Variegated indoor flowers. Blooming indoor flower: name and photo

Flowering indoor plants decorate not only sunny windowsills. There are some indoor flowers that generally grow and bloom in shade and partial shade, which are used for landscaping rooms with a small amount of sunlight. Many beautiful blooming unpretentious indoor flowers are presented in this article with a description and some recommendations for their agricultural technology. Having learned the names of crops intended for growing in pots, you can confidently go to a specialized store and choose plants for your home. Do not forget that there may be “folk” names for indoor flowering plants, so you may know them under other names. But this does not change their botanical essence. See photos and names of flowering indoor plants and choose those crops that will allow you to maximum effect solve your design problems:

Name of the first domestic flowering plant – (with photo)


Home flowering plants Aechmea are bromeliads with funnel-shaped flowers and leaves densely planted with rosettes. Inflorescences of Aechmea fasciata - the most popular type- pink, in Aechmea chantinii - red-golden, in Aechmea fulgens - coral color. This is the first representative of the bromeliad family. Look at the photos of these plants and continue our acquaintance with agricultural technology and botanical characteristics:

    • Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Bright, but not direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: All year round not lower than 18 °C.
  • Air humidity: Spray more often. Does not tolerate dry air in rooms with central heating.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: From April to October, moderately moisten the soil and pour water into the leaf funnel. Use only soft water. From November to March, water less.
  • Feeding: In spring and summer, fertilize every 2 weeks.
  • Transfer: In 2 years.
  • Reproduction: By lateral shoots - children or seeds in spring at 20-25 ° C. The seeds are light-germinating.
  • Pests, diseases: Scale insects, root aphids.

After looking at the photo and finding out the name of this home flowering plant, you have the opportunity to find it on the store counter and purchase it for your collection; look at a few more varieties:

Allamanda - climbing flowering indoor plant


Allamanda shoots reach a length of several meters in a short time. Flowers, depending on the variety, are 8-12 cm in size. Allamanda cathartica goes on sale with flowers of various colors: ‘Henderson’ (orange-yellow), ‘Grandiflora’ (lemon-yellow) and ‘Shotta’ (yellow). The latest type of climbing flowering houseplant develops exceptionally strong.

  • Family: Arosupaseae (Kutrovaceae).
  • Homeland: Northeast South America.
  • Location: Bright, sunny lighting.
  • Temperature: All year round not lower than 18 °C. Loves warm soil.
  • Air humidity: High, about 60%.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture with nutritious loam.
  • Watering: From April to October, water abundantly and spray more often. Then reduce both.
  • Feeding: In summer, feed weekly.
  • Transfer: In February/March.
  • Trimming: After flowering or in spring, it is possible to shorten the branches.
  • Reproduction: By apical cuttings in spring or autumn at a soil temperature of about 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Yellowing of leaves, cushion flowers, and pseudoscale insects.
Important! Allamanda prefers water that does not contain lime. Carefully! All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Anigozanthos - a tall flowering houseplant


Kangaroo paw is a tall, flowering houseplant with lance-shaped leaves and graceful flowers that appear in summer. The texture of the petals resembles wool or felt.

  • Family: Haetodoraceae (Chemodoraceae).
  • Homeland: South-east Australia.
  • Location: Bright lighting all year round.
  • Temperature: Loves warmth in summer, coolness in winter (10-15 °C). In summer, Anigozanthos can be placed outdoors in a protected place.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Feeding: From March to August, apply fertilizer weekly in small doses.
  • Transfer: If necessary, you can replant in the spring.
  • Reproduction: In spring, by dividing old plants or by seeds.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.
Anigozanthos is a light-loving plant, so it may not bloom in a “bad” summer. In addition, in a dark place, “kangaroo paw” does not grow as a compact bush, which can be corrected if the anigozanthos is treated with substances that inhibit growth. Look at these beautiful blooming indoor flowers in the photo, which shows specimens during the period of budding and blooming of petals:

Aphelandra - a small flowering houseplant

Aphelandra protruding

Aphelandra protuberans is a small flowering houseplant with dark green leaves that have creamy white veins. Bright, sunny yellow flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, consist of arranged roofing tiles covering leaves that last a very long time, and short-lived light yellow tubular small flowers. The flowering time is controlled by the gardener, and we can buy a flowering plant almost at any time.

  • Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthaceae).
  • Homeland: Central and South America.
  • Location: Bright lighting all year round. Temperature 20 °C.
  • Air humidity: High. Spray more often.
  • Watering: The soil should always be slightly moist.
  • Feeding: From March to August, fertilize once every 14 days.
  • Transfer: In the spring.
  • Trimming: Before the transplant.
  • Reproduction: By apical cuttings at a soil temperature of 25-30 °C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, false scale insects.
  • Important! Drafts should be avoided. Aphelandra blooms on next year only if in winter it is placed for 8 weeks in a cool (10 ° C) and very bright place.

Look at these flowering indoor plants in the photo, which shows the shapes of the buds and their color options:

Brunfelsia - blooming and unpretentious indoor flowers in pots


Brunfelsia pauciflora var. calycina are unpretentious indoor flowers, depending on the variety, blooming in white, yellow or light and dark purple large flowers. The shoots are splayed and have few branches. The winter flowering cultivar ‘Floribunda’ is interesting for its blue and violet colored flowers. These indoor flowers in pots, blooming long time, require regular feeding with minerals.

  • Family: Solanaceae (Solanaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light to semi-shade all year round.
  • Temperature: Loves warmth. From November to January keep in a cool room (10-12 °C).
  • Air humidity: High, spray more often.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: From March to September, water the plant generously with softened water. Then reduce watering.
  • Feeding: From March to September, apply fertilizer once every 2 weeks, then stop fertilizing.
  • Transfer: After the end of the main flowering period in early summer.
  • Trimming: Trim long shoots.
  • Reproduction: Apical or stem cuttings in spring, at a soil temperature of 25 ° C. It takes root with difficulty.
  • Pests, diseases: Yellowing of leaves (chlorosis), false scale insects, spider mites, aphids.
Carefully! Brunfelsia is poisonous.

Calceolaria - the best flowering houseplant (with pictures)


Calceolus means "little shoe" in Latin. For almost 500 various types and the cultivars bred from them are characterized by the lower lip of the flowers, swollen to the size of a wide shoe. Flowers can be single-colored, two-colored, or tiger-striped in various colors - yellow, red, orange. Calceolaria, thanks to its decorative properties, this is the best flowering indoor plant that allows you to effectively decorate any windowsill.

  • Family: Scrophulariaceae (Norichaceae).
  • Homeland: South America. Only cultural forms are available for sale.
  • Location: A very bright, but not illuminated by the bright sun, spacious room.
  • Temperature: If possible, not very high (15-20 ° C).
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Abundant.
  • Feeding: Fertilize weekly.
  • Transfer: Not needed, because This plant is grown as an annual.
  • Reproduction: In summer, at a temperature of 18 ° C, sow seeds that do not need to be covered with soil (light-viable seeds). Growing seedlings does not create any problems.
  • Pests, diseases: Whiteflies, aphids.
  • Important! The plant does not tolerate waterlogging. In autumn and winter, young plants need additional artificial lighting.

Look at the pictures of these indoor flowering plants, which illustrate their decorative properties:

Bellflower - indoor hanging flowering plants

Bell ( Campanula isophylla)

The main varieties grown as potted plants are the bellflower (Campanula isophylla) and its varieties ‘Alba’ (white flowers) and ‘Mayi’ (blue-violet flowers). These are excellent indoor hanging flowering plants; in addition, Campanula fragilis (brittle bell) and Campanula pyramidalis, popularly called “Jacob’s ladder,” are grown.

  • Family: Campanulaceae (Campanulaceae).
  • Homeland: Mediterranean regions.
  • Location: Bright, sunny, spacious room.
  • Temperature: Not very tall. Wintering at 10 °C.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: From spring to autumn, water regularly to keep the soil moist at all times. Campanula isophylla even tolerates hard water.
  • Feeding: From May to August, fertilize with a special flower mixture once every 14 days.
  • Transfer: In the spring.
  • Trimming: After flowering, in autumn.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mites, gray mold, leaf spot.
When cutting cuttings, a non-toxic white milky juice appears on the cuts. Dip the cuttings into lukewarm water and it will stop leaking.

Decorative flowering indoor plants: names and photos

Let's consider decorative flowering indoor plants that can easily be grown in pots. The names of decorative flowering indoor plants presented below are not familiar to all gardeners, so the information will be useful and interesting. Look carefully at the photos and names of decorative flowering indoor plants - among the variety presented there are very interesting new items:

Diosma - Coleonema calydum.

This evergreen potted plant has only recently appeared on the market (sometimes called Coleonema pulchrum). Beautiful leaves, similar to heather leaves, exude a spicy aroma. In spring, numerous small pink-red flowers appear on the branches.

  • Family: Rutaceae (Rutaceae).
  • Homeland: Southwestern region of the Cape Province of South Africa.
  • Location: In summer - a sheltered, sunny place outdoors, in winter - good lighting.
  • Temperature: In summer - outdoor temperature; in winter - a cool room with a temperature of 5 °C.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: In summer it is very abundant; in winter, water less.
  • Feeding: During the growing season, apply complete mineral fertilizer diluted in water every 14 days.
  • Transfer: After flowering.
  • Trimming: When replanting, pinching out shoots and, if necessary, more radical pruning.
  • Reproduction: From March to September with non-lignified cuttings at a soil temperature of 22-25 ° C. You can use waste from pruning.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.

Columnea – Columnea.

Columnae - luxurious hanging plants. Numerous species and varieties are available for sale, some with variegated leaves. The most famous is the species hybrid ‘Stevenger’. Flowering time varies depending on the species or variety.

  • Family: Gesneriaceae (Gesneriaceae).
  • Homeland: Central America, mainly Costa Rica.
  • Location: From light to semi-shady.
  • Temperature: It prefers warmth, but during the budding phase, which lasts 30-40 days in winter, a temperature of about 15 ° C is needed.
  • Air humidity: High. Spray carefully.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: During the growth period, lightly and evenly moisten the soil. In winter, water less. As soon as the buds reach 1-2 cm in size, increase watering and place the plant in a warmer place.
  • Feeding: During the growing season, apply fertilizer weekly in small doses.
  • Transfer: After flowering, transplant into azalea pots.
  • Trimming: Prune during transplantation.
  • Reproduction: From apical or non-lignified cuttings at a soil temperature of 25 °C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphid infestations.
  • Important! Water and fertilizers containing lime are not recommended.

Next, these decorative flowering indoor plants are presented in the photo with the possibilities of their use in the interior shown:

Beautiful blooming and unpretentious home flowers in pots (with photo)

When choosing home-blooming beautiful flowers, you always want to get the most unusual and original specimen. And there really are such people. Get to know them further on the page.

Fire-red Crassula – Crassula coccinea.

Fiery red Crassula is a domestic flowering semi-shrub flowers 30-60 cm high. It blooms with fragrant bright red flowers. The shoots coming from the base are densely lined with opposite, cross-shaped leaves 2 cm long.

  • Family: Crassulaceae (Crassulaceae).
  • Homeland: South Africa.
  • Location: A room full of air and bright diffused light. In summer - in the air, in a place protected from rain. In September, bring home blooming flowers in pots into the house and place them in a bright place for the winter until the buds appear.
  • Temperature: In winter it is about 10 °C, in summer - the outside air temperature.
  • Substrate: Sandy soil.
  • Watering: Lightly moisten in summer, water very rarely in winter.
  • Feeding: In summer, feed with cactus fertilizer once every 4 weeks.
  • Trimming: After flowering, shorten the shoots by 10 cm to stimulate a second flowering.
  • Reproduction: The tips of the shoots in June. Plant in sandy soil, after drying the surface of the cuts for several days.
  • Pests, diseases: aphids, mealybugs, cushion mites, soft-bodied mites, powdery mildew, leaf nematodes.

Important to remember! Does not like midday sun.

Dipteracanthus – Dipteracanthus.

There are about 250 species of these unpretentious blooming house flowers, but only a few of them are offered to us as indoor flowers. These are low, almost creeping subshrubs. Leaves with light veins, flowers pink or white and purple striped. Looks great as a hanging crop.

  • Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light to semi-shady. Does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: Increased all year round. The soil should also be warm.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture with the addition of polystyrene chips.
  • Watering: Moisten the soil moderately. Soften the water.
  • Feeding: From March to August, apply fertilizer in small doses once every 2 weeks.
  • Transfer: Every year in the spring, transplant into flat containers.
  • Reproduction: By apical cuttings in spring, at a soil temperature of 22 °C.
  • Pests, diseases: Leaf curling, growth disturbance, root rot, whiteflies.
Dipteracanthus is a fabulously beautiful ground cover plant for a window display with a special microclimate.
Look at these blooming house flowers in the photo, which shows different periods of their life and development:

Flowering plants for home and apartment (names and photos)

Numerous flowering plants for the home allow you to create unusual floral compositions. These are unique opportunities for interior design. Below are descriptions, photos and names of flowering plants for your home and apartment, look and choose the ones that suit you:

Euphorbia Mile (thorns of Christ) - Euphorbia milii

Euphorbia Mila is one of the most popular representatives of the extensive genus Euphorbia, numbering 2,000 species. In places of natural growth it is a deciduous shrub up to a meter in height. Euphorbia Milya are unpretentious flowering plants for apartments; they tolerate the dry air of a city apartment, central heating, and the burning rays of the sun. Its long, pencil-hard, thorny shoots can be guided along supports, like those of trellis plants. Newest varieties grow almost vertically, in compact bushes up to 60 cm high. The color of the flowers is various options in red and pink colors, and also comes in white and yellow. Euphorbia lophogona, native to Madagascar, is evergreen and blooms all year round with white or pink flowers. Hybrids of both species are bushy and decorative, bloom profusely and successfully displace pure species. These hybrids, called Euphorbia Lomi, bloom almost year-round with yellow, pink, red and purple flowers. True, they are easily affected by powdery mildew.

  • Family: Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae).
  • Homeland: Madagascar.
  • Location: Very bright, illuminated by the sun.
  • Temperature: Loves warmth.
  • Substrate: Soil mixture for cacti with a small admixture of loam.
  • Watering: Moderate, especially in winter. After flowering, water little by little for one month so as not to dry out the root ball. From March to August, increase watering slightly.
  • Feeding: Once every 2 weeks, add fertilizer for cacti to the water for irrigation.
  • Transfer: Young plants should be replanted every 2 years.
  • Trimming: Pruning is done in the spring before new shoots appear.
  • Reproduction: In spring cuttings. You can use the shoots left after pruning! Use pieces of older shoots. Dip the slices in lukewarm water to stop the milky juice from secreting. Dry for one day and then plant in a mixture of sand and peat.
  • Pests, diseases: Falling leaves.
Don't be afraid to keep milkweed in a room with dry air.

Carefully! All parts of the plant are poisonous. The milky sap of all Euphorbia species contains substances that irritate the mucous membrane. In addition, you can get hurt on sharp thorns.

Gloriosa (climbing lily) - Gloriosa superba.

Gloriosa superba is a sensational vine with flowers 10 cm in diameter, fiery red, edged with yellow.

  • Family: Liliaceae (Liliaceae).
  • Homeland: Tropical regions of Asia, Africa, Madagascar.
  • Location: For germination and growing season - light.
  • Temperature: Loves warmth. The tubers overwinter in a pot at 15 °C.
  • Air humidity: Spray more often until buds form.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: From March to August, water regularly, then limit watering and gradually allow the plant to wither.
  • Feeding: From March to August weekly.
  • Reproduction: In February with tubers.
  • Transfer: In March, transplant into a new pot and water.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, spider mites.

When purchasing, pay attention to whether the tubers have a small green top (vegetative zone). Caution The tubers contain the toxic substance colchicine.

Beautiful flowering indoor plants (photos and names)

Beautiful flowering indoor plants can be quite familiar, but unusually decorated. For example, you can create an unusual composition based on balsam. A lead in a container will decorate any interior. See photos and names of beautiful flowering indoor plants and draw interesting ideas to decorate your houses and apartments:

Balsam – Impatiens.

Waller's balsam (Impatiens walleriana) is a well-loved potted plant that blooms all year round. Flowers of various colors, some even have two-color petals. Meanwhile, hybrids of balsams ‘New Guinea’ appeared and proved themselves well.

  • Family: Balsaminaceae (Balsamaceae).
  • Homeland: Tropical areas in eastern Africa, Ceylon, India, New Guinea. Mostly cultivated farms go on sale.
  • Location: From light to semi-shady. ‘New Guinea’ hybrids tolerate well sunlight.
  • Temperature: Room temperature all year round. For Waller's balsam, winter is somewhat cooler (12-15 ° C).
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Water regularly in summer, less in winter. Avoid overwatering.
  • Transfer: In the spring. It is better to root the cuttings in the fall and let them overwinter.
  • Trimming: From time to time, shorten the shoots.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings. Waller's balsam - you can use seeds in spring.

Pig – Plumbago indica.

After Plumbago auriculata found many admirers as a container plant in temperate latitudes, its “pink” relative, Plumbago indica, spread as an attractive indoor plant. It forms clinging shoots and blooms all summer with pink-red flowers collected in a spike.

  • Family: Plumbagiaceae (Plumbagiaceae).
  • Homeland: India.
  • Location: Lots of light, but protect from direct bright sun.
  • Temperature: Warm. In winter it is cooler, but not lower than 13 °C.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Moderate in summer, very limited in winter.
  • Feeding: During the growth period in spring and summer, apply complex fertilizer every 14 days.
  • Transfer: If necessary in the spring.
  • Reproduction: In spring, by herbaceous apical cuttings at soil temperatures from 20 to 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, powdery mildew, leaf drop.
  • Important! Be sure to avoid stagnant waterlogging!

Skullcap – Scutellaria costaricana.

Tropical skullcap is a mountain plant, accustomed to a lot of light. The partly woody species reaches a height of 0.5 m and blooms in summer with bright spike-shaped apical inflorescences with fiery red short-lobed flowers.

  • Family: Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae).
  • Homeland: Costa Rica.
  • Location: All year round there is a lot of light and air, without direct sun. Temperature in summer is about 20 °C, in winter not lower than 15 °C. It is important that the soil is warm.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Maintain moderate substrate moisture.
  • Feeding: From March to August, feed weekly with low doses of mineral fertilizers.
  • Transfer: Every 2 years, in the fall. It's better to grow new plants.
  • Trimming: Before the transplant.
  • Reproduction: By apical or other cuttings, in autumn, at soil temperatures from 20 to 25 ° C. Don't pinch! Inflorescences form only at the tips of the shoots.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.
Plant several young plants in one pot to make them appear bushier.

Strelitzia - Streiitzia reginae.

The name "bird of paradise" comes from the bright colors of the flowers, which are orange and sky blue and are encased in red-edged bracts. Strelitzias have long been known as cut flowers, but they are also increasingly popular as houseplants. In the homeland of Strelitzia, in South Africa, there are 5 species of this plant, but only (Strelitzia reginae) is most widespread.

  • Family: Musaceae (Banana).
  • Homeland: South Africa.
  • Location: Bright and sunny, from mid-May preferably a place protected from the wind in the open air.
  • Temperature: Warm, cooler in winter (10-14 °C).
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Abundant in summer, very scarce in winter. Water exclusively with water at room temperature.
  • Feeding: From March to August every week.
  • Transfer: If necessary, but best once every 3 years, since the roots are very sensitive.
  • Reproduction: By division or seeds.
  • Pests, diseases: Scale insects.

Vriesia is an unpretentious and shade-tolerant flowering indoor plant.


The most famous type of this unpretentious flowering houseplant is Vriesea splendens. In addition to it, there are shade-tolerant flowering indoor plants with green leaves and dark red and other colors of spike-shaped inflorescences.

Vriesea die off after flowering. Plants can be kept as epiphytes.
  • Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light or semi-shaded, avoid direct sun rays.
  • Temperature: It is warm all year round, the soil temperature is above 18 °C.
  • Air humidity: High. Frequent spraying and provision of artificial humidity.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture.
  • Watering: Use soft water at room temperature to constantly maintain light humidity. Pour water into the funnel and onto someone.
  • Feeding: In summer, feed in small doses every 14 days.
  • Transfer: Not required as the plant dies after flowering.
  • Reproduction: Offshoots, which should be no smaller than half the size of the mother plant.
  • Pests, diseases: Growth disturbances, leaf damage.

Indoor flowers are a bright decoration for an apartment or house. They produce oxygen, making it easier to breathe in the room. They won't wither like a bouquet. Flowers are interesting to watch; the process of buds appearing, their transformation into a flower, lifts your spirits.

To have a blooming garden in your apartment, you don’t have to be a florist or understand the intricacies of caring for plants. Unpretentious indoor plants that bloom all year round make it possible to decorate your home in an interesting way without spending a lot of time caring for them.

Unpretentious indoor flowers for an apartment

Flowers that are easy to care for are quite popular. There are several dozen species of them. They easily adapt to room conditions growth. They do not require special care technologies. You don't need to spend a lot of time caring for your mini garden. You choose the plants that you like the most.

If you choose plants that bloom all year round, you will have your own garden on the windowsill in winter. What unpretentious indoor plants bloom all year round and how to choose them?

The plant blooms until autumn and as soon as the day begins to shorten, its flowering gradually fades. The plant enters the winter sleep phase. But, if you provide regular watering and constant artificial lighting, will bloom all year round.

Indoor maple resembles a tree with leaves like a maple. Thanks to this feature, the plant got its name. Caring for a flower consists of regular watering and monitoring its growth. From time to time you need to pinch off shoots that are not growing as you planned.

Abutilone can be natural or hybrid. Hybrid plant varieties are distinguished by a variety of flower colors and shapes.

This plant is popularly known as " male happiness" It is often given to men; the flower is unpretentious in care. The plant adapts perfectly to indoor conditions. The rules for caring for a flower are simple: provide constant diffused light, regularly water and maintain humidity.

It has large, fleshy leaves of a dark green color and a pronounced flower-cob. The flower itself is surrounded by a colored leaf of red, white or Pink colour. Anthurium symbolizes strength, passion and masculinity and activates masculine energy in the home.

These indoor plants bloom all year round and have white, red, and crimson flowers. Pelargonium blooms almost continuously. She will decorate the apartment all year round. The flowers have a faint spicy aroma.

Caring for pelargonium is simple. Water regularly, monitor the color and condition of the flower. The flower can grow tall or short. The height of the bush depends on the lighting in the room. If you need the bush to be tall, then place the flower pot in the shade. Pelargonium will stretch in height, remaining just as beautiful.

Magnificent geranium can be called a classic. It is found in almost every home. This plant blooms all year round if you don't forget to water it. has a specific smell. It can smell like lilac, mint, lemon or rose.

The plant perfectly repels flies and disinfects the air from bacteria, germs and dampness. It is not recommended to place Geranium near your bed. If you breathe in its aroma for a long time, your head will hurt.

Make sure Geraniums have plenty of light. It is placed in the southern part of the apartment or house. Watering the plant should not be abundant and rare. When Geranium is watered every day it may die.

She's Hibiscus. An unpretentious indoor plant that blooms all year round can be incredibly beautiful. Chinese rose does not require special care. It is worth placing it in a bright place, and it will systematically delight you with small roses of red, crimson or pink. During the flowering period, the rose should be watered more. Lack of water can negatively affect its appearance. Dry soil - main reason buds falling off.

A heat-loving plant that loves water, but does not like to be sprayed. will not bloom if it is cold. Optimal temperature for a flower - 20 degrees Celsius. Begonia can suffer from fungal diseases, so dry leaves and flowers are removed immediately after they appear.

The flower will bloom brightly if it is placed closer to the light source. There are about 20 species of plants. If you are just starting to grow flowers, it is easier to buy a blood red Begonia, caring for it does not require any effort.

A plant with a complex name and interesting white flowers. Spathiphyllum is perfect for those who are just learning how to care for flowers. The plant tolerates the absence of water and light. If you leave it for a week, the flower will not die.

Spathiphyllum has long shoots and white flowers. They look like calla lilies that can be seen in wedding bouquets. The plant blooms all year round. The flowering boom occurs in the summer. At this time of year, the plant delights with lush, intense color.

These indoor plants are also very unpretentious, bloom all year round and can stand without watering for a whole month. The plant does not like strong moisture. It can grow both in the shade and in bright light. Kalanchoe blooms small flowers, reddish or yellow.

Blooms all year round. The leaves are almost invisible behind its flowers. Thanks to the range of varieties, it’s easy to choose a flower that fits perfectly into your apartment. Impatiens require regular watering and spraying. Tolerates temperature changes well.

He is also the Chinese Rose. The plant blooms all year round from spring to autumn. It has an interesting feature: its flower lives only for a day. Then new buds appear again and so on in a circle. grows in the form of a tree. It constantly needs to be shaped to keep the plant neat. During the flowering period, it is better to place the flower in a bright place. There the Hibiscus will show itself in its full glory.

You can choose Hibiscus of interesting shapes and colors. Modern varieties pleasantly please the eye with their diversity and juiciness.

The second name of this plant is “Colombian beauty”. The plant blooms until winter with beautiful flowers. For the winter, Koleria should be placed in a dark place, first at the root, cutting off the shoots. It sleeps during the cold season. If Koleria does not rest, you will see no flowers or very few flowers next season.

Koleria loves moderate watering and dim light. If you pay attention to the plant in time, it will delight you with its lush color.

If you want bright, unpretentious indoor plants for your apartment, feel free to choose. This flower belongs to the Orchid family. Does not like direct sunlight and grows best in the eastern part of the house or apartment.

Phalaenopsis has golden yellow flowers with brown spots. The plant looks incredibly beautiful. It is worth watering the plant early in the morning with a small amount of water. Watering frequency is adjustable appearance plants and their condition.

This cute flower belongs to the succulent plant family. It has small spines on the leaves and produces small flowers. Like cacti, Euphorbia Mila has small spines on its leaves. If you put the flower in a bright place, it will bloom profusely all year round. Houseplants people like Milya can for a long time be without water and, like all the above-described species, bloom almost all year round. It is very easy to care for and if you forget to water it a couple of times, its appearance will not deteriorate.

Thanks to the bracts, the flowers of the Euphorbia Milya plant are very bright, juicy, and interesting. The plant is perfect for the hallway, living room, and can be placed in the bedroom.

Fuchsia blooms from spring until autumn. If you provide her with proper care, she will delight you with flowers all year round. The apartment will do well in a cool place, away from bright light. It is ideal to place the plant in the eastern or western part of the apartment.

Fuchsia loves regular watering and systematic care. The range of plant varieties will allow you to choose the appropriate type based on the color and shape of the flowers. Fuchsia will fit perfectly into any interior design of an apartment or house.

The plant came to our country from Asia. It has the shape of a bush and is quite compact. Clerodendrum looks interesting both in the office and in the apartment. Blooms from spring until autumn. At regular care can bloom all year round.

Clerodendrum flowers have the shape of corollas and look impressive. During the flowering season, the plant needs regular care and feeding. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist. But you shouldn’t flood the flower either. If the air in the room is dry, the plant is sprayed with water at room temperature every day.

IN winter time year the flower rests and recovers. It is transferred to a room with a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius, the amount of watering is reduced and left here until spring.

This type of plant is quite popular because it does not require significant care and blooms all year round. Violet blooms in small flowers and has fluffy leaves with fibers. The color of the flowers depends on the plant variety. Saintpaulia should be watered in a tray to prevent the leaves from becoming moldy and rotting.

During the flowering period, the plant is watered twice a month. The soil in the pot is covered with moss. This not only looks beautiful, but is also beneficial for the flower. If the plant is regularly watered and fed, it will bloom almost all year round.

People call this plant “Wax " The flower does not need regular watering. Due to the fact that water accumulates in the leaves of the flower, the plant can live without watering for up to 2 months. Carnosa can survive without regular feeding. It feels best on the south side of the apartment, but it will not die in the northern part of the room either.

If a flower suddenly dries up, this is not a reason to panic. Tear off a couple of shoots and place them in a glass of water for 1.5 weeks. The shoots sprout roots and the plant can be planted in the pot again. It is rare to replant an adult plant. This is done only when the previous pot is already small for him.

With regular care and feeding, Carnosa will delight you with its beauty all year round.

Unpretentious indoor plants that bloom all year round are always in demand. Not everyone has time to devote to flowers, but they want to be closer to nature. Decembrist - interesting plant, which will delight you with flowers throughout the year. They say that if the Decembrist blooms at Christmas, a happy year awaits you.

Decembrist has leaves that look like a long chain and small flowers of an almost fiery color. The plant is not afraid of temperature changes and can survive without frequent watering. It can be kept in a room with dim lighting.

When the Decembrist blooms, it cannot be moved from place to place. This “cowardly” plant will drop all its flowers if it moves. In the winter season, Decembrist will delight your eyes with rich and bright colors. The plant does well in vertical racks for flowers.

Clivia's homeland is South Africa, with its humid climate. The plant can grow in almost any conditions. It is placed where other plants could not live. You can water the flower however you like. Clivia does not tolerate only blatant too much water.

The plant tolerates absence well strong lighting and can live in a darkened living room or hallway. Clivia begins to bloom in February. This is wonderful, because during this period there is so little summer and warmth.

The flower has long shoots, orange and red flowers similar to a bell. Does well without fertilizing and spraying. Clivia – perfect option plants for busy people who forget to care for flowers.

This plant can live in almost any conditions. It tolerates shade and temperature changes well. Fatsia will feel fine even next to a central heating radiator. The plant blooms with bright lush flowers and has fleshy and green leaves.

Growing such a plant at home is beneficial. It is considered an energy donor, will fill you with energy and absorb negative experiences. In addition, Fatsia disinfects the air, destroying bacteria and germs. If Geranium cannot be placed in the bedroom, then Fatsia will be useful here.

The plant is not very whimsical, but it requires self-care. Thanks to the beautiful, bright colors, she is taken care of and kept in the apartment. Potted rose in the warm season, you can take it out onto the veranda or put it on the balcony.

At proper care the plant blooms profusely all year round. The interval between the formation of new flowers and the death of old ones is about 7 weeks. Rose loves sunlight, but you should not allow the plant to overheat.

The rose grows best in the eastern part of the room; you can also place the plant in the western part of the room. The optimal temperature in the room is up to 25 degrees Celsius.

The plant needs to be sprayed (once every few days) and watered well. Do not allow the soil to dry out, this will negatively affect the appearance of the rose. In the cold season, the rose is moved to a room with a temperature of only 11-15 degrees Celsius and the frequency of watering is reduced. If you regularly care for the plant, it will delight you with its lush color and beauty.

The plant resembles a small bush and has small red-orange flowers. It tolerates dry air well, so it does not need spraying. The plant is kept on the southern windows of the room, but protected from direct sunlight.

Watering should be moderate. Do not overwater the flower, it may die from this. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced. Primrose blooms all year round and looks spectacular both in a private apartment and in an office.

Jasmine is an indoor plant with evergreen leaves and small flowers collected in inflorescences. Depending on the type of plant, flowers may or may not have a scent. Jasmine is placed on the east or west window of the apartment so that it has enough light.

Water the plant abundantly, but do not overwater the flower. Water the flower only when the soil is dry. Water for irrigation can be slightly heated or distilled. When the flower is actively growing (April–August), it is fertilized with potassium fertilizers once a week.

Jasmine blooms almost all year round. If you get the hang of it, caring for the plant won’t take much time, and the flower will decorate your home for many years.

In appearance it resembles a chamomile. The color of the flowers can be red, pink, white or yellow. Gerbera tolerates drafts well. In summer, the plant can be sent to the balcony, where it will remain until autumn.

When watering Gerbera, try not to let the water get on the flowers. Fungal diseases can form on them due to humidity. Water the flower regularly, but with a small amount of water. The optimal temperature for keeping Gerbera is 20 degrees Celsius in summer and 12 -15 degrees in winter.

In order for the flower to bloom magnificently, it needs to be fertilized 2 times a month with fertilizers for indoor plants. Gerbera does not require much attention when caring, but its flowers are simply impossible not to notice.

A plant with evergreen leaves and quivering flowers. Despite the fact that the plant blooms all year round, the flowers only live for a day and die. The plant can be in the form of a bush or vine. The leaves of Ruellia are dark green with white veins.

At the same time, several buds appear on the plant and several flowers bloom. Ruellia grows well on western and eastern windows in an apartment. If you place it on a north window, then in winter it may not have enough light. Water the plant as the soil in the pot dries. By autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced. Autumn and winter are the period when the plant recovers. It doesn't require a lot of water. The optimal temperature for keeping a flower is 19-24 degrees Celsius.

A plant that blooms at any time of the year. Thanks to its fleshy leaves and beautiful flowers, reminiscent of candles, Pachistachis is the leader among flowers. If you need unpretentious indoor plants that bloom all year round, it is chosen more often than other flowers.

The plant loves diffused light and relatively cool temperatures. You cannot place a flower near a central heating radiator. Warm air negatively affects the plant. Drafts should be avoided and air flow should be ensured. fresh air to the flower.

It is ideal to keep Pachistachis in a room that is frequently ventilated. But, pay attention, there should be no drafts. Dry air in the room can be compensated for by spraying the plant. It will appreciate your efforts and will bloom in bright and lush colors.

Ethiopian calla is an unpretentious plant that can grow in a darkened room. She has fragile stems and tender white flowers. Fluctuations in temperature, humidity and light do not affect plant growth.

The plant begins to bloom in November and until May. June and July are the periods of rest for Calla. At this time, reduce the frequency of watering and try not to move the pot with the plant.

In spring and autumn, the leaves of the flower may die off, which will eventually be replaced by new shoots. Dead leaves are removed to prevent mold and fungal diseases from developing. With constant care, Calla blooms intensely almost all year round.

Whatever type of flowers you buy, it is worth remembering that every plant needs a recovery period. Flowers cannot bloom all year round without a break. If you provide the plant with constant care and give it time to recover, it will delight you with its beauty for a long time.

Bonsai tree - miniature plant in a pot, decorating many rooms. Caring for a bonsai is not easy, it requires attention and patience, especially if you grow a tree in a pot yourself, because the price of formed trees is quite high. For beginners, the best choice is Ficus microcarpa, or Ficus retusa. Of course, the popular one will do...

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Cacti - a real variety of species, wild and cultivated by amateurs original plants. Many species can be grown in a pot at home. The cactus is readily grown not only because of its unusual appearance, thick stem and spines instead of leaves. Cacti in pots are decorated with beautiful, expressive flowers.

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Pineapple is one of the most favorite exotic fruits. You can grow your own pineapple plant at home. Learn how to grow pineapple at home. Find out how easy it is, just follow the instructions in our article. Home cultivation Pineapple can really bring a lot of pleasure.

Real pineapple

Avocados, which look like a large, green pear, are one of the most valuable exotic fruits. Its pale yellow color, shrouded in a thin, green or brown skin, the pulp has a creamy consistency and contains a large number of easily digestible fats, saturated fats, as well as vitamins (A, B1, B2, K, H, PP), mineral salts (phosphorus, calcium, potassium), protein, organic acids and...

Cacti are among the plants that are valued by people engaged in amateur cultivation. ornamental plants. Many hobbyists cope with growing more demanding species; they grow cacti from seeds at home, hoping that the resulting plants will decorate the apartment with minimal costs. Although cacti have a well-deserved reputation for being easy to grow,...

There is little desire to be able to enjoy beautiful indoor plants at home. In order for plants to grow well and bloom beautifully, without being attacked by diseases, some growing experience is required.

You just need to follow the tips so that the flowers look beautiful for a long time, just like after being bought at a flower shop.


Orchids (Orchidaceae)– some of the most amazing flowers, original, with a lot of charm. The flowers are light, like butterflies, delicate, like a feather. Associated with elegance and good style.

Native to Central and South America, Asia, India, Australia, Indonesia or Japan. There are approximately 20,000 species of orchids.


Gardenia is one of the most beautiful potted plants, valued for its decorative inflorescences. In the case of gardenia, its beautiful, white and fragrant flowers are perfectly complemented by dark but shiny leaves. Unfortunately, gardenia is extremely capricious plant, therefore, before purchasing, it is worth reading about it, so that at the very beginning of cultivation, you can provide it with optimal conditions, essential for...

Typically Russian name"Gasteria verrucosa" Family Asphodelaceae - Asphodelaceae. It should be added that the real scientific name of the plant is “Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa." Gasteria verrucosa is a trade name. To get more information on the Internet, you need to review the articles under the two titles.

Houseplants not only delight the eyes of their owners, but are also capable of bringing benefits. For example, collect dust, refresh and even purify the air. Flowers with large leaves are especially famous for these abilities.

House flowers with large leaves are quite common. The most famous of them are: Monstera, Anthurium, Schefflera, etc.

Almost all of them are distinguished by unpretentiousness, rapid growth and the ability to fit organically into any interior.

This shrubby plant originated from South America and belongs to the Malvaceae family. In Russia it also acquired a second name due to its shape – “indoor maple”.

There is about 150 varieties of this plant, which may differ significantly from each other.

It is 1.5 - 2 meters in height and most often grows as a shrub or small tree. The flowers are bell-shaped and come in shades of pink, white, yellow or orange.

Thanks to the big leaves perfectly humidifies the air in room. It is easy to care for, grows quickly and pleases owners for many years.

Avocado has American roots and belongs to the Laurel family. The species "avocado" is about 150 species.

This plant is not truly indoor, because its height can reach 20 meters. But when good care you can raise it at home, where it will grow up to 1 meter. At home, it is given the shape of a bush.

Flowers, and even more so fruits, are very difficult to achieve at home.

The narrow leaves of the tree have the shape of an ellipse of dark green color about 25 cm, and the flowers are collected in inflorescences.

The second name of this plant is “flamingo flower”.

The homeland of this beautiful flower is America and the Caribbean Islands, and the number of varieties reaches 1800. A special feature of anthurium is glossy flower, which in its color and appearance resembles artificial plastic.

Anthurium, like all plants of the Araceae family, is poisonous. When consumed internally, it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, and even swelling and breathing problems.

It can be painted in white and red colors. Problems often arise in caring for it.

Herbaceous plant from the Araceae family. Thanks to the large bright sheets that can reach 1 sq. meters, can also be called “elephant ear”.

Originally from Yugo - East Asia, which explains her love for warmth and high humidity. At home it grows up to 1.5 meters in height and lives on average 2 years.

Blooms extremely rarely in the form of a white and pink cob. It is unpretentious in care, even novice gardeners can handle it.

Alocasia looks great in spacious rooms and freshens the air.

It earned its second name, “cast iron flower,” due to its durability.

Aspidistra can tolerate many conditions: infrequent watering, transplanting at the wrong time, sudden temperature changes, etc.

It is native to the regions of China and Japan and belongs to the Lily of the Valley family.

This plant has practically no stem, and the leaves have the shape of a long ellipse on the petioles. It rarely blooms, rather dirty - purple flowers at the base of the leaf. Due to the high chlorophyll content, it is perfect for dark rooms and stairs.

A plus is the ability to purify the air from benzene and formaldehyde.

This herbaceous plant is found in the territory of Brazil and Colombia. Easily adapted to life at home, where it grows quickly to a maximum height of 1.2 meters.

It does not require special care and lives quite a long time. Like all plants of the Araceae family - poisonous.

Due to its “decorative” appearance, the flower is very popular. Flower growers are attracted to the large, multi-colored, spotted leaves; the color varies depending on the species.

Considering the countries of origin, Dieffenbachia loves warmth and humidity. In such conditions, it can bloom with an inconspicuous inflorescence in the form of a white-green cob.

It's low herbaceous plant originated from Central America. It belongs to the Marantaceae family, which has about 400 species.

Maranta's height is no more than 30 cm, due to predominantly creeping shoots. The peculiarity of this flower is its variegated, striped leaves with a smooth edge.

It rarely blooms with small spikelets of white or pale lilac flowers. White-veined arrowroot is unpretentious in care, but red-veined arrowroot requires more attention.

The leaves of the arrowroot family are folded at night.

One of the most famous large plants in our country originated from the tropics of Central America.

Belongs to the Araceae family and is a vine with large spreading leaves with slots. B feels good and grows up to 2.3 meters in height. Another feature of this vine is its aerial roots, which should be directed towards the ground.

Monstera has unsightly flowers with pale green inflorescences, but practically does not bloom at home.

It got its name thanks to legends where monstera acts as a killer plant.

This is a liana of the Araceae family, native to Central and South America. Can reach a size of up to 1.5 meters. The stems are thin and flexible and topped with a leaf, shaped like an arrowhead.

Due to its ease of care, it is extremely common in our country. It can be found in houses and apartments, as well as in offices and various institutions.

Capable of purifying the air from xylene and formaldehyde.

Like other Araceae, it practically does not bloom.

A herbaceous variegated plant of the Araliaceae family, it came to us from Asian countries. Usually it is a shrub or small tree up to 1.4 meters in height.

It is memorable due to its form. They resemble an open umbrella– a few leaves oval shape(from 4 to 12), emerging from one center.

They can be plain or covered with light spots and stripes. It is easy to care for and lives quite a long time.

Toxic to children and animals.

Growing plants is not always associated with great difficulties. If you choose an unpretentious flower, you can diversify the room and refresh it with a large green “tree” without putting in much effort.

There probably isn't a house that doesn't have at least one indoor flower. People have long been convinced that living plants create home comfort, improve mood. But not every plant can be grown in your home. Let's talk about this.

Useful flowers for the home

There are several types of useful flowers for the home.

They are mainly used for medicinal purposes, as well as for oxygen purification, these include:

Flowers for individual rooms

Connecting himself with nature, every person tries to complement his home with a piece of it. Perennials have the ability to heal and everyone is familiar with this feature.

Scientists have developed the ability of indoor plants not only to decorate apartments, houses and offices, but also to improve the energy background, protect from radiation, filter the air, and have a beneficial effect on nervous system. Each flower has its own specific feature, so knowing it, you can easily determine in which room the plant will live and benefit.

For kitchen

The kitchen is not an ideal place to grow indoor plants. Due to temperature changes and high humidity, many flowers suffer and get sick.

But there are several specimens that will not only take root well when surrounded by a stove and various household appliances, but will also eliminate its negative effects and become an excellent air filter. In addition, an oasis in the kitchen will improve digestion and perfectly complement the interior.

So, creating a mini-garden on kitchen windowsill, you can choose from such green representatives of nature as:

  1. Aglaonema. This plant loves moisture and copes with air purification. It will reduce the presence of harmful substances in the kitchen space emitted by plastic, furniture, and varnish coatings. The disadvantages include slow growth and adverse effects on the eyes. Therefore, it is better to place the plant higher so that a child or animal cannot reach it.
  2. Scindapsus. This plant is also capable of purifying the air. Housewives loved it for its unpretentiousness, which means that it can be grown in the kitchen area. The plant is a vine that can produce shoots up to 2 meters long. It grows quickly and therefore requires frequent fertilization.
  3. Mother-in-law's tongue. The plant is unpretentious and has very beautiful tiger leaves. May bloom with small white flowers. It filters the air well and neutralizes harmful substances. Fits well anywhere in the kitchen. In full shade the leaf may darken. Perfectly complements the interior of any style. As for care, the plant needs constant wiping of the leaves.

For children's

Any mother, caring for her child, wants to protect him from bacteria and negative energy, even at home.

A very reasonable solution would be to grow flowering plants such as:

  1. Fuchsia;
  2. Balsam;
  3. Violet;
  4. Decembrist;
  5. Begonia.

All these plants do not belong to the class of non-poisonous vegetation, are very beautiful in appearance and do not require special care.

When choosing a living decoration for a nursery, you need to give preference to proven plants, surrounded by which more than one generation of children has grown up. These include:

  1. Spathiphyllum;
  2. Fern;
  3. Kalanchoe;
  4. Chlorophytum;
  5. Conifers;
  6. Citrus;
  7. Maidenhair.

Such plants neutralize harmful substances in the air, enrich the room with oxygen, normalize the baby’s sleep, and are also absolutely safe.

For the bedroom

After everyday work, I dream of quickly getting to my favorite bedroom and enjoying a familiar and cozy environment. It is in this place that I want to create special interior, which will give warmth and peace.

Naturally, every woman dreams of having a beautiful blooming flower, which you can admire while lying on your favorite bed. When choosing a flower for the main place in the house, we must not forget about the beneficial properties of the plant.

The following flowers have become ideal air purifiers:

Universal flowers for the home

Beautiful green flower, and even with chic flowering, it can completely change the interior and add a touch of comfort to even the most unattractive room. For avid gardeners, they become a part of life and receive appropriate care and all the conditions for growth.

But most housewives sometimes simply do not have enough time to give the green inhabitant of the house the proper attention and care. Work, family, and everyday chores lead to the fact that one day a woman discovers a herbarium on her windowsill and has no choice but to throw the next plant in the trash.

To prevent this from happening, you should carefully choose indoor plants for your home that will be useful for all family members and will not require special care. Such plants include:

  1. All types. Suitable for those housewives who often forget to water the plant. They are able to reduce the accumulation of electricity in space, so they are ideal for apartments crammed with various household appliances. The plant can relieve headaches.
  2. Money Tree. A living representative of vegetation looks great in any room, emphasizing its style. According to most experts in the field of esotericism, the plant can attract money to the house.
  3. Canna. Such a flower will not only delight the eye with its gorgeous blooms, but will also take root perfectly on the windowsill of any home. It tolerates drought easily and grows actively even in the shade. Despite the large beautiful flowers, it has virtually no odor, so it is suitable for homes with children and for people prone to allergies.


More recently, it has become fashionable to purchase and arrange indoor flowers in the house based on signs. Therefore, if you are headlong into this idea, you should start with some signs from the people:

  • Mother-in-law's tongue. According to popular belief, this plant activates positive energy in the home. This is due to the upward growth of long, oblong leaves. It is believed that they are capable of being a conductor of energy from space.
  • Begonia. The flower reduces the aggressive attitude of people who live next to her. The frequency of quarrels in the family decreases and laughter is heard more and more often.
  • Violet. The plant is capable of developing creative abilities in all family members.
  • Lemon. Just a flower irreplaceable plant for a home with children. Your child will grow up to be a good-natured, calm and reserved child.
  • Dracaena. The flower attracts good luck to the house. You definitely need to purchase this indoor shrub for your home. Success in all areas of life will be ensured.

Flowers for harmony and happiness

As we have already found out from the above, it is necessary to choose vegetation for the home based on its usefulness for a particular room. But this feature is not the main one.

It is very important that perennials fill the house with positive energy, which will have a beneficial effect on the emotional and physical state of all inhabitants of the house.

Every home must have plants such as:

  1. Fern. Reliable protection for every home. It completely neutralizes bad energy that comes into the house from the street or from negative people, and also reduces harmful radiation from household appliances.
  2. Tradescantia. Guardian of the well-being of the home. With its appearance, a flower signals the situation in the house. If the leaves begin to hurt and dry out, then you need to pay attention to the attitude in the family. With proper care, the plant will return positive energy and tranquility to your home.

Flowers with negative energy

No matter how beautiful indoor landscaping is, you need to be confident in bringing it into your home. The fact is that many representatives of vegetation can cause irreparable harm to humans.

There is no need to try to save a sick perennial that was taken away from work to go out. Such living plant pets will not bring anything good to the house, but will only take away all the positive energy of the home.

  • All perennials with spines and needles It's better not to buy. They bring discord into the family.
  • Euphorbia and Dieffenbachia belong to the class of poisonous vegetation.
  • Orchid a passionate eater of positive energy. She does this especially actively when you are sleeping, that is, at night.
  • Monstera colloquially called energy vampire, so it is better to avoid spending long periods of time near this flower.

Vegetation in your home is not only a wonderful natural addition to the interior, but also an ideal aid for achieving well-being, prosperity and simply ordinary family happiness.