The most interesting and strange plant. A selection of photos of the most beautiful and unusual indoor plants

lives on earth great amount amazing creatures: from funny to terrifying. Many amazing plants of the world have been known for a long time. But there are completely unusual representatives of the flora that few people know about. Meanwhile, they truly amaze with their appearance. Here are some of them.

Amorphophallus titanum

The second name is Corpse lily. What makes it the most unusual plant in the world is not only the gigantic size of the flower, but also the terrible smell that it emits. It’s good that you only have to smell the aroma of rotten meat and fish for two days - this is the flowering period of this amazing plant. Another feature of it is its rare flowering. The “corpse lily” lives for a long time, up to 40 years, and during this time flowers appear on it only 3-4 times. The plant can reach a height of up to 3 meters, and its weight large flower is about 75 kilograms. The homeland of Amorphophallus titanica is the forest of Sumatra, where it is now practically exterminated. The plant can be seen in many botanical gardens peace.

Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)

Only the lazy did not write about this amazing predator plant. But no matter how much is said about it, the Venus flytrap amazes with its absolute alienness. One can easily imagine her as an inhabitant of some distant and dangerous planet inhabited by carnivorous plants. Venus flytrap leaves are an ideal trap for small insects. As soon as the unlucky victim touches the leaf, it slams shut. And the more actively the insect resists, the more it stimulates the growth of plant cells. The edges of the leaf trap grow together and turn into a “stomach”, where the digestion process takes place within 10 days. After this, the trap is again ready to capture the next victim. This unusual predator can be “tamed” - the Venus flytrap is successfully grown at home. Here it is important to follow the rules of care, and then for an amazing carnivorous plant you can see for yourself.

Wolffia angusta

It is one of the most unusual plants in the world due to its tiny size. This aquatic plant subfamily duckweed. The size of the wolffia is negligible - about a millimeter. It blooms very rarely. Meanwhile, in terms of the amount of protein, the plant is not inferior to legumes and can be used for human food.


This beautiful plant also seems to come from other worlds. The unusual flower led missionaries who saw it in South Africa to the allegory of the savior’s crown of thorns. This is where the second name of one of the most unusual plants in the world came from - passion flower (passion of Christ). Passionflower is a woody climbing vine with more than 500 species.

Victoria amozonica (Victoria amozonica)

This is the most amazing and unusual water lily in the world. The diameter of the plant's leaves reaches two meters. They are so large that they can support up to 80 kg. The flowers of this water lily are very beautiful, and Victoria Amazonis is the most popular and unusual plant in greenhouses and botanical gardens.


Another predatory plant, surprising with its unusual appearance, grows mainly in Asia. Climbing high on neighboring trees, this bush-like vine, along with ordinary leaves, has special trapping leaves that take the shape of a jug up to half a meter long. They are painted in bright colors to attract the attention of insects. The upper edge of the jug contains fragrant nectar. An insect, attracted by the smell and color of the plant, crawls inside the jug and rolls down it. smooth surface down. At the bottom there is a liquid consisting of digestive enzymes and acids - real gastric juice. The inner surface of the trapping leaf is lined with wax scales, which do not allow the prey to escape from the trap. Like the Venus flytrap, Nepenthes takes several days to digest the insect. This is one of the most unusual and impressive plants in the world.

Hydnellum Peca, or bloody tooth

An inedible mushroom native to Europe, North America and Australia, it looks like a small piece of cake covered in strawberry syrup. It is not eaten because of its very bitter taste. Except amazing appearance, the mushroom has and beneficial features– its pulp has an antibacterial effect and contains blood thinning substances. It only looks unusual young plant, the snow-white pulp of which exudes drops of reddish liquid.

White Raven, or doll's eyes

White crow, or doll's eyes, is an unusual plant not for the faint of heart. The fruits that appear on it in the second half of summer really most resemble doll's eyes mounted on a branch. The homeland of the white crow is mountainous areas North America. The plant is poisonous, but does not pose a mortal danger.

Porcupine Tomato

Porcupine Tomato is one of the most unusual plants in the world with huge thorns. This is a one and a half meter weed from Madagascar, decorated with beautiful purple flowers. But it is very difficult to pick them, since the leaves of the plant are protected by long poisonous thorns orange color. It was named tomato for its fruits, which look like small tomatoes. Many unusual plants In the course of evolution, the world has learned to take the form of other living beings. The flowers of the duck-billed orchid, for example, are very similar to tiny two-centimeter ducks. In this way, the plant attracts insects - male sawflies - for pollination.

Lithops, or living stones (Lithops)

Among indoor plants you can find the most amazing and unusual specimens. This is confirmed by living stones that will decorate and diversify the room. They are classified as succulents and therefore quite unpretentious. The main thing is to take proper care of them, and one day you will be able to admire how the lithops, which look like small stones, will bloom. This usually occurs in the third year of the plant's life.

Parachute Flower Ceropegia Woodii

If in the 18th century, when this unusual plant was first described, they knew about airplanes, it would have been called that way. It belongs to succulents and forms a dense interweaving of thread-like shoots. The plant feels great at home and is used for decorative design premises.

The flora of our planet is so rich and diverse that it never ceases to amaze even scientists. This rating presents the 10 most unusual plants in the world, capable of changing the understanding of botany with their appearance. It seems that being a botanist is quite honorable, since these scientists can surprise the whole world with their discoveries.

10. Creepy handshake

Due to its unusually shaped flowers, chyrantodendron is called the “devil's hand”. The homeland of this tree is Mexico, which was inhabited by the Aztecs several centuries ago. They used chirantodendron flowers in their magical rituals, and all because of their similarity to a five-fingered hand. The coloring of the petals only adds color, because at the ends of the so-called fingers, red sharp claws are clearly visible. During the flowering period, the tree is very abundantly covered with “palms” that sway terribly in the wind.

9. Blooms and smells

For Europeans, this plant is very unusual, but people living in the tropics and subtropics do not consider amorphophallus to be anything unusual. The plant develops from a tuber the size of an average grapefruit. And for local residents it is of gastronomic interest. IN Japanese cuisine Amorphophallus tubers are added to soups and stewed with vegetables. And the dried pieces are ground into flour, from which noodles are subsequently made. But having become acquainted with amorphophallus during the flowering period, not every tourist then dares to eat it. The amorphophallus flower reaches a height of 2.5 m. This huge and incredibly beautiful flower, like the famous rafflesia, exudes an unreal stench. The smell of rotting meat attracts insects that pollinate the plant. And the amorphophallus can snack on the larvae of some types of moths, replenishing its supply of nutrients. This plant proves by its example that appearances are deceiving. And because of unpleasant odor There are few people who want to admire the beautiful flower in person. The rest opt ​​for high-quality photographs.

8. Blood of the Dragon

If you damage the bark of a dragon tree, a red, tarry liquid similar to blood will appear at the site. Because of this feature long years The aborigines considered the tree sacred. Modern scientists do not revere the sap of dragon trees, but study them with great interest. These unusual plants are found on the African continent and on the southern islands of Asia. They grow rather slowly, but there are specimens of impressive size, the girth of which can reach 15 m. Specimens of a very respectable age can boast of such dimensions. Experts say that the dragon tree can live up to 9,000 years, but without complex research it is impossible to determine the age of the plant, since it does not form growth rings.

7. Living Desert Rocks

Translated from ancient Greek, this plant is called “having the appearance of a stone.” Many amateur gardeners also call these unusual indoor plants living pebbles. Lithops is native to the African desert, but proper care They also feel good in an ordinary city apartment. Lithops consists of two fleshy leaves that are separated by a slit. A pair of leaves lives for one year, then it is replaced by a new pair, the dividing gap of which will be located strictly perpendicular to the previous one. Such life cycle due to the arid climate characteristic of these plants. Old watery leaves serve as a source of moisture and nutrients for new ones. As lithops develop, they can “throw out” another pair of leaves nearby from one root. Over time, they grow into small flocks.

6. Established supermarket

The baobab is considered an unofficial symbol of the African savannah; it has a very recognizable silhouette. unusual tree. Baobabs have peculiar proportions; their trunk is too wide relative to the height of the tree. And all because the plant accumulates and stores in it nutrients and water. The reserves are sufficient for the entire period of drought, however, at this time the tree decreases in volume and even sheds its leaves. Local residents have learned to use baobabs to the fullest. They joke that if a baobab grows nearby, then there is no need to go to the market. So, nets and mats are woven from the bark, the fruits are eaten, shampoo is made from them, faces are painted with the juice of the rhizomes, and wood ash saves the aborigines from many diseases. The tree itself can serve as a good home. The fact is that wet wood is often destroyed under the influence of fungal infections, and the baobab becomes hollow inside. However, this does not prevent the mega-hardy tree from continuing to grow and bear fruit. Based on the results of recent studies, it was concluded that baobabs live for more than one thousand years. So, such empty trees can shelter up to 40 people inside. But when the baobab does die, it crumbles into small pieces, leaving behind only a mountain of rotten wood.

5. Vague prospects

In the world there are unusual species plants for comfortable life Specific weather conditions are required. One of these exotic plants is Welwitschia amazing. This plant can be found on the rocky desert soils of Namibia and Angola, where it rains only 2 months a year. The rest of the time the sun kills all living things. At the same time, Velvichia manages to survive. And all because the main source of moisture for this plant is thick fog caused by the proximity Atlantic Ocean. The plant absorbs moisture from the air with its huge leaves. True, there are only two of them, but the length of each reaches up to 8 meters, and the width - up to 2 m. To shade the rhizome, the plant divides its wide leaves into narrow parts in the form of belts. The latter die off over time, but their shade allows the plant to survive in extreme conditions. Due to the withered foliage, the plant seems dead, but in fact its vital potential is amazing. Welwitschia is often mistaken for a grass, but in fact it is a tree, and quite an ancient one. Using carbon dating, it was found that the age of individual specimens exceeds 1,500 years.

4. You don't need a reason to dance

An unusual shrub, Desmodium gyrans, grows in Asia. Its peculiarity is that the leaves of the plant are constantly in motion. This occurs provided that the plant receives enough moisture and light. Only then can you watch how some leaves literally dance on the branch. Scientists explain such movements by surges in water pressure inside the leaf cells. But, despite the scientific findings, from the outside it looks a lot like magic. It is striking that the cyclical movements of the leaves resemble the human heart rhythm. As a result of research, an Indian scientist was able to establish this. Well, a person should remember that he is as much a part of nature as the exotic Desmodium gyrans. But the bush dances are worth a look.

3. Water lily for Thumbelina

Some unusual plant species enjoy special attention among residents of the countries where they grow. Thus, Victoria Amazoniana flaunts on the coat of arms of Guyana, a small South American state. And there is something to be proud of, because this is the largest water lily in the world, the leaves of which reach 2 m in diameter. Such a leaf can support not only the fabulous Thumbelina, but also a person or animal weighing up to 50 kg. The flowers of the plant require special attention, they appear once a year for 3 days. Delicate flowers with a diameter of 30 cm are snow-white on the first day. At night they close and go underwater to emerge on the morning of the second day in a soft pink color. On the third day they change color to crimson or purple, and in the evening last time go under water. So, for three days the water lilies appear on the surface of the water in all their glory, but their withering is hidden from the eyes of the audience.

2. A fly for lunch

The Venus flytrap is a rare representative of plant predators. Its specially shaped leaves are capable of slamming shut, trapping an insect inside. Once the food is inside, the leaf begins to secrete an enzyme for the insect to digest. On average, one leaf takes up to 10 days to completely digest organic matter. After which, only the chitinous shell remains of the fly. During its life, a leaf manages to “eat” up to three insects. This predatory behavior of the plant is dictated by its growing environment. IN natural conditions This plant can most often be found in humid climates on marshy soils. Similar conditions are found in the United States along the Atlantic coast. Swampy soil poor in nitrogen, by eating insects, the flycatcher makes up for the lack of nutrients. Today it is fashionable to grow unusual indoor plants, and the Venus flytrap may well become one of them.

1. Timid beauty

Mimosa pudica has perhaps eclipsed all the most unusual plants in the world. This herbaceous plant responds instantly to the slightest touch. As soon as you touch it, all the mimosa leaves, as if embarrassed, curl up, and the branches droop. True, after 5-10 minutes of rest the plant again regains its original appearance. In nature, this exotic plant can be found in Central America, but as a houseplant, the modest mimosa grows all over the world. However, you need to see this with your own eyes.

The plant world appeared on the planet long before living organisms began to populate it. Representatives of the flora surround us in Everyday life: they delight with rich greenery, give flowers, give away their delicious and useful fruits, and also provide material for the construction of houses, furniture, etc. There is nothing more familiar than a flower on the windowsill of an apartment or house. But the kingdom of flora is also capable of delighting us with its exotic representatives who have amazing properties, and sometimes even resemble animals. The top 10 contains amazing plants that are recognized as the most original and unusual in flora.

This tree is one of the most ancient on earth. Ginkgo witnessed the appearance of the first ancestors of mammals on the planet at a time when it already firmly dominated the earth. Its leaves, judging by excavations and found remains from the Mesozoic era, covered the ground with a continuous carpet, which became thicker every year.

Despite the fact that ginkgo biloba looks like an ordinary deciduous tree, it is a coniferous tree. The fact is that its needles have firmly grown together and formed a visible resemblance to a leaf plate, which for a long time misled scientists.

Ginkgo is also unique because it can have an amazing effect on the human brain: it promotes concentration, improves memory, and improves cerebral circulation. This has made ginkgo one of the most effective components of drugs against strokes, hydrocephalus and senile dementia.

Although ginkgo is considered exotic (its homeland is China), its seedlings successfully take root in middle lane, showing all the characteristics of a very stable and surprisingly unpretentious representative of the flora.

This is unusual conifer tree takes 10th place in the hit parade.

Subpolar hemp ranks 9th in the top 10 for its exceptional frost resistance. It owes this property to the fact that during its appearance it was exploring new cold territories. The acquired cold resistance, amazing for the plant world, helped circumpolar hemp calmly survive the Ice Age.

Since severe frosts and icing conditions during the Ice Age created a severe shortage of herbaceous food, mammoths could quickly die out, but they would not long time The abundance of polar hemp saved the day. Paleontologists, in confirmation of this fact, still often discover tens of kilograms of its shoots in the huge stomachs of frozen mammoths.

Stability and survival in severe frost conditions is explained by the fact that the cells of this type of hemp contain natural alcohol-containing antifreeze, which performs standard photosynthesis, which is impossible at subzero temperatures.

8th place in the hit parade of the 10 most amazing plants is occupied by the most drought-resistant representative of the flora - the Jericho rose.

This one lives unusual flower in hot deserts and is an annual plant. During dry periods, the rose of Jericho takes the form of a vessel: it raises its leaves upward and collects all the moisture contained in the air in the center of the rosette. When this water becomes too little, the leaves dry out completely. The wind tears off the ground part and carries the plant many tens of kilometers along the hot sands.

If on its way the Jericho rose encounters a pond or any place with a normal level of humidity for life, the leaves become saturated with moisture and open, allowing the fruits from the center of the flower to spill seeds onto fertile soil, where they will successfully germinate and be able to live.

Because of this intricate mechanism, the desert rose has been able to overcome the conditions of the sultry sands for many millennia.

This herbaceous plant grows in Central Asia. In nature this type herbs are not widespread, but it still became famous thanks to Buddhist monks, who often used bamboo in their rituals.

This representative of the fauna has no root structure and no obvious stem. It develops in dense large rings lying on the ground. Until now, botanists do not know how this grass reproduces.

An amazing property of ring bamboo is that when its ring is lifted from the ground, an “om” can be clearly heard. This talking plant gave rise to superstitious fear among people and confirmed the divine essence of the monks.

Scientists have now established the mechanism for the occurrence of these “conversations”: it consists of a peculiar movement of air capsules inside the rings and their partitions.

Ring bamboo is ranked 7th in the top 10 amazing plants of the world.

Residents South-East Asia They are extremely lucky: they don’t need to buy sweets in stores, since in their countries sweets grow right on trees. The real name of the tree that gives people amazing pleasure is Sweet Hovenia.

In appearance it is close to the familiar linden tree. In the spring, during wild flowering, clouds of bees gather around the tree, competing for the delicious nectar that its flowers are filled with.

The role of sweets is not the fruits - pea-like dry drupes, but the juicy stalks. The sucrose content in them is very high - almost 50%. Gourmets consider their taste to be one of the most unique in the plant world, reminiscent of dried fruits soaked in rum syrup.

Extract and powder of dried stalks are widely used in cooking as a flavoring additive for confectionery products. Sweet jovenia is prepared from a large number of drinks, and its wood is used to make musical instruments.

For the sweet taste that Hovenia gives to people, it is ranked 6th in the ranking of amazing plants.

Flower of laughter

The black fruits of the flower are quite small, but eating them causes a violent reaction: a person immediately begins to laugh. Uncontrollable laughter continues for at least half an hour, and sometimes for more than an hour.

After the attack of uncontrollable laughter stops, the exhausted person immediately falls asleep and sleeps soundly for several hours, and after waking up he feels a hangover or discovers memory lapses.

This property has been adopted by dentists: Datura extract is used as an anesthetic drug, which helps not to feel toothache and remain in good health. good location spirit during dental treatment.

nettle tree

Not all plants bring fun and laughter; some can be very painful. An amazing nettle or stinging tree grows in New Zealand. Scientists call it Ongaonga.

This tree has a powerful defense mechanism that saves it from any attempts to cause damage. The trunk has densely arranged needle-spines, at the base of which there are reserves of a toxic substance from a mixture of histamines and concentrated formic acid. The poison causes a strong allergic reaction, and the pain is comparable to the simultaneous bite of several wasps.

After contact with a stinging tree, the death of one person was officially recorded, many deaths are reported by unofficial sources and local residents. Large animals - dogs and horses - do not survive burns.

But this plant is not dangerous for all representatives of the fauna: the larvae of the Red Admiral butterfly find it very appetizing and tasty. By eating its foliage, these insects gain weight surprisingly quickly and undergo metamorphosis at an accelerated pace from a larva to a beautiful butterfly.

In 3rd place is the most tall plant planets - sequoia. These trees look down on the crowns of their relatives in dense forests. Record-breaking giant this moment recognized as a tree growing in California in the Redwood Park. This sequoia was discovered in 2006 and then its height reached 115.5 m. last years it increased another 2.1 m. According to rough estimates by dendrologists, the age of this specimen is about 800 years.

Sequoia is also the largest plant in terms of volume on the planet. The volume of the largest representative is almost 1.5 km 3 - 1487 m 3. The wood of this tree weighs 1910 tons, which is equal to the mass of 10 blue whales. The trunk circumference of this specimen in the lower layer exceeds 31 m.

Venus flytrap

The Venus flytrap flower looks very unusual. But she got into 2nd place not because of her appearance, but because of her dietary preferences.

For active growth and reproduction, the flower has adapted to feed on living organisms. Most often they are flying insects. The flycatcher has a specific smell that attracts insects. The flower valves have sensitive hairs that react to touch, after which they quickly close, leaving the victim in the middle of the trap. The plant digests the victim for about 10 days, after which the doors open again in anticipation of new guests.

Not only insects can be food for the Venus flytrap: the same fate befalls caterpillars, snails and slugs, as well as small frogs that crawl into it. When digesting such large prey, a not very pleasant smell comes from the flower. But this does not deter fans at all. exotic plants, so the flower is becoming an increasingly frequent guest on the windowsills of apartments and houses.

For its amazing feeding habits, the Venus flytrap becomes a silver record holder in the ranking of the 10 most amazing plants in the world.

The championship among the most unusual representatives of the flora goes to the owner of a huge flower - rafflesia. We are used to smelling flowers and enjoying their aroma, but in this case the situation is completely different.

The flower is most famous for its amazing pungent smell, reminiscent of rotten meat. For humans, it is extremely unpleasant, but for insects that pollinate this flower, this smell is very attractive, it makes them fly to the plant, covering long distances.

The rafflesia flower is the largest on earth: its diameter is about 1 m, so it is rightly considered a giant in the plant world. Due to its impressive size and atypical smell, rafflesia takes 1st place in the top 10 most amazing representatives of the flora of our planet.

Did you know that the tallest trees are over 100 meters tall? Have you heard anything about plants that can “kill” and “eat” animals? In this article you will learn a lot of surprising, interesting and even shocking things about the life of plants.

1. Velvichia is amazing (Welwitschia mirabilis).

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This desert dwarf tree can be up to 2000 years old. From the short stump-like trunk of the plant, two huge leaves extend in both directions, which, as they grow, tear longitudinally into ribbons, and the tips dry out. These giant leaves are as old as the tree. The leaves continually grow from the base and the tips die back. In some cases, the length of the leaves can reach 8 meters and the width 1.8 meters.

The genus Amorphophallus, as well as the genus Rafflesia, is famous for its “subtle aroma” of decaying flesh. The smell coming from the flower is terrible. Few people are able to admire the amorphophallus without a gas mask. The flower of most representatives of this genus is huge in size (Especially the species shown in the photo Amorphophallus titanum) and can reach a height of 2.5 meters with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In many eastern countries The tubers of this plant are used in the preparation of various culinary dishes and medicines.

(Opuntia bigelovii)

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Prickly pear Bigelow is probably one of the most amazing views genus Opuntia of the Cactus family. The photo above was taken in California national park Joshua-Tree. In the photograph, the entire desert landscape to the horizon is covered with amazing fluffy cacti, up to two meters high. In the rays of the setting sun the landscape looks fantastic. The person here has the impression that he, as part of a space expedition, landed on another planet covered with unknown life forms.

5. Carnegia gianta (Carnegiea gigantea)

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Carnegia gianta (Saguaro) another one amazing plant family Cactus. Most amazing feature This cactus is due to its gigantic size. The height of individual plants is about 14 meters, and the diameter is more than 3 meters! Moreover, the age of individual cacti reaches 150 years.


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Most plants from this genus can be called, without exaggeration, “predators”, which obtain the necessary missing nutrients by “digesting” captured insects. The plant has modified leaves that resemble pitchers in shape. The inner surface of the jug is lined with cells that secrete nectar, which serves to attract insects, as well as “hair cells” that make the release of an insect caught in the net impossible. The surface of the “neck” of the jug is very slippery, so there is practically no chance for an insect walking along the neck not to slip down. An insect falls into the water (at individual species the jug can contain up to 2 liters of water) and sinks. Next, enzymes are produced that completely “digest” the insect. Sometimes not only insects are trapped, but even mice, rats, birds.

The Venus flytrap is an even more amazing “killer plant” that takes more active measures to kill its prey. The modified “jaw” leaves of this plant encroach on the life of not only insects, but also the life of .

You can “enjoy” the rest of the amazing “combat feats” of the Venus flytrap in the video.

(Ficus benghalensis)

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At first glance, it may seem that the photo above depicts a forest. In fact, it is one single tree. Ficus Bengal forms powerful branches to support which shoots grow, which, falling down to the ground, take root, forming powerful columns-trunks.

9. Sequoia evergreen (Sequoia sempervirens)

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Sequoia evergreen is the most tall tree of our planet. Our temperate forests are mere grass compared to the forest of these mighty giants. The height of many trees exceeds 110 meters, and their age is more than 3500 years! Previously, houses were hollowed out in sequoia trunks and even tunnels were cut through which they passed car roads. In windy weather, many visitors to the forest of giants feel uneasy from the noisy “grinding” and swaying of the mighty sequoia trunks. Grows in California.

The imagination of nature is inexhaustible, so our planet is inhabited by a variety of creatures - from funny to terrifying. But there are also unusual representatives of the flora: not only giants, but also real predators.

1. Amorphophallus titanica (corpse lily)

This flower is gigantic in size, it is beautiful, but it emits a terrible stench. True, he spreads a smell around himself rotten fish and meat only for a couple of days, and then it fades. And this is blooming tropical plant very rarely - during the 40 years that the “corpse lily” lives, the flower appears only 3-4 times. The plant can grow up to 3 meters tall, and the weight of the flower can reach 75 kilograms. The “corpse lily” grows in the forests of Sumatra, but it is almost exterminated there, so it is easier to see it in botanical gardens.

2. Venus flytrap

This beautiful, even graceful plant is a real predator: with its leaves of a special design, it deftly catches small insects. As soon as an unlucky fly touches the fibers on the bed of a leaf with its paw or wing, it slams shut. And while the insect is actively kicking, the plant only increases the secretion of digestive juice. An insect caught as if in the shell of a shell is completely digested within 10 days. Then the leaf opens and lures a new victim with droplets of nectar. People were even able to tame this potted predator by growing it on a windowsill. If you care for it properly, you can observe the hunting process with your own eyes.

3. Passionflower

This tropical liana has a very unusual and beautiful flower. These flowers were first noticed in South Africa by missionaries, who thought they looked like the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ. That's why they gave it the unscientific but very colorful name “passion flower” (an allusion to the passion of Christ). In general, there are over 500 species of these woody climbing vines, called passionflower.

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4. Victoria Amazonian

This is the largest water lily in the world. The diameter of its leaves floating on the surface of the water reaches two meters. Such a sheet can easily hold a child on it. Victoria Amazonian flowers are very beautiful, so this species can often be seen in botanical gardens and greenhouses.

5. Nepentis

It's very unusual looking carnivorous plant, which grows in Southeast Asia. This bushy vine climbs higher into neighboring trees. In addition to ordinary leaves, it also has catchers, which are very reminiscent of an impressive jug up to 0.5 m high. The catcher leaves are brightly colored, attracting insects and small rodents. Fragrant nectar appears on the upper edge of the jug. Attracted by the color and smell, the victim crawls inside the jug and slides down its slippery walls. At the bottom of the jug, a pool of digestive acids and enzymes, reminiscent of gastric juice, awaits her. The inside surface of the leaf has waxy scales that prevent the victim from getting out of the jug. Nepenthis takes several days to digest its prey. One day we managed to find a rat caught in such a jug.

6. Porcupinsky tomato

This unusual plant is famous for its incredibly large thorns. This weed grows in Madagascar, reaching one and a half meters in height, it is decorated with purple flowers. But getting close to these flowers to pick them is very difficult, since the plant bristles with long orange poisonous thorns. In fact, this plant does not belong to the nightshade family, but it was called “tomato” because of the fruits that resemble small tomatoes.

7. “Living stones” (lithops)

Now you can often find these unusual plants, which have begun to be used as indoor flowers. "Living stones" are succulents, and they are known to be very unpretentious. But they decorate the interior well. You just need to know what they need for normal existence, and one fine day the “stone” will bloom. Most often, flowering occurs in the third year of the plant’s life.

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8. Velvichia is amazing

Although this dwarf tree does not look very impressive, it is attractive in its strangeness. Velvichia amazing has very strong roots, a stem and only two leaves. These leaves never fall off and are replaced by new ones, they just grow slowly at the beginning and die off at the ends, and this can continue for over 2000 years. Overgrown sheet plates resemble some kind of shaggy beard or mane. The Welwitschia trunk grows mainly in width rather than in height, so with a height of no more than 2 m, it can have a girth of up to 8 m. This unusual long-liver lives in the South African Namib Desert. It can survive without rain for years because it absorbs moisture from the leaves from the fog. This is an edible plant with a pleasant taste, and it can be eaten not only baked, but also raw. It was even nicknamed “desert onion” for its gastronomic properties.

9. Rafflesia Arnolda

This is the most unusual and largest flower in the world. Rafflesia Arnold belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family; it grows up to 90 centimeters in diameter, and the flower can weigh up to 10 kg. Although this giant flower looks unusually impressive, it cannot be placed in a room because it emits a very unpleasant smell of rotting meat, which it needs to attract pollinating insects. It takes several months for the bud to ripen, but flowering occurs in just a couple of days. The plant produces many seeds, which are dispersed by insects such as ants and large mammals such as elephants, which may accidentally step on the flower and carry the seeds on their feet.

10. Chirantodendron (“creepy handshake”)

The flowers of this plant are very unusual shape, because of which it is called the “hand of the devil.” It comes from Mexico, where the Aztec tribes once lived. They used the flowers of this plant, which look like hands, in magical rituals. And their coloring only further excites the imagination - sharp red claws are visible at the ends of the “fingers”. During the flowering period, the chirantodendron is completely covered with “palms” that flutter eerily in the wind.