Simple fortune telling for Christmas at home. Let's find out what awaits us in the future by wax

Fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide is rightfully considered the most truthful. Christmas fortune telling has its roots in the times of pagan Rus'. It was fortune telling during the winter solstice (and this is the period of Christmastide) that was given special meaning in pagan times.

It was believed that it was on these days that otherworldly forces were most active, and the boundaries between worlds were thinner, which contributed to a more truthful result of New Year's, Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', Christmas fortune-telling was not only preserved, but also acquired a more mystical meaning, and although the church tried to fight superstition and fortune-telling, they were carefully passed on from generation to generation, and have survived to this day in a little changed form.

Christmastide refers to the two weeks of winter holidays, from Christmas Eve, which falls on January 6, to Epiphany, celebrated on January 19.

When you decide to tell fortunes for Christmas, remember that the result of fortune telling may not live up to your expectations, so is it worth spoiling your holidays...

A huge variety of methods for Christmas fortune-telling have been invented in Rus', but the main theme of all Christmas fortune-telling is fortune telling for the betrothed (groom). This is understandable, because in ancient times, the fate of a girl depended entirely on how successfully she would get married.

Yuletide fortune telling or fortune telling for Christmas time

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve is called “Yuletide” for a reason. It is on Christmas Eve, January 6, that the so-called Christmastide begins, which lasts until the night of Epiphany, January 19. In ancient times in Rus', people believed that this was a magical period at the beginning of the year, when higher power willingly contact a person, and if you ask the spirits well, you can get a variety of answers and you can open the door of your future.

To predict your destiny and see what lies ahead, how life will turn out and what events may happen, it is important to know not only when to tell fortunes at Christmas, but what is needed for fortune telling. Traditional fortune telling in January with cards or on wax, on mirrors and logs, coffee grounds and many other available materials.

It has already been noted that fortune telling at Christmas time very often comes true and is accurate. Because these days angels and good spirits help.

When can you guess in 2019?

Best time for fortune telling, as we have already reported, this is the night before Christmas.

It is then that astral spirits and ghosts penetrate physical world, making contact and communicating the facts of our future.

One more suitable period Winter attempts to look into your future are considered to be the period between January 8 and January 18. IN given time they also guess, recognizing their betrothed (name, hair color, character, class), an imminent or distant wedding, the number of children, a successful or unsuccessful marriage.

Vasiliev's evening is recognized as special when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even prophetic. This is January 13th.
No less successful in fortune telling is January 18 - Epiphany Eve.

Preparing for fortune telling on Christmastide

In order to get reliable answers and not harm themselves, fortune tellers had to meet a number of certain conditions:

  • First of all, you had to take off your protection, that is, the cross. You understand that fortune telling is a “conversation with the devil,” and he, as you know, is afraid of the cross. It was also necessary to remove all the icons from the room in which the ceremony would be performed, or to cover them with a scarf.
  • Secondly, you had to take off rings, belts and any other “closed” or “encircling” things. It's better to let your hair down.
  • Thirdly, during the fortune telling itself, you should not cross your arms and legs. Even now, any esotericist will tell you that this blocks energy.
  • Fourthly, there should be no other lighting in the room except from candles.
  • Fifthly, before fortune telling (about a day in advance) you shouldn’t quarrel with anyone.

And lastly, it is imperative to maintain silence.

Well, these are, perhaps, the basic rules. In fact, in different time This list could change in different provinces, but these are subtleties.

Now, as for the place in which it is best to guess. It was believed that the place for this ritual should be “unclean.” The bathhouse fit this description perfectly; I have already briefly mentioned why the bathhouse is considered such a place; let’s not focus on this now. If for some reason there is no bathhouse nearby, then you can conduct the ceremony in the attic, basement, or in an abandoned house. And the very last option is at home (by the way, one of the least desirable).

By the way, in addition to all of the above, the girls wondered:

  • at road intersections;
  • in the courtyard of the house (there are several such fortune-telling);
  • and the worst option is in the cemetery (it is believed that this place is reminiscent of strong energy, besides, the line between the worlds is the thinnest).

Simple methods of fortune telling for Christmastide and Christmas 2019

Fortune telling by book

They took a book at random and asked a question. After this, they called the page number and the line number on it - what was written in this place in the book served as the answer.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

You need to drink a cup of coffee, cover it with a saucer and tip it up and down three times. At the same time, the thicket will spread along the bottom, forming various figures, from which you need to guess. For example, the outline of a dog will symbolize friendship, the outline of a forest will symbolize wealth.

The image of the cross means patience. Wreath - glory. The ladder is the achievement of a desired and long-awaited goal. The shadow of a person predicts a pleasant date, the shadow of a house when fortune telling on coffee grounds is a symbol of abundance. The outline of a church or bell tower signifies a return home. A deer may portend a fast journey.

Hair fortune telling

Hair fortune telling has always been especially popular among girls. It is generally accepted that it should not be used more than once a year. This predictive technique will help when a person has to make an important decision, and the choice will entail important consequences.

In the windless moonlit night you should cut off a strand of your own hair, and then burn it on fire and watch how it burns:

  • if everything lights up at once, then soon expect changes for the better; success awaits you in any planned task;
  • if they burn but smoke, then there will soon be changes in your life;
  • if they burn brightly and for a long time, it means that major acquisitions await you;
  • if they smolder and do not light up for a long time, then this is a warning about a major trouble or illness.

Fortune telling on Wax with a candle

This is one of the most popular and interesting methods of fortune telling during Christmas time. To tell fortunes in wax during the holidays, put cool water in a basin or bowl, a deep plate and pick up a wax candle. You need to light the candle and wait until a little wax melts.

Of course, in this matter you cannot do without a bit of imagination; it is advisable that you are not alone during fortune telling in order to correctly read and interpret the signs of fate from all sides. Of course, there are certain figures that appear more often than others. For example, a ring or wreath is a sign of imminent marriage.

A bad omen is a snake or a coffin.

Swan and mushroom - good shape, which promise only prosperity and success in the new year.

If, in addition to a large figure, many small figures appear on the water, this is an excellent sign. It indicates that in 2016 everything will be fine for you financially, you can expect a good income. Often the main figure turns out to be large and round, resembling an apple in outline. This is also an excellent sign that indicates prosperity and success in 2016. The egg is a symbol of unfounded fears.

The meaning of a candle flame during fortune telling:

  • If you light a candle and you succeed the first time and it burns steadily, this is a good sign.
  • If the candle sparks, hisses, whistles or makes some noise, it means that some important news or message awaits you.
  • Wax candle, which is poorly lit and burns barely - this is not a good sign.
  • If during fortune telling the candle does not want to light, this is a sign that it is better not to tell fortunes today, but to postpone the ritual of fortune telling with candles to another day.

Meanings of wax figures in wax fortune telling:

If the wax is poured out in the shape of a horse, your life will change in better side.
Home for unmarried girl means a quick marriage; in Rus' this symbol has always meant farming.
Apple, pear - means wisdom and good health.

Wax figure resembling a ball or a round ball correct form- birth of a child.
A wax egg promises some changes in life.
If during fortune telling you see a deep hole, this is a sign of serious illness or death.

Wax figures resembling stripes are roads; you are destined to spend 2017 constantly moving.
If the wax did not form some kind of large figure, but was divided into small droplets, this indicates a monetary period.
Wax Mushroom Indicates Longevity

A wax figure resembling a tree with branches upward is a symbol of joy and prosperity.
A ring-shaped figure is a sign for a wedding.
If you see the shape of a pancake, this is a sign of late marriage.

A dragon will tell you about the work, promising successful completion. big project.
Bell-shaped figures are a time of anxiety.

Flowers and berries are signs of love and marriage.
Figures from cross symbol anxiety and illness.

Fortune telling by mirror

This ancient fortune telling at all times was considered the most true. However, it also carried dangers. Often impressionable young ladies lost their senses. And the whole point is that, according to ancient legends, a mirror is nothing more than the line between the real and the otherworldly.

There are many signs and customs associated with this belief. Previously, when mirrors were made using silver, it was believed that in addition to connecting with the world of spirits, they had a long memory, which could harm people. Therefore, almost all signs relating to the mirror are considered bad omens.

Everyone knows that broken mirror promises misfortune and trouble. In the old days, women were not allowed to look in the mirror during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, because... it was believed that this could destroy the precarious line between the two worlds and harm the baby and mother. At the same time, the mirror also served a strong talisman: it was believed that evil spirits, reflected in the mirror, instantly and forever lost their power.

But let's get back to the fortune telling itself. They told fortunes with a mirror in an “unclean” place (for example, in a bathhouse, where they washed off all the dirt), at midnight on Christmas Eve, when the border between reality and other world most thinned. The girl who performed the divination had to be alone in the room.

She needed to take off her belt, let her hair down, and put two cutlery and a candle on the table. Having prepared everything necessary, the girl sat down facing the mirror and said: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner.”

At exactly midnight, in the mirror, she saw the face of a man leaning over her shoulder. At this moment, peering into the face of her future groom, she had to utter words that would drive away the image: “Cheer out of this place!” From that moment on, the danger subsided. It was believed that if this is not said, the betrothed might come out of the mirror, and then misfortune would occur.

Fortune telling by egg

Pour water into a glass and pour the protein into it raw egg. Place the glass in a heated oven so that the whites curl. After this, take out the glass and carefully look at the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures:

  1. Church dome or ring - imminent wedding.
  2. Rectangle or square - serious illness, death.
  3. Ship - moving after marriage to another city or country.
  4. A pancake that has sunk to the bottom is a series of adversities and troubles, a long girlhood.

Take a clean sheet of paper and crumple it, then place it on the bottom of an upside down plate and set it on fire. When the paper burns out, bring the saucer with the ashes to the wall and carefully turn the plate until a shadow appears on the wall, the outlines of which will be the result of fortune telling. How to interpret a shadow? Using your imagination!

Christmas fortune telling by nut shell

Pour water into a basin. Attach strips of paper along the edges of the pelvis on which events are written, for example, a wedding, a trip, receiving money, new job etc. (if there is only one fortuneteller), or the names of all those present who want to know their future.

In the second case, one event is planned, in particular a wedding, engagement, meeting a future spouse, etc.
Take half a shell walnut and secure the stub of a church or birthday candle in it. Light the candle and push the “boat” to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the shell should float to one of the notes on its own.

But the dream will come true only if the paper, upon contact with the boat, lights up from the candle flame.

Fortune telling by ring

Take a bowl of clean water, throw it at her wedding ring and put it in the frost. In the morning, look how frozen the water is. If the surface of the water is smooth, the fortune-telling woman will not have children in the near future. If the surface is uneven, look at it very carefully, because the bumps are boys, and the depressions are girls. Accordingly, the number of tubercles and dimples you count, the number of children you will have.

When everyone is asleep, you need to take the gold chain, rub it between your palms, hold it in your right hand, shake it and throw it on the table.

  • A circle has formed - closed troubles are expected;
  • streak - luck;
  • node - difficulties and illnesses;
  • triangle - love success;
  • bow – wedding;
  • snake - betrayal;
  • heart is love.

Fortune telling with a knife

For this type of fortune telling, gypsies use a round wooden board about 30 centimeters in diameter for cutting bread. If you don’t have a board of this size at hand, you can take a tray or cut a circle out of cardboard. Along the edges
circle write answers to the most frequently asked questions:


"Be patient",
“Beware: there is an enemy next to you, hiding under the guise of a friend,”

"Good news"
"Love Letter"

"Luck in the undertaking"
"Unexpected Guest"

"Today's tears will turn into joy tomorrow"

"Unexpected news"
"New love",

"Unexpected meeting",
"Important letter."

Place a regular one in the center of the circle kitchen knife and mentally formulate a question. Rotate the knife around its axis three times. One of the three messages that the tip of the knife will point to will be the answer to the question asked.

The other two may be the cause or effect of the predicted event. If, after rotation, the tip of the knife stops at an equal distance from the two messages, the fortune telling must be repeated.

Fortune telling YES-NO

Hold over a jar containing any cereal or grain. left hand palm down. While concentrating, you need to ask the question that interests you.

After this, take a handful of cereal from the jar and pour it onto the table, then count the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, this means a positive answer - YES, an odd number means a negative answer - NO.

Fortune telling with a needle

Take a needle and white thread. Thread the thread through the eye. Take the thread by the end right hand, and point the tip of the needle to the center of the palm of your left hand at a short distance from it. Keep an eye on the needle. If it begins to sway across your palm, it means you are having a girl, if along it means you are having a boy.

After the needle stops, it may begin to swing again, which means it alerts you to the gender of the next baby. Wait until the needle stops making any movements at all, and until then, count the number of your children and do not forget to remember their gender.

Christmas fortune telling by barking dogs

At midnight, take a knife, go outside, go to a snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife, saying: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to laugh or cry?”

After pronouncing the words of the spell, shut up and listen carefully to the barking of the dogs. If an angry, abrupt bark is heard, it means future husband He will be strict and gloomy.

If the dogs bark cheerfully and loudly, then the husband will be cheerful and kind.

It is very bad if you hear a dog howling during fortune telling. This suggests that the marriage will not last long and very quickly the young wife will become a widow.

Fortune telling on the number and gender of future children

On Christmas evening, you need to pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it out in the cold. Before going to bed, a glass is taken out of the cold and future children are judged by the icy surface formed in it.

The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits indicates how many girls there will be.

Fortune telling about your future husband

Fortune telling at Christmas for your future husband is the most popular look fortune telling for girls. There are a lot of fortune telling about your future husband. One of the simplest ones is to go out into the street and ask the first man passing by his name - this will be the name of your future spouse. Also, the appearance of this person will tell you how handsome and rich your groom will be.

You can find out what the groom will look like in in my own dream. This dream must be prophetic. To summon him, take a clean comb before going to bed, slowly comb your hair with it, while saying: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up.” Then put the comb under your pillow and go to bed.

In the old days they used to tell fortunes using logs. The girl had to leave the house at night and, in complete darkness, select one log from the woodpile, without looking at it and without exchanging for another if it was difficult to pull out. Arriving at the house, you need to carefully examine the log, because it can tell a lot about your future spouse.

A smooth and even log is a good and handsome groom. A rough log is an ugly but hard-working husband. Thick and good bark – rich tapering. Stripped bark - poor groom. A thick log means a large and strong future husband. A log with knots is a big family. A crooked log is an old groom or one with physical disabilities.

Christmas fortune telling for love

This fortune telling is for those who are lonely, but passionately want to meet true love. At midnight, go to the nearest church and walk around it 12 times. This ritual is believed to destroy loneliness and promote new love.

Fortune telling by wish

Fortune telling about desires is as different as others. We suggest you try to tell fortunes using grains, take a handful of them in your left hand, clench your palm into a fist and say your wish out loud.

After this, count the number of grains. If you have an even number of grains in your hand, your wish will come true, but an odd number - not now.

You can tell your wish by looking at a cat, if you have one in your house. Make a wish and invite your cat to come to you. If he crosses the threshold of the room with his right paw, the wish will come true, but with his left - not.

During Christmas fortune-telling, you need to look for only good meaning. Bad omens should not be given importance, otherwise you will set yourself up for failure in the new year.

If you didn’t have time to tell your fortune for Christmas, don’t worry! Christmas time is ahead of you, and that means almost 2 weeks of exciting and fun fortune-telling!

Video: Christmas fortune telling at home

Christmas time is special. It is believed that on Christmas night everyone can ask about what awaits them in the future, without harm to themselves. The tradition of Christmas fortune-telling is much more ancient than Christmas itself, because our ancestors, while still pagans, knew about the extraordinary power of the winter solstice, and dedicated magnificent celebrations to this day. Issues related to the family have always been considered the most significant, so the most popular at all times were fortune telling for a betrothed and fortune telling for a child at Christmas. Girls were always interested in how many children they would have and what gender. Children were their parents' hope for what would happen to them and who would look after them in old age. At all times, a family was considered incomplete if there were no children in it. Their absence was the most terrible thing for the young woman. There was a belief that this was a punishment from the Lord for the sins of our ancestors. For this reason, Christmas fortune telling for children has always been very popular.
It must be said that the church was very strict about fortunetellers. At the same time, unable to completely eradicate this tradition, she announced that fortune telling is only permissible on Christmastide, when devilry the weakest.

Rules for fortune telling for a child at Christmas

For fortune telling to be successful, you must follow some rules. Among them:

  • The ritual must be performed in complete silence. Turn off the TV and other possible sources of noise. It is desirable that it is also quiet outside the window, so optimal time for fortune telling - closer to midnight.
  • In order not to block the energy flows emanating from the fortuneteller, which can negatively affect the vision of the future, you should not cross your legs and arms during the ritual.
  • For successful fortune telling, you need to prepare accordingly: wash, comb your hair, untie all kinds of belts and ties, remove jewelry - in general, eliminate everything that in one way or another can interfere with the free movement of energy flows.

Guessing the gender of the child at Christmas

Before ultrasound machines became widespread and it became possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby, pregnant women also wanted to know who their child would be. To do this, they resorted to fortune telling about the gender of the unborn child.
To perform this ritual, you need a thread and a needle. Take the thread threaded through the needle and pinch it between your index finger and thumb. It should be above your palm. Sooner or later the needle will start spinning. If it moves clockwise, this indicates that the next child will be a daughter. The movement of the needle, like a pendulum, indicates that you will have a son. If the needle does not move, you are no longer destined to have children.

Fortune telling for a child at Christmas using stones

Another interesting way to determine the number and gender of future children is fortune telling on stones.
Before you conduct it, you need to think carefully about which names you like best. For married women, it would be a good idea to ask their husband about this. After that, take the stones and write your favorite names on them using ink. You can also use paper for fortune telling on stones by gluing a strip with a name to the stone. You will have as many children as there are pieces of paper left unstuck, or inscriptions not erased. This is how the sex of the unborn child is determined. At the same time, if all the pieces of paper have come off, it is quite possible that a baby will be born, whom you will call by a name not written in stone. For this reason, try to provide for everything possible options, for example, the names of distant and close relatives, the most popular names, etc. Thanks to this, you can ensure maximum objectivity of the results obtained.

Fortune telling for a child at Christmas using a glass

Fortune telling with a glass has also been incredibly popular at all times. True, such a ritual also requires the assistance of the weather, since it is required that there be subzero temperature.
You need to pour water into a glass and leave it in the cold overnight. In the morning, take a glass of water into the house and see how the water has frozen: the presence of tubercles indicates boys, dimples indicate daughters. To find out the exact number of children, you need to count all the depressions and tubercles.

It must be said that today this ritual is also carried out with the help of freezer, if the weather on Christmas Day does not want to please with frost. Those who have carried out fortune-telling in a similar improved way claim that the predictions come true.
Most likely, this is due to the fact that the special atmosphere of Christmas is more important than the use of specific objects, because even our ancestors noticed that on this night the most ordinary things acquire magical properties and are able to tell people about the future, for example, telling fortunes for a child at Christmas.

Approaching New Year and long weekends, so I suggest you prepare for them in advance and today I will touch on an unusual topic for my site - how you can tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays. In the article I will tell you a few simple ways Christmas fortune-telling for the future on the night of January 6-7, 2019. Also at the end I will publish interesting ways of Christmas fortune-telling for children that are suitable for home use. If this interests you, then read on.

Despite the ban on divination in Rus', from time immemorial women have been telling fortunes in order to find out their fate in advance, and Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling for the future were considered the most reliable. The desire to look into the future is so natural for a person whose life is limited by time frames, which is why even today simple fortune-telling is carried out at Christmas; this can be done easily and safely at home if you follow long-established rules.

Fortune telling for Christmas 2019 - types of predictions that can be received on Christmas days

Lifting the veil of future events should be done with caution, because holy days, in themselves, are mysterious and full of magic, and not only bright angels dwell on earth, but also dark, unclean spirits that can frighten and harm the fortuneteller.

In addition, divination may not succeed if all the conditions of such a ritual are not fulfilled. Therefore, we will try to familiarize ourselves with the main requirements of ritual actions and find out what and how to tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays.

related articles:

The mystical ceremony must be carried out under the cover of darkness, on Christmas Eve, and, starting from this time, another 10 days during Christmas time, until January 18.

There are quite a lot of methods of divination, and it all depends on what worries the fortuneteller. If done correctly, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

Christmas rituals performed in the evening will prompt:

  • what pleasant and sad events the coming year will bring;
  • will your dreams of meeting your fiancé (betrothed) come true, and where will this happen;
  • will the beloved become a good spouse?
  • whether it will be possible to have a wedding in the next twelve months;
  • how many children will there be in the family and what gender;
  • Will the marriage be successful?

In addition, you can ask about what awaits friends and family members, how successful their fate will be.

Rituals performed at midnight will predict:

  • will the girl marry or not;
  • which of the bridesmaids will be the first at the altar with the groom;
  • the name of the future betrothed and his age;
  • what will it be like appearance spouse - his facial features and hair color;
  • poverty or wealth awaits in the future;
  • whether to expect happiness from marriage.

You can also tell fortunes just before you go to bed on Christmas Day. The mysterious ceremony will allow you to look at the person destined by fate in a dream, find out what his appearance and character are like.

Also, during Christmas fortune-telling, girls use various accompanying attributes, various places and on various things - under the window, with a shoe, with a ring, by voices, by a knee, over an ice hole, under a pillow, with a comb, with a dog and a cat, by a book, by a ear of grain, by steps, with chickens, by yarn, by hair, with a candle, needles, lists, on eggs, lead, near a church, on a sheet of paper, on windows, nutshells, wax, on coffee grounds, and regular and Tarot cards, on beans and salt, on a mirror.

These are just the predictions that are easy to remember, but there are many more. different types and methods of fortune telling for Christmas on the night of January 6-7, 2019. Below in the article we will describe only the most proven and accurate Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling, which are suitable for home use.

Yuletide and Christmas fortune-telling for the future (the coming year)

It is incredibly attractive to get an idea of ​​what lies ahead in advance, especially if it is something that can bring joy and, perhaps, change your destiny for the better. This is why fortune telling at Christmas exists - at home, fortunately, you will find everything you need for simple ritual actions.

Well, let’s arm ourselves with patience and try to extract the secrets of the future by performing the following rituals:

  1. Fortune telling on paper for the future is an accessible and extremely common method. Take a piece of paper, crumple it into a ball, place it on a glass or clay dish and set it on fire. As a rule, it does not burn completely, and then illuminating it with a candle flame in dark room, and by projecting the outlines onto the wall, you can see from them interesting details, persons who will suggest upcoming events.
  2. You can also ask answers to pressing questions from a book, but it is wiser to take publications with religious and philosophical content. Repeat the question three times to yourself, trying to completely disconnect from the reality of the world around you. Then randomly name the page and line (bottom or top). All that remains is to open the book and see what is written there. Most often, the passage read, one way or another, concerns the life of the fortuneteller.
  3. Girls have used wax to cast spells since time immemorial, but this method remains popular to this day. You need to pour milk into a bowl and place it next to the threshold front door. After this, they call the brownie, saying the following words: “Master-brownie, come to the threshold to eat wax and drink milk.” Having said this in advance, the melted wax is slowly poured into the milk. You can judge what answer the entity gave by the pattern formed by the hardening wax:
  • if stripes have formed on the surface of the dish, a long journey awaits you, and maybe even moving to another place of residence;
  • a cross is not a very pleasant sign indicating illness;
  • an animal figurine can mean the appearance of an enemy in life;
  • asterisks are always good, which means you will have success in your studies or career At work;
  • figurine resembling a person - acquisition true friend and comrade;
  • a beautiful flower - a meeting with a loved one, perhaps marriage.
  1. You can tell fortunes for the future, for the coming year, by sticking it on different sides a small bowl of paper with the words: travel, love, new job, sadness, unexpected joy or something like that. The container must be filled halfway with water, make a small boat out of a nut shell, insert a thin church candle into it, and lower it into the water. It’s not hard to guess that the answer will be the shore and the name to which your fateful boat will land. It is worth watching him longer - sometimes he can change his direction. Sometimes it happens that the glued piece of paper lights up from the candle when it comes into contact with it - this is a sign of blessing, meaning the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
  2. You can tell your wish using your own hair. At midnight you need to cut off a lock of hair and bring it to the flame. Based on how they burn, we can conclude what consequences await the fortuneteller as a result of the fulfillment of his dream:
  • a symbol of approval of your aspiration will be a long, even and bright burning, moreover, this indicates major acquisitions;
  • hairs that light up instantly and at the same time hint at positive changes and success in the planned business;
  • changes in life associated not only with good but also with bad events will be indicated by smoke during combustion;
  • if the hair does not catch fire, but smolders, then, most likely, failure awaits you, perhaps illness, or unpleasant circumstances.

An attempt to find out what fate awaits in the coming time involves the simplest fortune-telling for Christmas at home, but, of course, first of all, a woman’s heart is concerned with the problem of mutual and all-consuming love.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2019 and Christmas using Tarot cards

Below I suggest you watch a video that clearly shows how you can tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays using Tarot cards:

Fortune telling for Christmas 2019 for love

For single young ladies, the issue of marriage is especially acute, and it is important for them not only to find out whether there will be a wedding or not, but also to actually see the face of their future spouse and find out his name. True, not everyone knows how to tell fortunes for the betrothed (groom) at Christmas.

For accuracy of prediction, it is wiser to carry out such rituals specifically on the eve of the Christmas holiday - then there is no doubt that the Universe will answer truthfully.

The optimal time for the ceremony is on the night of January 6-7, 2019. Try not to miss this moment, otherwise you will have to wait another year.

Rituals to help you get love predictions:

Fortune telling on your betrothed in a dream. The girl will have to borrow a wedding ring from her family or friend (only from females). Taking a black thread, it is passed through a ring and immersed in a faceted glass. The ring may touch the edges of the container along right side from a fortuneteller, and then the marriage will take place. Touching the left side indicates that it is too early to think about marriage. The young lady can take the jewelry out of the glass and put it on her finger at night. In this case, she has the opportunity to see prophetic dream about his betrothed-mummer.

Another type of fortune telling for love, through a reliable dream. You need to prepare for such a ritual - put a pen and paper next to the bed, take out church icons and utensils, take off all your jewelry and belt, and let your hair down. They lie on the bed the other way around - with their feet where the head is, placing the pillow there too. In addition, having said the words of the spell, the fortuneteller should no longer talk to anyone.

Fortune telling for your betrothed under the pillow has several options:

  1. A bridge is built from twigs, and it is placed on the bed up to the pillow. Having said, “Betrothed, come to me, take me across the bridge,” the girl can calmly fall asleep. On Christmas night she will see her future chosen one.
  2. If you want to meet a “knight on a white horse” in a dream, you will have to put a rod from an untested broom and a horseshoe at your head (it can be made from paper or a piece of cardboard). The groom in a dream will appear in the guise of a horseman.
  3. You can build a well out of matches and also place it under your head, only now you will need to say other words: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”
  4. If you put a jar of sweet jam or marmalade on the dressing table next to the bed, the girl will be able to see the gentleman already languishing in love with her.
  5. Three leaves are also suitable for the sacrament. noble laurel, it is important that the young fortune teller say “My betrothed, the mummer” and call him to her dream.

Rituals using human hair are of extreme interest, because it is known what power, energy and information they possess. It is important that the ritual be carried out when you are completely ready to go to bed. After it is carried out, the girl must remain silent, no matter who speaks to her, especially since she is not allowed to get up and do any business until the morning.

You need to buy a new comb, light a red wax candle at night and comb your hair for a long time, imagining in your thoughts the guy you would like to marry. Then you need to put a comb under the pillow, extinguish the candle without blowing it out, but with your fingers, and while lying down say: “Betrothed, come to my dream, find me along the comb, my beauty, your love, we will meet you in a dream.”

It is believed that if a man appears in a dream and combs his or a girl’s hair, then she will definitely not only meet her love, but also get married within a year.

It is most effective to carry out rituals at midnight during the holy week; it is advisable for girls to do this at women's days weeks - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas at home: basic rules

To protect yourself from evil entities, and to achieve truthful answers when fortune-telling, you must adhere to some conventions that are well known to real sorcerers and fortune-tellers:

  1. It is necessary to take the ritual seriously, otherwise it is useless to wait for a significant result, so even if fortune telling is performed by several people, the room should be quiet. It's best to guess when you're alone.
  2. You will have to try to have a positive attitude towards the ritual and enlist the help of the Light Forces - read the “Our Father” or any other prayer.
  3. Even with bad omens, don’t even think about getting upset, because we create the outline of life with our own with my own hands. Any forecasts are, first of all, warnings, but not a verdict.
  4. At the end of the divination, thank God for your assistance. After the ritual, it doesn’t hurt to thoroughly wash your hands and face.

In order for supernatural forces to help find out the truth about upcoming events, girls are supposed to rid their hair of hairpins, elastic bands and jewelry, letting it loose over their shoulders, so their own energy will help them receive information. At the same time, you cannot keep your legs and arms crossed, otherwise the channels of communication with the incomprehensible beings of the Universe will be blocked.

It is advisable to remove all jewelry from yourself, even rings and earrings, as well as icons, because what will happen, in essence, is an invocation by the spirit, and is an unclean thing, from the Orthodox point of view. In principle, the place where Christmas fortune-telling for the future was carried out has always been a bathhouse, but today not everyone has their own home, so the ceremony can be carried out in any room. The light in the room should be dim, so only candles should be left.

Simple and interesting fortune telling for Christmas for children

Below I suggest you watch a video that shows several types of interesting and simple ways of Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling for children. After all, children, seeing that adults are guessing, will also want to look into their future.

One more thing important requirement- simple fortune-telling for Christmas at home should be carried out only when a person sincerely believes that the invisible mystical world of spiritual entities is connected with reality and can influence any events in human life. Otherwise, it is impossible to obtain the truth from otherworldly forces.

Christmastide are the two weeks of winter holidays, from Christmas Eve, which falls on January 6, to Epiphany, celebrated on January 19. Fortune telling at Christmas is rightfully considered the most truthful. The roots of Christmas go back to the times of pagan Rus'. It was fortune telling during the winter solstice (and this is the period of Christmastide) that was given special importance in pagan times. It was believed that it was on these days that otherworldly forces were most active, and the boundaries between worlds were thinner, which contributed to a more truthful result of New Year's, Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', Christmas fortune-telling was not only preserved, but also acquired more meaning, and although the church tried to fight superstition and fortune-telling, they were carefully passed on from generation to generation, and have survived to this day in a little changed form.

There are three most popular birth divinations - with a needle, on stones and with a glass. Let's find out more about them.

Fortune telling for children with a needle has another name: with a pendulum. It allows you to find out the sex of the child, as well as total kids in your family. The word “general” is used specifically: the fact is that this fortune-telling always shows, starting with the first child, what should be taken into account by those parents whose family already has children. To carry out the procedure, a minimum of material is required: a needle and white thread (color is not important, but desirable). The next step is to turn your left hand so that your palm faces up and your thumb points to the side. The pendulum (needle) is lowered three times into the space formed by thumb and palm. The needle is then positioned directly above the arm, approximately in the center of the palm. The movements of the pendulum will predict the gender of the firstborn: circular - expect a girl, from side to side - expect a boy. If the needle remains motionless, then there will be no children. After performing the procedure a second time, you will find out the gender of the second child, the third – the third, etc. This version of fortune telling is considered the most reliable.

Another option for fortune telling for the birth of a child is fortune telling on stones. For it you will need several pieces of paper, the same number of stones, a pen/marker and a container of water. On paper you need to write a number of names that, for one reason or another, seem attractive to you. These notes are attached to stones that are lowered into the water. Now watch what is happening carefully. Stones float, pieces of paper come off, inscriptions blur and are washed away. The sex of the child, and also possibly his name, will be indicated by those leaves that survive as a result of this free floating.

Fortune telling for children with a glass, or by water, is also quite common and time-tested. The only limitation is that it can only be carried out at the time of year when night temperatures reach negative values. It is enough to take a small container into which you can pour water (previously a glass was traditionally used for this, today it can be a glass, a mug, or a small bowl). Before going to bed, the container is filled with water, a ring (preferably gold) is thrown into it and taken outside to the cold. Someone uses a freezer, but the reliability of fortune telling in this case is significantly reduced. Is the water frozen? Ask someone (it is important that it is not yourself) to bring the container. Carefully examine the surface of the water. The number of depressions formed will indicate the number of future daughters, and the bulges - sons.

Fortune telling for Christmas: rules and the most common types.

Slavic fortune-telling was traditionally carried out on Christmastide. On the night of January 6-7, any prediction, even one made by chance, is considered the most accurate. The Christmas spirits do not refuse to answer questions until January 19th. But after Baptism, the evil spirits hide away, and a mere mortal who does not have magical powers, getting a prediction becomes problematic.

Where do fortune telling take place at Christmas?

  • Since evil spirits are looking for hidden, deserted places for their refuge, fortune-telling is very often carried out:
  1. in the baths
  2. in the attics
  3. in abandoned houses
  • IN modern homes corners, thresholds or doors are suitable for carrying out the ritual, that is, what is considered the zone of transition of matter from one space to another.
  • The most fearless ones use the cemetery for these purposes.
  • A mirror is considered an excellent guide to visiting the world of spirits.

Fortune telling for Christmas: rules

  • In order not to interfere with otherworldly forces to read fate and ensure a pure energy flow of communication, before performing the ritual:
  1. Take down the cross
  2. Get rid of knots on belts and bracelets
  3. Let your hair down
  4. Remove all church paraphernalia
  5. Turn out the lights, light the candles
  • When starting the ritual, do not cross your limbs - this also distorts the energy flow

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed and love

Using a card deck

  • Preparing a fresh deck of cards
  • We take out jacks and kings
  • Place them under your pillow before going to bed
  • We say: “I command my betrothed to dream that he will appear to me in the form of cards.”
  • We don’t talk to anyone until we go to sleep.
  • After waking up, take out one card from under the pillow
  1. The appearance of the king suggests that the betrothed will be more mature than the fortuneteller
  2. A dropped jack promises a young or one-year-old groom
  3. If the suit appears on the card:
  • Chervovaya - the betrothed is in the immediate environment
  • Peak - predicts a wealthy spouse
  • Krestovaya - you will meet the groom by chance
  • Bubnovaya - you will find your loved one thanks to friends or relatives

Ritual "Bridge"

  1. Prepare a box of matches
  2. Cleanse them of sulfur
  3. When alone, make a bridge of matches under your pillow.
  4. When going to bed, say: “My betrothed, come to me, lead me across the bridge that I built.”
  • The main thing is to remember the main signs of your loved one when you wake up in the morning.
  • It could be a specific sign: hair color, accent, shoulder straps, mole, scar
  • In the future, it is precisely the state that the girl feels when she wakes up that will help her feel her betrothed

Using a ring

We prepare:

  • Gold ring, preferably without stones
  • Glass of water
  • A candle
  1. After sunset, choose a quiet room
  2. Turn off the lights and all electrical appliances
  3. Light a candle
  4. Place a glass of water in front of her
  5. We lower the ring into it
  6. We try not to think about anything
  7. We peer into the water calmly, without tension
  8. After some time, the image of the betrothed will appear in the depths of the water

Using coins

You will need:

  • Photo of your loved one
  • 10 coins of any denomination
  • 2 candles
  1. In the center round table place two candles at a distance of 20 cm from each other
  2. Between them we place the photograph facing the fortuneteller
  3. Let us mentally concentrate on the question: “Is my future with my loved one?”
  4. We throw coins in the photo with our right hand
Eagles Tails Solution
1 9 The attitude must be changed, otherwise separation threatens
2 8 Bad events are expected that will lead to misunderstandings with the chosen one
3 7 There can be nothing in common with this person. This is not your destiny
4 6 Soon a sign will be given that will make it possible to establish a harmonious relationship. Don't miss it, otherwise you may be separated
5 5 Relationships on the verge of breaking up: you should devote more time to each other
6 4 He doesn't love you
7 3 Expect the birth of a new family member in a relationship with this person
8 2 You can only solve a financial problem together. Don’t abandon your soul mate in a difficult situation; along with his loss, your luck will also leave you
9 1 Your loved one spends a lot of time on financial problems. They will soon be decided, and you will come to the forefront of your chosen one.
10 0 You are loved very much by a person who does not deserve your indifference. Change your attitude towards him and a happy, harmonious relationship is guaranteed for many happy years
0 10 Real sincere feelings await in the coming period, which are not afraid of obstacles

Christmas fortune telling for the future

Interesting ways Christmastide fortune telling

Along a metal chain

  1. At exactly 24:00 on the night of January 6-7, sit in the center of any room
  2. Turn out the lights
  3. Light a candle
  4. Squeeze the metal chain in your hands
  5. Mentally ask a question about the future
  6. When you feel the warmth, throw it in front of you
  • The accepted form of decoration has the following interpretations:
Form Solution
Flat strip Luck and advancement in all endeavors
Circle or oval Unpleasant problems await, the resolution of which will take a long time
Nodes Bad sign. Complete financial collapse is possible. Problems with health and personal relationships. The number of problems is proportional to the number of nodes formed
Cloud Positive interpretation. Everything that is planned will come true
Triangle Great love and luck awaits
Snake Possible betrayal by the person closest to you
Bow For single people - a wedding. The family is expecting a new addition
Heart Mutual love is somewhere nearby
Indeterminate form Temporarily closed information. Spirits don't want to talk about the future. This is neither bad nor good. Neutral sign

Using paper

  1. Take a sheet of newspaper
  2. Crumple it up in a chaotic manner
  3. Place on a flat plate
  4. Go to a flat, light wall with no drawings on it.
  5. Turn out the lights
  6. Set the paper on fire
  7. The shadow of the paper on the wall will tell exactly about all the events awaiting this year. The result is a living moving picture, like a cartoon. It is important to pay very close attention to this moment, without missing out on all the details of the “movie”. Perhaps understanding of what we saw will come a little later
  8. When the fire goes out, take the lit candle
  9. Point it at the remaining piece of paper so that its shadow remains on the wall - this will be the final result of the current year
  • For example, in a live picture, we see passionate love (flowers, kisses, sex, wedding, etc.), and the result is a stroller with a child

The best simple fortune telling for Christmas

  1. Coin
  2. A little salt
  3. Ring
  4. Sugar
  5. Handkerchief
  • Place into cups, covering with a piece of cloth.
  • Mixing the bowls
  • Choose any glass

We are looking for a solution to the symbol we come across using the table

Fortune telling can be approached in different ways. But even the church does not deny that real miracles happen on the night before Christmas. On this great night, the heavenly space opens up. If you go outside just before dawn and turn with a great desire into the starry space to fulfill your cherished dream, the opened space will be a sign that the dream is destined to come true. Many people dream, some believe, and some laugh skeptically. But those who managed to see this miracle - the opening heavens, confidently confirm that it happened. What I could only dream about came true after what I saw. But be very careful. The wish will definitely come true! But are you sure that this is exactly what you want?

Since ancient times, the Slavs have used bereginya dolls for protection and fulfillment of desires. It is also very harmless and effective method achieving the goal. You can learn more about these amulets in my articles published earlier: and

Video: Fortune telling for Christmas at home: simple