes that occur in the female body, not only during menstruation, but also long before it. During menstruation, the work of the heart changes, and the body's resistance to infection is impaired.
These changes manifest themselves especially sharply during final puberty. The fact is that the menstrual cycle most often does not normalize immediately, but gradually. The girl’s body gradually, gradually adapts to the new function, in the implementation of which many interrelated phenomena take part. The activity of the endocrine glands, the reaction of the cardiovascular system, the corresponding participation of the nervous system, etc. - all these links in a complex process, which are of great importance in the normal course of the menstrual cycle, begin to function harmoniously and harmoniously. Their restructuring and adaptation continue even after the appearance of the first menstruation.

At first, the menstrual cycle may be irregular.
During the first months of the year, and sometimes for a longer period, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted. It should be remembered that during this period juvenile bleeding may occur, requiring treatment in a hospital setting. When their first period appears, many girls experience general malaise, headache, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In some cases, some girls experience excitement and anxiety, while others develop a feeling of fear and oppression. Sometimes the appearance of the first menstruation leads to significant nervous disorders. These nervous phenomena most often occur in cases where the appearance of menstruation is a surprise for a girl. Experiences associated with the unexpected appearance of menstruation are sometimes so etched in a girl’s memory that they are repeated over a long period of life. Therefore, before the appearance of menstruation, you should always prepare the girl in advance, tell her clearly and calmly about the essence of menstruation, explain that the appearance of blood is not a disease or an abnormal, unusual phenomenon. A girl should be warned about menstruation by her mother, teacher or school doctor. Girls prepared in this way calmly accept their first menstruation.

It should be remembered that during this period of life, the performance of girls often decreases, they become lethargic, absent-minded, and therefore their academic performance may decrease. However, several months pass, sometimes more, and the previous performance is restored. Girls during puberty must be treated extremely sensitively and carefully: do not overload them with lessons, housework, physical labor, do not be exacting for some mistakes, be affectionate and helpful with them, but at the same time do not create the impression of caring for the sick .

The nature of menstruation depends on the degree of preparedness of the girl’s body, on compliance with hygiene rules throughout childhood. Healthy, seasoned girls who go in for sports, moderate physical labor, and eat normally, tolerate menstruation well, which quickly becomes established and becomes regular. On the contrary, frail, anemic girls, with insufficient development of muscles and skeleton, who were often ill in childhood, overworked, and also with signs of obesity, as a rule, suffer when menstruation appears. In other words, preparing the female body for the normal course of menstruation should begin in early childhood, from the cradle. Strict adherence to hygiene measures, starting from infancy, is the key to the proper functioning of the child’s body and, consequently, the normal, painless course of the menstrual cycle.
If at first menstruation may come irregularly, that is, at unequal intervals of time, lasting an unequal number of days, then, once they are finally established, they become regular.
The duration of menstruation, the amount of blood lost and the intervals between blood losses should be the same. Violation of such cyclicity and regularity during established menstruation indicates some kind of disorder, and in these cases you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of menstrual dysfunction. Every girl and woman is recommended to record the timing of the onset of menstruation, its duration, the amount of blood lost, etc.

During menstruation, it is especially important to keep your external organs thoroughly clean. The blood released during menstruation, accumulating in the area of ​​the external genitalia, covered with hair and moistened with urine, begins to decompose and emit an unpleasant odor. This leads to skin irritation and redness. In addition, menstrual blood is an excellent breeding ground for microbes. Microbes, rapidly multiplying in the blood, can spread into the vagina, and from it into the uterus and tubes, where they cause an inflammatory process. Therefore, strict adherence to hygiene rules during menstruation is extremely important. Every girl and woman during menstruation should wash herself with soap and water at least twice a day. You need to wash yourself with warm water, preferably boiled, over a basin under running water from front to back. Before and after washing, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. During menstruation, only the external genitalia should be washed; douching of the vagina is not allowed. You should not take baths or swim during menstruation, but washing the whole body is extremely beneficial. Therefore, a hygienic shower is recommended during menstruation.

For small bleeding, one cell is shaded, for large blood loss - two cells, and for heavy bleeding - three cells.

During menstruation, you can continue mental and physical activities. The opinion that you should lie down during menstruation is wrong. Moreover, during menstruation you can continue to do morning exercises and other simple physical exercises, with the exception of exercises that require significant physical exertion. Only in cases where menstruation occurs with pain or the general condition is significantly disturbed should the girl be released from classes, and workers from work. Of course, exercises involving jumping, cycling, horseback riding, lifting heavy objects, etc. are prohibited. During menstruation, you should wear closed tights that protect the genitals from dust and cooling. In general, during menstruation it is necessary to protect yourself from cold, especially your legs and lower abdomen. Therefore, in cold and damp seasons, the tights should be warm. Wearing short dresses and coats that barely cover your knees in winter is harmful.
During menstruation, it is not recommended to eat hot seasonings: pepper, vinegar, mustard, horseradish. You should also not drink drinks containing alcohol (beer, wine), as these substances contribute to increased blood flow to the genitals, which can result in increased menstrual bleeding. Overfilling of the bladder and bowels should be avoided. Retention of urination, leading to bladder overflow, leads to displacement of the uterus, and this leads to unpleasant phenomena (pain, delayed menstrual flow, etc.). To the same extent, intestinal overflow due to constipation, often observed during menstruation, leads to similar abnormal phenomena.

Sometimes girls during puberty, especially during menstruation, develop acne on their face. They do not require special treatment. The best remedy against this is a nutritious diet rich in vitamins, regular bowel movements and keeping the skin of the face and body perfectly clean. In these cases, it is also recommended to wash the face with warm water and mild, preferably baby, soap.

Sexual life before the end of puberty, that is, until the age of 18-20, is harmful. At this age, that is, from the moment menstruation appears, conception, pregnancy and childbirth are possible, however, childbirth represents an excessive burden for a fragile body. Sexual life and the stress experienced by a woman’s not yet fully formed body can cause great harm to both mother and newborn.
Therefore, sexual activity is permissible only after full puberty. Parents should take into account that sexual desire in girls (as well as in boys) appears before full puberty. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the girl from all moments that excite her. In this regard, one should strictly monitor the environmental conditions surrounding the girl, everyday life, and in every possible way protect her from examples of sexual promiscuity, bad examples set by friends, neighbors, etc. The girl needs to gradually, reasonably, carefully explain the rules of the relationship between a man and a woman, warn her about the adverse consequences and harm of early marriage.

A girl’s prudent acquaintance with the characteristics of the female body, with women’s diseases and the causes that cause them, can protect the girl from many, sometimes irreparable mistakes.

The appearance of the first menstruation marks the beginning of puberty, but does not yet mean that the girl’s body is prepared to perform the functions inherent in a woman. The onset of sexual activity, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and feeding a child are permissible at a later age - starting from 19-20 years. The period of a girl’s life from the moment of the appearance of menstruation until the age of 19-20 is the time of the final formation of menstrual function, anatomical and functional maturation of the whole organism in general and the organs of the reproductive system in particular.

By the time of the first menstruation, the girl’s secondary sexual characteristics are almost fully developed. At the age of 14-15, a girl experiences characteristic development of the pelvis, the roundness of the shoulders appears, and the mammary glands protruding above the surface of the chest reach a certain development. Hair appears in the external genital area and armpits.

During this period of a girl’s life, a new section of intimate hygiene appears - hygiene during menstruation.

It should be remembered that bleeding during menstruation is only an external, partial manifestation of the diverse and complex changes that occur in the female body, not only during menstruation, but also long before it. During menstruation, the work of the heart changes, and the body's resistance to infection is impaired.

These changes manifest themselves especially sharply during final puberty. The fact is that the menstrual cycle most often does not normalize immediately, but gradually. The girl’s body gradually, gradually adapts to the new function, in the implementation of which many interrelated phenomena take part. The activity of the endocrine glands, the reaction of the cardiovascular system, the corresponding participation of the nervous system, etc. - all these links in a complex process, which are of great importance in the normal course of the menstrual cycle, begin to function harmoniously and harmoniously. Their restructuring and adaptation continue even after the appearance of the first menstruation.

At first, the menstrual cycle may be irregular.

During the first months of the year, and sometimes for a longer period, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted. It should be remembered that during this period juvenile bleeding may occur, requiring treatment in a hospital setting. When their first period appears, many girls experience general malaise, headache, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In some cases, some girls experience excitement and anxiety, while others develop a feeling of fear and depression. Sometimes the appearance of the first menstruation leads to significant nervous disorders. These nervous phenomena most often occur in cases where the appearance of menstruation is a surprise for a girl. Experiences associated with the unexpected appearance of menstruation are sometimes so etched in a girl’s memory that they are repeated over a long period of life. Therefore, before the appearance of menstruation, you should always prepare the girl in advance, tell her clearly and calmly about the essence of menstruation, explain that the appearance of blood is not a disease or an abnormal, unusual phenomenon. A girl should be warned about menstruation by her mother, teacher or school doctor. Girls prepared in this way calmly accept their first menstruation.

It should be remembered that during this period of life, the performance of girls often decreases, they become lethargic, absent-minded, and therefore their academic performance may decrease. However, several months pass, sometimes more, and the previous performance is restored. Girls during puberty must be treated extremely sensitively and carefully: do not overload them with lessons, housework, physical labor, do not be exacting for some mistakes, be affectionate and helpful with them, but at the same time do not create the impression of caring for the sick .

The nature of menstruation depends on the degree of preparedness of the girl’s body, on compliance with hygiene rules throughout childhood. Healthy, seasoned girls who go in for sports, moderate physical labor, and eat normally, tolerate menstruation well, which quickly becomes established and becomes regular. On the contrary, frail, anemic girls, with insufficient development of muscles and skeleton, who were often ill in childhood, overworked, and also with signs of obesity, as a rule, suffer when menstruation appears. In other words, preparing the female body for the normal course of menstruation should begin in early childhood, from the cradle. Strict adherence to hygienic measures, starting from infancy, is the key to the proper functioning of the child’s body and, therefore, normal, painless menstrual cycle.

If at first menstruation may come irregularly, that is, at unequal intervals of time, lasting an unequal number of days, then, once they are finally established, they become regular. The duration of menstruation, the amount of blood lost and the intervals between blood losses should be the same. Violation of such cyclicity and regularity during established menstruation indicates some kind of disorder, and in these cases you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of menstrual dysfunction. Every girl and woman is recommended to record the timing of menstruation, its duration, the amount of blood lost, etc. (see Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Form for recording menstruation (menstrual calendar). For small bleeding, one cell is shaded, for large blood loss - two cells, and for heavy bleeding - three cells.

During menstruation, it is especially important to keep your external organs thoroughly clean. The blood released during menstruation, accumulating in the area of ​​the external genitalia, covered with hair and moistened with urine, begins to decompose and emit an unpleasant odor. This leads to skin irritation and redness. In addition, menstrual blood is an excellent breeding ground for microbes. Microbes, rapidly multiplying in the blood, can spread into the vagina, and from it into the uterus and tubes, where they cause an inflammatory process. Therefore, strict adherence to hygiene rules during menstruation is extremely important. Every girl and woman during menstruation should wash herself with soap and water at least twice a day. You need to wash yourself with warm water, preferably boiled, over a basin under running water from front to back. Before and after washing, you should wash your hands thoroughly. During menstruation, you only need to wash the external genitalia; douching the vagina is allowed. You should not take baths or swim during menstruation, but washing the whole body is extremely beneficial. Therefore, a hygienic shower is recommended during menstruation.

It is recommended to wear menstrual bands during menstruation. These bandages can be made from cotton wool and wrapped in gauze or soft cloth. Menstrual bandages prepared in the form of oblong pads are attached to a fabric belt using ribbons. Ready-made dressings can be purchased at the pharmacy. Bandages, as they become dirty, should be changed frequently (3-4 times a day, and even more often if there is excessive bleeding). Fabric headbands are washable. The bandages, dried and ironed with a hot iron, can be stored until the next menstruation.

During menstruation, you can continue mental and physical activities. The opinion that you should lie down during menstruation is wrong. Moreover, during menstruation you can continue to do morning exercises and other simple physical exercises, with the exception of exercises that require significant physical exertion. Only in cases where menstruation occurs with pain or the general condition is significantly disturbed should the girl be released from classes, and workers from work. The law allows doctors to temporarily release a woman from work in these cases.

Of course, exercises involving jumping, cycling, horseback riding, lifting heavy objects, etc. are prohibited. During menstruation, you should wear closed tights that protect the genitals from dust and cooling. In general, during menstruation it is necessary to protect yourself from cold, especially your legs and lower abdomen. Therefore, in cold and damp seasons, the tights should be warm. Wearing short dresses and coats that barely cover your knees in winter is harmful.

During menstruation, it is not recommended to eat hot seasonings: pepper, vinegar, mustard, horseradish. You should also not drink drinks containing alcohol (beer, wine), as these substances contribute to increased blood flow to the genitals, which can result in increased menstrual bleeding. Overfilling of the bladder and bowels should be avoided. Retention of urination, leading to bladder overflow, leads to displacement of the uterus, and this leads to unpleasant phenomena (pain, delayed menstrual flow, etc.). To the same extent, intestinal overflow due to constipation, often observed during menstruation, leads to similar abnormal phenomena.

Sometimes girls during puberty, especially during menstruation, develop acne on their face. They do not require special treatment. The best remedy against this is a nutritious diet rich in vitamins, regular bowel movements and keeping the skin of the face and body perfectly clean. In these cases, it is also recommended to wash the face with warm water and mild, preferably baby, soap.

Sexual life before the end of puberty, that is, until 18-20 years of age, is harmful. At this age, that is, from the moment menstruation appears, conception, pregnancy and childbirth are possible, however, childbirth represents an excessive burden for a fragile body. Sexual life and the stress experienced by a woman’s not yet fully formed body can cause great harm to both mother and newborn.

Therefore, sexual activity is permissible only after full puberty. Parents should take into account that sexual desire in girls (as well as in boys) appears before full puberty. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the girl from all moments that excite her. In this regard, one should strictly monitor the environmental conditions surrounding the girl, everyday life, and in every possible way protect her from examples of sexual promiscuity, bad examples set by friends, neighbors, etc. The girl needs to gradually, reasonably, carefully explain the rules of the relationship between a man and a woman, warn her about the adverse consequences and harm of early marriage.

A girl’s prudent acquaintance with the characteristics of the female body, with women’s diseases and the causes that cause them, can protect the girl from many, sometimes irreparable mistakes.

It would seem that just recently your son was a cute little boy who barely reached your waist, was capricious at breakfast and did not brush his teeth well, and your daughter considered herself a princess and sincerely rejoiced at the new doll presented by her dad in the role of Santa Claus. And now the children are 12-13 years old, they have changed significantly in appearance: they have become stronger or, on the contrary, clumsily stretched out, and their psychology and physiology are also inexorably changing.

Teenage years - a turning point in the life of every person, during which a child gradually turns into an adult, the complete formation and maturation of all organs and systems of the body occurs. The process of growing up is characterized by serious changes in the functioning of the endocrine system, hormonal surges, which will affect the emotional state of the teenager, as well as the condition of his skin, hair and body. About what is needed observe the rules of hygiene in adolescence we will tell in our article today.

Due to hormonal changes in the body of a teenager, she becomes more active work of sweat glands , so teenagers start to smell quite seriously of sweat. During adolescence, to prevent unpleasant odor and excessive growth of bacteria on the skin, it is recommended take a shower twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Encourage your teenager to use deodorant, but remember to point out that deodorant must be applied to clean skin. Also try to ensure that the child changed his underwear daily : shirts, T-shirts, raglans, panties and socks. All these procedures should become a habit for your son or daughter.

The task of parents during this period is to explain and show how necessary take proper care of your skin , and what needs to be done for this. Various zinc-based washes are now available on the market, which can be used to dry and disinfect the skin, as well as prevent the appearance of new rashes.

If the situation is serious enough and really worries the teenager, it’s worth visiting a dermatologist or cosmetology office, where a specialist will find out the cause of the disease and suggest the use of what product or special procedures will help in your particular case.

During adolescence, a child may develop dandruff , which is also due to changes in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. If frequent washing of your hair with popular anti-dandruff cosmetics does not help, you should also consult a specialist who will find out the cause of dandruff and help you choose a medicated shampoo.

In adolescence, against the background of changes in hormonal levels on the child’s body hair starts to grow . U boys hair appears on the chest and armpits, and stubble on the face also becomes noticeable. The task of parents is to teach their child how to use a razor correctly, tell them what cosmetic products are needed for shaving, and remember to focus on armpit hygiene.

U girls During adolescence, hair begins to grow in the bikini area, armpits and legs. The mother should teach the girl how to properly remove unwanted hair by introducing the child to a safety razor and talking about the specifics of depilatory creams.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on intimate hygiene for teenagers , in this case, a heart-to-heart conversation with the girl should traditionally be held by the mother, and the conversation with the boy should be taken over by the father. What is worth talking about?

Even before the onset first , a girl needs to learn about what it is and be psychologically prepared for this feature of the female body. From a physiological point of view, the child needs to clearly explain what exactly will happen to her, show what sanitary pads are and tell how often they need to be changed, discuss what kind of underwear is best to wear and how often to pay attention to genital hygiene during menstrual flow. .

It is important that the daughter treats this process correctly, understands that this condition is absolutely natural and natural for every woman, and does not be afraid in case of any problems or concerns. Don’t forget to keep a special calendar on which you mark the days when your menstrual cycle begins, because initially it is unlikely to be regular.

And dad has to tell his son about what it is pollutions when and why they happen and how to respond to them. Also, in the context of this physiological feature, pay special attention to the boy’s compliance with the necessary hygiene of the genital organ. Discuss with your teenager that the process of growth of his genital organs is absolutely natural, and also do not forget to talk about possible erections and increased sexual desire.