Preparations for disinfection of a food warehouse. Food industry

Disinfection, pest control, disinsection of warehouse and industrial premises with quality assurance, safe, effective methods


We draw up contracts on individual terms according to favorable prices:

- deratization of the warehouse

- disinfestation of a warehouse

- disinfection of the warehouse

Disinfection of warehouses, industrial workshops, trade hangars, catering facilities - relevant and necessary procedure... Think of films about "alien horror", usually their action takes place in some kind of warehouse. The director's fantasy is not far from reality. Monsters live in the warehouse, more terrible than those invented in films. These are bacteria, mold, fungus, and to them add rodents, insects and unpleasant odors, you get an unpleasant picture.

The processing of warehouses from pests by SanMariDes is carried out according to a comprehensive plan. Only in our company, a manager's call to assess the scope of work, the preparation of sanitization stages is free of charge, and a preferential rate is provided for new clients.

Why SanMariDes is trusted to disinfect premises

SanMaridez in staffing table includes specialists with sanitary and hygienic education. Experience and knowledge will help the manager to draw up a clear, effective and minimally safe disinfection plan:

  • Conduct an initial assessment of the situation in the warehouse, carry out a full audit of the sanitary situation.
  • Make up individual plan disinfection measures taking into account the purpose of the premises.
  • Carry out high-quality disinfection of the warehouse facility.
  • Issue an act on the disinfection performed, with a guarantee for the entire volume of work performed.

Methods for the destruction of rodents, mold, fungus, unpleasant odor in the warehouse are designed taking into account the specifics of the premises. Application modern ways guarantees the safety of the drugs used, the effectiveness of their impact on pests, the safety of products at the facility. V complex works we use cold and hot fog generators.



One-time processing

Once a quarter

Once a month

0 to 100 sq m

From 100 to 200 sq m

200 to 300 sq m

From 300 to 400 sq m

400 to 500 sq m

From 500 to 600 sq m

600 to 700 sq m

700 to 800 sq m

800 to 900 sq m

900 to 1000 sq m

From 1000 to 1200 sq m

1200 to 1400 sq m

From 1400 to 1600 sq m

1600 to 1800 sq m

From 1800 to 2000 sq m

2200 to 2400 sq m

Objects with an area of ​​more than 2500 sq m - negotiable price



One-time processing

Once a quarter

Once a month

Up to 100 sq m

From 100 to 200 sq m

200 to 300 sq m

From 300 to 400 sq m

400 to 500 sq m

From 500 to 600 sq m

600 to 900 sq m

1000 to 1500 sq m

1600 to 2000 sq m

From 2100 to 2500 sq m

To maintain the correct sanitary and hygienic regime at food industry enterprises effective way destruction and suppression of the development of foreign microorganisms is disinfection.

Disinfection(disinfection) is the destruction in objects external environment saprophytic microorganisms - pests of this production, which cause damage to raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, as well as pathogenic microorganisms - causative agents of food infections and food poisoning. Disinfection of equipment, inventory, containers, production and household premises food enterprises is preventive measure to prevent contamination of products by microorganisms. It is carried out systematically in accordance with the established sanitary requirements for every industry. This is the so-called current, or preventive, disinfection.

In addition, at food enterprises it is possible to carry out emergency disinfection for epidemiological indications: in case of suspicion of food poisoning, in case infectious diseases among the personnel, upon receipt of infected raw materials, semi-finished products, containers, etc.

By the type of active agent, disinfection methods are physical and chemical. TO physical means disinfection include: quartz and ultraviolet irradiation, ultrasound, action high temperatures(burning, calcining, boiling, scalding dishes, containers and equipment, processing with live steam).

TO chemicals disinfection refers a large number of chemicals with antimicrobial action.

The effect of antimicrobial chemicals on microorganisms. In addition to nutrient chemicals that have a positive effect on microorganisms, there are a number of chemicals that inhibit or completely stop their growth. Chemicals cause either microbicidal(death of microorganisms), or microbostatic action(they stop their growth, but after the removal of this substance, growth resumes again). The nature of the action (microbicidal or microbostatic) depends on the dose of the substance, the time of its exposure, as well as temperature and pH. Small doses of antimicrobial agents often stimulate the growth of microorganisms. As the temperature rises, the toxicity of many antimicrobial substances tends to increase. Temperature affects not only the activity of the chemical itself, but also microorganisms. At temperatures exceeding the maximum for a given microorganism, even small doses of such substances cause their death. The pH of the medium has a similar effect.

The same microorganism exhibits different degrees of resistance to different antimicrobial substances. The same substance can have different effects on different kinds microorganisms - some cause rapid death, others stop their development, others may not have any effect at all. It depends on the presence of chemical resistant spores and capsules. Antimicrobial substances have a much stronger effect on vegetative cells than on spores.

Of inorganic substances, salts have a strong antimicrobial effect heavy metals(mercury, copper, silver), oxidizing agents - chlorine, ozone, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, potassium permanganate), alkalis and acids (caustic soda, sulfurous, hydrofluoric, boric acid),
some gases (hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, coal
sour gas). Organic substances (alcohols, phenols,
aldehydes, especially formaldehyde) are also lipid
tive effect on microorganisms. The mechanism of the pernicious
the action of antimicrobial substances is different and depends on their
chemical nature... For example, alcohols, ethers dissolve
CPM lipids, as a result of which they easily penetrate into the cell
and enter into interaction with its various components,
which disrupts the normal functioning of the cell. Salt
■ heavy metals, formalin cause rapid coagulation
cytoplasmic proteins, phenols - inactivation of respiratory fer
ment, acids and alkalis - protein hydrolysis. Chlorine and ozone,
possessing a strong oxidative effect, also
enzymes are activated. Antimicrobial chemicals ic
are used as disinfectants and antiseptics
! 1 Disinfectants substances cause rapid (within a few minutes) death of bacteria, they are more active in environments poor in organic matter, destroy not only vegetative cells, but also spores. They do not cause the appearance of resistant forms of microorganisms. Microbicidal action antiseptics, unlike disinfectants, it manifests itself through Zchi more. The greatest activity is manifested in environments containing organic matter... Antiseptics destroy only vegetative cells and cause the formation of resistant forms of microorganisms.

Such antimicrobial substances as phenols, chloramine, formalin, in high concentrations (2-5%) are disinfectants, but their solutions, diluted 100-1000 times, can be used as antiseptics. Many antiseptics are used as preservatives food products(sulfurous, benzoic, sorbic acids, juglon, plumbagin NS etc.).

Disinfectants in the food industry are used, as a rule, to treat the working surfaces of devices and other technological equipment, inventory, containers ^ dishes and premises. In the food industry, it is possible to use only those drugs that do not have a toxic effect on the human body, do not have a smell and taste. In addition, they must be antimicrobial at the lowest concentration, soluble in water, and * effective for short periods of time. Great importance has also their storage stability. Preparations should not have a destructive effect on the equipment material, should be cheap and easy to transport.

Chlorine-containing substances are mainly used for processing equipment at food industry enterprises, the disinfecting effect of which is due to the release of active chlorine. Usually, solutions are used for disinfection containing 150-200 mg of active chlorine in 1 liter. The most vulnerable places in terms of bacterial contamination are treated with solutions containing 400 mg of active chlorine in 1 liter. The duration of equipment processing should be at least 15 minutes. Inorganic chlorine-containing disinfectants include: bleach, anti-formin (a mixture of bleach, soda ash and caustic soda), sodium hypochlorite; to organic - chloramine B d new synthetic drugs (dichlorodimethylhydantoin) and complex combinations of new chlorine active compounds with surfactants (for example, sulfochlorantin, which has a simultaneously wetting, washing and high antimicrobial effect). Formalin (an aqueous solution of formaldehyde), milk of lime, soda ash and caustic soda are also used as disinfectants.

Organic synthetic disinfectants - the so-called quaternary ammonium compounds - have high antimicrobial activity in small doses. Their advantage over the existing antimicrobial agents is that they are readily soluble in water, odorless, tasteless, low-toxic to the human body, do not corrode metals, and do not irritate the skin of the personnel's hands. Among the domestic drugs in this group are cetozol and catamin-AB. The mechanism of action of this class of compounds on microorganisms is not yet entirely clear. Suggest they hurt cell wall bacteria, resulting in a sharp increase in cell permeability, denaturation of proteins, inactivation of enzyme systems and lysis (dissolution) of microorganisms.

Many gaseous substances (formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, ethylene oxide and p-propiolactone) have a strong bactericidal effect.

When using disinfectants to treat equipment, the following must be observed general rules: use them only after thorough mechanical cleaning of the equipment; disinfectant solutions must be freshly prepared; after disinfection, all treated equipment and communications are thoroughly rinsed until the disinfectant is completely * removed.

Drinking water, as well as industrial water is usually disinfected in a variety of ways - with the help of "strong oxidants (a large amount of water - chlorine, small amounts of chlorine compounds, iodine, heavy metal ions) , by ozonation, irradiation ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 200-295 nm, processing by gamma radiation, ultrasound.

For air disinfection, chlorine-containing preparations and triethylene glycol in the form of their evaporation or aerosols are most often used. These disinfectants reduce the total number of microorganisms in the air by more than 90%. Good results for air disinfection in production halls and cold rooms are obtained by ozonation and] ultraviolet irradiation. Periodic use of physical (ventilation, filtration) and chemical methods| disinfection, cleaning and disinfection of air and their combination with wet cleaning premises allows you to significantly reduce the bacterial contamination of the air in industrial and domestic premises.

The health of employees, the quality and safety of products and services provided depend on the sanitary condition of the enterprise. Disinfection of enterprises different types carried out by company employees or representatives of a specialized service. In Moscow and the Moscow region, such services are provided by SES.

Basic requirements for disinfection

The disinfection procedure includes the treatment of premises, inventory, furniture, dishes, clothes and open areas from viruses, mold fungi, bacteria, unpleasant odors and other harmful biological objects.

Offices, warehouses, industrial premises, retail outlets, food processing facilities and Catering disinfected in such ways as:

  • wiping;
  • irrigation;
  • aerosol and steam treatment;
  • immersion and others.

The enterprises practice several types of disinfection. Usually this is a prophylactic and focal treatment.

Prevention should be carried out regularly, within the time frame specified in the regulatory documents.

The type of disinfection is selected based on the type of enterprise. In each case, a work scheme is individually developed and implemented. The procedure consists of the following stages:

  • development of a disinfection scheme taking into account the specifics of the enterprise;
  • the choice of the drug and the methods of its introduction;
  • calculation of the amount of disinfectants;
  • processing of premises and open areas;
  • paperwork.

Disinfection at the facility is strictly regulated. A strict record of preparations for disinfecting premises and the timing of work is carried out. All data are recorded in the "Book for recording the receipt, consumption of disinfectants and disinfection treatments."

Disinfection of industrial premises

Disinfection industrial enterprises carried out with the use of disinfectants included in the List of drugs registered in the Russian Federation. Modern disinfectants allow one treatment to be dispensed with when identifying a focus of contamination.

The method of application is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the object and the complexity of biological pollution. For achievement maximum effect the properties of harmful microorganisms and the mode of use of the enterprise are taken into account.

The use of high-tech equipment supplying disinfectant solutions in the form of finely dispersed suspensions makes it possible active substances penetrate such hard-to-reach places like ventilation, communications, cracks.

Disinfection at catering establishments

Ongoing disinfection at catering establishments is carried out daily. The regime of the enterprise should provide for a sanitary day for the disinfecting treatment of premises, warehouses, equipment and inventory.

Employees who carry out disinfection in enterprises related to the preparation of food must undergo special training.

Only products that have a certificate of state registration and a certificate of conformity are suitable for processing. When choosing a specific drug, take into account:

  • antimicrobial action of the disinfectant;
  • the necessary concentration;
  • exposure time for the required degree of disinfection;
  • the degree of solubility of the agent in water;
  • the frequency of treatments and methods of application;
  • toxicity (class 4 agents are suitable);
  • influence on the condition of the treated surfaces.

Disinfection in the food industry

Disinfection at food enterprises is an important veterinary and sanitary and hygienic measure. Its task is to eliminate and prevent the spread of infections both inside enterprises and outside them. The difficulty lies in the need for a critical approach to the choice of funds. They must:

  • reliably disinfect;
  • do not give the products a foreign smell;
  • be able to use without stopping production.

Systematic disinfection of equipment at a food enterprise is a prerequisite safe work workshops and the enterprise as a whole.

It includes the decontamination of production containers, tanks, cutting and packaging equipment, containers for storing and transporting products.

Disinfection in the meat industry

All objects that come into contact with animals and products resulting from their slaughter are subject to processing. Disinfection at meat industry enterprises is systematic.

Forced disinfection is carried out when the source of infection is identified in the workplace. Usually these are sick animals or their carcasses.

A wide range of products are used for processing equipment, premises, and transport. This is bleach, sodium chloride or potassium, soda ash, copper sulfate, acids and formaldehydes.

At the end of the processing, an act is drawn up, which indicates:

  • the purpose of disinfection;
  • the name of the disinfectant and its concentration;
  • data on the object of disinfection;
  • the effectiveness of the work performed.

Disinfection in the dairy industry

If disinfection at meat processing plants is carried out using more aggressive processing agents, then for dairy dishes and utensils, agents that do not affect taste and smell are needed. finished product... Milk is sensitive to foreign substances.

The quality of dairy products directly depends on how well the disinfection is organized at the enterprises of the dairy industry.

Particular attention should be paid to raw material storage tanks, separators and other metal equipment... Steam disinfection shows good results. For this, powerful steam generators are used that remove milk residues and pathogenic bacteria.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service carries out a comprehensive disinfection of enterprises. Upon completion of the work, the customer receives a full package of documents.

Do you need the services of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Moscow?

Any food production enterprise is under strict supervision by Rospotrebnadzor. This service deals with issues of ensuring the safety of products for consumers.

Food production is regulated by various technical regulations and SanPiNami. Among other rules, they describe the norms and the required frequency of disinfection, disinsection and deratization at the enterprise.

Why is disinfection carried out in food production?

Pathogenic organisms enter production in various ways:

  • with raw materials;
  • on the hands of the staff;
  • with container;
  • with air streams from the environment;

Fungi, bacteria and other pathogens contribute to food deterioration quickly. The quality of the final product drops significantly. The result may be mass poisoning of the population.

Regular cleaning and disinfection of food processing equipment helps to avoid such situations. It is important that all activities are carried out in a comprehensive and professional manner.

Different types of disinfection in food production

  • Disinfection of hands in the food industry. The most important factor while observing sanitary safety at a food enterprise, it is human. Unfortunately, workers very often forget about the need to treat their hands with antiseptics and confine themselves to washing. But soap does not kill 100% of bacteria and germs. How to disinfect hands at work? It is best to use special professional solutions. They are used instead of water when washing hands, so it is impossible to forget about them.
  • Processing of containers and raw materials. It is done using professional equipment in the absence of people. Disinfection of raw materials and containers is carried out at the warehouse, upon receipt, or directly during transportation, in transport containers. The purpose of this treatment is to minimize the contamination of the surfaces with which the products come into contact, as well as the raw materials.
  • Disinfection of refrigerating chambers in the food industry. Refrigerator sanitization - essential condition for any food production. In this case, specialized drugs and equipment are used.

Order disinfection in food production from Clean-Profi

Clean-Profi specialists work in strict accordance with the norms of SanPiN We carry out both emergency and planned disinfection measures for a food company.

Among our advantages:

  • Using only branded drugs made in Italy and Germany. They cannot be bought at retail, in regular store... But they show an efficiency that is ten times higher than that of disinfectants for food production from Georgia and other countries of the Near Abroad.
  • The use of expensive professional equipment. Modern generators allow to process refrigerating chambers as high quality as possible - they form the smallest particles of the agent that penetrate into the most inaccessible places and destroy all pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Experience and qualifications of employees. Each of our specialists has undergone appropriate training and has been working in the field of disinfection services for several years.

Before processing, we take washings and air samples at the enterprise. In laboratory conditions, our specialists identify the degree of infection and the types of bacteria that must be dealt with.

! All our drugs are absolutely harmless to human health.

Prices for disinfection of food production

Hot fog

Cold fog

Disinfection of vehicles (livestock trucks, refrigerators, etc.)

Professional disinfection of food production from Clean-Profi specialists will allow you to ensure 100% quality of your products for consumers! Call us

Disinfection, deratization, disinsection of warehouse and industrial premises with a quality guarantee, safe, effective methods


We draw up contracts on individual terms at favorable prices:

- deratization of the warehouse

- disinfestation of a warehouse

- disinfection of the warehouse

Disinfection of warehouses, industrial workshops, trade hangars, catering facilities is an urgent and necessary procedure. Think of films about "alien horror", usually their action takes place in some kind of warehouse. The director's fantasy is not far from reality. Monsters live in the warehouse, more terrible than those invented in films. These are bacteria, mold, fungus, and to them add rodents, insects and unpleasant odors, you get an unpleasant picture.

The processing of warehouses from pests by SanMariDes is carried out according to a comprehensive plan. Only in our company, a manager's call to assess the scope of work, the preparation of sanitization stages is free of charge, and a preferential rate is provided for new clients.

Why SanMariDes is trusted to disinfect premises

The company SanMaridez in the staffing list includes specialists with a sanitary and hygienic education. Experience and knowledge will help the manager to draw up a clear, effective and minimally safe disinfection plan:

  • Conduct an initial assessment of the situation in the warehouse, carry out a full audit of the sanitary situation.
  • Draw up an individual plan of disinfection measures, taking into account the purpose of the premises.
  • Carry out high-quality disinfection of the warehouse facility.
  • Issue an act on the disinfection performed, with a guarantee for the entire volume of work performed.

Methods for the destruction of rodents, mold, fungus, unpleasant odors in the warehouse are developed taking into account the specifics of the premises. The use of modern methods guarantees the safety of the drugs used, the effectiveness of their impact on pests, and the safety of products at the facility. In complex works we use cold and hot fog generators.



One-time processing

Once a quarter

Once a month

0 to 100 sq m

From 100 to 200 sq m

200 to 300 sq m

From 300 to 400 sq m

400 to 500 sq m

From 500 to 600 sq m

600 to 700 sq m

700 to 800 sq m

800 to 900 sq m

900 to 1000 sq m

From 1000 to 1200 sq m

1200 to 1400 sq m

From 1400 to 1600 sq m

1600 to 1800 sq m

From 1800 to 2000 sq m

2200 to 2400 sq m

Objects with an area of ​​more than 2500 sq m - negotiable price



One-time processing

Once a quarter

Once a month

Up to 100 sq m

From 100 to 200 sq m

200 to 300 sq m

From 300 to 400 sq m

400 to 500 sq m

From 500 to 600 sq m

600 to 900 sq m

1000 to 1500 sq m

1600 to 2000 sq m

From 2100 to 2500 sq m