Setting the letter g. Staging and automation of the sound Ш: speech material, a complex of articulatory gymnastics

Svetlana Stolbova
Speech therapy session. Topic: sound and letter “SH”.


Develop phonemic awareness

Automate sound [Ш] in words, syllables, text

Ability to find places sound in a word

Reinforce pronunciation sounds in words

Teach inflection

Strengthen the skill sound-letter and sound-syllable analysis of words

Getting to know letter Ш

Development of fine motor skills (learn to accompany speech with hand movements)

Develop attention, thinking, memory

Expand words knowledge

Explanation of the spelling of proper names


Pictures from sound [Ш], envelopes with individual cards, flashlights, diagrams, figures of characters from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", notepad, pencil, stencils with the image of a hedgehog, " syllabic house"

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment - name the first one sound in name.

2. Game for attention "The Fourth Wheel".

Four pictures are displayed, of which the “extra” one is sound [Ш], which is in different positions ("tire", "machine", "bucket")

Speech therapist: “Guys, what sound we hear most often in the names of these pictures?”

Suggested answer: « Sound"sh"

3. Speech therapist: "Guys, let's practice pronouncing sound [Ш] is correct. Please take your mirrors."

Articulation gymnastics.

"Fence", "Tube", "Window", "Spatula", "Swing", "Cup", "Delicious jam"

To the sound came out beautiful,

Wider tongue and higher.

Breathing exercises "Inflate the balloon".

4. Characteristics sound.

[Ш]-consonant, always hard, dull, hissing.

Started the car - Sh-Sh-Sh!

Inflated the tire - Sh-Sh-Sh!

Smile more cheerfully

And let's go quickly!

Children imitate the movement of the car and go to visit the heroes of the fairy tale.

5. Automation task sound

Speech therapist: “Oh, trouble, guys! A hedgehog without needles is running along the road. He must have gotten sick. Shall we help the hedgehog? He will show us the way to our heroes.”

(children draw needles for the hedgehog on the template, saying sound [Ш])

6. Playback syllable rows:

A) sha-sho-shu

B) ash-osh-ush-ish


B) asha-osha-isha


D) shma-shmo-shmoo

Walked, walked, walked

Pure speech:

Shi-shi-shi – the kids became quiet.

Sho-sho-sho - it’s good for us to walk.

Shu-shu-shu - I sit and don’t rustle.

Sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good.

7. Task: highlight the specified sound by ear(flashlights).

Appear fairy-tale heroes, Masha and the Bear.

Masha: “You guys called me?”

Speech therapist: "The guys are getting acquainted with sound [Ш]. Do you want to help us?

Children highlight sound[Ш] using flashlights V:

A) in syllables

B) in words

B) in a poem

We were at the mouse's

They drank tea from cups,

We ate cheesecakes

Flatbreads and donuts.

The mouse was playing

On the harmonica

I danced from my heart,

She felt happy.

Speech therapist: “Mishutka is learning to speak, that’s right. pronounce sounds. Place sound look for the word and clearly name it.”

8. Game "Find sound in a word» - With speech therapist Pictures are hung on a flannelgraph.

9. Sound analysis of words("Masha" And "Misha")

10. Game "I-you-he-they-we": (change words according to the example).

A) I interfere and you interfere, he interferes and she interferes, they interfere and we interfere.

I sew and you...

I darn and you...

I write and you...

I'm in a hurry and so are you...

B) I darn the pants of a teddy bear.

11. Game “Divide the words into syllables”

Speech therapist: “The bear is tired of sleeping in his den, he divides the words into syllables”.

Mice, mouse, fur coat, hat, car, frog...

Speech therapist: “Guys, open the envelopes, take the picture. This is a gift to Masha and Misha.” (children see hanging pictures in " sound house")

There is a house in a clearing,

Well, the path to the house is closed.

I open the gates

I invite you to visit the house,

Say the words syllable by syllable

And hurry through the gate.

12. Physical education minute “The bear walked, walked, walked...”

13. Getting to know letter.

a) Speech therapist: "What is the difference letter sound

b) Display letters

c) Title letters and sounds.

d) Explanation of the spelling of proper names

14. Children print letter, syllables, words (Masha, Misha)

15. Finger gymnastics

A car was walking down the street

The car was driving without gasoline,

There was a car without a driver,

No traffic light signal.

She walked on her own, where she didn’t know,

The car was running fast.

16. Summary classes


“Oh, thanks, guys!

I’ll treat you all to some gingerbread!”


“Oh, thank you, kids!

I’ll treat everyone to a delicious cone!”

The situation when children pronounce poorly or do not pronounce some letters of the alphabet at all is very common. The letter "Ш" is one of the most difficult to pronounce. And this applies to almost all hissing people.

If you constantly study your child’s pronunciation, he will very quickly learn to say the letter “Ш” without the involvement of a speech therapist. In this article, we will look at the main causes of the problem, and also study exercises that will greatly help you in the future.

If you notice that your child has trouble pronouncing this letter, it is advisable to be examined by a speech therapist. The mispronunciation problem may be caused by a hearing impairment. In this case, the help of specialists is needed.

Checking the level of pronunciation of “Sh” in a child

Before conducting sound correction classes, it is necessary to check whether the problem exists at all. Violation of the pronunciation of sibilants can occur in the form of sigmatism (this is a defect in the pronunciation of the sound itself) or parasigmatism ( complete replacement him to another). The last case occurs quite often. For example, a child says “apka” instead of the word “hat”, etc.

The pronunciation of the sound “Ш” can be of several types:

  • Interdental. In this case, he becomes lisping, and the child sticks his tongue between his teeth when pronouncing;
  • Nasal sigmatism. The child says the letter “Ш” through his nose, resulting in a unique acoustic effect;
  • Lateral sigmatism. The sound has a pronounced squelching tone;
  • Dental parasigmatism. In this case, when pronouncing, the child rests his tongue on his teeth, which is why the result becomes more like “T”;
  • Labiodental parasigmatism. In this case, “Ш” is replaced by the sound “F”. This phenomenon is often observed with malocclusion;
  • Whistling parasigmatism. The child pronounces a whistling “S” instead of “Sh”.

How to check the pronunciation of the letter “Ш” without a speech therapist

Speech therapists use a comprehensive examination procedure to identify the problem and its level. But you can check your child’s speech yourself. Pronunciation testing is carried out in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases and sentences, i.e. increasingly.

Checking the pronunciation of an isolated sound is carried out by repeating the child different sounds for mom or dad. Pronunciation in syllables is checked in a similar way. For a more comprehensive assessment, it is necessary that the letter “Ш” be in different positions (ША, ОШ, УШУ, OSHO, etc.)

It is important to consider that there may be a problem with the pronunciation of other sibilants. Therefore, if you decide to teach your child to say the letter “Ш”, then you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to correct other sounds.

To check the pronunciation of “Ш” in words, it is advisable to prepare or purchase cards with pictures. This will turn the procedure into fun game. Speech therapy words starting with the letter “Ш” are selected so that the sound you need is in different positions. When choosing sentences and phrases, preference should be given to those in which it occurs in different places.

Why do you have problems pronouncing the sibilant letter “Ш”?

There are several main reasons for incorrect pronunciation:

  • Physiology, i.e. malocclusion, too large tongue, high sky etc.;
  • The child uses the pacifier for a long time. In this case, the bite deteriorates, causing many sounds to suffer, especially hissing and whistling sounds;
  • "Lisping" with the baby. The child imitates his elders, distorting his speech;
  • Speech impairment in adults. The baby can copy the speech of his parents if they speak incorrectly;
  • Excessive demands from parents. Often parents demand too much without showing correct articulation;
  • Developmental delay. If thinking, memory and attention are not fully formed, then speech development will also suffer;
  • Hearing impairment or the baby has difficulty recognizing sounds by ear.

Only a specialist can identify the exact cause of the problem. Therefore, if you are already long time If you cannot teach your child to pronounce the letter “Ш”, then you should contact a specialist.

Training the correct pronunciation of the letter “Ш”

Before moving directly to the exercises for setting “Sh”, it is necessary to carry out articulatory gymnastics, which helps to increase the mobility of the speech organs.

Warm up your tongue

To warm up your tongue, you can use the following exercises:

  • "Pancake." The child should place his tongue spread out on his lower lip and hold it there for at least 10 seconds;
  • "Cup". You need to spread your tongue on your lower lip, lifting its edges and tip. As a result, a kind of cup is formed;
  • "Chatterbox." Similar to the previous exercise, but in this case the tongue-cup rises and falls;
  • "Horse". One of the most favorite exercises for a child, because he must click his tongue, making a sound similar to the clatter of horse hooves.

To prevent the “student” from getting bored, accompany the exercises with funny stories. It is also advisable to do exercises in front of a mirror.

1) what it consists of and why it is so necessary for your baby.
2) Should you eat mangoes during pregnancy?

Warm up our lips

The following exercises are suitable for warming up your lips:

  • “Elephant Proboscis.” The child should alternately make a wide “tube” (lips are in position to pronounce the letter O), and then a narrow one (lips are in position to pronounce the letter U);
  • Alternating a narrow “tube” and a smile. Make sure your smile is wide;
  • "Astonishment". At the same time, the child’s lips take a position as with the sound O.

Basic methods for producing the sound “Ш”

Speech therapy classes on the letter “SH” begin with developing the pronunciation of an isolated sound. One of the most effective ways- This is the production of sound from other sounds.

If a child pronounces the sound “T” well, then this is one of the most simple ways. To do this, the child must pronounce “Shhhhhh” until you achieve normal pronunciation. After this, ask him to do the same procedure, but “hiding” his tongue behind his teeth. The result is the sound “SH”.

If in doubt, you can do this yourself. The “hissing snake” exercise is suitable for consolidation. For variety, associate this sound with the sound of a deflated ball or the hiss of a cat.

Hissing always causes difficulties for children. And the sound “Ш” is one of the most difficult. The recommendations presented in this article will help you identify the problem as early as possible and get rid of it. You just need to put in a little effort, and your child will find it easier to communicate in the future.

The child does not pronounce hissing words: exercises for making hissing sounds, articulation gymnastics, tasks for children, video of a speech therapist.

Friends! Today I am pleased to introduce you in this article to speech therapist and defectologist Elena Shmygol. Today she will help you and your children learn how to speak hissing sounds correctly. And if you need Elena’s help, her individual Skype consultation, or you want to personally learn from her how to correctly do the exercises from the article with your child and teach your child to speak correctly with her help, then Elena’s contacts are given at the end of this article.

The child does not pronounce hissing sounds: exercises for making the sound “sh”

Correct pronunciation of the sound "sh":

When the sound w pronounced correctly

  • lips rounded and slightly extended forward;
  • teeth close but not touching;
  • language takes the shape of a cup, its tip touches the tubercles behind the upper teeth (alveoli); the air stream is strong, warm, and comes out in the middle of the tongue.

Education w And and differs only in the presence or absence of voice, that is, sounds w And and are pronounced almost identically, only w - deaf, and and - sonorous.

If the child has learned to pronounce the sound correctly w, when adding a voice and it will work out automatically.

Disturbances in the pronunciation of hissing sounds in children:

First. Absence of hissing sounds in speech or their replacement with the sound t(instead of the word “bear” the child says “mika”, instead of the word “thorn” the child says “type” - replaces it with t).

Possible reasons such distortion of sound- early age or phonemic hearing impairment.

Second. Replacements with f (fifka - bump).

Possible causes of sound distortion: violation of phonemic perception., too active lip work, shortened sublingual frenulum. This replacement is called labiodental sigmatism.

Third. Replacing the sound sh with the sound s(for example, instead of “went” the child says “sla”). This replacement is called whistling sigmatism.

Possible reasons for sh sound distortion: violation of phonemic awareness. When correcting, it is necessary to teach the child to distinguish between whistling and hissing sounds!

Fourth. Lisp. This is due to the fact that, in contrast to the normal position of the organs of articulation, the tongue is pushed between the upper and lower incisors, forming a flat gap with them, the back is lowered and does not form the back of the scoop. The air stream when you bring your palm to your mouth is weak and scattered.

Possible reasons for sh sound distortion: shortened hyoid ligament, making it difficult to lift the tongue to the palate; high and narrow hard palate. This replacement is called interdental sigmatism.

Fifth. Lateral sigmatism.

In this case, in the words he pronounces, instead of sound w a peculiar squelching sound is heard. One of the corners of the lips is slightly lowered or retracted, there may be a slight shift of the lower jaw to the left or right, the lateral edges of the tongue are also lowered. When you bring your palm to your mouth, the air stream goes to the side (left or right) or comes out along both edges of the tongue, while normally the air stream should go strictly in the middle of the tongue.

Possible causes of sound distortion: weakness of the muscles of one half of the tongue; lateral open bite.

Sixth. Nasal sigmatism.

In this case, the sound w is replaced by snoring (in the nose) or a sound similar to the deep sound x with a nasal connotation. In contrast to normal articulation, the organs of speech occupy a neutral position, the tongue is lowered down and pulled into the depths of the mouth, the back of the tongue is raised up, connecting to the soft palate, the lateral edges are lowered down. The air stream exits through the nasal cavity and not from the mouth.

Cause of sound distortion: is excessive tension on the back of the tongue.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for developing the correct pronunciation of hissing sounds

For articulatory gymnastics You will need a mirror, cotton wool and... candy!

Each articulatory gymnastics exercise is performed 3-5 times for 5-10 seconds. The whole complex is done 3-5 times a day for 5-6 minutes .

You can watch the exercises of the complex performed in a demonstration by adults in the video of the “Spread your Wings” foundation.

Punish the naughty tongue. Open your mouth slightly, calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, pronounce the sounds five-five-five... Keep your wide tongue in a calm position, with your mouth open, counting from one to five to ten.

Make your tongue broad. Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold it in this position for a count of one to five to ten.

Glue on some candy. Place the wide tip of your tongue on your lower lip. Place a thin piece of toffee on the very edge of your tongue and glue a piece of candy to the roof of your mouth behind your upper teeth.

Fungus. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and, pressing your wide tongue with its entire plane to the palate, open your mouth wide. (The tongue will resemble a thin mushroom cap, and the stretched hyoid ligament will resemble its stem.)

Delicious jam. Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

Harmonic. Smile, open your mouth slightly, stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth and, without lowering your tongue, close and open your mouth (just as the bellows of an accordion stretch, so does the hyoid frenulum stretch). The lips are in a smiling position. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and wider and keep your tongue in the upper position longer.

Focus. Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your upper lip so that its side edges are pressed together and there is a groove in the middle of your tongue, and blow off the cotton wool placed on the tip of your nose. The air should go in the middle of the tongue, then the fleece will fly up.

Cup. After the child learns to spread his tongue and make it wide, has mastered the tasty jam exercise, offer him: “Open your mouth slightly, make a cup out of your tongue, like I did, and place it on the tubercles behind the upper teeth. Now blow on your tongue. Do you hear how the wind rustled? Air passing through a small gap between the front edge of the tongue and the palate produces the sound sh.

You can see more detailed methods of setting the sound Ш

Songs for sound automation

I decided to make a small addition to Elena’s article. I love music very much, and therefore I always like to sing with children in my classes. Children enjoy repeating words with the desired sound many times in songs. Therefore, I have selected simple songs with the sound Sh for you and your children.

Start with songs in which you only need to pronounce syllables with the sh sound. Next, use songs with words that contain the sound Ш. Let the child finish and sing along these words from the text. And when he already speaks the sound Ш well enough, you can use tongue twisters or complex songs (for example, the song “Horses”).

Song - a pure saying for automating the correct pronunciation of the sound Ш in syllables

Shi-shi-shi-shi, how good the candies are,
Sho-sho, sho-sho, wash your hands well,
Shu-shu, shu-shu, I’ll invite you to the table,
Sha-sha, sha-sha we will eat slowly.

Song "Horses"

In the song we automate correct pronunciation sound Ш in phrases.

Shishkina school for kids: the sound sh and the letter sh

In this interesting lesson at Shishkina school with funny characters (my favorite TV channel for children is “My Joy”), the child will get acquainted with the sound Ш and the letter Ш and play speech game“Wardrobe” (you need to put clothes and hats in the closet that have the sound Ш).

More interesting ideas and games for children’s speech development can be found in the materials of “Native Path”:

— a free checklist for children’s speech development in the course of ordinary activities

— . And examples of mothers who are readers of my site.

— entertaining speech development for preschoolers.

Hissing and whistling sounds are not always easy for growing babies. Some features of the pronunciation of sibilants may persist until the end primary school, and without the control of teachers - for life.

It is important that the child, under the supervision of parents or a speech therapist, trains in the correct articulation of the sound “sh”, then other difficult sounds will give in under the pressure of exercises.

From this article you will learn

Examination of the pronunciation of the sound “sh”

Teachers usually point out problems with pronunciation kindergarten or teachers. Parents can attribute much of their child’s speech to individual characteristics and not notice the brewing difficulties. It's worth taking a few minutes as part of your daily book exercises to test your child's phonics.

There are at least two ways to do the procedure yourself: observation and exercise. In the first case, it will take quite a long time to notice how the baby pronounces sounds. In the second, you need 25-30 minutes of perseverance and doing several simple exercises.

Invisible test. There is no point in explaining to your son or daughter what to do. The easiest way is to involve the child in the game " Repeaters" Start with words and sounds that are not related to the topic. Then let your child set the tasks themselves. In your next turn, offer one of the blocks.

1. Syllables.

Start with two-letter combinations:

[sha] [she] [shu] [shi] [sho].

Then move on to three-letter ones with two vowels:

[a-sha] [eh-she] [u-shu] [i-shi] [o-sho] [y-shi].

The next block is combinations of “sh” with consonants:

[shka] [ksha] [shki] [kshi].

More complex:

[sshi] [shis] [shish] [shush] and [as-shi] [u-shis] [i-shish] [ush-ush].

Pronounce all sounds clearly, deliberately articulate them so that it is easy for them to repeat after you. As you complete the exercise, notice which combinations are most difficult for your child. They work in a similar way with the sounds “sch”, “zh”, “ch”.

2. Words.

To diversify the lesson a little with a new activity, prepare in advance cards with known objects that have a difficult sound in their names:

  • Next to vowels: mouse, reeds, shower, lily of the valley, hat, fur coat, car, galoshes, hut, pencil, overcoat, neck.
  • Next to consonants: cat, flip flops, hat, closet, hairpin, bumblebee.
  • Occurs twice: cone, checkers, whisper, rustle.
  • With another complex sound: ball, scarf, skin.

3. Suggestions.

Automation of the sound “sh” in sentences requires the readiness of the speech apparatus. Therefore, the sentence test will show how much the child has mastered the art of sh-articulation:

  • The mouse rustles behind the stove.
  • Papa waves his hat to Masha.
  • I sewed a shirt for the bear, I will sew pants for him.
  • The well-known tongue twister about Sasha on the highway, etc..

If you have any difficulties at this stage, do not try to finish the block. Better return to the phrases from the previous block: cat in a hat, got out of the shower, scarf for Dasha etc. and end the test on a positive emotional note.

Important! In some children with a normally developed articulatory apparatus, the production of the “sh” sound can occur right during test exercises or the first lessons, simply because targeted training is needed to develop the skill. Other children will need to take things step by step over time.

Possible deviations

Pronunciation may differ from ideal. Despite the fact that in the language “sh” is a dull sound, it must be pronounced loudly and clearly. There are speech therapy characteristics of the incorrect “sh”:

  • A lisping sound occurs when a child pushes his tongue too far between his teeth. This is an interdental pronunciation.
  • A nasal tint (sigmatism) in “sh” occurs when the deep part of the tongue is overly tense, its root seems to be pulled towards the palate, and a deep hissing “x” appears.
  • With lateral sigmatism, the sound is like cotton.
  • If the tongue rests on the upper incisors, this is called parasigmatism. As a result, “w” is replaced by “t”;
  • With labiodental parasigmatism, “w” is forced to turn into “f”. It is worth checking if the baby has bite problems.
  • If instead of "sh" the sound is "s", this is whistling parasigmatism.

You need to tell your child how to form his lips correctly and hold his tongue so that the sound comes out correctly. It is best to demonstrate on yourself and use visual analogies.

What to do to make “sh” hiss

Among the stimulation methods speech development at an early age we need to talk about necessary stage crawling, and the dangers of early sitting, and the importance of sensory development. Finger gymnastics, rhymes, nursery rhymes and sand work help the kids.

Even a simple wooden ball is a source of sensory sensations. You can roll it between your palms, with your finger on your palm, hold it in different ways, study it physical properties is also very useful for broadening your horizons.

Don't limit yourself to making sand pies and don't forbid your child to play with castles in the yard or on the beach. Bury pebbles and small toys in the sand. Ask your child to guess the toy's shape without removing it from the sand. Do the same with other textures: rice, buckwheat, semolina. Any wide container can serve as a sandbox, even in winter.

When it comes to correcting the sound “sh” in a preschooler, fine motor skills and sensory exercises should not be neglected, but you can already include the child in full-fledged structured classes, logarithmics. It is necessary to use tongue twisters, tongue twisters and more complex poems.

Methodological basics for parents

Reluctance to visit a speech therapist may be due to financial difficulties and parental beliefs. In any case, the parent himself needs to know how to teach his child to say the letter “SH”. If you seriously decide to work with your child on your own, do it systematically. It’s a good idea to introduce a kind of preparation ritual for the lesson so that the child is included in it without conflict. The lesson itself should contain:

  • 1-2 minutes: Organizing time(activation of the child’s attention). Do not speak " Now you and I will teach...", it's better to say " Come, let's play together!”, because the game is the most effective way teach your child something important.
  • 1-2 minutes: introduction (interest activation). Tell me what the fun game you offer and why.
  • 10-15 minutes: warm-up 2-3 minutes and main part(the actual activity). Every 3-7 minutes, depending on the perseverance and age of the baby, be sure to do physical education. This is necessary to switch attention and relieve tension.
  • 1-2 minutes: conclusion: Thank and praise the child for his efforts.

When each activity has a structure, it is easier for parents to navigate the situation, while the child perceives the exercises as a game and is simply happy to communicate with mom or dad. Lessons become welcome. You can build any other home activities using the same structure.

Warm up for tongue and lips

Before practicing at home, you also need to warm up. The child should not be tired, but interested and immersed in fairy tale story or an interesting competition with yourself. There are a lot ready-made programs warm-ups based on classical articulation gymnastics.

Warming up helps relieve tension in the lips and tongue, making them more mobile and obedient. Gradually, warming up will take less and less time and will turn into a fun ritual.

Do not forbid your child to make a little face - this will not harm his behavior if it is built into training session. Combine gymnastics with training of emotions (for example, use cards or masks) and intonation range (facial expressions and intonations should be interconnected). Integrated development more interesting and effective.

Exercises for the main stage of the lesson

Never try to follow the same algorithm. Change speech therapy exercises from time to time. Let's get them in different combinations and don’t try to do everything in one lesson!

Exercise "Cup"

The lower jaw is relaxed, a flat, wide tongue rests on the lower lip, while the tip and edge are raised, forming a flat bowl. In a similar way, “ Pancake"- the tongue remains flat on the lower lip. It is advisable to periodically alternate the two exercises for 10-15 seconds. If the bowl is lowered and raised without changing its shape, the result will be “ Chatterbox».

Exercise "Focus"

You need to stick the already familiar cup out of your mouth and, without touching your lips, turn the tip of your tongue up. You can put a piece of cotton wool or a napkin on the tip of your nose. As you exhale, the air must be directed precisely at the object.

Exercise "Horse"

All children love to imitate the clatter of horse hooves, but as part of the exercise this must be done not just once, but for 10-15 seconds. Naturally, you can combine speech therapy with a game of knights!

After the exercises, you definitely need to talk: read poetry, train in the speed and purity of pronunciation of sounds. The more often the repetition occurs, the faster the skill will be consolidated.

Exercise "Fence"

Young students really like it. Task: smile widely and fix the smile for a few seconds. This trains the facial muscles of the cheeks.

Other exercises - " tube"(pull your lips forward with a tube and fix them), " Jam"(lick your lips deliciously and widely in a circle), " Swing"(open your mouth wide, and rhythmically move your tongue alternately to the upper and lower teeth) - can be left at the end of the lesson to engage all the muscles in turn.

Remember with your child in what situations the sound “sh” still occurs:

  • how the trees rustle in the wind
  • how an angry cat hisses
  • how the leaves rustle under your feet in autumn
  • like a punctured wheel hissing
  • how the mouse rustles under the table

The child must depict all this using his voice and sound [Ш].

Sound production and automation

With the help of exercises, the correct articulation of the sound “sh” is developed. But skill is a mechanical process that requires practice. It will take time to consolidate. It happens that during a lesson, pronunciation improves, but by the next session it again turns into a lisp or whistling. To reverse effect did not appear, constant supervision of the skill plays a big role:

  • Gently and jokingly remind the student that he needs to watch his tongue.
  • Control your own pronunciation.
  • Pay attention to the phonemic errors of others and ask your child to pronounce sounds correctly every time. If he is already a schoolchild, let him read aloud with the correct pronunciation.

Try to use a new skill more often. For example, ask questions, the answer to which will be words or sentences with the sound “sh”, learn corrective nursery rhymes instead of regular poems. Pure twisters and tongue twisters in daily household chores starting with “sh” will help you quickly automate the sound:

  • Let's knit a hat for the baby, shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.
  • We dress the baby, sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha.
  • Collect your pencils, shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi.
  • Kids love fairy tales, sha-shu-shi, sha-shu-shi.

You can come up with any simple rhymes and combinations, own rhyme. Give one of your favorite toys a special name that will help your child master sound: “ Little Bunny», « Wolf-tail».

Use this name daily in familiar situations to continually refer to the skill. It is important that the parent himself does not feel awkward when using speech therapy techniques. Try to hiss yourself as sincerely as possible.

Important! Throughout the lesson, monitor your voice volume and intonation. Don't forget about physical exercises. And, of course, every lesson should end positively. You can even give ratings if this seems to be an effective technique.

When activities become familiar, add similar sounds to them: “zh”, “ch”, “sch”. Teach your child to distinguish them articularly. This will help you at the same time put in all the difficult sounds and master the Russian alphabet. Pictures and instructions can now be purchased at any bookstore.

Why doesn't the letter "Ш" hiss?

The speech apparatus and the child’s speech itself require time to develop. If a child uses the sound “sh” for the first time, then imperfect pronunciation is normal. The only thing that needs to be done is to correct the children's skill in time.

  • Other possible reasons sounds incorrectly can make a rating in which they will be in first place physiological characteristics: structure of the bite, tongue, palate, diseases of the oral cavity.
  • The second place has a direct relationship with the first place: Sucking on a pacifier for too long. It has long been noted that the bite is sensitive to the presence of the pacifier, and it is hissing and whistling sounds that suffer in speech.
  • Parental errors You can give an honorable third place. Think about whether you have “wobbled” and “lisped” the child too much, and whether he is trying to imitate your manner of sound pronunciation. Any speech disorders in adults can be the cause of children's speech therapy errors. Imitation and copying for children are the same ways of learning from the experience of adults as games or directed learning. Watch your own articulation.
  • Only in a fifth of cases are we talking about truly significant difficulties for two reasons: general underdevelopment, inhibiting the development of speech; impairment of hearing and sound reproduction apparatus.

Advice. If you suspect that you will not be able to cope on your own, do not put off visiting a specialist. Getting rid of the habit of pronouncing sounds unclearly is more difficult than forming the correct pronunciation right away.

When you can't do without a speech therapist

If a child cannot speak clearly, his speech is incoherent or too illegible, it is worth seeking advice from an educational psychologist, and then from a speech therapist. There are two factors to consider:

  • level of formation and readiness of the speech apparatus;
  • level mental development according to age.

Deviations in at least one factor should be considered as a reason to work with a specialist. Visit them at least some of the time and seek parental advice on how to work at home. What exercises to use, how to normalize speech development, communication and development in general.

If there is underdevelopment or defect of the articulatory apparatus, dysfunction of some of its parts, a speech therapist will definitely be needed. Very effective speech therapy massage in combination with articulation exercises. The speech therapist gives elements of such a massage at home, depending on the problem. Speech therapy probes are only applicable in a specialist’s office.

Sometimes you need to visit a neurologist (for disorders of the nervous system, changes in the brain, autism spectrum disorders and cerebral palsy, disorders of perception and reproduction of information). A method that can be recommended by a neurologist is pharmacological assistance. In some cases, the use of drugs actually gives impetus to the development of the necessary brain structures and, accordingly, speech function.

A special place in the formation of sound pronunciation is given to working with deaf children. Their training is based on a special method; parents are specially taught it as part of rehabilitation courses.

Fortunately, problems of a serious level occur infrequently, and most cases of abnormal hissing can be dealt with at home by purchasing ready set didactic pictures or watching video lessons.

When working on hissing children, perseverance and attentiveness are required. These are complex sounds. It’s even more difficult for parents: they must maintain self-control, a friendly attitude and restraint, as well as perseverance and methodicality. But the main element in this work is your love and desire to help.

Valuable literature. There are several books with the general title “Help your baby talk.” These manuals provide comprehensive information on how to teach a child to say the letter “Ш” and others.

It is, of course, more correct to correct the pronunciation of each sound in isolation, in a separate exercise. But The best way consolidate any skill - transfer it to real life and connect with others. That is why it all starts with individual sounds, then they are combined into syllables, words, phrases and sentences. In this way, the child understands that everything is interconnected, and everything that adults teach is really necessary.

Do not send your child to a class or group where they study foreign languages until he masters the sounds of his native language. Under no circumstances should you form a negative attitude towards speech impairments. This will not only reduce motivation for classes, but can also make the student withdrawn and affect his self-esteem.

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The science of speech defects, studying ways to eliminate them, as well as special exercises for the language - speech therapy. Not only children, but also adults turn to this science in order to pronounce sounds correctly and beautifully and to be successful in any business where they need to convince, inspire, and share information with other people. To correct speech defects, regular speech therapy exercises are used for children and adults.

Some parents face speech problems in their children

In our article you will find useful tips and for yourself to acquire the skills of correct articulation, as well as a lot of valuable techniques for correcting the pronunciation of sounds by your children.

In order to achieve high results in business and have the ability to persuade, it is necessary not only to speak impeccably, but also to express your thoughts clearly and legibly. Not everyone can immediately master this science, so there are various practices to improve skills.

Speech therapy exercises for adults

Speech is unclear in adults, too, so ask your friends if you have any pronunciation problems. You can simply record a few phrases on a voice recorder and then listen carefully to your voice.

There are speech therapy exercises for adults, the main of which is memorizing and studying tongue twisters. If it is better for children to offer it in a playful way, then for adults it is enough to give them a task to practice the skill.

So everyone must comply following rules during training:

  • read the tongue twister 3-4 times;
  • repeat it slowly, pronouncing it clearly and distinctly;
  • when you can pronounce everything correctly, you can speed up the pace;
  • it is important to pronounce all sounds efficiently, and not quickly;
  • short tongue twisters need to be spoken in one breath.

The same tasks are suitable for adults and children:

  1. clink your tongue, imitate a horse galloping;
  2. smile and try to reach the roof of your mouth with your tongue;
  3. imagine that you are licking honey from your lips without touching the corners of your lips;
  4. press your tongue between your teeth and move it up and down.

To make sure the tasks you perform are correct, use a mirror. To track your progress, read an excerpt from a story with an expression or a poem, paying attention to all punctuation marks.

Speech therapy exercises for children

All speech therapy exercises for children should be performed unnoticed by the baby, so that it is all a serene pastime in a playful way.

You can come up with funny names for each task, because the child loves associations, sometimes the most unexpected ones. So, the kids will like such as “Horse”, “Chickens”.

Having identified problematic sounds, you can select certain exercises to correct the problem.

Completing tasks contributes to the development of the baby’s articulatory apparatus, allows you to eliminate pronunciation defects and form the necessary speech skills.

  • “Gate”: you need to open your mouth wide to relax your lips, repeat 6 times.
  • “Spatula”: you should place your tongue on your lower lip.
  • “Vase”: place the tongue on the upper lip, repeat 5 times.
  • “Ball”: inflate one or the other cheek, as if a ball is rolling in the mouth.

Your child’s pronunciation will be clear if for training you take words with a large number of consonants: plate, girlfriend, foreign tourist, karateka, bunch, bed, mug, jump. They need to be spoken out daily and trained to hear every sound.

Speech therapy exercises for hissing sounds

Children often fail to pronounce sibilants correctly for a long time; sometimes they need to practice until school. It’s good if the child’s environment speaks and can correct the child’s pronunciation. Let's consider which speech therapy exercises for hissing sounds are most relevant. They are suitable for both adults and children, if such problems exist.

Speech therapy exercises for the letter w

It is important to know what to do when articulating. So, first we round the lips and round them, the teeth do not close, the edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, and it itself forms a scoop. We exhale air with the addition of a voice when pronouncing the hissing sound.

Here are the basic speech therapy exercises for the letter w:

  • “Accordion” to strengthen the muscles of the tongue in a vertical position: open your mouth, smile, and press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Open and close your mouth 5 times.
  • “Pie”: open your mouth and smile, curl your tongue, lifting the edges. Count to 15 and then repeat.

Classes to correct the pronunciation defect of the sound z

They can also be used when training the pronunciation of other sibilants.

Speech therapy exercises for the sound h

There are also speech therapy exercises for the sound h:

  • “Mushroom” for stretching the hyoid frenulum: open the mouth, stretch the lips, and touch the palate with the tongue so that its edges are pressed tightly. Repeating, you need to open your mouth wider.
  • “Trick”: stick out your tongue, smiling, lift the tip, blow the cotton wool off your nose. Repeat 5-6 times.

Such exercises help strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop its mobility, which is useful when pronouncing hissing words.

Speech therapy exercises for the letter w

There are also speech therapy exercises for the letter w:

  • “Cup”: place your tongue on your lower lip, then lift it and hold it for a few seconds. Repeat 8 times.
  • “Football”: stretch out your lips with a straw and blow on cotton wool in the shape of a ball, trying to get into an improvised goal.

Lessons to correct problems with sound

These tasks should be completed during games every day so that the child’s articulatory apparatus develops and pronunciation improves.

Speech therapy exercises for consonants

Often, both adults and children have difficulty pronouncing certain consonants, so speech therapy exercises for consonant sounds are needed to correct speech.

Speech therapy exercises for the letter L

Let us now consider speech therapy exercises for the letter l:

  • “Train whistle”: stick out your tongue and make a loud “ooh-ooh” sound.
  • “Tongue song”: you need to bite your tongue and sing “lek-lek-lek.”
  • “Painter”: you need to press your tongue with your teeth and move it up and down, as if you were painting a house.

Practicing movements for the correct pronunciation of the sound l

If the training is intended for children, then you can come up with a game in which you will need to complete these tasks.

Speech therapy exercises for the letter c

Let’s now look at speech therapy exercises starting with the letter c:

  • show how a pump inflates a tire;
  • depict how the wind blows;
  • convey how a balloon deflates;
  • show what you can hear if you blow into a bottle with a narrow neck.

In order to bring the child closer to understanding what they want from him, put a toothpick on his tongue and ask him to press it with his teeth, smile and blow out air.

Speech therapy exercises for the sound r

Let's find out speech therapy exercises for the sound r, which is the most problematic for all children:

  • “Brushing your teeth”: you need to move the tongue along the inside of your teeth in different directions.
  • “Musician”: with your mouth open, drum your tongue on the alveoli, saying “d-d-d”, reminiscent of a drum roll. You can check the correct execution by holding a piece of paper to your mouth. It should move with the air flow.
  • “Dove”: you need to move your tongue back and forth along the upper lip, copying the bird “bl-bl-bl”.

Training for the correct pronunciation of the sound p

These training tasks will help to overcome the most difficult sound for children, as the articulatory apparatus will be more mobile. After this, you can begin to select words with the letter r.

Speech therapy exercises for the sound t

Sometimes simple sounds are difficult for people to pronounce correctly when it is difficult to understand the meaning of a word or even a statement. Such problems must be dealt with. And here are the most effective speech therapy exercises for the sound t:

  • the tip of the tongue touches the upper teeth and pronounce “t-t-t”;
  • imitating a knock-knock hammer or a tick-tick clock;
  • we walk along the road with the baby, repeating “top-top-top”;
  • learning the tongue twister “Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.”

How to do exercises for correct pronunciation of the sound t

It will also be useful to repeat these exercises every day in order for the training to be effective. Watch what your baby listens to, as speech is formed depending on how we perceive sounds by ear. Make sure that all family members do not lisp or use words in a diminutive form in front of the baby.

Speech therapy exercises for stuttering

All speech therapy exercises for stuttering are aimed at developing fluency of speech. Try to relax your baby before classes, use game forms jobs that are most suitable for children.

Let's take a look at the most necessary tasks in such a situation:

  • Read the poem to calm music without words, small at first, and over time complicate the task.
  • Clap your hands for the vowel sounds that appear in the word.
  • “Conductor”: chant a few words, syllables, vowel sounds, focusing on waving your arms and observing the rhythm.
  • “Carousel”: you need to walk in a circle, repeating the phrase “We are a funny carousel oops-opa-opa-pa-pa.”

Remember that you must pay attention to speech breathing during classes. Start each session gradually and smoothly, and then you can speed up the pace if everything works out for you.

Problems with speech and articulation can be resolved over time and through daily training, willpower and motivation.

We wish you success!