Increase in prices for utilities this year. Today is the annual day of increasing housing and communal services tariffs.

The amounts in utility bills that we will receive in August will increase by an average of 4 percent. This is lower than inflation and two times less than in 2015, they reported " Rossiyskaya newspaper"in the Ministry of Construction. Electricity, water, gas and heat will become more expensive.

Attention! We are talking only about communal resources. Prices housing services They are not subject to state regulation, but are established by management companies in agreement with homeowners, clarified Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Andrei Chibis. And he added that if the cost of paying for utilities and housing services, as well as contributions for major repairs in the total family income exceeds 22 percent, then it is entitled to a subsidy. Let us remind you that housing services include maintenance in proper order. local area, Maintenance common property, cleaning entrances, garbage removal, and so on.

Concerning environmental problem, then respondents emphasized the importance of protecting biodiversity, reducing soil degradation, more effective use fertilizers and pesticides, while the majority of respondents responded that the current PAC does not solve these problems.

Greater flexibility in mapping requirements for environmental areas. Extension of deadline for assistance applications. Greater flexibility regarding eligibility conditions for voluntary support. “For the benefit of everyone, we need to make things simpler,” Hogan said. “This is one of my main goals in the coming years: to reduce the administrative burden while ensuring that everyone's interests are protected.”

And for utilities, this year the government set maximum indexation values ​​for each region. The lowest threshold for the growth of total payments was found in North Ossetia (3 percent), in Novosibirsk region(3.5), Altai Territory (3.7). The highest threshold is in Moscow (7.5 percent), St. Petersburg (6.5) and the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia (6.5).

I proposed a new and fairer system of sanctions for those who make mistakes, as well as some kind of yellow card for early mistakes. This should put an end to the stress and anxiety that many family farmers experience when completing our forms. Very detailed," Hogan said, adding that the ability to pre-check government applications before the registration period is officially closed will lead to fewer errors as farmers are actively supported to ensure that their questions were carefully crafted.

It has changed significantly over the past 20 years. Farmers receive EU funds for conservation activities, including diversifying agricultural products, maintaining permanent pastures and maintaining environmental areas such as hedges, raw land and fields.

Gasoline moved to fifth grade

From July 1, Russia will switch to motor fuel no lower than the fifth environmental class, or Euro-5 (the standard that regulates the content of harmful substances in exhaust gases).

In the retail sale of gasoline and diesel, information about the brand of fuel, including the environmental class, must be posted in a place accessible to the consumer, including at gas stations and on cash receipts received at gas stations.

Euro to implement measures necessary to obtain environmental benefits on agricultural land. “This has led to good agronomic practices linked to direct payments to farmers and more ambitious agricultural environment in the Rural Development Pillar,” the NGO said, but they indicated that this intention quickly disappeared, leaving the underlying provisions very weak.

The official explained that there is now a legal obligation to spend at least 30% of the EU rural development budget on a range of environmental and climate measures. “Looking at 118 rural development programs, we spend almost half the budget on these measures, complying with this legal requirement,” the spokeswoman said, adding that this includes about 16% of the funds allocated to funds for limited areas Naturally, to “ help prevent the abandonment of these lands while conserving biodiversity in cultivated landscapes.”

If any of the links responsible for the circulation of fuel (from the manufacturer to the gas station) violates technical regulations and, for example, starts selling Euro-4 under the guise of Euro-5, then he will face a fine. For legal entities, in case of repeated violation, it amounts to up to a million rubles and suspension of work for up to 90 days with confiscation of the items of the offense.

Agriculture is responsible for 10% of emissions greenhouse gases in the EU, with the exception of those from agricultural and transport equipment. Another report by the European Court of Auditors recently identified "unjustifiably high" costs for EU-funded schemes to support environmentally friendly Agriculture in the UK, Italy, Denmark and Portugal. According to the report, only five of the 28 projects tested were profitable.

Agricultural Commission spokesman Daniel Rosario noted that the shortcomings noted by EU auditors mainly relate to the management of projects at the national level. However, he said “we need to find a balance” and warn “about the dangers of excessive administrative burdens” and “financial constraints” imposed on member states, which often amount to excess bureaucracy from Brussels.

No fuel shortage is expected due to the transition to Euro-5, and, therefore, retail prices will not receive an additional premium due to this factor, promises the President of the Russian Fuel Union, Evgeny Arkusha.

The minimum wage has reached 7.5 thousand

Tomorrow the minimum wage (minimum wage) will increase by almost 21 percent to 7.5 thousand rubles. Employers throughout Russia will not be able to pay employees less than this.

Support for young farmers. The number of young farmers fell from 3.3 million to 2.3 million over the same period. This raises doubts about the long-term viability of the industry. In particular, auditors called for support to be aimed at promoting effective generational replacement.

According to Janko Wojciechowski, ECA member and responsible for the report, “effective support for young farmers is vital important, if agriculture is to be sustainable for future generations.” “However, we did not find sufficient evidence of the results of these measures and whether they actually help young farmers, especially due to insufficient targeting and poor quality indicators,” Wojciechowski added. direct payments, the Court noted that the assistance provided was not based on a proper assessment of needs and did not reflect the overall goal of promoting generational renewal.

This will affect the interests of almost a million workers. Of these, 87 percent work in state and municipal institutions.

The increase in the minimum wage is the next step of the Russian Ministry of Labor towards increasing the minimum wage to living wage. It is planned to compare the two indicators by 2020.

The cost of living for the first quarter of 2016 per capita in the Russian Federation averaged 9,776 rubles per month, for a working Russian - 10,524, for a pensioner - 8,025, per child - 9,677 rubles. Thus, from July 1, the minimum wage will be 77 percent of average size living wage.

Regarding the framework for rural development, the auditors emphasized that it is generally based on an uncertainly necessary assessment, but the goals partly reflect the overall goal of promoting generational renewal. The official also said that some of the measures being monitored are managed by member states, with the executive playing an advisory role.

However, he was unable to achieve this promise. The fruit and vegetable sector has also been hit hard. The Commission had to take emergency action, releasing 500 million euros to help farmers as Protestants fled to Brussels. The scheme will compensate farmers who donate their products to charity, or use them for other purposes such as animal feed or compost.

"Although the number of people receiving wages at the minimum wage level is not so large, but at the minimum wage, as at basic value, the proportions in the remuneration of highly qualified specialists are tied,” notes Alexander Safonov.

We'll check the vodka at the checkout.

From July 1, when buying alcohol in a store, we will be able to accurately determine whether it is burnt or legal.

The world economic situation and economic growth are not very good, especially in China. Trade and access to global markets: the “third pillar”. However, Brussels has come under fire for its negotiating position with foreign countries. The Commission responded by saying it always conducts a thorough impact assessment before ratifying any new trade agreement.

This means that trade agreements have not harmed European agriculture, because people in Asia and Africa have more affordable income, we see that they want to eat European food and drink and that our business agreements are part of these growing markets.

Everyone who sells alcohol must start reporting every liter of retail sales. To do this, stores, even the smallest ones, need to connect special equipment, which in the Unified State information system accounting for the production and turnover of alcohol (USAIS).

It has long been receiving information about all the alcohol produced in factories. Since the beginning of 2016, information about batches of alcohol arriving at retail points of sale has also been flowing there. Now the Unified State Automated Information System will record the sale of each bottle to the final buyer. Exceptions will be made for shops in rural areas. For them, this rule will work only after a year.

To access these markets we had to lower prices and of course farmers became more value conscious. It's not easy, it's what it takes big job to get rid of the situation in which the value of agricultural commodities must be protected, but not at the expense of products sold under a certain brand for a long time, Vilsack indicated.

Athens, on the other hand, has raised the tone of the story by saying it is prepared to veto the agreement if it does not guarantee greater protection for the products' key geographic and agricultural attributes. Athens is particularly concerned about the traditional Greek cheese, feta, whose protected designation of origin is fundamental to Greek livestock. Similar conclusions also came to Rome regarding Parmesan cheese.

So, now any buyer of alcohol “tested” in the Unified State Automated Information System can be sure that it is a safe product.

Determining whether the seller enters data into the system when selling a bottle is also quite simple. If the store has a barcode reading system, that is, each product is “punched” at the checkout, then alcohol must be “punched” twice to transfer data to the Unified State Automated Information System. The data is removed from the barcode once to be entered into internal system store, the QR code from the excise stamp is read for the second time, this is the transfer of data to the Unified State Automated Information System. Most large stores already operate using this system.

New methods of genetic improvement of plants. According to a new report from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, new genetic improvement techniques are seen as a promising sector in the agri-food sector and are "also needed to address global problems such as population growth and climate change." The question is whether, according to European legislation, methods such as Ogm are considered. The European Commission has delayed reporting on its long-awaited legal review of the issue, which was due to be ready by the first quarter.

If the store uses cash registers where all prices are entered manually, alcohol must be scanned at least once. Even if the store does not have the Internet, the seller is obliged to do this. All data is stored on a special terminal, and once every three days it will need to be carried to a place where there is a connection to the World Wide Web. For example, by mail. And transfer all data.

One of the report's main conclusions is that these new methods are quite different from each other and that combining them together would not be "scientifically optimal." This precision and control over the changes made is superior to that achieved with new genetic enhancement or genetic modification techniques. Consequently, these new methods have less undesirable consequences, the scientists noted.

When it comes to assessing the health and environmental outcomes of such practices, the report emphasizes the need for a case-by-case approach that takes into account several factors, such as the environment in which the end product is used and the agricultural practices employed.

The Federal Alcohol Regulatory Agency told Rossiyskaya Gazeta that 95 percent of all retail outlets are connected to the Unified State Automated Information System.

Do not sell more than 20 cigarettes!

From July 1, the sale of cigarettes in packs of more than 20 pieces is prohibited in Russia.

Large packs are more attractive to buyers because they save 10-20 percent on the price. And people smoke more. Sales of cigarettes in such packs increased significantly last year. Now this has come to an end.

Overall, however, the Commission believes that broad EU reflection is needed on new genetic improvement methods for plants and “innovation in the sector.” Increasing pressure to increase returns, coupled with the need to protect the environment, has led to farmers exploring "innovative" methods to produce more with less.

The core concept of precision agriculture is optimization, that is, the precise application of materials such as fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation water, which has a positive impact on the environment. As a result, product quality would be better and energy consumption would be significantly reduced.

The ambulance was divided

carriage" ambulance"will have to reach the patient in 20 minutes. This is if we are talking about an emergency call.

New rules for ambulances were approved by order of the Ministry of Health.

What's new? Firstly, mobile teams will be divided into general and specialized ones. The latter - for anesthesiology-reanimation teams, including pediatric, psychiatric, aeromedical, emergency and advisory.

Whether producing more at lower costs can have a positive impact on food prices is not yet clear. However, the European Commission's advisory sources state that precision agriculture could potentially reduce the cost food products. Experts also believe the technology can improve "transparent farming" and therefore better inform European consumers about the food they eat.

However, the European agricultural sector still faces a number of challenges as it enters the era digital technologies, such as cost technological equipment, the lack of broadband infrastructures in rural areas, the intergenerational “electronic transition” and, not least, the collection and management of big data.

Secondly, the ambulance, as already mentioned, should be on the way no more than 20 minutes from the moment of the call. But the regions were given the opportunity to clarify the time, taking into account local specifics.

Thirdly, the requirements for staffing table. From now on, there should be no such positions as, for example, driver-paramedic. Either steer or treat. In addition, nurses and orderlies will appear in ambulance teams. Nurses will respond to calls in pairs with a doctor or paramedic. They will not have the right to provide medical care on their own. And orderlies are part of psychiatric teams.

On the other hand, some EU environmentalists and left-wing legislators say that precision agriculture will help eliminate an already difficult situation. To others key element precision agriculture is that the Commission believes it can potentially motivate and attract young people to return to farms and contribute to wider rural transformation with their e-learning skills.

Telecommunications has been the most dynamic industry and is facing new challenges. Implementation of ICT solutions in various industries industry, is key to reducing environmental impact and accelerating economic growth. Hans Vestberg, President and CEO Swedish company, supporting ICT innovation will benefit the environment, increase productivity and reduce costs. If mobile broadband induces productivity growth similarly generated by mobile voice services will lead to an increase in global GDP by 3% to 4%, as well as introducing the full range of services and solutions needed to manage climate change, he explains.

As Galina Mikryukova, an ambulance doctor in Moscow, explained to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the order also assumes that the dispatcher will be able to “sort” calls. For emergencies and emergencies. Emergency assistance is when something suddenly happened to a person, for example, a sharp heart ache or injury occurred.

Emergency care is needed for people who have been sick for a certain period of time. In essence, this is the kind of help that clinics should provide. Now the dispatcher will be able to transfer these calls to them. And what is especially important!
Emergency medical services remain free and available to everyone who needs them.

Land benefits are untied from registration

There is no longer any need to go to the inspectorate at your place of residence to apply for a land tax benefit. From July 1, 2016, an employee of any tax office to which a citizen applies is obliged to accept an application for a benefit.

The norm that came into force Federal Law N 396-ФЗ dated December 29, 2015 will be useful for those who go on long business trips or do not live at their place of registration. It will also save time for those who most spends time, for example, at work and wants to apply for benefits, so to speak, without interrupting work.

In addition, the new rule will help taxpayers apply for benefits without waiting in line. “In densely populated areas or localities there are always long queues at the tax office; this can be avoided by going to the inspectorate with smaller queues or without them at all,” advises Pavel Ivchenkov, an expert at the Public Duma center.

Federal land tax benefits are provided to a number of categories of citizens, including heroes Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, disabled people and people affected by radioactive radiation. Full list can be found on the Federal website tax service. The tax base for land tax for such beneficiaries is reduced by up to 10 thousand rubles.

The maximum increase in tariffs in the Moscow region was 10%, and the average growth index was at 4% .

In the first half of 2016, tariffs remained at the 2015 level. The amount of utility bills for the majority of residents of the Moscow region ( 78% , or 5.6 million people) from July 1, 2016 will increase by an average of 4% . This average growth index was established by a decision of the regional Government.

Before the elections to the State Duma they promise to raise the

Chairman of the regional committee on prices and tariffs Natalia USHAKOVA reported that over the entire history of regulation, the growth of tariffs (as well as the total communal payment) will be lower than inflation. Ushakova attributes this to a decrease in the number of networks that are in below average condition. Although it must be said that networks of “unsatisfactory” quality in the Moscow region remain more than half of the total number.

The process of introducing uniform tariffs for housing and communal services resources in municipalities. Currently, 40 urban districts and districts near Moscow have introduced uniform tariffs.

Not all municipalities will limit tariff growth to 4%. In some areas the growth will be from 6% before 10% . This is due to the implementation of investment programs in the sphere of providing housing and utilities(modernization of supply networks).

Electricity tariffs for the population will increase by 6,5% , for heat - for 3,5% , water and water supply - on 3,8% . Gas prices will rise by 2% .

In particular, Odintsovo Vodokanal increased water supply fees. A cubic meter of water will now cost RUB 30.68. It's on 2.35 RUR. more expensive than in the first half of 2016. The fee for sewerage will also increase, which will amount to RUB 31.66. per cubic meter.

From July 1, Mosenergosbyt PJSC sets the cost of one kilowatt-hour for single-tariff metering in the amount RUB 4.81. The old tariff, in force since 2015, was RUB 4.54. Electricity will also become more expensive for rural residents, now kW/h will be RUB 3.37(previously 3,18 ). City residents whose apartments have stationary electricity systems also pay the same amount for electricity. electric stoves. For comparison, Moscow residents with single-tariff metering will pay per kilowatt-hour RUB 5.38. instead of RUR 5.03.

The amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises will also increase. The size of this board should be set to general meeting tenants apartment building together with the house maintenance management company. If residents do not decide this issue on their own, the amount of the fee is set based on the decision of the Council of Deputies. In accordance with this decision, from July 1, citizens living in houses with all types of amenities (except gas appliances) will pay 39.62 RUR/m². It's on 1.71 rub. more than last year. Those who, along with all types of improvement, have gas appliances, will pay RUR 39.82/m²(last year - 38,06 ).

Will we save?

Tariffs increase regularly, so important role plays in saving rational use resources.

Tips for reducing energy costs: choosing the optimal tariff, using energy-saving light bulbs and energy-saving household appliances class, "A" and above. However, given the cost of this technology, the savings are very doubtful.

You won't have to pay the excessive expenses of some neighbors.

If a heat meter is installed in the apartment, then savings can be achieved by insulating the apartment as much as possible. For example, by glazing the balcony and installing new double-glazed windows, as well as using modern heating radiators with adjustable heat supply.