Planning a pregnancy where to start calendar. Modern pregnancy planning: where to start for a young couple? Planning a pregnancy

Planning a pregnancy should begin with assessing the health status of both spouses:
1. Submission of a urine test and clinical blood test, consultation with a therapist.
2. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, consultation with an endocrinologist.
3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, consultation with a gynecologist. My husband should consult a urologist, and if necessary, an andrologist.
4. Examination for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (PCR method, ELISA).
5. Determination of immunoglobulins in blood serum to the rubella virus and Toxoplasma Gondi.
6. Determination of blood hormones (according to indications).
7. Spermogram.
8. Medical and hepatic consultation for married couples.

It is good to start such activities 3-4 months before the planned pregnancy.

Pregnancy planning. Prevention.
During the examination period, in order to prevent the risk of defects (especially neural tube defects), we prescribe, 2-3 months before the expected conception, the multivitamin preparation “Elevit Pronatal” (made in Switzerland), which contains vitamins, macro- and microelements in balanced quantities . The effectiveness and safety of the drug when planning pregnancy is confirmed by 15 years of experience of use in more than a million pregnant women in European countries.

Pregnancy planning tips.
First of all, lead a healthy lifestyle!
Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Even passive smoking is harmful to the fetus!
Stop taking birth control pills, they are dangerous for the fetus.
Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Protect your health from autumn and spring colds, avoid crowded places. Walk in parks and squares away from highways. To prevent a runny nose, use oxolinic ointment to put in the nose or put interferon. You can treat the nasopharynx with a saline solution and instill sunflower oil with garlic or onion juice into the nose. In general, do not regret adding garlic and onions to your food. These activities are harmless to the fetus. Well, if your family has a runny nose, use masks!
Receive only positive emotions. Stress is dangerous for you and is not at all necessary for your unborn baby. Don't quarrel, smile more often! Analyze your work or study from the point of view of harm to the fetus. Therefore, it is recommended to sharply limit your time at the computer during the period of preparation for conception. Pregnant women who work on a computer often “out of the blue” experience miscarriages, premature births, or a child is born with a “defect.” Therefore, if your work activity is related to a computer, your employer must provide you with other work that is not related to a computer during your pregnancy.

Most often, pregnancy occurs at the end of the second - beginning of the third week, counting from the first day of the last menstruation - this is the period most suitable for conceiving a fetus.

Before this period, it is advisable to take a two to three day break from sexual activity. You cannot drink alcohol, even beer, go to the bathhouse, or lie in a bath with hot water (warm shower only). Do not quarrel under any circumstances. Sperm can lose their activity from any even minor stress. Alcohol has a particularly harmful effect on them. They become lethargic and reduce the likelihood of conception by 15 times.

Douching the vagina before sexual intercourse during this period is undesirable, because... The acidity of the vagina may change, because sperm are extremely sensitive to the chemical composition of the environment they find themselves in - even saliva has a detrimental effect on them.
After ejaculation, the likelihood of conception increases if the woman remains in a supine position with a pillow under her lower back.

What tests need to be taken.

1. Therapist (to determine the general state of health), dentist (many infections enter the body from teeth affected by caries).

2. General clinical blood test (taken from a finger).

3. General urine analysis (the morning portion is collected in full).

4. Examination by a gynecologist, do a colposcopy (this will exclude cervical pathology).

5. Both you and your husband must donate blood to determine your blood type and Rh factor. There are two options here:

you have a positive Rh factor - excellent, no problems;

you have a negative Rh factor - you need to take a blood test for antibodies to the Rh factor (even if the man is also negative). If the test result is positive, pregnancy is currently impossible and the condition needs to be corrected. If negative, you can safely plan the birth of your baby. Just do not forget to repeat this test once a month, starting from 8 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman has 1 blood type, and a man has any other; for a woman – 2, and for a man 3 or 4; a woman has 3, and a man has 2 or 4, possible incompatibility in blood groups. An analysis for group antibodies, as well as an analysis for antibodies to the Rh factor, is carried out once a month, starting from 8 weeks of pregnancy.

6. TORCH complex (presence of antibodies in the blood). Only a quantitative analysis with a titer will detect antibodies to rubella, toxoplasma, herpes, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and chlamydia. Don't ask your parents if you've had rubella. It is impossible to know this for sure - the disease often occurs under the guise of an acute respiratory infection, and vice versa. Only analysis can provide accurate information.

7. Tests for infections: regular smear, PCR (polymerase chain reaction, performed on both spouses). Allows you to detect hidden infections that can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus.

8. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

9. The basal temperature chart will give an idea of ​​the work of the ovaries. To compile it, every day at the same time between 6 and 8 am, without getting out of bed, measure the temperature in the rectum with a mercury thermometer. All violations of the regime (for example, if you overslept and measured the temperature later), as well as special circumstances (these include taking medications, ailments, sleep disorders, menstruation, intimacy, bowel movements) are noted in a special column. In order for the data to be informative, it must be recorded for at least 3 cycles. And preferably before pregnancy.

10. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, painful, heavy or, on the contrary, scanty periods, oily skin, excess hair, there is excess or, conversely, a clear lack of body weight, your schedule or ultrasound shows some deviations, then your doctor may prescribe blood test for hormones (determination of hormonal status).

11. Hemostasiogram, coagulogram - this test shows blood clotting. The state of the coagulation system determines the flow of blood and the provision of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. It is better to identify and correct congenital, original disorders in advance.

12. Determination of lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin, antibodies to phospholipids will help identify factors of early miscarriage. Even before conception, you need to know whether there are reasons for concern on this side, and if there are, take action.

How to increase the chance of pregnancy

Most women become pregnant without any problems and even against their wishes. Others have been trying to get pregnant for many years and make great efforts to achieve this. Many women feel guilty if they cannot get pregnant quickly, and often suspect infertility. However, women are quite capable of increasing their fertility levels and thus increasing the likelihood of pregnancy.

Stay optimistic

A woman's physical health plays a huge role in her ability to conceive a child. Think positive. The more stress a woman experiences, the lower her fertility level drops. Find time in your busy schedule to relax. Every woman has her own relaxation methods, so use the ones that work for you.


Acupuncture has a beneficial effect on a woman's fertility, especially in combination with IVF (in vitro fertilization). Research into the effects of acupuncture on pregnancy has not yet been completed, but short-term studies show positive effects of acupuncture.

Acupuncture has been used by Chinese doctors for 5,000 years. This type of therapy helps heal many different diseases, but the healing effects of acupuncture only received official recognition several decades ago.

If you are interested in trying acupuncture, use only a trusted, qualified acupuncturist.


Ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries) usually occurs on days 12–18 of the menstrual cycle. The probability of conception reaches its maximum.
It is generally accepted that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle (we are talking about a regular 28-day menstrual cycle). To determine the probable day of ovulation, it is enough to solve a simple mathematical problem: subtract 14 from the total duration of the individual menstrual cycle. For example, if you have a 28-day cycle, subtract twenty-eight from fourteen and get the date of maximum fertility (in this case, the 14th day of the cycle is the most favorable for conception). However, the menstrual cycle is a purely individual phenomenon, so ovulation can occur either on the thirteenth or fifteenth day.
To determine the time of ovulation, you can also use special tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Of course, sex during ovulation also increases the likelihood of pregnancy, but couples trying to conceive should have sex at least three times a week.
After sexual intercourse, try to remain in bed for a while (at least twenty minutes) without moving to prevent sperm from leaking out of the vagina - this will increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Nutrition and diet
Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, foods containing protein, whole grain breads, and foods rich in fiber (wholemeal bread, rice and pasta).

Certain nutrients and vitamins found in foods also increase your chance of conception, including:

– Leafy green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, lettuce and spinach contain high amounts of folic acid, a vitamin that is essential for the health of mother and child. Folic acid is beneficial for fetal development and helps prevent developmental defects, including spina bifida. In addition, folic acid is also very important for a woman's reproductive and general health. Sources of folic acid include bread, cereals and dietary supplements.

– Lean meats and legumes contain high amounts of protein and iron. These essential nutrients help maintain high iron levels in the body. Low iron levels in the blood can affect the general condition of the ovaries and disrupt the ovulation mechanism.

– Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. If you are trying to get pregnant, be sure to include enough calcium-containing foods in your diet to build up reserves for fetal development.

Women who have been trying to conceive for a year or more are often depressed, which does not increase their chances of getting pregnant. Therefore, it is best to seek help from a doctor and discuss all problems with him, including psychological difficulties.
I found an article on where to start planning a pregnancy, it might come in handy.
Girls, I wish all of us who want to get pregnant as quickly as possible and carry our babies to term, and I wish pregnant women an easy pregnancy and childbirth

Over time, married couples think about having a child. They approach this issue responsibly, trying to think through and plan everything. Due to inexperience, not everyone can do it. Therefore, I will tell you where to start planning pregnancy for a woman and a man.

Pregnancy planning helps to detect health risks for the expectant mother and newborn child in advance. It is not always possible for a married couple to conceive a child without preliminary preparation, but after carefully working through the issue, they manage to achieve the goal.

Medical examination

  • See your therapist first . Discuss chronic diseases with your doctor and determine treatment options. Take a urine and blood test, diagnose your body for infections that contribute to the development of hepatitis B, herpes and rubella.
  • Determine Rh factor and blood group . This is important, since different Rh factors are the reason for the incompatibility of young parents. If a child inherits his father's Rh, a Rh conflict may occur between the baby and mother.
  • Visit an ophthalmologist and have your retina checked . The results of the study will show whether the child can be born naturally.
  • Dentist. If you are worried about toothache, get rid of it before pregnancy. Consult your dentist in advance and have your dental problems addressed. If you leave it unattended, they will remind you of themselves at the most inopportune moment.
  • Endocrinologist's office . Get an ultrasound, check the level of thyroid hormones, TSH, T3. It is possible that in order to conceive a baby you will have to undergo hormonal therapy, since improper functioning of the endocrine system will interfere with bearing a child.
  • Doctors advise the couple to visit a geneticist . The doctor will detect chromosomal abnormalities. They are often present in people who at first glance appear healthy. It is better for all parents whose age has exceeded 35 years to undergo the procedure.
  • Urologist and gynecologist . Both partners should visit a urologist and gynecologist to ensure the health of their reproductive organs. During the examination, the doctor will examine the genital organs, detect defects, determine the absence or presence of sexually transmitted diseases, and prescribe treatment.

A medical examination is not enough to obtain the result. Planning pregnancy at home includes reviewing the lifestyle of a man and a woman, making a number of adjustments to the daily diet.

Video tips

To prevent the baby from developing pathologies, parents should start by giving up bad habits. A woman should stop taking birth control and switch to vitamins.

Vitamins and diet

Pay attention to vitamin “E” and folic acid, the deficiency of which negatively affects the development of the fetus. Remember, folic acid is found in large quantities in beef, buckwheat, green vegetables, seeds, cabbage and cheeses. Vitamin E is present in vegetable oil, spinach and broccoli.

Don't forget about vitamin C, which neutralizes toxins and strengthens the immune system. Citrus fruits, rose hips, sweet peppers and black currants are considered natural sources of the vitamin.

A woman needs iodine to prevent painful abnormalities of the thyroid gland and normal development of the child. This important element is found in many products, but the largest amount is concentrated in fish and seaweed.

Many women take these vitamins in tablet form. This approach is not prohibited, but with caution. An excess of vitamins will worsen your health during pregnancy. Doctors recommend relying on a balanced and proper diet.

It wouldn't hurt for an expectant mother to work on her abs, pumping up her muscles. As a result, it is easier to carry and give birth to a child. Constant physical activity will increase your endurance.


There are women whose bodies have little progesterone. Lack of female hormone leads to miscarriages. If tests confirm a deficiency, the doctor will prescribe medications that stimulate pregnancy.

  1. Utrozhestan. Represents natural progesterone prescribed to women who have had miscarriages. It is also recommended for women whose bodies have excess testosterone, a male hormone that prevents pregnancy.
  2. Duphaston. Synthetic progesterone. Helps increase hormone levels in the body.

I hope the knowledge gained will be useful. Avoid stress. Sometimes physical or mental tension can hinder conception. To achieve your goal, relax and forget about your problems for a moment.

Video instructions

By adhering to the above tips, a child will appear in the family in the coming year.

Where to start planning a pregnancy for an expectant father

Doctors say that the baby’s health depends on the state of the body of both partners. But not all men take these words seriously. Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy, your dad should also participate in the preparation.

This is not about conception, but about preparation for it, which should begin in advance. There is nothing complicated about it. Work a little on yourself, rethink your approach to life and change some things.

  • The expectant father is advised to start planning a pregnancy by giving up bad habits, including alcohol and tobacco products. It wouldn't hurt to even give up drinking beer.
  • Alcohol toxins and nicotine have a bad effect on the quality of semen. Remember, it takes at least three months for the seminal fluid to completely renew. Therefore, you need to start fighting bad habits as early as possible.
  • Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Take vitamins along with folic acid. Vitamin “E” prevents the formation of low-quality sperm in male sperm, characterized by an incorrect number of chromosomes, and vitamin “C” accelerates the renewal of sperm and has a positive effect on the motility and vital activity of sperm.
  • When planning a pregnancy, beware of colds, stop taking antibiotics and potent medications, and forget about coffee for a while.
  • A guy preparing for fatherhood is advised to take several measures that will improve the quality of semen and contribute to the successful conception of a child. Avoid strenuous physical activity, carrying a cell phone in the front pockets of your pants, overheating the scrotum, tight underwear, and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • To achieve the effect, take vitamin complexes, eat natural products, give up processed foods and preservatives, and strengthen your immune system. Water treatments, moderate physical activity and tanning will help you do this.
  • Get rid of chronic diseases that are the source of a life-threatening infection for the child. Otherwise, no one will guarantee that the fetus will develop normally.

At first glance, it will seem that what is written is complete nonsense. You can do without it, but a man who wants to become a caring dad will listen to the advice.

In conclusion, I’ll talk about planning a pregnancy after the birth of a child. As practice shows, some couples, after the birth of their first child, immediately begin to think about the second. Contrary to their wishes, they wait, since it is unknown how much time must pass after childbirth for the female body to prepare for pregnancy.

According to doctors, reproductive ability returns after the first menstruation. If the mother does not breastfeed, this moment will come a quarter after the happy date. At the same time, physiologists do not recommend rushing. It is better to have a child in a few years. This time is enough for the female body to recover, replenish its supply of nutrients and rest. Pregnancy puts a lot of strain on the internal organs, immune and nervous systems.

If you want to become a mother, carry a baby without problems, give birth to a healthy child who will fully develop, then you should plan your pregnancy in advance. Start with this... However, let's talk about everything in order in our review.

Today, more and more married couples prefer to plan a pregnancy. This increases the chances of having a healthy child who will fully develop and delight mom and dad with their successes and achievements. It is a mistake to assume that planning a pregnancy is primarily a woman's concern. In fact, it also doesn’t hurt dads to go through all the stages, take the necessary tests and, if necessary, improve their health.

The first step is to make sure that you both want a child equally badly and are prepared for sleepless nights, crying babies, regularly scheduled check-ups and other moments. Otherwise, all issues of raising and health of the baby will fall on your fragile shoulders. Pregnancy planning begins at the stage when you are both serious about becoming parents. For pregnancy and childbirth to proceed without complications, a lot of effort is required on the part of the future father and mother.

It is important that future parents are prepared for the arrival of a new family member in the home, not only financially, but also morally. Many women at the stage of carrying a baby become irritable, prone to sudden mood swings and are not prepared for future changes in the body. If they are not ready, then neither are the men. They cannot treat their soulmate with understanding only because they are absolutely far from what is actually happening to the woman.

Parents often tend to dream about arranging a children's room, about buying a stroller, about how the baby will go to kindergarten or school, but they completely forget about possible problems associated not only with health, but also with possible difficulties in relationships.

Planning a pregnancy allows both to carefully consider a serious step, all possible risks and changes in family life. A man must realize that his significant other will now share his love between him and the baby. A woman should be more lenient towards the future father and try to control her emotions during pregnancy.

Timely planning also allows the future family to understand and accept the fact that their lifestyle will change. You will have to give up bad habits, perhaps change jobs, reconsider your lifestyle and place of residence. Children are undoubtedly happiness and huge changes for which both dad and mom should be prepared.

When and where to start preparing

There are several versions about how long before conception you should prepare for pregnancy. Some people think the sooner the better. Although, frankly speaking, for our young families, talking about planning a pregnancy is already progress. European countries have long been accustomed to this. First a career, then a home, a carefully planned wedding and, finally, a long-awaited child.

It is advisable to prepare for conception a year in advance, but it makes sense to go to specialist doctors and take tests 3-4 months in advance. If for some reason you can’t wait to become parents early, then you should immediately start by visiting specialists, reducing the period of preparation for pregnancy to two months.

Each couple can independently decide when to start preparing for conceiving a child. If we are talking about adults who have long matured for fatherhood and motherhood, who lead a healthy lifestyle and have a stable income, then the planning stages can only consist of passing all the necessary tests and medical consultation.

Pregnancy: planning stages

We will highlight three stages during which parents can prepare for the birth of a child.

Health improvement. Healthy parents mean healthy children. This is why future mom and dad need to be cured if they have any diseases. If we are talking about chronic illnesses, then it is desirable to achieve stable remission. Future parents are also recommended to get tested for Rh factor and blood type in order to be prepared in advance for possible incompatibility. If dad or mom suffers from a disease that prevents them from conceiving a child, then this problem should also be solved as early as possible.

Preparing the body. This stage prepares a woman for pregnancy and a man for conception. The expectant mother must mentally prepare for changes in her body. She must accept and get used to the idea that in her tummy for nine months the most precious creature will grow and develop, whose life depends entirely on her, on her emotions, activities, thoughts, diet.

She will have to take vitamin complexes, including folic acid and a number of others. This will allow you to carry your baby to term without any unwanted surprises. There is no need to ignore physical training. It’s good if mom regularly does yoga, runs, does fitness or other sports.

It is important to focus on a set of exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. You've probably noticed how difficult it is for mothers to walk at the end of the second and third trimester of pregnancy. A large load on the back leads to pain. Strengthening your abdominal muscles will make the birth process easier and allow your tummy to return to its previous shape after childbirth. In addition, it is important for expectant mothers to eat right and spend more time in the fresh air. This is the best time. It is advisable that walks take place in parks away from roads. It’s great if you have the opportunity to go out of town or on vacation. Take yourself a vacation. Read books that evoke only positive emotions, listen to music, dance, laugh and keep planning.

In addition to the fact that the man also undergoes an examination, he must give up bad habits. If you don’t have enough willpower to quit smoking, then you need to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day to a minimum. If a man wants to raise healthy children, he should stop drinking alcohol. Stress also affects the outcome of conception.

Conception- This is the final process of pregnancy planning. It is advisable to abstain from sexual activity for two to three weeks before conception. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol, including beer, take a hot bath or visit a sauna. The likelihood that a woman will be able to get pregnant is reduced by almost fifteen times if her parents drink alcohol. An interesting fact, but future parents should not quarrel either. Sperm become less active due to any stress.

Statistics say that if a couple of potential parents have sex two to three times a week without protection, it will take several months to a year to conceive. And this is provided that both potential parents are absolutely healthy. If pregnancy has not occurred after twelve months, then it makes sense to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Visiting specialists

Let's talk in more detail about which specialists you should contact at the first stage of pregnancy planning.

Geneticist. An appropriate analysis will make it possible to determine the presence of chromosomal mutations in order to protect the unborn baby from genetic diseases. Note that a visit to a geneticist’s office is necessary even for absolutely healthy parents. Examination is especially important in such cases:

  • if the mother is under eighteen years of age or over 35 years of age;
  • potential dad over forty years old;
  • There were already children with pathologies in the family.

A geneticist will conduct the necessary research that will identify genetic abnormalities and help predict the birth of a healthy baby.

Gynecologist and urologist. Chronic male ailments often go unrecognized. Diseases suffered by a man while still a teenager also affect reproductive health. Women must undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs at the planning stage. A medical examination by a gynecologist can also rule out cervical pathology.

Endocrinologist, allergist, surgeon, ENT, dentist. Their consultation will be needed if the gynecologist suspects a woman has a hint of other health problems, in particular foci of infection.

Therapist. If future parents have chronic diseases, it is also necessary to consult a therapist. Even the most seemingly insignificant illness can later cause complications and problems during pregnancy. Do not forget that a pregnant woman’s body is very susceptible to all kinds of infections. Therefore, they cannot be given a chance to develop.

Video - planning pregnancy - School of Dr. Komarovsky

What tests need to be taken when planning a pregnancy?

If you are thoroughly planning your pregnancy, then be prepared to undergo the following series of tests:

  • Determination of Rh factor and blood group.
  • general blood and urine analysis.
  • a blood test to determine your hormonal status. It is necessary only in certain cases: with oily skin, irregular menstrual cycle, excess body weight, hair growth.
  • the presence in the body of antibodies to chlamydia, herpes, rubella, toxoplasma.
  • analysis to detect infections that can cause disruption of the normal course of pregnancy.
  • basal temperature chart, which allows you to check the functioning of the ovaries.
  • analysis that will determine the blood clotting index. The ability to provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrients depends on it.

Don't give up if the test results are different from what you expected. The main thing is that now you are aware, you can take action, get cured, get pregnant with complete confidence and enjoy bearing your son or daughter.

Diet changes and vitamins

It is known that proper nutrition contributes to the health of the body. Today it has become important to cleanse the body before conceiving a child. This allows you to remove toxins and saturate the body with all the necessary set of vitamins and microelements.

Whether to cleanse before changing the diet is an individual matter for each potential parent. But the list of vitamins that will help the baby develop fully is required:

Folic acidIts deficiency leads to severe defects in the development of the child, in particular, in the formation and development of the brain. Vitamins are prescribed by a doctor. It is best to take folic acid at least three months before conception. In addition to regularly using it in tablet form, you can stock up on it by including the following foods in your diet: apples, pears, beans, watermelon, melon, bananas, oranges, green vegetables, grapes, and tomatoes
Vitamin EIt prevents the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Contains a well-known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent in sunflower oil, butter, milk, and herbs.
Vitamin AYou should be careful with him. Although it is essential for fetal growth and placenta formation, vitamin A is dangerous in too much quantity. It leads to abnormal development of the tiny organism. To avoid serious consequences, doctors prescribe beta-carotene. In the body, it tends to be synthesized into vitamin A. It is found in celery, green onions, dill, carrots, rose hips, apricots, black currants
Vitamin CAnother vitamin with which you should be especially careful during the planning stage of pregnancy. It boosts immunity and reduces inflammation, but too much can lead to miscarriage. You should look for its source in foods such as black currants, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, horseradish, green onions.

Note that both folic acid and Vitamin E have the ability to break down and lose their beneficial properties during heat treatment of the product. Their deficiency in the body is observed with the abuse of coffee and tea, not to mention alcoholic beverages.

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Planning a pregnancy should begin with assessing the health status of both spouses:

1. Submission of a urine test and clinical blood test, consultation with a therapist.

2. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, consultation with an endocrinologist.

3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, consultation with a gynecologist. My husband should consult a urologist, and if necessary, an andrologist.

4. Examination for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (PCR method, ELISA).

5. Determination of immunoglobulins in blood serum to the rubella virus and Toxoplasma Gondi.

6. Determination of blood hormones (according to indications).

7. Spermogram.

8. Medical and hepatic consultation for married couples.

It is good to start such activities 3-4 months before the planned pregnancy.

Pregnancy planning. Prevention.

During the examination period, in order to prevent the risk of defects (especially neural tube defects), we prescribe, 2-3 months before the expected conception, the multivitamin preparation “Elevit Pronatal” (made in Switzerland), which contains vitamins, macro- and microelements in balanced quantities . The effectiveness and safety of the drug when planning pregnancy is confirmed by 15 years of experience of use in more than a million pregnant women in European countries.

Pregnancy planning tips.

First of all, lead a healthy lifestyle!

Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Even passive smoking is harmful to the fetus!

Stop taking birth control pills, they are dangerous for the fetus.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Protect your health from autumn and spring colds, avoid crowded places. Walk in parks and squares away from highways. To prevent a runny nose, use oxolinic ointment to put in the nose or put interferon. You can treat the nasopharynx with a saline solution and instill sunflower oil with garlic or onion juice into the nose. In general, do not regret adding garlic and onions to your food. These activities are harmless to the fetus. Well, if your family has a runny nose, use masks!

Receive only positive emotions. Stress is dangerous for you and is not at all necessary for your unborn baby. Don't quarrel, smile more often! Analyze your work or study from the point of view of harm to the fetus. Therefore, it is recommended to sharply limit your time at the computer during the period of preparation for conception. Pregnant women who work on a computer often “out of the blue” experience miscarriages, premature births, or a child is born with a “defect.” Therefore, if your work activity is related to a computer, your employer must provide you with other work that is not related to a computer during your pregnancy.


Most often, pregnancy occurs at the end of the second - beginning of the third week, counting from the first day of the last menstruation - this is the period most suitable for conceiving a fetus.

Before this period, it is advisable to take a two to three day break from sexual activity. You cannot drink alcohol, even beer, go to the bathhouse, or lie in a bath with hot water (warm shower only). Do not quarrel under any circumstances. Sperm can lose their activity from any even minor stress. Alcohol has a particularly harmful effect on them. They become lethargic and reduce the likelihood of conception by 15 times.

Douching the vagina before sexual intercourse during this period is undesirable, because... The acidity of the vagina may change, because sperm are extremely sensitive to the chemical composition of the environment they find themselves in - even saliva has a detrimental effect on them.

After ejaculation, the likelihood of conception increases if the woman remains in a supine position with a pillow under her lower back.

What tests need to be taken.

1. Therapist (to determine the general state of health), dentist (many infections enter the body from teeth affected by caries).

2. General clinical blood test (taken from a finger).

3. General urine analysis (the morning portion is collected in full).

4. Examination by a gynecologist, do a colposcopy (this will exclude cervical pathology).

5. Both you and your husband must donate blood to determine your blood type and Rh factor. There are two options here:

you have a positive Rh factor - excellent, no problems;

you have a negative Rh factor - you need to take a blood test for antibodies to the Rh factor (even if the man is also negative). If the test result is positive, pregnancy is currently impossible and the condition needs to be corrected. If negative, you can safely plan the birth of your baby. Just do not forget to repeat this test once a month, starting from 8 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman has 1 blood type, and a man has any other; for a woman – 2, and for a man 3 or 4; a woman has 3, and a man has 2 or 4, possible incompatibility in blood groups. An analysis for group antibodies, as well as an analysis for antibodies to the Rh factor, is carried out once a month, starting from 8 weeks of pregnancy.

6. TORCH complex (presence of antibodies in the blood). Only a quantitative analysis with a titer will detect antibodies to rubella, toxoplasma, herpes, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and chlamydia. Don't ask your parents if you've had rubella. It is impossible to know this for sure - the disease often occurs under the guise of an acute respiratory infection, and vice versa. Only analysis can provide accurate information.

7. Tests for infections: regular smear, PCR (polymerase chain reaction, performed on both spouses). Allows you to detect hidden infections that can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus.

8. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

9. The basal temperature chart will give an idea of ​​the work of the ovaries. To compile it, every day at the same time between 6 and 8 am, without getting out of bed, measure the temperature in the rectum with a mercury thermometer. All violations of the regime (for example, if you overslept and measured the temperature later), as well as special circumstances (these include taking medications, ailments, sleep disorders, menstruation, intimacy, bowel movements) are noted in a special column. In order for the data to be informative, it must be recorded for at least 3 cycles. And preferably before pregnancy.

10. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, painful, heavy or, on the contrary, scanty periods, oily skin, excess hair, there is excess or, conversely, a clear lack of body weight, your schedule or ultrasound shows some deviations, then your doctor may prescribe blood test for hormones (determination of hormonal status).

11. Hemostasiogram, coagulogram - this test shows blood clotting. The state of the coagulation system determines the flow of blood and the provision of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. It is better to identify and correct congenital, original disorders in advance.

12. Determination of lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin, antibodies to phospholipids will help identify factors of early miscarriage. Even before conception, you need to know whether there are reasons for concern on this side, and if there are, take action.

How to increase the chance of pregnancy

Most women become pregnant without any problems and even against their wishes. Others have been trying to get pregnant for many years and make great efforts to achieve this. Many women feel guilty if they cannot get pregnant quickly, and often suspect infertility. However, women are quite capable of increasing their fertility levels and thus increasing the likelihood of pregnancy.

Stay optimistic

A woman's physical health plays a huge role in her ability to conceive a child. Think positive. The more stress a woman experiences, the lower her fertility level drops. Find time in your busy schedule to relax. Every woman has her own relaxation methods, so use the ones that work for you.


Acupuncture has a beneficial effect on a woman's fertility, especially in combination with IVF (in vitro fertilization). Research into the effects of acupuncture on pregnancy has not yet been completed, but short-term studies show positive effects of acupuncture.

Acupuncture has been used by Chinese doctors for 5,000 years. This type of therapy helps heal many different diseases, but the healing effects of acupuncture only received official recognition several decades ago.

If you are interested in trying acupuncture, use only a trusted, qualified acupuncturist.


Ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries) usually occurs on days 12–18 of the menstrual cycle. The probability of conception reaches its maximum.

It is generally accepted that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle (we are talking about a regular 28-day menstrual cycle). To determine the probable day of ovulation, it is enough to solve a simple mathematical problem: subtract 14 from the total duration of the individual menstrual cycle. For example, if you have a 28-day cycle, subtract twenty-eight from fourteen and get the date of maximum fertility (in this case, the 14th day of the cycle is the most favorable for conception). However, the menstrual cycle is a purely individual phenomenon, so ovulation can occur either on the thirteenth or fifteenth day.

To determine the time of ovulation, you can also use special tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Of course, sex during ovulation also increases the likelihood of pregnancy, but couples trying to conceive should have sex at least three times a week.

After sexual intercourse, try to remain in bed for a while (at least twenty minutes) without moving to prevent sperm from leaking out of the vagina - this will increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Nutrition and diet

Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, foods containing protein, whole grain breads, and foods rich in fiber (wholemeal bread, rice and pasta).

Certain nutrients and vitamins found in foods also increase your chance of conception, including:

– Leafy green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, lettuce and spinach contain high amounts of folic acid, a vitamin that is essential for the health of mother and child. Folic acid is beneficial for fetal development and helps prevent developmental defects, including spina bifida. In addition, folic acid is also very important for a woman's reproductive and general health. Sources of folic acid include bread, cereals and dietary supplements.

– Lean meats and legumes contain high amounts of protein and iron. These essential nutrients help maintain high iron levels in the body. Low iron levels in the blood can affect the general condition of the ovaries and disrupt the ovulation mechanism.

– Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. If you are trying to get pregnant, be sure to include enough calcium-containing foods in your diet to build up reserves for fetal development.

Women who have been trying to conceive for a year or more are often depressed, which does not increase their chances of getting pregnant. Therefore, it is best to seek help from a doctor and discuss all problems with him, including psychological difficulties.

I found an article on where to start planning a pregnancy, it might come in handy.

Girls, I wish all of us who want a speedy pregnancy and pregnancy, and I wish pregnant women an easy pregnancy and childbirth

It’s hard to disagree with the saying: “Children are never planned” as well as with the saying: “First we can’t imagine our life with children, and then without them.” Be that as it may, although pregnancy is a great happiness for every family, it is still better to prepare for it properly so that the baby is born strong and the mother can withstand it. Pregnancy planning includes a huge number of various activities aimed at creating ideal conditions for the maturation of the egg, its attachment in the uterus and the development of the embryo. Planning a pregnancy is a huge investment in your health, because it consists, first of all, of eliminating risk factors and improving the general condition of the parents.

How to plan a pregnancy correctly

It is best to start planning your pregnancy by drawing up an overall picture of the health of the future mom and dad. To do this, they should visit a therapist, taking with them urine tests and clinical blood tests. Next, it is advisable to go to the endocrinologist’s office and do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Next in line are a gynecologist with ultrasound for women and a urologist or andrologist, if necessary, for men.

Future parents simply need to be tested for sexually transmitted infections, determine the presence of immunoglobulin in the blood serum for the rubella virus and Toxoplasma Gondi, and also conduct a spermogram and an analysis to determine the level of hormones in the blood, if advised by the doctor. If necessary, you should also contact a geneticist.

It is best to plan a pregnancy 3-4 months before the expected conception. Start by giving up alcohol and tobacco, spend less time in smoky and smoky places, walk more - breathe fresh air, enjoy nature.

Adjust your routine. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, preferably in a well-ventilated room if you are afraid to rest with the window open.

Try not to catch a cold or get sick. During epidemics, do not visit crowded places, use oxolinic ointment, eat more garlic and onions.

Avoid stress - it is as harmful as medications and polluted air. The best way to get back to normal is to have a positive attitude: smile, joke, do what you love.

Immediately before conception, you should give up sex for one or two days, and a man should not go to the bathhouse, take a steam bath, or drink alcohol (even beer is prohibited).

What to take when planning pregnancy?

Start planning your pregnancy by also giving up birth control and taking any medications, because any medications can harm the baby. If you cannot refuse, then be sure to consult your doctor and find out whether taking them is safe for the egg and the future embryo. If not, then choose a safe analogue.

Many women are interested in what vitamins they need to take when planning pregnancy. This issue should be discussed with your doctor, but you should know that medical opinions differ greatly in this regard. Some of them believe that vitamin complexes are of no use to either planning or pregnant women; moreover, they can even do more harm than good. And we are talking not only about combined multivitamins, but also about individual monopreparations.

Other doctors believe that there are certain vitamins, the deficiency of which in the body of the expectant mother can have an extremely negative impact on the attempt to conceive, on the development of the fetus, the course of the entire pregnancy and the health of the woman herself. Therefore, they prescribe medications to their patients that have become the “gold standard” in planning and managing pregnancy. These are mainly folic acid and B vitamins in general (in particular also vitamin B6), an iodine-containing preparation, vitamins A and E, magnesium and zinc preparations. All these substances play a very important role in the processes of cell formation and division, hematopoiesis and blood circulation, in metabolic reactions, in the processes of protein formation, and, in general, in the functioning of the placenta, as well as all organs and systems of the unborn baby.

Dosages are selected on an individual basis: as a rule, it is possible to get by with prophylactic doses, but in case of acute deficiency or certain painful conditions, the doses of specific vitamin substances can be increased. So, in case of diabetes or epilepsy, as well as if frozen pregnancies have already occurred in the past, you will need to take more folic acid; in case of iron deficiency, an iron-containing drug will be additionally prescribed. Calcium supplements or others may also be prescribed, as indicated.

It is important to note here that we are talking about organic vitamins produced by dehydration, that is, drying natural raw materials. Such drugs are classified as food additives because they do not contain synthetic impurities, like pharmaceutical drugs. If you are taking synthetic vitamins when planning a pregnancy, you should definitely consult your doctor about the dosage and duration of their use, since they do have many side effects and are poorly absorbed.

As for the diet, it will also have to be changed somewhat. Vegetables, fruits, healthy and fortified foods - all this will now fill your table. Buy foods rich in fiber and containing protein, whole grain bread; saturate your dishes with vitamins.

It is very useful for the expectant mother to eat leafy green vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, spinach): they contain a lot of folic acid, which is good for the health of both the baby and the mother. In addition, this acid is found in cereals.

Meat should be chosen lean. Don't neglect legumes either - they have a lot of protein and iron. Get calcium from dairy products.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to limit yourself to just vitamins and healthy foods containing them. If a woman is diagnosed with health problems, she will first have to be completely cured, and here it is unlikely to be possible without medication. Often at the planning stage there is a need to use hormonal therapy (in particular when diagnosing progesterone deficiency or any endocrine disorders). However, the positive point is that a complete examination and adequate effective treatment will bring a woman who dreams of a child closer to making her dream come true. Moreover, a responsible approach to conceiving a baby will increase the chance of having healthy offspring!

We wish you good luck!

Especially for Maria Dulina

Everything about pregnancy planning: where to start, what vitamins to take, what tests to take

The birth of a child is an important event for which you need to prepare not only psychologically, but also physiologically. It is important for every parent that their unborn child is born healthy. And the health of the baby depends very much on many factors, including the degree of preparation of the parents for conceiving a child. “Planning pregnancy. Where to begin?" - the topic of our article. Let's talk about how to prepare future parents for conceiving a child, what kind of examination they need to undergo when planning a pregnancy, in general, about everything that needs to be done to give birth to a healthy baby.

Pregnancy planning. Where to begin?

You need to start with a mutual decision of the couple to begin preparing for pregnancy together. Unfortunately, most married couples do not think about this, and only the woman goes to “surrender” to doctors. However, according to experts, the health of the unborn child very much depends on the health of the father. Therefore, planning a pregnancy is a matter for both parents.

So, if you decide to plan a pregnancy, start a healthy lifestyle - quit smoking, give up alcoholic beverages and play sports. You don’t have to take sports literally, the main thing is to keep yourself in good shape, that is, spend more time in the fresh air, actively relax, etc. It would also be nice if vitamins replace junk food when planning pregnancy.

Pregnancy planning under the guidance of a doctor

Secondly, you will need to take care of the time it will take to go to the clinic, examinations, tests, etc. Before your first appointment with a doctor, you need to be well prepared for his questions, which will concern not only your actual health. The specialist will be interested in the history of your diseases, as well as whether there were people in your family with severe pathologies. Then the specialist will write out directions for all tests when planning a pregnancy, and will also prescribe an examination with specialized specialists.

Pregnancy planning. What tests should I take?

Tests in preparation for pregnancy are carried out differently by everyone. Some rent more, others less. It all depends on the health of the future parents. But there are tests that a couple must undergo. This:

  • - OAM (general urine analysis),
    - CBC (complete blood count),
    - blood for AIDS and syphilis,
    - blood for the presence of viruses - cytomegalovirus, rubella, hepatitis B and C and others,
    - blood group and Rh factor,
    - gynecological sampling (smear, scraping) for tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

If additional tests are needed when planning a pregnancy, the doctors themselves will tell you about it. If parents are over 35 years old, or one of them has a hereditary disease, then they fall into the so-called “risk zone” and are referred to a geneticist. During a consultation with a genetic disease specialist, your doctor may order other tests, such as hormone tests for pregnancy planning. They are prescribed to those couples who have had an unsuccessful pregnancy, as well as to those over 35. When planning a pregnancy, a man is also prescribed blood tests for AIDS, syphilis, as well as a spermogram analysis. The latter will be needed for those men who have signs of male infertility.

After the parents have gone through all the examination and passed the necessary tests, the doctor will “give a verdict” and, possibly, prescribe treatment for certain diseases. The specialist will also tell you what vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy and set a date for your next visit.

Vitamins when planning pregnancy

So, we went to the doctor and know what tests to take when planning a pregnancy. Now let's see what vitamins are important to take in preparation for pregnancy. First of all, I would like to warn you that you should not take vitamins uncontrollably. Many potential mothers, worried about the health of their unborn child, begin to take any vitamins, believing that the more, the better. However, an excess of vitamins can negatively affect human health. Therefore, it is better to find out in detail about what vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy from a specialist who will prescribe a course depending on the patient’s health condition. The main complex of vitamins when planning pregnancy consists of the following components:

  • Vitamin C is a well-known immune stimulant. It destroys bacteria, thereby reducing inflammatory processes in the body.
    When planning pregnancy, vitamin E comes in handy for both women and men. The fact is that vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the formation of female and male reproductive cells - sperm and eggs. In addition, vitamin E is indispensable when planning pregnancy as a stimulant of physical activity.
    Iodomarin is an excellent prevention of diseases associated with iodine deficiency in the body. If you don’t know where to start planning your pregnancy, then visit an endocrinologist and check how your thyroid glands are working. If vitamin E is necessary for both parents when planning pregnancy, then iodomarin is especially needed for women who often have problems with the thyroid gland during pregnancy.

Perhaps these are the main beneficial substances that are important in preparing for pregnancy and should be present in the daily diet of those who will soon become parents. Additional vitamins may be prescribed by a gynecologist or other specialists during the examination.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy

We decided to talk about the benefits of folic acid (vitamin B9) separately. This unique vitamin is prescribed to all parents preparing to conceive a child. In addition, it is prescribed to all pregnant women without exception until the end of the 1st trimester. Both parents need folic acid when planning pregnancy. In men, it improves sperm quality, i.e. reduces the number of defective spermatozoa, which, although in small quantities, are always present in the seminal fluid.

For women who are planning a pregnancy, folic acid is even more important. The fact is that it acts as a building material in the formation of the main organs of the child at the initial stage of its birth. Due to a lack of folic acid in a woman’s body, the child can suffer, both mentally and physically. In addition, vitamin B9 deficiency can lead to missed abortion or miscarriage. Therefore, all women planning a pregnancy should start taking folic acid long (2-3 months) before conceiving a child.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy

Separately, I would like to talk about such drugs as Utrozhestan and Duphaston when planning pregnancy. These hormonal drugs are prescribed only in cases where, based on the results of a woman’s examination, it turns out that there is a threat of miscarriage. Both of these drugs contain progesterone, the female “pregnancy hormone,” which creates favorable conditions for conceiving and bearing a child. The drugs differ in that duphaston contains an artificial hormone, while utrozhestan contains a natural one. When planning a pregnancy, doctors usually recommend taking Duphaston, like Utrozhestan, to multiparous women who have had unsuccessful experiences in bearing a fetus - miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, etc. Neither Utrozhestan nor Duphaston should be taken without a doctor’s recommendation when planning a pregnancy.

I would also like to note that many women have heard about Duphaston as a means of treating female infertility, and therefore begin to take it without consulting a doctor. By the way, when planning a pregnancy, some associate the hog uterus as a means of getting pregnant. However, despite the healing properties of all these drugs, they do not cure infertility. Borovaya uterus, Utrozhestan, and Duphaston, when planning pregnancy, only increase the level of progesterone in the female body, thereby creating a favorable environment for conceiving and bearing an unborn child. Each of these remedies should be used only after consultation with your doctor. By the way, when planning pregnancy, Utrozhestan is prescribed only in special cases, because has many contraindications.

Pregnancy after pregnancy

And finally, a few words for those who are planning a pregnancy after pregnancy - the first, the second - it doesn’t matter. In order to conceive the next baby, it takes some time during which the woman’s hormonal levels will be completely restored and the body will stock up on the necessary vitamins. And this, according to doctors, is at least 2 years. Therefore, gynecologists recommend that all women in labor use contraception. Any pregnancy, no matter how desired, is a great test for both the woman and the child. Therefore, you need to prepare thoroughly for the arrival of a baby, and it is best to start preparing for pregnancy long before conceiving a child.

Preparing for pregnancy: where to start? First pregnancy

Nowadays, future mothers and fathers treat future pregnancies with more responsibility than their parents. Most married couples prefer to plan conception, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. So, preparing for pregnancy: where to start?

The very beginning

First of all, you should decide on the most appropriate moment. If a young family has financial problems, then pregnancy should be postponed. After all, a future mother needs peace, and lack of finances is always a huge stress.

The wishes of both spouses should also be taken into account. Mutual consent of the parents is necessary for each spouse to desire the appearance of a small screaming miracle. If your family is ready both morally and materially, then you can begin to take active action.


The first pregnancy is a very important period in a woman’s life. The second time, the experiences and emotions will be a little different, but still, pregnancy, no matter how long it is, is always a miracle.

The answer to the question that worries modern mothers: “How are you preparing for pregnancy? Where to begin?" - quite simple: “From examination.” Visit your family doctor or go to a family planning center. The latter will even help you plan your pregnancy.

If you are seriously concerned about the health of your unborn baby, then start the examination by visiting a geneticist. He will conduct the appropriate tests and, if suddenly your family is at risk, he will select adequate treatment.

The next visit is an obstetrician-gynecologist. A specialist will help you plan a future pregnancy and write a referral for appropriate tests.

The following tests are usually prescribed: TORCH complex, bacteriological culture and tests that detect infections from the STD category.

The husband will also be required to undergo tests. As a rule, these are compatibility tests and spermogram.

Don't forget to treat chronic illnesses. Vaccinations are also required. It will be better if you do them in advance, and not when pregnancy occurs.

We lead a healthy lifestyle

But examinations alone are not enough. You should also pay attention to your diet and bad habits. Everything regarding bad habits is very clear. Both spouses should refuse them.

With nutrition, things are a little different. For example, a man's diet is not as important as a woman's daily diet. An expectant mother should not overuse certain products. These include chips, carbonated drinks, food containing dyes and preservatives. It is necessary to somewhat limit the intake of smoked foods, sweets, etc. If you previously followed diets, now you should give them up. The daily diet of the expectant mother should be varied.

Pregnancy planning methods

There are only two methods for planning an “interesting situation”. First: do without contraception and count on a gift of fate. Second: independently calculate the days favorable for conception. These points can be calculated with a high degree of probability by plotting a basal temperature graph. It is he who will show when the female body is most ready to conceive.

How to find out about pregnancy before delay?

Doctors unanimously say that the onset of pregnancy can be determined only after a delay in the next period. But I really want to know about this in advance! And there is such a way. The same schedule for measuring basal temperatures will help you find out if you are pregnant before the delay.

When a woman keeps such a calendar of temperatures, she knows that during ovulation the temperature rises to 37 degrees or slightly higher. If pregnancy does not occur, then it drops below 37. If fertilization has occurred, then the elevated temperature will remain until the number of expected periods, which, of course, will no longer happen. This is one of the ways to find out that you will become a mother even before pregnancy is officially confirmed by a doctor.

Pregnancy tests

Pregnancy tests are another way to make sure that a little life is already developing inside you. A test cannot always determine pregnancy in advance.

These home tests are performed only after a slight delay in menstruation, because the hCG hormone is released on the 7-8th day from the moment of conception. Starting from the 12th day, the hCG level reaches values ​​that are quite enough to determine pregnancy. Therefore, you can use the test 2-3 days before the expected monthly discharge begins. But in this case, you need to buy a test with high sensitivity.

The procedure must be performed in the morning, since the level of hCG concentration in the urine reaches its peak at these hours. It is advisable not to go to the toilet for 6 hours before using the test. If there is a negative result or a barely noticeable second line, then repeat the test in a couple of days.

If you want to receive reliable data: - strictly follow the instructions in the instructions; - check the expiration date, otherwise the result may not be accurate; - if you purchase the test for further use, maintain its storage temperature.

Laboratory analysis

To do this, you need to donate blood for laboratory testing. Accurate determination of pregnancy is possible 10 days after intercourse. Healthy non-pregnant women do not produce human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is a consequence of the formation of the chorion (future placenta), but in some cases, high levels of hCG can occur against the background of a disease.

Signs of pregnancy

Subjective signs of pregnancy before the delay are manifested in the following:

  • toxicosis (nausea and vomiting);
  • pain in the nipples and mammary glands;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • change in the strength of sexual desire;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

Despite all the above signs, you can finally be sure that pregnancy has occurred only by undergoing an ultrasound examination. It is considered the most accurate method.

Preparing for pregnancy: vitamins

The topic of our conversation is “Preparing for pregnancy: where to start,” so it’s time to talk about vitamins. Which ones should you take?

Folic acid (vitamin B9)

This vitamin is quite important for men as it improves sperm quality. Women need it to avoid developmental defects during the formation of the baby’s organs. Vitamin deficiency can cause various abnormalities.

Let's find out what other vitamins you need to take to prepare for pregnancy, and what their role is.

Vitamin E

Thanks to this vitamin, ovarian function improves and the menstrual cycle is restored. As for the male body, it contributes to the formation of high-quality sperm. If the amount of vitamin in the body is insufficient, the likelihood of miscarriage increases.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is able to strengthen connective tissue, increase performance, reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, and increase defenses.

Vitamin A

The body of a pregnant or lactating woman has a high need for this vitamin. It will also benefit women who are just about to become mothers. But you shouldn’t abuse it either. It must be remembered that its excess can cause various fetal pathologies.


When taking iodine, the child's nervous system is formed. Therefore, you need to take medications from the time when conception is just planned.

Preparing for pregnancy after miscarriage

If you have had a miscarriage, then do not despair. After spontaneous abortion, the probability of conception is 80%. When can you get pregnant again after a miscarriage? According to doctors' recommendations, you should wait at least 4-6 months before trying again. For protection during this period, it is necessary to use contraceptives. Your doctor will help you choose them.

How to prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage

Preparing for pregnancy: where to start after a miscarriage? It is absolutely necessary to conduct research on the Rh factors of both partners, because if one of the parents is Rh negative, then a Rh conflict is possible. This is one of the reasons for spontaneous miscarriage.

Research is being carried out on the hormonal status of both spouses. In addition to all this, you should start taking vitamin B9.

Pregnancy This is a special period in a woman’s life. It is filled with worries and fears, but at the same time with boundless happiness. Is it true

All this is also due to fatigue. Therefore, you need to prepare for it. Let's try to figure out together where to start planning a pregnancy.

The main thing is to realize that a child is not the result of an impulsive mood and not a whim. Both mom and dad need to prepare for the arrival of the baby. First of all, the psychological attitude of both is important. And this period: from the moment the desire to have a child arises until the long-awaited two lines on the test is called pregnancy planning.

It would seem, what kind of planning can there be? Two young people are about to give birth to a child. Ideally, both are young, have not yet developed chronic diseases, eat well and are full of determination. But this is ideal. But in reality, everything is often different.

Many expectant mothers begin planning pregnancy only at the age of 30. Before that, they were busy with their careers. And hard work leads to malnutrition and lack of sleep. As a result, the body is weakened. There is nothing to say about the environment in large cities.

Add here a few conflicts over the family budget, and there will be a more realistic picture. You need to plan your pregnancy accordingly! To prepare the body at least a little.


Before you start planning anything, you need to make a decision. Even if you are not going to make any special efforts, but wait until everything happens by itself, the pregnancy will already appear ready.

Future parents can be divided into 3 categories:

1. When everyone is ready.

2. The woman is ready, the man is not.

3. The man is ready, the woman is not.

It is not difficult to guess that the most favorable conditions for the birth of a baby will be in the family where the wishes of the parents are mutual. Therefore, before you start planning your pregnancy, think it over carefully and try to come to full agreement. And if you still can’t get pregnant after this, don’t worry, there is also an IVF procedure.

Bad habits during pregnancy

Are you still wondering where to start planning your pregnancy? The first step is to give up bad habits. Tobacco and alcohol have never benefited anyone, especially expectant mothers.

Smoking should be stopped completely. From alcohol, in principle, too. Although sometimes you can afford a couple of sips of red wine. But it’s better to do without it.

Can't give up bad habits right away? Start replacing them. A cigarette will be replaced by a cup of green tea, a can of beer by a glass of dry red wine, and eventually freshly squeezed juice, and a hearty dinner by a light fruit salad.

And stop sitting in front of the TV all day long! Stop thinking about where to start planning your pregnancy. Take action. Going in for sports, or even better, dancing, is what is needed now. Finally, buy a membership to a sports club and start today.

And one last thing. Read the article about baby development during pregnancy. When the moment comes, you will know what to do and how to behave.

Pregnancy planning. Where to begin? | Mom, dad and baby!

Where do we start?

Every married couple who dreams of a baby, as a rule, begins by planning a pregnancy. First of all, you need to contact a qualified specialist to conduct various examinations and tests.

Secondly, future parents will have to visit a therapist, ENT specialist, dentist and other doctors. Thanks to such a comprehensive examination, the likelihood of identifying existing diseases that need to be “get rid of” before conceiving the future baby increases.

Thirdly, if the expectant mother is over 35, it is imperative to visit a geneticist. This is necessary to check the “quality” of the parents’ genetic “material,” because the baby will inherit an equal part of their chromosome set from mom and dad.

Often married couples have a desire to become parents, but sometimes some upcoming examinations or tests may seem “unnecessary” and “superfluous”. However, you need to listen to medical recommendations, because the health of the desired child depends on how carefully they are followed.

Planning a pregnancy - long live the “big changes”!

Everyone knows that an expectant mother needs to adhere to a certain lifestyle and say goodbye to some “pre-pregnancy” habits.

And it’s even better if the future dad joins in this “difficult” task and becomes a real support and support for the woman. So, some smart advice.

  • Strong physical exercise. Such exercises are necessary to prepare the female body for future pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Let's stop smoking. It is clear that tobacco smoke negatively affects the growth and development of the baby. In order to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy, you should get rid of nicotine addiction as early as possible. This also applies to men, since smoking has been proven to affect the “quality” and motility of sperm.
  • Alcohol - no. Several months before conception, it is advisable to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages.
  • In the process of planning pregnancy, a woman should monitor her medication intake.
  • Avid coffee lovers will have to switch to herbal infusions and juices.
  • A couple of months before the planned conception, we begin to take folic acid in vitamins and “lean” on fresh vegetables and herbs.

How to calculate the sex of a child when planning a pregnancy?

Girl or boy? This is an age-old question that concerns future parents. I remember before my first pregnancy I re-read a bunch of material on planning the gender of the future baby. Since I really wanted a boy, I conscientiously tried to find a valid universal way to “order” the desired result. These were all kinds of Chinese and Japanese tables, planning the sex of a child based on ovulation, according to “folk” signs and other methods.

Among this variety, I was interested in the method by which you can calculate the sex of the baby, knowing only the blood type of the future parents. I give an example of a table.

Planning a second pregnancy: where to start

Parents who have their first child soon begin to think about having a second child. It is worth noting that for the second pregnancy, like for any other, it is necessary to prepare in advance. At the same time, planning is mandatory primarily for those women whose first pregnancy did not proceed very well. But the question arises: planning a pregnancy - where to start?

Doctors believe that when planning a pregnancy, many factors must be taken into account. For example, the psychological readiness of both parents for the arrival of a new family member, financial stability, the notorious housing issue and much more. Therefore, before a couple begins to conceive, experts recommend:

  • Withstand at least three years after the birth of your first child. After all, for a successful and prosperous pregnancy, a woman’s body must restore its reserves. But a longer break can provoke many complications. This is how mommy experiences hormonal imbalances and disruptions in the immune system.
  • Undergo a full medical examination to prevent possible problems associated with pregnancy. for example, assessing blood group compatibility for pregnancy.
  • Introduce both partners to a healthy lifestyle at least 6-7 months before conception.
  • Prepare your older child for the arrival of a brother or sister.

Planning a second pregnancy after 30

The optimal time for conceiving and bearing a child for a woman is between 22 and 30 years of age. At this time, her body functions at the peak of its capabilities. But there are many cases when a woman decides to have a child only after 30. In this case, before the intended pregnancy, the mother should pay attention to:

  • Excess weight that needs to be lost.
  • Doing light sports will help prepare your muscles for subsequent childbirth.
  • Nutrition, which should be balanced and complete.
  • Your emotional state and psychological readiness to become a mother.
  • Your health status and laboratory data.

Planning a second pregnancy after 40

The milestone of forty years for a woman is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. After some time, the first signs of menopause appear. The body's reserves begin to deplete. A woman’s cardiovascular and reproductive systems are sensitive to the slightest overexertion and stress.

In addition, by this age, a woman, as a rule, accumulates a burden of chronic diseases, which can not only impede conception, but also provoke an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, there is a high risk of having a baby with Down syndrome and various complications in the development of the placenta.

A woman must understand that after 40:

  • Childbirth is extremely stressful, after which recovery will take longer.
  • Due to the high risk of exacerbation of chronic “illnesses”, the expectant mother will have to be under strict medical supervision.
  • At this age, the risk of postpartum complications increases significantly.

If we consider the advantages of an “interesting position” after 40, then it is worth noting the hormonal shake-up of the entire body of the woman in labor, which will bring her a “second” youth.

Before an intended pregnancy, a woman must undergo a consultation with a gynecologist and a geneticist. In addition, you must:

  • Stick to a balanced diet, proper rest and physical activity.
  • Do not neglect medical examinations and get tested for hidden and not hidden sexually transmitted infections.
  • Give up all your bad habits.
  • Correct weight failure.

It is worth understanding that the likelihood of conception and a successful pregnancy after 40 is somewhat lower. However, if a woman follows all the recommendations of doctors, she will soon be able to give birth to the desired baby.

After caesarean section

Caesarean section makes its own adjustments to the process of planning a second pregnancy. If a woman wants to avoid complications during childbirth and not harm her baby, she should:

  • Wait two years after your first cesarean section.
  • Tell your gynecologist about your desire to have a baby;
  • In addition to all the basic tests, undergo an ultrasound and hysterography of the uterine scar.
  • Be prepared for natural childbirth, and not for surgical intervention (which is carried out only in case of serious indications).

After surgery, a woman should reduce her physical activity to a minimum. Since for the rapid healing of the fish, it is given rest.

With negative Rh

If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, then she should be extremely careful when getting pregnant again. If during the first pregnancy a woman managed to avoid a Rhesus conflict, then the probability of it during the second pregnancy will be at least ten percent.

That is why, when planning her “interesting position,” a woman should:

  • Get tested and determine the presence of antibodies in the blood.
  • To determine the Rh factor of the first-born, which will allow us to predict the likelihood of a Rh conflict.
  • Undergo a procedure to cleanse the body of antibodies.

It is worth noting that a guarantee of successful conception and pregnancy is timely examination and comprehensive planning. With the help of modern medicine, almost every repeat pregnancy has a successful outcome.

In case of problems with conception, partners can consider the possibility of IVF - Artificial Fertilization.

Planning a pregnancy: where to start

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As they say, nature itself decides everything for us. It often happens that pregnancy occurs by accident. This does not overshadow the happiness of the future parents, but there is some worry about whether everything is fine with the future baby, whether there are any diseases, what can and cannot be done? Moreover, a woman usually finds out about pregnancy no earlier than 4-6 weeks, that is, when the formation of fetal organs has already completed and the influence of negative factors, such as smoking or drinking alcohol during conception, can negatively affect the health of the baby. All this can be avoided if you plan your pregnancy in advance.

To ensure a happy future for your baby, it is important to approach pregnancy planning correctly.

Often families who want to have a child simply... Meanwhile, proper planning and preparation for pregnancy can facilitate the pregnancy process and ensure the health of the baby.

When to start preparing for conception?

It is best to start preparing for the crucial moment as early as possible. Experts recommend doing this three months in advance.. Both parents need to take care of their health.


Before having a child, the expectant mother needs to take care of her own health and undergo all tests. Here are the doctors you need to visit for a comfortable pregnancy. Before visiting, the girl needs to collect a medical record and remember all her illnesses.

  1. Gynecologist. She will observe and advise throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
  2. Dentist. Will help avoid outbreaks of infections that are more difficult to tolerate.
  3. Otolaryngologist. Chronic diseases can cause infections.
  4. Cardiologist. Carrying a fetus increases the load on a girl’s organs, so it is better to know about all pathologies in advance. This will make it easier to avoid complications.
  5. Allergist. Provide advice on possible complications.

In addition to communicating with specialists, the girl needs to do tests:

  • vaginal smear, scraping taken from the cervix, scraping cytology;
  • blood and urine tests, including general tests, tests for blood clotting, hepatitis C and B;
  • thyroid hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis, thyroid and mammary glands;
  • analysis for the presence of antibodies to diseases, including herpes, rubella, etc.;
  • colposcopy;
  • determination of the amount of T3, T4 and TSH - thyroid hormones.


IMPORTANT!– this is the period in the menstrual cycle between the first and second phases, lasting about 48 hours. It is at this time that conception is most likely.

When planning, it is important for a girl to know her cycle and, among other things, the start date of ovulation. The sperm comes out of the ovary and receives it.

Most likely to lead to conception. If a couple cannot conceive a child for a long time, even taking into account sex during a favorable period, the girl needs to undergo research. Perhaps there are disorders in her body.

It must be said that with regular sexual activity, a couple does not need to monitor ovulation - fertilization will occur without calculating the cycle.

If a man has sedentary sperm, it’s better to wait a couple of days and have sex a day or two before ovulation. This exposure will increase the concentration of sperm, increasing the likelihood that they will reach the egg. You can find out about the condition of a man's sperm by undergoing a spermogram.

IMPORTANT! According to studies, fertilization on the day of ovulation occurs with a probability of 33%. The earlier sexual intercourse occurs, the less chance that sperm will reach the egg.

Sex for six or more days is much less likely to result in conception. After ovulation is completed, the “period of absolute infertility” begins. It is almost impossible to get pregnant at this time.

Floor planning

It is impossible to predict the gender of the unborn child one hundred percent.. But there is an opportunity to increase the chance of the birth of the preferred one. This will again depend on ovulation.

The method is based on the severity of the X and Y chromosomes. According to research, “female” X chromosomes are stronger, but move more slowly. According to the theory, if sex occurs a few days before ovulation, it is more likely. Fast, but less hardy Y chromosomes will die within a few days of waiting for the egg.

The method works the other way around: conception at the moment of ovulation will most likely result. Fast “male” sperm will reach the egg earlier.

Another reason The reason why this method works is the acidic environment of the vagina. Less tenacious Y chromosomes die, which increases the likelihood of having a girl.

There are other ways supposedly helping to choose the gender of the child: they are based on the age and blood renewal of the parents, by calculating the Chinese calendar, by the mother’s diet, etc. All these methods are unproven and have no scientific basis.

Healthy lifestyle and diet

First of all, when preparing for pregnancy you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle. If before the moment of birth some girls still allow themselves a glass of wine or a cigarette, during pregnancy such behavior is unacceptable.

Psychological preparation is important here: you will have nine months to follow the correct lifestyle. It can be difficult to immediately give up your usual diet and lifestyle, so It's better to prepare in advance. In addition, the sooner the mother begins to take care of herself, the healthier the baby will be.

Here are the main points that you need to pay attention to before starting pregnancy:

  1. Smoking and alcohol are now prohibited. This must be done at least a month before fertilization, so that all the negative effects on the body have time to pass. And of course, drug use is prohibited at this time - this will certainly affect the child. After exposure to drugs, the body takes more than three years to recover. If either parent has taken drugs in the past three years, pregnancy is not recommended.
  2. Meals should now consist of a complete diet. The expectant mother needs to eat vegetables, fruits and protein foods every day so that by the time of fertilization there are enough nutrients in the body.
  3. Inspection All of the above doctors will help you avoid most diseases.
  4. It's better before conception start taking vitamins so that while carrying a child, the mother’s body is ready to bear the baby.


IMPORTANT! It is believed that taking vitamins before pregnancy is not necessary. A healthy body, even with a poor diet and poor climate, has enough substances to raise a child.

Taking vitamins will help compensate for the deficiency of certain substances.

The following signs indicate that the body lacks vitamins:

  • unhealthy teeth, skin, hair loss and brittleness, weak nails;
  • blurred vision;
  • hearing impairment;
  • poor immunity, constant illness, fatigue.

When planning to bear a fetus, you need to take into account the time of year. Lack of sun in winter leads to vitamin D deficiency. It is recommended to consume nutrients a month before fertilization.

The main vitamins that the expectant mother is advised to take:

  1. B9 or folic acid. This element is directly related to the ripening of the fetus and helps to form the main systems of the growing organism.
  2. E or tocopherol. Increases the chance of getting pregnant, and during pregnancy reduces the chance of miscarriage.
  3. B, including B6 and B12. They promote metabolism between the girl and the fetus, help absorb substances, and reduce the effects of toxicosis.
  4. D. The same one that is required when there is a lack of sun. Strengthens memory, teeth and nails.
  5. A. Strengthens the children's skeleton, nervous system, and respiratory organs. Contained in butter, algae, cottage cheese, broccoli, sour cream, cheese, liver.

Taking vitamins and medications It's better to talk to a specialist.

Most of it can be obtained from foods with the right diet. It happens that doctors prescribe vitamins to girls, including complex ones.

The following medications may be prescribed for use:

  1. Elevit pronatal or Vitrum prenatal. Complexes containing all essential vitamins.
  2. Mom is complimentary. A budget but high-quality complex of vitamins for expectant mothers.
  3. Elevit. Reduces the likelihood of miscarriage, improves blood flow.
  4. Femibion. It is divided into two types: Femibion ​​1 is suitable for use before pregnancy and in the first months.

There are other medications that the doctor may prescribe. It is not recommended to take these complexes on your own, without consulting a specialist..

How to increase your chances?

There are several ways to increase your chance of getting pregnant:

  1. Refusal of contraceptives. Some pills may have a long-lasting effect, so getting pregnant immediately after stopping these medications may not work.
  2. Follow the cycle. As we said above, conception is most likely at the moment of ovulation - approximately 14 days after the start of the cycle.
  3. If you can't get pregnant for a long time, you can get tested. The issue may be the mother's egg that is not separated or the father's slow sperm. Or maybe it's just bad luck so far.
  4. Don't take antidepressants and strong drugs, unless they are necessary for safe life.

The main advice is to be patient.