Presentation “What is water? Let's study physics with your child! What does water give us?

Raising children is an extremely complex and responsible matter, and among other things, we need to tell them why it is so important to save the resources they consume, especially water. The sooner you do this, the better. To help you - fun experiments and games with water that will bring joy and pleasure to your child.

For the little ones. From the first months of life, children are surrounded by a variety of toys, some of which are used in the bathroom. For example, yellow rubber ducks are your child’s irreplaceable friends during evening water treatments. Bathing fun helps develop creative thinking, calm, teach. The baby gradually becomes familiar with the properties of water, and devices such as the “Magic Faucet” can help him with this. Water comes into it from an already filled bath, so not a single extra drop will be spent on interesting experiments in pouring into molds.

To minimize your family's so-called environmental footprint, buy toys with eco-labels that guarantee production and product safety control. The next criterion for the environmental friendliness of a toy is maximum term service and recyclability. It is important what the toy is made of. The production of all types of plastics and artificial materials requires enormous amounts of water. For example, to make a liter plastic bottle, as much as 7 liters of precious moisture are consumed! Therefore, the most “eco-friendly” toys are made of wood, natural rubber, flax, wool, and cotton.

By the way, there are also eco-friendly alternatives to specific toys that modern children no longer want to do without, for example, wooden construction sets like Lego. They are more pleasant to the touch and hypoallergenic. By the way, Lego itself is thinking about how to reduce its Negative influence on environment. This year the brand invested $1 million in the development of a new, more environmentally friendly material for the production of parts.

For older guys. Of course, we need to explain to children why and how to save water, but clear example much more effective than words. For example, to show how much water is wasted when brushing your teeth, place a bucket under an open tap. Then the child will see for himself that in one and a half minutes up to 10 liters flow into the sewer. Teach your daughter or son not only to turn off the water on time, but also to use a glass to rinse your mouth. This container can be any color or shape - try to choose something more cheerful.

Play detective with your children: try to find leaks in the bathroom with them. To find out if it's leaking cistern toilet bowl, add food coloring to the water. Tell us why you need to monitor the condition of your plumbing.

Also try to minimize your consumption of things. Give dolls, cars, blocks that no one else plays with, and old clothes to friends, shelters, and second-hand stores. Explain that if this is not done, plastic dolls, molds and other toys will turn into dangerous garbage that pollutes water bodies.

Don't think that aquarium fish or turtles are useless creatures on the farm, as the heroine of the cartoon about Prostokvashino would put it. Firstly, for a child, any pet is akin to a magical friend who understands everything. And secondly, with the help of an aquarium, children can be taught to take care of nature, keep it clean, and also clearly demonstrate the cycle of substances in nature and the work of biological mechanisms, because the remains of the vital activity of fish are eaten by snails.

To show how important water is in our lives, you can set up a mini-farm at home with a system for growing greens - on a hydroponic basis (without using land) or traditional method. By the way, there is a device on sale called Aqua Farm, which combines aquaculture (growing fish in tanks) and hydroponics. The fish supplies the plants with fertilizers, which purify the water.

Using available means, you can explain that water is not only a means of quenching thirst and for hygiene. For example, a water bottle can be used to make a light bulb in a hut or tent. This is exactly what people in poor countries who need electricity want.

For schoolchildren. Nowadays, you can learn about caring for nature using computers and applications. Keep track of what programs your children watch, what books they flip through, what they download from the Internet, and offer to try new things. There are also activities for the whole family, such as the one invented in St. Petersburg board game EcoLogic is a kind of “Monopoly”, but with an environmental overtone: winning in it is expected only in the case of the correct balance, which must be constantly monitored. Thus, the very principle of the game proves that preserving the environment is beneficial for everyone, primarily for ourselves.

In many schools, students are taught about ecology and water conservation, but such lessons are better complemented with interactivity and vivid impressions. In St. Petersburg, you should definitely take your child to where they are expected entertaining experiments with water, a story about the inhabitants of the Baltic Sea, quizzes and educational films. And also, watch together animated videos that tell you everything you need to know about water in nature and in everyday life.

The majority of the world's population still does not attach special significance and does not pay due attention to the availability, quality and quantity of water in our lives. For those lucky enough to live in dry areas, water is of little value, but scientists are very concerned about the condition on Earth. And every day new ones are revealed Interesting Facts about water.

Water in numbers

  • Now water occupies 70% of the planet's surface, of which only 1% is suitable for human consumption. From all over the world water resources- this is only 3%, of which only 1.5% is accessible to humans.
  • Almost half of all water, namely 46%, is in Pacific Ocean, on Atlantic Ocean accounts for 23.9% of water, Indian Ocean went to 20.3%, and the Arctic - 3.7%.
  • The temperature at which it freezes is 1.91 degrees Celsius.
  • There are 8 septillion molecules in one glass of water!
  • There are about 1,330 natural types of water on our planet. They are classified according to their method of origin (melt, soil, rain) and composition.

  • A person needs about two liters of water per day. Water promotes weight loss: by drinking more than two liters, we enable the body to quickly cleanse itself of toxins. Water dulls hunger well, drunk on an empty stomach or before meals.
  • People drinking required amount drinking water are less likely to have a heart attack every day than those who drink little pure water.
  • A person can live only six days without water.
  • The body of an adult consists of 70% water, a child - 80%, a fetus at the age of five months is generally 94%!
  • During his life, a person drinks approximately thirty-five tons of water. And thirty-three liters of water can be boiled with the energy of the human body released per day.

Conditions of water

Still available to us interesting information about water and its states.

  • Scientists have found five states of liquid water and fourteen states of solid water.
  • Cold water freezes to ice slower than hot water, a schoolboy proved this.
  • Ice is denser than liquid water, so it floats on its surface.
  • The largest reserves of ice on Earth are located on the polar ice caps.
  • IN sea ​​water contains protein and many other nutrients.
  • Jellyfish are 99% water, and watermelon are 93%.
  • the world's oceans are three degrees higher than the temperature of the nearest layer of air.
  • There is water in Azerbaijan that can burn due to large quantity methane in the composition.
  • In South Africa, the water flowing from the taps is edible without purification - the third purest in the world, and the first place is occupied by the water of Finland.
  • Lake in Antarctica eleven times saltier than the sea and freezes only at -50 o C.
  • March 22 is World Water Day.

In order to preserve our vital supplies of water on the planet for as long as possible, first of all, we should treat it carefully and economically ourselves and teach our children to do the same. The child must be interested in any issue. Have conversations with your child in which you tell him interesting facts about water according to his age. All children are maximalists, so information starting with the words “the most, the most” will definitely arouse interest and be remembered!

  • The largest raindrop measured 9.4 centimeters! Such drops fell on the United States.
  • The longest continuous rain fell in India for almost two years!
  • The largest hailstone weighed one kilogram and two grams! It fell in Bangladesh.
  • The thickness of the cloud in the sky can be greater; its thickness can reach sixteen kilometers!
  • An iceberg can take as long as ten years to melt.

These are not all the interesting facts about water, especially since there are more of them every day. Search, find out, make discoveries yourself to make the world a better and more interesting place!

Purpose of the conversation:, about the difficulties of its extraction, about the need to conserve water, to clarify children’s knowledge about the profession of a plumber, about the necessary tools for caring for water taps. Foster a respectful attitude towards the plumbing profession.

IN. We talked about water and how it helps heat apartments. What else is water needed for? (Children's answers.) Guys, water is needed not only by humans, but also by animals, birds, fish, and plants. Without water, factories cannot operate and produce necessary for people products. Where there is no water or not enough water, it is transported in special vehicles. Water enters factories through pipes.

And the used water is collected in special purification stations, and from there it again makes the difficult journey to people. There is never too much water, so you need to save it.

IN group room A plumber comes in and greets the children, enters into a dialogue with them, shows them his tools and tells them what they are for.

IN. Water doesn't just come from the tap. Now I will tell you riddles and you can find out how water appears.

There are no wings, but it flies,

No legs, but running

Not in the water, but with the water

Guess what it is?

Over the mountains, over the fields

They cry bitter tears,

But our garden

Lots and lots of tears await them.

IN. In villages and dachas, the garden is watered, especially when the summer is dry, sunny, without rain. What can happen to plants when there is no rain? (Children's answers.) Yes, without water, plants may dry out, and people will not be able to reap a rich harvest.

Many peasants are very careful with water; when it rains, they collect it in large barrels. The barrels are placed under the roof and water from the roofs flows into the barrels. And when there is no rain, and the plants ask for a drink, then flowers, vegetables and garden trees. This is also one of the ways to save water; a person does not take water from the tap, but collects it little by little.

When winter comes, what do the raindrops turn into? (Into the snow.) Snow, guys, is also water and it can and should be used for a good purpose. Machines that collect snow from roads and streets, take it outside the city and pour it onto the fields. There is a lot of snow and it is not easy to collect it; both machines and people work for this.

Often the snow is collected in large snowdrifts and then, after a while, taken away. In the fields, snow warms the sprouts of plants that appear under the snow. And in the spring the snow melts and turns into water, which runs into rivers and lakes. Along the edges of rivers, people plant trees, which with their shade protect the water from evaporation and drying out.

Let's play game "Who is faster?"

Two teams will collect snow (small pieces of paper) and carry it to the truck. Let's see whose team will collect more snow. (The game is played 3-4 times.)

E. Arkhipova conducted a conversation with children about water

Well, who said that physics is just science! This is, first of all, magic, which so attracts all children without exception. After all, so many amazing things happen around us, and on the one hand these are the laws of physics, and on the other - some magic. The funniest thing and the closest thing to us is the study of water and its properties. It is only at first glance that nothing special happens to water, but for a child all the amazing transformations of water into steam or ice are something truly extraordinary. Then why not get to know the water better?

First, you should study the simplest properties of water. To do this, you need to pour water into a glass and let the child smell it, taste it and just look at it. Then, you can dream up. Let the child try to explain on his own, without the help of his parents, what “Water” is. But in the process of the story, he will understand that water is a liquid, moreover, it is transparent, without color, smell and taste. Moreover, water is the main source of life on earth.

The child should be explained that water is first and foremost a liquid. A simple experiment can be done that will prove that water can flow, especially if there are no obstacles in its path. You can also pour water into different containers, thereby the child will understand that water does not have its own shape.
How to explain to a child that water is clear? To do this, you need to take two glass glasses, pour water into one and water into the other. Then throw a bead into each glass and explain to the baby that in a glass of water the bead is visible, but in a glass of milk it is not.

Water has no odor, and this can be proven experimentally to your baby. It is necessary to pour different liquids into small glasses: juice, tea, milk, and, of course, water. Blindfold the child and give him the opportunity to try each proposed “sample”. The child will understand that juice is sour, tea is sweet, but what about water? Does water have taste? Let the child answer this question himself.

To make sure that the water has no odor, you can also conduct a small experiment. To do this, you need to take liquids of different smells: juice, lemonade, fruit tea. Let your baby identify the smell of each drink and also try to find which cup contains water.

It is necessary to explain that water is a simple liquid into which any substance can be added and dissolved. The child should be offered to dissolve something in water, for example, salt, sugar, cereal or beads, so the child will understand what can be dissolved in water and what cannot.
Water is a very unique substance, and while playing, you can show your child which objects sink and which remain on the surface. Plastic cubes, pebbles, pieces of paper, etc. are suitable for this experiment. Let the child put all the objects into the water and see whether they sink or not.

You can surprise a little by molding a ball out of plasticine and dropping it into the water. Of course, the plasticine ball will sink, and the child will conclude that plasticine is not a buoyant material. What if you make a boat from the same plasticine? It’s an amazing thing - the lump of plasticine sank, but the boat did not. Why is this happening? You should explain to your baby that the more water is displaced by an object during a dive, the more force the object is pushed upward. Using this example, we can prove that the buoyancy of objects most often depends on their shape.

Water tricks

"Diving Raisin"

Pour water into a jar, add 2 tsp. soda and 2 tsp. vinegar, stir slowly. Then you should put the raisins in the water and watch them. The raisins will immediately sink to the bottom of the jar, and then begin to rise up and fall back to the bottom of the jar. This “dance” is very funny to watch, especially for a child.

"Disappearing Water"

For this trick you will need two absolutely identical glasses. They should be filled with water to the same level and marked with a felt-tip pen. Cover one of the glasses with a lid and leave the other open. Place the glasses in a warm place. The next day, the water level in the open glass will be less than in the closed one. The fact is that in an open glass the water evaporated due to heat, but in a closed glass it remained almost unchanged. As water evaporates, it turns into invisible tiny particles of steam that evaporate.

"Magic drops"

How to make water not disappear, but rather appear? To do this trick, you need to take a dry glass and put it in for half an hour. Then, having pulled it out, you can invite the baby to run his finger along the walls of the glass. The result is that his fingers will become wet. What is this? The glass just fogged up and droplets of water appeared on its walls. This happened due to the fact that the walls of the glass cooled in the freezer and began to cool the surrounding air. In the cold, water vapor from the air began to turn into droplets of water and, accordingly, settled on the walls of the glass. For the same reason, it rains, fog and thunderstorms appear.

Of course, after such fun and amusing experiences, you will learn not only with joy, but also with pleasure.

Start a conversation with your child from afar. Like, water is a natural liquid that gives life to all living things. We all exist only due to water. It makes up at least 60% of the human body and covers 2/3 of the globe. The body can live no more than three days without water. In general, water is very important. Properties of water: it can be in liquid, gaseous and solid states. Today we are exploring the properties of water in its most common state - liquid. By the way, a child over 5 years old can carry out this experience independently from start to finish. Those who are younger will need their mother's help to initial stage. But all the same, the laurels of the discoverer will, of course, go to the baby, regardless of age. So, what do we need: a plastic cup, water, white paper napkin, colored markers, scissors.

Experience for children

1. Pour water into a glass - about 1/3 full. We cut a strip from a napkin approximately 10–12 cm long and 2–3 cm wide. We will work with it further.

2. We apply multi-colored wide strokes on a strip of paper in a row, close to each other - red, orange, blue, green, yellow... You can do it in any order, of course.

3. Lower the paper strip into the glass so that it slightly touches the surface of the water.

4. Water will immediately begin to rise up the napkin, wetting it. And a rainbow trail will begin to spread upward along the strip, as if stretching. Very beautiful!

Explanation of the experiment for children

First, wetting of the paper occurs - the phenomenon of interaction of liquid with the surface solid. The attraction between water molecules is weaker than their attraction towards solid molecules. The liquid tends to increase the contact area and ultimately presses against the surface of a solid body (in this case paper), spreading over it. The napkin has a porous structure and consists mainly of cellulose, which, in turn, has a fibrous structure. Thus, it is not difficult for water to find capillary paths (like in plants) to move upward.