Examples of security threats in the Russian Federation. Security threats: external, internal, cross-border

Natural and artificial threats

Development of new information technologies and general computerization have led to the fact that information security not only becomes mandatory, it is also one of the characteristics of information systems. There is a fairly broad class of information processing systems in the development of which the security factor plays a primary role (for example, banking information systems).

Under IP security refers to the security of a system from accidental or intentional interference in the normal process of its functioning, from attempts to steal (unauthorized acquisition) of information, modification or physical destruction of its components. In other words, this is the ability to counteract various disturbing influences on the IS.

Information security is at risk refers to events or actions that can lead to distortion, unauthorized use or even destruction of the information resources of the managed system, as well as software and hardware.

Threats information security are divided into two main types - natural and artificial threats. Let's dwell on natural threats and try to identify the main ones . To natural threats include fires, floods, hurricanes, lightning strikes and other natural disasters and phenomena that are beyond human control. The most common of these threats are fires. To ensure the security of information, a necessary condition is to equip the premises in which the system elements are located (digital data carriers, servers, archives, etc.) with fire detectors, appoint those responsible for fire safety and availability of fire extinguishing equipment. Compliance with all these rules will minimize the threat of information loss from fire.

If premises with valuable information storage media are located in close proximity to bodies of water, then they are subject to the threat of information loss due to flooding. The only thing that can be done in this situation is to eliminate the storage of storage media on the first floors of the building, which are prone to flooding.

Another natural threat is lightning. Very often, when lightning strikes, network cards, electrical substations and other devices fail. Large organizations and enterprises, such as banks, suffer especially significant losses when network equipment fails. To avoid such problems, it is necessary that the connecting network cables be shielded (shielded network cable resistant to electromagnetic interference), and the cable shield should be grounded. To prevent lightning from entering electrical substations, a grounded lightning rod should be installed, and computers and servers should be equipped with uninterruptible power supplies.

Next view threats are artificial threats, which in turn are divided into unintentional and intentional threats. Unintentional threats- these are actions that people commit due to carelessness, ignorance, inattention or out of curiosity. This type of threat includes the installation of software products that are not included in the list of necessary ones for work, and can subsequently cause unstable operation of the system and loss of information. This also includes other “experiments” that were not malicious, and the people who performed them were not aware of the consequences. Unfortunately, this type of threat is very difficult to control; not only must the personnel be qualified, it is necessary that each person is aware of the risk that arises from his unauthorized actions.

Deliberate threats- threats associated with malicious intent of deliberate physical destruction, subsequently failure of the system. Intentional threats include internal and external attacks. Contrary to popular belief, large companies often suffer multi-million dollar losses not from hacker attacks, but through the fault of their own employees. Modern history knows a lot of examples of deliberate internal threats to information - these are the tricks of competing organizations that introduce or recruit agents for the subsequent disorganization of a competitor, the revenge of employees who are dissatisfied with their salaries or status in the company, and so on. In order for the risk of such cases to be minimal, it is necessary that each employee of the organization meets the so-called “reliability status.”

To external intentional threats include threats of hacker attacks. If the information system is connected to global network Internet, then to prevent hacker attacks it is necessary to use a firewall (the so-called firewall), which can be either built into the equipment or implemented in software.

Man trying to disrupt work information system or gain unauthorized access to information, is usually called a cracker, and sometimes a "computer pirate" (hacker).

In their illegal actions aimed at mastering other people's secrets, hackers strive to find sources of confidential information that would provide them with the most reliable information in the maximum volumes. minimal costs to receive it. With the help of various kinds of tricks and a variety of techniques and means, paths and approaches to such sources are selected. In this case, the source of information means a material object that has certain information that is of specific interest to attackers or competitors.

The main threats to information security and normal functioning of information systems include:

Leakage of confidential information;

Compromise of information;

Unauthorized use of information resources;

Incorrect use of information resources;

Unauthorized exchange of information between subscribers;

Refusal of information;

Violation of information services;

Illegal use of privileges.

Leakage of confidential information- this is the uncontrolled release of confidential information outside the IP or the circle of persons to whom it was entrusted through service or became known in the course of work. This leak may be due to:

Disclosure of confidential information;

Transfer of information through various, mainly technical, channels;

Unauthorized access to confidential information in various ways.

Disclosure of information by its owner or owner is an intentional or careless act officials and users to whom the relevant information in in the prescribed manner were entrusted through service or work, which led to the familiarization with it of persons who were not allowed to have access to this information.

Uncontrolled loss of confidential information through visual-optical, acoustic, electromagnetic and other channels is possible.

Unauthorized access- is the unlawful deliberate acquisition of confidential information by a person who does not have the right to access protected information.

The most common ways of unauthorized access to information are:

Interception of electronic radiation;

Use of listening devices (bookmarks);

Remote photography;

Interception of acoustic radiation and restoration of printer text;

Copying storage media by overcoming security measures

Masking as a registered user;

Masking as system requests;

Use of software traps;

Exploiting the shortcomings of programming languages ​​and operating systems;

Illegal connection to equipment and communication lines of specially designed hardware that provides access to information;

Malicious failure of protection mechanisms;

Decryption of encrypted information by special programs;

Information infections.

The listed methods of unauthorized access require quite a lot of technical knowledge and appropriate hardware or software development from the burglar. For example, technical leakage channels are used - these are physical paths from the source of confidential information to the attacker, through which it is possible to obtain protected information. The cause of leakage channels is design and technological imperfections in circuit solutions or operational wear of elements. All this allows attackers to create actions on certain physical principles converters that form the information transmission channel inherent in these principles - the leakage channel.

However, there are also quite primitive ways of unauthorized access:

Theft of storage media and documentary waste;

Initiative cooperation;

Inclination towards cooperation on the part of the burglar;



Observation and other ways.

Any methods of leaking confidential information can lead to significant material and moral damage both for the organization where the information system operates and for its users.

There is and is constantly being developed a huge variety of malicious programs, the purpose of which is to damage information in the database and computer software. Big number The variety of these programs does not allow us to develop permanent and reliable means of protection against them.

    The main forms of use of the RF Armed Forces.

    Purposes of use of the Russian Armed Forces and other troops.

    Basic principles of development of the military organization of the state.

    Factors determining the military-political situation.

    External threats to national security.

    Internal threats to national security.

    Cross-border threats to national security.

    Uncertainty factors in the field of construction and use of the RF Armed Forces.

    Priorities foreign policy RF.

    The main goals of the military policy of the Russian Federation at the present stage.

    Types of military conflicts and their brief characteristics.

    Expand the concept of “Military organization of the Russian Federation” and its main tasks.

    Composition of the military organization of the Russian Federation.

    Types and branches of the RF Armed Forces.

    What applies to conventional weapons?

    Nuclear weapons: - types of ammunition;

Damaging factors of nuclear weapons;

Distribution of nuclear weapons by nature of use.

17. Chemical weapons. Groups of chemical agents according to the nature of their effects on the body.

18. Biological weapons. Concept and brief description.

19. Expand the concepts: quarantine, observation.

20. Non-lethal weapons. A brief description of.

21. Promising types of weapons of mass destruction.

22. Expand the concept of “Mobilization preparation”.

23. Expand the concept of “Mobilization”.

24. Special health care units: concept, classification.

25. Management bodies of special healthcare units:

purpose and rights.

26. Management bodies of special healthcare units:

27. Rear healthcare hospitals: purpose.

28. State material reserve: concept, purpose.

29. Mobilization reserve: concept, procedure for its formation, requirements for the shelf life of material assets.

30. The procedure for inventorying material assets of the mobilization reserve.

31. Military registration: concept. Categories of citizens subject and not subject to military registration.

32. Types of rear hospitals, their tasks and organizational structure.

33. Military duty of citizens.

34. What is military service?

35. Objectives and organizational structure of observational health care centers in the Russian Federation.

    The main forms of use of the RF Armed Forces.

The main forms of use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops:

    strategic operations, operations and fighting in large-scale and regional wars;

    operations and combat operations - in local wars and international armed conflicts;

    joint special operations - in internal armed conflicts;

    counter-terrorism operations - when participating in the fight against terrorism in accordance with federal legislation;

    peacekeeping operations.

    Purposes of use of the Russian Armed Forces and other troops.

The purposes of the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops:

    in a large-scale (regional) war if it is unleashed by any state (group, coalition of states) - protecting the independence and sovereignty, territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and its allies, repelling aggression, defeating the aggressor, forcing him to cease hostilities on the terms , meeting the interests of the Russian Federation and its allies;

    in local wars and international armed conflicts - localizing a source of tension, creating preconditions for ending a war, armed conflict or forcing them to end in the early stages; neutralizing the aggressor and achieving a settlement on terms that meet the interests of the Russian Federation and its allies;

    in internal armed conflicts - the defeat and liquidation of illegal armed groups, the creation of conditions for a full-scale settlement of the conflict on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation;

    in operations to maintain and restore peace - separation of warring parties, stabilization of the situation, ensuring conditions for a fair peaceful settlement.

    Basic principles of development of the military organization of the state.

Basic principles for the development of the military organization of the state:

    adequate consideration of the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the state and prospects for the development of the military-political situation;

    centralization of leadership;

    unity of command on a legal basis;

    the achieved compliance, within the economic capabilities of the country, with the level of combat and mobilization readiness, as well as the training of military command and control bodies and troops (forces), their structures, combat strength and reserve numbers, stocks of materiel and resources, with the tasks of ensuring military security;

    unity of training and education;

    realization of the rights and freedoms of military personnel, ensuring their social security, decent social status and standard of living.

    Factors determining the military-political situation.

The military-political situation is determined by the following main factors:

    reducing the risk of a large-scale war, including a nuclear one;

    formation and strengthening of regional centers of power;

    strengthening of national, ethnic and religious extremism;

    activation of separatism;

    the spread of local wars and armed conflicts;

    intensifying regional arms race;

    proliferation of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery;

    worsening information warfare.

    External threats to national security.

External threats include:

Deployment of groups of forces and means with the goal of a military attack on Russia or its allies;

Territorial claims against the Russian Federation, the threat of political or forceful separation of certain of its territories from Russia;

Implementation by states, organizations and movements of programs to create weapons of mass destruction;

Interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation by organizations supported by foreign states;

Demonstration military force near the borders of Russia, conducting exercises with provocative purposes;

The presence of hotbeds of armed conflicts near the borders of the Russian Federation or the borders of its allies that threaten their security;

Instability, weakness of state institutions in border countries;

A build-up of troop groups leading to a disruption of the existing balance of power near the borders of the Russian Federation or the borders of its allies and the sea waters adjacent to their territory;

Expansion of military blocs and alliances to the detriment of the military security of Russia or its allies;

The activities of international radical groups, the strengthening of the positions of Islamic extremism near Russian borders;

Deployment of foreign troops (without the consent of the Russian Federation and the sanction of the UN Security Council) into the territory of neighboring and friendly states of the Russian Federation;

Armed provocations, including attacks on military installations of the Russian Federation located on the territory of foreign states, as well as on objects and structures on the state border of the Russian Federation or the borders of its allies;

Actions that impede the operation of Russian state and military control systems, ensuring the functioning of strategic nuclear forces, warning of a missile attack, missile defense, control of outer space and ensuring the combat stability of troops;

Actions that impede Russia’s access to strategically important transport communications;

Discrimination, suppression of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in foreign countries;

Proliferation of equipment, technologies and components used to make nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, as well as dual-use technologies that can be used to create weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery.

    Internal threats to national security.

Insider threats include:

Attempts to forcefully change the constitutional system and violate the territorial integrity of Russia;

Planning, preparation and implementation of actions to disrupt and disorganize the functioning of public authorities and management, attacks on state, national economic, military facilities, life support facilities and information infrastructure;

Creation, equipment, training and functioning of illegal armed groups;

Illegal distribution (trafficking) of weapons, ammunition, explosives, etc. on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Large-scale activities of organized crime that threaten political stability throughout the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Activities of separatist and radical religious-nationalist movements in the Russian Federation.

    Cross-border threats to national security.

To the concept cross-border threats include political, military-political or force threats to the interests and security of the Russian Federation, which combine the features of internal and external threats. Being internal in form of manifestation, in essence (sources of origin and stimulation, possible participants, etc.) are external.

Such threats include:

Creation, equipment, support and training on the territory of other states, armed formations and groups for the purpose of their transfer for operations on the territory of the Russian Federation or the territories of its allies;

Activities of subversive separatist, national or religious extremist groups directly or indirectly supported from abroad, aimed at undermining the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, creating a threat to the territorial integrity of the state and the security of its citizens;

Cross-border crime, including smuggling and other illegal activities on a scale that threatens the military-political security of the Russian Federation or stability on the territory of Russia’s allies;

Conducting information (information-technical, information-psychological, etc.) actions hostile towards the Russian Federation and its allies;

Activities of international terrorist organizations;

Drug trafficking activities that pose a threat to the transportation of drugs to the territory of the Russian Federation, or the use of Russian territory to transport drugs to other countries.

    Uncertainty factors in the field of construction and use of the RF Armed Forces.

Under factor of uncertainty refers to a situation, conflict or process of a political or military-political nature, the development of which can significantly change the geopolitical situation in a region that is a priority for Russia’s interests or create a direct threat to the security of the Russian Federation. The following are identified as uncertainty factors:

Reduced role of the UN Security Council, the formal and actual deprivation of its prerogatives to authorize the use of military force in the world. Expanding the practice of using military force for political or economic purposes on the basis of a national decision will significantly reduce the importance and effectiveness of political instruments for resolving crisis situations and will significantly lower the threshold for the use of the Armed Forces. This may require Russia to seriously adjust its military construction and deployment plans. Thus, the preservation of the UN Security Council's authority to authorize the use of military force in the world is considered as the most important instrument for maintaining international stability.

The possibility of returning nuclear weapons to the properties of a real military instrument. Attempts to return have been noted nuclear weapon into the range of acceptable military instruments through the implementation of “breakthrough” scientific and technical developments in new types of nuclear weapons, turning nuclear weapons into relatively “clean” ones, the use of which does not have such significant negative consequences as the use of earlier types of nuclear weapons. Carrying out similar R&D in a number of countries and making political decisions on the possibility of their expanded financing are considered by the Russian Ministry of Defense as a factor that can seriously change global and regional stability. In fact, the question is raised about the possibility of targeted use of nuclear weapons in regional conflicts against military and civilian targets with the aim of destroying large groups of armed forces and civilian infrastructure. Lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons at the operational-tactical and tactical levels, devaluing the importance of conventional armed forces and weapons, transforms the threat of using nuclear weapons from political to military-political. This will require Russia to restructure its command and control system and create a deterrent capability, perhaps not only through changes in nuclear policy, but also through readiness to implement asymmetric measures.

Possibility of enhancing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear technologies, and delivery vehicles. The expansion of the practice of using armed force without the sanction of the UN Security Council may provoke a greater demand for weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, among regional centers of power seeking to create an instrument of deterrence. In addition to the general destabilization of the international situation, this will also have a number of military-applied consequences. The emergence of the nuclear factor in the regional balance of forces on both sides will significantly change the nature of the armed struggle. For Russia, this process, if fully implemented, will create the problem of expanding measures to counter the threat of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction in regional conflicts, both at the political and at the military-technical level.

Prospects and direction of development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Currently, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) plays a vital role in ensuring regional stability in Central Asia and the western part of the Far Eastern region. In the event of further strengthening of the political and military-political potential of this structure, Russia will have a zone of peace and stability in the South-Eastern and Far Eastern directions, excluding the emergence of a large-scale military threat, which Russia will have to confront alone. If there is a complete or partial renationalization of the security policy of the states in the region, Russia will be forced to consider the region as a potential source of ethnic conflicts, border disputes and general military-political instability. This can naturally make adjustments to Russian military planning, as well as to the principles of deploying groups of forces and assets of permanently ready units.

Possible directions for the development of the NATO enlargement process. In the event of NATO's transformation into a political organization with a historically formed military potential, the process of the Alliance's expansion to the east will remain within the framework of a political dialogue with Russia regarding the conditions for further interaction. In this dialogue, difficulties will inevitably arise related to the conditions for the integration of new member countries into the Alliance and their role in it, since Russia firmly advocates the absence of anti-Russian components not only in military planning, but also in the political declarations of the Alliance member countries. Otherwise, the partnership between Russia and NATO is devoid of functional meaning. However, if NATO remains as a military alliance with a predominantly offensive military doctrine, especially against the background of the weakening role of the UN Security Council in deciding on the use of force, this will require a radical restructuring of Russian military planning and the principles of building the Russian Armed Forces, including in the range of possible actions elements of a preventive strategy in the event of a threat to the Russian Federation. Moreover, such a restructuring will be required by the deployment of groups of foreign troops on the territory of states bordering Russia. A change in the Russian nuclear strategy and an increase in the importance of tactical nuclear weapons to ensure stability in the Western strategic direction are not excluded.

    Priorities of Russian foreign policy.

The Concept of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation defines the main priorities of our state’s foreign policy in solving global problems:

Formation of a new world order;

Strengthening international security;

Providing favorable foreign policy conditions for Russia in the field of international economic relations;

Respect and protection of human rights at the international level;

Information support of foreign policy activities.

    The main goals of the military policy of the Russian Federation at the present stage.

Based on the current situation and the fact that the highest priority of Russian state policy is to protect the interests of the individual, society and the state, it is necessary to outline the main goals of Russia’s military policy at the present stage.

1) Ensuring reliable security of the country, preserving and strengthening its sovereignty and territorial integrity, strong and authoritative positions in the world community, which best meet the interests of the Russian Federation as a great power, as one of the influential centers of the modern world and which are necessary for the growth of its political and economic , intellectual and spiritual potential.

2) Influencing global processes in order to form a stable, fair and democratic world order, built on generally accepted norms international law, including, first of all, the goals and principles of the UN Charter, on equal and partnership relations between states.

3) Creation of favorable external conditions for the progressive development of Russia, the rise of its economy, raising the standard of living of the population, successful implementation of democratic reforms, strengthening the foundations of the constitutional system, respect for human rights and freedoms.

4) Formation of a belt of stability along the perimeter of the Russian borders, assistance in eliminating existing and preventing the emergence of potential hotbeds of tension and conflict in the regions adjacent to the Russian Federation.

5) Finding agreement and common interests with foreign countries and interstate associations in the process of solving world security problems determined by the national priorities of Russia, building on this basis a system of partnerships and allied relations that improve the conditions and parameters of international interaction.

    Types of military conflicts and their brief characteristics.

Armed conflict. One of the forms of resolving political, national-ethnic, religious, territorial and other contradictions using means of armed struggle, in which the state (states) participating in hostilities do not go into a special state called war. In an armed conflict, the parties, as a rule, pursue private military-political goals.

An armed conflict may result from the escalation of an armed incident, a border conflict, an armed action and other armed clashes of a limited scale, during which means of armed struggle are used to resolve contradictions.

An armed conflict can be international in nature (involving two or more states) or internal in nature (involving armed confrontation within the territory of one state).

Local war. War between two or more states, limited by political purposes, in which military operations will be conducted, as a rule, within the borders of opposing states and primarily affect the interests of only these states (territorial, economic, political and others).

A local war can be waged by groups of troops (forces) deployed in the conflict area, with their possible strengthening through the transfer of additional forces and assets from other directions and the partial strategic deployment of armed forces.

Under certain conditions, local wars can develop into a regional or large-scale war.

Regional war. A war involving two or more states (groups of states) in the region by national or coalition armed forces with the use of both conventional and nuclear weapons in the territory limited by the boundaries of one region with the adjacent waters of oceans, seas, air and outer space, during in which the parties will pursue important military-political goals. To wage a regional war will require the full deployment of the armed forces and the economy, and high tension of all the forces of the participating states. If states possessing nuclear weapons or their allies participate in it, a regional war will be characterized by the threat of a transition to the use of nuclear weapons.

Large scale war. War between coalitions of states or the largest states of the world community. It can result from the escalation of an armed conflict, local or regional war by involving a significant number of states from different regions of the world. In a large-scale war, the parties will pursue radical military-political goals. It will require the mobilization of all available material resources and spiritual forces of the participating states.

    Expand the concept of “Military organization of the Russian Federation” and its main tasks.

The protection of Russia's national interests in the military sphere is decided first of all, military organization of the state, which represents the totality of state and military administration bodies, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, as well as allocated parts of scientific and production complexes, the joint activities of which are aimed at ensuring defense and military security, protecting the vital interests of the state.

The main task of the military organization of the Russian Federation is to implement deterrence in the interests of preventing aggression of any scale, including the use of nuclear weapons against Russia and its allies.

    Composition of the military organization of the Russian Federation.

Organizationally, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of centralized military command and control bodies, associations, formations, military units, institutions and organizations, as well as military educational institutions, which are included in the types and branches of troops, the Logistics of the Armed Forces and troops that are not included in the types and branches of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military authorities are intended to lead troops (forces) at various levels in both peacetime and wartime conditions. These include commands, headquarters, departments, departments and other permanently and temporarily created structures. To locate and operate control elements in combat conditions, control posts are deployed.

Associations- these are military formations that include several smaller formations or associations, as well as units and institutions. The associations include the army, flotilla, military district - operational-strategic territorial combined arms association and fleet - naval association.

Military district is an operational-strategic territorial combined arms association of military units, formations, educational institutions, military institutions of various types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A military district, as a rule, covers the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Fleet is the highest operational-strategic formation of the Navy. District and fleet commanders direct their troops (forces) through the headquarters subordinate to them.

Connections are military formations consisting of several units or formations of a smaller composition, usually various branches of troops (forces), special troops (services), as well as support and service units (units). Formations include corps, divisions, brigades and other military formations equivalent to them.

Military Unit- an organizationally independent combat and administrative-economic unit in all branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military units include all regiments, ships of ranks 1, 2 and 3, individual battalions (divisions, squadrons) and individual companies that are not part of battalions and regiments.

TOinstitutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation These include such structures for supporting the life activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as military medical institutions, officers' houses, military museums, editorial offices of military publications, sanatoriums, rest homes, tourist centers, etc.

To military educational institutions include: military academies, military universities and institutes, higher and secondary military schools, military faculties at civilian universities, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools, training and retraining courses for officers.

    Types and branches of the RF Armed Forces.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

The branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is like a component unit, distinguished by special weapons and intended to carry out the tasks assigned to them. The branches of the Armed Forces include: Ground Forces, Air Force (Air Force), Navy (Navy).

Ground Forces, Air Force and Navy. Each branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consists of branches of troops (forces); to comprehensively support the combat activities of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, they include special troops and logistics.

To the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include: Space Forces. Strategic Missile Forces, Airborne Forces. The branch of the armed forces is understood as part of the branch of the Armed Forces. distinguished by its main weapons, technical equipment, organizational structure, nature of training and ability to perform specific combat missions in interaction with other branches of the military.

Special troops serve to support types and branches of troops and assist them in carrying out combat missions. These include: engineering troops, chemical troops, radio engineering troops, communications troops, automobile troops, road troops and a number of others.

    What applies to conventional weapons?

Regular weapons constitute all fire and strike weapons using artillery, aviation, small arms and engineer ammunition, conventional missiles, precision weapons, volumetric explosion (thermobaric) ammunition, incendiary ammunition and mixtures.

It should be emphasized that the term “conventional weapons” is relative, since the use of this type of weapon can result in massive casualties among the population. This is evidenced by the experience of wars and armed conflicts of the 20th century.

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the combat potential of developed countries due to the quantitative and qualitative buildup of conventional weapons. Thus, having accumulated significant stocks of weapons of mass destruction, the United States and its allies increased weapons production conventional systems. Their destructive properties and combat effectiveness have increased sharply.

Fire and impact weapons include firearms (small arms, artillery, bombs, mines, grenades), jet and missile weapons.

Firearms - a weapon in which the energy of an explosive is used to eject a projectile (mine, bullet, other fillers). Firearms include artillery weapons (howitzers, cannons, mortars) and small arms (machine guns, machine guns, rifles and pistols).

Relatively new types of firearms, Ammunition with ready-made submunitions that found widespread use in military conflicts of the 20th century. In particular, we are talking about ball bombs, needle-filled ammunition and the more modern, fragmentation-beam projectile.

Ball Bombs contain up to 300 and. more metal or plastic balls with a diameter of 5-6 mm. During an explosion, the balls scatter at high speed in all directions and cause multiple injuries to soft tissues and internal organs, as well as fragmented bone fractures. During the aggression in Vietnam, the US military used ball bombs in cluster form (approximately 600 bombs per cluster).

Needle-filled ammunition contain from 5 to 12 thousand thin steel needles or arrows, which, when exploded and scattered, are bent in the shape of a hook and cause multiple severe wounds, most often leading to death. These ammunition can conditionally be classified as means of mass destruction, since when they explode, the range of dispersion of the destructive elements reaches 500 m with an affected area of ​​up to 70-80 hectares.

Beam fragmentation projectile with ready-made destructive elements, simultaneously throws out 1500 2 gram bullets, destroying all living things over an area of ​​3000-5000 m²

Jet weapons – ground, aviation and sea installations (10-45 barrels) for salvo fire with unguided rockets delivered to the target by the thrust of a jet engine (Grad, Buratino systems).

Missile weapons (in conventional equipment) - a system in which weapons are delivered to a target by missiles: a complex that includes a missile with a conventional launcher, a launcher, means of targeting the target, test and launch equipment, means that control the flight of the missile, vehicles, etc. devices.

The most effective type of conventional weapon is precision-guided weapon (HPT).

Accepted for precision weapons include various types of devices and means intended for applying “spot” remote strikes in automatic mode. The concept of high-tech weapons includes a complex of weapons (missiles, aerial bombs, landmines), their delivery systems (launchers, aircraft), guidance and navigation means. High accuracy (up to 10 m) and high charge power make it possible to strike well-protected objects and shelters. High-precision weapons are often called reconnaissance-strike systems (RUS) or reconnaissance-strike complexes (RUK).

Volumetric explosion ammunition (thermobaric ammunition)

Thermobaric ammunition devices capable of producing detonating gas-air or air-fuel mixtures. As a result of the detonation of a gas-air or air-fuel mixture flowing into cracks, trenches, dugouts, military equipment, ventilation hatches and communication ropes of leaking engineering structures, buildings, protective structures and buried objects can be completely destroyed. Moreover, explosions in a confined space are highly effective not only in causing damage (destruction) to fortifications (protective) structures, but also in defeating enemy personnel and the population.

The named ammunition has the following damaging factors: shock wave, thermal and toxic effects.

Incendiary agents (mixtures)

Incendiary mixtures are pyrotechnics containing napalm (incendiary mixtures based on petroleum products with a combustion temperature of up to 1200 ° C), phosphorus (metalized incendiary mixtures - pyrogens, with a combustion temperature of up to 1600 ° C) or thermite (thermite mixtures with a combustion temperature of up to 2000 ° C ). They can be equipped with aerial bombs, mines, land mines, and flamethrowers. Incendiary mixtures were widely used during the Korean War (1950-1953) and American aggression in Vietnam (1964-1974). The damaging effect of incendiary mixtures is caused by thermal burns of the skin and mucous membranes, infrared radiation and poisoning by combustion products. The burning fire mixture can affect not only the skin, but also subcutaneous tissue, muscles and even bones: deep third- and fourth-degree burns occur in 70-75% of cases. Phosphorus burns can be complicated by poisoning of the body when phosphorus is absorbed through the burn surface. The impact of incendiary mixtures on the human body often causes combined lesions, leading to the development of shock, the occurrence of which is possible in more than 30% of those affected.

The unifying link for the considered destructive weapons is the presence of a single leading damaging factor - the ability to cause mechanical (wounds) and traumatic injuries to people.

    Nuclear weapons: - types of ammunition;

- damaging factors of nuclear weapons;

- distribution of nuclear weapons by nature of use.

Nuclear weapon ammunition, the destructive effect of which is based on the use of intranuclear energy released during explosive nuclear reactions (fission, fusion, fission and fusion simultaneously).

Distinguish atomic, thermonuclear and neutron ammunition. Depending on the power of the ammunition(energy nuclear explosion in TNT equivalent (kilotons, megatons)), there are: ultra-small (up to 1 kt), small (1-10 kt), medium (10-100 kt), large (100 kt-1 mt) and ultra-large (over 1 mt) nuclear ammunition.

By the nature of the use of nuclear weapons allocate : ground, underground, underwater, surface, air and high-altitude explosions.

The damaging factors of the reference ground explosion include (Film No. 2/2 ORP): light radiation(30-35% of the energy of a nuclear explosion is used for formation), shock wave (50%), penetrating radiation (5%:), radioactive contamination of the area and air,electromagnetic pulse, as well as a psychological factor, i.e. moral impact of a nuclear explosion on personnel.

Information security is the protection of information from accidental or intentional impacts of a natural or artificial nature that could cause damage to its owner or user.

Basic principles of information security

1. Data integrity- a property according to which information retains its content and structure during its transmission and storage. Only a user with access rights can create, destroy or change data.

2. Confidentiality— a property that indicates the need to limit access to specific information for a designated circle of persons. Thus, confidentiality ensures that during the transfer of data, it can only be known to authorized users

3. Availability of information— this property characterizes the ability to provide timely and unhindered access to the required information by full users.

4. Credibility– this principle is expressed in the strict attribution of information to the subject who is its source or from whom it was received.

The task of ensuring information security involves the implementation of multifaceted and comprehensive measures to prevent and monitor unauthorized access by unauthorized persons, as well as actions to prevent misuse, damage, distortion, copying, and blocking of information.

Information security issues become a priority in cases where a failure or error in a particular computer system can lead to serious consequences.

Types of information security threats

A threat to information security is generally understood as potentially possible actions, phenomena or processes that could have an undesirable impact on the system or the information stored in it.

Such threats, affecting resources, can lead to data corruption, copying, unauthorized distribution, restriction or blocking of access to them. At present, enough is known a large number of threats that are classified according to various criteria.

According to the nature of occurrence they distinguish natural And artificial threats. The first group includes those caused by the impact of objective physical processes or natural phenomena on the computer system. The second group is those threats that are caused by human activity.

According to the degree of intentionality of manifestation , threats are divided into random And deliberate.

There is also a division in depending on their direct source, which can be natural environment(for example, natural disasters), person (disclosure of confidential data), software and hardware: authorized (operation error operating system) and unauthorized (infecting the system with viruses).

The source of threats may have different positions. Depending on this factor, they also distinguish three groups:

— Threats whose source is outside the controlled group of the computer system (example - interception of data transmitted over communication channels)

— Threats, the source of which is within the controlled area of ​​the system (this may be theft of storage media)

— Threats located directly in the system itself (for example, incorrect use of resources).

Threats can affect a computer system in different ways. It can be passive influences, the implementation of which does not entail changing the data structure (for example, copying). Active threats- these are those that, on the contrary, change the structure and content of the computer system (the introduction of special programs).

According to threat division by stages of user or program access to system resources There are dangers that appear at the stage of access to the computer and are detectable after access is granted (unauthorized use of resources).

Classification by location in the system implies a division into three groups: threats to access information located on external storage devices, in RAM, and to that circulating in communication lines.

Threats can use a direct standard path to resources using illegally obtained passwords or through the misuse of legitimate user terminals, or they can “bypass” existing security measures in other ways.

Actions such as information theft are classified as threats that occur regardless of system activity. And, for example, the spread of viruses can be detected solely during data processing.

Random, or unintentional These are threats that are not related to the actions of attackers. The mechanism of their implementation has been studied quite well, so there are developed countermeasures.

Accidents and natural disasters pose a particular danger to computer systems, since they entail the most Negative consequences. Due to the physical destruction of systems, information becomes inaccessible or lost. In addition, it is impossible to completely avoid or prevent failures and failures in complex systems, as a result of which, as a rule, the information stored on them is distorted or destroyed, and the algorithm of operation of technical devices is disrupted.

Errors that may be made during the development of a computer system, including incorrect operating algorithms and incorrect software, can lead to consequences that are similar to those that occur during a failure and failure to operate technical means. Moreover, such errors can be used by attackers to impact system resources.

User errors lead to weakened information security in 65% of cases. Incompetent, negligent or inattentive performance functional responsibilities employees at enterprises leads to the destruction, violation of the integrity and confidentiality of information.

Also distinguished deliberate threats, which are associated with the targeted actions of the offender. Studying this class is difficult, since it is very dynamic and is constantly updated with new types of threats.

To penetrate a computer system for the purpose of further theft or destruction of information, methods and means of espionage such as wiretapping, theft of programs, security attributes, documents and storage media, visual surveillance and others are used.

In case of unauthorized access to data, standard hardware and software of computer systems are usually used, as a result of which the established rules for limiting access of users or processes to information resources are violated. The most common violations are the interception of passwords (performed using specially developed programs), performing any actions under the name of another person, as well as the use by an attacker of the privileges of legitimate users.

Special malware

"computer viruses"- These are small programs that can spread independently after being introduced into a computer by creating copies of themselves. Under certain conditions, viruses have a negative impact on the system;

"worms"– utilities that are activated every time the computer boots. They have the ability to move within a system or network and reproduce in a similar way to viruses. An avalanche-like proliferation of programs leads to overload of communication channels, memory, and then to blocking of work;

"Trojan horses"- such programs are “hidden” under the guise of a useful application, but in fact they harm the computer: they destroy the software, copy and send files with confidential information to the attacker, etc.

Satisfaction of national interests occurs within the framework of the processes of interaction between states in the international arena, as well as various social forces within them. These processes are in the nature of confrontation and cooperation, which in general allows us to consider them as a type of struggle for existence. The latter causes direct and indirect competition between states and forces them to take into account each other’s interests in one way or another. In the economic sphere, this competition has the nature of competition, and in non-economic spheres it has the nature of military-political and cultural-informational confrontation. The forms and direction of such confrontation and cooperation are determined by national interests. Since the resources allocated for development differ only partially for states, the clash of their interests is permanent.

It is these clashes in the course of satisfying national interests that give rise to threats to national security. National Security Threat is a danger determined by activities that interfere with the satisfaction of national interests.

On the one hand, the threat to national security is inextricably linked with one thing or another. There is no national interest - there is no threat. Outside the system of national interests, a threat is just a danger. The threat to national security is considered in the context of various dangers, the ability to cause any harm, misfortune that accompany human activity at all. Hazards, unlike threats, can be generated not only by social forces, but also by natural phenomena, natural disasters and man-made disasters.

On the other hand, a threat as an attack on national interest and the intention to cause harm is always associated with purposeful activities any opposing social force - specific subjects pursuing their own interests, which act as a source of threat.

  • affected national interests of the country, which reflects its importance;
  • circumstances (own vulnerability - the degree of security of the threat), which determines the potential damage when the threat is realized;
  • place and time of manifestation of negative factors and conditions;
  • capabilities, intentions and will of the threat actor (potential enemy or competitor).

The last two points determine the likelihood of the threat being realized.

Thus, national security threat- direct or indirect possibility of causing damage to constitutional rights, freedoms, decent quality and standard of living of citizens, sovereignty and territorial integrity, sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the state.

Nature of the threat determined by the nature of the interest, the satisfaction of which a given threat counteracts. Therefore, they distinguish threats of economic, military, informational, environmental and other nature(Fig. 1).

By appearance distinguish:

A direct threat. This is a threat created by the targeted deliberate activity of an entity that is considered as a competitor, adversary or enemy.

Indirect threat. This is a threat caused by destructive changes in market conditions, or unpredictable political events that destroy established systems of economic and political interaction, or their inability to respond to a crisis.

Depending on where the threat comes from. those. where the source of the threat is located in relation to the state border, they also distinguish external, internal and transnational(not country specific) threats.

From the point of view of the “broad” interpretation of security, threats are divided into following types: actor-centric and trend-centric. What these threats have in common is this. that the former are often, and the latter almost always, transnational in nature.

In the strategic planning systems of states, threats are usually divided into potential And immediate. The first ones are usually considered to be those that have the following characteristics:

  • pose an immediate danger to the national interest within the relevant planning period;
  • expressed as a certain trend in the development of the situation (for example, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the world or the deterioration of the economic situation);
  • do not require immediate response.

Signs of immediate threats are as follows:

  • represent a clear danger to national interests at the current moment;
  • expressed as a specific event (for example, an attack on an ally, hostage taking, etc.);
  • require immediate protective measures.

Rice. 1. Classification of threats to national security

Potential threats are usually taken into account when developing various plans and programs. Immediate threats require the immediate activation of the crisis planning system to take specific response measures. As a rule, sources of immediate threats are potential ones.

The manifestation of sources of threats can be cumulative in nature both in various areas of achieving national goals and in geographical areas (regions), this involves considering threats not only by their sources, both external and internal, but also by the forms and likelihood of implementation, as well as the expected damage. This allows you to identify risks for the tasks being solved national development in order to take proactive measures to neutralize threats. In this case, the spectrum of threats is formed by their following forms.

Traditional forms of threat implementation associated primarily with the use of armed forces of states in well-studied forms of warfare or conflict. In addition, these threats are associated with the use of various types of economic instruments. At the same time, the economic opportunities of the source of the threat are realized not so much to improve their own economic position in the world economy, but to cause damage to their competitors using economic methods. The manifestation of such threats is expressed in a violation of the existing balance of power in various areas of activity or geographical (strategic) directions. which constrains the freedom of action of the state in a particular region of the world, increasing the risks of achieving national goals.

Unconventional forms of threat implementation involve the use by states and non-state actors of unconventional methods against adversaries that are superior in capabilities. These include terrorism, insurgency, civil wars. These approaches can be combined with information campaigns and actions, as well as attempts to purposefully disrupt the country’s financial and credit sector through speculative attacks. Sometimes non-traditional forms the implementation of threats is called asymmetric.

Forms of implementation of catastrophic threats associated with the use of weapons of mass destruction. This category of threats should also include activities to destroy key country infrastructure facilities that can cause catastrophic environmental and/or social consequences. The sources of such threats can be individual states seeking to ensure their security or increase international status, as well as various kinds of non-state actors seeking to attract international attention or achieve other goals through the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction and even their use (by analogy with the use of chemical weapons by the Aum-Shinrikyo sect in the Tokyo subway in 1995).

Disruptive forms of threat implementation come from opponents who develop, possess and use breakthrough technologies that make it possible to neutralize the enemy’s advantages in relevant areas. Of key importance in this context are information methods of disorganizing the activities of state and military control systems and correcting the political activity of the masses in the required direction.

It should be noted that, just like interests, threats are recognized and “felt” by specific carriers of interests. There is always a difference between reality and its awareness. That's why threats can also be overestimated, underestimated and even imaginary, i.e. far-fetched.

Internal and external threats to national economic security

In the process of creation and maintenance, key reasons arise that can disrupt it, threats. The main threats are defined in the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 1997 No. 1300 (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000 No. 24). In accordance with it, threats are divided into internal and external in relation to the location of the causes of their occurrence - outside the national economy and inside it.

Internal threats to Russia's national security

The main internal threats to national economic security are:

Increasing the degree of differentiation in the standard of living and income of the population. The formation of a small group of the rich population (oligarchs) and a large part of the poor population creates a situation of social tension in society, which can ultimately lead to serious socio-economic upheavals. This creates a number of problems in society - total uncertainty of the population, its psychological discomfort, the formation of large criminal structures, drug addiction, alcoholism, organized crime, prostitution;

Deformation. The orientation of the economy towards the extraction of mineral resources is creating serious structural changes. A decrease in competitiveness and a total curtailment of production stimulates an increase in unemployment and reduces the quality of life of the population. The resource orientation of the national economy allows for high income, but in no way ensures sustainable economic growth;

Increasing uneven economic development of regions. This kind of situation poses the problem of breaking the single economic space. The sharp difference in the level of socio-economic development of regions destroys existing connections between them and impedes interregional integration;

Criminalization of Russian society. In society, there has been a sharp increase in the tendency to obtain unearned income through direct robbery and seizure of property, which negatively affects the overall stability and sustainability of the national economy. Great importance there is a total penetration of criminal structures into the state apparatus and industry and an emerging trend of merging between them. Many entrepreneurs abandon legal methods of resolving disputes among themselves, avoiding free competition, and are increasingly resorting to the help of criminal structures. All this negatively affects the general economic situation and prevents the national economy from emerging from the crisis;

A sharp decline in the scientific and technical potential of Russia. The basis of economic growth—scientific and technological potential—has been practically lost over the past decade, due to a reduction in investment in priority scientific and technical research and development, the mass departure of leading scientists from the country, the destruction of knowledge-intensive industries, and increased scientific and technological dependence. The future development of the economy lies in knowledge-intensive industries, for the creation of which Russia today does not have sufficient scientific potential. Accordingly, it is being questioned whether Russia has a place in the world economy;

Increasing isolation and desire for independence of the subjects of the Federation. Russia has significant territories that function within the framework of a federal structure. The manifestation of separatist aspirations by the subjects of the Federation poses a real threat to the territorial integrity of Russia and the existence of a single legal, political and economic space;

Increased interethnic and interethnic tensions, which creates real conditions for the emergence internal conflicts on national grounds. Broadcasts his series public associations, whose interests do not include preserving the cultural and national integrity of Russia;

Widespread violation of the common legal space, leading to legal nihilism and non-compliance with legislation;

Decreased physical public health, leading to degradation due to the crisis of the healthcare system. As a result, there is a steady trend towards a reduction in the birth rate and life expectancy of the population. The decline in human potential makes economic growth and industrial development impossible;

Demographic crisis associated with a stable tendency for the total mortality of the population to prevail over the birth rate. The catastrophic decline in population poses the problem of populating the territory of Russia and its retention of existing borders.

Taken together, domestic threats to national security are closely intertwined and interconnected. Their elimination is necessary not only to create the proper level of national security, but also to preserve Russian statehood. Along with internal ones, there are also external threats national security.

External threats to Russia's national security

Main external threats to national security are:

  • the decline of Russia’s role in the global economy due to the targeted actions of individual states and interstate associations, for example the UN, OSCE;
  • reduction of economic and political influence on processes occurring in the global economy;
  • increasing the scale and influence of international military and political associations, including NATO;
  • emerging trends towards the deployment of military forces near the borders of Russia foreign countries;
  • the widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the world;
  • weakening of integration and adjustment processes economic ties Russia with the CIS countries;
  • creating conditions for the formation and emergence of military armed conflicts near the state borders of Russia and the CIS countries;
  • territorial expansion in relation to Russia, for example, from Japan and China;
  • international terrorism;
  • weakening of Russia's position in the field of information and telecommunications. This is manifested in a decrease in Russia’s influence on international information flows and the development by a number of states of information expansion technologies that can be applied to Russia;
  • intensification of the activities of foreign organizations engaged in reconnaissance and collection of strategic information on Russian territory;
  • a sharp decline in the country's military and defense potential, which does not allow it, if necessary, to repel a military attack, which is associated with a systemic crisis in the country's defense complex.

Ensuring national security at a sufficient level necessitates constant monitoring of external and internal threats, and therefore their list is constantly changing depending on specific political, social, legal and economic conditions.

Adopted in 1997 and amended in 2000, the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation is not a simple declaration. It is an effective legal document regulating the priority area of ​​state activity - national security. Only starting in 2003, it began to be implemented after the necessary potential had been accumulated. The introduction of a system for appointing senior officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation minimized the threat to the territorial integrity of Russia. The recent ban on the activities of funds with foreign capital in Russia has reduced the degree of its political and economic dependence. Now we are witnessing a process in which the accumulated potential of state power has begun to implement the National Security Concept adopted in 1997, albeit not effectively and efficiently in all areas.

Stages of a national security threat

Threats to national security in the public consciousness and, in particular, in the consciousness of the country's political leadership go through several stages: awareness of the threat - reaction to a perceived threat - response to the threat.

Awareness of the threat

Firstly, the property of an object or phenomenon to “pose a threat” obviously does not have an inherent character, but is very conditional. What is considered a “threat” from the point of view of one scale of values ​​may, on the contrary, turn out to be an “opportunity” from the point of view of another assessment. It is difficult to talk about “threats” without reference to a certain value system. Secondly, a threat is perceived as such only as long as it seems probable enough. In general, any threat is perceived by the human consciousness “integrally” - as a certain sum of the subjectively assessed probability of the threat being realized and the degree of possible damage. Moreover, the perception of a threat is purely individual and is reflected in the concept of “degree of threat.” The degree of threat is the integral perception of the threat in the individual or public consciousness. Even a deadly but low-probability threat may be perceived as “low” and of little concern to those concerned. At the same time, a threat that is quite probable, but not serious in nature, can completely divert attention to itself. Therefore, the response to threats to national interests may differ significantly from what a person’s subconscious tells him. However, even if threats are practically improbable, political leadership in practice must assume their possibility in order to ensure that what should not happen does not actually happen.

In this regard, the main problem of preventing and countering any threat is the gap between the principles of rational perception and combating threats and the “innate”, often irrational, reaction of society to threats (or the lack thereof). Influencing the sphere of politics, “universal” and purely national characteristics of the perception of threats lead to a deviation of the actions of politicians from the model of “rational behavior”. In these cases, the effectiveness of the national security system is reduced.

In practice, a threat can be recognized by society only if it is “real” in the eyes of society, i.e. society estimates the likelihood of its implementation quite high. As the likelihood of a threat decreases, the task of preventing it falls off the public agenda. A low degree of threat anticipation, weakening the natural protective forces of society, obviously contributes to the realization of the threat. The society that least expects a threat is the one most exposed to it. For example, a war for which a country is “well prepared”, as a rule, does not happen. But others happen.

Reaction to a perceived threat

In the political sphere, it is generally impossible to assess the likelihood of a particular threat “objectively” (events here are extremely heterogeneous). Therefore, any assessment of the likelihood of a threat can only have a practical, pragmatic meaning. In fact, even when they talk about probability, they mean an integral assessment of the “degree of threat.” In the political realm, a “high degree” of threat means a high potential harm if practical means and resources are available to prevent it. Deviation from this assessment principle will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of combating threats either due to an incorrect assessment of damage or due to an incorrect assessment of one’s capabilities. At the same time, the assessment of “damage” from the threat directly depends on the value system (national traditions, strategic culture). The latter is able to answer the questions: “What is good and what is bad?”, “What is “gain” and what is “loss?” Without a specific value system, effective fight It is incorrect to speak with threats.

Response to threat

It is mediated by national and cultural characteristics. Thus, a close assessment of the degree of threat in different countries does not mean the same response to it or any active action at all. Different nations have completely different degrees of “tolerance” of threats (threshold of perception). The higher the degree of tolerance, the higher the danger must be for society/state to begin to respond to it. For example, there is a strong opinion that Russians are distinguished by a high degree of tolerance to dangers and threats. Compared to Russians, Americans, on the contrary, are distinguished by an unusually low tolerance to threats: even a small threat to one’s well-being can cause a hysterical reaction, often disproportionate to the degree of the threat.

Thus, the threat to national security limits the freedom of choice for each individual, and for the country - freedom of action in one area or another. This is manifested in the fact that when achieving national goals, the threat violates the selected ratio of means (resources) and methods, exerts negative, primarily psychological, pressure on the decision-making system, the government controlled. This increases the risks of achieving national goals. That is, a threat is something that requires the activation of the national security system.

| Military threat to Russia's national security

Basics of life safety
9th grade

Lesson 8
Military threat to Russia's national security

At the beginning of the 21st century. Russia is at a new stage in its historical development. The foundations are being reformed government system, the process of reassessing national values ​​and coordinating the interests of the individual, society and state, and the further development of socio-economic, political, legal, ethnic ties and relations is underway. Approaches to ensuring national security are changing, which, in turn, allows us to reconsider Russia’s place and role in the world.

At the beginning of the new century, processes began to increase the role of military force to ensure the political and economic interests of the states of the world. Currently, the strong Russian Armed Forces are acquiring geopolitical significance.

Due to this special meaning has the defense organization of the state - the Russian Federation.

State defense is a system of political, economic, social and legal measures to prepare for armed defense and armed defense of the Russian Federation, the integrity and inviolability of its territory. It is organized and carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Defense”, other laws of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts.

For defense purposes, the country establishes military service for citizens and creates the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines the legal framework and the most significant norms for the organization of state defense and the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Article 59 of the Constitution states: “Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation.”

The measures that the state takes to organize defense stem from existing external and internal threats to Russia’s national security.

In the modern international situation, there are three types of threats to Russia’s national security, the neutralization of which is, to a certain extent, the function of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:


The main external threats include:

Deployment of groups of forces and means aimed at a military attack on the Russian Federation or its allies;
territorial claims against the Russian Federation, the threat of political or forceful separation of certain territories from the Russian Federation;
interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation by foreign states;
build-up of troop groups leading to a disruption of the existing balance of power near the borders of the Russian Federation;
armed provocations, including attacks on military installations of the Russian Federation located on the territories of foreign states, as well as on objects and structures on the state border of the Russian Federation or on the borders of its allies;
actions that impede Russia's access to strategically important transport communications;
discrimination, suppression of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in foreign countries.

The main internal threats include:

Attempts to forcibly change the constitutional system and violation of the territorial integrity of Russia;
planning, preparation and implementation of actions to disrupt and disorganize the functioning of public authorities and management, attacks on state, national economic, military facilities, life support facilities and information infrastructure;
creation, equipment, training and functioning of illegal armed groups;
illegal distribution of weapons, ammunition and explosives on the territory of the Russian Federation;
large-scale organized crime activities that threaten political stability throughout the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
activities of separatist and radical religious national movements in the Russian Federation.

The main cross-border threats include:

Creation, equipment, support and training of armed formations and groups on the territories of other states for the purpose of their transfer for operations on Russian territory;
activities of subversive separatist, national or religious extremist groups supported from abroad, aimed at undermining the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, creating a threat to the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and the security of its citizens;
cross-border crime, including smuggling and other illegal activities on a scale that threatens the national security of Russia, and information activities hostile to the Russian Federation;
drug trafficking activities that create a threat of drug penetration into the territory of the Russian Federation or drug transit to other countries:
threat from the activities of international terrorist organizations: currently there has been a merging of domestic and international terrorism, and its threats are increasing, including the use of components of weapons of mass destruction.

Based on all that has been said, it should be emphasized that at present, ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation has become the most important area of ​​activity of the state. The main goal in this area is to ensure the ability to adequately respond to threats that may arise for Russia in the 21st century, taking into account rational costs for national defense.

Militants from illegal armed groups in a populated area on the territory of the Republic of Chechnya. 90s XX century

Liquidation of a warehouse of weapons and ammunition belonging to illegal armed groups. The village of Starye Atagi. Republic of Chechnya, February 2002

Remember! The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation play a major role in ensuring the military security of the state.

Everyone should know this

The Russian Federation is considering the possibility of using military force to ensure its national security, based on the following principles:

The use of all forces and means at its disposal, including nuclear weapons, if necessary, to repel armed aggression if all other measures to resolve the crisis situation have been exhausted or have proven ineffective;
the use of military force within the country in strict accordance with the Constitution and federal laws in the event of a threat to the lives of citizens, the territorial integrity of the country, as well as the threat of a violent change in the constitutional order.

Testing of the Igla MANPADS at the training ground of the Air Defense Forces training center. Krasnodar region, April 2001

A checkpoint of the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops on the border with Chechnya. Stavropol region, late 90s.

Currently, ensuring Russia's national security from military threats only through political opportunities(membership in international organizations, partnerships, opportunities for influence) becomes ineffective.

An analysis of existing threats to Russia's national security, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the field of military and combat confrontation, has put on the agenda the question of the need to reassess the prospects for military development in Russia, taking into account the role and place of our country in modern world. In this regard, the country is planning to take measures to strengthen and equip the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with modern weapons.


1. What role does state defense play in ensuring Russia’s national security?

2. What external threats to Russia’s national security currently exist?

3. What threats are internal threats to Russia’s national security?

4. What threats are the main cross-border threats to Russia's national security?

5. What role are the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation currently called upon to play to ensure national security?


Give an example of involving the Armed Forces within the country to ensure the safety of citizens and the territorial integrity of Russia.