Rebirthing - what is it? Rebirthing: technique, reviews. At least it comes at the right time


Rebirthing was developed in the early 70s. Leonard Orr- a pioneer of self-improvement. Rebirthing is physical and spiritual: it completely restores the natural connection between consciousness and body; he uses the body to come into contact with the consciousness, but one can rightly say: he uses the consciousness to touch the body. Rebirthing brings about a transformation of consciousness by allowing innate joy and well-being to permeate the entire the world generally. The human mind becomes happier and the body healthier. This increases the effectiveness of a person’s activities, bringing his entire essence into conformity with his intentions. This means accepting and loving yourself, which is already an act of great love.

The creators of rebirthing consider it a self-help method, devoid of disadvantages, which has been successfully used by millions of people around the world. This method uses an absolutely amazing breathing technique to give a person positive and deeply detailed insights into their mind, body and emotions. It enables the mind and body to gently restructure itself in ways that increase happiness, performance, and performance. good health. This is a refusal own experience and what is outside of it. This is a huge gratitude for the miracle of existence.

Rebirthing itself is just a tool that you can use to achieve the desired result for yourself. Once you learn rebirthing, you can get the results you need anytime, anywhere. You will become independent from anyone.

When creating rebirthing, many methods and techniques were used from the experiences of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, yogis and Hindus.

The main emphasis in rebirthing is on working with the source of negativity in a person’s mind. The authors explain the origin of this source this way.

“Whenever you do something wrong, you experience an unpleasant emotional sensation in your body that lasts as long as you think about what you are doing. See for yourself. The next time you complain about something, notice how you feel.

People have a powerful incentive to feel as good as they do. Therefore, often understanding what they are doing wrong, being fully aware of this, people also try to feel good. This awareness is known as “repression.”

This indicates how in Everyday life a “psychological clamp” is formed and how it will affect you subsequently.

“If you suppress something, nothing changes except your level of consciousness. What you do wrong stays done wrong. The unpleasant sensation still remains in your body, but you decide to pretend that you don't know about it. Due to wrong execution and suppression, the action you did wrong becomes something to hide from or run away from. An unpleasant sensation in the body is deposited as chronic tension or some kind of physical ailment.”

The authors explain the term “subconscious mind” somewhat differently. In their view, the “subconscious mind” refers to the part of consciousness “that you choose to make a subconscious effort to avoid regret about the past, frustration about the present, and fear about the future.” It is filled with contexts of wrong action, which contain corresponding experiences of wrong action, each of which is attached to an unpleasant emotion, which in turn accumulate in the body.

Suppression leads to the fragmentation of consciousness into many parts. Sometimes these parts directly control your actions, while the conscious mind has no idea what is happening. In other cases, the subconscious has a great influence on the process of consciousness and thus influences your actions. As a result, the conscious, controlled part of consciousness is only a small part of consciousness, the field form of life.

Further, the authors explain how suppression - “psychological clamps” - affect the connection of the field form of life - consciousness - with physical body. They call consciousness the “spiritual body.” This is the “body” that we have during sleep. It includes the mind, the sense of identity or self, and all of our conscious awareness. During sleep, a person does not feel his physical body, because at this time our consciousness (field form of life) is not in the physical body. When a person wakes up, he feels his physical body precisely to the extent to which consciousness is in contact with it. Suppression, from this point of view, means the long-term removal of consciousness from the sphere of the physical body, where life processes occur.

In this model, our consciousness (field life form) is what gives life and organization to a group of molecules and coordinates their working together in an elaborate form called a “physical body.” The removal of consciousness from the physical body due to suppression (the appearance of “psychological clamps” or “small holograms”) leads to blocking of the vital, organizing energy circulating in this part of the physical body. Molecules become less organized, creating conditions that are known as “aging” or “disease”. Areas of blocked energy inevitably affect other parts of the body in such a way that human body starts to act incorrectly. This leads to a mismatch in life processes.

To eliminate emotional clamps that violate the integrity of the field life form and prevent the normal regulation of the physical body, the authors of rebirthing use breathing and some other techniques that help eliminate them and transform them into a positive experience. This is how they describe it themselves: “Everything that has been done wrong and suppressed can be transformed through the technique of rebirthing. Rebirthing uses sensation in the physical body to access consciousness. Everything that you have ever done wrong and suppressed has left an energetic mark in the body (in my terminology, “psychological clamp” or “sink.” – Author’s note.), which is waiting for you to pay attention to it and transform it into feeling gratitude and great well-being."

The creators of rebirthing claim: rebirthing is not only the only way to transform suppressed material, but also the most effective; Rebirthing is a precise technology for uniting consciousness with the physical body, it is a single process, but it is best described by five elements.

Integration (the connection of body with consciousness) occurs only when all five elements are fully used, regardless of the method by which it is caused. If integration does not occur, then at least one of the five elements is probably missing.

The period of time from the beginning of circular breathing to integration is called "breathing cycle" When using the five elements in rebirthing, the breathing cycle is shortened. If the five elements are applied skillfully, the breathing cycle lasts only a few seconds. Integrating faster is beneficial not only because more can be done during a session, but also because integration can be brought about when each “psychological clamp” is located as compressed energy deep in the person's consciousness. This makes the process more convenient and enjoyable for the person undergoing rebirthing.

Five elements of rebirthing the following:

1. Circular (connected) breathing.

2. Complete relaxation.

3. General attention.

4. Transform the negative with joy.

5. Complete trust in the rebirthing process.

FIRST ELEMENT: My circular breathing is simple, self-regulating, pleasant and now always continues.

SECOND ELEMENT: My consciousness knows that it is safe to relax, and I am completely relaxed now.

THIRD ELEMENT: Everything that exists is bliss, and I experience an infinite variety of bliss in every detail.

FOURTH ELEMENT: It is simple and natural for me to enjoy everything now.

FIFTH ELEMENT: Everything I am able to do leads to the unification of mind and body.

1) sufficient quantity repressed material came to the surface and was processed;

2) everything that has become activated has been integrated, that is, the person feels great;

3) the person himself feels that the first two conditions have been met.

The authors of rebirthing acknowledge that the completion of the process of releasing suppression lasts a lifetime. This is explained by the fact that most people have a lot of repressed negativity and it would be unreasonable to expect that even the most powerful techniques will get rid of it in a few sessions. It's a process that spans many years, even for the best of us.

From the book Running and Walking Instead of Medicines. The easiest way to health author Maxim Zhulidov

Rebirthing. Help yourself When I had my first successes in healing my body, I was at the peak of bliss. It seemed to me that now my health was definitely in my hands. Internal organs can be cleaned if necessary traditional methods, food can be adjusted

From the author's book

What is rebirthing? Rebirthing owes its appearance to Leonardo Orr, who introduced it to the general public in the early 70s of the last century. new method self-help, in which you can restore the connection between the physical body and the so-called field structure. Author

So, about the practice of rebirthing itself. Lessons for beginners are individual. To bring a practitioner to a level where he can work independently, it usually takes 12-16 sessions. However, it all depends on a lot of parameters. There are times when a person needs a much larger number of lessons. This usually happens if the student, due to his individual characteristics, cannot withstand intense practice. Then you have to switch to a softer mode. The opposite is also true; there are people who are able to reach the level of independent work in 7-8 lessons.

The duration of the breath itself is from forty-five minutes to an hour. Although most beginners breathe less. Before rebirthing, a short meditation is desirable to transition to a calmer state; after rebirthing, half an hour of relaxation is absolutely necessary (the same applies to holotropic breathing and Vivation). IN classic version The music only comes on when you're relaxing. However, it happens that rhythmic sounds help the practitioner breathe. Then it makes sense to use music. When practicing to a soundtrack with breathing at the desired rhythm, there is a risk that the student will then not be able to breathe independently without a given rhythm. Therefore, when working with beginners who have no experience of independent breathing, it is better not to use such phonograms.

Rebirthing classes should occur at least once a week. This makes it possible not to lose the accumulated level and move forward. More frequent exercises are more effective. This is true both for a beginner’s lessons with an instructor and for further independent practice. For those who are already practicing on their own, seminars on rebirthing and holotropic breathing, which take place over several days in a row, are useful. Such intensive work, plus the unified field of the group, greatly increases the effectiveness of further individual practice. At independent work it is possible to breathe for a shorter duration of 15-20 minutes, but daily. This regimen is equivalent to breathing once a week for an hour. Naturally than more people engages, the greater the results he achieves.

Basic principles of rebirthing

1. Breathing is done only through the mouth.
2. Breathing is rhythmic.
3. Intense inhalation, relaxed exhalation.
4. Breathing is cyclical and continuous. Inhalation turns into exhalation, exhalation into inhalation without pause.
5. Breathing top part chest.
6. Attention is focused only on the correct breathing and sensations in the body. Thoughts and images that arise spontaneously come and go, you should not fixate on them. They don't matter.
7. During the entire lesson and relaxation period, the eyes are closed. Open eyes lead to energy loss and inhibit energy accumulation.
8. While breathing, remain still. When relaxing after exercise, immobility is not necessary.
9. For discomfort in the body: pain, numbness, etc. You can use any images of this nature that the breather likes: negativity is exhaled from the place of discomfort, and it is filled with pure energy. This speeds up the process of stress removal, if creating and holding such an image does not cause tension and does not interfere with the correct breathing. In cases where this is difficult for the breather, it is better to simply monitor physiological sensations. After all, where there is attention, there is energy.
10. The more relaxed the practitioner, the more effective and easier his practice.
11. If during breathing there is a need to quickly get out of it, you can switch to very superficial and very frequent, so-called “dog breathing”. Duration – from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. This in no way replaces relaxation, but only helps to stop the processes occurring in the body in the event of unexpected force majeure circumstances. By the way, such breathing briefly makes the breather almost insensitive to physical pain.
12. Before relaxing after breathing, it is advisable to take several deep and slow breaths through the nose.
13. After class, be sure to relax for at least half an hour.

Due to the many questions that I get asked about chakras, affirmations, previous incarnations, etc., I believe there is a need for some commentary.

During rebirthing, blocks are released at the physiological and energetic level. At the same time, the brain produces pictures, thoughts, and sensations similar to the outgoing blocks, precisely similar, not identical. If, for example, you were scared by a turkey when you were one year old, then when this stress comes out, you may, for example, experience a feeling of danger, insecurity, suddenly think that you might be fired, or “remember” that in a previous incarnation you were the leader of the tribe , and you are attacked by a saber-toothed tiger. All these are nothing more than glitches that accompany the release of negativity. Taking them seriously is not only ridiculous, but also energy-consuming. No, if your goal is to watch “cartoons” and feel like a clairvoyant, then of course you can proudly tell everyone you know about the saber-toothed tiger, and then submit your resignation letter, anticipating the predicted dismissal. But if the task is set: using the practice of rebirthing to cleanse your structure of garbage, then it is hardly reasonable to perceive this garbage as God's revelations, even if your visions include the Virgin Mary, Carlos Castaneda, and a group of aliens from Alpha Centauri who want to give to their brothers in mind all accumulated knowledge. In many eastern schools, a student was beaten with a stick as soon as he began to say something about the pictures he had seen, so that he would stop wasting energy on nonsense and would not get stuck in a glitchy space.

Memories of one's own birth and clairvoyance. In articles about rebirthing, the topic of memories of one’s own birth is very popular. In reality, such memories can emerge to the level of consciousness, but this happens extremely rarely and there is no practical significance has no more than by-effect practices. Although, almost everyone goes through the physiological sensations experienced during their own birth. There have also been recorded cases of real vision and foresight during rebirthing classes. This is also a side effect of the practice, which does not occur often. Such a vision arises spontaneously and, as a rule, quickly disappears, without any negative consequences, unless, of course, you try to consciously cause it. I would not recommend such attempts to anyone. They block the natural process of stress removal and contribute to the development of new ones, since they introduce significant tension into the practice, which is based on relaxation. If the newly minted clairvoyant is “lucky” and again achieves manifestations of this “magical ability”, his energy losses will exceed all possible expectations.

Xu Ming Tan once told a seminar how his third eye opened. For two days he rejoiced and admired parallel realities, and then practiced for two years to restore the energy lost during these two days. As a result, he, of course, realized that the properties of the third eye are very different from the properties of the TV.

Thus, clairvoyance is one of the most effective ways V as soon as possible lose all your work. In general: “Everything that is acquired through backbreaking labor...”

Chakras. There are quite interesting techniques, focused on breathing through a specific chakra. Sometimes the sounds of the chakras are used. More on them in the next chapter. Evoking, while breathing, images of a thousand petaled lotuses and Shiva lingas entwined with three and a half turns of a snake are just as “useful” as the Virgin Mary coupled with the Tau-Kitians.

Naturally, this does not apply to tantric techniques, in which visualization of the form of the yantra of a given chakra is a basic element of meditation. However, such techniques are not directly related to rebirthing. And, usually, in order to practice them, direct initiation by the bearer of the tradition is required.

Affirmations. After resting after class, you can undoubtedly sit down and say to yourself one hundred and fifty-three times: “I am rich. I'm trained. I'm smart and lucky. Everyone loves me." True, it always seemed to me that this was a lie to my own ears, but they say it helps some. If it helps, why not. The main thing is not to try to add this to rebirthing or other practices. The cocktail may turn out to be poisonous. During classes, such texts are nothing more than additional mental garbage, and pronouncing them requires a certain tension, distracts the practitioner’s attention and, therefore, interferes with the normal course of ongoing processes.

Based on the above, the journey of the group engaged in rebirthing through other incarnations, parallel worlds etc. remain on the conscience of the instructor who does this with his students. But everyone has their own karmic achievements!

Breathing through the nose. Breathing through the nose during rebirthing is possible, but much less effective. It is used extremely rarely, in cases where the student, due to some illness, basically cannot breathe through his mouth.

Breathing in water. Breathing in water is a type of rebirthing. The practice is very effective due to the introduction of sensation aquatic environment. Fifteen minutes of breathing in water is equivalent to about an hour of breathing on land. It is not produced independently. A person in an altered state of consciousness can drown even in a bathtub, regardless of his previous experience as a childbirther. At a minimum, an observer is required who is physically strong enough to be able, if necessary, to lift the upper part of the breather's body above the water and hold it in this position. The responsibility of the observer is also very important. If, during the lesson, he starts reading the magazine “Funny Pictures” or admiring nature, this can end very badly for the person breathing.

Eat great amount modifications of breathing in water. The simplest option: the breather’s face is above the water, the body is in the water. It is ideal to produce this at sea. Chemical composition not polluted sea ​​water similar to the composition of human lymph and blood, which enhances the effect. But, you can breathe while immersed in the waters of a river, lake or, in the absence of those at hand, a bath or pool. In the case of an open body of water or a large pool, it is a good idea to have an observer or observers keep the breather's body afloat. Of course, in an ordinary bathroom there are no options other than lying on the bottom.

The duration of breathing for someone who breathes in water for the first time is 10-20 minutes. Even if he has been rebirthing for a long time, surprises are possible with water rebirthing. In the classic version, it is desirable that the water temperature be close to body temperature. IN natural body of water comply temperature regime, of course, impossible. It is simply advisable to conduct classes in warm weather and water.

There are options for breathing in very cold or very cold hot water. Both of them are risky and therefore suitable only for those who are physically able to withstand it. In both cases, there is a heavy load on the heart and blood vessels. At cold water The duration of breathing should be very short, 5-10 minutes, depending on the temperature of the water and the health of the person breathing.

Water rebirthing is also practiced by breathing through a tube and immersing your head in water. There are many different extreme techniques. They undoubtedly have the right to exist. But the percentage of those who are able to use them is small, and those who understand why they need it are even smaller. Therefore, there is hardly any point in delving into this topic.


- I don’t like the way Luciano Pavarotti sings.It’s fake, and even burrs a lot!

-Where did you hear him?

- Yes, my neighbor Moishe sang to me...

Over the years of my own rebirthing practice (and this is already more than 20 years), I have encountered the fact that very few people are familiar with real rebirthing. Some people are familiar with this word, but they do not represent the essence of rebirthing. But, perhaps, even sadder were the situations when people understood rebirthing as something that was completely not them.

I remember the amazed eyes of Leonard Orr, the creator of Rebirthing. In 2003, he came to Moscow for the first time at our invitation. We translated for him a description of “rebirthing” from a website of some Moscow center. "How can it be?- he said. - This is not rebirthing at all! Why do they use my name for their own? breathing exercises?!» We were unable to answer his question because these people were not interested in meeting Leonard Orr personally and learning (or even improving) the practice of rebirthing first-hand.

Breathmaster Dan Brule teaching rebirthing at his seminars, he constantly makes a reservation that he prefers not to use this term himself. The fact is that the amazing effectiveness of this technique caused such a rapid explosion of its popularity in the very first years after its promulgation in the 70s of the twentieth century in the USA that the term “Rebirthing” became a kind of guarantee of attracting clients. However, many began to bring something of their own to the technique, and, alas, often changed it beyond recognition! Dan Brule says: “Under the name “Rebirthing” they began to do sometimes very dangerous things. And some colleagues and I decided that I didn’t want my name to be associated with this word.”.

Myth 1. A person in the USA died from rebirthing.

Of course, in the United States, the tragic story of the death of one 10-year-old girl, who was presented in the media as “a death during the practice of rebirthing,” “added fuel to the fire.” This is the reason that rebirthing is officially prohibited by the laws of one state in the United States. However... even in this case, the same “neighbor Moishe” sang the word “rebirthing”. The fact is that for the English language this word is quite common, and it is translated as “rebirth” or “new birth”. Beautiful name for almost any transformation technology, isn’t it? And this term began to be used to describe certain psychotherapeutic methods of working with clients that were not at all related to Leonard Orr’s research in the field of breathing. In particular, the “New Birth” (“Rebirthing” technique on English language!), which consisted of completely swaddling her, practically tying her up with sheets, then pressing her with pillows, and demanding that she free herself - this, according to psychologists, imitated the experience of birth - moving through the birth canal. They squeezed the girl so tightly with pillows that she suffocated and died.

As you understand, it has nothing to do with skill energy breathing this case did not. Leonadra Orr himself no longer simply says “Rebirthing”, but constantly uses the “Rebirthing Breathwork” add-on.

So, when I started working several years ago to create a Center for Conscious Breathing, aimed at a Russian-speaking audience, I discovered that it was impossible to find a clear definition of what “Rebirthing” is. I want everyone to be very clear about this wonderful and safe technology, so that any person can clearly understand: he is (or has been) engaged in rebirthing or something else.

Rebirthing- a technique of working with breathing, practiced in separate “breathing sessions”, during which a process of energy movement occurs, triggering an “energy cycle” - activation of suppressed blocks, their release and integration of a new state:

  • breath should be coherent (circular), active inhalation and relaxed exhalation;
  • body is in a state of maximum relaxation;
  • consciousness is preserved, does not turn off, but operates in the mode of awareness - a neutral observer of thoughts, emotions and body sensations.

Myth 1. Rebirthing creates a trance state.

Myth 3: Rebirthing requires supervision from another person.

Let's remember the definition: rebirthing is the practice of conscious, intuitive, connected energetic breathing. Mindfulness is a skill that is practiced by the individual. Intuition is also a quality inherent in man himself. Breathing is also an action performed by the person himself. The goal of teaching rebirthing is to convey to each person the most important “keys” to your own breathing, to teach you how to control your breathing so that you can independently use the power and potential of the energy of breathing. Since the practice is performed under the condition of physical relaxation, it is not trance-like, but on the contrary requires maintaining full awareness, and in the basic training course the breather is taught to regulate various breathing parameters in order to independently control the breathing process - such a practice does not pose any danger. We, as specialists in rebirthing, following Leonard Orr, its creator, really hope that you will master this wonderful way of using the energy of your own breath and will engage in this practice yourself.

You can compare learning to rebirth with learning to drive a car: at first you drive with an instructor, but as you develop your own skills, at a certain point you feel ready to drive a car on your own.

It can be noted that breathing practice with an instructor involves a lot important qualities and opportunities for the breather, due to which even experienced practitioners still continue to come to classes with the instructor: this is the very fact of the presence of another person for you, attention to your every breath, support with a word or advice before or after a breathing session (and sometimes during breathing session), observation of relaxation (being inside the process, it can be difficult to objectively assess your relaxation). This can be compared to a massage (you can massage yourself, but it’s still more pleasant when another person does the massage) or to going to a bathhouse (you can steam yourself with a broom, but it’s still more pleasant when someone else does it).

However, self-rebirthing skills are acquired by every person who has undergone basic course training, and supervision by another is optional.

Myth 4. Rebirthing requires music.

The practice of rebirthing does not require musical accompaniment. Wonderful activities are held outdoors, in the forest, on the seashore. You can take a rebirthing breathing session in any room where you need it.

However, many people find musical accompaniment of a breathing session very useful, inspiring and allows the process to take place at its greatest depth. Since rebirthing is aimed at developing personal breathing mastery, you can decide this issue at your own discretion. The main thing is that there should not be a rigid dependence “you only need to breathe to the music.” A master of breathing controls the entire range and does not need external “crutches.”

Myth 5: Rebirthing requires deep, rapid breathing.

Rebirthing does not require deep, rapid breathing. The main task of the breather is to learn fine control of all parameters of his breathing in order to independently manage the energy process. There are people for whom deep rapid breathing is excessively intense, they have to be limited and stopped so that they do not accelerate. When learning rebirthing, it is useful for any person to practice going through a breathing session through soft and thin, slow and shallow breathing.

Myth 6: Rebirthing can cause hyperventilation.

Hyperventilation is an increased (or excessive) volume of air passing through the lungs. In itself, this does not mean anything, and in some cases it is even performed on purpose - for example, by scuba divers to obtain the beneficial effect of oxygen supply. However, if you are not a scuba diver before diving, then pay attention to the fact that in rebirthing you do not need to breathe “a lot”, you do not need to breathe “deeply”, you do not need to breathe “fast”. The most important thing you need to do with your breathing is to remove pauses from it, connect inhalations and exhalations. However, even if you breathe “more” (that is, formally begin “hyperventilation”), this also does not mean anything bad in itself. As you practice rebirthing, you will experience different sensations in your body. This is part of the process, you increase your awareness and your sensitivity on the one hand, and the energy of the breath, like a magnifying glass, increases the visibility of any sensations. While beginners do not have sufficient skill to control all 7 parameters of their own breathing at the same time, discomfort may occur at first. Even the novelty and unusualness of sensations can cause discomfort in some people. But since classical rebirthing is performed with the obligatory relaxation of the body, preservation of consciousness, and training is carried out with an instructor, there are dangers or negative consequences cannot arise from this. In any case, you should understand the essence of hyperventilation: doctors define it as “effort syndrome.” If you put excessive effort into your breathing where it is not required, then you can create discomfort for yourself. Most often this happens in the first classes, and especially among those who find it difficult to relax, allow, let go, accept - for such people, the exhalation phase is performed without the necessary relaxation. But since breathing is a physical action, it can be trained. Therefore, after a few lessons, absolutely any person who begins to study rebirthing will already master this skill of balancing work on inhalation and relaxation on exhalation - and is freed from any manifestations of hyperventilation. And hyperventilation is dangerous if it suddenly starts on its own, not during rebirthing, but at some other time during your day. That's when you should worry.

Myth 7. 5 principles of rebirthing were formulated by Jim Leonard and Phil Lauth.

Jim Leonard was trained in rebirthing by Leonard Orr, and decided to improve the practice with some personal additions to it. As the practice began to differ from classical rebirthing, he began to look for a new name for it. For some time his breathing technique was called “Integrative Rebirthing.” And over time, he gave her a new beautiful name, “Vision”. With his friend and colleague Phil Lauth, Jim Leonard began to promote his breathing technique (in particular, he wrote the book “Rebirthing or how to know and use the fullness of life.” Translated from English - St. Petersburg: TF "IKAM", 1993, - 192 p. “In it he formulated 5 elements of his practice:

  1. Connected Breathing
  2. Complete relaxation
  3. Attention to detail
  4. Integration in joy
  5. Trust the process

However, since this practice was then called "integrative rebirthing", these principles began to be cited in relation to Leonard Orr's "rebirthing". In fact, these principles (also often referred to as “elements”) describe the essence of the “Vaivation” practice, however, in general terms, they are quite applicable to “Rebirthing” and do not contradict it.

Mindful breathing practices around the world have proven effective in the following areas:

  • Health: breathing as a way of self-healing.
  • Emotions: relief from stress, emotional harmonization.
  • Inner harmony: contact with yourself, better understanding of yourself, self-acceptance, self-love.
  • Relationships: interaction with other people and the outside world, acceptance of oneself and others, understanding needs, understanding limitations, compassion, giving away from overflow.
  • Creation: Frequent results of rebirthing include creative insights, new ideas, inspiration, and the strength to pursue those new ideas.
  • Success: awareness of one's value and uniqueness, getting rid of limiting thoughts, the ability to see existing opportunities and use them in harmony between your needs and the interests of other people.
  • Spirituality: development and deepening of the spiritual principle, which extends throughout your life.

Rebirthing - what is it? This term refers to a special breathing technique, which promotes a certain spiritual transformation. The process is part of a whole philosophical teaching aimed at freeing energy and unifying the human body and mind.


The term "rebirthing" - what is it? Translated from English, this word means “rebirth.” This practice is aimed at freeing a person from various negative consequences of his past experiences, as well as redirecting his energy, which leads to harmony and restoration of living space.

The founder of this technique is Leonard Orr, who used his knowledge and experience in using a variety of oriental techniques for this purpose. According to this practice, each person can remember and relive his birth. This is the foundation on which rebirthing is built. Reviews from followers of this technique claim that memories of birth reveal in a person huge potential vitality and energy. It helps the individual to change and be more free, joyful and effective in his daily activities. Spiritual development is another term sometimes used to describe rebirthing. What it is? In this case, technology is understood as absolutely new life for a person, as he begins to feel the space around him, as well as the energy of everything that surrounds him.

History of appearance

This technique first appeared in the 70s of the twentieth century in the USA. Reliving birth again was basic rebirthing. The technique foresaw the liberation of a person from birth trauma, which prevented him from living normally and stored negative information that left an imprint on all his actions. This is a very powerful and effective therapeutic effect. Breathing techniques help to free yourself from negative experiences received at birth.

Rebirthing at its present stage provides for the possibility of getting rid of any type of negativity, and not just the one that was received by a person at the time of his birth. This is facilitated by proper breathing.

Regarding the effectiveness of the technique, there are different views on rebirthing. Reviews, negative and positive, come from both adherents of this technology and specialists in other fields. These ideas are criticized by doctors and psychologists, and some psychiatrists generally consider it dangerous, since the method can lead to In any case, to date there are no clinical studies that confirm or refute the effectiveness of this technique.

Advantages of the method

Despite conflicting data, adherents of the technology insist on positive aspects, which rebirthing has. Reviews claim that this technique has the following advantages:

  • Relieves stress and depression.
  • Frees the body from muscle tension.
  • Removes various psychological and emotional blocks.
  • Reveals human potential.
  • Expands the possibilities of self-knowledge.
  • Strengthens health.
  • Allows you to gain a clear life position.
  • Increases immunity.

In addition, this technique also allows you to concentrate on positive things and not focus on problems and failures.

Features of the method

According to supporters of this technique, rebirthing allows you to reveal, find and recognize a person’s secret complexes that are located in his subconscious. Most often we are talking about various mental and psychological trauma, suppressed desires and experiences, wrong actions, regrets, etc. Getting rid of this burden is what rebirthing sets itself. Technology leads to harmony inner world a person, and also opens for him the path to recovery on a physical and mental level.

The more internal blocks and suppressed experiences a person has, the more of her vital energy is spent on this. Rebirthing frees up these resources and redirects them in a more positive and active direction.

Self help

This technique assumes that the process is carried out from the inside, without the involvement of outsiders. Self-help and rebirthing - what is it? In order to this process was effective, the person must gain certain knowledge regarding his mind, emotions and body. This will allow you to understand what it is - the subconscious, and what exactly it contains.

Conscious identification of foci negative energy and awareness of one’s problems brings a person a sense of activity and responsibility for oneself. Technology gives additional features for body and mind. In particular, it helps to understand yourself and achieve a state of happiness and harmony.

Features of the technology

In order to master this technique, you need to conduct several sessions under the guidance of experienced craftsman, and then continue to study on your own. This is an advantage that rebirthing has. The execution technique includes the following constituent elements:

  • Associated breathing of a cyclic nature.
  • Relaxation at the muscular and mental level.
  • Increased attention to detail and the overall picture of what is happening around.
  • The transition from negativity to positivity in everything, regardless of the context of the situation.
  • Complete trust in the rebirthing process.

Parallel adherence to these components allows you to achieve maximum effect for body and mind.

Breathing Features

Rebirthing has several components. The main role here is given to breathing. It is responsible for the release of energy and the connection between body and mind. The technique involves the use of four types of breathing:

  • Deep and slow. This option used for introduction to the technique. At the same time, the body relaxes, and all negative and unpleasant sensations are neutralized.
  • Deep and frequent. The basis of rebirthing. Used to access the subconscious. The emphasis is on naturalness and spontaneity.
  • Fast and superficial. Used to break negative feelings into pieces. Particularly effective in extreme situations.
  • Superficial and slow. Used to exit rebirthing.

Each type has its own characteristics and requires certain practice. The process is facilitated by properly selected music.

Holotropic Breathwork

The entire rebirthing technique is partly based on the holotropic breathing method. It was developed by Grof as a way to penetrate the subconscious as quickly as possible. Holotropic breathing and rebirthing still have some differences. Considering the seriousness of penetration into the subconscious, supporters of the first method believe that all sessions should be carried out gradually and only under the supervision of specialists. In addition, before this, a person must obtain the appropriate theoretical knowledge, which will prepare him for the immersion process. The rebirthing method is more independent and is used without the need to involve additional specialists. This is what often becomes the new criticism of technology.

Rebirthing is a special breathing technique aimed at releasing energy and searching for impulses for positive changes. The technique involves the use of special breathing, as well as certain rules implementation of practice.