Repair in loft style with your own hands. Features of loft-style houses, design solutions for projects

When thinking about the design and decoration of a home, many owners today are faced with a huge selection of options. The presence of many ideas and styles really makes you rack your brain, and there is often not enough money to realize the desired result. In this case, designers recommend choosing the “well-forgotten old”, which is rapidly coming back into fashion.

Excellent choice will be the interior design of the house in the loft style.

Features and Characteristics

This is not to say that the loft is an absolute novelty in the world of interior design. This style originated in America back in the 50s. The lack of premises and new buildings forced the creative part of the population to set up their studios right in the attic or in industrial buildings. In order to somehow give the premises a residential look, the owners went to all sorts of tricks, purchasing beautiful furniture and decorations. It was this incredible combination that gave birth to a new direction, which is recognized as one of the most fashionable today.

Loft style is a combination of negligence and subtle taste, allowing you to think through to the smallest detail how the house will look. Distinctive Features directions are, first of all, large spaces and clear geometric shapes. You won't find many here doorways and partitions, because the calling card of a “loft” is space and freedom. Additionally, it is worth noting big windows allowing natural light to flood the room.

Decorate a country house in loft style - perfect solution for a creative and unusual person. However, professionals recommend immediately paying attention to all the subtleties and thinking about the location in advance different zones in the future home. It would also be useful to take into account the size of the house - when the right approach a one-story building will also look impressive a private house, and a two-story small cottage.

Implying an abundance of space, the loft style will be appropriate in original mini-houses who confidently occupy their niche in the real estate market. Such premises are also called “domillions”, and sometimes they have 1.5 floors. Thanks to the practical layout, all areas of such a house can be used as efficiently as possible if it is decorated in a loft style. Choose simple forms without overloading the façade of the house with unnecessary details.

Frame houses are also well suited for experiments. Firstly, such a house is built very quickly, and its construction does not break the bank. Secondly, if you hire a good specialist, the house will last a long time and will delight the owner with its durability. It is worth considering that it will be impossible to redesign it, therefore, if you decide to decorate your home in the loft style, the internal layout must be done right away. A good idea would be a frame country house, perfectly suited for relaxation at any time of the year.

Little ones wooden buildings convey the characteristic features of the direction as well as possible. You can use logs to decorate the outer part, because the slightly rough and uncouth look, coupled with the correctness of the lines, instantly attracts attention. The same can be said about rooms designed in the eco-loft trend. High ceilings, extensive interior space, and the possibility of adding a second floor will satisfy even the most demanding owners.

Interior decoration

Decorating the inside of a house yourself is not a problem, and you don’t have to resort to the help of a designer. First of all, attention should be paid to effective zoning of space so that each room is as functional as possible. It must be remembered that when choosing a loft style, you cannot arrange only one room in accordance with this trend.


To this day, debate continues about how exactly to decorate the bedroom ceiling. Some designers offer beveled, uneven ceilings to enhance the resemblance to an attic space. Others like a high, flat top in cool gray or metallic tones. Both of these options look quite original, and each of them emphasizes the spirit of the direction. For walls, choose textures with artificial abrasion or decorative tiles"under the brick."

The flooring in the bedroom should also meet style standards. Rough parquet boards, gray laminate, or parquet in the color of wet asphalt will look good. When choosing a wooden covering, keep in mind that it should look as if it had aged a long time, but was later in the hands of an experienced craftsman.

The bed is the main component of the bedroom, and there is nothing wrong with purchasing a slightly fussy model. It is advisable to buy a dark bedspread, without patterns and decorative elements. You can place bedside tables next to the bed, which with their simplicity will create a bright contrast with the sleeping area. Be sure to take care of the lighting - several wall lamps or a cozy floor lamp will be just right. The interior will be complemented by modular paintings with abstract images and several small rugs with patterns.

Mirror and chrome surfaces will look good in the bedroom interior. It could be original wardrobe with mirrored doors or a metal table. Enough interesting idea will separate the bedroom from the living room using glass partition. Also, do not forget about the importance of natural light - install large windows that will not need curtains and curtains.


Country private houses are simply impossible to imagine without stylish kitchen. Its design must be practical and at the same time avant-garde. The loft direction does not imply a kitchen layout like separate room, the bar counter separating the kitchen and living room looks much more impressive. There is not much space for culinary experiments, since in this style the kitchen serves only as an “island” where you can quickly prepare food. However, you should approach its design wisely.

It is best to use red brick for wall decoration in the kitchen area. This will subsequently create a unique contrast with iridescent silver and chrome surfaces and equipment. The dishes should be modern and sparkling. The same goes for the stove and refrigerator.

The concept of style will not be violated if you prefer wood to brick. Wooden walls or surfaces need to be combined with the most fashionable new appliances and cutlery. A beautiful addition This kitchen will have glass and chrome elements. The table can be selected from either wood or glass, and chairs can be chosen to match it in style. Strict ones will look good flower pots, ultra-modern sconces, small modular paintings, blinds.


Many people often associate a loft with brick and concrete elements, but it’s worth noting right away that Warmer colors will look better in a children's room:

  • The basic component can be standard wall painting in white, beige and pastel colors. This will help visually expand the room and give it a light and airy look.
  • Be sure to take care of bright accents: a bedspread, rug, blanket, toys, paintings and photographs.
  • Boys may like red, brown, gray and blue tones, and for girls it is better to choose crimson, turquoise, pink, bright yellow colors.

Bed - another one important element children's room. Most original version– framed or made from “ metal pipes» model. Such products are equally suitable for both boys and girls. If there are two children in the room, excellent choice there will be a bunk loft bed that meets style standards. Bed linen will dilute the atmosphere if you purchase warm yellow shades Ivory, or pinkish models.

Speaking about lighting, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that many children do not like bright, blinding light.

  • Soft classic lamps or chandeliers with a minimalist theme are suitable for the loft style.
  • Look beautiful hanging chandeliers on chains with crystal pendants, as well as with built-in fans.
  • You can complement the room with cozy floor lamps or wall sconces.

Don’t forget about sufficient lighting in the play and study areas. Unusual design easy to achieve by placing large glowing letters or stars on the walls.

As for the decor of the room, here the imagination of interior designers has gone far ahead. Almost everything is appropriate, from vintage posters to decorative bicycles, treasure chests and hanging swing in the play area. A good option will be adding retro elements to the overall style of the room, for example, posters or collectible cars. Creative children will be very happy with large easels for drawing.


The loft style itself does not include the concept of a hallway, since a solid and voluminous space is characteristic feature style. However, in modern apartment You can’t do without a place where you can leave shoes or outerwear, so you need to arrange a small corner for these purposes. It is best to design the hallway in light colors to make it seem bigger. But accessories can be of different shades.

The most common are:

  • Reds.
  • Silvery.
  • Blue.
  • Brown.
  • Dark gray.

For lighting, choose fluorescent lamps. Ceiling spotlights will also look good.

Brickwork is one of the fundamental principles of the loft style and will be a stunning option for hallways different sizes. If it is not possible to make real masonry, you can replace it with tiles or wallpaper of a similar design. An abundance of mirrors will also help to visually enlarge the space; for example, it would be appropriate to make one wall completely mirrored. The standard color of the ceiling is white or light gray, and it should look as if the renovation had just been completed. A plasterboard suspended ceiling will also work.

Thanks to the openness and space of the loft direction, buying a massive and spacious wardrobe is not best idea. You will have to store things and household supplies in another place, but an abundance of open shelves and hangers will be very useful. An original solution there will be a shelf under the ceiling, reminiscent of the well-known luggage compartments on trains. Shoes can be placed on the floor or on open shelves. And to store it, special bedside tables are used, the design of which resembles large cardboard boxes.

Of the accessories, first of all, you should take care of the mirror. This element can be of any shape: with a wide decorative frame or completely without it. Illuminated mirrors would be a good idea. Choose other accessories so that guests can plunge into the industrial era. Exit signs, red arrows, emergency lights, a bicycle in the form of a hanger - all this will help emphasize the uniqueness of the style.

Appeared in America at the beginning of the 20th century, and today it is popular all over the world. The fact is that this style has its undeniable advantages. Let's find out which ones exactly.

House interior in loft style

This style was formed through the use of industrial premises (factories, manufactories and warehouses) for creative studios where their owners lived. Previously, such housing was cheap, and it was often purchased by artists, actors and other representatives of bohemia. But an ordinary private house can also be decorated in a loft style. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to its basic principles - maximum freedom and light and a minimum of partitions. This assumes large panoramic windows, open plan, simple, functional furniture and in some ways even an ascetic environment. In such a studio apartment you will be able to see natural brickwork or its imitation, without anything closed pipes heating. Used as wall decoration ordinary plaster, and the floor can be plank. Besides, characteristic feature loft is a mixture of styles - the so-called eclecticism. Here is an antique English wardrobe on bent legs can be adjacent to a glass or metal table in a high-tech style.

Decoration of house facades

They are also decorated in loft style. This is due to the fact that in most cities in our country there is simply no such category of real estate as a loft, which does not detract from the desire of many people to have such housing. Therefore, the owners of country brick and even wooden houses often decorated in loft style not only interior decoration, but also the façade.

It's quite simple: brutal wall decoration, gray or brown roof, a lot of glass and plastic will create the necessary atmosphere of inner freedom, which is so characteristic of loft-style houses.

Industrial interiors, otherwise known as industrial, are simple, minimalist and present us with a home in an almost raw state. This makes them economical and very spacious. Such rooms are characterized by unplastered walls, it can be simply brick or concrete, visible plumbing elements, open spaces free of dividing walls. The interior of a private house in an industrial style can be very interesting, where we have a large area to realize our fantasies, and many solutions can be partially implemented already at the construction stage. What features characterize a loft and how to implement them in practice - this article is devoted to these issues.

Main features of the loft

The aforementioned raw design didn't come out of nowhere. The interior design of a loft house reminds us of rooms from the era of the Industrial Revolution. The easiest way to organize such an atmosphere in a private country house with a high ceiling and wide-format windows, but it can also be installed in an apartment or in a more modest house. Just a few interior design tricks will help you solve this problem. The main features of the style are as follows:

  1. Large open space. It is important to remember one thing: neither furniture nor walls play first fiddle here, but only space. The rooms should be large and open, so to implement this solution in the apartment, you will have to demolish some walls or doorways. It is advisable to provide elements of industrial style in a country house at the construction stage.
  2. The presence of a raw, harsh finish– these features will be provided by brick, concrete, open pipes and other elements.
  3. Minimalism– absence of a large number of accessories and decorations, strictness of forms.
  4. Industrial furniture and decorative elements – all furniture and decorations should be strict, functional, and practical.

Loft style in the interior country house– photo of the living room, kitchen

Country house loft at the stage of construction and finishing

If you want to equip a country house or apartment in the loft style, then it is better to think about it at the construction or finishing stage. Here, first of all, it is necessary to provide for the organization of open space; if possible, it is necessary to get rid of most of the walls and expand the doorways. Thus, a large surface area will be divided only in terms of its intended purpose. This large space will have separate areas for the bedroom, living room, dining room or kitchen.

At this stage you should also pay attention to the floor. A great idea is to choose wood flooring. Concrete in its raw form, although very characteristic of industrial premises, but for a living space it can be very cold. As an option, you can finish the floor with tiles that imitate concrete or even iron and install a warm floor under the tiles. This solution will be practical, but it is worth considering that in the summer we will not turn on the heated floor, so the floors will be cold in the warm season.

What materials are typical?

A fashionable country house must have characteristic materials in finishing, for example:

  • glass;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • unplastered brick;
  • unfinished concrete walls.

With this type of interior design, you won't have to worry about how to hide the pipes. Moreover, they must be highlighted.

Interior of a house in loft style – photo

Of course, you should always keep safety in mind. All exposed cables must be protected, for example by corrugation.

Wood and metal are present everywhere here. Nice decoration will iron staircase with strict straight forms.

None forged elements with flowers and monograms, only restrained straight forms. These stairs can also be twisted and spiral in modern designs.

Industrial furniture and decorations

The industrial interior is dominated by designer furniture, as well as industrial decorative components, which add uniqueness to the home and create a special climate.

A combination of industrial and natural materials is unusual solution, which, nevertheless, creates a kind of balance inside the house. Spacious sofas and armchairs, upholstered in natural-colored fabrics, perfectly complement appearance living room.

Tasteful outfits and accessories can look like jewelry or theatrical props. You can also take it one step further and use it in interior design wooden pipes, rods.

Furniture that has long history, or one that looks worn out. It emphasizes individuality. Remember also that its size should be as large as possible, since furniture, small in size, located in a country house with large rooms, will create the impression of being miniature.

Windows and their design

In most loft interiors in fashion magazines you will see huge, undecorated windows. This option can be afforded in a private country house, surrounded by a garden and hidden from the prying eyes of strangers.

However, we do not always have such an opportunity and often, even in a private house, the windows overlook the street or neighboring houses. If you don’t want your neighbors to see your every move, then you should choose industrial blinds or Roman blinds for window decoration. They will let in a lot of light.

Color palette

In this interior, the color of finishing materials to some extent dictates color palette. Despite this, it may be tempting to enter bright accents into a dark and tinted interior, among which all shades of gray predominate. In this house they can be used without fear, since the high windows typical of this style provide ample light. High ceilings, discreet decorations, cool colors and large spaces are hallmarks of industrial design.

A combination of black and white is also typical. This classic combination works well not only in an industrial living room, but also in the kitchen, where you can choose, for example, black tables and countertops and contrast them with white tiles. White painted bricks and pipes painted with white paint will create both a background and stylish decor.

Interesting solution the original ceiling may become. You can simply paint it gray, as in the photo above. A unique atmosphere is guaranteed!

An industrial interior needs colors that can visually enlarge the space, as well as give a feeling of coolness and neutrality - so shades of pure white and gray are the best. In order to neatly break them up, you should use additions in shades of turquoise (patina and platinum) or dark red (brick and rust).


An industrial interior may contain elements from other styles, however, it is important that all the components match each other. Mixing different elements requires intuition. If you are not sure, it is better not to experiment in this direction.

tall plants

Do you want to know how to enrich an industrial interior and make it a little warmer? Instead of scattering little decorations everywhere, opt for one distinct focal point. They will fulfill this role perfectly tall plants. Natural elements enliven the room, filling it with coziness.

Loft is a unique architectural and designer style. Its appearance was accompanied by a confluence of circumstances, which forced specialists to convert factory premises into living space. The loft is on a fine line between the dimensions of former workshops or warehouses and a cozy functional area. Today the direction is popular not only in reconstruction, but also in the construction of a home from scratch. A loft-style house is a spacious and very bright room with modern interior. The design of such a structure has a number of features that make it unlike others.

Features of the loft direction

At the dawn of its appearance, in the middle of the last century, loft secured its status as an original and somewhat avant-garde direction. Over time, he began to be ranked among the elite. Previously, loft-style dwellings (“attic” in English) occupied upper levels huge production premises. Later they went downstairs. The original idea was to use usable area for creative workshops, studios, restaurants. Then they began to arrange living areas in such an interior.

Advice. Loft is a “relative” of minimalism. The more simplicity and conciseness in the design, the better.

Style Features:

Attention! The Soft Loft trend does not imply the reconstruction of existing areas, but the design and construction of new structures, as in the photo. Accordingly, some of the conceptual features of the classic loft (from the factory past) in this case are only imitated.

Projects of loft-style houses: what to build from and what to finish with

Before drawing up drawings and designing a house, it is important to familiarize yourself with the functional load of all its architectural elements. Loft implies receiving maximum benefit from the occupied area. In private houses, even the roof is used for business - as a recreation area. Therefore, the classic roof of the loft design direction is horizontal or with a slight angle of inclination towards the south side.

The walls are built from concrete and metal, making window frames wide and rising almost to the ceiling. Brick and stone are also used for construction. Exterior decoration walls and roofs are usually done in soft brown or gray tones. For example, you can paint the wall over plaster or use any other modern material: plastic, composite, mirror and any other panels, glass. Sometimes unpainted wood is used, treated to prevent rotting with a special solution.

The loft received a rough finish from its factory past. Experts do not recommend spending a lot on it. Simplicity and democracy in decoration are the strong point of style. It is only important that the walls look monochromatic as a whole.

Attention! Another feature of loft-style houses is façade lighting in dark time days.

Interior design

It is important to understand the approximate size of a loft-style house. The number of rooms and their functional load depends on this. In a minimalist style, you can furnish an elite large private house (150-200 sq. m), and a small cottage (up to 100 sq. m), and even part of an ordinary country house.

Living room, bedrooms, kitchen - those rooms that, in the spirit of a loft, should be well lit and spacious. Any lack of size is partially compensated by the design in light colors. The walls should be inconspicuous and help focus attention on the bright details of the interior design. One of them is often made different from the rest:

  • in the form of exposed masonry;
  • decorated with metal plaster:
  • finished with natural stone;
  • highlighted with photo wallpaper, big picture framed or any other type of image.

At the same time, 3 other walls should maintain the same texture and coating. In large rooms without physical partitions, this is how they distinguish functional areas. Furniture will also help to visually zone a large room: sofa, armchairs, table, bar counter, etc.

For the floor, prepare the most simple materials: edged board, linoleum, tiles of a discreet shade without colorful patterns or brushed parquet. The ceiling must be at least 3 m in height. In the manner storage facilities it is often designed as chamfered with beam division. Color - shades of gray, regardless of the overall interior scheme.

Loft considers the architectural and design direction to be democratic. When drawing up a project, there is plenty of room for your ideas.

Loft style house: video

Hello, dear readers! Today we will present to your attention a very interesting and unusual Loft interior style. The unusualness of this style lies in its ability to easily adapt, it would seem, to the most unpretentious terrain, and to easily combine interior items of completely different origins and Decoration Materials. The interior of a house in the Loft style is a kind of testing ground for creativity, where you can successfully accommodate bohemian chic furniture and deliberately careless plaster of the walls. To put it more directly, this style, from ordinary premises without the correct and beautiful finishes walls, floor or ceiling creates something more sublime and even shocking, just due to correct selection furniture and other decorative items.

Translated from in English The word Loft literally means “ non-residential premises", and the British often call it that attic spaces or attic rooms. This is also the name given to abandoned industrial buildings with high walls and a high ceiling vault.

In the old days, not everyone had access to housing in beautiful new buildings; previously, people were given space in industrial buildings, where they tried to somehow create comfort, mainly using furniture and various interior accessories. This is how the now world famous Loft style was born. And now he has a lot of fans, people deliberately create a deliberately careless effect of rough walls in their homes, and also select more elegant and even bohemian furniture. Well, now let's take a closer look at different rooms houses that can be decorated in the style in question.

Loft style in the living room interior.

A living room decorated in this style is most often a spacious room where the walls are lined with decorative bricks or roughly plastered. Well, in order to somehow soften the overall impression, for such a room you need to purchase a large sofa, for example, a semicircular one, which is placed in the center of the room. Move the coffee table to the sofa, and better model a transformer, which, if necessary, can turn into a full-fledged table and accommodate a large and friendly company consisting of N number of people. But in general, you can put a sofa in the living room of absolutely any shape, color and size, it can be a rectangular black one leather sofa with rectangular handles or a snow-white corner sofa. Concerning coffee table, then it can also be of various shapes, for example, glass and square or metal and round, or even be made of pallets (which can be made from pallets). In such a living room you can often see a fireplace, not only a real one, but also a neat electric imitation of it. Printed posters installed in simple frames, graphic floor carpets, candles in tall candlesticks, modern vases, all kinds of figurines and fashionable art objects in the form of a motorcycle on a pedestal or a bicycle against the wall are often used as decor.

Loft style in the bedroom interior.

Spagna Loft is a rather simple interior, where everything seems very comfortable and lived-in. The walls here could be covered decorative plaster with a deliberately created scuffed effect or lined with tiles imitating brick. The floor may be covered with rough parquet board or gray laminate. In the center of the room, of course, is a bed with a high, pretentious headboard. On the sides of the bed you should place bedside tables, which can be made in strict contrast with the spectacular headboard, and be the simplest metal bedside tables rectangular shapes. If there is free space in the room, then you can also place an ultra-fashionable rocking chair with leather upholstery, a carriage tie, and a chrome base. As for the decorative part, you can cover the bed with a plain dark bedspread, lay a carpet with colored zigzag stripes on the floor, decorate the wall with a modular picture, place a fashionable floor lamp on a high leg near the rocking chair, and lamps identical to the floor lamp on the bedside tables.

Loft style in the kitchen interior.

Kitchens in the Loft style are very attractive in appearance; furniture with a chrome-plated metal facade, as well as identical in color, looks very organic here. kitchen appliances. Such furniture perfectly plays off the red shade of brick on the walls, and also looks great with white, gray or beige brickwork. It is not uncommon for a kitchen to be combined with a dining room and living room, and therefore the entire room is designed in the same style, and not divided into zones using methods of use different colors. Often such a kitchen is equipped exclusively with newfangled appliances; there is everything from food processors and ending with the much needed dishwasher. As for the decorative part, in the Loft kitchen you can put simple flower pots with lush plants inside, hang blinds on the windows, hang a couple of modern sconces on the walls, and purchase a chandelier in the Hi-Tech style, made of glass or chromed metal. Here in the kitchen you can also install a comfortable bar counter or an island table closer to kitchen set. Dinner table can be glass or wood, and chairs made of leather, plastic or rattan.

Loft in the interior of the bathroom.

The design of a Loft-style bathroom must include brickwork, or the effect of presence brickwork, which is why the walls in this room are often lined ceramic tiles in the form of bricks. Moreover, the more outwardly shabby and rough the tile appears, the better it will be. Well, against the backdrop of such seemingly unpretentious walls, beautiful expensive plumbing fixtures will look great, for example, a snow-white bathtub on graceful legs and an oval washbasin mounted on a special cabinet in the form of a pedestal. Such a bathroom may also have an ultra-modern shower stall with many massage functions, as well as a moisture-resistant TV. Stands for personal accessories made in the form of art objects will also look good here, for example a stand for toothbrushes in the shape of a hand, a car, etc.

How to create an interior design in the Loft style:

Today we have demonstrated what the Loft style is in the interior, and to summarize this review we want to say: if you want to recreate something interesting and non-standard in your home, then this interior style is exactly what you need. The interior of a house in the Loft style, through simple manipulations with rough wall decoration and filling the rooms with beautiful modern furniture, as well as accessories that match the style, it will look not just good, but really great!