Cool comic medical scene for an anniversary. Costume comic congratulations

Leading: Dear guests! Today you are all about big connections, you will undergo a medical examination completely free of charge. You will be examined by the most highly qualified doctor, whose appointment must be made several months in advance.
A doctor comes in wearing a robe and cap.

Doctor: Hello, guests! Please prepare your hearts for a medical examination.
(Approaches everyone, listening to the heart with a phonendoscope) speaks:
1.Completely healthy.
2. Let me hear what’s in your heart?

Diagnosis: mild crush!
3.What is your heart singing about? Can I listen?
So, the diagnosis is clear - that means 100 grams of vodka every half hour for tonight. By the end of the anniversary, the wound will heal itself.
4. Young man, say A-A-A.
Enough. We write: confuses day with night. It’s okay, half of our population lives quietly with such a diagnosis.
5. But, dear, what will you please us with?

All clear. She is sleeping!
6. And you, father, why are you so sad?
Write. Depression.
8 Who are you, can I listen?

Heightened self-esteem. There's nothing you can do about it.
9. Well, your heart will definitely introduce you to us, who are you, what is your last name?

Persecution mania...
10. You sigh throughout the entire medical examination. Have you eaten anything today, how do you generally eat?
11. Here is your heart, it seems that it’s about to jump out from an overabundance of feelings. Is there something you really want to say?

Well done.
12 Your heart, it seems to me, is worried about the gifts that you gave to the hero of the day today?

It’s better to listen to the heart, it will tell the truth.

(approaches the hero of the day)
Tell me, when the anniversary is over, everyone will go home and you will be alone in the evening, what words will you say to your wife that are in your heart.

Can we listen too?

So, I checked all the guests, the diagnosis for everyone is clear:
1 Chronic jubilism.
2 Bottleism
3 Tanzelite
4 Overeating
5 Peretostitis
6 Acute drunkenness
7 Hangover syndrome
8 Acute drink deficiency

I urgently prescribe a potion for everyone: White, Red, Dry!
Our dear hero of the day also underwent a medical examination!
Our council of relatives and friends who came to the anniversary.
Having examined the hero of the day: ear, throat, nose, liver, heart, kidney, spleen.
Taking the depth of the convolutions and the length of the intestine,
The conclusion was that our hero of the day is young.
The cardiogram says, the heart beats without a flaw.
According to a blood test, he is fit for fiery love.
And like urine like a piece of glass, it doesn’t hit your head
Yes, and on the lower floor, when viewed in the lower floor,
Everything is in order, everything is in order, only there are calluses on the heel,
Well, it doesn’t matter, he always runs a lot.

There are no unnecessary wrinkles on the face, sharp eyesight and excellent hearing.
The brain and digestion are normal, only the reproductive channel is blocked,

It doesn’t matter either, he always wants sex.
And he can physically work until he sweats.
We conclude that he does not need treatment.
Is it just to relax and with the guests a little bit,
For a healthy person, take 100, 125 grams!

Our dear hero of the day, we present to you medal" In a healthy body healthy mind "

We give you honor and glory,
Let life warm you with kindness,
After all, you are the owner by right
The rewards are so high!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DEAR____________________!

The tables are covered with white cloth up to the floor, and there are flower vases on them. Upon entering the hall, each guest is given lottery tickets. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. There is pleasant music in the hall.

Our deepest bow to you.

To present certificates of honor and valuable prizes to honored medical workers, you are invited to (full name).

The presentation is performed to the accompaniment of solemn music. After the presentation, a girl enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers. She performs “Song about the Doctor” by Alena Sviridova, during the performance, she comes to each table and gives a flower, which she places in a vase.

Winter or summer, spring or autumn,

Diseases come, they won’t ask us,

On guard of health, always on the alert,

They are always on duty

They pass our pain through themselves,

They always help us in trouble,

From everyone who has been in hospital wards,

Thank you, people in white coats.

(Scene “At a doctor’s appointment”, with the participation of three people. The doctor is sitting at the table, the patient comes in.)

Hello, Doctor!

(The patient lies down, the doctor examines him.)

What are you complaining about, young man?

My heart hurts, my blood pressure jumps, my eyes burn and my head feels dizzy.

Yes, yes, yes, speak your heart.

Yes, doctor.

(The doctor listens to the patient with a stethoscope.)

Your eyes are burning, your head is spinning!

Yes, doctor.

(The doctor takes out a photograph beautiful girl and brings it to the patient’s face.)

Is it easier?

Oh yes, doctor, it's much easier this way.

Get dressed, you're in love. It’s not fatal, but if it doesn’t go away in two months, you’ll have to live with it for the rest of your life.

(The patient leaves, another appears.)

Hello, come in, undress, lie down.

Yes, I am, this is the doctor, here...

(Hands out papers.)

I told you, quickly undress, lie down, we’ll sort it out now.

(The patient undresses and lies down.)

Well, well, well, what are we complaining about?

For a salary.

(The doctor listens to him.)

Interesting symptoms, you don’t seem to be experiencing any exhaustion. Sore throat?

Only after a cold beer.


Only after vodka.

It seems to me that you are healthy, maybe you are a malingerer, my friend?

No, doctor, I’m not a malingerer, I’m a loader, sign the papers and tell me where to pour the coal.

Everyone here received lottery tickets upon entering. And so, not sparing smiles, we begin the lottery.

The lottery is carried out with the help of those present. The host approaches each table and asks them to pull out a ball and read out the number. Prizes can be pillows with hearts, chewing gum in the shape of jaws, vodka as a medicinal tincture, chocolate - the hormone of joy, lemon - vitamin C, and much more. You can come up with a little joke for each prize.

Quiet hour is coming

Everyone is in their rooms,

Spring is just outside the window,

A riot of aromas,

Breaking the silence

In a white robe,

Young nurse

Spun in a waltz.

Easy to communicate, simple,

But also with cheerful mischief,

Strives to do everything wisely

And an optimist despite everything!

The younger sister congratulates the hero of the day -

Cosmic energy it:

Charming, determined, smart.

With a warm heart and computer calculations.

Words are provided

The EEC is the strength and pride of the city, the region, the entire Republic - this is an example of the highest labor enthusiasm and working honor, this is a huge contribution to the strengthening of our state, this wonderful people and unique specialists.

The social sphere of any enterprise is one of the most important links. But when a talented, experienced leader is at the helm, such a link does not fail. And now the floor is given

One psychologist conducted a survey among schoolchildren: “Which of the three musketeers would they choose as their friends first?”

The fifth graders answered: “D Artagnan!” It’s clear: they need a cheerful and lively companion for fights and adventures.

The ninth graders answered: “Aramis.” From this it is clear: interest in the opposite sex has awakened in young hearts. And they need Aramis as an adviser in their first experiences of love.

Alumni would prefer Athos. Wise and disappointed, they would like to communicate with a creature equal to them in intelligence and contempt for life.

Friends, colleagues

PRP has a long labor history,

PRP workers say this about themselves:

Let's move forward under the banner of the EEC

We keep the quality of work high

Specialists from any workshop

They know their work inside and out.

The floor is given

It's good to have one loved one, to whom you can pour out your soul at any time, tell about happy events and about adversity, when you are right or wrong, he will still support and understand. Such a person is most often called an outlet; such a person exists in the life of Vladimir V..

Participative, caring,

He will always console and understand...

This is a real outlet

During life's adversity!

Let it be for spiritual participation,

For your sensitive help in everything,

For your kindness and affection

Fate will reward you with goodness a hundredfold!

A medal for a sympathetic heart is awarded to a cousin

The path to yourself is always a path of trial and error, long-awaited and unexpected victories, it is a road through thorns, which is called life!

The fate of a person... How different and unique it is for everyone...

And wherever it takes us. It so happened that a young, energetic, promising person decided to leave for the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

The phonogram of the song “BAM” plays

Life is like a long highway,

Life is like a long road of new buildings.

Once upon a time you started your journey from BAM

He treated, helped, worked with his soul.

Your friends are still next to you,

A little whiskey turned silver,

Oh, how I miss that crazy life,

They created easily, they created easily!

Life is good when you have five things in your home: health, peace, tranquility, prosperity and a true friend nearby.

You... have the floor.

Longtime friends, colleagues, relaxing in nature, fishing.

Fishing is a hobby, a sport, and a recreation. Fishermen are renowned storytellers, inveterate debaters and thoughtful philosophers. After all, so many wonderful thoughts come to mind when you sit with a fishing rod over a quiet river.

Vladimir Vasilyevich, shall we go fishing?!

Let's dry the fish, drink beer,

And in the most ordinary intimate conversation

Let's have a good time.

The floor is given

The Latin proverb says: “Test your friends, love those who are tried!” Georgy Khasonovich’s friendship with the hero of the day began in the early days of his medical career and went through many trials. Maybe this is how true male friendship is born! The floor is given

It often happens to be cheerful and joyful,

But she doesn’t throw words to the wind:

He is a faithful comrade and a devoted friend,

It will support you at work and brighten up your leisure time!

Dear... the floor is yours.

Your glorious holiday anniversary,

Gathered relatives, colleagues, friends,

The toast must now be made

We will ask him to say

Responsive and understanding friends

Spouses…..over to you!

So, your birthday has come,

Not just a day, but an anniversary.

Please accept our congratulations

From all employees and friends!

We wish you a golden mood,

In work - success, long years,

And let sorrows pass by,

Fate protects you from all troubles.

Dear ....the floor is yours.

White robe and strong arms,

Always skillful, prompt,

In the fight against diseases, you are selfless,

And there is no more useful calling than this.

Dear...the floor is given to you.


from Valentina Tolkunova

How I want to be at the anniversary,

My heart is crying so much!

I really want to sing for Sergei,

I can't do otherwise!

But I couldn’t buy a ticket,

The bicycle is not inflated,

I decided to send a telegram,

I can't do otherwise!

How poets would congratulate the birthday boy these days:

On your birthday I wish you:

Let them be in life again and again,

And deity and inspiration,

Delight, and money, and love!

Alexander Pushkin

In what year - calculate

Guess which cafe?

In an elegant bright room,

40 people came together.

Wine was put on the table,

Sergei was unanimously praised,

We wished him well

And live your life in happiness!

Nikolay Nekrasov

And if in thought

Bring your eyebrows together anyway

I wish you the same from the bottom of my heart!

Vladimir Mayakovsky


Who knows about everyone in Loka

And for everything he suffers with his soul?

Strict, handsome, stern, smart.

Did you guess it? Who is he?

We wish you creative growth,

May your work only bring you joy,

May luck be a frequent guest,

May your colleagues always honor you!

Work colleague, Hippocratic oath

Our hero of the day and Alexander Sergeevich are connected neither by vendetta nor by family ties, but by the ties of a great oath - the Hippocratic Oath! They placed their labor and humanity on the altar of healing.

“A good farmer will make poor land fertile,” said the ancient Romans. Our hero of the day, with his work and optimism, skillfully leads a large and friendly team, and in this he is helped by his right hand– executive, punctual, reliable assistant in the work of the deputy. beginning shop floor, right hand, efficient, punctual, reliable assistant in work.

10 years in conjunction with a team is not enough,

Overcame obstacles on the way,

Your knowledge has always helped,

Colleagues should take the right course.

Experience, long ago combined with skill,

To introduce new trends into business,

You had time, didn’t get tired,

IN as soon as possible carry out the order.

Come on, let's drink to the bottom,

For all worthy achievements,

for his enormous contribution to the Health department,

For the hero of the day, for his works,

For the conquered peak and the anniversary year.

The floor is given to the star of dentistry!

Many people remember her with kind words!

For being so skillful, without error,

…. brings smiles back to energy workers!

For the shine of teeth, their strong, slender row,

All patients thank her!

So, …. over to you.


Scenario for a medical worker's day - holiday scenarios from


Oh, you guests - gentlemen!

Have you gathered here?

Congratulations to everyone from the medic

And glorify your deeds!

Your hospital town -

He is neither low nor high.

Good people live there

And it brings health to everyone.

Dr. Aibolit

He keeps order here.

They work here with their souls -

Anyone in the city knows.

I offer you a riddle:

Who knows about everything in the hospital

And he suffers for everything with his soul?

Strict, handsome, stern, smart.

Did you guess it? Who is he?


That's right, this is the chief doctor of the hospital and I am pleased to give him the floor.

(Speech by the head physician)


A doctor accompanies a person throughout his life: from the first child’s cry to the last quiet breath. And he will be very lucky whose parents endowed him with enviable health, but this does not always happen. And here you, dear doctors, come to the rescue! I offer to fill your glasses and drink for you! Here’s to your health, luck, success and simple human happiness!


So, a person is born, and who meets him on the threshold of a big and complex life? Yes, our doctors are gynecologists, midwives and maternity ward nurses.

Song for the gynecological department (to the tune of “Our Neighbor”):

Make a woman beautiful

And healthy you should.

For this important purpose

Gynecologists are needed!

Help to appear

To the kids in the world,

To you from everyone, from everyone for this -

And hi!

(All songs are performed by pre-prepared participants of the holiday.)


The little man is growing up, his mother brings him to an appointment at the children's clinic, where he receives one of the first documents - a medical history, and the local pediatrician and a nurse become one of the family members.

Song for the children's department (to the tune of "Top - Top"):

Stomp-stomp, baby stomps,

You're rushing to the hospital with your mom,

They will get a vaccination and an injection,

So that you can get better.

Top top, don't be afraid of them:

All in white and kindly robes,

There is nothing better and kinder in the world

Children's clinic doctors!

Top-top, top-top, very difficult,

Top-top, top-top, first steps.


Along with the acquisition of life experience, a person acquires various diseases. And he goes with them to the beautiful clinic building. Here, at his leisure, he can walk on all floors and in each office they will receive him, listen to him, and give him good advice and a recipe.

Song for the clinic (to the tune of "Aty - Baty, the soldiers were coming"):

If your teeth hurt or your chest feels hot,

Go to the clinic quickly, dear friend!

Here they will greet you with a smile, they will be able to treat you,

And, of course, you can get sick leave!

Here are x-rays and cardiograms.

And mothers bring their children here.

Any doctor here can see you.

And you can get everything tested here!

Presenter: In the same building there is a service, without which not a single medical worker, no matter how capable and talented he may be, can live. Can you guess who I'm talking about? Yes, this is your dear accounting department!

Everything is in your hands.

Finance is power!

You are our almighty king and god!

Life without money seems hateful

If the chief accountant didn’t help!


We wish hospital accountants to contact doctors as rarely as possible, and medical workers to meet with them as often as possible!

Song for accounting (to the tune of "A Stream Flows"):

It's gone, it's time to pay,

After all, we won’t be able to live long without a salary.

Everyone in our accounting department is beautiful.

Let's get the money and we're happy!

We say "thank you" to you,

Thank you for you.

Such an accountant is simply a treasure!

Everyone is happy to say “thank you”!


If a person’s blood pressure has risen, his heart is acting up, his cough does not go away for a long time, he can be firmly confident that he will definitely talk to the staff of the therapeutic department for some time.

Song for the therapeutic department (to the tune of "Little Red Riding Hood's Song"):

If it's long - long - long,

If the cough does not go away,

If it gets hard for you,

Stomp, ride and run,

Perhaps, then of course,

That's probably true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

You should go to therapy!

Ahh, you'll get a lot of injections here!

Ahh, there are still a hundred procedures in reserve!

Ah, there are doctors and nurses here,

Ahh, all habits heal,

Ahh, don’t come here to them!

Ahh, don’t come here to them!


And if you ate something of poor quality or suddenly fell ill with some unknown disease, then, of course, you are eagerly awaited in the infectious diseases department.

Song for the infectious diseases department (to the tune of “Tick-tock, walkers”):

Why have you eaten too much again?

Why did you get so sick?

To ease the suffering,

Needs rinsing!

Tick-tock, little steps, the years fly by,

And in terms of infection, everything is fine with you - just great!


People end up in this department completely unexpectedly and unexpectedly. And it is in this department that the sickest patients are the most severe, requiring great care from doctors and nurses. Which department am I talking about? Yes, this is a surgical department.

Song for the surgical department (to the tune of "Call me with you"):

Once again they are bringing us a patient in an ambulance -

Work again!

In the operating room the seconds are running,

Care for everyone!

Can we take trouble away from people again?

Can we save you from death?

Bring happiness to the sick?!

Call me to your place, I will come day and night,

I will always help you, even if you don’t want to.

I will ease your suffering, you will fall asleep and forget everything,

I want to help you, I want to help all people!

Just know it!!!


We cannot remain silent and not say warm words of gratitude to our bosses or, as it is now fashionable to say, sponsors!

Song for chefs (to the tune of “Tell me what you need”):

And in our hospital it’s both light and cozy,

But don’t bother us with the repairs!

True, our bosses are golden guys.

And they always give us whatever you want!

I’m walking through the depot, the boss meets me:

"Here you go again, darling!

Make me a list of what I need, what I need,

I still won’t give you what you want!”

Our editors will never offend us either,

He will give you as many consultations as you want!

And he knows and sees all our problems,

But you can’t take money from him!

He says: “I can’t, life has changed dramatically,

I would be glad, but you can’t trample on a bubble!”

You, our dear ruler, help in any way you can,

We are whatever you want, whatever you want!

But we hope that our life will become better.

Yes, for a thousand rubles, not for a penny!

Our bosses will call and say:

"Come and take whatever you want!"


I propose to drink to our friends, to our dear sponsors, because it is very difficult to live without friends!


And now I ask everyone to come to the table.

(Feast, games, dancing.)

Anniversary celebration script!

Anniversary! / Script for the hero of the day

(author - admin81, added - 04/15/2013, 19:42) Presenter. Good afternoon, dear guests! According to the good old tradition, we have gathered here today to celebrate the anniversary of ________ in a solemn, festive atmosphere!

Everyone greets the hero of the occasion, who sits at the head of the table.

Anniversary! / Script for the hero of the day

(author - admin81, added - 04/15/2013, 19:38) The leader at the table traditionally offers to say the first congratulations for the hero of the day to his parents, relatives or friends. To please the hero of the day with something unusual, original congratulations, you can hold an auction for all guests immediately after the first toasts.

Anniversary!, / Congratulations-a joke for the hero of the day

(author - admin81, added - 04/15/2013, 19:36)

Props: 3 sundresses, 3 scarves, 3 brooms (brooms are better), 1 accordion (you can take a toy one or make it out of cardboard and paper). The most active, cheerful men are selected from the guests, dressed in sundresses, given props and the text of ditties written on postcards. It is advisable to conduct a rehearsal before the performance itself. Then the host of the anniversary asks the hero of the day to accept congratulations from the fabulous, mysterious old ladies and invites three Grandmothers Hedgehogs into the room.

Anniversary! / Anniversary script for a young man “Soulful Anniversary”

(author - admin81, added - 01/27/2013, 16:22) To prepare the Anniversary according to this scenario, the presenter will need: small chips (stars or circles), a medal " Best friend evenings" (made of hard cardboard or the like), small prizes, a hardcover notebook, Balloons(20-30 pcs), markers or felt-tip pens, pens (3-5 pcs), A4 sheets, a special TICKET according to the proposed template.

Anniversary! / Scenario for the anniversary “And life flows like a stormy river!”

(author - admin81, added - 01/27/2013, 16:20)

The scenario is designed for the ceremonial part of the anniversary. The text of the script allows you to restore the chronology of the life of the anniversary. On every life stage the hero of the occasion will need to be given gifts, which should be prepared in advance.

The presenter must first prepare a schedule on whatman paper. This chart can be called a chronograph. The vertical axis should display events, and the horizontal axis should represent the years of life of the hero of the day.

Anniversary! / Scenario for the anniversary of a woman 50-70 years old in pioneer style

(author - admin81, added - 01/27/2013, 16:19)


We dress the hero of the day (woman) in a pioneer or October costume (at your discretion), all guests also comply with this dress code.

It is advisable to celebrate the anniversary in the village. It is necessary to purchase (buy, sew, rent) Pioneer ties for all guests.

The beginning of the holiday.

The holiday begins with a formation to the anthem of the pioneers. All guests take the Pioneer Oath

Anniversary! / Scenarios for a woman’s anniversary “Roses just for you!”

(author - admin81, added - 09/25/2012, 21:42)

The scenario is designed for an anniversary celebrated by a woman. The presenter must prepare roses in advance - flowers cut out of colored cardboard or colored paper. Flowers must be big size so that later they can be collected into a huge bouquet. Each rose has its name written on it - love, health, longevity, beauty, family, success, prosperity, harmony, anniversary!

Host: Who said that on this anniversary

Have you become angrier and more mature?

No, you have become better and wiser,

Anniversary! / Queen of Flowers 45th Anniversary Script

(author - admin81, added - 06/19/2012, 19:33)

Before the start of the holiday, all guests are given business cards with images of flowers. Music is playing. The presenter comes out.

Presenter: Today all nature has come to life,

It was as if I had just been waiting for this day.

Wherever you look - there is only fun,

Everyone is in a festive mood today.

Anniversary! / Scenario for my husband’s 70th birthday

(author - admin81, added - 06/19/2012, 19:27)

I was preparing this script for my husband’s 70th birthday, but it turned out that I myself had to play the role of host (toastmaster), so my congratulations to my wife will be heard at the end of the evening. I read the first congratulations from all the gathered relatives and friends. The script indicates the names of the relatives present, there are references to the features of the relationship, but if desired, this can be changed, as well as taken advantage of. It goes without saying that all congratulations are issued on beautiful postcards, the room was decorated accordingly, the outfit of the gypsy and the doctors was sewn.

Anniversary! / Scenario for the anniversary of a man named Anatoly

(author - admin81, added - 05/17/2012, 20:36)


For the competition, two images of the birthday boy are prepared in advance: a cartoon and a portrait. Then all men are given one sheet and pen, the second sheet and pen are given to the women present. During the set time, the male and female guests, taking turns passing the sheet to each other, must depict a certain part of the hero of the occasion’s face (nose, eye, lips, etc.). At the end of the competition, the presenter receives two portraits, one drawn by women, the other by men. Imperceptibly, the presenter replaces the sheets and demonstrates a pre-prepared cartoon, claiming that this is how the birthday boy is represented and seen by his male friends. Instead of a female portrait, he shows a pencil drawing by a professional and says that this is how female guests see the birthday boy.

Anniversary! / Scenario of the first anniversary - 10 years

(author - admin81, added - 05/17/2012, 20:19)

Preparation for the holiday

1. You definitely need to decorate the room. These can be balloons, a New Year's tree garland (electric), mark "10" on the wall in large numbers (can be made of foil or a Christmas tree "rain-hedgehog")

2. Cardboard cards with the names of the guests.

3. Tokens. They can be made of colored paper or cardboard. Awarded to players for correct answers.

Anniversary! / Scenario for a humorous anniversary evening

(author - admin81, added - 04/08/2012, 21:02)

The hall is decorated for a medical symposium: a department, tables for the presidium. Everyone in the hall is wearing white coats and caps. This is especially interesting if the team invited to the anniversary is not medical. All words belong to the Presenter.

The Presenter enters, everyone applauds. The hero of the day is in the hall with everyone.

Good afternoon Attention please! The first symposium “Doctors! Drink and heal from night to night!” considered open! Hooray!

Anniversary! / Script for the Anniversary Candle Show “Every year is a delight”

(author - admin81, added - 04/08/2012, 20:57)

All words belong to the Presenter.

How many paths of life are every person destined to travel! Human kindness will envelop his heart with the soft silk of fragrant meadows. It will wrap him up, soothe the pain of adversity, melt the ice cover of fatigue. And may your soul today, (name of the birthday girl), bathe in clean dew kind words to all your dear, family and close people who came to congratulate you on an amazing holiday - Happy Birthday!

It’s time for us to proclaim a hearty toast!

Anniversary! / Scenario for the Car Enthusiast's Anniversary

(author - admin81, added - 04/08/2012, 20:53)

The proposed scenario can be used both for a professional driver and a car enthusiast.

All words belong to the Presenter.

Roads of life to the anniversary

We managed to bring you

Therefore, I would like to note

It's time for us to raise a toast to them.

Anniversary! / Scenario for an anniversary evening in gypsy style “Let’s party until the morning..”

(author - admin81, added - 04/08/2012, 20:49)

The hall where the celebration will take place is decorated in the gypsy style: there are cards on the curtains, large colored scarves on the walls, a lot of wildflowers on the tables and in flowerpots on the floor. While the guests are gathering, gypsy melodies are playing, and girls in gypsy costumes are telling fortunes to the guests. All words belong to the Presenter.

For quite a long time we wondered

What are we going to surprise you with today?

And so - everything was organized,

Congratulations on the anniversary of a friend-doctor -

The work of a doctor is intense and hard.

Answering for us with his head, among the sick he is not the healthiest,

Among the healthy, he is the sickest.

From professor to nurse,

Everyone should pity and love us,

And those who swore to Hippocrates,

They can't be rude to us.

Death does not want to spare beauty,

Neither cheerful, nor evil, nor winged,

But they get in her way

People in white coats.

Whose work is more valuable than money?

Whose skillful, smart hands

They save us from troubles and misfortunes,

Whose most accurate knowledge of science

Gives people health and happiness.

Your work is glorious! Your work is difficult!

God bless you, brothers!

Scenario for an anniversary for a woman


Life flies by like in a fairy tale,

Moving forward

Days after days float away,

Year follows year,

Here's to a glorious anniversary

He came to us again

So let's congratulate

Ours begin!

Having prepared in advance sufficient quantity copies of words, a song is sung:

To the tune of the song "Blue Car"

We came to congratulate the birthday girl.

Pour wine into a glass to the brim.

Let what is planned come true

May you always be happy!

May the mood be good

There will be many sincere friends,

Let there be funny adventures

And gifts from beautiful fairies!

Good riddance, good riddance to the long journey.

And sadness dissolves in the air,

Everyone, everyone believes in the best,

The childhood train rolls and rolls into the distance.

Further congratulations are carried out by dressing the guests.

While the song is being sung, several people dress up as hedgehog grandmothers (wide, long skirts, funny baggy blouses, a washcloth on their heads, a headscarf, a broom, maybe a rake for collecting leaves)

Running out screaming, ditties are sung to the tune: “Stretch the bellows accordion...”

Stretch the bellows accordion

Eh, play, have fun!

Congratulations to our (Name)

Pour it into our glasses!

Our dear is brave,

Oh! Beautiful and smart

There's a reason for this

Brave girl!

Your anniversary is here

Pour us a glass.

Delicious snack

Your table is like art!

The anniversary has come to your home

And there is no secret in that

We're celebrating cool

You're seventeen again!


We wish you the most earthly happiness

We wish you sunshine, light and goodness!

We wish you a pure blue sky

And stay young at heart forever!

The floor is given (to friends or family) to present the medal (you can make the medal yourself, from a golden oracal, or buy a ready-made one).

Memo for the award medals .

Full name to be awarded with a memorable anniversary medal and command her (him) good health, happy and joyful days in life and all kinds of prosperity.

Medal awarded in a solemn atmosphere, among loved ones, for festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

The procedure and conditions for using the medal.

Medal consists of the medal itself, the medallion, and holes for the medallion.

In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the wearer and into the outline, stick your head in so that the wearer catches on the part of the torso connecting the head to the body. The medal should be placed on the upper front of the torso with the front side facing out. The user of the medal must make a happy and solemn expression on his face. The bottom edge of the medal should coincide with the top of the belly of the hero of the day.

So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day does not lose his dignity, every year on his birthday the medal should be washed with domestic and foreign alcoholic drinks, but with good Russian snacks.

The recipient of this medal has the right:

Follow all instructions.

For free travel in friends’ cars, as a “hare” in any worldly transport

Free visits to clinics and supermarkets.

Demand from the spouse reimbursement of expenses for proper care for a medal.

The recipient of the medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry, growing old, using the medal to make teeth, or as a weight when pickling cabbage.

Control over the safe storage of the medal is entrusted to police officers, the FSB, and faithful children.

There are three options for “Memo for the award medal”

1 option

Option 2

Option 3

You can proceed to presenting gifts:

One of the options:

Men dressed in nesting dolls sing a song to the tune: “What do you need…”

We chose a gift for you, oh, all together

Suddenly we got a nervous tremor,

Even though we all knew what we needed, what we needed

But where to get it, where to get what you want.

We're shopping in droves, oh! We went, oh! Went!

We wanted to get you a diamond brooch!

Even though we all knew what we needed, what we needed,

But where can I get it, but where can I get what you want?

And we bought you a treasured gift

And our nervous trembling passed

We bought you what we could, what we could

Take it whether you like it or not!

(As well as other remade songs)


We wish you good health

More bright clear days,

And if possible, try

Celebrate the centenary anniversary

Time spendingcompetitions and games .


We will organize a ditty competition, the winner receives a prize_______ and is awarded the medal "The Most Vocal"


Let's organize a competition of adjectives, let's say starting with the letter B....

“__________________” is our NAME of the hero of the day

All guests

We were looking forward to your “_________________” anniversary

Everyone with “_________________” was having fun,

And "_________________" sang songs,

Gave "_________________" gifts

Laughed "_________________".

We will wait for the next “__________________” anniversary!

Divide the guests into 2 teams and conduct poll which team knows the hero of the day better:

1. Date and place of birth.

2. Her origin: (parents, in which city

or the village grew up).

3. Place of study.

4. Time to discover talent or start a career.

5. Friends or personalities surrounding her. (This

The question can be asked by showing photographs. Guests

must not only name the names of these people, but also

talk about what connects them with the hero of the day).

6. Detailed questions about where, when and how

man created his works, wrote songs,

7. Questions about personal life. Children, husbands, lovers, reasons for divorce.

8. Which countries have you visited and with whom there?


9. What are you currently doing?

Place two chairs in front of the groups. There should be a sign on one of them

“Truth”, on the other - “Lie”. You name a sentence taken from the biography of the hero of the day.

But half the sentences must be lies. To do this, you need to distort dates or names. It is necessary to divide the team members so that each pair consists of one member of the first team and one member of the second team.

Members of the first pair, with the help of prompts from their team, must take the right chair, that is, if the saying is true, then the chair with the sign “Truth”, and vice versa. The first person to sit on the correct chair earns his team one point. The team that scores the most points wins.

Or this option

Questions for guests about the woman celebrating her anniversary. How well do you know our dear hero of the day?

1. On what day of the week was our hero of the day born?

2. At what time of day did this event occur?

3. What was your weight and height at birth?

4. Where on the map was she born?

5. What was the name of the first teacher?

6. What was the name of her first love?

7. How did you study at school?

8. What does he do best?

9. In what year did you meet your dear husband?

10. Circumstances of the meeting?

11. What dress was she wearing then?

12. On what day of the week did they get married?

13. What was the weather like on your wedding day?

14. her children?

15. The height of our hero of the day?


The guest who knows our dear hero of the day best receives a certificate of honor.(Download)

Or is awarded a medal "To the best friend"(Download)


We wished you today

Cheerfulness for many years

Be as we know you

Always sensitive and attentive!

Drinking songs for an anniversary


  • The doctor is in a white coat and cap, with a phonendoscope. Both men and women can play. It would be nice if the role was played by a real doctor.


  • “Certificate of health of the hero of the day” - print the text on A-4 sheet, provide it with the anniversary logo and seal. You can decorate it beautifully, laminate it and give it to the hero of the day as a souvenir after the end of the scene.

Dear guests! Today you are all about big connections, you will undergo a medical examination completely free of charge. You will be examined by the most highly qualified doctor, whose appointment…

A doctor in a white coat and cap comes in.

Hello, guests! Please prepare your hearts for a medical examination.

The doctor (approaches everyone, listening to the heart with a phonendoscope) says:

  • 1.Completely healthy.
  • 2. Let me hear what’s in your heart? Diagnosis: mild crush!
  • 3.Is your heart singing about something... Can I listen to it?
  • 4. Young man, say A-A-A. Enough. We write: confuses day with night. It’s okay, half of our population lives quietly with such a diagnosis.
  • 5. Well, dear, what will you please us with? All clear. She is sleeping!
  • 6. And you, father, why are you so sad? We write: depression.
  • 7. So, the diagnosis is clear - that means 100 grams of vodka every half hour for tonight. By the end of the anniversary, the wound will heal itself.
  • 8 Who are you, can I listen? Heightened self-esteem. There's nothing you can do about it.
  • 9. Well, your heart will definitely introduce you to us. Who are you, what is your last name? Persecution mania..
  • 10. You sigh throughout the entire medical examination. Have you eaten anything today? How do you generally eat?
  • 11. Your heart seems to be about to jump out of an overabundance of feelings. Is there something you really want to say? Well done.

12. Your heart, it seems to me, is worried about gifts. What did you give to the hero of the day today? Let's listen better
heart, it will tell the truth.

(approaches the hero of the day)

Tell me, the anniversary will end, everyone will go home, and in the evening you will tell your wife alone the words that are on your heart. Can we listen too?

So, I checked all the guests, the diagnosis for everyone is clear:

  • 1 Chronic jubilism.
  • 2 Bottleism.
  • 3 Tancelit.
  • 4 Overeating.
  • 5 Peretostitis.
  • 6 Acute drunkenness.
  • 7 Hangover syndrome.
  • 8 Acute drinking deficiency.

I urgently prescribe a potion for everyone: White, Red, Dry!

Our dear hero of the day also underwent a medical examination! He is issued a “Health Certificate for the hero of the day.”

Our consultation of relatives and friends,
that they came for the anniversary,
Having examined the hero of the day: ear, throat, nose, liver,
heart, kidneys, spleen,
Taking the convolutions depth
and intestinal length,
The conclusion was this:
Our young hero of the day!
The cardiogram says
the heart beats without flaw.
According to the blood test,
suitable for fiery love.
And urine is like glass,
it doesn't hit the head.
and on the lower floor,
upon examination in Niglizhe,
Everything is fine, everything is fine,
just smeared heels.
Well, it's not a problem -
always runs a lot.
And the hero of the day’s tongue is not worn out,
There are no unnecessary wrinkles on the face.
Normal brain, digestion,
only the channel of childbirth is blocked,
Well, it's not a problem -
he always wants sex.
And physically work
maybe up to a sweat.
We reach a conclusion -
does not need treatment.
Just rest.
And with the guests a little bit at a time,
For your health, take
100, 125 grams!

Host: Dear guests! Today you are all about big connections, you will undergo a medical examination completely free of charge. You will be examined by the most highly qualified doctor, whose appointment...
A doctor comes in wearing a robe and cap.
- Hello, guests! Please prepare your hearts for a medical examination.
(Approaches everyone, listening to the heart with a phonendoscope) says:
1.Completely healthy.
2. Let me hear what you have on
heart? Diagnosis: mild crush!
So, the diagnosis is clear - that means 100 grams of vodka every half hour
for tonight. By the end of the anniversary, the wound will heal itself.
4. Young man, say A-A-A.
Enough. We write: confuses day with night. It's okay half
Our population lives quietly with this diagnosis.
5. But, you are dearer than us
will you please? All clear. She is sleeping!
6. And you, father, why are you so sad?
Write. Depression.
8 Who are you, can I listen? Overpriced
self-esteem. There's nothing you can do about it.
9. Well, your heart will definitely introduce you to us,
Who are you, what is your last name? Persecution mania...
10. You sigh throughout the entire medical examination. Have you eaten today
anything, how do you generally eat?
11. Here is your heart, it seems like it’s about to jump out of
excess of feelings. Is there something you really want to say? Well done.
12 Your heart, it seems to me,
worried about the gifts you gave the birthday boy today? Let's listen better
heart, it will tell the truth.
(approaches the hero of the day)
Say, THIS IS THE END OF THE ANNIVERSARY, everyone will go home and in the evening you will privately say the words to your wife that are on your heart.
Can we listen too? .
So, I checked all the guests, the diagnosis for everyone is clear:
1 Chronic jubilism.
2 Bottleism
3 Tanzelite
4 Overeating
5 Peretostitis
6 Acute drunkenness
7 Hangover syndrome
8 Acute drink deficiency

I urgently prescribe a potion for everyone: White, Red, Dry!
Our dear hero of the day also underwent a medical examination!
our council of relatives and friends who came to the anniversary.
Having examined the hero of the day: ear, throat, nose, liver, heart, kidney, spleen.
Taking the depth of the convolutions and the length of the intestine,
The conclusion was that our hero of the day is young.
The cardiogram says, the heart beats without a flaw.
According to a blood test, he is fit for fiery love.
And like urine like a piece of glass, it doesn’t hit your head
and on the lower floor, when viewed in the lower floor,
Everything is in order, everything is in order, just smeared heels,
Well, it doesn’t matter, he always runs a lot.
And the hero of the day’s tongue is not worn out, there are no unnecessary wrinkles on his face.
The brain and digestion are normal, only the reproductive channel is blocked,
Well, it doesn’t matter, he always wants sex.
And he can physically work until he sweats.
We conclude that he does not need treatment.
Just rest.
And with the guests a little bit at a time,
For your health, take
100, 125 grams!