Decrease in air humidity. Excess humidity in the apartment - how to reduce it

Air humidity is one of the the most important factors that affect human well-being. Well known fact: when does it start? heating season, which leads to deterioration in the health of the people living there.

But the other extreme - increased moisture content - is fraught with serious troubles: on surfaces where condensation accumulates, fungus develops and deteriorates. Decoration Materials, books, clothing and furniture appears bad smell, people suffer from headaches, joint diseases, and respiratory problems.

Dampness is especially dangerous for young children, whose immunity is weakened, and diseases often become chronic, intractable forms.

Most often, residents of private houses encounter problems with excess moisture. Dampness is a frequent guest in housing located near bodies of water. A swimming pool located on the ground floor of the cottage certainly increases the attractiveness of the house, and at the same time because of it.

The problem is typical not only for private houses; dampness is a common occurrence in apartments on the first floors of multi-storey buildings, since basements are flooded during service outages.

Residents of those apartments located above suffer from unfixed interpanel seams, through which water seeps, and corner rooms Often they are not properly insulated, which is why mold and mildew form on the walls after a short period of time.

The design of the ventilation system is of great importance - its poor functioning has the most negative impact on the microclimate of residential premises. Modern plastic windows, equipped with airtight gaskets - we make our home impenetrable from the inside, and the inevitable fumes simply have nowhere to go.

There can be many reasons for excess moisture. In an effective way to combat it is to use a special device - an air dehumidifier, which can be used in combination with ventilation systems, and independently.

Devices are divided into:

  • industrial;
  • household

The main difference is in the productivity of the systems, which is measured in liters per day. For household units, low or medium power and productivity from 12 to 300 l/day are sufficient. Also, the device is intended for use at home, mobile, compact, lighter and more attractive in appearance. There are subspecies, living rooms, highly efficient models for stable maintenance of humidity levels in a small pool or home sauna.

Devices industrial type, as a rule, are stationary; they cope with large volumes of moisture over a long period of time.

Such dehumidifiers have a wide range of applications. They are used in warehouses, pharmaceutical production, freezers, water parks, public swimming pools, ice arenas, in the manufacture of hygroscopic materials, construction and.

Designers are limited in the choice of materials for such a device: due to constant contact with water, only waterproof options can be used - plastic, galvanized and stainless metals and alloys. Dehumidifiers differ in design: that is, how moisture will be collected and removed.

  • assimilation type. It has low efficiency and is considered the least efficient, not suitable for use in conditions of constant very high humidity, in addition, its performance is affected by temperature. The operating principle is based on one of the laws of physics, according to which warm air, unlike cold air, is saturated with a large amount of water vapor. Moisture from warm air it is forcibly removed outside the building, and cold and dry air comes from the street;

  • condensation type. The basis of such a dehumidifier is: water vapor in the condensation chamber cools down, moisture is converted into condensate. A fan is used to force air saturated with moisture through the chamber. Climatic equipment of this type It has high coefficient useful action, but the lower the air temperature, the lower its performance. Application for negative temperatures ah irrational;
  • absorption type. The principle of operation is as follows: the air passes through a rotor with an absorbent (this is a substance that absorbs moisture), where it is dried. During the dehumidification process, one air flow (dry) is directed into the room, the other – hot and taking away the moisture of the absorbent – ​​is discharged outside. This type considered the most effective.

Because household dehumidifier must function in residential premises on a permanent basis, one of the most important criteria his choice is . If it is over 45 decibels, continuous operation of the device will cause serious inconvenience.

Dryer Installation

The mobile compact model is easy and simple to move from place to place; it is convenient where temporary dehumidification is required - for example, in the basement or during renovation work.

The stationary version has a higher efficiency, such technical solution implies a supply electric cable from the meter, drainage, in hidden systems (when the device itself, which produces a lot of noise, is mounted not in the drying room, but in a separate technical or utility room) air ducts are installed.

  • floor;
  • wall;
  • universal (with the ability to install on the floor and mount on the wall);
  • hidden installation.

Work Productivity

The dehumidifier is selected in accordance with the size of the room, and the main requirement for any type is high performance, that is, for the air to acquire the desired parameters at the maximum possible a short time.

The golden mean is important here - a powerful device that can reduce the humidity level in a short time, and is very noisy. Unit low power in turn, will work non-stop, at the limit of its capabilities, to cope with the task, which will shorten its service life.

Electronic control makes it easy to set operating parameters.

IN Lately Almost all manufacturers of climate control equipment strive to equip their dehumidifiers with a hygrostat. This is an extremely useful element: it automatically turns on the device if the humidity levels exceed the norm, and turns off if the air is dry enough.

It is also possible to turn it on using a built-in timer, which, after a specified time, will turn off the device, thereby saving energy.

The desiccant may also have: taking into account the accumulated moist heat the number of pathogenic microbes in the room, this function is very relevant.

The “auto-restart” function will be useful in places where there are power outages.

Hello, dear readers! The other day I was talking with a friend who started a grandiose renovation. It turned out that everything is not so simple: they have mold in their apartment, so they decided to get rid of it in the most categorical way. This gave me the idea to tell you about why dampness in an apartment is terrible and how to get rid of it.

When there is constantly high humidity in the apartment, dampness will certainly appear sooner or later.

It negatively affects your home: it worsens the condition wooden furniture or leather products, the plaster becomes loose and crumbles, wallpaper falls off and floors can peel, books, magazines and documents deteriorate, and food quickly becomes unusable. And, of course, the worst thing is that mold and mildew appear.

In addition, the condition of the household is deteriorating. Such a microclimate can cause oily skin and increased greasiness of hair, provokes skin rashes and allergic reactions, and also disrupts the functioning of the respiratory organs.

Germs simply love damp air, which is why your loved ones get sick more often. And of course, dampness is accompanied by an unpleasant smell.

Where did this trouble come from?

The reasons for dampness can be different. First, you need to check where it came from in your apartment: outside or inside.

To do this, you need to conduct a small experiment: apply glass to a wall that borders the street for several hours. Then look at the result: if moisture appears on the wall, then dampness has entered the room from outside.

This often happens with corner apartments, and also if mistakes were made during the construction of the house. But don’t worry, even such flaws can be overcome.

If a section of the wall is dry, then the reasons need to be sought indoors. Usually it's one of these:

  1. regular flooding of the basement;
  2. there is no ventilation in the apartment, or it is dirty and does not work well;
  3. flood from neighbors above (or from the roof, in the case of the top floor);
  4. incorrect installation kitchen appliances(the ventilation was closed);
  5. the pipe was closed during repairs, and now there is no visible leak;
  6. poor-quality installation of plumbing (the bathtub does not fit tightly against the wall, which is why there are constant puddles under it);
  7. constant drying of laundry in large quantities at home;
  8. a greenhouse of flowers (yes, no matter how surprised you are, sometimes they are too zealous with flowers, and they create a too humid climate in the apartment).

How to deal with the problem

First of all, check the ventilation and pipes to see if they all work properly. If this is the reason, then you will have to resort to the help of specialists who will help eliminate the problems.

If this is not the reason, then the following tips will definitely help you.

Fresh air

One of the best ways The fight against excessive humidity and dampness is to regularly ventilate the apartment.

Open windows all the way to allow air to circulate in the rooms. This is especially true for the bathroom: leave it open for at least a couple of hours (or, for example, overnight), then the excess moisture will go away.

If you live in a metropolis and are afraid of gas pollution, then an air conditioner will help: it will not only maintain the required temperature, but also dry the air.

You can install an alpine window: it will perfectly help cope with drafts in the cold season.

Heating rooms

Heat is the main way to combat dampness and moisture.

And it doesn’t matter if they do heating devices or sunlight. The second, by the way, is more desirable: batteries run the risk of drying out the air. Therefore, be sure to open the curtains during the day.

In the bathroom, a heated towel rail will do the job perfectly. If the problem is still in the basement, then you will have to purchase a heater and additionally turn it on in the off-season: the humidity in basements increases in autumn and spring.

About household affairs

An ideal friend while cooking kitchen hood: it will not only eliminate odors, but also excess moisture.

Cleaning a room where there is dampness is best done with “drying” agents: aqueous solutions with bleach, potassium permanganate or vinegar. They can be used to wipe both floors and furniture. And the final step should be to remove excess water with a dry cloth.

And, of course, try not to dry things in your apartment every day. If you still don’t have a balcony or loggia, then try doing laundry less often (for example, 2 times a week, not daily). And the ideal option for you would be washing machine with clothes drying function!

Eliminating dampness in the closet

Dampness in the closet is also an unpleasant occurrence. Things may be damp and even have an unpleasant odor. Good drying after washing and ironing with a hot iron and steam will help you cope with this. And under no circumstances should you put things in the closet while they are wet.

Dampness and repairs

If you have to renovate, then think through all the details of this grandiose event. After all, if the apartment is prone to dampness, then at this stage the problem can be prevented.

  1. Treat the walls with antifungal agents (but remember that they are toxic, so follow the instructions).
  2. If you have dampness from the street, then you need to insulate the walls, thanks to this you will avoid condensation due to temperature changes.
  3. Give preference to natural materials, because they breathe. For example, now there is an excellent alternative to plastic windows, the breathability of which is questionable - wooden windows with double-glazed windows.

Your helpers in the fight against dampness

In addition, you can eliminate dampness with folk remedies.

One of these methods is to place sugar, salt or coffee in the rooms. You probably imagined a bag of salt in the middle of the room? Well, this is, of course, a last resort. Try to play with details: coffee beans can be placed in a beautiful glass vase or a large wine glass.

Silica gel is considered another of the best moisture absorbers. It is actively used even in industry. Remember those little paper bags with balls in shoe boxes? This is what he is.

These envelopes can be placed in your linen closet or in a sports bag that you carry with you to workouts. And of course, shoes! And yes, they even pour it into a container and place it under the bath. You can buy it in such large quantities at a pet store, because it is used for cat litter.

This method is best used when you are sure that small children or pets will not eat it.

If you love flowers, then when it's damp, choose plants that don't need to be watered often. Cacti are more suitable than ever. There are also flowers that absorb moisture from the air: these are ferns, syngoniums, and geraniums.

Improve the microclimate in the apartment and essential oils, which freshen the air and kill harmful microorganisms: tea tree, eucalyptus, fir, grapefruit.

And yes, technology can help you: now you can buy a dehumidifier in any store. Their prices are quite reasonable, you can find options for every budget.

When choosing, pay attention to the power: the higher it is, the better it is. There are automatic models, they monitor the humidity level and turn on themselves. By the way, this can even save energy.

I hope my tips will help you cope with such an unpleasant problem and get rid of dampness in your apartment. All the best to you, my dears!

Bye bye,

Anastasia Smolinets

Excessive humidity in the room provokes not only the appearance of condensation on window glass, but also creates a favorable environment for the growth of mold, fungal spores, and pathogens. A person, constantly being in a room with high humidity, begins to get sick more often and more severely, and many things gradually become unusable. Therefore, it is important to do everything possible to combat excess humidity in living rooms, reducing its level to the optimal level of 60%.

Sources of moisture in rooms

To eliminate any problem, you need to know its causes and factors contributing to its occurrence. Therefore, in the case of excess humidity in the premises, it is first necessary to determine what is its source, and then take any measures.

So, the humidity level in the house increases if:

· in residential areas, laundry is dried after washing;

· the room is rarely ventilated;

· ventilation is poor in the bathroom and kitchen;

· they cook a lot in the kitchen;

· the shower is used intensively;

· available a large number of flowers that have to be watered;

· aquariums are installed in the house;

· the “heating off-season” begins, when there is autumn or spring thaw outside, and the heating is already or has not yet been turned on;

· the building is located on a site with an overabundance of groundwater, as a result of which damp air actively penetrates from the basement into the living rooms;

· heating pipes or water supply system is leaking.

The table below gives some idea of ​​what can disrupt normal microclimatic conditions in residential premises.


grams per hour









What measures can be taken to reduce humidity?

Of course, a person cannot limit his life activity, i.e. stop washing, cooking, washing, etc. But it is quite possible to reduce the consequences of all these actions. For this you can use:

Heating devices that increase the air temperature in the room, which leads to the evaporation of moisture;

Ventilation devices that allow you to effectively remove moisture from the room to the outside;

Air conditioners that have the ability to absorb moisture from the air in the house.

Banal ventilation of the room by opening the transom of a window or window is also an effective measure. For example, while cooking in the kitchen or after it is completed.

It is most difficult to remove moisture from the surface of the ceiling, especially if it is plastered. Plaster absorbs moisture well, and then also releases it well to the air in the room. Therefore it makes sense to choose alternative options ceiling finishing.

Plastic windows that are constantly clogged, due to their tightness, prevent air exchange between the street and the interior of the building. Therefore, when ordering PVC window blocks, you need to choose options that provide a ventilation system - valves and a micro-ventilation function.

How to reduce the level of fogging on PVC window glass?

Fogging of glass on plastic windows is caused by a number of factors:

Increased level of humidity in the room;

Errors in the installation of window blocks (insufficient foaming, ignoring the laying of a vapor barrier, the block falling into a zone of negative temperatures when the window is located on the north side of the building).

You can get rid of this only by reducing the overall humidity in the room and using the services of highly qualified installers.

Stages and terms of work 1 day 3 days plastic 14 days wooden 1-2 days

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One way to reduce indoor humidity is to use heating devices and special moisture absorbers. However, this may also have Negative consequences. First of all, the use of heating devices leads to additional electricity. Secondly, excessive drying of the air should be avoided, since the comfortable humidity for humans is about 50%, and lower humidity can negatively affect the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Install indoors quality windows. It is desirable that these be double- or double-glazed windows. This glass retains heat well and at the same time prevents the formation of condensation on the glass. Please note that not only the double-glazed window itself must be of high quality, but also window frame.

Ventilate the room more often. The tighter the windows, the less fresh air there is. It is best to ventilate three times a day for 15-30 minutes. It is advisable to leave the window open at night, for example. This will reduce the chance of condensation and reduce humidity. You can install special ones on windows ventilation valves.

Purchase special moisture absorbers and install them in areas exposed to dampness.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

It is not advisable to dry washed clothes in the apartment. This will only increase the humidity in the apartment.

To feel comfortable in an apartment or house, the humidity should not exceed 40-60%. Increased levels have an adverse effect on a person’s well-being and household items. First, it is important to find the cause of air humidification. This could be: ineffective plumbing or poor waterproofing, renovations from neighbors or poor ventilation.


Household hygrometers are used to accurately measure indoor humidity. If the device shows humidity levels that exceed the norm air, which means it is necessary to take action and lower the moisture level.

The easiest way to normalize the humidity level is to ventilate the room in cold weather, even if the humidity air on the street is much higher than at home. The moisture content in the room is cubic meter much higher. Therefore, cold, humid air entering the room heats up and, mixing with the air in the room, lowers the relative humidity.

The main source of moisture air There may be unventilated areas such as the bathroom and. Although bathrooms are equipped with a hood, it may not always work properly. Installing an exhaust fan to circulate dry and wet air air, will not be superfluous.

It is also necessary to provide installation in the kitchen exhaust systems. To lower the humidity level, use climatic equipment- dehumidifiers air. Experts call them desiccant. They are household, industrial and semi-industrial. Devices are usually installed where the humidity level is exceeded and has a detrimental effect on equipment and health, forming mold, dampness and condensation.

The main ways to combat high humidity

Very often, an increase in air humidity is associated with poor ventilation. Plastic windows, now installed in many apartments and cottages, are airtight, which allows them to retain heat in the room and cut off street noise. However, if the house does not have quality system ventilation, this tightness becomes unpleasant by-effect: Air humidity gradually increases, especially when using the bathroom and kitchen. To solve the problem, you should take care of the installation autonomous system ventilation, ventilate common house equipment, or at least ventilate the premises more often.

“Crying” windows are the first sign that the level of ventilation in the rooms leaves much to be desired. Remember that a standard common house system will not be enough in such cases.

The problem may lie not only in poor ventilation. Leaking pipes, poor foundation waterproofing, and a rotten roof can also lead to strong increase air humidity level in the house. If this is the problem, install new system ventilation will not help get rid of it. In such cases, you need to take care first of all to eliminate the cause, not the effect.

How to quickly reduce indoor humidity

There are also additional ways combating high humidity in apartments and cottages. A good option would be to use special chemicals. They absorb moisture, normalizing the microclimate in the rooms, and, as a rule, they cope with their task quite quickly.

Be very careful when using such products if you have children or animals in your home!

Another a good option– installation of an air dryer. Such devices allow you to quickly reduce the humidity level to a given value. They are mobile, so you can move them from one room to another if necessary. To ensure that the dehumidifier works efficiently and helps you quickly and easily deal with the problem, pay attention Special attention his choice. The more spacious the room and the higher the air humidity, the more powerful the device should be. Otherwise, it simply will not be able to perform its functions.

Finally, if the rooms are cool, you can use autonomous heating devices to dehumidify the air. They raise the temperature and lower the humidity level, allowing you to create a comfortable microclimate. One way to gently reduce humidity is to use a “warm floor” system.

Before deciding how to get rid of dampness in an apartment, you need to find out: the moisture comes from outside or is generated inside the room.

To do this, you need to take a small piece of glass, press it tightly against the wall and hold it for a while. If, after tearing the glass away from the wall, it is wet, you can be sure that the dampness is coming from outside. Otherwise, you need to look for an internal reason.

What is the reason

What can cause high humidity in an apartment? First of all, the absence or poor performance of ventilation. First, check whether you covered it with wallpaper or when installing kitchen appliances.

This reason can be easily eliminated: cut out the desired square on the wallpaper on the spot ventilation grille or make the correct drainage of household appliances.

Perhaps your upstairs neighbors are flooding you. Carefully inspect the ceiling throughout the apartment, especially in the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen. If you find wet spots on the ceiling or adjacent walls, go to your neighbor to sort things out.

The accumulation of moisture in your room could have formed due to poor thermal insulation of the walls or flaws in the seams of the house construction. In this case, these shortcomings must be eliminated.

How to prevent

If you dry a large amount of laundry at home, high humidity in the apartment cannot be avoided. It’s worth thinking about, maybe there is a way to stretch out the washing over time, and use the balcony rather than the bathroom to dry clothes.

If there is chronic dampness in the house, it is worth buying a dehumidifier, preferably with an automatic operating mode. It will independently maintain optimal humidity in the apartment.

If the source of dampness is in the bathroom, install an electric one there. It will dry not only the towels, but also the air in the room.

Any damp room should be periodically heated, dried and ventilated. This must be done even in winter. Use when cooking in the kitchen. It will successfully cope with the absorption of moisture formed during cooking.

First floor

The reason for the dampness in the first floor apartment is the flooding of the basement. If this happens constantly, and complaints to the housing office do not yield results, you should think about installing waterproofing. But it also does not provide a complete guarantee against dampness.

The apartment on the ground floor also needs additional heating.

How the room is heated - by the rays of the sun, warm air from the air conditioner or a heated floor with a built-in electric heater - does not matter. By heating the apartment, you will drive moisture out of it.

If you are wondering how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the 1st floor, know: the flow of moisture from basement sharply intensifies in spring and autumn.

Therefore, if you place it correctly in the room heating devices, the problem will be solved. There is no need to be afraid of excessive energy consumption: you will only need to turn them on twice a year, in spring and autumn, for periods lasting a maximum of a month.

Fifth floor

If you are faced with the opposite problem and do not know how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the top (stained) floor, perhaps these tips will help you.

In a Khrushchev building on the 5th floor, the cause of dampness is usually external. High humidity here is a direct consequence of the lack gable roof, wall insulation, poor-quality interpanel seams, cast iron batteries heating with extremely low efficiency.

Ironically, technological progress only exacerbates these problems. The design of the Khrushchev-era building assumes Fresh air constantly enters the room through cracks in the windows, and goes out through the ventilation shafts.

Installing plastic windows blocks the flow of air from outside. And the ventilation is on top floor A five-story building does not work well, since mainly the lower floors are ventilated in such a structure. As a result, on the 5th floor there are always rivers in the corners and on the windowsill.

To solve the problem, you need to install an alpine window. This is a system of valves punched into the walls of each room in combination with a powerful hood.

Fresh air enters the apartment through the valves, and the exhaust extracts exhaust humid air from it.

It’s easy to verify its effectiveness in winter: large icicles are sure to form on the valve pipes outside in cold weather. This is moisture from the air in your apartment.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to get rid of dampness in an apartment using time-tested folk remedies? Let's turn to the experience of our grandmothers.

Salt, sugar, and coffee beans perfectly absorb moisture from the air. If you place open bags or jars with these products in the corners of the room, in closets, the apartment will “dry out”.

For the same purpose, indoor furniture should be regularly wiped with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Wipe dry all wet surfaces. After each cleaning, thoroughly ventilate the room.


The mold must be scraped off the wall, then the walls must be coated with a solution copper sulfate or a special antifungal mixture.

You can use bleach, bleach, soda, vinegar, tea tree oil and regular soap solution for this.

It is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation in the house - fresh air will prevent mold from developing.

It is better to use when cooking forced ventilation. You should also repair leaking water pipes in a timely manner, do not overcool the room, and wring out the laundry well before drying.

For the winter, use a special cord in a cotton sheath or porous pads. Seal gaps in frames with regular window paper.

And from replacement wooden windows If you have problems with dampness, it is better to refrain from using plastic ones.

If you still decide to install plastic windows, consider a ventilation system. Fresh air will no longer be able to reach you through the window. But not everyone will dare to open the window in twenty-degree frost.

Dampness and repairs

If you have started a renovation and intend to radically solve the problem of dampness in the apartment, it is advisable to use natural materials. They tend to absorb excess moisture from the air.

When repairing, it is also necessary to use waterproofing materials. Include antifungal components in your grout.

Think about the future installation of furniture in advance. It should not be placed close to the walls; be sure to leave a gap.

To eliminate the causes of dampness, it is necessary to thoroughly insulate the floor, external and internal insulation walls The walls must be wiped down with a bleach solution and re-plastered.