Recipe for whitening kitchen towels with sunflower oil. How to bleach and wash kitchen towels at home: methods, secrets, best recipes

Many things are simply irreplaceable for us, for example, kitchen towels, which are an important attribute of the kitchen of any successful housewife. They are used in almost all work processes, so they get dirty quite quickly, drops of fat, food, and drinks appear on them. In addition, from prolonged use, towels begin to turn gray.

To restore the cleanliness of kitchen towels, they should be washed and bleached. In this article we will try to tell you in detail how to bleach kitchen towels using commercially available products, and how to carry out all the work at home efficiently to obtain an optimal result.

Fresh kitchen towel

General points

You can effectively bleach your towels at home different ways, countless of them have been developed. Sometimes the most incredible substances are used as bleach, such as vegetable oil, mustard, salt or potassium permanganate. You can’t do without boiling with soap or washing powder.

But all these methods are necessary when the towels are already washed, gray or dirty, and in order not to bring them to this state, you can follow certain recommendations:

  • Try to have a large number of towels in your arsenal so that you can quickly change them without letting them get into a terrible state.
  • It is best to use waffle towels in the kitchen, since they take longer to get dirty and are easier to wash than terry towels, which are more suitable for the bathroom, for example, as bath accessories.
  • To restore the former whiteness of white towels from natural materials, you can bleach by boiling with various folk or household remedies. Such work can be done at home.
  • Ironing and steaming not only straightens the fabric, but also to some extent protects it from contamination.
  • Boiling for bleaching must be done with clean, pre-washed towels. It is not recommended to boil dirty material, since the dirt can become welded to the fabric, and then you will no longer be able to remove it.
  • Colored towels with various designs and images cannot be boiled; normal washing at a temperature no higher than 30-40°C is enough for them. To remove stains, you should use special powders, oxygen bleaches, and available products.

Drying washed kitchen towels

By following these recommendations, you can extend the life of your towels and keep them longer. long time clean. Well, when the time comes, you can easily bleach them. When studying the question of how to bleach kitchen towels, you should consider the most popular folk methods.

Hydrogen peroxide

To restore your kitchen textiles to their former cleanliness and freshness, you can use hydrogen peroxide. This composition is present in the arsenal of every housewife, as it is an excellent disinfectant and prophylactic for use at home.

Peroxide is sold in pharmacies, where you can also buy ammonia-based ammonia, which we will also need in this method. In addition, this composition is always useful in the household, for example, for washing and wiping floors.

We perform whitening at home with these drugs according to the following scheme:

  1. First of all, the towels should be washed, because, as we have already said, dirty things cannot be bleached.
  2. Then you need to create a bleaching composition, for which we heat the water in the container to approximately 70-80°C degrees. For every 2-3 liters hot water pour 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, and at the end add another 1 tablespoon of ammonia to the entire composition.
  3. Place kitchen towels into the resulting solution and leave them to marinate for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Then we remove the textiles and rinse them thoroughly in clean water. We repeat the procedure a couple of times until the bleaching composition based on hydrogen peroxide and ammonia is completely washed off. Now our white towels can be dried and reused.

In some cases, substances are used for bleaching that seemingly cannot give the effect of whiteness.

Potassium permangantsovka

Many housewives successfully use potassium permanganate as a bleach. It is very good that when using this product you do not need to boil for a long time. The technique looks like this:

Whitening with pink solution

  • First of all, you should make a whitening composition. To do this, you need to rub a little laundry soap, add a little water and literally a few drops of manganese solution.
  • In order for the bleaching properties of the mixture to be activated, it is necessary to pour boiling water over it, stir the pink liquid, and then load the laundry.
  • It is best to cover the bucket or tank with a lid and leave your kitchen utensils soak overnight until the water cools completely. Then they should be removed from the container and rinsed thoroughly under running water.
  • At the end we get a clean and bleached towel, which can be dried, ironed and used for its intended purpose.

A solution of manganese is a fairly strong oxidizing agent, which allows you not only to bleach things, but also to disinfect them. This method perfectly bleaches and disinfects not only waffle towels, but also terry towels.

Vegetable oil and other products

Enough unusual recipe, which is very popular among the people, whitening vegetable oil:

  • The first thing you need to do is prepare suitable mixture cleaning products, consisting of: 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of dry bleach, 2-3 tablespoons washing powder, 5 liters of water at room temperature.
  • You should immerse your terry and waffle kitchen towels in this composition and leave them to soak for 2-3 hours.
  • Then wash and rinse until all cleaning agents are removed.

It is noteworthy that such detergents can not only whiten fabric, but also remove even old stains of dirt from it. In this case, boiling the fabric is not used, and a minimal amount of effort is required.

You can soak your towels in salt water. Salt is poured proportionally, approximately 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Then everything is thoroughly mixed and the laundry is loaded. Soak for 2-3 hours, after which you can proceed to washing and rinsing as usual.

A good solution would be to use dishwashing detergent, which will perfectly remove greasy deposits from fabrics. In this case, 10-15 minutes of soaking in a similar composition is enough to remove all stains and refresh the material. It will not be superfluous to drop a couple of drops of ammonia into the solution.

Soaking white towels in soapy water

It is permissible to use table mustard, or rather dry powder, which should be poured into heated water. After stirring the composition, you need to give it time to brew. Should be used for whitening muddy water, and not sediment, so it is recommended to drain it into a separate container and simply pour out the remaining powder.

Marinate towels in this mustard water for 3-4 hours. During this time, the active components found in mustard will be able to degrease and bleach the fabric. In principle, it is not even necessary to wash them afterwards, but just rinse them well.

However, not only sunflower oil, mustard and salt can whiten towels without special effort, at home it is permissible to use modern technology.

Washing machine

You can perform whitening using a modern home household appliances. For example, a washing machine can be trusted not only to do laundry, but also to carry out similar works. This is done very simply:

  1. We select only white towels and load all textiles into the washing machine.
  2. Pour good washing powder and oxygen bleach into a special container. Required amount The products can be specified on the packaging. Which manufacturer of bleach to choose is up to you; you will need to try several brands and settle on the most suitable one. Chlorine bleach in washing machine you can't fall asleep.
  3. On the device panel, set the pre-wash mode, high temperature from 70-80°C degrees, and start the machine.

After such mechanical and temperature treatment, each of your towels will come out bleached and clean. The most important thing is to use high-quality washing powder and decent bleach to restore the fabric to its former cleanliness.


Boiling is the most radical treatment of fabric, so not all materials can withstand this process. You can boil waffle towels made of cotton fabric, white linen products, but terry options cannot be bleached in this way. For terry, only soaking and washing with bleach are used.

Classic kitchen towels

The boiling procedure is as follows:

  • Before boiling, towels should be washed to remove dirt from them.
  • Then select a suitable large container, for example, an enamel bucket, into which you pour water and add bleach. The proportion is usually as follows: 1 tablespoon of bleaching powder and 2-3 washing powder per 5 liters of water. Instead of washing powder, you can rub laundry soap.
  • To stir the textiles during cooking, we need a wooden stick or tongs.
  • When all the ingredients of the composition are poured in, you can turn on the heat and start boiling. Load things and bring the composition to the desired temperature. Boiling should be carried out for about an hour, during which time it is necessary to closely monitor the amount of water, adding if necessary, and stir the laundry.
  • Once boiling is complete, let the water cool slightly before taking out your towels and taking them into the bathtub for rinsing.
  • After rinsing, all that remains is to dry them and iron them.

By bleaching your kitchen towels from time to time, you can always keep them fresh and tidy, which, coupled with regular cleaning in the kitchen, will allow you to create perfect order and the cleanliness of this room. Finally, we note that no special difficulties were noticed with carrying out this kind of work.

Any housewife who keeps the hearth in the kitchen uses a kitchen towel, but the time comes that you need to wash the towel after a long time of use, and then many face a problem due to large quantity absorbing stains that are difficult to remove, for example, something was spilled, splashed accidentally, smeared, etc.

In addition, many methods have been proposed for bleaching kitchen towels, which you should familiarize yourself with in more detail.

How to whiten kitchen towels - folk remedies

Nowadays, you can buy a variety of bleaching agents to remove stains from any fabric. No one has also canceled whitening with the production of folk remedies from grandma.

By and large, many people use people's councils and as a rule, such products work one hundred percent better than regular branded bleaches for kitchen towels. If you decide, you can find out the methods here.

Let's consider traditional methods at home, which our ancestors offer:

1 Method

Every apartment or house will have this product; there will be enough of it to whiten:

  • Soda ash (1 tablespoon);
  • Bleach (2 tablespoons);
  • Table salt (2 tablespoons);
  • Regular laundry detergent (1 cup);
  • Vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).

Pour water into a bucket and place on a gas stove, bring to a boil, dissolving all the above components at the same time. Carefully place the kitchen towels into the bucket of mixed ingredients and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes. , discussed in detail here.

After this, you need to wait until the water cools down a little and you can start rinsing the towel. Or you can do the same thing, add water, ingredients and towels that you want to wash into a bucket, and not boil, but just soak for a day.

2 Method

You can also make your own bleach at home.

For 10 liters of water, preferably not very hot, add powdered bleach (500g) and soda ash, about 500g.

Use gloves for this procedure so that the solution does not corrode the skin of your hands. Use the solution after only 2 days. Before use, be sure to get rid of water-insoluble impurities by straining the solution through cheesecloth.

Pour the resulting mixture into a glass jar, and use the remaining sediment to clean the bathroom.

3 Method

Potassium permanganate is dissolved with 10 liters of boiled water, however, the water should acquire a slightly pinkish color. Add 200g of washing powder to this and immerse the already rinsed towels.

You can cover the bucket with a plastic bag and wait for the water in it to cool completely, then take out a towel and rinse it well without adding any other products.

4 Method

Add mustard powder to boiled water and wait until the mixture is infused; this method does not require sediment, but the liquid itself. Soak the towel in this solution for three hours, then rinse.

5 Method

Stains on a towel are washed out laundry soap and leave to soak for more than five hours in soapy water with the addition of 2 spoons boric acid.

Submerge the towel or linen completely in water. After this, you can wash the towel in a washing machine with rinse. When it's time to do the laundry kitchen curtains, you can find out here.

6 Method

Efficient and effective way for removing difficult to remove stains on towels. The stain, if it is fresh, can be sprinkled with rock salt; in the case of a dried stain, moisten it before the process.

Soak the laundry with salt (3 tablespoons per 3 liters of water) for about an hour and then throw it into the washing machine with the selected high temperature. Before washing in the machine, be sure to rinse the laundry in the basin, as remaining salt can adversely affect the operation of the washing machine.

Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil

In order to wash dirty towels, you have to sweat a lot, since sometimes one wash is not enough.

Therefore, it is necessary to take global measures:

  • Previously we considered this method with vegetable oil. Here you just need to add 2 tbsp to the water. We put spoons of powdered bleach, also vegetable oil and half a glass of washing powder on high heat and throw towels there. Bring to a boil and turn off to let cool completely. Take it out and rinse.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of soda, washing powder, vegetable oil, and bleach to boiling water. Soak for a day and wash in the machine, selecting the quick wash mode.

Stories from our readers!
“My sister gave me this cleaning product when she found out that I was going to clean the barbecue and wrought-iron gazebo at the dacha. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The product allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

Special chemical bleaches for towels

Terry towels can be easily washed using detergent for kitchen. Pour warm water into a bowl and dilute two tablespoons of Fairy detergent or another, soak the towel for about 4 hours.

Be sure to rinse in clean water so that any remaining product leaves the textile completely. Make sure that the terry towel that has already been processed is subjected to the standard method in the washing machine.

When washing, the temperature should not be set to more than 45 degrees, the rotation speed should not exceed more than 900 rps.

All kinds of gels can remove stains from different fabrics.

This is not always considered reasonable, chemicals do not guarantee 100% results. In fact, along with the stain that appeared, from household chemicals You can ruin the color and fabric of the towel.

You should not spend money on expensive household chemicals, which contain a small number of words familiar to you. Ordinary folk remedies can cope quite well, and they can remove any contaminants - it’s cheap, easy and harmless.

How to remove stains from kitchen towels?

It is impossible to avoid stains on kitchen towels, so many hearth keepers are looking for proven products for quick disposal from stains, returning the towel to its original appearance. Next, let's look at what is the secret to removing stains?

Many products in the kitchen contribute to soiling your towels and are distinguished by the fact that they remain various traces on fabric.

Measures to remove various stains on towels:

  • Any hair shampoo can get rid of the fruit. Apply shampoo to the stain and wash in boiled water.
  • Ammonia, or ammonia, is another name for removing ammonia from coffee or tea. Also rub the stain with ammonia and wash.
  • It is advisable to start washing off red wine immediately. Add water to table salt, you should get a paste, and gradually rub the stain with it. Before washing, leave the towel to soak for a couple of hours.
  • Tomato removes salt well. Salt (1 tbsp) is diluted with water (1 l), the towel is soaked in this solution for an hour and then begin washing.
  • Citric acid will get rid of berries (cherries, currants) and even beets. The stain on the towel should first be wetted and added citric acid, leave it all for five minutes and you can rinse.
  • Vinegar will help prevent mold. Soak in water and add vinegar, then rinse after a couple of minutes.
  • Traces that appear for unknown reasons and are unknown to you will be removed by hydrogen peroxide. Dampen the dirty area and put it in the wash after 30 minutes.

Removing greasy stains

There are often problems with excretion greasy stains. To prevent oily marks from becoming problematic, many resort to constant replacement of towels at least once every three days. Then there is no need to soak them before washing.

It is enough to throw the towels into the machine and wash them with regular powder on a suitable cycle and without additional additives.

Any stains must be dealt with so that you don’t have to constantly change even the most beautiful towels. The methods that are proposed are effective and simple.

To remove stubborn stains, even if they are old ones, there are products that everyone can use:

  • Vinegar– dilute with water, preferably warm, put a towel in there and leave for about two hours, then wash.
  • Laundry soap– Rub the soap onto the stain and moisten it with a little water. Place the towel in a plastic bag and close it so that air does not penetrate there. Leave it like this for one day, then remove it and rinse well.
  • Baking soda Suitable for washing dishes and will help rid the towel of stains. For three liters of water, add three tablespoons of soda and the same amount of detergent. The towel should be soaked for an hour. Then wash it.

Features of washing terry towels

It is very important to maintain the quality of the textile towels. You should carefully select a detergent, bypassing the rows of laundry detergents and select gels that will not spoil the terry and will not contribute to the stiffness of the fabric.

When using the powder, you should take into account the rinsing process, since it should occur no more than three times; before drying, be sure to shake the terry towel.

Ammonia (ammonia) and laundry soap are best. Even if these products did not help, then the stain, except for clean areas, can be carefully rubbed with a stain remover (“Antipyatin”, “Boss”, etc.). After this, immediately begin rinsing the towel in clean water.

You can not rinse manually, but use an automatic machine. Keep in mind that you should not overload the machine with excess, leave free space, set the temperature at 60 degrees in medium mode. Add a conditioner that contains silicone to make the fabric softer.

  • It is recommended to change towels twice a week to prevent them from getting dirty.
  • Kitchen towels must be ironed after each wash. This way they will not only look beautiful, but also be less dirty.
  • Add starch to water.
  • Wash immediately after the towel gets dirty.
  • For dishes, gas stove and use different towels for your hands.
  • Do not use terry towels; they most often absorb dirt quickly and take a long time to dry; they are even considered ideal for fungi and bacteria.
  • Wash white and colored items separately to prevent staining.
  • Do not store wet items in the washing machine for too long, otherwise they may acquire a musty smell.
  • It is recommended to dry washed towels on fresh air. sunlight- This is a good bleach.
  • Save on buying an expensive air conditioner and use a folk remedy.
  • Waffle towels are the most suitable choice for your kitchen.

By following advice from housewives, you will not be able to expose heavy pollution kitchen towels, then you won’t have to buy new ones over and over again or painstakingly wash the old ones. Use disposable wipes to keep your towels clean.

We'll consider various methods, from traditional to vintage, we'll discuss popular store-bought whiteners and you'll be sure to choose something that's good for you!

How to bleach kitchen towels without chemicals?

You won’t be able to cope completely without chemicals, but if you use the options described below, then you will at least know what you used and how dangerous this substance can be.

But there are a couple of recipes that are completely eco-friendly, which are already a hundred years old, and they are still quite effective. There is no point in describing them, since everything is extremely clear.

The first of them is bleaching the fabric in the bright sun.. I washed it and hung it outside, wetting the cloth with water several times as it dried, since ultraviolet radiation only affects a damp surface. This should help!

In the old days, in general, for lack of anything else, the sun was the first assistant of women. With its help, they acquired fashionable freckles and even lightened their hair. Of course it's clean white It was not possible to achieve, but many Italian women, who are naturally black-haired, could boast of light red hair, the so-called “Venetian” hair. To do this, they moistened their hair with goat's milk or some kind of alkali and sat for a long time in the sun.

But, let's return to bleaching kitchen textiles.

The second elementary method is boiling towels in soapy water.

But, it helps for the time being, the fabric in any case either turns yellow or gray over time.

Let's now look at more complex recipes.

Soaking with salt for whitening

Salt is the progenitor of all modern optical brighteners (those that, without changing color, create the illusion of whiteness).

It does not spoil the structure of the fabric and its effect is noticeable before the first wash. But as a quick and easy method when nothing else is at hand, salt rinsing has its place.

In order to whiten kitchen towels with its help, you must first wash well and then soak in this solution:

  • Salt – 3 tablespoons
  • Water – 5 liters

You can keep it in salt for a short time, and after that you need to lightly rinse the fabric in clean water. After drying, it will become a little harsh to the touch and noticeably lighter.

Bleaching using boiling, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

But this method is much more effective. It was very popular in the USSR, during times of total shortage. However, it was not only used by the housewives of that time.

They used everything that could be used for whitening and all the recipes described below also come from those times.

So what do you need for whitening? ammonia and peroxide?

  • 1 tablespoon of ammonia
  • 5 liters of water

Dilute the ingredients in hot water, immerse towels in it and boil. Then cool and rinse them with cool, clean water.

Boiling with bleach (bleach)

This lime doesn’t smell very good, it’s just bleach, but it bleaches pretty well.

If suddenly you don’t have ready-made “Whiteness” on hand, then whitewash lime is quite capable of replacing it.

The solution is made like this:

  • 100 grams of bleach
  • 1 liter of water
  • Mix the liquid well
  • Dip towels in it and boil for a while
  • You don’t have to boil it, but just keep the fabric in the solution for a while

Be sure to rinse your laundry thoroughly after the procedure, at least twice, changing the water.

Boiling with silicate glue

If you manage to get such an ingredient, or you happen to have it lying around (and not dry!), then you can bleach the towels like this:

  • 2 tablespoons silicate glue
  • 5 liters of water

Dissolve the glue completely and boil kitchen textiles in this substance. Then you need to rinse the towels very well, otherwise they will feel hard and slippery to the touch.

Bleaching with pine turpentine

Pine turpentine can be purchased at a pharmacy. The solution is:

  • 3 tablespoons turpentine
  • 3 liters of water

We soak the towels for 7-8 hours, that is, overnight, and rinse thoroughly in the morning. It is better to dry in the sun.

It is not known exactly what helps here more: turpentine or the sun? Or maybe it’s just the placebo effect? This may be true, of course.

Bleaching with hydroperite

Hydroperite whitens not only hair, but also fabric. Moreover, the brightening effect is quite noticeable. To prepare the working solution you need:

  • 5 tablets of hydroperite
  • 5 liters of water

You can soak your laundry in it overnight, or you can boil it, which will further enhance the effect. Then be sure to rinse the towels well under running water.

The method, of course, is quite impractical in our time, since a pack of ready-made bleach will cost less, and the result will be better.

Whitening with aspirin (or lemon juice or vinegar)

And here comes the acid. Take what you have at hand, the result will be approximately the same: barely noticeable, but warming the soul with its environmental friendliness. You will need:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 5 aspirin tablets
  • Or juice of 1 lemon
  • Or 3 tablespoons vinegar

Soak the fabric in the solution overnight and rinse thoroughly in the morning.

Bleach towels using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Here too, you can boil it in the solution and just soak it. Take these components:

  • 3 tablespoons soda
  • 3 liters of water
  • 2 tablespoons 3% hydrogen peroxide

Stir and apply!

Which store-bought product whitens best?

Now let's talk about what store products there are which of them are the most effective and which are the least toxic.


Everyone is familiar with Belizna, even those who have never bought it. It is used not only for washing, but also for disinfection, and since this product is still the cheapest and most effective, all public toilets are saturated with its smell.

If you are not bothered by this after-effect, then you can safely use “Whiteness” for towels. Only after use will you need to rinse the fabric well, preferably with the addition of some kind of scented conditioner.

As for toxicity, this bleach is safe and there is nothing particularly harmful to the body in its composition. But it can damage the fabric if you exceed the recommended rate and soaking time.

Also remember that It’s not worth boiling using “Whiteness”, as the threads will become too fragile.

Optical brighteners

Nowadays, almost no powder for white linen can do without them. They act not as a bleach, but as a decoy, simply creating the illusion of a snow-white glow.

This is why it turns out that after you change one powder to another, your laundry suddenly takes on a grayish tone.

The paint remaining in the fibers after the previous wash is simply washed out, that’s all. And the fabric becomes exactly the same color as it was, you just didn’t notice it.

These dyes are luminescent, that is, capable of absorbing ultraviolet radiation and turning these invisible rays into visible ones, that is, longer ones and lying in the violet and blue parts of the solar spectrum.

And, if the first optical brightener was salt, then the second, for sure, was ordinary bluing! Zelenka and potassium permanganate have the same effect. These colors simply absorb yellowness and break the beam. In a word, the dexterity of physics and no fraud.

It is impossible to say unequivocally about the harmfulness. After all, now they don’t add blue to powders, but anything else. And what the effect of these substances on the body is has not yet been properly studied.

Moreover, the exact composition of the powder is not always known. But in any case, you are only washing kitchen towels, not bedding for the baby, so you can safely use them, there will be no harm.

Oxygen bleaches

The composition of such bleaches necessarily includes sodium percarbonate, a fairly harmless substance that, when interacting with water, breaks down into soda and oxygen.

And the whitening effect occurs due to the fact that air bubbles simply push out old dirt from the fibers. That is, this is not bleaching as such, but a thorough washing.

But, if optical impurities are added to these components, then they can leave a whitish tint on colored linen.

And as with optical brighteners, you can never be sure of the composition and your own reaction to the ingredients. If you are allergic, you may or may not have a reaction.

So, before you buy a product, carefully look at its composition and read explanations of incomprehensible words on the Internet, and only after that - instructions on how to bleach towels or other linen and how economically profitable this composition is. After all, health is more important than anything!

Many housewives have heard that you can restore the original appearance of kitchen towels using sunflower oil and without traditional boiling. After reading about this method, people are interested in how to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil and whether this technique is really effective. Yes, it is effective, and proof of this is 5 proven and working methods.

A good housewife - snow-white towels in the kitchen

A little about the effectiveness of the method

It would seem that vegetable oil can only contaminate kitchen towels, add new stains to them, and not bleach them. But, probably, many have heard the old truth: “Like conquers like,” and it becomes possible to fight fats on tissue even with the help of other fats.

Some housewives, doubting the effectiveness of the oil-powder mixture, avoided adding vegetable oils to the solution and tried to bleach without the fatty component. But then the result was unsatisfactory: old stains remained on the fabric. The vegetable oil additive softens old dirt and helps remove it.

Several different techniques

Having convinced ourselves of the effectiveness of the oil component for bleaching kitchen towels, let’s try several simple methods.

Method 1

Boil 5 liters of water and add:

  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 100-150 g of any washing powder (you can take the most inexpensive one);
  • 2 tbsp. any dry bleach.

Carefully move all the ingredients and soak dry kitchen towels in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours.

Recipe for perfectly white towels

After this, take the product out and wash it in a machine. For effective cleaning of softened dirt and bleach solution, the “quick wash” mode and intensive rinsing are sufficient. This recipe allows you to whiten even old stains and is suitable not only for white, but also for colored towels. The fabric does not fade due to the fact that the oil component softens the aggressive effect of bleach.

Method 2 – with vinegar

This recipe is a little similar to the previous one, but differs in the ingredients. It allows you to quickly whiten big batch kitchen textiles without boiling. For 15 liters of just boiled water you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. vinegar 70%;
  • 100-120 g of any washing powder;
  • bleach (can be replaced with soda) – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients until completely dissolved, soak dry kitchen towels and leave overnight. In the morning, machine wash and rinse well. This recipe is good not only for waffle towels, traditionally used in the kitchen, but also for terry ones.

Clean towels create a cozy kitchen

Method 3

Also without boiling, but, unlike the first two methods, it is necessary to put already washed items into the solution. For 10 liters of water you will need:

  • bleaching agent – ​​2 tbsp. l.;
  • washing powder – 200-250 g;
  • refined vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Done liquid composition, and washed and dried items are placed in it until they cool. After cooling, the towels only need to be rinsed well. Some people recommend soaking it overnight for better bleaching. You can do it this way, just cover the soaked laundry with a lid to enhance the effect. Overnight soaking is convenient because you don’t have to wait a certain time, but just get up in the morning, rinse off the soap, dry it and use it.

The secret to clean kitchen textiles is vegetable sunflower oil

Method 4 - the easiest

You don't even need bleach here:

  • 5 liters clean water pour into an enamel pan and put on fire.
  • When the water boils, pour ½ cup of washing powder and 1 tbsp into the pan. refined sunflower oil.
  • Mix the solution and dip the laundry into it. Leave for several hours or overnight.
  • The next day, rinse the towels in hot water and then in warm water.

This effective method with vegetable sunflower oil will help whiten kitchen napkins and towels very quickly.

Method 5 - with soda

A product based on oil and soda is suitable for busy housewives. It only takes a few minutes to prepare the plant-based bleach solution, and the results are impressive—kitchen napkins and towels look like new.

Pour 40 g of dry bleach, washing powder, soda and oil into 3 liters of warm water. Mix everything, soak the towels, and leave for at least 10 hours.

Such inexpensive products can be found in every home.

This recipe removes old stains of various origins from white and colored towels. If the items are very dirty, they can be rubbed with dark laundry soap and soaked overnight in a solution of water and a small amount of powder and bleach.

To whiten towels as effectively as possible, we recommend:

  • Add the oil component only after the other ingredients are completely dissolved in water. If this rule is not followed, the oily film will slow down the dissolution process and reduce the effectiveness of other components.
  • If you use a recipe with vinegar, it is not recommended to replace the bleach with soda: the resulting mixture will foam heavily and overflow the edge of the container.
  • Place only dry items for processing - moisture will prevent the dirt from breaking down, and the cleaning will be of poor quality.

Vegetable fat, together with other ingredients, can clean and whiten not only grease stains, but also old stains from tea, wine or coffee. Traditional boiling, which gives off a characteristic smell in the apartment, is not needed: you just need to soak it, and then wash it or just rinse, squeeze and dry.

Any housewife always wants the towels in the kitchen to be clean, fresh, and not have to be hidden or changed before guests arrive. To do this, there are several rules by which they can be bleached at home. Have you used these traditional methods also grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and the kitchen always shone with whiteness and cleanliness.

Wash with salt, vinegar, laundry soap

If there are coffee or coffee stains on the towels tomato juice, then they can be easily removed by dissolving salt in water, using 1 tablespoon per 1 liter cold water. Having done saline solution, just soak them for 1 hour and then put them in washing machine with regular powder and wash. After this they will be as good as new, without a single spot.

You can get rid of greasy stains on white and colored towels. To do this, just slightly wet them (until they look damp) and rub them with laundry soap labeled 72%. It is concentrated enough to remove any grease stains. After all the kitchen towels have been rubbed, they are placed in a plastic bag and left overnight. Then just rinse them in warm water, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Grease stains can be easily washed off with a mixture of 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon) per 1 liter of warm water. To whiten towels, simply soak them in this solution for 60 minutes before washing, and then wash them in the washing machine.

Original washing methods

It is always very difficult to wash towels so that they shine white, so some housewives use enough original way bleach them:

    liquid bleach – 1 tbsp. spoon;

    vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;

    washing powder – 1 cup;

    warm water – 5 liters.

In the first case, add all the ingredients to boiling water, stir well until completely dissolved and soak the towels until they cool completely. In the second case, after everything is mixed with water, they are stored for 3 hours. After this, just rinse them in warm water and they will be absolutely clean and fresh.

Kitchen towels can be bleached well with a solution of boric acid in soapy water. To do this, pass laundry soap through a grater into 10 liters of hot water, dissolve it, and then add 2-3 tablespoons of boric acid powder. After 2 hours, the soaked towels are washed in the machine.

In some cases, especially when there is rust on the towels, lemon juice can help. To do this, squeeze out onto each spot lemon juice, then all the towels are folded into a plastic bag and left there for 3 hours, then normal washing is done.

We use baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and mustard

At home, you can wash kitchen towels with such ordinary folk remedies, like soda, mustard and hydrogen peroxide. In order not to spend a lot of money on expensive bleaches, just remember your grandmother’s old recipes, which wash much better. They contain virtually no chemicals that cause allergies, and they are also environmentally friendly. Towels washed using this method can be seen in the photo.

A good way to bleach fabric is to use regular caustic soda. There are several ways to do this. One of them is bleaching with soda. To do this, you need to mix grated half of concentrated 72% laundry soap with caustic soda. This mixture is poured warm water, stir until completely dissolved, add used towels with stains, put on fire and boil for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse in plain water.

It often happens that no matter how much the towels are bleached, they still remain yellowish and no method can help. For this there is an old grandmother's method with hydrogen peroxide, which works almost flawlessly. You need to stir ordinary salt (5 tablespoons) in warm water (5 liters), add washing powder (0.5 cups) and mix everything with hydrogen peroxide (3 tablespoons). Soak yellowed fabrics in this solution for 5-6 hours and then wash. This method of washing with hydrogen peroxide makes it possible to get rid of the yellowness that appears if you wash towels for a long time and boil them.