Psychocorrectional games and exercises for children of primary school age. Psychological games for primary school children

Who cares

This game is intended for younger children school age. She will teach you to take the role of a leader seriously and responsibly.

Everyone is invited to order the leader to do something. After all the orders are spoken out loud, the players are told the rules of the game. They consist in the fact that each player himself must carry out his orders. If a child, when coming up with a task, did not care whether it was easy to complete, he will be more serious next time.

"We are going to walk"

A game intended for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, will teach children to convince others, and not to impose their own opinion.

The presenter says: “We are going for a walk in the forest. Let everyone tell their neighbor on the right what they need to take with them, and explain why this particular thing will be needed on a forest walk.”

When the players take turns talking to their neighbor, the host announces who he will take for a walk and who he will not. He does it this way: if the player simply tells his neighbor what he needs to take, but cannot explain in detail the reason, he is not taken for a walk.

If the player tries to convince his neighbor of the need to take this or that object and comes up with incredible reasons and gives various arguments, he must definitely take it.

It is better if, while two people are talking, others will listen to them and draw conclusions for themselves. Then it is easier for those who were not taken for a walk to correct themselves later.


The game is designed for children of primary school age.

The guys are divided into two teams. Each must have a “commander”, the rest must be “warriors”. The “commander” develops a plan for “military action”, and the rest must obey him. The task of the “commander” is to try to organize his “army” in such a way that all team members strictly follow his orders. He must invent various ways“attacks” on the other team are quite interesting, and the game itself is fun and exciting to organize. If the “commander” cannot lead the “warriors”, he is immediately re-elected. The “commander” whose team won can be recognized as having the best leadership qualities at the end of the game.


A game

At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected - the “captain”. The remaining players are divided into two teams. The first team is “sailors”, and the second is “pirates”. The "captain" gives various orders, and the "sailors" must carry them out, but only if the orders are clear and precise. When the “sailors” are attacked by “pirates,” the “captain” must think through a “battle” plan. At the end of the game, each player gives his assessment of the “captain’s” actions using a five-point system.

The game continues, but with a different “captain”. When everyone tries themselves in the role of “captain”, the results are summed up. The winner will be the participant with the most points.

“They carry water on the touchy”

For children of primary school age.

The players are divided into two teams. Members of the first team will be “touchy,” and members of the second team, on the contrary, will try to convince the “touchy” ones. The first team performs first. Its members can act out a skit or tell a story from their own lives about how someone once greatly offended them. Or you can tell how the player himself unwittingly or deliberately offended someone.

Members of the second team must carefully listen to the story or watch a “sketch” - a theatrical performance. After this, they must discuss the situation outlined in detail and express their opinion. They can say why it was impossible to be offended in this case. Or vice versa, we can say what measures needed to be taken.

The presenter carefully observes the game and the actions of all the children. Then the most convincing and active players of the second team receive the points they earn. Then the teams change roles. Members of the second team become “touchy,” and the first team, on the contrary, tries to convince them. Game continues. At the end, the presenter sums up the results.

The winners are those who received the most points. It is these guys who can consider themselves the most conscious and restrained in showing various emotions, including resentment.

Search for "treasure"

For children of primary school age.

The presenter takes some small thing and hides it in the room. All players except one must know where he hid this item. The point of the game is that one of the guys is in the dark about the location of the object. His task is to find this thing.

When he starts searching, the leader and other players begin to tell him where the object is with hints and tips. During the search, the seeker will definitely show some emotions, for example, impatience, joy, resentment, etc. The task of the presenter is to monitor these emotions and then evaluate them using a point system. The less emotion the player showed, the more points he will receive. And, accordingly, on the contrary, the more emotional the player was, the fewer points he receives.

To give the player more reasons to show his emotions, you can first send him with hints to search in one direction, and when the search drags on, let him know that the direction has been chosen incorrectly. Accordingly, the player will sooner or later show irritation, anger or resentment towards those who have been “leading him by the nose” for so long. This will be a kind of test of his ability to restrain his emotions.

Every player must pass this “test”. Of course, the object to be found must be hidden in different places each time. The game progresses in exactly the same way: one searches for a hidden object, and the others give him directions. As a result of the game, everyone gains a certain number of points. At the end of the game the results are summed up. The winner is the one with the most points.


For children of primary school age.

It is advisable to prepare for the game in advance: make small surprise gifts, wrap them in a beautiful wrapper. For example, place several boxes inside one another, like a nesting doll, and wrap them beautifully.

The presenter calls one of the players and solemnly presents him with a gift. The player begins to unwrap this gift, and the presenter interests him, saying: “Your gift is a wonderful thing... This is a toy made in a distant, warm country, it is very popular all over the world...”. In fact, the toy can be a simple whistle or some other small thing. It is important to look at the reaction of the participant in the game while he unwraps the gift.

If the player does not express his emotions, calmly completes the task and unwraps the toy, his restraint can be noted quite highly.

At all stages, it is important to monitor the emotions of the players, especially after they see the toy. This is how the guys are “tested”. At the end of the game the results are summed up. Those who score the most points win.

The game can be diversified in this way: each player must unwrap his gift slowly, so as not to damage the packaging and wrapping paper. This also demonstrates the ability to restrain one’s emotions. An impatient player will try to see the surprise as quickly as possible, so he will not show accuracy and caution.

"Talents and Fans"

For children of primary school age.

Children can develop complexes for a variety of reasons. For example, they don't know how to draw. The goal of the game is to help get rid of the complex.

The presenter takes turns inviting the children to draw something. After some time, the drawings are presented for general discussion. Everyone portrays what they can. If a participant in the game knows how to draw well, he can sketch something complex; if not, the drawing can be the simplest.

The presenter begins to discuss the drawings. Special condition– you can’t say that the drawing is bad, you just need to emphasize its merits. All the guys support the discussion of each drawing, expressing their opinions. It can be noted that the colors were very cleverly chosen, that the idea itself is very interesting, etc. There are no winners or losers in the game, everyone has the right to express their opinion about the drawings, as well as present their work for everyone to see. The author of the most talented drawing may be rewarded with a prize, and the most active participant in the conversation may be rewarded with a prize or certificate.

"Talented conversationalist"

For children of primary and secondary school age.

Children often experience communication difficulties. This game will help you gradually get rid of excessive shyness.

The participants of the game are divided into pairs. One of the pair starts the conversation, and the second’s task is to maintain the conversation. The facilitator offers each couple their own topic for conversation. Topics can be very different, for example about the weather, nature, school affairs, discussion of a movie, book, and so on. You can discuss any problem, including the choice of clothes for a disco or a birthday.

The game goes as follows: first, each pair rehearses their dialogue. And then she must show her dialogue to everyone present. That is, the players calmly talk among themselves, and the rest listen carefully. In this way, each couple demonstrates to the others their ability to communicate. The presenter, in agreement with all those present, assigns a certain number of points to each pair. Then the players change. There are no winners or losers in the game, but the players who score maximum amount points may be rewarded with some kind of prize.

Psychological games for children of primary school age.

Parents know that with young children various psychological problems. Children, no less often than adults, suffer from misunderstanding, fear or simple shyness. All such problems arise from inattention, and adults are to blame for this. However, they have the power to help the child overcome the difficulties that have arisen. You just need to strive for this, try to suppress the shyness that is characteristic to one degree or another in all children. However, one should not go too far when raising a child to be the “master of life.” In everything, moderation is needed, and this is even more true for psychological education.

"Press conference"

Goals: develop skills effective communication; cultivate a desire to communicate and make contact with other children; teach children to ask various questions on a given topic and maintain a conversation.

One of the participants in the press conference - the “guest” - sits in the center of the hall and answers any questions from the participants.

Sample questions to the topic “My friends”: Do you have many friends? Are you more interested in being friends with boys or girls? Why do your friends love you, do you think? What should you be like to have more friends? What should you not do with your friends? Etc.

"Role gymnastics"

Goals: To teach relaxed behavior, to develop acting abilities, to help feel the state of another being.

Offer to recite a poem:

1. Very quickly, “at machine-gun speed.”

2. As a foreigner.

3. Whisper.

4. Very slowly, “at a snail’s pace.”

Pass as: a cowardly bunny, a hungry lion, a baby, an old man, ...

Jump like: grasshopper, frog, goat, monkey.

Sit in a pose: a bird on a branch, a bee on a flower, a rider on a horse, a student in a lesson, ...

Frown like: an angry mother, an autumn cloud, an angry lion, ...

Laugh like: good witch, evil witch, Small child, old man, giant, mouse, ...


Goals: to create a desire to communicate with peers; overcome shyness; find different ways to achieve your goal.

Children must come up with as many ways of persuasion as possible (guessing; giving compliments; promising a treat; not believing that there is something in the fist, ...)

« My good qualities»

Goals: teach overcoming shyness; help you realize your positive traits; increase self-esteem.

"I'm the best at..."

Goals: teach to overcome shyness, build a sense of confidence, increase self-esteem.


Goals: teach to concentrate; manage your behavior.

The presenter gives the command “Calm!” All the children freeze. At the command “Wave!” children line up and join hands. The presenter indicates the strength of the wave, and the children squat and stand up at intervals of 1-2 seconds, without letting go of their hands. The game ends with the command “Calm!” (you can first talk about marine painters, show reproductions of Aivazovsky’s paintings).

"Mimic gymnastics"

Goals: to teach to understand facial expressions that correspond to mood; realize your emotional condition.

Contents of the game: children are invited to complete a series of simple exercises which will help you learn how to correctly express certain emotions: surprise, fear, resentment, anger, sadness, joy, delight. Emotions can be depicted on cards and placed face down. The child pulls out a card and depicts this emotion. Children must guess the emotion.

When children have mastered facial expressions well, you can add gestures and an imaginary situation. For example, a child pulled out a card with the emotion “joy.” He not only depicts joy, but also places himself in a specific situation: he found a gift under the tree, drew a good portrait, saw a plane in the sky, ....)

"Gather the emotion"

Objectives: to learn to identify expressed emotion from individual facial fragments; develop the ability to recognize emotions; develop color perception.

Contents of the game: you will need a sheet of pictograms, sets of pictograms cut into pieces, colored pencils, sheets of paper. Children are given the task of assembling pictograms so that the correct image of the emotion is obtained. The facilitator then shows a sheet of sample pictograms for the children to check. You can ask children to draw any picture, choosing a pencil that matches the collected emotion (according to the child!)

"My mood. The mood of the group."

Goals: to teach children to recognize their emotions and express them through drawing.

Contents of the game: each child from the group draws his mood on a piece of paper with a pencil of the same color. The works are then hung and discussed. You can take one large sheet and invite the children to choose a pencil color that suits their mood and depict their mood. As a result, you can see the general mood of the group. The game is considered as a variant of drawing tests. It is necessary to pay attention to what colors the children used, what they drew and in what part of the sheet. If children used mainly dark colors, talk with children and play a fun outdoor game.

"Listening to Silence"

Goals: relieve muscle tension; practice concentration; learn to manage your emotional state.

“Charge of vivacity” relaxation exercise

Goals: to help children cope with feelings of fatigue, help them tune in to an activity or switch their attention; improve mood;

Then place the index finger between the eyebrows above the nose. They also massage that point 10 times in each direction, saying: “Wake up, third eye!” At the end of the exercise, shake your hands.

Then they gather their fingers into a handful and massage the point located at the bottom of the neck, saying: “I breathe, breathe, breathe!”

"Brownian motion"

Goals: promote team cohesion; learn to work in a group, communicate with peers, and make joint decisions.

« Boiler"

Game content: “Cauldron” is a limited space in a group (for example, a carpet). During the game, participants become “water droplets” and move chaotically on the carpet without touching each other. The presenter says the words: “the water is heating up!”, “the water is getting warmer!”, “the water is hot!”, “the water is boiling!”, .... Children change their speed depending on the temperature of the water. It is forbidden to collide or go beyond the carpet. Those who break the rules leave the game. The winners are the most attentive and dexterous.


Goals: to promote team unity, relieve feelings of fear and aggression; foster mutual assistance; develop agility and speed.

"Pass it around"

Goals: to promote the formation of a friendly team; learn to act in concert; develop coordination of movements and imagination.

Contents of the game: children sit in a circle. The teacher passes an imaginary object around in a circle: a hot potato, a piece of ice, a frog, a grain of sand, etc. With older children you can play without naming the object. The object must go through the entire circle and return to the driver unchanged (a potato must not cool down, a piece of ice must not melt, a grain of sand must not get lost, a frog must not jump away).

“Coin in the fist” relaxation exercise

Goals: relieve muscle and psychological tension; master self-regulation techniques.

“Pick up the toy” relaxation exercise

Goals: relieving muscle and psychological tension; concentration of attention; mastering the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing.

"The King's Greetings"

Goals: relieving muscle and psychological tension; creating a positive attitude in the group; developing the ability to manage your emotions.

Contents of the game: participants line up in two lines. Those in front place their hands on each other’s shoulders. They form a kind of fence for those standing behind. Those standing behind need to, leaning on the fence, jump as high as possible, greeting the king with a smile, waving first his left hand, then right hand. At the same time, you can make greetings. Then the fence and spectators change places. Children should feel the difference in muscle tension: when they were a wooden, motionless fence, and now, jubilant, joyfully jumping people.

"Find and keep silent"

Goals: development of concentration; education of a stress-resistant personality; fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Contents of the game: children, standing, close their eyes. The presenter places the item in a place visible to everyone. After the driver’s permission, the children open their eyes and carefully look for him. The first one to see the object should not say or show anything, but sit silently in his place. Others do the same. Those who have not found the object are helped in this way: everyone looks at the object, and the children must see it by following the gaze of the others.

“Box of Experiences” relaxation exercise

Goals: relieving psychological stress; developing the ability to recognize and formulate one’s problems.

"Sharks and Sailors"»

Goals: promote team unity; removing the state of aggression; learn to control your emotional state; develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

Game content: children are divided into two teams: sailors and sharks. A large circle is drawn on the floor - this is a ship. There are many sharks swimming in the ocean near the ship. These sharks are trying to drag the sailors into the sea, and the sailors are trying to drag the sharks onto the ship. When the shark is completely dragged onto the ship, it immediately turns into a sailor, and if the sailor gets into the sea, then he turns into a shark. You can only pull each other by the hands. Important rule: one shark - one sailor. Nobody interferes anymore.

« Cows, dogs, cats"

Goals: developing the ability to nonverbal communication, concentration of auditory attention; fostering a caring attitude towards each other; developing the ability to hear others.

Contents of the game. The presenter says: “Please stand in a wide circle. I will go up to everyone and whisper the name of the animal in their ear. Remember it well, because later you will need to become this animal. Don’t tell anyone what I whispered to you.” The leader whispers to each child in turn: “You will be a cow,” “You will be a dog,” “You will be a cat.” “Now close your eyes and forget human language. You should only speak the way your animal “speaks.” You can walk around the room without opening your eyes. As soon as you hear “your animal,” move towards it. Then, holding hands, the two of you walk together to find other children who “speak your language.” An important rule: do not shout and move very carefully.” The first time you play the game, you can play it with your eyes open.


Goals: development of visual attention; formation of a cohesive team: ability to work in a group.

Contents of the game: “obstacles” are placed in a random order in the room. The “scout” slowly walks through the room along the chosen route. Another child, the “commander,” having memorized the road, must lead the squad along the same path. If the commander finds it difficult to choose a path, he can ask the squad for help. But if he goes on his own, the squad is silent. At the end of the journey, “the scout can point out errors in the route.

"Piano" relaxation exercise

Goals: relieving muscle and psychological tension; establishing interpersonal contacts; development fine motor skills.

“Who will stomp/stomp who” relaxation exercise

Goals: relieving psychological and muscle tension; Creation Have a good mood.

"Applause" relaxation exercise

Goals: establishing interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group.

Contents of the exercise: children stand in a wide circle. The teacher says: “You did a great job today, and I want to clap for you. The teacher selects one child from the circle, approaches him and, smiling, applauds him. The chosen child also chooses a friend and approaches him together with the teacher. The second child is applauded by two people. Thus, the last child is applauded by the whole group. The second time, it is no longer the teacher who starts the game.

"Creating a drawing in a circle"

Goals: establishing interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group; development of fine motor skills and imagination.

Contents of the game: everyone sits in a circle. Each participant has a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. In one minute, everyone draws something on their sheets. Next, they pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right, and receive the sheet from the neighbor on the left. They finish drawing something in one minute and again pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The game continues until the sheet returns to the owner. Then everything is reviewed and discussed. We can arrange an exhibition.

“Greeting” relaxation exercise

Goals: establishing interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group;

Hello Friend! They shake hands.

How are you doing? They pat each other on the shoulder.

Where have you been? They pull each other's ears.

I missed! They put their hands on their hearts.

You came! They spread their arms to the sides.

Fine! They hug.

"Boring, boring"

Goals: ability to survive a situation of failure; nurturing altruistic feelings in children; education of honesty.

It's boring, boring to sit like this,

Keep looking at each other.

Isn't it time to go for a run?

And change places. After these words, everyone should run to the opposite wall, touch it with their hand and, returning, sit on any chair. The presenter removes one chair at this time. They play until one of the most dexterous children remains. The dropped out children play the role of judges: they monitor compliance with the rules of the game.


Goals: development of motor coordination, reaction speed; establishing interpersonal contacts.

"The Lords of the Ring"

Goals: training in coordination of joint actions; learning to find ways to collectively solve a problem.

Contents of the game: you will need a ring with a diameter of 7-15 cm (a roll of wire or tape), to which three threads, each 1.5 - 2 m long, are tied at a distance from each other. Three participants stand in a circle, and each takes a thread in their hands. Their task: acting synchronously, lower the ring exactly onto the target - for example, a coin lying on the floor. Options: eyes are open, but no talking is allowed. The eyes are closed, but you can talk.

Organization: MBU DO MO TsPPMSP "Doverie"

Locality: Tula region, Plavsk

Goals and objectives:

  • development of students' communication skills;
  • help children realize the qualities of a true friend;
  • to bring younger schoolchildren to realize their own ability to make friends.
  • Greetings from the presenter. Introductory words psychologist.
  • Warm up. Introducing the game participants to each other.
  1. Exercise "Parrot"

Participants stand in a circle. Assignment: starting with the leader, everyone, in turn, needs to go into a circle, demonstrating any movement and facial expression and calling their name. The task of the remaining participants: after this, immediately go out into the circle, exactly repeating the movements, words and intonation of the participant.

  1. Exercise "Hello".

Participants stand in two circles (one circle is internal, the second is external). At the command of the leader, the players need to shake hands for one minute, then greet with knees, ears, noses, etc.

  1. Exercise “Electric charge” .

The players stand in a circle. At the leader’s command, participants shake hands in a circle for 20 seconds, then 15 seconds. etc.

  • Games and exercises to activate resources and mood.
  1. Game “Change those who...”.

All participants in the game sit on chairs in a circle. There are one fewer chairs than there are participants in the game. The words of the presenter: “Change places, those who washed their faces this morning.” The presenter’s task is to come up with a phrase so that as many children as possible change their places, opposite in the circle. The participant who did not have time to take an empty seat becomes the leader.

Sample phrases for the presenter: “Swap places those who...

In clothes that have white color;

Who has received an A at least once?

Who loves ice cream;

Who has pets?

Who knows how to play computer games;

Who loves their parents;

Who loves summer holidays;

Who knows how to ride a bike?

  1. Exercise “Let those who…” come out into the circle

Participants standing in a circle are invited to enter the circle according to a certain sign invented by the leader. For example, “Please come out into the circle of those who like to sleep longer,” “those who have pets,” “who have one true friend,” etc. After each “exit,” the participants stand in a circle again.

  1. Exercise “Line up according to...”

Participants are asked to quickly form a column without words:

Option 1: by height from shortest to tallest,

Option 2: by month of birth, starting from January (without words, but with gestures),

Option 3: by hair color, starting from the lightest;

Option 4: according to the width of the smile, etc.

  • Games and exercises to reduce children's psycho-emotional stress
  1. Exercise "Palms"

The participants of the game show their palms different colors(red, yellow, green). When the presenter shows a green palm, everyone can run, jump and shout without interfering with each other, a yellow palm means all children must move around the territory like mice quietly, when they show a red palm, everyone must stand up and not move.

  1. Exercise “Touch ...”

Children stand in a circle and place toys in the center. The presenter says: “Touch... (eye, wheel, right leg, tail, etc.).” Those who have not found the required item drive.

  1. Exercise "Mute Scout" .

He pantomimes for his team what he saw in the picture (read in the telegram). The team gradually guesses. That's right - he nods, no, he denies.

  1. Exercise “Portrait by phone”

The first one sees the picture and describes it in a whisper to the second one. Then they pass it on to the third, fourth... The last one must draw according to the description.

  1. Exercise "DRAGON"

The players stand in a line, holding each other's shoulders. The first participant is the “head”, the last one is the “tail”. The “head” should reach out to the “tail” and touch it. The dragon's "body" is inseparable. Once the "head" grabs the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant plays two roles.

  1. Exercise "Caterpillar"

Teenagers stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front. In this position they overcome obstacles:

Get up and get off the chair;

Crawl under the table;

Go around the lake;

Jump over the ditch;

Walk quietly through the dense forest so as not to wake up the sleeping bear.

  1. Game "Red Fox and Hares"

A game to develop the ability to identify and sense a person’s intentions by looking at their face. The players stand in a circle at a short distance from each other. Outside the circle, draw the fox's house. Then all the players close their eyes, and the leader goes around the circle and touches one of the players - he becomes a fox, the rest - hares. After this, everyone opens their eyes and looks carefully at each other, trying to determine who the fox is. Lisa tries not to give herself away. Then they clap their hands three times and ask in unison: “Red fox, where are you?” and look at each other. After the third repetition, the fox responds: “Here I am,” and begins to catch everyone. She places those caught in her house. The one who the fox cannot catch wins.

  1. Exercise “Atoms and Molecules”

All players move randomly around playground, at this moment they are all "atoms". As you know, atoms can turn into molecules - more complex formations, consisting of several atoms. A molecule can have two, three, or five atoms.

Players playing at the command of the leader will need to create a “molecule”, i.e. multiple players will need to grapple with each other. If the leader says: “The reaction proceeds in threes!”, then this means that three players - “atoms” - merge into one “molecule”. The signal for the molecules to break up again into individual atoms is the leader’s command: “The reaction is over.” If the children do not yet know what an “atom”, “molecule”, “reaction” is, an adult should explain it to them in a popular manner. The signal for temporarily withdrawn players to return to the game is the command: “The reaction goes one at a time.”

A little initial setup is necessary: ​​the group is asked to close their eyes and imagine that each person is a small atom, and atoms, as we know, are able to combine and form molecules, which are fairly stable compounds. This is followed by the words of the presenter: “Now you will open your eyes and begin to move randomly in space. According to my signal (the signal is specified), you will unite into molecules, the number of atoms in which I will also name. When you're ready, open your eyes." Participants begin free movement in space and, upon hearing the leader’s signal, unite into molecules. After moving for some time as a solid compound, the molecules again disintegrate into individual atoms. Then the leader gives the signal again, the participants unite again, etc.

If the last number of atoms in a molecule is two, then the exercise serves in a good way dividing the group into pairs for subsequent work.

During class you should avoid conflict situations, when at the named number the group cannot divide equally and “extra members” remain or some molecules do not have enough atoms to reach the required number.

  1. Exercise "Confusion"

Everyone stands in a circle.

Task 1: extend only your right hand into the middle of the circle and take one hand of any participant in the game, but not the people standing to your right and left.

Task 2: remaining in connection with the right hand of the participant selected in the last task, everyone needs to stretch into a circle now left hand and take anyone by one hand, but not the same as with your right hand and not your “neighbors” on the right and left.

Task 3: it was a mess. It is necessary, without unclenching your hands, to unravel to the shape of a circle, with your back or face in a circle.

  1. Exercise “TV volume”

Participants, at the leader’s signal, pronounce the sound “A” depending on the position of his hand, which they agree on in advance: “quiet - very loud” and intermediate ones. Assignment: adjust the “volume of your TV.”

  1. Exercise "CIRCLE"

Teacher's instructions: “Great, you are good at listening and following my instructions. Now let's hold hands, lock hands and begin to move closer to the center of the circle. Our task is to become as dense as possible, while creating a perfect circle inside. Let's try. Do you think we have a circle? We'll check now. If at my command: “Tilt your torso to the right/left,” the circle will not separate - it is really perfect, otherwise we will have to repeat everything again. You cannot lift your feet off the ground. If structured correctly, you should not experience any tension.” The command is given. The exercise is repeated 2-4 times per different sides. This exercise is aimed at developing ways of interacting.

  1. Exercise "Path"

Hold hands. On the command “walk” - walk in a circle;

“Path” - children put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and tilt their heads down;

“Kopna” - children raise their arms above their heads;

“Bumps!” - everyone squats.

I can speak very quietly. Which team will be the most attentive?

  • Games for relaxation
  1. Exercise “Give a smile”

Participants stand in a circle and hold hands. Everyone takes turns giving a smile to their neighbors on the left and right, it is important to look into each other’s eyes.

  1. Exercise “Tie the Tie”

Participants stand in a circle. The presenter, holding a ball of yarn in his hands, passes it to another child with a wish, keeping the thread for himself. The one who gets the ball passes on the wish to the next player, keeping the thread for himself. And so on in a circle. When the ball returns to the leader, everyone is “connected” by one thread. “Tighten the thread slightly and feel that we are one in this world...”


  1. Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. I am surprised, angry, afraid, boastful and happy. Programs for the emotional development of children of preschool and primary school age: Practical guide– M.: Genesis, 2005. – 208 p., illus.
  2. Khukhlaeva O.V. The path to your Self: psychology lessons in primary school(1-4). 3rd ed. – M.: Genesis, 2009. – 344 p.

for children of primary school age

This is a period of positive change and transformation. And if at this age the child does not feeljoy of knowledge, will not gain confidence in their capabilities and abilities, will not learn to make friends, will not acquire the ability to study, then it will be much more difficult to do this in the future, beyond the sensitive period.

The development of a new leading activity - educational - at primary school age is just beginning. This process occurs both at home and at school. The school imposes on the child special requirements, which require some time and effort to master. Children adapt to school gradually. The adaptation process affects various areas of the child’s personality and carries individual character. Children with high level physical and psychological readiness to school, however, certain problems associated with adaptation to new living conditions arise in every child. For some children, the adaptation period is delayed.

As a rule, difficulties that arise in children of primary school age cause the need for already mastered and favorite play activities. Special classes using educational games are especially useful for children with low self-esteem, anxious, insufficiently attentive, slow, some children with increased activity or, conversely, with an “inhibited” perception of the surrounding reality, as well as schoolchildren who experience difficulties in the ability to build and maintain harmonious interpersonal relationships. By “joining” the child in this activity, working with him in the learning process at a level accessible to him, we thereby provide him with a favorable transition to a solution educational tasks. If the child is delayed in mental development play is the only possible form of adaptation of a child to educational activities, since it ensures that teaching techniques correspond to psychological age.

A game for children is not only and not so much entertainment. For a child, play is the main activity. She helps him develop and learn the world. Psychological games for children can be aimed at developing memory, reaction, ingenuity, attention, imagination, and ear for music. They will help identify leaders in the children's team, make friends and unite the team, overcome shyness and develop self-confidence. The advantage of psychological games for children is that the child will play with pleasure, without even suspecting that at that moment he is being raised.

Psychological games for children.

Memory development

"Funny drawings." On sheets of paper you need to draw funny non-existent objects - fruits, vegetables, animals, etc. Each item has an unusual name. Then the children are shown the drawings and told the names of each of them, having previously been warned that they need to be remembered. Then the drawings are removed, and after a few seconds they are shown again, and the children remember their names. If you play with one child, then he will simply have to name as many objects as possible. If there are several, arrange a competition, awarding one point for each item guessed or giving a reward.

Development of thinking and imagination

“How to connect two words?” This game develops imagination and the ability to establish associative (semantic) connections. The leader in this game is an adult. He names any two words, for example, “parsley” and “grandmother.” Children must explain how these words are related to each other. The options can be very different: grandma grows parsley on the windowsill; Grandma has curly hair like parsley, etc.

Development of responsibility when making decisions

"Who cares what" This game teaches you to take the role of a leader seriously and responsibly. Everyone is invited to order the leader to do something. After all orders have been spoken out loud, the players are toldrules of the game. They consist in the fact that each player himself must carry out his orders. If a child, when coming up with a task, did not care whether it was easy to complete, he will be more serious next time.

Development of attention switching and voluntary movement performance

"It flies - it doesn't fly" The presenter names the items. If the object flies, you need to raise your hands; if it doesn’t fly, your hands should be lowered. The presenter deliberately makes a mistake, showing the wrong movement. Many guys’ hands will rise involuntarily, due to imitation. It is necessary to hold back in a timely manner and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named.

Developing the ability to control your emotions

"Surprise"You need to prepare for the game in advance: make small surprise gifts, wrap them in a beautiful wrapper. For example, put several boxes inside one another, like a nesting doll, and wrap them beautifully.

The presenter calls one of the players and solemnly presents him with a gift. The player begins to unwrap this gift, and the presenter interests him, saying: “Your gift is a wonderful thing... This is a toy made in a distant, warm country, it is very popular all over the world...”. In fact, the toy can be a simple whistle or some other small thing. It is important to look at the reaction of the participant in the game while he unwraps the gift.

If the player does not express his emotions, calmly completes the task and unwraps the toy, his restraint can be noted quite highly. At all stages, it is important to monitor the emotions of the players, especially after they see the toy.

The game can be diversified in this way: each player must unwrap his gift slowly, so as not to damage the packaging and wrapping paper. This also demonstrates the ability to restrain one’s emotions. An impatient player will try to see the surprise as quickly as possible, so he will not show accuracy and caution.

Developing the ability to find positive points in any situation

"Talents and Fans" Children can develop complexes for a variety of reasons. For example, they don't know how to draw. The goal of the game is to help get rid of the complex and teach children to be able to find positive moments in any situation. The presenter invites the children to draw something. Everyone portrays what they can. If a participant in the game knows how to draw well, he can sketch something complex; if not, the drawing can be the simplest. After some time, the drawings are presented for general discussion. A special condition is that you cannot say that the drawing is bad, you only need to emphasize its merits. All the guys support the discussion of each drawing, expressing their opinions. It can be noted that the colors were chosen very cleverly, that the idea itself is very interesting, etc.

A friendly class is the dream of every teacher, child, and parent. It is very simple to implement. We should work to ensure that every child in the children's team feels like a sought-after individual, feels psychological comfort from his stay here, and receives the necessary support from his comrades.

Every teacher knows own experience that from year to year the number of children with various problems in behavior, in the ability to build relationships with friends, and find a decent way out of any situation increases. These children can only be helped by using various adequate methods of influencing the team as a whole and each student individually.

Research psychologists convincingly prove that the presence of psychological health qualities often becomes more solid foundation long and active life, rather than direct concern only for physical health. This means that the activities of a practical child psychologist should be aimed at developing in the child useful skills and habits that contribute to successful adaptation in society and productive development for the benefit of himself and society.

The younger schoolchild is still at that transitional stage when the inner is better found through the outer and receives a way out primarily through action.

We offer a system of games that can be conducted by a teacher or psychologist. During one of the lessons, you should allocate 10-15 minutes to play with the children. It is important that this becomes a system and not used occasionally. If the teacher considers this type of work mandatory and necessary and organizes it correctly, then this joint activity will help ensure that each child finds himself in a situation of success, which reduces psychological stress, increases self-esteem, and improves mood.

As practice shows, children really love these moments of play, look forward to them, and are able to make an effort on themselves during lessons and breaks in order to bring the desired activity closer and not miss it. With a decent organization of classes, after 2-3 weeks, children react more calmly to situations that arise in the classroom, behave more peacefully, balanced, and have better contact with friends to solve a certain pedagogical or psychological problem. In this way, children develop tolerance, which is a necessary basis for building any relationships in everyday life.

Lesson No. 1.

Games that encourage children to collaborate and communicate.

Game "Please". The children stand at their places. The teacher names an action that children must perform only if the word “please” is said (for example: “Please raise your hands up,” etc.).

Game “Tender Name”. Children stand in a circle. The host suggests remembering what they affectionately call him at home. Then he offers to throw the ball to each other and the one to whom the ball lands says his affectionate name. After everyone says their names, the ball is thrown in the opposite direction. In this case, you need to remember and say the affectionate name of the person to whom you are throwing the ball.

Lesson No. 2. Self-support.

Game “I can handle it.” The presenter offers the children various situations. The one who believes that he can cope with the situation raises both hands up, and the one who does not know a way out hides his hands behind his back.

Discussion. Children tell how they will behave. If the proposed option is approved by the majority of children, then you should put a chip in the “I did it” box.

Lesson No. 3. Thoughts control actions.

Game “I am strong”. The presenter invites the children to check how words and thoughts affect a person’s condition. He approaches each child in turn and asks him to extend his hand forward. Then he tries to lower the child’s hand down, pressing on it from above. The child must hold his hand while saying out loud: “I am strong!” At the second stage, the same actions are performed, but with the words: “I am weak.”

Ask children to pronounce words with intonation that matches their meaning. Then discuss in which case they found it easier to hold their hand and why.

Try to lead children to the conclusion that encouraging words help us cope with difficulties and win.

Lesson No. 4. Games with and on fingers.

Children love to move their fingers and talk. These games help develop speech, form communication skills, teach harmony of gestures and simply make you smile.

Game “Sparrows”. Five sparrows were sitting on the fence (arms in front of them, fingers spread). The participants in the game grab each other with any finger (according to the agreement of the right or left hand) and pull in their direction. The winner is the one who pulls his neighbor closer to himself.

Lesson No. 5. Games with and on fingers.

Game “Lunokhod”. The presenter reads the poem:

Look: lunar rover
It's easy to walk on the moon,
He walks very importantly
In it the hero sits brave.

Children hold their hands on the table, move their fingers along the surface, imitating the movement of the lunar rover.

Game “Control with fingers”. 4 people play. Two people should sit opposite each other with their eyes closed and stretch towards each other index fingers(you can start with your palms). Two other players stand behind those sitting. Then, in turn, each of them begins to “control” the sitter’s hand, giving verbal commands. The goal is to bring together the fingers (palms) of friends.

A group of classes to develop imagination and creative interaction.

Game “Bridge of Friendship”.

The teacher asks the children to form pairs if they wish and “build” a bridge (using their arms, legs, torso). If there are no volunteers, the adult can pair up with the child and show how to depict a bridge (for example, touching heads or palms).

Game “Human Machines”.

It is important to explain to children that the result of their work will depend on how well all the “parts” of the machine work.

Divide the children into groups and ask them to design their own machine (for example, a washing machine, mixer, etc.).

You can demonstrate one of the machines, for example, a washing machine. Ask two children to hold hands so that the third can spin freely in the middle, pretending to be “underwear.”

Proposed forms of work for psychologists in elementary grades high school We have tested them in practice. We observed while working with children how they gradually became more open, relaxed, friendly, and sociable. The use of games in which the hands are mobile develops fine motor skills, which affects brain activity and the speed of thought processes, which, in turn, affects the educational activities of schoolchildren.