Working with youth in an Orthodox parish. About church work with youth

The need and importance of church work with youth are based on the teaching of Holy Scripture on the diversity of forms and methods of apostolic ministry of the Church, which preaches the Gospel to all people without exception. This general missionary principle was formulated by St. Apostle Paul: “To the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win the Jews; to those under the law he was as one under the law, in order to gain those under the law; for those who are strangers to the law - as a stranger to the law, - not being alien to the law before God, but under the law of Christ - in order to win those who are strangers to the law; He was like one who is weak to the weak, so that he might gain the weak. I have become all things to all, that I might save at least some” (1 Cor. 9:22). The Church, in its missionary and pastoral service, must always seek and find those forms of preaching that would be relevant and understandable to people of different ages, nationalities and professions. Today, the Russian Orthodox Church faces with particular urgency the question of the churching of young people, whose spiritual and moral state is of decisive importance for the future of our Church and society.

Thanks to the missionary efforts of the Orthodox Church, the younger generation should hear from pastors and believing peers lively and convincing answers to their searches and questions, find genuine values ​​and reliable life guidelines in the Church, and receive the necessary conditions for revealing their inner spiritual and moral potential.


Church youth work includes both the organization of young members of parish communities and mission among urban and rural youth, students, schoolchildren, and members of public youth associations.

The coordination of church youth work is carried out within the following structure.

General church level

At the church-wide level, work with youth is headed by the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate (hereinafter referred to as the Synodal Department). The Synodal Department is a coordinating body in relation to similar institutions operating in Self-Governing Churches, Exarchates, Metropolitan Districts and Dioceses, and as such has the right to contact, within its competence, diocesan bishops and heads of other canonical divisions, send them its normative documents and request appropriate information (Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, chapter VI, paragraph 9).

The tasks of the Synodal Department include:

  1. coordination and development of systemic church-wide youth work;
  2. development, coordination and implementation of large church-wide and international youth programs and projects;
  3. coordination and development of the education system and advanced training for clergy, laity, specialists in the field of church work with youth, together with the Educational Committee, the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis, church and secular educational institutions and institutions (including the development and introduction of curriculum of Orthodox educational institutions course on organizing youth work);
  4. coordination and development of a system of short-term training for full-time youth work officials and Orthodox youth leaders in parishes, deaneries and dioceses;
  5. methodological support for church youth work, preparation and distribution of methodological materials in all areas of youth work;
  6. assistance in the activities of Orthodox youth associations;
  7. preparation of draft agreements related to youth work with government authorities and corresponding standard agreements for use in dioceses;
  8. methodological support in cooperation with the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis for continuity in the work of parochial Sunday schools for children and youth parish associations;
  9. in coordination with the Department for External Church Relations and the Moscow Patriarchate Office for Foreign Institutions - exchange of experience with foreign youth organizations;
  10. in coordination with the Publishing Council and the Synodal Information Department - coverage of the youth work of the Church through publishing and information activities;
  11. organizing and holding youth congresses, forums, camps and gatherings;
  12. organizing and coordinating the participation of Orthodox youth in church, public and state holidays and events related to memorable dates;
  13. conducting church-wide targeted money collections;
  14. in coordination with the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society - interaction with government and public structures in improving legislation, by-laws and practices relating to the lives of young people, as well as the participation of the Church in youth work.

Diocesan level

The general management of diocesan units operating in the field of work with youth is carried out by the ruling bishops. To organize youth work in the diocese, there is a diocesan department for youth affairs, which in its work is guided by church-wide regulatory documents, instructions of the ruling bishop, and recommendations of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs. Employee salaries, organizational expenses, programs and events of the diocesan youth department are paid from the diocese budget and raised funds.

The tasks of the diocesan departments for youth affairs include:

  1. coordination of all church youth work in the diocese, coordination of the activities of full-time youth workers in deaneries and parishes, as well as Orthodox youth associations;
  2. development and implementation of annual plans for youth work in the diocese;
  3. development and implementation of diocesan youth programs and projects, involvement of young people in their implementation.
  4. implementation of the following priority forms and directions of youth work:
  • classes for young people on studying the Holy Scriptures, the doctrine of the Church, liturgical tradition, understanding the meaning of worship and the foundations of Christian life;
  • missionary youth activities and trips;
  • young family clubs
  • youth social volunteer projects;
  • diocesan festival, including various types of youth creativity;
  • sports games with the participation of youth teams of deaneries and parishes;
  • summer youth camps;
  • participation of Orthodox youth in church, public and state holidays and events related to memorable dates;
  • congresses of Orthodox youth and forums with their participation;
  • conducting short-term training courses and seminars on organizing youth work in parishes, incl. organization of a diocesan school for Orthodox youth activists;
  • ensuring the participation of the youth of the diocese in the implementation of church-wide youth programs and projects of the Synodal Department;
  • distribution of methodological and information materials prepared or approved by the Synodal Department and intended for training youth in various types of church service;
  • promoting the creation of Orthodox youth associations in parishes, their cooperation, supporting their participation in state and other competitions;
  • interaction with government and public organizations, preparation of agreements on cooperation and interaction with regional authorities responsible for working with youth;
  • implementation of joint youth projects and actions with regional authorities and public organizations;
  • promoting the establishment of permanent connections between parishes and state and municipal institutions in the field of work with youth, concluding cooperation agreements between them;
  • promoting media coverage of church-wide and diocesan youth work;
  • a petition to the diocesan bishop to encourage individuals engaged in active youth work;
  • conducting diocesan targeted fund collections;
  • attracting students of Orthodox educational institutions to youth work.
  • preparation of an annual report on the youth work done to the diocesan bishop and to the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs.
  • In accordance with paragraph 18 of the Determination of the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church (February 2-4, 2011) “On issues of the internal life and external activities of the Russian Orthodox Church,” a collegium of the diocesan department for youth affairs is being created in the dioceses. The Collegium is an advisory body to the Youth Affairs Department of the diocese. The Collegium is formed and carries out its activities in accordance with the standard Regulations adopted by the Holy Synod.

    Deanery level

    At the deanery level, the general organization, coordination and control of work with young people is carried out under the leadership of the dean. The direct implementation of this work should be entrusted to the full-time person responsible for youth work in the deanery. The person responsible for youth work in the deanery is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the diocesan bishop upon the recommendation of the chairman of the department for youth affairs of the diocese, agreed with the dean. The person responsible for youth work in the deanery is assigned to the staff of one of the parishes of the deanery with a salary according to the staffing table. The person responsible for youth work in the deanery reports to the dean and coordinates his activities with the chairman of the youth affairs department of the diocese. The dean is responsible for raising funds for youth programs and events in the deanery.

    The responsibilities of a full-time youth worker in a deanery include:

    1. support and assistance in the development of youth work in the parishes of the deanery;
    2. coordination of the activities of those responsible for youth work in the parishes of the deanery;
    3. drawing up an annual plan for the deanery’s youth work, coordinating it with the diocesan department for youth affairs and submitting it for approval to the dean;
    4. ensuring the implementation of diocesan youth programs and projects in the deanery;
    5. ensuring the participation of parish youth activists in church-wide youth programs;
    6. participation in the work of the diocesan board of the youth affairs department;
    7. control of reports and implementation of work plans of those responsible for youth work in the parishes of the deanery;
    8. providing information support for youth work in the deanery, including video and photography of ongoing projects, creating an archive of youth work in the deanery; reflection of this work on the deanery website, social networks and blogs;
    9. preparation of an annual report on the youth work done to the dean and the youth affairs department of the diocese.

    An important criterion for assessing the activities of a full-time deanery responsible for youth work is an increase in the number of young parishioners and their participation in youth programs and projects.

    Parish level

    At the parish level, the general organization, coordination and control of work with young people is the responsibility of the rector. The direct implementation of this work should be entrusted to a full-time youth worker in those parishes where it is possible to create such a staff unit. The decision on the possibility or impossibility is made by the parish council, headed by the rector, in agreement with the dean and the diocesan department for youth affairs.

    The person responsible for youth work in the parish is appointed and dismissed by the rector. The person responsible for youth work in the parish is included in the parish staff with a salary according to the staffing table. The person responsible for youth work reports to the rector and coordinates his activities with the chairman of the diocesan department for youth affairs and with the person responsible for youth work in the deanery. Youth programs and parish activities are paid for from parish funds and raised funds. Orthodox youth associations can be created in the parish.

    Work with youth in a parish can take various forms, in particular:

    • conversations and meetings with the clergy and specially invited guests;
    • religious (catechetical) classes;
    • Scripture study groups;
    • missionary activities and trips;
    • social projects;
    • youth camps;
    • Internet projects;
    • film clubs;
    • interest groups;
    • addiction prevention projects;
    • sport sections;
    • military-patriotic clubs;
    • young family clubs.

    The responsibilities of the parish youth worker include:

    1. development of parish youth work;
    2. selecting active helpers from among young parishioners and ensuring that they receive appropriate training; formation of parish youth activists;
    3. development and implementation of parish youth projects;
    4. implementation of joint projects with other parishes;
    5. maintaining contact with educational and social institutions existing in the parish, where young Orthodox Christians could show their activity;
    6. attracting secular specialists professionally engaged in the field of youth work to interact with the parish;
    7. drawing up an annual plan for parish youth work, coordinating it with the person responsible for youth work in the deanery and submitting it to the rector for approval;
    8. providing information support for youth work in the parish, including video and photography of ongoing projects, creating an archive of youth work; reflection of this work on the parish website (if there is one), on social networks and blogs;
    9. interaction, in agreement with the parish rector, with state, municipal and public organizations and institutions operating in the parish on issues related to youth work;
    10. attracting volunteers to participate in youth projects and programs;
    11. ensuring the participation of the parish youth activists in church-wide, diocesan and deanery programs;
    12. preparation of an annual report to the parish rector, also sent to the person responsible for youth work in the deanery and to the youth affairs department of the diocese.

    An important criterion for assessing the activities of the person responsible for youth work in the parish is the increase in the number of young parishioners and their participation in youth programs and projects.

    I would like to begin with the words of the Concept of missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church, which formulates recommendations for work among youth.

    Priest Andrey Kozorezov,Rector of the Kazan Church in the city of Ramenskoye, Ramenskoye deanery

    “About working with youth”

    This issue is addressed in paragraph 3.4. Mission among youth. In general, this document is devoted to missionary activity in general. But the importance of working with young people is especially emphasized. In particular, we can read: “Missionary work involves creating favorable conditions in parishes for Orthodox youth to realize their creative aspirations and needs, which provides for mutual communication not only in church, but also outside of liturgical times. For this purpose, children’s camps, hikes, pilgrimage trips, support groups for infirm parish members and many other forms of activity can be used.” His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II especially noted: “Events of this kind encourage young people to look at the Church with different eyes, to see in it not a strict judge, but a caring mother. At the same time, thanks to such activities, ties with secular structures responsible for educating the younger generation are strengthened. Society is actually becoming convinced of the positive social significance of the Church.”

    Thus, this document gives us a directive to be sensitive and attentive to the needs of young people. Of course, first of all, the spiritual, but also the diverse range of interests of today's young people. Unless, of course, these interests are in direct conflict with the spirit of the Orthodox Church.

    The concept provides the following guidelines for carrying out a mission among youth and emphasizes the following main areas of activity:

    Introducing young people who have recently come to the Church to liturgical life and churching;

    Educational activities aimed at developing a correct understanding of the hierarchy of Christian values, creating for this purpose a modern scientific and theological methodological base;

    Involving young people in Christian service (labor assistance to churches and monasteries, work in children's camps, assistance to veterans, infirm people, correspondence with prisoners, etc.);

    Creation of an open Christian socio-cultural youth environment;

    Organization of specialized assistance for young people who find themselves in difficult life situations or various types of addictions (for example, a telephone helpline, private personal conversations, an online forum with the opportunity to ask a question to a catechist or priest, consultations with an Orthodox psychologist, rehabilitation programs for victims of alcohol and drug addiction , as well as former members of destructive sects);

    Thoughtful use of modern forms of creativity in missionary activities among young people: musical, literary, visual arts, etc.

    It is emphasized that when choosing the most effective methods of working with youth groups, one should take into account their social orientation, the degree of religious awareness and the ability to perceive the Orthodox teaching taught to them. Creative application of a wide variety of methods of spiritual enlightenment is necessary. Currently, there is the following typology of youth groups:

    1. Churched youth, differing in the degree of social activity and level of awareness of their place in the Church. For this group, it is necessary to apply various forms of participation in church and public service, to eliminate barriers in church consciousness (the distance between the clergy and the laity, fear of initiative and responsibility) that prevent such participation. It is necessary to promote the emergence and implementation of youth initiatives, to encourage church youth to demonstrate personal activity.

    2. Neophytes who have recently come to the Orthodox faith, who still know little about the foundations of Orthodoxy and often overestimate their competence in various issues of church life. Suitable methods of working in this environment are catechesis based on the traditions of church education, as well as involvement in the practical activities of the community under the leadership of churched people.

    3. Unchurched youth with a generally positive attitude towards Orthodoxy. When working with this group of youth, it is most advisable to involve young people in various forms of leisure or creative activities that do not contradict Orthodox spirituality.

    4. Young people who have chosen other Christian denominations or other traditional religions, but have maintained a respectful attitude towards Orthodoxy and do not deny the possibility of dialogue with the Orthodox. The most effective method of interaction with representatives of this group is the development and implementation of educational and cultural programs with an educational focus (for example, seminars on environmental issues or combating drug addiction, etc.).

    5. Unchurched youth who are indifferent to Orthodoxy or religious life in general, is the largest and therefore most important group of unchurched youth. Depending on how effective the Church’s work with her becomes, we can judge the results of the mission among young people. To successfully work with this group, it is necessary, first of all, to destroy erroneous stereotypes of perception of the Church and spiritual life, as well as the formation of new ideas that create motivation for creative spiritual development. The fundamental principles in communicating with such youth are sincerity, openness and patience: not imposing external forms of Orthodoxy, but preparing the ground for conscious churching. The forms of classes with this group can be different; they should be familiar to modern youth, but at the same time filled with Christian content.

    6. Young people who are negative towards the Church. When working with such people, it is best to conduct dialogue in a spirit of love and trust in God’s help, for God “ wants all people to be saved and reach the knowledge of the truth"(1 Tim. 2:4).

    The next document that I cannot ignore is the “Methodological instructions for the activities of the missionary department of the Moscow diocese.” It states, in particular, that “the main task of the missionary responsible for working with youth is to attract young people to the liturgical life of the church, the implementation of God’s original plan - the deification of all creation. In a narrower sense, mission is the activity of spreading the Orthodox faith, churching people for a new life in Christ and sharing the experience of communion with God.”

    Clause 3.3 of the regulations on the Missionary Department of the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church notes that the priority areas of activity of the Department include:

    - generalization of the accumulated experience of missionary activity for the purpose of its analysis and further application... Thus, it is necessary to collect information and analyze the experience of working in the youth environment, to ensure that parishes strive to adopt existing positive experience.

    — preparing missionary catechists for missionary service, conducting catechetical, theological and missionary courses. In this regard, it is necessary to send churched youth to such courses so that later they themselves can conduct catechetical conversations in the parish or carry out other obedience.

    - participation in various missionary scientific and practical conferences, seminars, electives and other events - to involve trained youth in such activities.

    The same document states that the goals and objectives of the deanery’s missionary department for working with youth include disseminating the positive experience of missionary activity accumulated in the diocesan department. Creation and support of a special missionary spiritual and cultural atmosphere in each parish. Encouraging extra-liturgical communication between people, in particular, through holding meetings and joint meals of parishioners after the service for the purpose of communication and discussion of pressing issues.

    Young trained people can assist clergy in developing the intra-parish mission, participate in church activities by carrying out certain missionary assignments and participating in the social service of patronage of large families. Participate in the practice of announcing to adults (parents of infants) before Baptism, prepared members of the community. Participate in anti-sectarian activities.

    Young trained people can create videos, cartoons, radio broadcasts, participate in forums, social networks on the Internet, prepare material for information stands, create printed media, leaflets, posters, and hold events among unchurched youth.

    Based on my own experience working with youth, I can say about the following existing problems in working with youth:

    Attracting youth. Young people need to be interested. This could be organizing thematic meetings, master classes, or group work.

    It is necessary to pay attention to young people who have gotten married. Organize family clubs for them, consultations on issues of education, family relationships, health, etc. Organize events for their children, together with them, etc.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the training of qualified lay missionaries (youth), to assist in the development of the mission in the parishes of the deanery (and more broadly, the diocese)

    Much attention should be paid to the creation of an information base about existing youth organizations, their activities, the frequency of events, the structure of events, that is, regularly collect, analyze and monitor the application of positive experience in the diocese in the deanery.

    Taking into account all the above problems, we are trying to build our missionary work with young people at the parish of the Kazan Church in Ramenskoye.

    As is known, work with youth in the deaneries of the Moscow diocese can be divided into four main areas:

    Meetings of Orthodox youth, youth conferences and forums;

    Sports and tourism destination;

    Organization of Orthodox camps; social, educational and

    Missionary work on the ground.

    You can also add cooperation with public and charitable organizations dealing with issues of motherhood and childhood.

    We cooperate with the Russian Birch charity foundation - helping large families and orphans in the Russian hinterland, the parental culture club "Gift of Birth" - fighting abortion (holding lectures, showing films), classes for pregnant women - there is a positive response from unchurched youth; "Leleya" - consultations on breastfeeding. Search for volunteers.

    Catechetical conversations, group work - study of Church Slavonic, Greek, English;

    We provide premises for young people to practice singing (fireshow), Orthodox and secular youth participate;

    The work of a youth family club was organized (meeting with a priest, doctors, psychologist, master classes for adults and children, music classes “Mom and Baby”);

    Meetings have been organized with families who find themselves in difficult social situations - conversations with the priest, classes with children, youth can take part in them.

    Recently, changes have occurred in the youth group “Rassvet” - the leadership has changed, a confessor has appeared. In this regard, our correspondent asked several questions to the assistant dean for youth work, Deacon Alexei Shamanin.

    — When and how was the active Orthodox youth movement formed in the Zakamsky deanery and in the youth group “Rassvet”?

    — The active members of the Orthodox youth group “Rassvet” were formed in the early 2000s and have changed several times over the years of the group’s existence. Youth movements in other churches formed later and, until recently, did not particularly communicate with each other, providing assistance only in their churches and engaging in activities in different directions. The joint youth movement of the Zakamsky deanery does not exist as such. Because the Youth Department is not engaged in uniting young people from different parishes into one group, but organizes joint events, pursuing the goal of communication between young people. After all, every young person, being part of the community of one particular parish, pursues a common goal with the youth of other churches. So it turns out that the asset of the youth movement of Zakamye is the asset of the youth groups of all the churches of the deanery.

    — Did the Rassvet group recently change its leader and add a confessor?

    - Yes. During the existence of “Rassvet”, its participants and the former leader performed many acts of mercy, actively helped the parish, churched young people and cared for socially vulnerable sections of society. They got stronger and... matured. It's time for the younger generation. Deacon Vitaly Semenov, who was the leader of the group for a long time, was released from this obedience, having received gratitude for his efforts. But both the former participants and Father Vitaly did not leave Rassvet for good: they will share their experience with young guys, helping them continue the good deeds of the group.

    And the confessor is a new link in the Youth Department, which has been expected for a long time. Every work of Orthodox youth, no matter in what direction it is directed, must be imbued with prayer and have Christian goals. Father Alexander Voroshilov will be engaged in the spiritual guidance of youth to Christ. he has already taken the initiative to hold youth Liturgies and called on young people to pray regularly.

    — How do the guys from the group differ from ordinary young people?

    — Regardless of age, Orthodox young people know why they come to the youth group and what they expect from life. But the most important difference is the joy of life. No matter what work they do, they always receive satisfaction from it and are ready to work again for the glory of God. But Orthodox youth are ordinary people, they heal not only their souls, but also their bodies by playing sports; they dance, sing and draw; relax in nature and travel to other cities. But whatever they do, they always do it with prayer, asking for God’s blessing.

    — What do Orthodox youth do in parishes and in the city?

    — Each parish conducts its own individual work with young people. For example, the Nativity parish teaches young people how to play the guitar, teaches solfeggio and English, and develops musical abilities. The Oryol Church trains young missionaries, they study the Holy Scriptures, Church Slavonic language and communicate with sectarians. In the Borovets Church, children play sports, study the history of the region and engage in social activities. But they all help other departments in the parish, distributing missionary leaflets, providing assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the population, teaching those who have come to the faith again, and helping the church. They are united by the same activities, but outside the temple: concerts at the Perekrestok rehabilitation center, city holidays, anti-abortion campaigns, youth camps and more.

    — How do you involve young people in your work?

    — Attracting young people is the most difficult process, because every single person is, first of all, an individual. Each requires a separate approach. Some guys come to all events with joy, you just have to offer it, some have to be persuaded, and the methods of attracting are completely different. After all, someone is interested in sitting over a cup of tea and talking, someone wants to bring benefits through work, someone wants to use your talents, and someone just relax. Therefore, the activities of the Youth Department are varied, because the initiative for events comes from the youth themselves, and we try to implement all ideas if they are beneficial for the soul and body.

    — How can you get into an Orthodox youth group?

    — It’s not difficult to get into the group. All you have to do is come to the next meeting or event and anyone who comes will be welcomed with open arms, because every person is important to us. And you can find out about events either on the website “” or in the group “

    "Youth Ministry

    on arrival"


    Youth department

    Spassky Deanery

    Peace to all!

    If we look into the churches of our metropolis for one of the church services, we will see young girls and boys in many of them. For such children, Orthodoxy is not just an outward manifestation of their beliefs, but a part of life. Young people, by the providence of God, find themselves in the Church, where they try to find true freedom - freedom from sin. Due to their characteristic energy, on the path of their churching it is important to provide them with the opportunity to actively express themselves in the life of the parish. Work with youth in a parish can be carried out in a wide variety of forms, and each of them has its own characteristics.

    In the St. Abraham Church of the Spassky Deanery of the Chistopol Diocese, youth ministry is one of the priority areas. And now the parish youth department has been operating for three years. During its existence, the structure of the department was formed, work was established in the main areas and new ones were being developed. This publication presents experience on the most important and interesting forms of work. We sincerely hope that it will provide practical advice on youth ministry.

    Responsible for work with youth in the Spassky deanery -

    Alexander Pavlov,

    assistant responsible for youth work

    Olga Knyazeva.

    Department structure

    The structure of the department is important in order to organize clear and coordinated work. Heads the department supervisor. It ensures and supervises the work of the department, and also holds regular meetings and meetings. A kind of control lever in the department is advice, consisting of their most active participants. Council members participate in all department events, setting an example of activity, discussing pressing issues, and preparing for events. Behind ordinary participants a certain area of ​​activity is assigned based on their interests. For example, one participant is responsible for the Gospel readings, another for social activities or missionary events, a third for organizing a youth camp, a fourth for the youth page in the parish newspaper, and so on. When preparing events, the person in charge interacts with parish departments and involves the rest of the youth in a certain activity.

    Works of mercy

    Today, many parishes actively carry out social activities. The youth department can take on part of the work of helping those in need. There are two options for social service to youth.

    Option 1. The person in charge regularly learns from the head of the social ministry about upcoming events and offers assistance in organizing and conducting them.

    *Technical assistance in carrying out promotions.

    You can distribute gifts at Christmas and Easter children's services, perform volunteer duty while shrines are in the church, and so on.

    Option 2. Independent organization of charity events.

    *Care for elderly parishioners.

    Congratulations at home on Merry Christmas and Easter. A list of congratulatory recipients and a congratulatory speech are drawn up in advance. The younger generation, thus, not only does a good deed, but also in the process of communication receives spiritual instructions and lessons from the prayer experience of the older generation.

    *Care for disabled children.

    To do this, you need to find out from the parish charity department or social service the list of disabled people, their addresses, and establish contact. It is important to decide on the frequency of meetings, because those under care usually become attached to new friends in the form of Orthodox youth, and look forward to a new meeting. You can give them your warmth and love in the process of mastering useful skills and acquiring spiritual knowledge. Meetings can take the form of communication (walks), creative workshops (making themed crafts for Orthodox holidays and important dates, performing a play), spiritual conversation (reading Orthodox works, solving an Orthodox crossword puzzle).

    *Care for young military personnel - church parishioners.

    You can write letters, congratulate on Orthodox holidays, Angel Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and send parcels. This attention will allow children serving away from their home and church to feel like part of the church family, and after returning to join the youth department.

    Youth camp

    Another important form of serving youth is organizing camps. The Orthodox camp has a unique opportunity - creating a constant spiritual atmosphere, friendliness and mutual support against the backdrop of relaxed relaxation.

    With the help of a youth camp they can

    the following goals have been achieved:

    1) Thanks to a program aimed at youth, revealing the spiritual beauty of Orthodoxy, young people will see that being a member of the Church is both saving and interesting.

    2) Young people from different parishes will share their real experience of youth ministry.

    3) Through the discussion of common problems, there will be a joint search for their solutions, a search for new forms of activity.

    4) Young people will come into contact with the natural world and break away from an unnatural way of life (computer, TV).

    5) Through informal communication, a better understanding of each other and making friends is achieved.

    Stages of preparation and conduct of the camp:

    *Acquaintance with similar experience.

    Participants in the youth department can get acquainted with the experience of conducting youth camps on Internet resources, and gain experience through participation in youth camps of other deaneries.

    *Determining the theme of the camp.

    Often the date and location of the camp depend on the theme of the camp. For example, the first camp held by the youth department of the St. Abraham's Church was associated with the beginning of the construction of a temple in one of the villages of the deanery. This event provided the basis for holding a camp near this village, and, accordingly, determined the program for its replacement.

    *Determining the date, location of the session, participants.

    The best time for a change is July - the period when it is still warm and you can swim. It is better to conduct a youth camp in the summer close to nature, near populated areas to provide the camp with drinking water.

    Camp participants can be:

    – members of the youth department;

    – unchurched youth with whom joint events and conversations were held. A grain of faith has already sunk into the souls of these people, and the camp will be the next stage of spiritual growth for them;

    – senior Sunday school students aged 16 years and older. Often, teenagers begin to get bored during Sunday school lessons, and a period of cooling off towards classes begins. The camp will give them the opportunity to experience the Orthodox way of life in practice. The number of camp participants depends on the available base. There must be more members of the youth department than unchurched youth in order for the camp to have not just a formal name, but, in fact, to be Orthodox.

    *Searching for funds to carry out the shift.

    The parish camp is organized at the expense of parish funds. When organizing a dean's or diocesan camp, with the blessing of the ruling bishop, it is possible to organize fundraising from parishes that are not involved in youth ministry. In this way, they too will contribute by funding the camp.

    *Establishing contact and agreement with administrative resources.

    Having decided on the location of the shift, you need to inform the local administration about your intentions and provide a program for the upcoming shift.

    *Drawing up a camp program .

    For the recreation of young people, it is also important to take into account their activity, to create a program so that it combines spiritual and sports components. The program may include three types of activities: spiritual, labor and leisure.

    Spiritual activities:

    –communication on spiritual topics;

    -worship and Confession and Baptism in the open air;

    – communication with the priest in the form of “question and answer”.

    Work activity (depending on the topic of the shift):

    -work to cleanse and restore the temple;

    –involving local residents in upcoming events organized by the parish in the locality.

    Leisure activities:

    -singing songs around the fire with a guitar;

    – swimming and sports games;

    – entertaining games.


    This is a very important and large area of ​​activity that can be used to develop youth ministry.

    Option 1. Participation in missionary concerts (notifying people, performing songs, staging holiday skits, maintaining the concert program, providing technical assistance).

    Appendix No. 1 (scenario for Christmas and Easter scenes).

    Option 2. Organization of missionary actions (notifying people, developing material used for the action, agreement with organizations with which the action is taking place). As a rule, actions allow you to attract unchurched youth, for whom they are a kind of spiritual impetus. Appendix No. 2 (possible promotions, leaflets).

    Option 3. Missionary conversations and meetings. Members of the youth department can participate as missionaries in conversations organized by the missionary department in various organizations in the locality. For example, conversations in the hospital “Illness and salvation of the soul”, conversations on Orthodox Book Day with school students on the topic “Internet book of our time” and so on.

    Option 4. Organization of special services, round tables and Orthodox games for unchurched youth. To begin with, you can invite young people to a prayer service, and then hold a separate youth service with Confession and Communion. At round tables you can discuss the following questions: how is your spiritual life going? What's stopping you from coming to church? What do you, as young people, expect from the Church? What forms of church work are you interested in participating in?

    Recently, the game “Night Watch” has become popular among young people (it contains elements of the games “Zarnitsa”, “What? Where? When?” and “Fort Bayard”). The game can be remade in an Orthodox way. It consists of sequential passage of levels, searching for codes in the territory of a populated area by answering various questions. Appendix No. 6 (Game rules and question options).

    Gospel readings

    When organizing actions and events, it is important not to miss the spiritual development and formation of youth. Gospel readings and conversations will help to form spiritual and moral guidelines.

    Gospel readings may take place once a month. Before reading the Holy Scriptures, you can read an excerpt from the Gospel that was heard that day at the service, as well as the prayer of St. John Chrysostom (Appendix No. 3).

    The Gospel can be studied according to the chronology of events and used for this interpretation. I. Gladkova, Archbishop. Averkia Tausheva, Archbishop. Theophylact of Bulgaria and others. A week before the reading, the person in charge announces the chapter to be read and appoints readers. The readers at home read the topic assigned to them and the interpretation of it, and at the meeting itself, they first read the Gospel, then express the interpreter’s opinion on issues that, in the reader’s opinion, are important and interesting in the topic raised. Afterwards, the youth expresses their point of view on what they read, discusses what they have learned and how they can apply the words of Scripture in their lives. When holding meetings, you can use visual materials: videos, illustrations on the topic of the event being studied. If disagreement arises or difficulties in understanding the Gospel, members of the department can write down questions and invite a clergyman to the next reading for a joint discussion. Following the example of the Gospel readings, you can organize an acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament. In order to consolidate the material covered, you can take a quiz. (Appendix No. 4, “Bible quiz”, “Gospel parables” quiz).

    Another form of youth education is spiritual and moral conversations.

    Option 1 . A conversation for youth department activists and unchurched youth.

    *The youth department staff compiles a list of topics of interest to young people.

    *A week before the meeting, the next topic is announced, the youth department and unchurched youth are notified.

    *The youth department staff prepares conversation material using biblical events, interpretations of them, and the works of the holy fathers. The conversation takes place on the church grounds. Participants discuss the topic and express their opinions.

    *You can make the meeting more interesting by inviting a person who has relevant knowledge and spiritual experience. For example, if we are talking about family values, then an Orthodox family is invited; if we are talking about sins and the fight against them, then a clergyman; if we are talking about music, then a layman or church minister with musical talent; if we are talking about mercy, then a church-going head of one of the social services cities, and so on.

    Theme options:

    What is love? What is the difference between love and infatuation?

    What is family?

    Why was man born?

    Relationships between people and how to learn to live according to conscience?

    What is the ministry of a man and a woman?

    What should the appearance of an Orthodox Christian be like?

    Orthodox youth and music.

    Eight passions and eight opposite virtues.

    Option 2. Conversation for unchurched youth.

    *You must select a location for the conversation. It could be a city library, school, technical school, or lyceum.

    *You need to determine the topic of the conversation. You should not talk to young people about complex spiritual things. It is enough to touch upon a topic that is close to any young person and reveal it from the position of Orthodoxy. The conversation can be timed to coincide with one of the upcoming events - on Victory Day, a conversation can be held on the topic “The sacrificial feat of Russian soldiers during the years of the fight against fascism. What feat can a young man accomplish today?”

    *Notification of young people must be done through an advertisement in the newspaper, posters, or the Internet.

    *When preparing material and props, you can use video films, if possible, then musical accompaniment (guitar), a playful form of conversation. After the conversation, distribute to the youth a parish newspaper with a youth page and a schedule of youth department meetings for the near future.


    An important activity inherent in the life of any Orthodox person is prayer. We try to begin and end each meeting of the youth department with a prayer remembering the names of the department participants. In each church, a certain prayer activity is performed, be it singing in the choir or reading akathists. In our church, for example, before the holiday services, young people read the canons and “Following to Holy Communion” and prayers of thanks for those who do not have the opportunity to pray at home before Communion. Children who do not have the musical ability to sing in the choir can learn church reading.

    Information space

    It is impossible to imagine a modern young person without the media. The parish can use this fact to convey Orthodox values ​​and information to young people through modern means of communication.

    Option 1. To do this, you can maintain a youth page or a supplement in the parish newspaper. Regularly publish articles on the topics of spiritual and moral conversations that have taken place, articles about the events of the youth department. This is a kind of sermon about Christ, because by reading a newspaper or website, young people learn that in the church there are not only old people and church life is not boring, as is commonly believed, but full of interesting events.

    Option 2. Cover the activities of the youth department on the parish and diocesan website, “VKontakte”. On them, young people will be able to find out the schedule of events, share impressions and discuss various topics.

    Sports events

    Joint sports activities will help unite young people and invite new participants.

    *Ask members of the youth department about their sports interests.

    *Agree with your local sports facility regarding your visit schedule.

    *Inform churched and unchurched youth about the schedule of sporting events. Use the summer period for joint recreation in nature, the winter period for sledding, skiing, and skating. After class, have a conversation on the topic “Orthodoxy and sports” and drink tea.

    Sunday School Children and Youth Department

    In order for the students of the senior group of Sunday school to not leave the Church after graduation, they need to be given the opportunity to apply their talents within the walls of the church during their studies. Involve the youth department in its activities.

    *From the older ones, “resurrect”, form a junior youth department, headed by one of the teachers, or a senior member of the youth department.

    *Decide on the time and frequency of meetings. Activities can be carried out in the form of “Christian fellowship evenings”.

    *Carry out events similar to those held in the youth department, involve resurrections in the events of the youth department.

    Appendix No. 1.

    Script for the Christmas skit “What is Christmas to you?”

    1.6 young people,

    3.Archangel Gabriel,

    4.Virgin Mary,

    5. Hotel owner,

    7.2 shepherds,

    11.2 sage.

    Act 1. (young people sitting on the edge of the stage)

    - Christmas...Every year people celebrate Christmas as just another holiday, without even understanding what it means to them.

    - How can we celebrate this day like all other holidays? This is a special day!

    - I have a dream - to visit the city where Jesus was born, to walk along the streets where He walked.

    - And I would like to be in the place of the sage, to bring gifts to Jesus: incense, myrrh, jewelry...

    - It would be even better to be transported back to that time, to see little Jesus, to watch Him grow, because He lived here on earth as an ordinary person.

    - Well, just a club of some dreamers! Crowds of people followed Jesus, you wouldn’t have seen anything anyway, and stop dreaming, you need to come up with something to help people treat the holiday of Christmas differently, with reverence, with favor, with prayer and glorification.

    - But for this it is necessary that Jesus be born first in the hearts of people.

    - That's right, you need to tell them about it.

    Archangel Gabriel: Rejoice, O Blessed One! Mary, you will give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus.

    The Virgin Mary: But how can this be? After all, I don’t have a husband!?

    Archangel Gabriel: The Holy Spirit will come upon you.

    The Virgin Mary: Let it be as you said.

    Voice of the Reader: “In those days, a command went out to make a census throughout the whole earth. And everyone went to be registered, each one to his own city. And Joseph also went to a city called Bethlehem to be registered along with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child.” So they were looking for a place to stay for the night."

    Hotel owner: Yes Yes! What do you need?

    Joseph: I beg your pardon, sir.. We came from afar and we need a place to stay for the night.

    Hotel owner: All my rooms are occupied.

    The Virgin Mary: ABOUT! Is there really not one free?!

    Hotel owner: There is a small barn nearby. How about him, huh?

    Joseph: Of course we agree.

    Hotel owner: Come with me, I'll show you.

    1 shepherd: Oh-oh-honushki-ho-ho! How boring!

    2 shepherd: Yeah! Nothing interesting.

    1 shepherd: Hey, what is this?!

    Reader's voice: “Fear not, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which will be to all people: for today in the city of David a Savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord; and this is a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”

    2 shepherd: Hey, let's go to Bethlehem and see what the Lord has told us about.

    All shepherds: Yes, let's go, let's go.

    Servant: Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Have you heard the news?

    Herod: And what news?

    Servant: The king is born!

    Misha: What!? Who told you that!?

    Servant: Some kings who came from the east to worship Him.

    Tsar: Worship Him?! Worship Him?! Worship Him?!

    Servant: Guests, Your Majesty!

    Tsar: You must be very tired? Tell me about your journey. What brought you to Jerusalem?

    1st Magus: We have come to find one born King of the Jews.

    2 Magus: We saw His star in the east and now we have come to worship Him.

    Herod: How lovely! And when you find Him, please let me know. I also want to worship Him.

    1st Magus: Absolutely, Your Majesty!

    Act 8. (Young people appear on stage)

    - The most important gift was given to all of us. This is the birth of Jesus!

    - After all, God loved His creation so much that He did not want humanity to perish in evil. And to earth, in the form of a small child, he sent His Son, who was to become the Savior of the world.

    - Listen, was Jesus born in your heart?

    - Well, that's what you asked! I have known Him from the cradle, I pray, read the Bible, go to Sunday services, and you think that I don’t know Him?

    - You need a personal meeting with the Lord, learn to honor Him as a Savior and love Him as a Friend.

    - Well, here we go again, dreams. How can I meet Him personally?

    - If you want Jesus to settle in your heart, just invite Him.

    - But how to invite?

    - Just ask Him for forgiveness for all your sins, and ask Him to enter your heart.

    - Lord, forgive me. Come into my heart, let it be Your home.

    - How wonderful it is, now the Lord has one more heart house!

    Easter Scene Scenario "God is closer than you think"

    Wife: Honey, come with me to church today.

    Husband: Again, huh!? I’m telling you for the hundredth time: what did I forget there? Watch how you pray to God, who, by the way, has not helped us in any way yet.

    Wife: But, dear...

    Husband: What? What else? You know, if I had a chance to meet this God of yours, I would ask Him a couple of questions... (mockingly). However, I’ll go and see if He might be there (points with his hand) or there.

    The husband leaves. The wife kneels down.

    Wife: Forgive him, Lord, for his lack of faith, give him a chance to get to know You. (Stands up) Okay, I’ll go, put things in order, and go to the meeting soon.

    Husband: This God, this God is eternal. After all, what did He do for people? What has He done for me? Why should I believe in Him when I have never seen Him?

    The light comes on. The husband is lying on the floor. A companion sits nearby in a raincoat with a fishing rod and bucket.

    Husband: What happened to me? People, is anyone here? Oh my God! Someone!

    Satellite: Why are you shouting? I'm here.

    Husband: Who are you? What happened to me?

    Companion: You were hit by a car, and I am a fisherman (points to his raincoat, fishing rod and bucket).

    Companion: Here, take it (holds out the bread).

    Husband: Bread! Today is a holiday, you need to eat chicken, salads... (breaks off bread, chews). However, I'm full. And now I can go on my own (jumps up). I do not have much time! Need more…

    Companion: Wait, I'll go with you.

    Husband: Well, no, I myself! Thank you, of course, for feeding me, but I don’t need a companion. Just think... (falls) Oh! Slippery (falls again)! Oh, help! Someone!

    Companion (approaches, picks up): Well, why are you shouting? Get up, come on.

    Husband: Thank you. Well, I'm off.

    Satellite: Wait, I'm with you.

    Husband: No, I know where to go (walks and runs into a pole). Oh, what is this? So there’s nothing here (feels around). Here too... (confident). I went. Oh, what is this? Hey fisherman!

    Satellite: Why are you screaming all the time? I'm here.

    Husband: Well, okay, I admit, you know where to go. Lead.

    Companion (takes husband away from the pillar): Tell me, why did you even set out on this path and where are you in a hurry?

    Husband: I need to find a man who could die for me.

    Companion: Die for you? (thoughtfully) What a strange task. And where will you look for such a person? It seems to me that you won’t approach the first person you meet here (stops the passerby). Would you be willing to die for this man?

    Passerby: What kind of question? No, of course not, why should I want that?

    Companion: Well, I don’t know, out of a sense of mercy, perhaps.

    Passerby: The best mercy is mercy towards yourself. Everyone is responsible for themselves (walks away, muttering to themselves), dying for someone - what a strange idea.

    Husband: But I’m not going to ask people on the street for this, but many people love me, I have friends...

    Satellite: And are you sure that they will help you?

    Husband: No, of course, I’m not sure. I tried to do good to people, but still, it’s unlikely that anyone would give their life for this... No, I can’t ask that.

    Satellite: What will you do?

    Husband: I’ll go, say goodbye to my wife and accept my punishment myself.

    Companion (confident): Now I’m definitely convinced that you really don’t need a companion. At home you will find what you are looking for. By the way, God is closer to you than you think (goes into the hall).

    Husband: Closer than I think...

    Wife: Honey, are you back?

    Husband: Yes. I have something important to say.

    Wife: But I’m already late for church, and today is the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Husband: Nothing, let's go together. Wait, what's so special about this Jesus?

    Wife: Well, how about that? He died for the sins of the whole world. He agreed to die for each of us.

    Husband: To die for each of us... So that's what that strange man meant!!!

    Wife: What other person?

    Husband: Well, the one with whom I came here. The voice also seemed familiar to me... Wait, it was he who defended me at the trial...

    Wife: What other trial? Honey, you left there an hour ago! And here... you came alone.

    Husband: You know, dear, one way or another, I realized a lot today. I think God is much closer to us than many people think. Much closer.

    Appendix “No. 2

    Possible promotions:

    Action "Sobriety Post" on the Day of Remembrance of Road Accident Victims

    distribution of leaflets and CDs on the roads, together with traffic police officers

    Promotion “Health Becomes You”

    Presentation of greeting cards with images of women at different ages to residents of the city and booklets “Orthodox Women’s Day - memory of the Myrrh-Bearing Women”

    Campaign “Support a Soldier”

    Collecting donations and sending parcels to military personnel from the deanery with a video message from the youth department

    Celebrating the Day of Myrrh-Bearing Women

    Presentation of flowers to parishioners and booklets “The Image of a Real Woman”

    Campaigns “Candle of Memory”: on Children’s Day, the day of the beginning of the Second World War

    Notification, program preparation, presentation of candles

    Promotion on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

    distribution of greeting cards with sayings of saints about family

    Appendix No. 3

    Prayer before and after reading the Gospel

    Prayer before reading: “Lord Jesus Christ, open the ears of my heart to hear Your word, and to understand and do Your will, as I am a stranger on earth: do not hide Your commandments from me, but open my eyes, that I may understand the wonders of Your law; tell me your unknown and secret wisdom. I trust in You, my God, may you enlighten my mind and meaning with the light of Your mind, not only to honor what is written, but also to create, so that I may not read the lives and words of the saints as a sin, but for renewal, and enlightenment, and for holiness, and for salvation of the soul, and an inheritance of eternal life. For You are the One who enlightens those who lie in darkness, and from You comes every good gift and every perfect gift. Amen!"

    Prayer after reading: “Lord Jesus Christ my God, through the words of Your Divine Gospel, pour out Your grace on the hearts of these Your servants (names) to destroy their passions and sins, and grant them strength for correction in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Appendix No. 4

    Bible Quiz

    Participants are divided into two teams. In turn, each team is read a question, for the correct answer the teams receive one point, the team that does not know the answer gives the question to the other team. The team with the most points wins.

    List of sample questions:

    1) A person who steadily fulfills God’s commandments?

    2)Who was James Zebedee before he became a disciple of Christ?

    3) Sin against the first commandment of God's law.

    4) Who died an unusual death, such as no one has died before him and will not die after him?

    5) On Holy Thursday, when Christ was praying in Gethsemane, the apostles fell asleep. All but one. Who is this?

    6) How many people did the Lord save after the flood?

    7) Name three Roman officers who believed in Christ.

    8)What did Jesus Christ preach?

    9) Nickname of Jesus Christ?

    10) What church sacrament can a layperson perform?

    11)What is the name of the last week before Lent?

    12) What was the original sin of Adam and Eve?

    13)The name Jesus means God's salvation, but what does Christ mean?

    14) Faith is...?

    15) How many commandments are there in the Bible?

    16)Who was the first to go to heaven after the Fall?

    17) The name of Joseph's father, Mary's betrothed?

    18) Before which holiday in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos was a multi-day fast established?

    19)Which day of the week is dedicated to the glorification of the Mother of God?

    20)Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits gossip?

    21)What was the name of the tree that Jesus cursed because he found no fruit on it?

    23) How many wings does an angel have?

    24)Which of the Old Testament heroes, fasting for forty days, did not eat food?

    25) How to express the entire content of the law in one word?

    26)Which commandment of Moses reveals the secret of longevity?

    27)What does the sixth of the Ten Commandments sound like?

    28) How do the Old Testament commandments differ from the New Testament commandments?

    29)Who was Jonah?

    30) The first Russian Christian prince?

    31)What is the longest church holiday?

    32) What is celebrated on name day?

    Quiz “Gospel parables”

    A few words or sentences from the Gospel parables are read to those present. From them, participants should find out what parable is being discussed. The person who raises his hand answers and briefly tells the meaning and interpretation of the parable. At the end of the quiz, all participants are given the book “Once upon a time there lived a man... 101 parables.”

    1. “...And some fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew and choked it” (About the Sower).

    2. “ that when you choose the tares, you do not pull up the wheat along with them, leave both to grow together until the harvest; and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers: Gather first the tares and bind them in sheaves to burn them, and put the wheat into my barn” (About the tares).

    3. “... the woman took it and put it in three measures of flour until it was all leavened (About leaven).

    4. “...The Kingdom of Heaven is also like a treasure hidden in a field, which, having found, a man hid, and out of joy over it he goes and sells everything he has, and buys that field” (About the treasure hidden in the field).

    5. “...The Kingdom of Heaven is also like a merchant looking for good pearls, who, having found one pearl of great price, went and sold everything he had and bought it” (About the pearl of great price).

    6. “... The foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them. The wise, together with their lamps, took oil in their vessels” (About the Ten Virgins).

    7. “... Having another son dear to him, he finally sent him to them, saying: They will be ashamed of my son. But the vinedressers said to each other: This is the heir; let’s go, let’s kill him, and the inheritance will be ours” (About the evil winegrowers).

    8. “... The master of those slaves comes and demands an account from them.” (About ten talents).

    9. “...So the last will be first, and the first last, for many are called, but few are chosen” (About workers who received equal pay).

    10. “A certain man was rich, dressed in purple and fine linen, and feasted brilliantly every day” (About the Rich Man and Lazarus).

    11. “...My son! You are always with me, and all that is mine is yours, and it was necessary to rejoice and be glad because this brother of yours was dead and came to life, was lost and was found” (About the Prodigal Son).

    12. “... By chance, a certain priest was walking that road and, seeing him, passed by” (About the Good Samaritan).

    13. “...And I will say to you: ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (On a persistent request).

    14. “... That servant went out and found one of his companions, who owed him a hundred denarii, and, seizing him, he strangled him, saying: Give me what you owe” (About an unmerciful debtor).

    15. “... If someone had a hundred sheep, and one of them got lost, would he not leave the ninety-nine in the mountains and go looking for the lost one” (About the Lost Sheep).

    16. “...If that servant, being angry, says in his heart: “My master will not come soon,” and begins to beat his comrades and eat and drink with drunkards, then the master of that servant will come on a day on which he does not expect, and at an hour when he doesn’t think.” (About slaves awaiting the return of their master).

    17. “... And when it is sown, it comes up and becomes larger than all the grains, and puts out large branches, so that the birds of the air can take refuge under its shadow” (About the mustard seed).

    18. “...For I tell you that none of those who are invited will taste my supper, for many are called, but few are chosen” (About those invited to the feast).

    19. “...Then the King will say to those on His right hand: Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry, and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you accepted Me; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me” (About the Last Judgment).

    20. “... He who is faithful in a little is also faithful in much, and he who is unfaithful in a little is also unfaithful in much. So, if you have not been faithful in unrighteous wealth, who will trust you with what is true?” (About an unfaithful steward).

    Appendix No. 5

    Spiritual and moral conversation “Orthodoxy and sports”

    “Physra” is how young people commonly call the concept of “physical culture,” often not understanding what it includes. What is physical education? Is playing sports beneficial for Orthodox people? What is the purpose of physical education? Today, very often in church topics the question is raised about the attitude of Orthodox people to physical culture. Some believe that sport helps to be healthy in body and soul and is not a sinful activity for a Christian. The opinion of others is that a healthy lifestyle is not important for the salvation of the soul and prevents a person from achieving the main goal of his existence. The words of the Apostle Paul help to understand where the truth is: “... glorify the Lord both in your body and in your soul” (1 Cor. 6:20). God created our bodies, united both the spiritual and the physical in the human personality. From the Gospel we know that Christ more than once raised the dead and healed the human body, which he lovingly created for eternal life. This means that not only the soul is important to God, but also the body, called to serve Him. Therefore, it would be more correct to talk not about whether the body interferes with a person’s salvation, but about how the body can help him.

    The health of our body is a priceless gift from God. A person who is irresponsible about his health and suffers from illness neglects this gift. Such people often do not have the strength for spiritual exercises. Christians who deliberately do not improve their health through exercise forget that if we are sick, not only are we unable to help others, but our loved ones also have to look after us. We must remember that with our good health we serve our neighbors: we give birth and raise children, we have the opportunity to work and support our family, and help others. Saint Theophan the Recluse wrote in a letter to his spiritual child: “Health must be protected. Health is a horse. If you drive it, there will be nothing to ride on.” He recommended walking in the fresh air every day for at least an hour, giving up a sedentary lifestyle and, if possible, engaging in intense physical work.

    Why should a person play sports? Achieving physical health is certainly not a goal for a Christian. Sport kills the soul and leads away from God if it pursues the wrong goals. For example, a person cares about being in good physical shape in order to serve vanity and sin, in order to become proud of his sporting achievements. An Orthodox person needs to keep his body in good shape in order to serve God and his neighbors with full dedication. Saint John Chrysostom noted that in an exhausted and weakened body, the senses are “not in a healthy state, but weak and lifeless.” In order to pray, observe fasting, perform virtues and glorify the Lord in them, work for the salvation of the soul - this is why physical education is necessary. The famous teacher of the Church, Saint Clement of Alexandria, wrote: “Young men need to have physical exercise. There will be no harm if they exercise their body in what is good for health, as long as such activities do not distract them from what is best.” It is known that the holy martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth went in for sports, swam, played tennis, and, often, congratulating her loved ones on church holidays, wished them, in addition to spiritual salvation, also good health, which is necessary, as she wrote: “so that they would strength to pray."

    Today, young people prefer sitting at the computer and TV to playing sports. This has a detrimental effect on the physical and spiritual condition of a person. Everything in the world is spoiled by inaction. Standing water rots, and iron lying in the air without use rusts. Likewise, a person who spends time immobile at the computer, without doing any exercises, stands in the place of his spiritual development, and leads his body to a withering state.

    Participants in the parish youth department are supporters of a healthy lifestyle, which, in turn, leads to spiritual vigil. The boys regularly hold sporting events. In winter, for example, we went skiing and skating and went to the gym. In the summer we went out into the countryside on bicycles. It is planned to open a sports club in the building of the new Olympus sports complex.

    Appendix No. 6

    Game "Night Watch"

    Stage 1. Preparing for the game.

    A week before the game, notify the city youth and members of the youth department.

    Select team coordinators, one per team.

    Coordinators will create several types of tasks for the game: passages from the Gospel (chapter, verse), in which the location of the next task is hidden, riddles, answers to which are a clue to the location of the next task.

    On the day of the game, coordinators should hide tasks at selected objects.

    Stage 2. Before the start.

    Explain to the participants the rules of the game.

    Divide the youth into teams - five people per team.

    Choose a captain from the teams.

    Give the captains the Gospel (we used a modern translation of the New Testament from the ancient Greek “Good News”).

    Stage 3. Let's go

    Teams in cars start from the same point after receiving the first task. After teams guess where the code is hidden, they head to the object and search for it. After they find the code, the team captain finds chapter and verse in the Gospel, explains its content, and sends an SMS message to the coordinator with the found code. In return for the received code, the coordinator sends a word to the team. After passing all the stages, the team must use the words received to create a sentence, which will be the key to victory. If the code is not found, the captain sends a message to the coordinator that the team needs a hint. For receiving 1 tip, a team receives 5 penalty minutes. The winner is the team that finds all the codes the fastest, makes a proposal and arrives at the starting point.

    Stage 4. Aftereffect.

    After the game, the participants are given memorable gifts. Over tea, participants share their impressions of the game. The game allows you to unite churched and unchurched youth, get acquainted with the Gospel in a playful way, and work in a team.

    Team No. 1

    “When Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem, the time came for Her to give birth, and She gave birth to Her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger for the cattle, because there was no room for them in the inn.”

    “At dawn Jesus went to them - He walked on the sea. When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were afraid. “Calm down, it is I, do not be afraid,” Jesus immediately spoke. Then Peter turned to Him: “Lord, if it is You, tell me to come to You on the water.” Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, heading towards Jesus, but feeling the force of the wind, he became afraid and began to drown.”

    "Ward №6"

    St. Chekhov


    “When an unclean spirit leaves a person, he wanders through the waterless desert, looking for shelter, but does not find it. Then, returning, he finds it unoccupied, swept and tidy. And then he takes with him seven other demons, even worse than him, and entering, they settle there.”


    “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tested by the devil. Jesus spent forty days and forty nights and became very hungry. The devil, who tested Him, came up and said to Him: “If you are the Son of God, say, let these stones become bread. Jesus answered: Man must not live by bread only, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

    "Museum of Bread"

    It's nice to look at it

    Our Lyuba has it.

    After all, there is a stronghold of health

    In children it is…………

    The answer is cleanliness

    City bath

    “Joseph bought a funeral linen and took down the body of Jesus, wrapped it in linen, put it in a tomb that was hewn out of the rock and rolled the stone to the entrance to the tomb. When Saturday passed, Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James and Salome bought fragrant ointments and on the first day of the week early in the morning they came to the tomb. They look and the stone has been rolled away. Entering the tomb, they saw that a young man in a white robe was sitting on the right and were frightened.”

    City cemetery

    During the Civil War there was both the “Red” Terror and the “White” Terror. Manifestations of the latter were also in our city.


    Monument to revolutionaries

    Team No. 2

    “Do not condemn anyone - and God will not condemn you, because with what judgment you judge, He will condemn you with the same; with the same measure you use, He will measure it back to you. Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but don’t notice the log in your own?”

    They built, they built... they never built it.


    Water intake tower

    “The kingdom of heaven can be compared to this: one owner went early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. Having agreed with the workers that he would pay them one silver coin per day, he sent them to the vineyard. And about five o’clock he came to the square again, saw people standing there and said to them: “Go you too into my vineyard.” When evening came, the owner said to his manager: “Call the workers and pay them.” Those hired arrived at five o’clock in the evening and each received a silver coin.”

    Employment Center

    "Three sisters"

    St. Chekhova 3

    (not enough)

    “If two of you ask for anything together, My Heavenly Father will give them everything they don’t ask for, because where even two or three gather for My sake, there I will also be.”

    It is the root of many evils,

    He is worshiped and glorified,

    But it disappears like a dream

    Both rust and moths eat them up

    Matt. 6:25, 28, 29

    “Do not worry about the fact that you need food and drink for life and clothing for your body. After all, life is more important than food, and the body is more important than clothing. Look how the lilies of the field grow—they neither toil nor spin. But I tell you, for all his splendor, Solomon did not dress like any of them."

    Beauty salon "Cleopatra"

    I start with the little things:

    I'll take a look - pencil case

    And then the wallet

    I'll put it in my bag

    Hey buddy, stop, repent,

    Don't steal, don't lie:

    It's a destructive passion

    I called you......

    The answer is to steal

    Police station

    Team No. 3

    “Jesus told them: it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

    1. “Queen of Spades”, 2. “Dubrovsky”, 3. “Slanderers of Russia”.

    St. Pushkina, 3

    “Jesus came to the temple and drove out everyone who was selling and buying in the temple, overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those trading with doves.”

    My brother was drafted into the army

    We gave this order:

    So that there is something for our neighbors

    For God's sake...

    The answer is courage.

    military registration and enlistment office

    I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Only through me can one come to the Father.


    (I am busy)

    “On the third day there was a wedding in Cana. The Mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and His disciples were also invited to the wedding.”

    Grandma Vera didn’t come,

    She's probably busy

    Maybe she's tired?

    Well, what if you get sick?

    Maybe she needs help?

    Grandma is all alone!

    Grateful work

    Surround the weak......

    (put it)

    Nursing home

    (all worries)

    “For He will act like a man who, going to a foreign country, called his servants and entrusted them with his property: and to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his strength; and immediately set off. The one who received five talents went and put them to work and acquired another five talents; in the same way, the one who received two talents acquired the other two; But he who received one talent went and buried it in the ground and hid his master’s money.”

    School of the Arts

    “METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SOLVING PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZING WORK WITH YOUTH IN A PARISH Compiled based on the results of the work of the section “Organizing work with youth in a parish: beginning and development,” ...”

    St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

    (Moscow Patriarchate)

    Youth Affairs Department


    Compiled based on the results of the work of the section “Organization of work with

    2014 within the framework of the Conference of the St. Petersburg Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church "

    Working with Youth 2014"

    edited by Rozmyslov A.V.

    St. Petersburg, 2015 for youth affairs of the St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Department (Moscow Patriarchate) Compiled by: Priest Alexander Antonov, Priest Vitaly Kuznetsov, Priest Dimitry Simonov, Hieromonk Pimen (Shevchenko), G.M. Gaivoronsky, M.Yu. Kiseleva, A.V. Konstantinov, D.A. Novitsky, A.V. Rozmyslov, P.A. Fokin, N.O. Khabazova.

    final materials of the section “Organization of work with youth in the parish: beginning and development” of the conference of the St. Petersburg Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church “Work with youth 2014”, December 21, 2014 / Edited by A.V. Rozmyslova; Department for Youth Affairs of the St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (MP). – St. Petersburg: 2015.

    Methodological recommendations were compiled based on the results of the work of problem tables at the section “Organization of work with youth in the parish: beginning and development” of the conference of the St. Petersburg Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church “Work with Youth 2014”, which took place on December 21, 2014.

    The results of the work of the problem tables were described by their moderators, clergy and laity, who in practice work with youth in the St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, and were edited in the preparation of this manual. During the editing process, sections 1 and 4 of the manual were supplemented with original texts by M.Yu. Kiseleva and A.V. Konstantinov, which have value within the framework of relevant issues.

    The manual examines the most pressing problems in the field of organizing work with youth in the parishes of the St. Petersburg Metropolis, as they were formed on the basis of a survey of participants in the conference section, most of whom are responsible for working with youth in their parishes. For each problem, the manual offers practical solutions and specific recommendations.

    © Department for Youth Affairs of the St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), 2015.

    2. Results of the work of the problem table “Passivity, lack of initiative and irresponsibility”

    3. Results of the work of problem tables “How not to lose what is already in a youth group and develop further”?

    –  –  –

    On December 21, 2014, with the blessing of His Eminence Barsanuphius, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, the first conference “Working with Youth 2014” was held in St. Petersburg in the Diocesan Administration of the Youth Affairs Department of the St. Petersburg Diocese.

    More than 150 people took part in the conference, including those responsible for working with youth in the deaneries and parishes of the St. Petersburg diocese, members of the Board of the Diocesan Department for Youth Affairs, heads and employees of youth affairs departments, as well as those responsible for working with youth in deaneries of regional dioceses of the St. Petersburg Metropolis, members of the Coordination Council of the Association for the Promotion of Spiritual and Moral Education "Pokrov", representatives of government bodies, special guests and experts. Purpose The conference was the development of work with youth in the St. Petersburg Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    In the two weeks preceding the conference, an absentee preliminary survey was conducted, during which conference participants chose the sections they would like to attend and noted the most pressing problems and issues that they would like to discuss there.

    One of the nine sections, which brought together more than 80 participants, was devoted to the topic “Organization of work with youth in the parish: beginning and development.” Based on the results of the preliminary survey, a list of problems that were most relevant to its participants was compiled. These problems were grouped into the following 5 groups:

    1. Few young people: how to attract? Where to get young people from and how to gather them if there are very few of them in the parish? How to attract young people to participate in church life and the youth community?

    (2 tables worked in parallel on this topic)

    2. Passivity, lack of initiative and irresponsibility. What to do if there is low activity among participants in a youth group, if they do not take the initiative and are not always responsible? What to do if there is no leader? How to get young people interested in community affairs?

    3. How not to lose what you already have in a youth group and develop further? What is the driving force of the youth community? How to deal with a decrease in the number of participants or with the fact that participants either go or don’t go? How to work with new participants in the parish youth community, build relationships with the priesthood, not lose the continuity of generations, and keep participants organized and motivated? How to distribute powers in the youth community? (2 tables worked in parallel on this topic).

    4. Formats and topics of youth meetings. What formats of youth club meetings exist? What meeting format is most successful? Where do you get topics for meetings, what topics are possible? What problems concern young people now? How to organize a discussion club? How to organize informal communication?

    5. We start from scratch or after a break. How to organize youth work in a parish from scratch or after a long break? Where to begin? How to find funding and support? How to work with young people without a financial base? (2 tables worked in parallel on this topic).

    The section was held in the “Intellectual Cafe” format - in parallel, at 8 problem tables, discussions were held on the 5 identified problems. Two tables each were devoted to problems No. 1, 3, 5. The work was structured in 2 rounds, and at the end of the first, each participant could, if desired, move to another table.

    At each table there was a pre-selected “table owner,” whose functions included moderating the discussion process, recording the ideas expressed by the participants, preparing a speech based on the results of the table’s work, and subsequently preparing the table’s materials for publication. The following people worked in this role:

    1. Grigory Mikhailovich Gaivoronsky, deputy responsible for work with youth in the Primorsky deanery, head of the “Young Fathers Club” direction of the youth affairs department, and Denis Aleksandrovich Novitsky, deputy chairman of the Association of Orthodox Youth Communities of St. Petersburg.

    2. Pavel Aleksandrovich Fokin, responsible for the pilgrimage direction of the youth affairs department.

    3. Priest Dimitry Simonov, head of the youth community “Agapa” of the Church of St. ap. Peter and Paul at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen, member of the Board of the Department for Youth Affairs, and Nadezhda Olegovna Khabazova, head of the Missionary Community for working with youth “Communion” under the Deanery of Temples of Universities.

    4. Hieromonk Pimen (Shevchenko), responsible for working with youth at the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

    5. Priest Alexander Antonov, head of the Youth Educational Club named after. microwave

    John of Tsarskoye Selo, deputy chairman of the department for youth affairs, and priest Vitaly Kuznetsov, responsible for work with youth in the Bolsheokhtinsky deanery, cleric of the Church of St. Prophet Elijah on the Porokhovs.

    Based on the processing of the results of the work of each table, performed by their “owners,” these methodological recommendations were compiled. The compiler of the manual also included some useful, in his opinion, additions on the issues under consideration.

    1. Results of the work of the problem tables “Not enough youth: how to attract”?

    Two problem tables under the leadership of Grigory Mikhailovich Gaivoronsky and Denis Aleksandrovich Novitsky worked in parallel on this topic at the conference.

    Issues covered:

    Where to get young people from and how to gather them if there are very few of them in the parish?

    How to attract young people to participate in church life and the youth community?

    Methods of work must be chosen, including based on the differences between groups of young people according to the following characteristics:

    by age: 14-18, 19-24, 25-35;

    by marital status: married / not married;

    according to the degree of involvement in the life of the church: churchgoers / unchurched people (on the need to take this factor into account, the opinions of the discussion participants were divided).

    Of the things that were not voiced at the conference, but received during the preliminary survey and correspondence with participants, the comment on this topic by Andrei Valerievich Konstantinov, head of the Military Patriotic Club “Tsesarevich” in the village, deserves special attention. Ulyanovka (Sablino): “The lack of teenagers in our churches is of a systemic nature and lies in the differences between primary education and teenage education. Usually (in Sunday schools) they start with kids, and then, without understanding the methodological features, they cannot move on to teenagers. Where this problem is recognized or somehow avoided, problems do not arise... In those cases where there is no methodological division into children and elders, there is either an outflow of teenagers from (Sunday) schools, and then from parishes, and if youth associations arise , then as they develop, the framework of Sunday school becomes too small for them... The practice of working with primary schoolchildren in a church school and the education of teenagers in youth organizations differ sharply in nature and content. Our experience of communicating with activists from Vologda helped us. They have long since separated work with church children under 12 years old and with youth in different organizations and all conflicts have ceased. Everyone does their own thing, and children calmly attend churches with their parents and do not fall out of church educational structures. Kids learn prayers, the basics of Orthodoxy, learn to draw, make crafts, and walk around the Christmas tree at Christmas in church schools. A youth movement “Favor” has been organized for teenagers, where young Christians learn to defend their faith in the format of discussion clubs, go on pilgrimages, engage in tourism, reenactment of martial arts, folk and classical dance at balls and folk festivals.”

    Specific proposals to attract young people:

    1) Through Sunday school for teenagers 13-14 years old.

    2) Entering the teenage environment through joint sports activities with club students, including through the creation of sports clubs and the organization of Orthodox martial arts teams. Specific examples: Alexey Klimentyev, reader of the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh on Srednyaya Rogatka churches troubled youth through joint games of table tennis (getting to know each other, talking about Christ, involving them in work in the church). Center of St. Vasily the Great, engaged in the rehabilitation of teenagers in conflict with the law, has been actively cooperating with the parkour federation for several years, and its members conduct parkour classes with the center’s students.

    3) Conversation with teenagers through “our people” (churched people) working in structures that come into contact with youth, including problem youth: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, schools, vocational schools.

    4) Offer an alternative worldview through cinema clubs, balls (an alternative to discos), an environment of live communication within walking distance (an alternative to social networks and bars).

    A specific example: one of the table participants created his own dance group for breakdancing, a style very popular among street youth. Talking about style, he talks about the commonality of modern and Russian traditions, about Russian dances, about Russian culture in general and, through this, about Orthodoxy.

    5) One of the table participants, Archpriest Mikhail Petropavlovsky, is working on the issue of interaction with the military registration and enlistment office of the city of Sestroretsk. There is an idea of ​​conversations with conscripts before being sent to serve.

    6) Churching of youth through social work. Working together allows the children to feel like they are part of a big, useful cause.

    And, in conclusion, a valuable example recorded by A.V. Konstantinov: “Father Andrei Mazaev from Karelia ( at the beginning had not only children, but also no adults in his parish.

    On the advice of Father Elijah, he gathered teenagers and held a summer camp, after which they could no longer live without each other, they wanted to be friends and communicate with the priest and God. Their parents followed the children to the temple. So Father Andrei filled as many as four parishes. If there are children in the parish, then the local government also helps, because... They allocate money for educational work with young people, but rarely can anyone spend it, but here the work is done, and there is no need to organize anything, because church activists do everything themselves.”

    –  –  –

    A problem table under the leadership of Pavel Aleksandrovich Fokin worked on this topic at the conference.

    Issues covered:

    What to do if there is low activity among participants in a youth group, if they do not take the initiative and are not always responsible?

    What to do if there is no leader?

    How to get young people interested in community affairs?

    How to awaken motivation, initiative and responsibility in people?

    To solve the problem of youth passivity it is necessary:

    1). Elect from among the youth themselves or from among those responsible for youth policy in the parish an initiative employee (not necessarily a priest) - the initiator of holding mass youth events.

    2). The initiator selects deputies from among the same youth, to whom he entrusts a number of areas of work with youth. The choice of direction and form of work depends on the interests of each specific deputy leader, and must also correspond to the interests of the contingent he has chosen from among the young people participating in it.

    It helps to solve the problems of motivation of participants if work with youth in the parish is not strictly spiritual and educational in nature, but involves other forms, such as conversations over a cup of tea, joint trips to nature, organizing camps, holding joint public events, including sports, as well as other activities that promote better adaptation of young people in the modern world and involve them in practical activities, as well as stimulating communication between young people with each other and with the older generation.

    Sources of inspiration for the development of activities, often eliminating the passivity, lack of initiative and irresponsibility of participants in youth communities:

    events dedicated to the season or holiday;

    charity events;

    visits to youth communities, joint intercommunity events.

    –  –  –

    Problem tables under the leadership of Priest Dimitry Simonov and Nadezhda Olegovna Khabazova worked on this topic at the conference.

    Issues covered:

    What is the driving force of the youth community?

    How to deal with a decrease in the number of participants or with the fact that participants either go or don’t go?

    How to work with new participants in the parish youth community, build relationships with the priesthood, not lose the continuity of generations, and keep participants organized and motivated?

    How to distribute powers in the youth community?

    The key factor that attracts a young person to a community is the very opportunity to communicate with other participants. In addition to communication, there are other reasons that bring people to the youth community and are its driving force. This is involvement in a common cause, gaining new knowledge, leisure time in a circle of like-minded people.

    In the long term, the unifying force of a youth community is some kind of common cause that creates a solid foundation and unites participants while working together. This could be:

    Education (any form of education available in a given parish).

    Creative endeavors.

    Social service.

    Participation in the practical life of the parish.

    It is necessary to pray together for inspiration and for the Lord to guide and help to understand the vocation of the youth community in a given parish.

    Various forms of studying the Holy Scriptures are important, sustainable, and promising. General prayer within the community/club (in addition to public worship) is necessary. It is important to educate young people to understand what the Church is and to take responsible, full participation in Her life.

    Leisure activities, as practice shows, find a great response from participants.

    This includes watching films together, visiting theaters, pilgrimage trips, and sporting events at the amateur level (biking, etc.) - all this contributes to the development of personal communication and friendship.

    Why do participants leave the youth community? Main reasons:

    Not comfortable.

    Not interested.

    To overcome a decrease in the number of participants or the fact that participants either go or don’t go, it is necessary to build personal relationships between the leader and each member of the community; attention and communication decide a lot. Feedback and finding the “thing to do” are important (see above).

    For a more stable existence, it is necessary to periodically change the format of meetings of the youth community. It is important for leaders of youth communities to take into account that the youth community needs CONSTANT care from the clergy.

    The leader (priest) must certainly devote a little time to newly arrived members of the youth community and monitor so that the “newcomer” does not remain unattended and does not feel unnecessary. But the attention should not be too intrusive, so as not to alienate or frighten/embarrass the new person. New people should have the opportunity to speak out and feel like equals. Those who are not constant in their visits and are known for their “nomadic” visits to different clubs and communities should not be reproached.

    To work with new participants in the parish youth community, a person or several responsible persons are needed if the leader cannot take on these functions. Their task is to involve a new participant in the life of the community. It is a good practice for each new member of the community to be greeted with a short introduction to the other members: everyone tells something about themselves, and the new member follows the example of the others.

    It is very important to have a leader in the community; often this role is played by the community’s spiritual father. Leadership bears fruit when a core of like-minded people or assistant leaders appears in the community, who oversee various areas of the community’s activities. Distributing responsibility for areas improves organization and helps to more effectively resolve issues that arise in the youth community, and responsibility helps people grow. Powers in the youth community should be distributed according to the inclinations that, one way or another, manifest themselves in a person. Services within a community/club can be offered either by a confessor, or it can be done on an elective basis, or both of these methods can be combined. Children within the community/club are advised to periodically change functions.

    An SMS alert system helps you stay organized. Also, to maintain organization during communication at a joint meeting, a moderator is needed to manage the dialogue, spend time effectively (not deviate from the goals) and prevent conflict situations. It is necessary to build a dialogue on the principles of respect, to learn to listen to each other. The leader must have the final say, but it is appreciated that everyone has the opportunity to express their opinion and be heard.

    4. Results of the work of the problem table “Formats and topics of youth meetings”

    A problem table under the leadership of Hieromonk Pimen (Shevchenko) worked on this topic at the conference.

    Issues covered:

    What formats of youth club meetings exist?

    What meeting format is most successful?

    Where do you get topics for meetings, what topics are possible?

    What problems concern young people now?

    How to organize a discussion club?

    How to organize informal communication?

    Youth club meeting formats:

    1). Bible readings (Gospel circles).

    2). Interactive lecture (for example, “Catechesis as the study of the foundations of the Orthodox faith”), its features:

    Discussion and questions for the speaker are encouraged;

    any listener can join the discussion along with the speaker.

    3). Seminar (distribution of a topic or topics among meeting participants for further discussion).

    4). Meeting with invited guests (including master classes).

    5). Film lecture (watching films or fragments with discussion) 6). Historical conversations (lessons of moral and patriotic education), their features:

    discussion of memorable historical events and personalities;

    history of the temple/monastery;

    hagiography of saints (especially new martyrs and ascetics of piety who labored within the metropolis).

    Regarding the success of a particular format, it should be agreed that any of the above formats can be recommended, but in practice, the most effective is alternating them, because this allows you to maintain interest within the group for each of its participants.

    To the question of where to get topics for meetings and what topics are possible, two answers can be offered:

    1). You need to choose topics that are interesting to the meeting participants themselves, and you can find out about them like this:

    ask questions in advance in the social group of the meeting or at the last lesson, so that the lecturer can adequately prepare for the answer;

    record spontaneous questions that arise during the discussion and arouse keen interest.

    2). Use a regular “Topic of the Day” format, the source of which could be a current church holiday;

    the latest or upcoming Gospel reading;

    interesting church or non-church news.

    What problems concern young people now? One of the eternal questions of young people is starting a family. Therefore, the goal of youth meetings should be the formation of an Orthodox worldview that would help young people realize the value of love, family and fidelity.

    The organization of a discussion club is possible on the basis of catechesis, when education forms a common language of communication. It is also possible in such communication formats as:

    interactive lecture;

    meeting with invited guests;

    film lecture hall

    The main task of the moderator of a discussion club is to conduct it within the framework of respecting the points of view of the participants and not allowing aggressive behavior.

    The following actions contribute to the development of informal communication:

    participation in divine services (as readers, singers, altar servers);


    sporting events;

    cooperative games;

    social service (visiting the sick, prisoners, helping the homeless or orphans);

    social work (beautification of the temple territory);

    creative work (making crafts for fairs or gifts);

    organization of summer holidays.

    Of the things that were not heard at the conference on this topic, in our opinion, the report of Marina Yurievna Kiseleva, a participant in the Orthodox youth club “Vstrecha”, deserves attention.

    at the Siege Church, on the topic “How to organize a youth discussion club,” presented at an educational seminar for those responsible for working with youth in the parishes of the St. Petersburg diocese on May 31, 2014. Here is its text:

    How to organize a youth discussion club

    Orthodox youth clubs are called upon to unite young people, facilitate their involvement in active ministry, help the unchurched to discover Orthodoxy, find true values, guidelines, support in life, and obtain genuine conditions for the development of their inner potential. One of the interesting formats of communication are discussion meetings. The discussion format is good because it gives participants the opportunity to:

    learn something relevant, useful, related to real life;

    look at familiar things from the point of view of Orthodoxy;

    learn to formulate your thoughts, speak out, on the one hand, and learn to listen, on the other;

    get to know yourself and other club members better.

    In addition, the need for participants to prepare discussion topics increases their activity and responsibility, which makes the club more active as a whole.

    So how do you organize a discussion club?

    I. Agreement on the place and time of the meeting


    receive the blessing of the abbot, inform the participants about the time, place and topic of the conversation (announcement in the church, on the Internet, SMS).

    II. Selecting a discussion topic and moderator At the first meeting, the guys will be able to get to know each other, talk about what they are interested in, what issues concern them. It is also good to present a list of topics for possible discussions, from which participants will choose those that are interesting to the majority (options of topics can be viewed in the group of the Orthodox youth club “Meeting” “latest news” - “archive of news and topics of the Meeting” - “archive of topics”).

    It’s worth immediately inviting the most active children to prepare and conduct a discussion on one of the topics chosen by the participants, or on one that is interesting to the presenter.

    III. Preparing and conducting a discussion

    The person responsible for the direction needs to:

    1. Interest the presenter in the very possibility of preparing and conducting a discussion.

    Talk about how much new he can learn, what invaluable experience of public speaking he will gain, what benefits he will bring to club members by sharing interesting observations with them, asking important questions! But all this will become a reality only if the presenter is well prepared for the discussion, with a responsible approach.

    2. Explain to the presenter:

    A) How to prepare a discussion Think about what new club participants will be able to learn during the discussion of the chosen topic, what information the presenter will try to convey, and in what form this will be done.

    It is possible to use images, audio and video materials. In this case, it is necessary to think through the solution of technical issues in advance.

    Prepare an introductory part that will attract attention to the proposed topic and help set the mood for its discussion.

    Brainstorm questions for discussion. To do this, it is recommended to break the issue under discussion into several small sub-questions, each of which can be discussed separately. For example, for the topic of the meeting “Infantility - a modern spiritual disease”, it is logical to suggest the following questions for discussion: (1) What is “infantility”? (2) How does infantility manifest itself? (3) What are its causes? (4) What are its consequences, what is the danger? (4) How to identify infantilism in yourself? (5) How to fight this disease? Each question can be broken down into even more specific sub-questions to facilitate the discussion process.

    The presenter should think over his reasoned answers to these questions.

    Discuss the plan with the person responsible for the direction and with the confessor of the club. During such a discussion, the presenter may be advised to pay attention to those aspects of the problem that have not yet been touched upon by him and to supplement his questions.

    B) How to conduct a discussion During the discussion in tasks The moderator includes: asking questions, managing the discussion process (the main task is to give everyone the opportunity to speak, even ask someone, not to let anyone wander away from the topic of discussion, to clearly summarize the results of the discussion on each question and sub-question).

    A creative approach to holding a meeting is encouraged. It involves using all possible means of increasing the involvement of all participants in the discussion: you can conduct a survey of all meeting participants, and then build a discussion based on the results of this survey; you can think of interesting tasks and conduct a team game, role-playing game; find materials illustrating opposing points of view and invite participants to agree with the author or argue and give reasons for their opinion.

    At the end of the meeting, the facilitator must once again summarize the overall discussion.

    It is desirable that the conclusion be a stimulus to action.

    3. Support the presenter at all stages of preparation of the topic, participate in the topic itself, and provide feedback.

    IV. Development of the direction of discussions in the club

    It is important to regularly talk with club members about what interests them, propose new topics for discussion, find out from the guys how they live, what they read, what films they watch, trust them to prepare discussions on topics that interest them, and support the initiative. In this way, young people will feel that they are not just guests in the club, but its active participants.

    In conclusion, it is worth saying that, in addition to discussions, there are many other interesting forms of communication within the Orthodox youth club: meetings with interesting people, watching and discussing films, trainings, creative evenings and much more. The choice of form of communication is individual for each club, and depends on the interests of its participants. It is important that, meeting once a week, the participants really unite and find the strength to actively participate in the life of the Church and in serving their neighbors.

    5. Results of the work of problem tables “We start from scratch or after a break”

    Problem tables under the leadership of Priest Alexander Antonov and Priest Vitaly Kuznetsov worked on this topic at the conference.

    Issues covered:

    How to organize youth work in a parish from scratch or after a long break?

    Where to begin?

    How to find funding and support?

    How to work with young people without a financial base?

    First of all, you need to get excited about the idea of ​​​​working with young people in the parish. Then you need to determine a day and time for regular meetings and post a notice in the temple. It would be good if the confessor of the future youth community, after the Sunday Liturgy (or other service when there are a large number of worshipers in the church), gives a sermon in the church on the topic of youth ministry and invites young people to work together. By the time of the sermon, there should be at least a rough plan for the functioning of the future youth community.

    The first impetus for organizing a youth community can also be:

    cultural and educational trip for the youth of the temple;

    inviting young people to participate in decorating the temple before the holiday;

    Orthodox ball for young parishioners.

    These events can help to get to know the young men and women of the parish, unite them, and subsequently organize a club or community.

    You can also start youth work in the community by creating a parish scout club or by organizing a youth parish counseling service ( acii_vocerkovlyayuwihsya_miryan), but in this option It is necessary to have at least one experienced consultant (perhaps already in the priesthood) and the desire of young people to obtain the necessary knowledge. A youth community can also be initially organized as socially oriented; in this regard, the experience of the church-wide service “Mercy” ( is useful.

    A form of resuscitation of the youth community in the parish can be the organization of the so-called.

    evangelical circles (

    To attract unchurched youth into the community, you can try to establish interaction with the city Committee on Youth Policy (, relevant departments of district administrations, city and district cultural and leisure centers, youth clubs, as well as with a variety of public youth organizations.

    The following events can be organized within the youth club:

    watching and discussing films;

    analysis and discussion of Gospel passages (;

    conversations with interesting people;

    discussion of various topics related to Christian understanding and comprehension of modern problems;

    trips to holy places;

    hiking and summer camps;

    bike rides.

    It is important to note that all of the above activities do not require financial costs for organization. The main thing is to take the initiative and be patient, because... There may not be many people at the first meetings.

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