Thinning the putty. How to dilute putty, how to prepare putty, tips and tricks

Putty work is carried out during any repair. And in order not to spoil the appearance of the surfaces on which the mixture will be applied, you should know how to properly dilute the putty. Usually, the rules for diluting the putty, the proportions and consistency of the mixture are indicated in the instructions on the package. However, often, you can not take into account some of the nuances and this will affect the quality of the work performed. To prevent this from happening, try to use the tips on how to dilute dry putty indicated in this article.

Today, you can find many types of putty materials on sale. Each of them is designed for one or another type of finishing work.

All putties are finely dispersed building mixtures. They differ mainly in consistency. There is some classification of putty mixtures, depending on the type of material underlying it. So, there are putties on cement, gypsum and polymers. Let's consider each of them in a little more detail.

A cement-based putty with a characteristic gray tint, due to its resistance to moisture, is actively used for baths and other rooms with high levels of humidity. In addition, it is often used for finishing the facades of buildings.

Gypsum plaster is often used for interior decoration before painting walls or wallpapering. This solution has a much more attractive snow-white color. Unlike cement putty mixture, gypsum cannot withstand high levels of moisture. Therefore, it is not suitable for use in the bathroom.

Putty, which uses polymers as binders, is considered a fairly new material on the market. Distinguish between acrylic and latex putty mixtures. Acrylic is used for both facade decoration and indoor work. It can be used as a roughing, leveling and even finishing mixture.

As for latex putty, it is usually used exclusively for interior decoration. It has properties such as high elasticity and low shrinkage. Therefore, it can be applied in a thin layer. Any polymer-based mixture is strong and durable.

Putties are sold both dry and ready-mixed. Dry mixes are available as starting and finishing mixtures. They differ in composition and properties. Finishing putty - fine-grained. After it, a perfectly flat surface is obtained. Starter compounds are usually used to level wall defects. Such material is applied in a thicker layer than the finishing one.

The leveling putty is distinguished by its high strength. Therefore, it is often used as a starting point.

There is also a universal putty. It is usually more expensive and has the same properties as smoothing and decorative. But it should only be used when there are no serious defects on the wall.

How to dilute putty (starting)

In total, there are two ways to dilute the starting putty. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

The first way

This method is somewhat similar to kneading dough. And it is most suitable when you do not have a drill mixer attachment. You need to take a dry container (for example, a bucket of building materials) and pour the required amount of dry mixture into it. After that, a little water should be added to the container. If we do the opposite, i.e. pour the putty mixture into the water, then it can grab in the form of lumps, which will be difficult to remove manually.

Let's consider in stages how to dilute the gypsum putty according to the first method.

  1. To prepare gypsum-based putty, you need to take a clean plastic container and pour about seven trowels of the dry mixture. Then add some water. Now you should mix the mixture well. An important point: the tools and utensils used must be perfectly clean.
  2. If dirt gets into the solution, this can lead to the fact that the mixture hardens faster than you can apply it to the surface. After mixing, you can pour the rest of the dry mixture into the container and add water. Finally, you need to mix everything until you get a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
  3. Lumps, like dirt, can speed up the setting time of the mixture. Gypsum plaster is known to dry quickly, but despite this, after mixing, you should not immediately apply it to the work surface. You should give it about three minutes for the mixture to sit. After that, mix well again.
  4. It is allowed to add dry mixture or water to the putty. But this is allowed to be done only until the moment the solution is applied to the work surface. The amount of the mixture should be sufficient for twenty minutes of work. Therefore, it is better to cook a little than to discard the dried material later.
  5. The main properties of gypsum putty is that it absorbs excess moisture well. Therefore, it is usually used in rooms with excessive humidity. This usually limits its application. However, more recently, gypsum plaster has been used to decorate walls for painting. This is due to the fact that it lays down in a fairly even layer, and no finishing mixture is required on top.
  6. Sometimes gypsum plaster cracks. This usually happens because the mixing technology was violated, an insufficient amount of water was added, or too little plaster was applied, which normally should not be less than five millimeters. If the surface is not treated and cleaned before applying the mixture, then in this case, mother-in-law may also appear.

Second way

This method can be used when a mixer attachment or screwdriver is available. To do this, first pour water into the container, and then pour the dry mixture into it until you achieve the desired density. Sometimes the material sets in lumps, but with the use of a power tool, they can be easily removed. With proper skill, you can dilute the putty in this way immediately in large quantities and of good quality. It is important to avoid getting large amounts of air into the mixture. To do this, the speed of the mixer nozzle should be kept at 800 rpm. Mixing is usually not enough. Therefore, after holding for about a quarter of an hour, repeat the procedure.

According to the first and second methods, the mixture must be prepared until the required density is reached. After that, the prepared mixture should be left to swell for a few minutes. Then it must be mixed well so that lumps do not form. In addition, re-mixing can increase the elasticity of the putty.

How to dilute putty for walls, ceilings and floors (finishing)

As for the preparation of the finishing putty, which is used for fine wall decoration, this process practically does not differ from the mixing technology of the starting mixture. Only in this case it is worth paying special attention to re-mixing. This is due to the fact that even small lumps should not be present in the finishing layer. This layer is usually applied in a thickness of one millimeter, which will make any particles and lumps immediately visible. They will especially attract attention when using glossy finishing materials and if there is side lighting in the room. Stir the finishing mixture thoroughly and repeatedly. In addition, it is important that the tool used for the filler is very well cleaned of material residues and then washed.

In addition, you should not dilute a new portion of the putty mixture in the same container where the previous one was previously diluted. To be precise, the same container can be used for a new portion, but before that it must be rinsed with hot water. In addition to the container, wash the mixer attachment that was used for mixing. Only then can the container and the tool be used again.

When working with putty, do not add to the container with the mixture the remains of the mortar that were on the tool. It is better to remove them in a separate small container. If the particles of the solution have already entered the container with the mixture, then the entire volume of the material must be thoroughly mixed so that no lumps form.

Self-preparation of the mixture

It is known that putties can be prepared at home. There are quite a few such recipes today, but any of them have the same basis. So, the main components include: chalk, drying oil, varnishes, sifted gypsum, as well as carpentry or animal glue.

  • Gypsum-chalk putty mixture is suitable for use in dry rooms, in order to level drywall sheets and concrete surfaces. In order to prepare such a mixture, you will need a mixing container, three kilograms of chalk, one kilogram of gypsum, five percent carpentry or animal glue. For mixing, you need a spatula, or even better, a drill with a special nozzle. In addition, you should purchase a respirator or at least a gauze bandage that protects against gypsum-chalk dust.
  • First, you need to carefully sift and mix the chalk with gypsum. They should be gradually introduced into the container with the adhesive solution. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The amount of the mixture to be prepared should be sufficient for work, but no more. The fact is that this putty quickly hardens, because of which the excess will have to be thrown away.
  • If it is necessary to prepare the surface for painting with oil paints, prepare an oil putty, which will require 100 grams of desiccant, 1 kilogram of drying oil and 2 kilograms of chalk. This mixture can be used to coat surfaces subject to frequent temperature changes, such as window frame surfaces.
  • If the surface is to be coated with glue, a glue putty is prepared. You will need 25 grams of drying oil, 2.5 kilograms of sifted chalk and 1 kilogram of 10% glue solution. The glue solution must first be warmed up, then mixed with drying oil and brought to a homogeneous consistency. Then chalk is gradually introduced until the desired density is obtained. To improve the spreading of the putty, finely chopped soap should also be added to the mixture.

This building material is used in various types of finishing work. Unfortunately, many people often do not understand its true purpose and believe that it is possible to get by with a banal leveling of surfaces either by lighthouses, or "by eye". However, without putty (it is also called "putty") it is impossible to achieve smooth walls and ceilings.

If only because the solution for the leveling layer contains sand granules, which, when applied, for example, paint, in places will still be noticeable on the surface. From this it becomes clear that the putty is intended for "fine" leveling (it removes the slightest roughness and makes the surface completely smooth). In addition, it makes no sense to plaster the entire wall (or ceiling) if it has only individual, "local" defects.

Before proceeding to consider the question of how to dilute the putty, it is worthwhile to understand that it processes various surfaces, and not only inside buildings. Some products are also used for facade work. Consequently, the composition of putties can differ both in components and in their proportions, and this depends on the specifics of the application.

These products are marketed in the form of a paste or dry mixture (powder). In the first case, it is already ready for use, but in the second case, you will have to dilute the putty. It is clear that since there is a difference in the compositions, then it is necessary to be guided by the attached manufacturer's instructions, which are placed on the package. But we will not “discover America” if we recall that any work will only be done with high quality when it is done consciously.

Features of putty mixtures

1. All putties are subdivided into starting and finishing. It depends on the specifics of the work and implies some nuances when preparing a mixture from a powder.

  • Starting

Designed for "rough" finishing, which is performed with significant surface defects. Therefore, the composition must be thick enough not to "spread". Sometimes it is applied in several layers, one on top of the other, with a break for drying. This means that you need to make sure that during this time it does not begin to harden. To do this, when diluting the putty for the walls, sand is added to the mixture at the rate of 1: 1. Best of all - river (naturally, washed and sifted), since it contains a minimum of salts and other impurities.

  • Finish

It is sold in a ready-to-use plastic container (buckets), so there is no need to dilute it. The exception is gypsum compounds, which are diluted with water twice.

2. There is one rule for all formulations - first powder, then water.

Mixing must be thorough. As a result, the solution should not contain any fractions (lumps). You need to understand that the larger the container for the "kneading", the lower its quality. That is why it is necessary to select a container corresponding to the required volume of solution.

The remaining fractions during the subsequent smoothing of the layer will cling to the "rule" and leave furrows on the surface. Therefore, the masters are advised to mechanize the process of preparing the solution. It is good to do "kneading" with an electric / drill switched to low speed (the principle of a household mixer). A thick wire is inserted into the cartridge, the end of which is given a certain configuration (loop, "butterfly").

Video - Correct preparation of putty for walls and ceilings

When diluting wall putty, do not pour the entire recommended amount of water into the container at once. This is done in portions, and mixing should not stop. This technique is a guarantee of a minimum of lumps in the finished product, since it is more difficult to get rid of solid fractions in a liquid substance. A little water must be left and added when the mass acquires a uniform shade. After that, there is another stage of high-quality mixing.

3. Within 5 - 15 minutes (depending on the components) the mixture should "stand".

4. After that - one more (control) batch.

Only then can you start finishing work.

Useful Tips

  • The finishing putty can be interior (for interior work) and facade (contains toxic substances). When buying at this point, you need to pay attention.
  • Adding water to dilute putty, which has thickened, significantly degrades its quality. This is not recommended. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare so much solution that it is enough for a single use.
  • If there is a desire to give the putty additional qualities or to strengthen the existing ones (moisture resistance, frost resistance, etc.), then one should not forget about such a factor as the compatibility of substances.
  • Artificial acceleration of drying of the laid layer with the help of thermal action (for example, a hair dryer) is not allowed, as it leads to the appearance of cracks.
  • Excess putty collected from the surface during leveling should no longer be used. The composition has already dried up, and if it is sent back to the container, to the total mass, then subsequently the presence of lumps in it cannot be avoided. In extreme cases, put it separately, mix again and use it to seal potholes and eliminate other significant surface defects.
  • It is necessary to wash containers and tools before the next "batch". Otherwise, dried fractions of the "old" solution will get into the new mixture.

And finally, about the importance of mixing quality. If the surface is painted, for example, with glossy latex paint, then under certain lighting and a suitable angle, even the slightest scratch on the wall will simply catch the eye.

It would seem that it is difficult here - to dilute the putty. But these nasty lumps (where do they come from?), And strive to ruin everything. You can ignore them, but they will definitely remind of themselves - with uneven rough paint, ugly swollen wallpaper and other troubles, the root of evil of which lies in an improperly diluted putty mixture. But today it is impossible to imagine any kind of repair work without it.

Smoothing walls and ceilings before painting, leveling slopes after installing euro-windows, bringing plasterboard partitions into a divine form - all this cannot be done without a properly prepared putty.

I advise you to get down to business thoroughly and prepare everything you need. The first step in the technological process is the preparation of the necessary materials, that is, water (from the tap) and putty (from the store). The second step is, of course, a suitable tool - I mean. Many users ask if it is possible to interfere with something at hand - a stick (wooden or metal), a spatula, a spatula? You can, of course, if the putty needs a small bowl of half a liter - a liter. But in larger volumes, the worst enemies of the mixture - lumps - are provided for you.

It is impossible to properly dilute the putty without convenient, high-quality materials and knowledge of proportions.

What is putty and what types of it are on sale

The putty is sold in a bag and comes in the form of a powder. By adding water to it and stirring with a mixer, a homogeneous viscous mass can be obtained to level the working surface on the construction site. This is a versatile material, on the correct mixing of which the entire result of repairs, small or global, depends. That is why you should not neglect the study of the basic rules and methods of forming a putty material, types of powder and types of mixers that are used to mix the solution.

In fact, it is quite simple to dilute the putty with your own hands. Sometimes it is produced in the form of a paste - this one does not need to be diluted, it is already ready to use. But the one that looks like the smallest abrasive powder - we must dilute it. And, by the way, before buying and preparing it is worth examining its types. Today there are two main types of putty that are often found on construction sites.

1. Starting putty

This is one of the most important and necessary materials for every repairman. It is often used in the implementation of cosmetic and major repairs, creating a better and more even coating for finishing with facing materials. It is used for the initial leveling of walls that were made of concrete, brick or drywall. The starter putty is applied in several layers to improve the visible result. Despite the increased consumption of the mixture, it still helps to achieve an even and smooth surface.

The main types of starting putty

  • Cement based. A characteristic external sign is gray. This type of putty is indispensable for finishing a variety of rooms in which there is a high level of humidity. There are similar places in the house - bathroom, toilet, basement. Such a putty has a coarse grain size. Its disadvantage is that it is quite difficult to hide with a finishing layer.
  • On a plaster base. White. Its composition is a mixture of lime and gypsum. Therefore, it is very sensitive to moisture and temperature changes. It can be used exclusively in dry rooms heated in winter - rooms, kitchens.
  • Polymer putty. This material is used at the final stage of premises renovation. Comparatively new on the market. It is based on either acrylic or latex. Acrylic is used not only for internal work, but also for external ones - for processing the facade. It is ideal for sealing joints, seams and other cracks that have arisen under the influence of water. Latex - only for working inside. This material is extremely elastic, its shrinkage is minimal. Therefore, it is applied in a thin layer, and the result of careful application is the reliability and durability of the coating.

2. Finishing putty

The name itself explains to the user that this material is used at the very end of the repair, for the final alignment of the walls or ceiling. It is one of the main components of a clean finish. With its help, you can easily eliminate defects in the starting putty, improve sound insulation, increase surface strength, resistance to mechanical shock and adhesion of materials. This mixture also prevents excessive moisture absorption. The finishing putty should be chosen very carefully and carefully read the instructions before buying.

The finishing putty is also divided into several types:

  • Cement based putty. It has increased moisture resistance, so it is often used for repairs in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in saunas and gyms. Also, this type is often used when decorating external walls. I will only note that it is not without flaws - it has a tendency to shrink and crack.
  • Plaster based putty. White, finely dispersed. To prepare the putty, a sensitive material was used - gypsum, which does not like high humidity. Although, I recommend using it in the final coating stage, even where it is a little damp. It adheres and sands very well, thanks to its soft and smooth texture, which does not shrink much. I also want to remind you that gypsum putty tends to dry quickly - almost under a spatula. Therefore, working with it requires caution and speed of work.
  • Polymer finishing putty. This is an excellent option for rooms with normal humidity levels with a number of its advantages: it dries slowly, it is easy to apply to any surface, the minimum layer thickness itself creates an even coating. In general, modern high-tech material is good everywhere. For external walls, it is better to take acrylic, for internal - latex.

Mix preparation methods

To figure out how to dilute the putty, sometimes it is enough just to read the instructions. But it is worth remembering that each type of putty has its own characteristics. And the results of all work depend on the correct preparation of the mixture. To begin with, it is imperative to prepare dishes and working materials. The container for the liquid must be chosen as large as you need to prepare the putty. The water should be at room temperature, the mixture from the bag should be dry, and the mixer head should be clean. The proportions of putty and water should correspond to the indicators indicated on the package.

There are two ways to prepare the mixture:

  1. The first is quite popular, but is more suitable for mixing with a spatula than with a construction mixer. A dry mass of putty is poured into the container, and then water is gradually added to it and they begin to stir. This option is usually used when manually stirring the mixture. It resembles home kneading dough for dumplings - housewives also pour water into a heap of flour.
  2. The second way is the opposite. Water is poured into the container, and then dry powder is gradually poured there. Using a construction mixer, the mixture is brought to a homogeneous state and given the required viscosity. It is quite simple to dilute the putty with a mixer, you just need to follow the safety rules and start your work at low speed. As for me, this method is more acceptable for kneading with a mixer, so I often recommend kneading the putty this way. The fact is that the whisk first interferes with the liquid solution, and then it gets thicker, because you gradually add the powder. This way you can control the viscosity. This kneading also resembles cooking homemade dough, but different, liquid, for pancakes. And every housewife will say that the initial lumps dissolve better in a liquid slurry.

All this applies to the base putty. The main rule for preparing a starting putty is its uniformity and compliance with the working need - it must have a viscosity and density.

To prepare the finishing plaster, you simply choose one of the methods and preparation of the base plaster. All the same - or water, and then powder, or vice versa. But there are still some differences. The final plaster should not have the slightest lumps, otherwise they will be visible during application. Therefore, a batch where water is first poured is more preferable. The finishing putty must be mixed several times, using a construction mixer all the time. It is also worth remembering that all tools and containers must be perfectly clean.

The main stages of mixing

To prepare a putty for walls with your own hands, you need to study all the stages with all their features. Now let's try to consider in detail the whole process of preparing the putty.

  1. Cleanliness comes first. Before starting work, clean the surface from which you work from dirt and dust and other foreign particles.
  2. Treat the walls with a special primer - this way the putty will better fit and will hold and not crack.
  3. It is also worth making sure that the container and the nozzle of the construction mixer are clean. The smallest particles of dirt can prevent the creation of a homogeneous solution.
  4. It is necessary to correctly calculate the time that will be spent on mixing the components. First, the powder is poured into water, then stirred and left for some time for the elements to swell.
  5. After about 8 minutes, re-mix to prevent clumping.
  6. Kneading goes clockwise, but from time to time turn on the reverse, if your mixer has one.
  7. Let the mixture sit a little. Just a little bit, 5 minutes. For plaster mass - 3 minutes, as it dries much faster.
  8. The correct proportions should not be neglected. Experienced builders can handle creating a mortar without instructions based on their experience. Beginners should pay attention to the instructions and tips of the professionals.
  9. The application layer must be at least 5 millimeters

Observing simple rules, sometimes, nevertheless, it is not possible to create an even mixture. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the many years of experience of builders. I always have a couple of secrets in stock that many professionals have been using for a long time and successfully:

  • The preparation of materials must comply with existing rules, the main of which is the purity of materials. Experienced workers advise to thoroughly rinse the container before preparing the mixture.
  • If the water is not from the plumbing, but from the pond, then carefully filter it, at least through a layer of paper.
  • Putty should be prepared in small portions to prevent drying out. Calculate enough for 20 minutes of work. After this time, the mass begins to thicken.
  • If the solution starts to turn to stone, it can be softened - a small portion of cold water can delay this process for a few minutes. But this can only be done once, since the next time the desired effect will not be there.
  • If you see that the mixture freezes and thickens catastrophically quickly, and you have already added water, do not waste your energy. Better to stop, discard the solution, and clean and rinse the bucket thoroughly. Then start again. It is better to lose a little of the powder than to contemplate afterwards a sloppy putty wall that no sanding will pull out.
  • For the preparation of putty, the nozzle with spiral blades is ideal. If there is only one spiral, then it should be left, twisted clockwise. Such a nozzle does not allow light particles of cement and gypsum to rise upward; it presses them, as it were, so that the solution is homogeneous.
  • A whisk is especially good for putty, in which two spirals are oppositely directed. Then the reverse function is not needed either.


Without a well-prepared putty, not a single stage of the repair process can be imagined. A homogeneous mixture is important both for basic leveling of the surface and for the final application of the putty compound. Therefore, if you want to carry out high-quality repairs, you should follow the basic rules and proportions of the batch. Prepare everything you need before the process, keep it clean, check the water and the powder itself for impurities. They shouldn't be. Use not a stick and a spatula, but a mixer with a spiral broom - it is specially designed for mixing putty materials.

Compliance with the rules and stages of mixing will help achieve a good result not only for a professional, but also for a beginner.

When carrying out work on finishing various surfaces, a material such as putty is often used. With it, you can level the walls and prepare them for subsequent painting and wallpapering. You just need to know how to dilute the putty correctly. During preparation, it is necessary to take into account some details, for example, the type of putty, as well as for what work it can be used. You should also take into account the ratio of dry mix to water, as this can affect the quality of the work performed.

Varieties of putty

The construction market offers a huge selection of filler materials. They are marketed ready-to-use or dry. To prepare a dry putty for you should take into account its base and how to properly dilute the putty. Its scope and preparation method depend on this.

Plaster based putty

This putty is used for indoor work. She is snow-white in color. The product cannot be used in areas with high air humidity. The putty is intended only for finishing the surfaces of dry rooms with heating. It can be used in the bedroom, hallway, front and rarely in the kitchen.

The mixture is applied to the walls before wallpapering or painting, taking into account the rules indicating how to dilute the plaster putty.

Cement based putty

With this, you can eliminate all irregularities, drops and various cracks by applying the product to the wall surface. It is suitable for work in any room - both dry and high humidity. Also, cement putty can be used to decorate the facades of buildings made of concrete, brick and stone.

In the store you can buy a dry mix of cement putty in special packages or a ready-made solution. has a number of disadvantages: when it dries, shrinkage occurs, and the applied thick layer of the mixture may crack. It is sold in a special plastic container.

As for the dry mix, you should know with a cement base. The required consistency is achieved by mixing. The putty has good adhesion and excellent strength (no cracks appear when completely dry). But this is only if it is properly prepared and applied to the surface.

Polymer based putty

This putty is used for interior decoration only. It has high elasticity, strength and durability. These qualities are achieved due to the polymers contained in the putty.

Dry is used for starting and finishing works. The mixture of starting putty is highly durable. It is used in primary processing for leveling surfaces and sealing cracks.

Finishing putty has fine grains. Thanks to them, the finished and sanded wall will have a smooth and flawlessly even surface. The mixture should be applied in a thin layer.

They also produce polymeric universal putty, ready for use. It can be used both for starting work and for finishing, on surfaces without any special defects.

Considering all the features and proportions, you should know how to dilute the putty for walls and other surfaces on different bases.

Features of the dilution of the putty

As in any business, there are certain peculiarities. You should know before you figure out how to dilute the putty: the proportions should correspond to the type of product. There are several types of it:

  • for starting work;
  • for finishing works;
  • for wall decoration;
  • for processing ceilings;
  • for finishing facades;
  • for indoor work.

The answer to the question of how to dilute the putty will depend on what type of putty will be used during work. Indeed, for a certain type of solution, a fixed amount of water is needed. It should be of the proper thickness and consistency.

  • When using 1 kg of dry gypsum mixture (for example, Fugenfüller putty), you need to take 0.8 liters of water.
  • When using cement putty, 0.37 - 0.42 liters of water is needed per 1 kg of dry mix, and for 20 kg, 7.4 - 8.4 liters of water should be used.
  • How to dilute wall putty? The proportions for a dry polymer mixture are as follows: 25 kg require about 10 liters of water.

To hide defects of different sizes, the applied layer can be 6 cm. For this reason, the solution should not be liquid, since it is easier to seal the grooves with a thick mixture, and the surface will dry faster.

The way the putty is applied to the wall also affects the thickness of the mortar. It should be thicker if applied by hand. When working with an airless spray machine, the solution must be in a liquid state.

Answering the question of how to dilute the finishing putty, you need to know its desired consistency. When using, it should be borne in mind that it must be applied in a thin layer. Therefore, the solution should not be too thick.

Mechanical preparation of the putty mixture

The process of preparing the finishing putty is not too complicated. Before diluting the putty, it must be mixed with clean water at room temperature.

In order for the putty mortar to be of high quality, water should be added to the dry mixture in small doses. For more effective mixing, a special tool is used - a construction mixer. Kneading can also be done with an electric drill with a special attachment, the power of which must be at least 1.5 kW. But it is best to use a drill with a high RPM. The professional toolbox often includes a multipurpose construction mixer. It is used only for preparing a mixture of putty.

At the beginning of mixing, the revolutions of the tool should be low. Gradually deepening the whisk, the kneading area should be expanded. When the mixture becomes more homogeneous, the number of revolutions can be increased. After stopping mixing for a few minutes, you must continue the process again. Stir for about 10 minutes. This way you can get a uniform consistency of the putty. When mixing, the speed of the mixer or drill should not be high, because unnecessary air will get into the putty. Because of this, bubbles may appear when the putty mixture is applied to the surface to be treated.

Mixing by hand

If it is not possible to purchase a special tool, then the solution can be prepared manually using a spatula. Only with this solution you will have to tinker a little. In this way, you can prepare a putty for starting work, since there are no special requirements for it.

The prepared mixture should be used within 40 minutes. If during this time the putty has not been applied, then it will inevitably thicken. It is not worth adding water to the thickened mixture, since the quality will only worsen from this. It is better to throw it away and prepare a new one. Further work cannot be carried out with such a putty.

To prepare the next portion of the mixture, the bucket used must be thoroughly washed so that no fragments of the old composition remain. Once in a new batch, thickened particles will significantly reduce its working efficiency. For example, it can thicken faster. Water for mixing is used clean, without rust.

To mix the putty, you must use a household bucket (galvanized, plastic or enameled). Do not use basins or other containers that have rounded corners at the bottom. Placing the drill bit in a bucket of water, you can clean it from the rest of the putty by scrolling in different directions. To do this, use the reverse function. In order for the water to drain from the nozzle, it is necessary to install the drill on the bucket in a horizontal position.

Features of applying the putty mixture

Having applied the first layer of the mixture to the wall surface, there is no need to rush to apply the next one, as it can curl up, tear off the initial layer and increase the drying time. Wait for the first layer to dry. Therefore, priming of wet putty must not be carried out. It is also not recommended to add a primer to the mixture when diluting dry putty.

Overdrying the first layer can also adversely affect the quality of finishing work. Do not use heating devices and artificially raise the temperature in the room - the putty can quickly dry out and crack.

By adhering to these rules and requirements, you can find out exactly how to dilute the putty for walls and other surfaces.

Putty is needed to eliminate irregularities. The main layer of putty is applied to the surface to be repaired, and when it dries, it is treated with a primer. Grinding is required between these two stages. At first glance, there is nothing complicated here, but any material, even the best, shrinks. If necessary, you can apply two layers of putty, drying and sanding several times. Further, it is considered how to dilute the putty for a car, choosing the right proportion of the hardener and the base material.

The primer is then needed to improve the adhesion of metal and paint. An even layer of metal can be immediately primed without fear of further delamination. However, in reality, both soil and putty are used. The latter is of several types:

  1. Polyester;
  2. Epoxy;
  3. One-component nitro and acrylic filler.

The most popular, as you can understand, is now received by two-component polyester putties. This material itself can be filled with fiber, aluminum chips, etc. Such compositions are called filling or basic. And you can use them if you have a "final" putty, which is applied before priming.

Glass fiber filled polyester putty

So, two types of materials were named: filling putty and final putty.

There are no fillers in the universal polyester putty. If the thickness of the resulting layer does not exceed 0.5 mm, such a material is always suitable for use.

You can end the chapter with a small dictionary:

  • Full or Fill - material of the "fill" type;
  • Glas, Glass, Fiber - fiberglass;
  • Аlu - aluminum;
  • Lite weight or Light - the material should be used if the weight of the workpiece is critical.

It is these designations that are found on the packaging.