Heating project for office premises. Office heating systems

When a person is serious about his career, the office becomes his second home. This room has all the necessary amenities: a favorite coffee mug, photos with family members, and sometimes even personal hygiene items and a change of clothes in case you need to work all night. There is no doubt that the climatic conditions in the office should also be comfortable, because otherwise you cannot count on good productivity.

Methods for heating an office

Often in office premises they refuse constant heating, choosing options in which you can independently turn on and off the radiators. This is necessary for situations where offices are temporarily left without permanent occupants, for example, when there is a change of employee, during vacation or long weekends. Additional spending on heating during this period is pointless.

Sometimes company management comes to the conclusion that it is not profitable to pay for centralized heating, because it is cheaper to use electric heaters for these purposes. When employees are free to choose their own method of heating the office, they have to choose one of the popular options:

  • Fan heaters;
  • Infrared emitters;
  • Oil batteries;
  • Quartz heaters.

These devices are easy to maintain, effective for heating a room of a standard size and can be easily switched off if necessary. However, each of them has its own disadvantages.

Fan heaters dry out the air, make noise and distract from work, which is unacceptable in a busy business environment. Oil batteries take up a lot of space, take a long time to heat up and can emit an unpleasant rancid odor. Such features can repel potential clients and partners, since they indicate that the owner of the company does not care about his subordinates.

Infrared emitters are very popular in everyday life, but installation on the ceiling is often critical for tenants - the installation of such devices is not allowed in most offices, and therefore one has to abandon this method of heating the room.

Perhaps, a quartz heater - a new trend in the heating device market - is currently one of the best options for maintaining heat in the office, since the high efficiency of the device combines well with a laconic modern design. However, the Doma Warmer company is ready to offer a more budget-friendly option for heating a room, which will look equally good in the manager’s office and in the offices of his subordinates - this is a wall-mounted film heater.

Principle of operation

The flexible canvas with the printed image is covered with plastic that does not conduct electricity. Heating elements operating in the infrared range are distributed over the entire area of ​​the painting. When the device is plugged in, it transfers heat to surrounding objects, thereby heating the air in the room.

The light weight of the device allows for simple installation - just hang the picture on a nail or a special hook. Other installation methods are also allowed, for example, nailing it to the wall, but in this case you need to proceed with caution so as not to damage the heating elements.

Advantages and disadvantages

A wall-mounted film heater has a lot of obvious and hidden advantages:

  • Coefficient useful action as close as possible to 100%;
  • The device consumes a small amount of electricity and allows you to reduce the corresponding cost item;
  • The device does not dry out the air and operates odorless;
  • If necessary, it can be quickly dismantled and put away in any convenient place, for example, a desk drawer;
  • To maintain cleanliness, it is enough to wipe the canvas in a timely manner with a slightly damp cloth or brush off the dust with a brush.

In other words, a picture on the wall can completely replace a full-fledged heater, in no way inferior to it in the functions it performs. However, such a heating device also has one drawback - the lack of a thermostat leads to the need for constant human control. The device must be turned off independently when the air warms up enough and turned on if the temperature drops again and becomes uncomfortable. Although this small drawback is more than compensated for by the wide range of wall-mounted film heater designs.

Individual design for each office

Office premises, as a rule, are designed in a simple style, do not allow the presence of unnecessary details that will distract from work, and the interior is laconic and without frills. Naturally, in such a room a bulky heater will get in the way and is unlikely to fit into the overall design. This problem will not arise with wall-mounted film heaters.

The front side of the device is represented by an image that the buyer can choose independently. For an office office, urban landscapes, images of weather phenomena, as well as drawings directly related to the organization are best suited. If desired, the latter option can be made to order - and then in the offices of all subordinates there will be heaters that are inextricably linked with the company.

Equally laconic solutions are suitable for the manager’s office, but you can also show a little imagination, reflecting the personal qualities of the owner of the office. As a rule, such people prefer images of famous architectural structures, reproductions of artists and “eternal” spontaneous motifs.

We should also not forget about a simple, but in its own way original design solution - this is a heater in the form of a wall calendar. True, not all organizations can afford such devices, since the image requires an annual change, and therefore the replacement of the entire device. This approach is impractical, since even under warranty the device operates for at least 2.5 years without interruption, and the post-warranty service life can be several times longer.

When thinking about how to heat an office space, you need to choose a device according to a number of criteria - this is both operational efficiency and market price, and average energy consumption. Appearance plays an important role in this list, since when doing business, clients and possible partners are always “meeted by their clothes,” and therefore it is very important to present the organization as a serious enterprise. A wall-mounted film heater will help in this matter, seamlessly fitting into the interior of the office.

Office heaters are one of the most popular products nowadays. They provide a comfortable atmosphere at enterprises from September to May, thereby creating the necessary conditions to maintain workflow and employee comfort. Modern infrared heaters for office premises and completely became a new word in technology. They differ significantly from previous versions of devices.

Modern office heaters

Currently, infrared office heaters of the Armstrong type are the most popular. They are compact, convenient, very easy to operate, economical and are installed in a standard Armstrong office ceiling cell. Such devices operate on the principle sun rays, warming the space underneath and without drying out the air, in the manner of oil or convectors. This means that your employees will not complain about overheated air, allergies and other health problems.

The average power consumption of such a device is from 500 to 700 W, about the same amount consumed by a regular kitchen multicooker, the largest appliances consume up to 2000 W, however, they are in less demand. The devices do not overload the power grid, and therefore can be used even in those offices where great amount technology.

Product release forms

Infrared office heaters are available in various versions. On sale there are both small models designed for rooms with an area of ​​8 to 16 meters, as well as samples designed specifically for large workshops - up to 40 square meters. meters. The selection is made based on the standards and calculations for heating the room.

It is also worth noting that office heaters are available on the market in various design solutions- from simple ceiling models in brown and white colors to stylish glass panels that elegantly fit into any interior. Moreover, office heaters are practically invisible on the ceiling.

Assortment of heaters for the office.

This section presents models of heaters that are most often purchased for heating an office. Naturally, you can use other models, which you can find in the sections on manufacturers and in other sections of the site.

In our store you can buy infrared heaters for the office the best manufacturers at factory prices. Our managers will professionally advise you and help you decide on the optimal heater model for you.

Obviously, in the Russian climate, having a heating system in the office is simply necessary. The office heating system creates and maintains the optimal temperature for people inside office premises during the heating season. Thanks to the heating system, comfortable working conditions are created for office employees during the cold season. Exist different kinds heating systems in office and administrative buildings and premises. Choice specific type heating system depends on many conditions, the wishes of the customer and the characteristics of the object in question, therefore the final decision on the choice of the type of heating system should be made by professional engineers, contact the specialists of the Thermodynamics company, accurate and truthful information, we will advise and answer all questions, we will develop and We will complete the heating system project, promptly carry out installation and commissioning work, and provide service support. Let's look at the types of heating systems for offices and office buildings.

The most common heating system is water heating

In most cases, in Russia, a water heating system (water heating) is used for heating office and administrative buildings and premises. In this system, the coolant is water, and its heating occurs either in an individual boiler room or in local heat exchangers. Typically, the heat source in an individual boiler room is a gas boiler; as an alternative, boilers with diesel fuel. The choice of material for the pipeline system is also important (steel and polypropylene pipes, pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene), as well as the choice of the type of heating devices - they use wall-mounted and floor-mounted heating radiators, convectors. All these nuances must be taken into account during the execution process. design work, an experienced design engineer will take into account all the Client’s wishes, the amount of pressure and pressure in the heating system, and the number of floors of the building. IN Lately For heating offices and premises in administrative buildings, they began to use a heating system based on water-heated floors, which creates the maximum comfortable conditions for office employees. However, it is economically feasible to install a heating system based on water-based heated floors in buildings under construction, since its organization in existing offices will require significant capital investments. Most modern office centers install chiller-fan coil ventilation and air conditioning systems, which winter time They can also be used for heating office premises.

An alternative to water heating is electric heating.

It is used exclusively if it is impossible to install a water heating system; the heat source in this heating system is an electric boiler, which converts electrical energy from the network into heat. In this case, replacing with water heated floors are electric, the heating element in them is a special electrical cable, mounted into the floor screed. Also used as heating devices electric convectors and oil heaters. Significant disadvantage electrical system heating is a relatively high consumption of expensive electricity; it is one of the most expensive types of heating.

Energy saving and savings

The main directions for increasing the efficiency of heating systems in office and administrative buildings are a set of works aimed at insulating the outer contour of office buildings, insulating walls and ceilings. All exits from the building must be equipped with vestibules and air-heat curtains- this will prevent the penetration of cold air into the heated premises when employees enter or exit. Automatic thermostats must be installed on heating radiators - they will prevent heating of the air in the heated room above the required and sufficient temperature. Individual boiler rooms and heat supply points should be equipped with systems that will automatically regulate the heating temperature of the coolant depending on the outside air temperature, and completely eliminate unnecessary heating of the coolant and the associated extra financial costs. Don’t forget about high-quality thermal insulation of heating mains, pipes and heating system components.

Only experienced specialists from Thermodynamics company can take into account all these nuances; we will offer optimal options solutions for each specific case.

Comfortable conditions in the workplace contribute to a person’s well-being and have a beneficial effect on his performance. The task of heating is to maintain the temperature inside the premises at a level that ensures a comfortable stay for people during the cold season.

So, let's look at what methods can be used to organize heating in administrative and office premises. It should be noted that each construction project has individual characteristics and conditions. Therefore, it is best, when choosing a heating method, to turn to specialists who will give competent advice, make a project, perform installation and commissioning work, etc. However, the information below may be useful to you when solving the problem of heating in the office.

Before proposing any solution, it is necessary to know the current state of affairs. Is it planned to build an office building, or does it already exist? Can the existing system be used or is reconstruction necessary? The solution to this issue is also influenced by the size of office premises and a feasibility study.

Water heating

Water heating is most often used to heat office buildings and premises. in this case, a thermal power plant or a local boiler house can serve. Boilers can be used in the boiler room various types. The choice of piping system and heating devices (radiators or convectors) is determined at the design stage based on the pressure in the system, design features buildings, water quality and customer wishes.

If desired, a water heated floor system can be used to heat the office. This type heating is able to provide the most comfortable conditions for a person’s stay. Depending on the amount of heat loss in the room, it is determined at the design stage whether only a heated floor is sufficient for heating or whether it will be required combined system heating using additional heating devices. It is better to install heated floors with water circuits in office premises in newly constructed buildings. However, it is technically possible to use water underfloor heating and in existing buildings. In this case, certain capital costs will be required, so it is preferable to carry out such work if the office premises are not rented, but owned.

If a chiller-fan coil air conditioning system is planned for office premises, then it is possible to use this system for heating during the cold season. For this you need a chiller with a function heat pump. Another option is the possibility of connecting a hydraulic air conditioning system to the building’s heating unit. Thus, in the summer, the fan coils will receive water cooled in the chiller (or an antifreeze solution), and in the winter it will be possible to connect to the heating point using jumpers.

Electric heating

If it is not possible to organize water heating, use electrical energy. You can, for example, install an electric heated floor - in this case, instead of a water circuit, a special electrical cable is installed in the floor structure. The only disadvantage of this system is the relatively high cost of electricity.

As heating devices for the system electric heating It is convenient to use electric convectors. They are easily mounted on the wall of the room and have a modern, pleasant appearance. Many modern electric convectors can be combined into an electric heating system with a single control device.

Fan heaters and oil heaters are convenient to use if, for some reason, the power existing system There is not enough heating, which can happen, for example, if it is misregulated or has other problems.

Infrared heaters can also be used in combination with another heating system, or for separate rooms large area, for example for showrooms or halls, according to design solutions.

In the off-season, you can also use a split system for heating office premises, which has a heat pump function, i.e. capable of operating in a reverse cycle: transferring heat not from indoors to outdoors, as in normal mode, but vice versa. Similar models Almost every air conditioner manufacturer has them. This method is most effective at an outside air temperature of +3-5 o C. Under such conditions, the conversion rate of electricity into heat is 2.2-2.6. Those. when, for example, 100 W of electricity is consumed, 220-260 W of the body is generated. When the outside air temperature is below 0 o C, the conversion index approaches unity, i.e. becomes close to the regime direct use electricity to heat the air.

Energy saving

To reduce heat losses, and as a consequence of reducing the power of the heating system, the heat transfer resistance of external fences must be no less than that required by regulatory documents.

The entrance vestibules of the building can be equipped with air-thermal curtains, which can be water or electric. In the case of water air curtains, it is worth providing, in addition to automatic control of operation, protection against freezing of the water heat exchanger.

For energy saving purposes, automatic thermostats are also used. heating devices. Thermostats allow you to maintain the internal air temperature at a given value, thereby saving thermal energy.

It can be said that currently the variety of products on the market heating equipment promotes the implementation of various engineering solutions taking into account individual characteristics construction projects. Therefore, to create a good indoor microclimate, we advise you to contact professionals who will offer optimal solutions for each specific case.