Where should you start teaching your child to write? Teaching a child to write in block letters and in cursive

All parents want to see their child smart and precocious. Therefore, mothers try to teach their children to write even before the time when teachers start doing it. kindergarten or school teachers. What do you need to know to help your little one master such a difficult science as writing?


If a mother wants to know how to teach her child to write, she should remember that in this matter it is important preliminary preparation. So, a child should start working with his hands from the age of two. Plasticine, a paint pencil are suitable for this - anything that will help the child learn to hold an object in his hand. This way, the baby’s hand won’t get tired quickly when they start teaching him to write, and it won’t be a new thing for the child.

First lessons

It is worth noting that the very first lessons will be quite difficult, because the child needs to be explained that writing is an interesting, and also very useful skill. First mom must by example show how to hold a pen correctly and how to move your hand across the paper. If the child cannot do such actions on his own, you need to hold his hand with your hand and make a couple of strokes of the pen (this is what teachers do in primary school).

The next thing you need to pay attention to for those who are interested in how to teach a child to write: the student must initially hold the writing object correctly. So, if the child does it incorrectly, it will be much more difficult to retrain him. It is worth remembering that the pen should lie on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, the pen is fixed with the thumb and index fingers, the tip of the pen should be directed towards the shoulder. Only in this position will the child’s hand not get tired, and the handwriting will ultimately turn out calligraphic and neat. Again, mom must first demonstrate what it should look like.

You need to start learning to write with very short lessons so that the child’s hand does not get tired. First you need to draw various curls and sticks on paper. Therefore, it is important to start drawing with your child as early as possible, so that while learning to write everything will be easier.

You can show your child a couple of times how certain elements of letters are written, then let him write them in the lines himself. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the child and correct him when he makes incorrect movements with his hands. When the elements look quite calligraphic, you can start writing the letters. This process It will take quite a long time, so parents will have to be patient. When the child begins to reproduce letters in writing normally, you can try to put them into syllables and words. The first tasks will not be too voluminous, but over time you will need to gradually increase the number of copybooks.

Right left

When figuring out how to teach a child to write, you can come across next tip: you should not force your child to write exclusively with his right hand, as teachers demanded in Soviet times. And that's true. The child should be comfortable learning, and if it is convenient for him to hold a writing object in his left hand, so be it. Mom also shouldn’t look for additional tips on how to teach a left-handed child to write. Such children are normal, they are no different from those who like to write with their right hand, so the rules for children are exactly the same. However, there is one small nuance: if a right-handed person should not be disturbed by unnecessary objects right hand, then left-handed - to the left. That's the whole difference.


The next piece of advice on how to teach a child to write: you need to buy him those items with which he will learn with pleasure. So, the baby should like his hand. Let it be beautiful, colorful, with the symbols of your favorite hero. Using the same principle, you need to buy a notebook. Then the baby will be happy to sit down and study.

Support and encouragement

All children need praise. Even when the job is not done as well as we would like. You should also not expect quick results from your baby. Learning to write is much more difficult than, for example, reading. Therefore, a mother needs to be patient and encourage her child in any situation. Only by seeing the support of their parents will the baby not lose the desire to continue studying.

If a mother is looking for tips on how to teach her child to write quickly, interesting lessons can come to her aid. Only by being completely interested will the child be happy to finish one task and move on to another. So, you can plan a small dictation and a letter, for example, to dad for one lesson. Having quickly completed the dictation, the child will write more confidently, and he will have an additional incentive to practice writing again and again.

Writing is a fundamentally new type of activity for a child, in which he has extremely little experience. Moreover, work in school copybooks must be supervised by the teacher, so parents will not be able to train their child before school. How to teach a child to write and what can be done to make this process easier?

Learning to write - should you rush?

Introduction to calligraphy for preschoolers is excluded for two reasons:

  • this should be done by a specialist who is well aware of the intricacies of calligraphy (primary school teacher);
  • The psyche of a preschooler, as well as his sensorimotor development, is not yet mature enough.

Does it exist effective technique teaching writing to preschoolers? Introducing kindergarten children to writing is realized in preparing the child’s hand and perception for studying at school. A lot has been said about this, but we will clarify it again. By the first of September, the baby should have the following skills:

  • sufficiently developed phonemic hearing;
  • hands accustomed to drawing, working with plasticine and clay, playing with small and large construction toys;
  • developed spatial concepts - they will allow you to figure out where the notebook has the right and left sides, as well as the center, top and bottom of the page;
  • memory and attention formed at the proper level;
  • coordination of vision and writing (the child can observe and analyze what he writes);
  • good speech: rich lexicon and perfect pronunciation.

In addition, learning to write implies that the child has already mastered the correct sitting position at the desk and the way to hold a pen with two fingers with emphasis on the third.

How to Prepare for Writing in School

So, we agreed that school copybooks will wait in the wings. But this does not mean at all that a preschooler should not work in notebooks. There are very good methodological developments especially for kids. These manuals differ in that children prepare for writing: they write shapes, trace cells, get acquainted with some useful elements (the same hooks and sticks), and perform creative tasks. Pay attention to notebooks such as:

  • Recipes for children 4-5 years old;
  • Copybooks for the little ones;
  • Copybooks for left-handers;
  • We draw according to the cells.

IN educational library site for children and their parents you will find many others useful materials, which will help you prepare for school and correct shortcomings in learning.

Getting your bearings in your notebook: useful games

Many mistakes made by young schoolchildren are due to the fact that the child does not understand how to write on notebook sheets. In other words, he does not navigate the “parts of the world.” Where to draw the line if it says up? Or down? Or left and right? What are the bottom and top lines called? Auxiliary? Inclined? The technology of teaching writing in 1st grade is based on the ability to navigate on a plane. Some children experiencing difficulties adapting to school experience serious problems with calligraphy. Is it possible to help a child?

Games for developing spatial orientation may include:

  • in naming and showing parts of the body on the left and right sides (arms, legs, ears, cheeks, eyes);
  • in carrying out various tasks related to orientation in space: bring a toy that is to the left of the sofa, place a vase to the right of the book...
  • games in a notebook - draw to the right of..., write to the left, glue at the top, color at the bottom.

Unusual tasks for “training” your hand

Work in copybooks for preschoolers is supplemented with game tasks. The method of teaching writing through games to develop fine coordination involves the following exercises:

Guess what it is

The child should be blindfolded or put objects in a tight bag. Without seeing what you put in by touch, the baby tries to guess what it is. It will be nice if among the items for guessing there are letters, shapes or numbers.

Magic hands

This technique solves difficulties in learning to write associated with poor hand coordination and motor skills. It is similar to the previous task, but the child's eyes can be open. The baby determines by touch what is hidden in the sand, cereals, water (we close our eyes when touching in water), with gloved hands.

Fixed palms

Ask your child to place his palms on the plane (table surface) so that they do not move. Fingers drum on the table, sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly. Palms do not leave the table.

Beautiful drawing

How to teach a child to write? Good finger training is drawing in stencils and playing with a spirograph.

Both boys and girls like the mysterious and beautiful patterns that come out from under the spirograph.

Catch the ball

A wonderful game aid is made from roll-on deodorants. The plastic balls are taken out, washed with vinegar and thrown into the water while swimming. The child tries to catch the balls with a large or small spoon, kitchen tongs, or a slotted spoon. If you add some faces with a marker, you will get funny floating emoticons.

Learning to write: the mistakes of a little student

The mistakes made by different students when writing are similar. Techniques for teaching writing in grades 1–4 are focused on correcting deficiencies. What are these errors?

Extra or missing “details” of letters

Reason: unstable attention, poor ability to distinguish similar letters.

Skipping letters

  • speech impediments (both speaks and writes);
  • The student ignores the vowels and writes down only the consonants (the priority orientation is a car instead of a car).

Replacing letters

  • the child does not distinguish sound subtleties well (sat down instead of ate);
  • features of local slang (falling asleep instead of falling asleep);
  • confusion with similar sounds (sew instead of live);
  • replacing similar letters (M and Sh).

Teaching writing - correcting mistakes

In order to understand how to teach a child to write correctly, it is important to find out the cause of calligraphic and spelling errors:

  • Little reading is done to the child;
  • The student has too modest a vocabulary - both passive and active;
  • The baby does not know how to analyze words;
  • These are the features of his mental and physical development;
  • Unstable attention, poor memory;
  • Systematically repeated errors of the same type can signal problems such as dysgraphia and dysorthography (the final verdict is made by a speech therapist, who also deals with correction).

What will be taught in writing lessons

Methods of teaching writing in grades 1-4 purposefully expand the range of writing skills and prevent violations writing further.

1 class

In the first grade, children become familiar with the graphics of capital letters and learn to connect them with each other. First-graders become familiar with the requirements for notebooks and handwriting, and try to write several simple letters together. The teacher pays great attention to the basics of calligraphy: developing proper coordination and motor skills of the hands, improving the necessary mental processes, encourages accuracy and diligence.

2nd grade

Second-graders practice the intricacies of writing complex elements and learn to write quickly, without interruption.

3rd and 4th grades

Children consolidate skills learned in previous grades. They are preparing for fifth grade, where teaching becomes lecture-like and the teacher dictates very quickly and “wait for no one.”

Methods of teaching writing junior schoolchildren covers not only beautiful and correct writing of letters, the desire to be neat in a notebook, and the desire to write clearly. It is equally important to learn and use the rules of spelling words and sentences, as well as to cultivate the student’s conscious perception and understanding of what he writes and reads.

Modern requirements to the skill set of first-graders, things become more complex. If a preschooler has not had time to learn to read or write, it will be much more difficult for him to learn school curriculum. And constant failures will discourage him and deprive him of motivation for further study. How to teach a child to write letters and not discourage him from learning?

Before you start training

Writing is one of the most difficult skills for a child to master. It requires him to have many previous skills, so there is no point in teaching a baby to write letters in calligraphic handwriting as soon as he turns 3 years old: he simply will not be prepared for it.

So what should you do before teaching your child to write letters? Give him those very preliminary skills: teach him to sit correctly at the table, without hunching over, without “pecking” his nose into a notebook, without propping up the table with his chest, show him how to hold a pen correctly, pressing it evenly when writing, help him gain a rich vocabulary.

Before learning to write, a child must:

  • know all the letters of the alphabet, understand what sounds are written with their help (the letter “El” is the sound [l]);
  • know the difference between block and capital letters;
  • distinguish between vowels and consonants;
  • determine by ear the number of words in a sentence, syllables in a word, identify the necessary sounds in it by ear;
  • find a stressed syllable in a word.

That is, it makes more sense to first teach a preschooler to read and then to write. After all, he must understand what exactly he is writing, and most importantly, why it is needed. Without knowing how to read, a child will not be able to write a single word or even a syllable.

Make sure your baby is engaged in comfortable conditions. Desk and select a chair of such dimensions that the child can sit comfortably. The chair must have a back. Provide your child with quality writing materials. The pen should not be too big, not heavy, the paste in it should be written clearly, with contrast, but not smudge or run. There must be a lamp on the table that illuminates the notebook on the left (or on the right if the child is left-handed).

At what age can children be taught to write?

From the above it is clear that preparation for writing should not begin at all Last year before school (especially not in the last couple of months!), but much earlier. Then baby will go through stages psychological and physical preparation harmoniously, without overexertion, without racing for quick results (after all, you need to do it in time during the summer, otherwise it will be even more difficult later). In this case, haste is too much stress on a small body, which, at a minimum, will cause the child to become averse to studying in general. And the handwriting in such a “precocious” case is unlikely to be beautiful.

If a preschooler begins to master writing when he already uses a pen or pencil quite deftly, can perform complex movements in coordination, maintain attention and show perseverance for at least 15 minutes, then the graphic results (that is, the writing itself) will be much better. To do this, you need, first of all, to develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements. working hand(it doesn’t matter whether she’s right or left).

You can purposefully develop your child’s hands in this direction from the age of 3, when it makes sense to introduce him to the simplest coloring books, felt-tip pens, and pencils. Such classes will gradually prepare the hand for correct writing (first of all, the child will learn to limit the length of the line drawn and draw lines in different directions). Let the young artist try to create his own paintings. Already at this stage, it is important to teach the baby how to hold writing instruments correctly.

In addition, they help prepare your hand for writing the following types development classes fine motor skills:

  • modeling from plasticine, clay, dough;
  • working with cereals, beans, peas;
  • finger painting on semolina, flour, a layer of cereal;
  • mosaic, constructors;
  • cutting with scissors;
  • sand games;
  • origami;
  • lacing.

But parents should remember the age of the child and not delay such activities for longer than 15 minutes.

Do not start teaching your child to write “emergency” at an early age (3–4 years). Perhaps this will give you a reason to once again boast to your friends about your child’s abilities, but scientists have found that in this case he will not have beautiful handwriting, since the development of the necessary centers of the brain is accelerated.

Step by step

In order for a preschooler to understand the difference between printed and capital letters, you can buy him a special poster where both are depicted side by side. On initial stage When learning to write, it will be easier for your baby to write printed letters, and when the hand becomes dexterous enough, you can move on to mastering capital letters.

When studying letters with a child, it is necessary to explain to him that each letter has a name and a sound that it represents in writing or when reading. He should also know that there are letters, consonants and vowels (which can be sung or drawn out). To do this, you can practice singing vowels to different cheerful melodies. Let the baby try to sing the consonants and make sure that it is impossible. This way he will quickly learn the difference and will not confuse the sounds.

In order for a child to remember letters faster, you need to select examples of words that begin with them. Let him remember such words himself.

You can teach a preschooler to determine the number of words in a sentence or syllables in a word with the help of simple games. Let him, for example, clap, hearing every new word or syllable. The baby will learn to identify a stressed syllable if he “calls” each word. Read more about this.

Let's move on to the copybooks

After the preschooler begins to quickly and beautifully color and acquires the first drawing skills, you can begin writing lessons with copybooks. The very first copybooks for preschoolers usually contain many simple tasks that help them practice hand motor skills for writing the basic elements of letters: straight and slanted lines, hooks, loops, arcs. The baby will trace straight and wavy lines, various patterns, pictures, geometric figures. First, you will have to draw solid lines, then dotted (or dotted) ones. And then the child will be able to derive the proposed elements himself according to the model in the copybooks. Children usually like this kind of “drawing”. And if parents also praise for every small success, an incentive for further efforts is provided.

Already in the 1st grade, the child will be required to maintain the size and inclination of letters. But at this age it is quite difficult to do this; children are still poorly oriented on the page. Therefore, to make it easier for them to write letters evenly and beautifully, writing notebooks are usually produced in thin line with oblique ruling. The copybooks are drawn up according to the same principle. This kind of ruling helps the child learn to feel the size and inclination of letters, which contributes to the correct formation of handwriting.

In order for writing classes to produce results, parents should remember the following:

  • Classes need to be conducted regularly. Exercising for 10 minutes every day will provide more benefits than exercising for half an hour every week.
  • If the child is upset or unwell, there is no need to practice.
  • Tasks should become more difficult gradually, from simpler to increasingly complex. You cannot jump from tracing straight lines to writing out the letter Z at once.
  • It is better to organize classes in the form of a game or competition, and not a boring sitting over the derivation of hooks and squiggles.
  • If you fail, you cannot scold the baby. It's better to invite him to try again, with his mother's help.
  • Any success, no matter how small, is a reason for praise. This is a good incentive for a child at any age.
  • In order for him to have enough strength and perseverance, it is important to follow a sleep and wakefulness regime, nutrition and walks in the fresh air.

So, teaching writing skills should be gradual, systematic, feasible and interesting for the child. Then he will approach school with a good foundation. And this is the key to his success in learning, high self-esteem, and positive motivation.

Today there are many views on child development. Some parents think that their child, from the age of three, learns to write neatly according to the rules... Others, being opponents of early development, do not strive to teach anything to a child until he is 6-7 years old. However, the fact remains: modern school requires preparation, and when the baby goes to 1st grade, he should be familiar with the letters firsthand.

How to teach a child to write beautifully without wasting unnecessary nerves and without resorting to pressure and screaming? This is what our article is about.

We encourage interest from infancy

Majority modern teachers claims that you cannot insist and put pressure, especially if your son or daughter is not interested in, for example, drawing, but it is imperative to answer his requests. Place paper and a pen in front of your one-year-old baby and show him how to draw and write. If he becomes interested, try to unobtrusively correct the position of the writing instrument. Of course, he won’t be able to grasp the pen correctly right away, but over time he will learn.

Lead by example: Children learn new skills more easily if they see a parent performing a particular action. Say what you are doing, why and why. It is important for a growing child to repeat after you, copy you.

Until about 3 years of age, it makes no sense to conduct targeted classes. It is important for parents to remember that the leading activity of a preschooler is play. The main thing that can be done is to subsequently teach your child to write beautifully and accurately, not to put pressure on him, not to force him, and to follow his interests.

Developing your fingers

The importance of fine motor skills for a child is difficult to overestimate. The ability and desire to work with small details is the basis of mental activity, attention, and writing. Before thinking about how to teach your child to write letters, pay attention to the following activities:

  • any type of drawing;
  • cutting from paper or fabric;
  • origami;
  • modeling;
  • tying knots, bows, fastening buttons;
  • playing with small parts, putting together puzzles.

All this better preparation to begin learning to write accurately and thoughtfully.

Let's start learning

The age at which parents begin to teach their children to write varies from person to person. It depends on the development, character, degree of mobility, and interest of the baby. Most teachers and psychologists recommend starting the process no earlier than 5 years.

There are a number of conditions without which the question of how to teach a child to write beautifully is insoluble.

  • Workplace. It should be light, comfortable, and match the child’s height.
  • Availability of special preschool copybooks or notebooks with wide lines.
  • Availability of a good pen: ballpoint, gel. Sometimes parents purchase a special one, with indentations for fingers.
  • Control over the correct position of the writing instrument (on the upper phalanx of the middle finger).
  • Monitoring the correct position of the child (elbows on the table, straight back).

The most important condition for successful training is correct organized time. Choose a moment when the baby is not tired and has not switched to other interests. The lesson time, which is determined by specialists based on age standards, is from 15 to 30 minutes. Of course, the child must feel good. The period of sick leave, the time when the child returned from sports or other activities, is absolutely not suitable for this activity.

Learning to print block letters

You can start these activities only if you are convinced that the little person knows the alphabet, can show this or that letter and pronounce out loud the sound that it represents. On average, this occurs at approximately 5 – 5.5 years.

Start by mastering the outline of letter elements. To do this, you can buy special copybooks or give your child the task yourself in a notebook: write samples and carefully watch how he repeats them. Correct incorrect markings right there, together with your child, and explain why you need to do it this way.

After mastering the elements - circles, sticks - start working on the simplest letters. As a rule, these are “o”, “l”, “p”. Move on to difficult ones gradually, when you are sure that the child has written the material covered correctly. Take your time, follow your child’s capabilities.

How to teach a child to write correctly? To do this, it is important not to formally learn the style, but to know what stands behind it. Show pictures with images starting with a particular letter, look for associations to remember its appearance. One of the most common examples: the letter “d” resembles a house, and “z” - a beetle.

How to teach a child to write numbers? The principle here is approximately the same as in mastering printed writing skills. First, the parent teaches counting, then shows the symbols. After they have been assimilated and understood (the child must understand how, for example, the number 3 on paper and three candies in his hand are related), they begin to learn.

They begin to write numbers with individual elements and gradually move on to symbols according to the principle “from simple to complex.”

Should capital letters be taught before school?

There is no clear answer to this question. Children develop differently and have different abilities. Pedagogical science confirms that teaching writing in general should begin with printed characters. However, if a parent wants to quickly teach a child to write capital letters, it is worth thinking about the advisability of this step.

Firstly, without knowing the methodology and basic rules, you can ruin your child’s handwriting. Secondly, there are only a few children who are ready for such a step in the preschool period. It is best to consult with experts and not to rush the time - the teacher will instill in the first grader the skills to write in cursive beautifully and correctly.

Faster does not mean better quality

When the letters are more or less mastered, the most important thing to do is to improve technique and quality. Many mothers and fathers at this stage ask the following question: how to teach a child to quickly write letters, words, sentences? This approach to business is a mistake.

Firstly, a preschooler, even the most capable one, is not yet ready to merge the symbols that are written with his hand on paper into meaningful phrases. He will pronounce them letter by letter. By rushing it, you will not achieve understanding and awareness. It is much more effective to work on the quality of writing, on technique, appearance capital and lowercase letters.

7 mistakes on the way to mastering writing as a preschooler

  • Hurry to start classes

If your baby doesn’t understand your explanations, he’s bored, he’s not interested in how to make some kind of mark correctly - leave him alone. It’s just too early to do it, it’s worth trying in six months.

  • Neglect of copybooks

Today you can find both on specialized websites and in bookstores great amount workbooks for preschoolers. They are developed in accordance with age standards, the examples are given correctly, in the right sequence. If a parent is not a primary school teacher and is not entirely sure how to teach a child to write correctly, it is best to turn to similar material.

  • The desire to do as much as possible

This is especially harmful for those children who learn material at a slow pace. To learn to write without mistakes, it is better to repeat what you have learned once again than to give everything at once and then watch your child get confused in the letters.

  • Forcing children to study against their will

Teaching under pressure will give only one result: a persistent dislike for letters, copybooks and mental work.

  • Scold and punish

If something doesn’t work out for a child, it is, as a rule, either the fault of the teacher or the peculiarities of human development. Standing in the corner will not play a constructive role, but it will make the baby afraid of you and not like the letter.

  • Don't praise

Parents who are worried about how to teach their child to write often do not understand that his successes should be encouraged by loved ones. Praise gives you an incentive to move on.

  • Taking classes too seriously

A five-year-old child is not a schoolboy, so it is unreasonable to talk about the need for specific results. The main thing is to make a start.

The main factor in parental success is a reasonable and balanced approach. Don’t wonder how you can teach a child to write in capital letters at 4 years old. The main thing is that the activities arouse his interest and pleasure - then everything will work out.

Modern pedagogy is increasingly leaning towards early learning methods. If previously children learned to read and write when entering school, now parents strive to teach their child to write at a young age. preschool age. What age is considered optimal? How to teach a child to read and write without causing harm? Let's try to figure it out in order.

When should you start teaching your child to write?

Letter - difficult process. Teachers insist that there is no need to rush to learn cursive letters and numbers. A preschool child is simply not ready for this, and here’s why:

  • Fine motor skills of the hands have not been developed, there is inhibition of coordination of neuromuscular regulation and vision, ossification of the phalanges of the fingers has not reached its final stage. That is, physical and mental condition child is not ready for calligraphic writing!
  • Each character has its own writing algorithm. If parents do not have a special teacher education, helping children technically draw letters correctly will not work. Most likely, they will learn the wrong spelling sequence and will have to be relearned in first grade.
  • Starting school early can lead to poor handwriting. To work out beautiful handwriting, the child needs to spend a lot of time. At preschool age, children perceive any information through play. It is unlikely that they will be able to concentrate on writing the same characters for a long time.
  • Children are not good at reading notebooks. Experts insist that writing is difficult for preschoolers because they have not yet mastered concepts such as right-left, close-far, up-down. As a result, the child does not follow the line when writing letters and numbers.

In organizing calligraphic writing, not only the teaching technique is important, but also correct landing child at the table, hand position, notebooks, ability to perceive information, sequence of its presentation.

However, you can work with children! To make it easier for a student to learn to write in first grade, the preschool period should be devoted to preparing for mastering writing.

The optimal age for literacy classes is 4.5–5 years. If you start studying during this period, then by the age of 5–6 the preschooler will be ready to write printed letters, and by 6–7 – capital letters.

On the other hand, completely ignoring preschool education parents are threatened that the child simply will not want to study in the future. It will be difficult for him to accept new information and learn new skills. He may lag behind his classmates. Teachers admit that if a child is not taught basic skills before the age of 6-7, they will have difficulty working with copybooks. Such children, for example:

  • Can't hold a pen;
  • Can't navigate the workbook;
  • Turn it the wrong way, upside down for convenience;
  • Draw too small or capital letters and numbers.

Conclusion: it is possible and necessary to study with a five-year-old, however, the lion's share The process should be occupied by preparation for writing, and not its active development.

How to organize the process of teaching writing?

There is one general rule for classes with children 5 years old: all tasks must be assigned and completed in game form. However, already at this age it is necessary to teach the future student discipline. Sit him down for lessons every day for 10-15 minutes. You can't force it! Especially if something doesn’t work out for the child. It's better to postpone difficult place and return to it later.

Follow following rules that will help children complete tasks correctly:

    • Teach your child to hold his back correctly at the table. Show me how it should lie workbook(at an angle relative to the baby’s chest), how to hold a pen or pencil.
  • Skip letters and numbers. Start with simple elements: sticks, hooks. You need to move on to closing the lines smoothly. Draw circles and ovals. Make sure your child places the symbols strictly in the cage.
  • Don't be afraid of dictations. Only dictations that are needed are not classical ones. The child is not yet able to reproduce the entire text. But he can handle counting dictation quite well, for example, “two cells down, five cells to the left” and the like.
  • Shade. Shading will help children move their hand correctly under visual guidance. Let your child learn to move a pencil or pen horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.
  • Color the pictures. The exercise does not relate to writing, but it teaches you to control your hand and apply moderate pressure with the pen on the paper. There is more coordination in hand movements.
  • Use a carbon copy. Choose a simple drawing and ask your child to “translate” the image onto paper. Thanks to this interesting simple exercise, the child learns to write with a firm, confident hand.

In parallel with writing, develop fine motor functions.

The following exercises have a good effect:

We write correctly: pay attention to the letter!

The child must be aware of what is written. He needs to learn which letters to write before he begins to transfer them to the notebook. In other words, he needs to memorize the alphabet. He must know what a particular symbol looks like. To simplify the task, buy ready-made copybooks. As a rule, they contain examples of how a sign should look and the algorithm for writing it is shown in detail.

Explain to your child what a line is. All symbols must be within its boundaries, neither lower nor higher. Literacy lessons can be taught as a game. Invite your child to compare what is written with the living and inanimate objects around him. For example, "O" is like the sun, Lifebuoy, an inflatable ball, and “C” is a crescent moon, “U” is reminiscent of a slingshot. Thanks to this, the child will remember the letters faster.

When mastering a new symbol, show your child how to write it. Repeat the algorithm several times until he remembers the sequence. Be sure to comment on your actions, for example, “Now we are learning to write letters and numbers. This is the letter C. We draw the line from top to bottom, smoothly, without closing the line.”

You can first “register” the sign in the air. Take your baby by the hand and walk with him the right lines. Let him repeat after you on his own. Then go to your notebook. Put your hand around his hand and help him draw the symbol. After this, the child must complete the task independently.

To make your little student more comfortable, follow these rules:

  • Praise the way your child draws letters. Cheer! This is a complex skill that cannot be mastered in one day. Be patient.
  • Don't scold your baby. If you get angry, he may lose any desire to learn for a long time.
  • Take your time. Children by type nervous system different. Your baby may need more time to remember. But in the process he will develop good visual and muscle memory.
  • Start with simple tasks. If your child finds it difficult, take a “step back” and offer him a simple exercise, such as connecting dots or a dotted line.
  • Give your baby room to act. Encourage independence. Don't rush to draw a line instead.

How to choose a copybook?

As mentioned above, the copybooks are great helper for parents. Modern market littered with all kinds of aids for teaching literacy. In order for your child to learn to write, you need to know what good handwriting should look like. Below are General requirements to benefits of this kind:

  • The character pattern should be repeated 3 times in a line, and not 1-2 times only in the first line. When writing, a preschooler focuses on the symbol that catches his eye. And when filling out the copybooks, he will look not at the top letters, but at those that he has already written himself. If he didn't print them carefully enough or with errors, each subsequent character will look worse. That is why it is important that the typographic letter is repeated as much as possible and in all lines.
  • It is important that the copybook begins not with full letters, but with icons. The guide should go from simple to complex. In this case, it will be much easier for the baby to achieve the desired result. In addition, simple tasks bring positive emotions from success, which will further motivate the preschooler to learn.
  • As mentioned above, choose copybooks with printed symbols, and only when the letters begin to come easily to the child, move on to capital symbols.
  • Focus on age. Sometimes the manuals indicate the age of the preschooler. Notebooks for younger children differ in that they contain more pictures, games may be present. In textbooks for older children, syllables are used, and not just individual symbols. Often authors insert poems in which required letter. They can be learned at your leisure.

Learning numbers

When starting to write mathematical symbols, you need to learn how to count to 10. When studying numbers with your child, it is important to break them down into elements. It will be easier for a preschooler to remember the algorithm for writing them. When explaining the technique to your child, be sure to point out the key points in this process. In order for him to successfully master it, he will need the following skills:

  • Free orientation in the workbook. The baby must know the right and left side, upper and lower limits of cells, lines.
  • Understanding cell boundaries. He should easily find its central point, corners, sides, and their midpoints.
  • Visual division of the cell into four squares.
  • Ability to write slanted. Show your child the slope by drawing a diagonal line.

Only after acquiring the listed skills is the student ready to perform more complex tasks - writing numbers.

Choosing the correct spelling with numbers

The manuals in which letters and numbers are printed are similar to each other. They are compiled according to the same principle. When choosing useful recipes, you need to be especially careful. It is desirable that they be structured as follows:

  • The main characters come first. They should be highlighted (in black or bold) and clearly visible. The baby will be guided by them while performing the next exercise.
  • Next there should be three characters in dotted lines (or in a paler color). These numbers will be circled by the child using a pen.
  • Then comes the empty space. The student must repeat the symbol himself without the dotted line. The first characters in the line will serve as a guide for it. The option when bold example numbers are printed at even intervals throughout the entire line is ideal. It will be easier for the baby to “grab” them visually.

Writing algorithm using the example of “0” and “1”

It is important to explain to the student that the height of the sign always coincides with the height of the cell. In writing, it occupies almost its entire cavity. The right side of the sign is in contact with the square. Let's get acquainted with the writing technique using the example of zero and one:

  • "0". Visually find the point in the center of the cell. We make a semi-oval to the right. Then draw a diagonal line to the middle of the bottom side of the cage. We complete the movement with a wavy line at the top. And we connect the line.
  • "1". Place a point slightly higher from the center of the cell. Then make a line from the center point to the top right corner. Draw a diagonal line to the place that is conventionally located in the middle lower limit cells.

So, you can study letters and numbers with your child before school. The optimal age is 4.5–5 years with a gradual transition from printed to capital letters at 6–7 years of age. Any training during this period should be easy and relaxed. Use games to introduce new and reinforce old information or skills.

Focus on your baby's mood. Never force him to study and do not drag out lessons for a long time. 10-15 minutes of regular exercise daily is enough to master basic writing skills, which will help you further in first grade.