Pediculosis - what is it? Effective treatments for head lice in children and adults

On a note!

There is a claim that there are the following types human lice: head, body and pubic. In reality, lice on a person’s head and in his clothes are morphotypes. According to laboratory studies, if they are placed together, they may well interbreed and even produce offspring. Accordingly, these are the same representatives of the order of lice, belonging to the species Pediculus humanus.

A photo of the types of lice that live on the human body is presented below.

Head lice

They are the most common in humans. The disease they cause is called. Insects attack exclusively the scalp. Sometimes they can move to the chin area and live in the beard and mustache of the stronger sex. contact and using everyday methods: during close communication, when using other people's hats or hair care items (combs, hairpins, etc.).

Compared to their relatives, the size of lice that live on the human head is larger (up to 4 mm). Males are much smaller than females (2-3 mm). Piercing-sucking type oral apparatus allows the insect to bite through human skin and feed on his blood.

On a note!

Without food for no more than a day. The lifespan of a bloodsucker is about three weeks, during which time the female is capable of laying up to 5 eggs (nits) daily. Favorable temperatures are in the range of 23-40 degrees. below 0 and above 45 degrees.

What lice and nits are can be known to a person who, to one degree or another, has already encountered lice. Small (up to 0.8 mm) head lice eggs have light shade, in appearance they are very reminiscent of mother-of-pearl beads. The female firmly attaches them to the hair using a secret adhesive substance, usually at a distance of 2 cm from the surface of the skin. difficult for an ignorant person. As eggs mature, they increase in size and become more dark color. The hatched larva becomes sexually mature after 5-6 days. , clearly demonstrates the photo.

Clothes or have a similar body structure and size. Their main distinctive feature is white or gray-yellow. From the name of this type of pest, it is clear that insects live mainly in people’s clothes or underwear, attacking hairless areas of the body. However, having settled in things that a person rarely wears, bloodsuckers will face inevitable death. That is why the owners most often become people of low social level or vagabonds who rarely wash their clothes.

The lifespan of linen lice is within 1.5 months. During this time, the female is capable of giving birth to more than one hundred offspring. White lice lay very small eggs (up to 0.5 mm) directly in clothes. The larval development cycle takes about two weeks.

Pubic lice

On a note!

The habitat of pubic lice is the groin area; they can also be found in the armpits, eyebrows, and. Sexual contact and the use of other people's clothing are the main ways of becoming infected with pubic lice.

Signs of any type of lice

Knowing the signs of lice and how to combat them, you can take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

  1. Itching of the skin, resulting in severe scratching. Such damage may contribute to the development of secondary infection.
  2. The appearance of a rash. A few days later, red spots appear, which subsequently have a bluish tint.
  3. At the site of damage, ulcers and boils develop, as well as pigmentation and induration.
  4. The presence of live lice, as well as the lice themselves.

Treatment options

  1. To remove head and pubic lice, you can use, or, which are based on insecticides. The selected product is used as described. After which the hair is washed running water and let them dry naturally.
  2. The next stage of the fight is which is carried out using a special comb. It differs from a regular comb in having small and frequent teeth, the distance between which does not exceed 0.2 mm. For better combing, hair should be divided into strands.
  3. Washing and heat treatment requires tucking the clothes and bedding of an infected person.
  4. Most often, when using shampoo or spray, there is a need to re-treat the head. This is explained by the fact that it affects mostly adults. From the remaining living nits, new larvae will appear within a few days and will multiply again.

On a note!

Particularly popular in

Infestation with head lice, or, scientifically, pediculosis, is considered by many to be something shameful, a sign that a person does not follow the rules of hygiene, does not wash, or does not keep himself or his child clean.

However, this approach is completely wrong - you can become infected with lice easily, especially for children, and today it is much easier to get rid of it thanks to large selection pharmaceutical drugs. Unfortunately, there is no immunity to head lice, and infections can occur multiple times.

Let's figure out what lice is and how to fight it, and at the same time try to find out whether lice can appear on nervous soil.

What is a head louse?

Head lice (lat. Pediculus humanus capitis) live in the hair on the human head, in his hair, mustache and beard. In addition, they are able to live up to two days (but no more) without food on personal items (comb, towel, hats).

They do not die in water when washing your hair. It has been proven that head lice prefer clean and healthy hair to inoculate with their eggs (nits).

A - male, B - female

Unlike body lice, headache is less dangerous for humans; it is not a carrier of diseases such as typhus. However, the itching that occurs as a result of saliva entering the wounds leads to irritation, and the likelihood of infections through damaged areas of the scalp increases.

Head lice are wingless insects that can only distinguish light from dark. Therefore, their main sense organ is smell. Lice can neither fly nor jump, but they move quite quickly: at a speed of up to 23 cm/min. Therefore, they are able to quickly change their owner, moving from the head of a person with lice to the head or clothing of an uninfected person.

Nerve lice: myth or reality

Many people believe that head lice can appear due to nervousness: supposedly, for the time being, they are either in the form of larvae or in a dormant state, and when a person is very nervous, they awaken and multiply.

All this is nothing more than a myth. It has been scientifically proven that lice appear only through direct or indirect contact with a person with lice. By direct contact we mean the contact of the hair of a healthy and sick person, or lice getting on the clothes of a healthy person, from where they quickly find their way to the head. But there is also indirect contact:

  • Using personal belongings of an infected person (hair comb/brush, towel, hat, hair clips, etc.):
  • The use of bed linen, in particular pillows, after a patient with head lice;
  • Headrests in public transport and other surfaces that may contain lice or nits.

The myth that lice are caused by nerves most likely arose due to the fact that stressful situations really cause a variety of diseases, and when a person cannot understand where lice came from, he assumes that they were caused by negative experiences. In addition, the symptoms of nervous itching and lice are very similar.

The easiest way to become infected with lice is in the subway, bathhouse, hospital, swimming pool, hairdresser, even in the elevator. The main way lice move is by running, which is why lice are so easily transmitted.

It is enough to touch clean hair to the infected head.

Often the source of lice infection for the entire family are children, who, due to close communication in the children's group, are especially susceptible to this disease.

However, oddly enough, there is a grain of truth in the connection between “nervous soil” and the appearance of lice, and it’s all about the smell.

From the many nearby candidates for the role of owner, they choose those whose smell attracts them most, and these are precisely people under stress.

Moreover, we are not talking about ordinary experiences, but about situations accompanied by severe nervous breakdown. Indeed, during periods of severe stress, immunity drops sharply and certain hormones are produced. There is a theory that it is the special smell, the appearance of which is promoted by the release of “stress hormones” - adrenaline, norepinephrine - that attracts lice.

However, the spontaneous appearance of lice in the absence of a carrier is impossible. Susceptibility to lice infection is only due to the greater vulnerability of people under stress when they are transmitted from an existing carrier.

Can a child have lice due to nervous conditions?

According to statistics, every fifth child in the world has or is suffering from head lice. Children are considered a risk group for head lice, since their body is much weaker than an adult, and they are also less picky about their contacts. However, it happens exactly the same as in adults.

A child’s body is also not adapted for the hidden residence of lice, like an adult, therefore this problem cannot appear only due to stress. Regardless of the patient’s age, the answer to the question of whether lice come from nerves is clear - this cannot be.

How to treat pediculosis in humans

But we will start with, which are far from harmless to the body, especially children.

Since ancient times, lice have been removed with kerosene and vinegar, but they often cause chemical burns to the scalp, especially if the proportions are calculated incorrectly.

If the substance gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, mouth or nose, then the patient is guaranteed serious problems with these organs.

Vapors from kerosene and vinegar are very toxic, especially for children and pregnant women. Such folk remedies also have a detrimental effect on the hair itself: they change its structure and color.

In this list, we can separately note the ancient remedy for the treatment of pediculosis - hellebore water. This alcohol tincture roots and rhizomes of Lobel's hellebore.

The alkaloids contained in this solution have a neurotoxic effect on lice and nits. Hellebore water also has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. However, it is strictly contraindicated for children under 2.5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as it has a teratogenic effect.

The easiest way to get rid of head lice is to shave your hair bald. This method is perfect for young children for whom the use of insecticidal preparations is contraindicated.

Nowadays, there are a number of modern anti-pediculosis drugs in the form of shampoos, aerosols, emulsions, and creams. Each such product sold in pharmacies comes with detailed instructions, which must be strictly followed, especially taking into account the restrictions concerning children, pregnant and lactating women.

Important in the treatment of pediculosis A complex approach. It is necessary not only to destroy the adult individual, but also its eggs - nits. All family members, even if they do not have lice, are treated on the same day.

  • – a drug with a disinfectant effect, available in the form of lotion (60 ml) and cream (115 g);

  • –5 – percent concentrate from which you need to prepare your own emulsion. Volume – 2 ml and 24 ml. The product is prepared immediately before application: 8 ml of Medifox is diluted in 200 ml of warm boiled water;

  • – a combined drug that, in addition to permethrin, contains malathion (an organophosphorus insecticide) and piperonyl butoxide (strengthens the effect of the previous ones). Available as an aerosol (116 g).

  • – based on phenothrin. Release form – lotion;

Who are lice?

The suborder of lice is distributed throughout the world: they live wherever their victims are.

The development of lice goes through three stages:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • imago (adult).

Two species annoy humans: Pediculus humanus and Phthirus pubis ( and ). The remaining representatives of the squad are also divided according to the prey on which they can subsist. For example, there are rat and pig lice. In total there are about 500 species.

Sometimes you can find information that a person is annoyed by 3 types: head, clothes (underwear) and pubic. But from a biological point of view, this is misleading because the first two are varieties of Pediculus humanus with slight morphological differences.

Description of adults

The insect's mouthparts meet the needs of its lifestyle: it is of the piercing-sucking type. The base is a tube, at the outer end of which there are hooks that cling to the victim’s skin for stability and tight contact. It contains two sharp stilettos in the form of needles. When the insect is not feeding, it retracts the proboscis into the head capsule. Nature has also taken care of the interesting function of the anterior section of the louse's esophagus: when feeding, it contracts and expands, acting as a pump. Thanks to this, the insect sucks in blood.

Insects do not have visual organs, although in some species they are replaced by pigment spots. Lice do not need eyes: they navigate in space with the help of short antennae. They capture odors, performing an olfactory function.


The louse spends almost its entire life on the body of one owner, only in emergency cases looking for a new victim. The average lifespan of lice is 38 days. The insect is very sensitive to conditions environment:

You should also pay attention to the question that interests many, how long lice live outside humans. Having lost its food source, the insect soon dies: this usually takes 2 days, although the most tenacious individuals can survive up to 10 days.

On the human body, lice choose the warmest and most secluded places. The linen variety is usually hidden in the neck or armpits, and the head variety is usually hidden in the back of the head and behind the ears.

They live exclusively on the scalp and never move to other parts of the body. This feature is associated with the structure of its legs. They are suitable for moving only through hair with round. If you look at the cut of the hair growing on the body, it will be triangular.

The life cycle of a louse, despite its short duration, is quite interesting. Characteristic of insects sexual reproduction which takes place in three stages:

Procreation of the species requires the females to actively feed on blood. Reproduction is not possible if the ambient temperature is less than 21 °C and higher than 37 °C. The development period of the embryos inside the eggs also depends on this indicator. If it is about 36 °C, then the larvae will be born in 4–8 days. When temperatures remain around 23°C, the development process can take up to 16 days. When the temperature drops to 22 °C and increases to 40 °C, the larvae do not hatch from the eggs.

The vitality of the lice population is also explained by the number of eggs the louse lays: from several dozen to several hundred in prolific species.


Lice are insects with an intensive feeding regime. In 24 hours they “feed” more than 10 times, and for each “meal” the individual absorbs approximately 0.5 ml of blood. The process of blood sucking, made possible by the special structure of the oral apparatus, takes place in several stages:

  1. From the proboscis, located at the end of the head of the louse, two sharp stilettos appear in the form of needles, which pierce upper layer skin. Such knives are modified parts of the lower lip and upper jaw.
  2. From the fold that surrounds the proboscis tube, when it is everted, hook-like processes appear. With their help, the insect's mouthparts tightly adhere to the skin of the victim.
  3. Through the hole made, the louse injects saliva into the skin, which is produced in abundance by the glands. It contains coagulants, when administered, the blood stops clotting and, therefore, the wound does not heal.
  4. By alternating contraction and expansion of the esophageal tube, blood is drawn from the capillaries into the abdomen of the insect.

The only substance suitable for feeding lice is the blood of warm-blooded animals. Their oral apparatus cannot swallow any other organic parts of the body - for example, hair or dead skin flakes. But the closest relatives of lice are capable of this: lice eaters and lice eaters, which sometimes causes confusion.

Nits and nymphs

Nits are lice eggs, from which the next stage of insect development, the nymph, emerges. They have oval shape. Embryos are reliably protected from adverse environmental conditions by a dense shell with a yellowish tint.

For development to proceed successfully, there must be suitable temperature and humidity, otherwise the embryos in the eggs die. On the human body, conditions are almost ideal, while outside it the nits die. The eggs are securely attached to the hairs and fibers of clothing using an adhesive substance secreted in special glands in the female during egg laying.

Harm to humans

Dealing with lice is not so easy: they attach very tightly to the hair in their habitat, as well as to the fabric of clothing. Therefore, simply shaking and washing your hair will not be enough.

Therefore, if a person has lice, it is necessary to immediately begin their destruction. The danger of infection also lies in the fact that insects are easily transmitted to others through personal contact and sharing household items.

  • relapsing fever;
  • Volyn fever;
  • rat typhus;
  • relapsing fever.

All these diseases are dangerous for the human body. They cause damage to the cardiovascular and nervous system, as well as other organs. Previously, infection with typhus meant a high probability of death, but with the use of antibiotics, the chances of a favorable outcome increase many times over.

History of neighborhood with lice

Ways to deal with lice

Hygiene is key. You should try not to use other people's towels, combs and other personal items.

To this day, folk remedies are widely used. They involve the use of herbal ingredients (for example, black cumin) and substances that have an aggressive effect on insects: for example, vinegar and kerosene. But the easiest and fastest “folk” way to get rid of lice is to dye your hair with dye containing hydrogen peroxide, covering it with applied chemical composition plastic bag.

During their lives, some people encounter such an unpleasant disease as lice. People can get lice at any age. Let's look at what lice are and how they threaten humans. And also how to successfully cure pediculosis.

  1. Head louse
  2. Cootie
  3. Pubic louse

What are head lice in humans? They multiply in the hair of the scalp. Adults live off the blood of the host. The epidermis on the head is thin; they pierce it with their proboscis and thus feed. When pierced, a small amount of a special substance is released that prevents blood from clotting.Human feels severe itching in the bite area, and a wound remains on the skin and irritation around.

A sign that should cause you concern is itching. Most often it is felt on the temples and the back of the head. There may be problems with appetite, and constant itching will interfere with sleep. The lice population is growing rapidly. After a short time, so many lice appear on the head that the discomfort from their bites becomes unbearable.

Where can a child or adult get lice? For example, a person often visits public places. For example, in shops or at airports, at crowded train stations. If you have recently been on a business trip, traveled by train or flown by plane, you are at risk of contracting lice.

It is not possible to carry out complete disinfection in public places. Those who do not maintain personal hygiene are at great risk. Many people don't think to check their head for black lice.

Let's look at the main ways of transmitting lice:

  • Lice crawl from an infected head to a healthy head through close contact. For example, in a kindergarten, when kids play together, at school, where children sit at the same desk, on a plane from a neighbor sitting next to them, etc.
  • Lice can be transmitted through blankets or pillows, any hats, combs and other things. If someone else uses your items, the risk of infection increases.

Clinical manifestations of pediculosis

You can suspect that you have lice on your head when there are the following signs of infection:

  • Small sores or swelling on the shoulders or neck, upper arms, or on the head near the hair.
  • Eggs are visible. They can be transparent or white dots. Try to pull them out. It turns out that they are strongly attached to the hair.

If you do not remove lice, and you do not have the opportunity to regularly maintain personal hygiene (showering, etc.), then your head will begin to emanate bad smell. This is because adults will lay a lot of eggs on the hair and their waste will remain on the head. Lice on the body can cause eczema, an allergic reaction of the body.


To treat head lice, disinfection is required, in addition to washing the head, body and washing all linen. Otherwise, it is impossible to remove adult individuals, much less nits. Need to know how to effectively get rid of them?

Statistics show that children are most often infected with head lice. If lice are found on one member of the group, the parents must immediately notify the teacher or teacher and the entire group will be quarantined. Parents will spend time with all children at home preventive measures. Many people will use folk remedies. Preventative measures will be taken if there are no signs of infection. Sometimes educators or teachers decide to independently treat the heads of all children with medications, which is reported to parents.


Some people have an allergic reaction to the components of the product. Do not reuse it. If you don’t know what other product to buy, consult a pharmacist, or better yet, a doctor. U strongly active drugs contraindications for children under 3 years of age and pregnant women. If your child is infected, you simply need to study the instructions. Make sure the medicine is safe.

Folk remedies

There are various folk remedies, for example:

Everyone’s body is different; for some, one of the expensive shampoos is perfect, while others will quickly remove lice using an aqueous solution. apple cider vinegar(rinse). ABOUT folk remedies oh, how they removed lice for their child, people willingly tell. They are 90% effective. Be careful when using them.

If you decide to use any of the above, rinse thoroughly under running water. warm water hair. After using the product, comb your head with a special comb with fine teeth. To make it glide through your hair more easily, lubricate it with any balm. Those with hair below their shoulders will unfortunately have to cut their hair short to get rid of lice in the shortest possible time.

Methods of effective treatment

Pediculosis can be successfully treated. If you want to get quick and successful results, it is better to give preference to licensed drugs. And even in this case, the course of treatment will consist of several cycles. Pharmaceutical medicines contain pesticides. They are toxic, but harmful to lice and nits. They should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions to avoid unwanted side effects.

The following are used to treat pediculosis: medications:

  1. “Pair Plus” is an excellent aerosol
  2. "Knicks". This is a cream
  3. High-quality gel or emulsion “Medifox”
  4. Good lotion or gel “Pedex”
  5. High-quality shampoo “Higia”
  6. Permethrin ointment
  7. "Nok" is a cream shampoo and other excellent products

There are cases in which consulting a doctor is necessary:

  • If the baby is less than 2 years old. For children younger age many drugs are prohibited.
  • When a child has allergies or other diseases.
  • Nits are located on the eyelashes or eyebrows.

Rules to follow during treatment:

  • Use only one product at a time
  • Stick to the doses prescribed in the instructions
  • Immediately after treatment, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer. Many products contain flammable ingredients
  • Do not use masks or conditioners before applying the medicine to your hair.
  • Use products intended only for people, not animals.
  • There is no need to use one ineffective medicine more than 3 times in a row. If it doesn’t help right away, you need to try something else


Let's consider preventive measures:

  1. Teach your child that a comb is a personal hygiene item and should not be shared with anyone or taken from others.
  2. Girls should not exchange rubber bands and hair clips
  3. Also, the child should not take other people’s clothes, especially hats.
  4. For adults and children who wear long hair, experts recommend tying it in a ponytail or making a braid while traveling on public transport and hiding it under clothes.
  5. If someone in your household is infected with lice, have everyone examined immediately. The presence of insects requires treatment with medicine, a special shampoo or one of the folk remedies. Wash all bedding as you would your clothes. Treat your combs and outerwear that hang together most often.

Preventive agents

Let's look at some medications that are effective in preventing head lice:

  • Nit-free is a spray containing essential oils. It is applied to hair that has been dried after washing or before, but is dry. Also used for clothing.
  • Nit-free is a shampoo that similarly contains essential oils. It is applied to damp hair.
  • Lice Guard is sold as a spray. This is castor oil (essential). It needs to be sprayed on dry hair. Works without exposure. Suitable for clothing.

Pharmacy medications are potent. Adult lice die quickly. But they contain many poisonous ingredients. The product must not be allowed to get on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes or mouth, and especially not into the digestive system. Most drugs cannot be used by children under 2-3 years of age, pregnant women, lactating women, those with allergies, asthma, and various dermatitis. Combine them with folk remedies.

When the skin is pierced, a certain amount of saliva is released, which prevents blood clotting, and the bite site is accompanied by symptoms such as skin irritation and severe itching.

On average, a louse lives about 40 days. Lice can survive without food, that is, without a host, for about 10 days. But the ambient temperature should not be below 10°C. A temperature of 44 °C is destructive for lice.

How dangerous are lice and what is pediculosis?

Because lice feed on blood, their mouthparts are adapted to piercing upper layers skin, and, therefore, they can carry various diseases, among which there may be such dangerous ones as relapsing or typhus and many others. Lice actively begin to develop in conditions natural Disasters when people cannot observe basic hygiene rules.

In Latin, the human louse sounds like Pediculus humanus. Hence the name of this disease, pediculosis.

A female lice lays up to several hundred eggs, so-called nits, at a time. After just 10 days, the young generation of lice hatches from these eggs and lice develop. If adequate treatment is not started, then within one to two months the lice will simply eat their owner.

Causes of lice

Lice can be transmitted:

  • Through bed linen and underwear;
  • Through hats and other personal items associated with the head;
  • Through water in swimming pools and other stagnant small bodies of water, the water in which is not renewed quickly enough;

In some cases, lice are localized and lay eggs in the folds and seams of clothing, where they are very difficult to detect, and they move onto the body to feed. In such cases, areas such as the armpits, groin area, the back, where clothing fits closest to the body.

Lice can develop under the following conditions:

  • On long journeys, trips when it is not possible to maintain personal hygiene;
  • At seasonal work;
  • In kindergartens and schools where children have close contact;
  • In other places of accumulation large quantity people (hospitals, trains, sanatoriums).

Symptoms of lice

With the development of head lice, severe lesions are observed in the occipital and temporal regions. The following characteristic symptoms are observed in these places:

  • Severe itching of the skin, leading to scratching of the skin until it bleeds;
  • Affected areas of the skin can fester, forming pustules and boils;
  • With long-term head lice, the skin thickens and becomes pigmented in places;
  • Upon visual examination, you can detect nits on the hair, which cling to the hair with their paws and are located approximately 1 cm above the root of the hair.

Methods for treating lice

It is possible to cure head lice. For this purpose, medications are selected that act on lice, inhibiting their vital functions and killing them. However, in order to finally get rid of lice and nits in your hair, you will have to comb them out of your hair with a comb for a long time.

The pharmacy offers a wide selection of medications sold without a prescription. Such drugs are quite effective in the fight against lice. However, the data medicines come in pretty hazardous substances, pesticides, therefore the preparations must be used strictly according to the instructions, observing all safety precautions.

The following modern drugs are used to treat pediculosis:

  • "Nittifor" in the form of cream and solution;
  • "Pair Plus" in the form of an aerosol;
  • "Medifox" in the form of an emulsion, gel;
  • "Nix" in the form of cream;
  • "Pedex" in the form of gel and lotion;
  • Permethrin ointment;
  • Shampoo "Hygia";
  • Cream shampoo “Nok”;

Treatment of pediculosis can be carried out at home, without resorting to the help of specialists, but in some cases you should definitely consult a doctor:

  • If the child is under two years old (many medications are prohibited at this age, you need a doctor to select an approved drug);
  • If the child has asthma or suffers from allergic reactions;
  • If nits are found on eyebrows, eyelashes.

When treating, follow these rules:

The most important methods of preventing such an unpleasant disease as pediculosis is to follow basic rules for caring for your body.

  1. Regular hair washing (at least once a week) using high-quality cosmetics that are suitable for your hair type;
  2. Regular change of underwear;
  3. Regular change of bed linen;
  4. Hair care, combing;
  5. Compliance individual rules hygiene;
  6. Limiting communication with people who may have lice due to their unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic living conditions;
  7. Restriction on the exchange of personal items, clothing;
  8. Preventing a group of children from using the same comb, hairpins, elastic bands and other care products;
  9. Regular preventive examinations to prevent the development of epidemics.


    I found one lice in a child after kindergarten, but there were enough nits. I bought Para-plus, Pediculin, but this only killed part of the nits. Then they hatched and my head became full of lice. A friend advised me to use anti-neck shampoo and then comb it out with anti-neck. That's what I did, and I was cured very quickly.

    • Julia, the problem is not in the product (in vain they only poisoned the child with toxic ones, they could have bought Paranit and with the same success all the lice would have died, and without poison) The problem is that you did not select and comb out all the nits!!! Any remedy does not exclude careful control of nits, because their chitinous layer is very durable and difficult to destroy.

        • Lice then? On the contrary, they say poisons are addictive last years, that’s why I wrote above about a product that mechanically suffocates insects on the head, they suffocate and are out in 10-15 minutes)) But there is no harm to humans.
          Read from the article:
          It was noted that in schools in the Czech Republic in 1992, as a result of the use of permethrin-based shampoos, populations of head lice resistant to permethrin were found with resistance rates ranging from 2× to 557×. These populations were cross-resistant to d-phenothrin and bioallethrin, but sensitive to malathion and pirimiphos-methyl. In recent years, head lice tolerance to malathion has become widespread in the United States. Downs et al. reported that lice from central England were resistant to permethrin, d-phenothrin and malathion. The formation of populations of head lice resistant to carbaryl is expected.

    I got rid of it on my hair using Paranit Spray. Indeed, it helped me the first time (plus, after use, comb it out a couple of times with a fine-toothed comb, included in the kit). With my hypersensitive skin (including my scalp), there were no side effects or irritation. Since I am paranoid and wildly afraid of lice, I left the product on for an hour.
    The instructions indicate that it can be used on children over 5 years old.
    In rare cases, re-treatment is needed after a week. I didn't need it. Of all the hair products, I think this is the best. There is really one minus... A very pungent anise smell. I don't like it.

    There is also a product called Paranit Sensitive for those who have long, thick hair. It seems like you can use it without combing. And it is possible for children from one year old. I haven't used it yet, but I think...

      • guys yes the most the best remedy this is a darsonval device, it’s both a prevention and treatment and the scalp feels great and the hair grows better and kills lice in one go... and the dog loves to itch, as soon as he hears it runs to be scratched and the fleas get rid of everyone at the same time

        Alla, try to smear the child’s head with alcohol (vodka), lubricate the entire head and the hair itself, twist the bun and put a bag on the head and tie a scarf on top, just tie it tightly so that the louse cannot get out.. The head will itch terribly, but under no circumstances allow the head to be scratched (so as not to disturb the tied materials), keep the pocket on the head for about 20 minutes and rinse. There will be no lice 100% and the nits will also be dead, but it is worth remembering that with frequent use the louse gets used to the smell of the poison we are poisoning. I hope that this will help you.

    My older sister was found to have lice; my mother checked mine. but I don't have them. but my head still itches. self-hypnosis??? I bought “Para Plus”, which is not a cheap product, of course, but I hope it is effective, I subtly hinted to my sister that she should go to her home, they washed her bed sheets high temperature. Thank God everything is fine.

    My sister too, only the younger one, brought lice home. And while my mother noticed that she was scratching her head all the time, the lice managed to run over to me, since we have one room for two. And this little one is constantly lying on my bed too. In general, quiet horror!!! Thank God that everything ended well and quickly. Mom called the Life Away center and called their specialist to the house. A fairly young girl arrived and combed my sister’s and my hair for a total of half a day. After this, the lice no longer appeared. And on the same day I rushed to disinfect all the things that we could touch, just to be sure.

    I actually heard that lice are caused by nerves, it’s all complete nonsense. They do not live more than a few days without a human head. I once had lice, they removed it with Para Plus, it is more economical than other means, in my opinion.

    Come on!!! What nerves!!! Lice crawl from person to person, and nerves have nothing to do with it. We also used Para Plus. It’s good that the test subject was already an adult :))) It’s scary for a child to do something like that

    I personally treated my child’s and husband’s heads with Pediculen and then stoically combed them with a comb after they left the water park…. It’s terrible, disgusting, but they quickly got rid of it using these means!!

    Our family is also familiar with Lace Away. It’s good that there are now such lice removal companies. There is no need to suffer for a long time, look for some incomprehensible remedy for lice, waste your time and nerves in vain. For example, a neighbor once told me about them. And it came in handy. When my daughter got lice, I decided to call them right away to find out what and how. As a result, their employee came to our home and combed out lice and nits from our daughter. She also gave a guarantee for the work, but it was of no use to us, since all this horror was removed the first time.

    I bought a pair plus, sprayed it with the child in the bathhouse, washed my hair, came home and started scratching my head with a comb, I had nothing, and the child had a couple of live nits, and I still don’t have any, but my head itches, maybe it’s already on my nerves? and what else can I try?

    • There are no living nits :) Lice are lice. and nits are nits.
      Look, you poisoned them, the lice died, but the nits remained on the hair. Time will pass, hatch and there will be lice again. you need to poison and comb out and so on several procedures.

    During pregnancy, I managed to get head lice. When my husband discovered lice, we were simply shocked. The first thing, of course, I ran to the nearest pharmacy to get the medicine, but after reading the annotations for it, I changed my mind about poisoning myself and my baby with this chemistry. Then the lady at the pharmacy said that in my case, the only treatment needed is combing, as it is harmless and effective. After that, I began to search on the Internet how and what is the best way to conduct it. And to my surprise, I discovered that in Moscow there is a special company, Lace Evey, that provides such services. Moreover, there is even a visit from their specialist to your home. So we turned to them, because we decided that this option would be more reliable than independent treatment. And I didn’t want to prolong the problem in my condition. Thanks to them, they really helped in a couple of hours, as they said. The lice disappeared and did not appear again. Now I try to avoid public places and transport, so that, God forbid, I don’t get infected again.

    I have 2 small red blisters near the scalp, and another one somewhere in another part of the head, it doesn’t itch, I just noticed it today, did anyone have any symptoms?

    • I'm in shock myself! Last night I noticed a beige thing on Vesk's hair. grabbed it and there it was like a bug slowly. I found out here that these are lice... where did they come from??? I thought. I live in good conditions etc. etc. and here it is... and nothing was itchy, only two boils were on the neck. and I compared the facts and understood what it was. Moreover, there are almost no white nits, well, in the end I found a couple of nits and there were bugs even without scratching! I ran and bought ParaNit shampoo and applied it - I’m sitting there waiting for 10 minutes... it burns) and I’ll comb it out. Now I don’t even know where to sleep... the whole bed is in the wash, as luck would have it, I’ll lie down on new towels and wash it) tin. where could this be coming from... so there are no particular symptoms... and I have never thought about a cold on my neck

    I am also for treatment without chemicals!!! I have heard that not only do they not always help, although they can be expensive, but they are also toxic. Even if the toxin content in them is not that high, it is still poison and, therefore, harmful to health. Especially for children. Therefore, at one time I found more safe way How to get rid of nits from a child. We contacted the special “Lice Evey” center in Moscow. Their specialist, without using any toxic agents, carried out a very thorough combing of my daughter’s hair and that’s it, the lice and nits simply disappeared. Moreover, the combing was so thorough that after the procedure, my husband and I looked through our daughter’s hair in tiny strands, but we were unable to find anything. It’s not for nothing that their quality of services is confirmed by the certificate and guarantee they provide. By the way, we were also given a certificate for the kindergarten about the treatment performed.

    Yes, a special center where they get rid of lice is, of course, just super, but not everyone has access to such happiness. It won’t be long before something like this appears in our remote area, but there are plenty of lice. So we have to look for other alternatives. For example, I really liked the Nit Free products. They are both effective and natural basis, so it’s not scary to treat a child’s head with them. It was with their help that I got rid of lice from my child. I bought mint oil and mousse. The oil killed all the lice, and under the influence of the mousse, the nits came off the hair very easily. Well, then it’s a matter of technique: the main thing is to thoroughly comb the hair with a fine-toothed comb and check that not a single nit remains. Of course, I can’t say that I managed to do all this in one go, but I did it in about a week.

    I have been using Nit Free menthol spray for a long time to prevent head lice. It’s great that these products are now sold in Russia, otherwise previously we had to order them in various roundabout ways from abroad. The spray really repels lice very well, so I’m not afraid to send my children to school, because I know that not a single louse will crawl close to them.

    Damn, I suffered so much with these terrible lice. Not only was it difficult to remove them from the child, but after a while they appeared again. There was definitely no way there were nits left in my hair, I checked it a hundred times. I think I didn’t properly disinfect the apartment. This time I even bought a special product Bed Bug Terminator against insects. It not only helps against lice, but in general against any insects, but at the same time it is not dangerous for people, animals, or plants. So I used it to treat all carpets, sofas, bedding, etc. The lice didn't seem to appear anymore.

    You can, of course, treat lice yourself at home, but due to lack of experience and certain skills, sometimes this process lasts for months. I decided not to repeat the mistakes of others and ordered a service for removing nits and lice from the Neat Free company for my daughter. A couple of hours and there was not a trace of lice left. The result is that everyone is happy and their nerves are intact.

    There is an old folk remedy - apply kerosene to your hair, leave it for a while and wash. comb your hair while washing, all lice will be dead. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times in a few days

    • Yes, kerosene... Our friends’ ten-year-old daughter brought lice from school, they smeared kerosene on her head, and she went into anaphylactic shock. The girl died, even the ambulance didn’t have time to arrive

    I read reviews on the Internet and decided that with Nit Free mousse and a good scallop I could get rid of nits just fine. And if it doesn’t work out, then I’ll turn to specialists. The result - everything worked out. Maybe, of course, not so quickly, since I don’t have enough experience, but still the result is 100% ridding of my daughter’s nits. In general, the mousse is just an awesome thing if you need to easily get rid of nits even if you have never combed them out before.

    If you need to quickly remove lice and don’t want to bother with it yourself, and besides, you are against the use of any chemicals, The best decision– contact the Life Away center. I am still not overjoyed at how easily the children got rid of this nasty thing. I don’t think that I myself could get rid of lice so quickly. And most importantly, I’m not sure that even after a month there would have been a 100% result. And here in just one day!!!

    I discovered a very cool remedy with which you can certainly get rid of every single nit, and therefore, lice. Now I understand why I previously could not quickly cope with head lice in a child. There were just always at least a couple of nits left. Now with Neon Nits there is no such problem. You apply this spray to your hair and the nits become bright pink (and the dye is easily removed from the hair with a comb). And since they are very noticeable, it is not difficult to remove them all. The main thing is that after combing, I am completely calm that there is nothing left in my hair and I don’t need to go through my hair a hundred times so as not to miss anything.

    I once found out that there is some kind of product like hair conditioner that prevents hair from tangling, and at the same time is also used as a preventive measure for head lice. It's called Neet Free anti-frizz mint spray. Today this is one of my favorite hair products, since it is very frizzy, both for me and for my daughter (even the comb gets stuck in it) and it causes a lot of unnecessary trouble. There are no more problems with this spray - just spray it on and comb it calmly. Moreover, it provides protection against lice for the whole day, which is very, very important for me as a mother.

    My mother sent me and my lice to Lys Eve. At our school, almost the entire class became infected with them, so I was the only one who was able to get rid of them really quickly. Just one combing procedure at this center was enough for there to be no nits or lice left in my hair. Moreover, this center even gives a guarantee for such a result. I then told all my classmates about them and recommended that they also go there. Some, by the way, did just that.

    • I didn’t specifically look for any remedy, I just went to the pharmacy, and they recommended Antiv comb to me. They said that no one had ever complained, the main thing is to comb it correctly, every hair needs to be combed.

    To treat lice, use: Foxilon lotion, Medifox pediculicidal gel - these products can be used from the age of five. Medifox - can be used by children from one year old. Made in Russia! Inexpensive and high quality.

    My daughter brought it home from school, tried everything she could, bought sprays and shampoos at pharmacies, nothing helped, after 2-3 weeks everything started again. My daughter’s hair is thick, she combed it every other day and nothing. Kerosene helped, JUST NOT CLEAN, but I prepared it like this: 2 tsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. kerosene, 2 tsp. shampoos (I made a double recipe). Lather your hair, bag, towel, walk for an hour. After an hour, I washed it off, washed it with shampoo 2 times, and applied conditioner. The dried hair was combed out with a fine comb. I also ironed my pillowcase and clothes every day.

    And who has heard anything about treating nits with a vinegar solution? I really need it. Share, please)) my daughter has nits, but I couldn’t find a comb in the pharmacy, and the lice have already begun to hatch on the 2nd round.

    Three days ago my daughter was found to have lice and nits in her hair. We bought Full Marx at the pharmacy, it comes with a comb. In principle it helped, but the nits remained. For me personally, once in my childhood, when there were no such products in the pharmacy , ordinary laundry soap. The second day we wash our hair, leave it for min. 20, then comb it out with a comb while the hair is damp. It helped no worse than expensive products!

    My daughter also brought lice from the garden, there weren’t a lot of nits, but we had enough... I poisoned the adults with “PAIR PLUS”, but nits pop up from time to time! As a result, I got angry and went through all the child’s hair with my hair straightener! Nits cannot withstand the temperature! And after that everything went away!

    I always had lice as a child, because... a friend with whom I communicated closely was from a dysfunctional large family who very rarely carried out hygiene procedures. So my mother always removed lice for me with regular dichlorvos. sprayed on my head, with a bag on top. After an hour, wash it off and good bye problem! fast, effective and inexpensive! Now, if I bring my daughter a couple of insects from kindergarten, I use this method.

    The best thing to do is to avoid getting lice. Today there are means to prevent head lice, I don’t understand why people don’t use them. I have been buying Nit Free menthol spray for my children for a year and a half now, and during this time there have been no lice. A very effective product and at the same time completely natural, based on mint. You can spray your hair and clothes with it.

    Yesterday I found nits on my daughter, but there are no lice, I cut her hair bald, the whole family is in a panic, but they didn’t find anyone with anything similar, and I want to dye my hair as a preventive measure, will that help?

    I got lice. I’m 17 years old, I cried for a long time because I have thick and long hair up to my waist. I don’t even have an idea where it could have come from. I just found out today. I want to get some advice on what medicine is best to use? And is it possible to get rid of them without cutting your hair?

    Of course, you can easily get rid of lice without cutting your hair. With a 100% guarantee, lice are removed in the Lyce Avenue center. It was there that I removed lice from my daughter about a month and a half ago. She also has long hair and didn’t have to cut anything. Plus, their treatment is completely safe, since it is based on combing and the use of non-toxic drugs.

    Please tell me, my daughter has very long hair (it’s a shame to cut it) and combing it out would be faster to break your arm than to comb it all out of your hair. And the lice have been around for about 2 months, we noticed it only now, because my daughter went to the village to visit her grandmother (apparently everything happened there)

    REMOVED ONLY WITH DICHLOPHOS!! I discovered these reptiles with my daughter in the 3rd grade (in 2015), and for 9 years I could not even imagine that they even exist or what they look like. She's a couple of months before graduation school year I scratched my head, I tilted it and looked under my hair, I didn’t find anything, but when I Once again after washing her hair she sits again and scratches, I under her table lamp, and then I almost fainted!!! and nits and lice, precisely under the lamp, but simply in daylight they are not visible!! and literally a couple of days before the discovery, my mother was painting my head, and she found this creature on me, well, we crushed it and had no idea that it was a lice, we thought it was some kind of beetle!!! so I quickly ran to the pharmacy and bought a product and I don’t even remember what it was oil based, the hair was combed well with a lice comb, my daughter combed it all evening, then they did it for me, my mother (grandmother), (I didn’t do the procedure for my husband, because he has a short haircut and I looked at him, everything was clean), at the end they rinsed I used diluted vinegar and a straightening iron, I scratched my daughter every evening all week and found nits that were clicking!!! I also ironed her once and myself a couple of times, with a hot hairdryer, washing, ironing all clothes, beds, towels, washing the floors, in the third week the procedure was repeated for my daughter and me (my grandmother lives separately, so she only had one treatment, and Initially, nothing was found at my grandmother’s place). After the third treatment there was a week of respite and in the second week after the third treatment I again discovered a small, newly hatched lice!!! I bought anti-lice shampoos again, all over again!!! A week later I found a healthy louse again, I probably picked it up from school!!! here my grandmother says try regular DICHLOVOS and out of desperation I decided, my daughter sprayed it and covered it with a bag for 20 minutes. and the same for myself!! after washing with shampoo, a hot hairdryer, not a single lice for a week, and dry nits don’t click!)) a week later, I repeated dichlorvos to fix my daughter for 40 minutes, and I for 50 minutes. and ALL!!! That’s all, two months of vacation have already passed, and my head is clear, I now check it constantly!!! and we didn’t have any allergies from dichlorvos, there was no irritation!! Everything is fine!! and if you do not suffer from allergies, you can immediately try the 100% effect!!! and all these shampoos from pharmacies did not help us, maybe our hair is thick, because... Our friends have a daughter whose hair is thin, and they took it out with shampoo from the pharmacy the first time, I don’t know what this is connected with, what helps some, not others!! But DICHLOVOS turned out to be a miracle and salvation for us!! I made a promise to myself that when I finish fighting these creatures, I will definitely write a review, because when I encountered it myself, I read a lot of advice and reviews that helped me a lot in the fight!! Don't lose hope!! Everything will work out!!!

    I have lice (((We just found it yesterday, quickly went to the pharmacy, shampoo, Hygia and washed everyone’s hair) It stinks really well, but the next day in the morning we combed it out and found 1 lice and it was dead and there were almost no nits))) Comb it out with a fine comb and vinegar , the nits disappear immediately. So, don’t panic, lice are not scary if you notice them in time)

    Oh, I don’t know. We don’t have such a company in Kazakhstan for combing out lice. But I would like to. My daughter brought this nasty thing. I’m pregnant. Of course, now I have lice too. God, how I’m afraid of them. We’ve been removing them for the 2nd month now. We’ve tried all the shampoos and gels. I’m combing them out. I look every day. I’m gone for a week, then again. I poisoned myself with dichlorvos when I was pregnant. I read above, they took me out. But alas, they didn’t leave me. Today I already dyed my hair. I don’t know what to do. There are very few nits all over. But there are lice. But also I kill 1.2 per week

    I tried to dye my daughter's hair to get rid of lice. Somehow it didn't really help. And before that they were poisoned with different shampoos. The lice seemed to die, but these shampoos couldn’t cope with nits. As a result, after a few weeks we have to start all over again. They would have suffered so much if I had not found out that in our city there are specialists who provide professional help with lice. I found the phone number of this company on the Internet and, lo and behold, we were finally freed from lice using combing using some special technique. I’m still not overjoyed that we were able to get rid of them.

    Lice have appeared 9-10 times already.
    I don’t know where or how I got infected. I don’t use other people’s personal hygiene items; I wash my hair every three days and braid my hair. Even at home and at night with a braid.
    I'm desperate, I don't know what to do anymore. They cleaned it three times with vinegar + some shampoo from the pharmacy. Then we dyed our hair twice (there was a lot of ammonia in the dye), and then again with all sorts of shampoos from the pharmacy.
    The hair is long (to the waist), very thick. My parents say that I should just cut it bald, but I’m so scared and sorry for my hair.
    Help me please!!

    It’s true, it’s horror!!! I’ve lived for so many years and now it’s “happiness” - lice and nits. My head itched, I went to the Internet. There’s about all sorts of diseases, I need to go to a dermatologist. I asked my daughter to look at her head. I couldn’t find anything. Here The flu attacked. While I was getting out, the lice were gone. My head was itching terribly, and my neck and even my shoulders. So I decided it was an allergy, although I never suffered from it. I saw that my youngest son’s head began to itch. Well, that’s when I found them! Mom checked mine head, and I was SHOCK! I read your reviews, so I tried shampoo and sprayed dichlorvos. If I don’t die, then I’ll write a continuation of the story.

    In general, I got rid of lice from my daughter very easily. She has long, thick hair, so when I went to the pharmacy, they immediately offered me a comb. I tried to comb it out with it, but it’s generally unrealistic on such hair. I went to the pharmacy again and explained the situation. That's when they gave me Paranit Sensitive. They said there was no need to comb it. The product was applied to the hair before bed, it had to be kept on the head for 8 hours, but there was no itching or irritation after it. In general, it’s almost invisible, you just put a towel on the pillow and that’s it. Doesn't get dirty. And in the morning they washed it out of their hair along with the dead lice. That's it, we didn't have them anymore.

    Girls, what kind of dichlorvos, what kind of kerosene, what kind of vinegar? You live in the 21st century. Ordered Nit Free oil online and sleep well! Non-toxic, with a pleasant smell, without harm to hair. Not if you like non-standard methods, then please. But for those who still do not risk their appearance and health, I would recommend Nit free oil. There is no chemicals in it, it eliminates the problem without chemically, but rather physically. It simply cuts off their oxygen and immobilizes them.

    No, kerosene and dichlorvos are definitely not the best remedy. Now there is a service for removing lice at home, without any vinegar or kerosene. You call a LifeAway specialist to your home. And after a couple of hours - there are no more insects. Once again I encounter this problem and call them. What should you do not miss school?

    We also removed lice ourselves. To prevent subsequent infection, I bought Nit Free spray. The fact is that the child caught lice at school. It’s winter, he doesn’t go anywhere anymore, computer, TV. And everything is calm there, apparently they don’t want to make a fuss, they say they examined everyone and found nothing. Hard to believe. Therefore, just in case, it is worth protecting the child and the whole family. I sprayed my hair with the spray, the smell is pleasant and I feel calm.

    A friend of mine, foaming at the mouth, proves that lice can appear if the head sweats often. Don't try to convince her otherwise. Another friend says that they can get triggered if you have long-term depression. And where do such beliefs come from?

    They tried to fire my colleague from work because of lice. Young girl. Everyone immediately moved away from her. Although I believe that everyone can catch it. She wouldn't have gotten it out on her own. Her hair was very curly. Such luxurious hair, I envied her. A colleague called a specialist from the service (Lice Avenue) to the house. They took him out in one session, by combing him out. True, she said, she had to tinker with her curly hair. But quickly.

    For the summer season, I now buy Nit Free rosemary spray for the camp for my child. For the prevention of pediculosis. And then I brought him once, they suffered for a month, they took him out. It's better to warn in advance. The composition of the spray is harmless, reviews about it are good. It smells nice and my soul is at peace. I call the camp and periodically remind them to use it.

    That's right! Need to in dangerous places, defend yourself! And the camp is a very lousy place! Spray Nit Free also helped us out! Only we took menthol - pah-pah, normal. Last year I had to call specialists from the Clean Curl company, they suggested it and there were no problems. And at school, when there was an epidemic, they also used it to protect themselves! In general, it completely paid for itself!