The most favorable days for planting potatoes. Potato planting calendar Favorable days for planting potatoes year

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​Small-fruited low growing tomatoes, suitable for growing in low greenhouses:​



​11, 17, 19​

​4-5, April 23; May 1-2, 5, 29-30; June 2-3, 25-26;​
Favorable days for planting potatoes according to Lunnoy sowing calendar 2016: April 4-5, 8-9, 23; May 1-2, 5, 19-20, 29-30; June 2-3, 25-26.​

  • ​Decreasing​
  • ​These days you can plant seeds of almost all garden plants, for example: eggplants, bell pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes. Be sure to plant zucchini and squash. Also, melons and legumes will have excellent germination.
  • ​Skorohod - only 50 cm high, therefore ideal for growing in low greenhouses, abundant and unpretentious,​


​11, 25​

​When to plant pepper seedlings in 2016​

  • Conditionally favorable days:​Potatoes are more than a vegetable, they are a cult. Let it grow on summer cottage Now it’s not a necessity, it’s still so nice to harvest your own harvest at the end of summer and remember that very taste...​
  • ​These days, devote your time to grafting fruit trees, as well as planting beets, turnips, and potatoes. But it is not advisable to sow flowers in flower beds, pots and tubs. But, as on other days, you can cultivate and fertilize the soil, water the plants on the site​14​
  • ​Decreasing​​Biotechnics offers good varieties of tomatoes for growing in modern polycarbonate greenhouses - these are Lollipop, Gem Emerald, Nepasynkuyuschiy - 105, Raisin,​
  • ​24​ ​5​
  • ​8, 9, 11, 12, 21​ When to plant cabbage for seedlings
  • ​17, 30​ ​April 8-9; May 19-20;​

​It is very important to determine the planting time correctly. If potatoes are planted too early, frosts below -3°C will cause the potatoes to die. Most often they write that potatoes are planted when the soil warms up at a depth of 10 cm to a temperature of +6...+10°C. But who will walk around with a thermometer and measure the temperature of the soil? Most often, when planting potatoes, they focus on the air temperature (approximately +15°C), calendar days, and experienced gardeners - for the flowering of birch and bird cherry.​ ​29​

Lunar landing calendar for 2016. When to plant vegetables.

​Growing First Quarter​

On this day, it is better to refuse to plant flowers on the ground and sow them, especially since it’s time to plant potatoes and other tubers, as well as beets, turnips and radishes

  • ​Company "Poisk" - Yellow delicacy (non-grafting, with fleshy fruits), Picket.​
  • The lunar planting calendar was created by people thousands of years ago. The changing phases of the celestial body clearly showed the passage of time. The cyclical nature of the event and the knowledge that the Moon has a (gravitational and magnetic) influence on the surface of the Earth and all living things made it possible to think about the dependence of the harvest on lunar days- this is how the planting calendar appeared vegetable crops, with the help of which the planting and sowing season was organized, on which, in turn, the survival of people in those days depended. Thus, the lunar calendar for planting has gained centuries of experience and is still in demand, helping to quickly figure out when and what to plant in the garden.​
​2, 11, 17, 18​ ​18​ ​13, 14, 15​ ​watering​ ​So, in the south, potatoes can be planted starting from mid-March, in Moscow and the Moscow region - around May 10, in Yekaterinburg you should focus on May 5, and in Voronezh, Tambov and Saratov - at the end of April - beginning of May.​
​Decreasing​ ​02, 03​ ​tomato Sanka produced by Felita - ultra-early, ultra-determinate (fruiting on stepsons).​ ​Gardeners know very well that the key to a good harvest lies not only in fertilizers, watering and proper care of plants, but also in preparatory work, which continue throughout the year. Therefore, immediately after celebrating the New Year, you can open the vegetable planting calendar for 2016 and plan your actions. Each month of such a calendar has its own preferences and restrictions in working with the earth and plants, moreover, the lunar influence of each day changes and also makes adjustments. We will look at what months and what events are held.​ ​18​
​Annual flowers​ ​16​ ​13​ ​any day except: February 15-16, 25-26; March 14-15, 23 and 24; April 10-11 and 19-21; May 1-2, 7-8, 16-18, 29-30; June 4-5, 13-14, 25-26; July 1-2, 22-23, 28-29; 6-8, 18-19, 25-26 August;​ ​Read more:​
​15, 16​ ​Decreasing​ ​Even today, when all the most modern developments and achievements of agricultural technology come to the aid of gardeners, it would be very unwise to neglect natural rhythms. Of course, temperature indicators, precipitation patterns and other weather conditions play a huge, if not the most important role. important role for any gardening work, be it sowing, planting seedlings or harvesting. However, we will not talk about them now.​ ​January - in the first half of the month, it is recommended to plant greenery on the windowsill, as well as plowing the soil and fertilizing it; in the middle of the month - sowing seeds in winter greenhouse for growing vegetables; in the second half of the month - replanting domestic bulbous plants and applying fertilizers; Detailed planting calendar for January by day ​Radish​ ​22, 26, 30​
​8, 9​ ​8, 9​ ​introduction of complex fertilizing​ ​Potato​ ​30​ ​Growing​
​It is undesirable to engage in planting and sowing, but good results will be achieved by fighting weeds, pests and diseases of garden and ornamental plants. You can trim dry and diseased branches from trees, not forgetting to burn them ​Humanity has long noticed that the Moon has a significant influence on all biological processes occurring on our planet, including the growth and development of all living organisms and, first of all, plants. It was on the basis of such observations that all kinds of lunar calendars were compiled and, in particular, the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener.​ ​February - with the exception of a few days, the month is good for growing greens on the windowsill and vegetable crops in greenhouses; It is recommended to grow bulbous flowers in a greenhouse; planting seedlings of flowers and vegetables; ​5​ ​9, 18, 23, 26​
​ 7, 11, 17, 25​ ​ 11, 17, 25​ ​: February 4, 5-10, 14, 22-24; March 1-4, 6, 28-31; April 1, 6, 24-30; May 3-5, 22-26; June 4-5, 23-24, 27-28; July 3-4, 26-27; 1, 2, 4, 5, 11-13, 21-31 August;​
​Potatoes: how to choose good potatoes to eat​ ​Waxing Third Quarter​ ​We plant trees and bushes on the site, but it is better to refrain from sowing other plants. Till the soil in the beds and flower gardens, loosening it for the upcoming sowing of garden garden crops, you can also sprinkle the mounded rows with mulch. Pest control recommended ​04, 05​ ​During planting work, the lunar calendar can really help great help, because the future harvest largely depends on the day of planting. IN flora There are their own canons, adhering to which, any gardener and gardener can significantly simplify their work and greatly increase its effectiveness.​
​Planting days in February.​ ​26​ ​14​ ​Patissons​ ​When to plant eggplants in 2016​ ​feeding with dry fertilizer:​
​Potatoes: unusual ways landing ​We fight diseases and pests in the garden and vegetable garden in an organized manner, carrying out fumigation and spraying. It’s also a good idea to fight the weeds. Trees and shrubs can be trimmed to remove excess shoots and dry branches. It is highly undesirable to plant any plants ​17, 18​ ​Decreasing​ ​So, it is necessary to sow or plant all land plants during the young Moon, but planting potatoes according to lunar calendar, as well as planting vegetables that can go like arrows, constitute an exception to general rule. So the last plants are planted during the debilitated Moon. Planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar is also done when the Moon is weak or, which is not so desirable, when the Moon is rising.​ ​March - the first half of the month is reserved for pruning trees and bushes and spraying them; planting seeds for vegetable seedlings; cleaning areas for lawns - planting, mulching; the middle of the month already suggests sowing in open ground dill, parsley, lettuce; from the middle to the end of the month it is already possible to plant tuber crops and plant seedlings of vegetables; Gardeners' calendar for March by day
​1​ ​8​ ​8, 9, 20, 24​ ​17, 30​ ​February 25-26; March 14 and 15; April 10-11; May 7-8; June 4-5; July 28-30; August 25-26;​ ​B middle lane after May 25th it is too late to plant potatoes. If you are late with planting for a couple of weeks, this can lead to a sharp decrease in yield. In addition, potatoes cannot be planted where plants of the Solanaceae family previously grew - these are potatoes themselves, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. The best predecessors for potatoes: beets, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, beans, greens and, of course, green manure.​
​Nov 13​ ​Growing​ ​We plant bulbous crops on the ground; they can also be transferred to open ground already grown seedlings. We sow celery and radishes, it is also recommended to provide care berry bushes and fruit-bearing trees, by pruning and grafting. It’s a good idea to start cultivating and fertilizing the soil in your garden.
​In March, many assigned tasks have already been completed, including the first tillage of the soil by harrowing to seal up moisture in the lower layers of the soil. However, the warmer the days become, the more things to do - both in the garden and in the vegetable garden. And in order not to grab dozens of tasks at once, remembering first one or the other, you need to stop in time, look around (even if briefly) and draw up some kind of action plan. Moreover, the lunar calendar for April comes into its own every year, and it has never happened that May began after March, which means that your memory itself will tell you all the areas where there is something to do.​ ​April - opens a more active planting season: climbing plants (legumes, roses, grapes, etc.) are planted; all vegetable crops are sown in open ground; pest control and pruning of trees and bushes continues; in the middle of the month they plant fruit trees, give them vaccinations; planting tuber crops (except potatoes); sowing seeds for flower seedlings; What to plant in April by day ​7​ ​14, 15​ ​ 18​
​13, 14, 15​ ​potato harvesting:​ ​Since potatoes are propagated mainly by tubers, the bulk of success depends on the quality of planting material. When choosing planting material, pay attention not only to taste, color, yield, but also to where the varieties are zoned, as well as to the ripening periods: early, middle, late.​ ​Potato tuber​ ​These days are best spent cultivating the soil. Also mulch the garden and vegetable garden, watering beds with perennial crops. Postpone planting for another time. You can do pest control ​06​
​Pruning ornamental trees and bushes ​May is the time for loosening, fertilizing, weeding and planting everything that has not yet been planted in April; sowing flowers; ​Radish​ ​Petunia​
Root vegetables (beets, carrots, etc.) ​13​ ​July 24-25; August 21-24; September 17-20.​ ​The characteristics of the variety are also important, for example, resistance to fungal diseases and nematodes. It is better to choose large tubers (50-100 g) for sowing; only from them can strong plants grow that can produce big harvest. Read more: The most popular early and mid-early potato varieties ​What could be easier than planting potatoes? Unfortunately it happens that harvested less than planted. One of the reasons is improper planting of potatoes..​
​19-21​ ​Decreasing​ ​Pre-sowing cultivation with harrowing​ ​Planting days in May​ ​5​
​9​ ​1, 5​ ​ 8, 9​ ​Read more:​
Potato varieties are divided depending on how many days after planting you can start digging up the tubers: ​Most people plant potatoes during the May holidays. However this is not always correct solution. Only with the correct calculation of planting time and sufficient care of the crop can the maximum result be achieved. If you plant potatoes earlier, their tubers will not germinate due to the cold soil. In case of high humidity, the potatoes can be affected by diseases or they will begin to rot, as a result of which the bush will not grow at all. At early boarding there is a possibility that the seedling will be damaged by frost.​ ​Growing​ On this day, refrain from planting any plants on the ground or in containers. It’s better to start aerating the planting beds or loosening the rows for upcoming plantings, as well as watering. Good time for pest control
​We recommend that you read​ ​Excessive watering of seedlings can lead to such a dangerous disease as blackleg, which leads to the death of plants. Therefore, watering should be regular (it is advisable to install an automatic drip irrigation system).​ ​26​

Lunar landing calendar for 2016. When to plant vegetables.

Planting calendar for 2016 for gardeners and flower growers

​ 11, 17, 25​

​How to dig and store potatoes​

​early - after 50-65 days;​

​During the planting period, the potatoes will end up in dry soil, which will also reduce their potential yield.​

​Planting legumes on the ground garden plants, including legumes. It's time to start planting seedlings of fruit drupes. We sow flower beds and flower beds

​In the early days, it is quite possible to start sowing flower seeds, as well as cabbage for seedlings, focusing on the grower’s lunar calendar for April. At the same time, it is recommended to lay out the potatoes set aside for planting for vernalization (adaptation of root crops to cool temperatures). ​

To ensure that the seedlings do not stretch and are more prepared for open ground conditions, you should monitor the lighting of the room in which they are located. Lack of light leads to fragility of the processes. To do this, place all the seedlings on the southeast side. If in your apartment all the windows face the north side and there is no sun, then it is necessary to additionally illuminate the seedlings early in the morning and in the evening. Using fluorescent lamps to illuminate seedlings is extremely impractical in cramped conditions. There are powerful LEDs designed specifically for plants.​

Strawberries, including remontant ones

​1, 23, 27​

​Planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2016​

​In January, February and March, the most important task is to plant vegetables for seedlings on time, so that by the time the seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse, hotbed or open ground, we will have full-fledged, healthy plants that will give a good harvest. The lunar landing calendar for 2016 helps with this. The table shows the timing of planting the main vegetable crops - peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers, for growing in a garden greenhouse.​

​mid-early - after 65-80 days;​

  • ​According to yield statistics, a deviation from the optimal planting date 10 days later or earlier in any case reduces the yield by 15-20%.​
  • ​New Moon​
  • ​To make it easier to fight weeds, it is better to speed up their growth by covering the beds with film and securing its edges with stones or pegs.

​The use of LEDs makes possible cultivation seedlings not on the windowsill ( a large number of You cannot plant seedlings of vegetables and flowers on a windowsill), but in a separate rack, a home mini-greenhouse, or a greenhouse. The lamps are installed on each tier of the rack, and LEDs do not consume much electricity.​

  • ​13, 21, 29​
  • ​17, 30​

Gardener's lunar calendar. Planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar

​mid-season - after 80-95 days;​

​Sprouts have appeared!​

​Full Moon​

Lunar calendar for April 2016 – drawing up a work plan on the land plot

Lunar calendar for April - remembering what you can do

We do not sow or plant any garden or ornamental crops. On this day you can water the garden, check your equipment, or just relax

  • ​. Weeds will grow quickly, and the soil can be cleared of them by the time it is time to sow vegetable crops. The gardeners' calendar for April still allows pruning of trees and shrubs at the beginning of the month. You can start filming winter shelters With perennial plants, but gradually.​
  • ​How to speed up the germination of tomato seeds.​

​Celery root​

​17​​Onion, garlic​​13, 14, 15​

We use a gardener's calendar for April 2016

​plant peppers and eggplants as early as possible to get early harvest,​

​medium late - after 95-110 days;​

How to use a lunar planting calendar for a gardener for April

​As many years of practice show, optimal time planting occurs when the soil warms up at a depth of 10-12 cm to +7..+8 °C, when frosts have already passed (they are the most destructive for the crop). Such time can be determined in several ways - analytical and folk:

​On this day we do everything that does not affect the plants, that is, we aerate the soil, water, and mulch. This is a good time to kill pests. You can do sharpening gardening tools or even relax in nature

​First of all, spring is a lot earthworks, therefore, if you have auxiliary equipment, even an ordinary cultivator, do not neglect it, because every lost day will then result in losses in the harvest. It is in April that the last snow melts in the lowlands and in the shaded areas of the plot. But don’t rush to start digging right away; first, just loosen it slightly with a rake or a special fork; the gardener’s lunar calendar for April will tell you the right day. If you start turning over layers of soil that are oversaturated with moisture, big clods, which will subsequently be very difficult to split.​ In order for tomato seeds to germinate better, they need to be soaked for a day in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. After this, they should be transferred to a cloth dampened warm water, also cover with a damp cloth on top. When the seeds swell and a germ of growth appears, you need to place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight for three days, leaving them at room temperature during the day. ​13, 14, 27​
​8​ ​8​ ​13, 16​
Plant tall tomatoes first; low-growing tomatoes can be planted as seedlings at the end of March directly in a polycarbonate greenhouse.​ ​late - after 110 or more days.​ ​You can view the weather forecast for the coming period from several sources.​
​23​ ​Growing​ ​On those days when the earth is literally swollen with water, absorbing it like a sponge, you shouldn’t even walk around the site again, so as not to compact the soil. But it is also undesirable to miss the moment, otherwise the soil will dry out and crumble almost like sand; there will be a lot of dust in such soil, but little fertility. The time for loosening comes when the lump of soil is not crushed in the hand, but crumbles into small moistened pieces. Without a sowing calendar, April can bring many surprises, and it’s worth paying attention to signs. Particular care should be taken when loosening near perennial plants during the waning Moon; at this time the roots are very sensitive to damage.​
​Interesting varieties of tomatoes for growing in garden greenhouses.​ ​25​ ​3, 29, 30​
​3, 6, 27​ ​8, 9, 14​ ​Planting days in 2016 for vegetables in the table:​
​Early ripening potato varieties are less productive, not so resistant to diseases, their tubers gain less starch, but these shortcomings are compensated by earlier ripening. IN Central region Mostly early, mid-early and mid-ripening potato varieties are grown - the rest simply do not have time to ripen.​ Bird cherry and dandelions begin to bloom, and birch leaves begin to emerge from their buds. To be precise, bird cherry blossoms begin 10 days after the birch leaves appear and indicate the beginning of the planting marathon.​ ​Decreasing​
​On these dates, prepare seeds for planting cabbage and lettuce. You can clean the garden, trim branches of bushes and trees, fumigate plantings from diseases ​In the garden there is always work for the zealous owner, especially in the spring. As mentioned above, at the very beginning of the month you can still trim trees and bushes, but you shouldn’t be too zealous. Carefully remove dried branches and black ends on the rest. It is best to pay close attention to blackcurrants and gooseberries. As for red and white currants, it is recommended to remove the forks facing the inside of the crown, as well as old branches, leaving the rest intact. But experienced owners often do without lunar sowing calendar for April. They know that it is better to prune apple, plum and cherry trees in the fall or spring, but only after damage caused by frost has appeared. ​Large-fruited, low-growing tomatoes, suitable for growing in low greenhouses and greenhouses in the country:​
​1​ ​Peas, beans​ ​3, 27, 30,31​
​ 11, 17, 25​ ​January​ ​Read more:​
​Soil heating is largely a random process, which is greatly influenced by geographic location. For post-Soviet countries with temperate climate(Ukraine, Belarus, western part of Russia) it was found that, on average, to the required temperature of 7 ° C and a soil depth of 10 cm, 70% of the fields warm up in the third ten days of April. In more northern regions this period shifts to the first ten days of May.​ ​We plant tuberous plants, making an exception only for potatoes. Planting other plants and, especially, trees is not advisable. But pruning and grafting shrubs and trees on this day will give good results. Start cultivating the land and fertilizing it, and don’t forget about watering. It will be useful to control pests ​10, 11​
​At the beginning of April, you can cut cuttings for grafting, placing them in some remaining snow in a package of newspapers and polyethylene, and at the end of the month you can start grafting.​ ​Paradise - height 1.2 m, productive: 6-8 large tomatoes ripen in each cluster, weighing up to 200g,​ ​Pumpkin​
​21​ ​1, 23, 27​ Planting parthenocapic cucumbers
​February​ Potatoes: planting and growing ​Potato bush​
​24-26​ ​Growing​ ​Treating the garden in April is very important, because it is in this month that the buds appear and begin to burst, releasing leaves twisted into tight rolls. Many pests choose these “scrolls” as shelters for breeding offspring, and they must be dealt with in advance, before eggs are laid inside the burst buds. It is best to generally disorient insects and prevent them from entering the trees of your garden, for which strong-smelling decoctions are used, for example, from tansy or lemon peels. The days for treatment will be indicated by the lunar sowing calendar for April.​
Raja - short, early, dark red, large-fruited (up to 300 g), ​16​ ​11​
​17, 18​ ​17, 30​ ​March​
Favorable days for planting and caring for potatoes according to the 2016 Lunar Sowing Calendar ​When landing in optimal time Potato shoots will appear in 3-4 weeks; during this period the probability of frost is negligible, which will allow the root crop to germinate well. The very first to start planting are sprouted tubers and potatoes prepared for seeds. Then the late ones are planted late-ripening varieties. Do not forget that when planted late, the tubers lose a large amount of moisture and also germinate vigorously. Breaking off the sprouts will lead to a deterioration in the harvest.​ ​Decreasing​
​This is the right time to cultivate the land for future beds and flower beds and control weeds. At the same time, cut off all unnecessary shoots on the trees. You can mulch already formed rows in the garden. Sowing at this time is allowed only for various climbing crops and legumes.​ ​Day of the month​ ​The Hermitage variety is suitable for cultivation in the North-Western region, an early, abundant variety, fruit weight 100 g,​

Experienced gardeners and gardeners closely monitor developments garden crops, annually note in the diary the timing of the onset of developmental phases. But the timing of the onset of certain phenophases depends on the weather.

Moon phases in May 2016.

  • New Moon - 6.05.
  • Full moon - 22.05.
  • Waxing Moon - from 7 to 21 May 2016
  • Waning Moon - from 1 to 5 and from 23 to 30. 05. 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for May 2016

The most favorable days for sowing seeds are in May 2016.

Attention! The calendar shows favorable days for planting, but this does not mean that nothing can be planted on other days of this month. You should not sow seeds only in prohibited days. A dash in the table is not a prohibition, but only the absence of favorable days.

culture favorable days for sowing culture favorable days for sowing
zucchini, pumpkin 12 parsley on greens 7, 8, 9, 12
peas, beans 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19 parsley root 3, 4, 23, 30, 31
strawberry 7, 8, 16, 17, 18 sunflower 12
cabbage 12 radish, radish 3, 4, 23 — 28, 30, 31
potato 3, 4, 27, 28 salad, chard 7, 8, 9, 12
bow on feather 7, 8, 9, 18, 19 beet 3, 4, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31
onion on turnip 3, 4, 27, 28, 30, 31 tomatoes 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19
carrot 3, 4, 23, 30, 31 dill, cilantro 7, 8, 9, 12
cucumbers 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 garlic 3, 4, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31
eggplant, pepper 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17 flowers from seeds 7, 8, 9, 12
hot pepper 24, 25, 26 tuberous flowers 3, 4, 23, 30, 31

Lunar calendar for planting fruit trees in May 2016

The most favorable days for planting garden trees and shrubs in May 2016

culture culture favorable days for planting
Apple tree 3, 4, 27, 28, 30, 31 sea ​​buckthorn, irga 4, 27, 28
cherries 3, 4, 27 honeysuckle 3, 4, 23, 27, 30
hazel (hazel) 4, 23, 28 hawthorn 23, 27, 28, 31
Rowan 23, 27, 28 pear, quince 3, 4, 23, 27, 28
currants, raspberries, gooseberries 23, 27, 28, 31 cherry, plum, apricot 3, 4, 30, 31

Unfavorable days for sowing and planting in May 2016

During the Moon's passage through different signs Zodiac, its influence on plant life on Earth changes. Taking these changes into account, recommendations have been drawn up, which you can see in the following table.

Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for May 2016

date Moon in Zodiac signs Recommended works
May 1, 2016 Sun. Waning Moon in Pisces Favorable time for vaccination fruit trees, planting seedlings of vegetable crops, bulbous flowers, sowing radishes. You can feed and water the plants. Collect and dry medicinal herbs.
May 2, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Pisces
May 3, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Aries A very good time for grafting fruit trees, controlling weeds, planting almost all types fruit crops, as well as garlic, carrots, onions, radishes, radishes, potatoes. Watering and fertilizing with organic matter will be appropriate.
May 4, 2016 Wed. Waning Moon in Aries
May 5, 2016 Thu. Waning Moon in Taurus According to the Lunar sowing calendar, the day is prohibited for sowing and planting
May 6, 2016 Fri. New Moon Moon in Taurus Prohibited day for working with plants.
May 7, 2016 Sat. Waxing Moon in Gemini According to the Lunar Sowing Calendar for May 2016, planting and replanting plants is prohibited on this day.
May 8, 2016 Sun. Waxing Moon in Gemini Gemini is a barren sign, so you should not plant anything at this time, the harvest will not please you. Take care of arranging beds, removing growth under trees, and sanitary pruning.
May 9, 2016 Mon. Waxing Moon in Cancer The most fertile sign of the Zodiac is Cancer. Try to make the most of these days. Plant seedlings in greenhouses and under film. Sow seeds of annual vegetable flowers in open ground. You can take cuttings and organize layering. Excellent results feeding with mineral fertilizers will give.
May 10, 2016 Tue. Waxing Moon in Cancer
May 11, 2016 Wed. Waxing Moon in Cancer
May 12, 2016 Thu. Waxing Moon in Leo Leo is a barren sign. It is advisable to postpone planting and sowing for several days. Treat against diseases and pests. Weeding, loosening, removing growth, and preparing beds is recommended.
May 13, 2016 Fri. Waxing Moon in Leo
May 14, 2016 Sat. Waxing Moon in Virgo You can plant vegetable seedlings in greenhouses and open ground, but these days are more favorable for working with flowers: sowing and planting seedlings of annual and perennial flowers, transplanting and dividing perennials. Climbing flowers will take root well in a new place.
May 15, 2016 Sun. Waxing Moon in Virgo
May 16, 2016 Mon. Waxing Moon in Virgo
May 17, 2016 Tue. Waxing Moon in Libra The time is not quite right for planting vegetable crops; continue to care for your flowers, including your home ones. A good time for haymaking and lawn mowing.
May 18, 2016 Wed. Waxing Moon in Libra
May 19, 2016 Thu. Waxing Moon in Scorpio A favorable time for planting almost all garden crops. Pinching, pinching and sanitary pruning are not recommended. Open wounds will take a long time to heal and can become infected.
May 20, 2016 Fri. Waxing Moon in Scorpio
May 21, 2016 Sat. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Before the full moon, it is not recommended to sow and plant vegetables. It’s better to work with flowers or cultivate the land.
May 22, 2016 Sun. Full Moon Moon in Sagittarius According to the 2016 Lunar Sowing Calendar, May 22 is a prohibited day for sowing and planting.
May 23, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Sagittarius On the first day after the full moon, it is not recommended to sow and plant vegetables. It’s better to work with flowers or cultivate the land.
May 24, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Capricorn Capricorn is a fertile zodiac sign. It is recommended to sow both vegetable and flower crops, planting seedlings in the ground, planting potatoes. In the garden, do grafting and pruning. Don’t skimp on water these days, plants need a lot of moisture.
May 25, 2016 Wed. Waning Moon in Capricorn
May 26, 2016 Thu. Waning Moon in Aquarius Under Aquarius, you should not engage in planting and sowing; this is a barren sign and the harvests will be modest. But the fight against weeds will be fruitful. On a waning moon, roots are very sensitive to damage. Take advantage of this and chop down the weeds, but take care of the roots of the crops.
May 27, 2016 Fri. Waning Moon in Aquarius
May 28, 2016 Sat. Waning Moon in Pisces A very favorable time for planting root crops; if you haven’t planted potatoes yet, now is the best time to do it. They will settle in well and fruit plants. But be careful with watering and fertilizing; moderation is important now.
29, May 2016 Sun. Last Quarter Moon in Pisces
May 30, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Pisces
May 31, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Aries Sowing and planting are not recommended. This day is suitable for weeding, thinning seedlings, treating plants against diseases and pests.

Many summer residents and owners of small household plots grow potatoes on their plots. This crop is considered second bread in Russia and Ukraine, because we eat dishes from this vegetable almost every day. Gardeners have long noticed that using high-quality seed material And proper care looking after plants is not enough to get a good harvest. In addition to the main agrotechnical techniques The yield of root crops will depend on weather conditions and the correct choice of date for sowing tubers. Scientists have long noticed that the yield of the crop in question is also influenced by favorable days for planting potatoes in 2018. The opinion of astrologers is confirmed by the influence of the moon on earthly garden crops.

Many people know that our planet’s satellite, the moon, regulates the ebb and flow of the ocean. This celestial object also influences growth energy various plants. If you coincide with favorable rhythms for planting, you can get a good harvest of vegetables or abundant formation of inflorescences in flowers.

Most gardener questions can be answered in the lunar calendar. Thus, days in the full moon and new moon phases are considered unfavorable for sowing any garden crops. The waxing moon promotes the development of plants in which the harvest is formed in the upper part (tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers and others). When the moon is falling, it is recommended to sow root crops, such as potatoes, beets or carrots.

The passage of the moon in different zodiac signs has different effects:

  1. Aquarius is considered an unfavorable sign for soaking seeds and sowing. Although the plants will sprout, they will turn out to be weak and lifeless, unable to form a good harvest.
  2. The Aries sign is also considered unproductive. During this period, it is advisable to loosen the rows and destroy weeds by spraying the crops with herbicides. On Aries days, it is recommended to plant lettuce and spinach.
  3. The passage of the moon in the constellation Taurus has a beneficial effect on the planting of all root crops, including potatoes. Good education buds can be achieved by planting flowering plants during this period.
  4. Gemini favors planting climbing crops, including strawberries. It is better not to plant other plants during the passage of the moon in this constellation.
  5. Cancer is considered a particularly productive sign for sowing pumpkins, melons and early varieties potatoes. It should be noted that the harvest of plants planted under the specified zodiac is unsuitable for long-term storage.
  6. The constellation Leo has a beneficial effect on planting shrubs and tree seedlings. These days it is underway active struggle with weeds.
  7. The sign of Virgo favors all kinds of operations with ornamental crops, work on weeding the area from weeds.
  8. The Moon in Libra promotes the collection of seeds. This good time for sowing carrots, turnips, beets, planting potatoes and zucchini.
  9. The sign of Scorpio is in many ways similar to the period of passage of the moon in the constellation Cancer, except that the harvested crop is suitable for long-term storage.
  10. The constellation Sagittarius is considered sterile for the main garden crops, but on the days of its influence you can sow onions and garlic, lawn grass and potatoes. It is not recommended to work with sharp tools for pruning bushes or dividing tubers.
  11. Capricorn is considered a favorable zodiac sign for sowing bulbous plants or planting berries such as gooseberries and currants.
  12. Pisces is considered a good constellation for planting basic plants, but their harvest is not suitable for long-term storage.

Advice! When choosing between the phases of the moon and the passage of a satellite in a certain constellation, you must give preference to the zodiac sign.

The best days of the lunar calendar for planting potatoes in 2018

When planning to plant potatoes in 2018, you need to take into account not only favorable days according to the lunar calendar, but also climatic features specific region, vegetable planting scheme. Many good days for carrying out such procedures fall in the month of March, but only residents of the southern regions of our country can take advantage of such dates. For Siberian gardeners, it is advisable to plant root crops in May. Let's take a closer look at favorable timing.


Planting in March involves growing a vegetable for subsequent sale on the market. Residents of the Krasnodar region and southern regions of Ukraine receive two potato harvests. Planting in March can be carried out from the 20th to the 26th



Residents of central Russia and Siberia plant potatoes when the soil is sufficiently warmed and stable warm weather sets in. It is best to start such procedures from mid-May. Favorable period In 2018, the 16th and 17th of the month are considered.

Planting methods

Gardeners know many ways to plant potato tubers. Let's take a look at the most popular of them:

  1. Smooth landing or “under the shovel” is considered one of the most common methods. For its implementation in the soil when wrinkled garden tools dig holes to a depth of 25 centimeters and add organic matter there. 50 centimeters are left between the ridges for easy maintenance; the soil in the holes is wrapped with a rake. The method is not suitable for clay soils, is not particularly productive, but is characterized by ease of planting care.
  2. Planting potatoes according to Mittleider is applicable to any soil. The main advantages of the method are the minimum time spent on site preparation, good yield, shortening the growing season of the crop. The main disadvantage of planting root crops according to Mittleider is the need to add mulch and regularly remove weeds. Planting holes are made every 40 centimeters, keeping the row spacing within 1 meter. Immediately after sowing, the soil is sprinkled with a layer of straw mulch. The main care of the crop is to remove weeds ( manually or using herbicides) and timely watering.
  3. The Chinese method of planting potatoes is applicable to any soil. Makes it possible to get maximum yield while saving space in the garden. The method is not applicable in northern regions our country, requires high-quality and timely care of crops. The soil for the development of culture must be prepared in advance. Dig a hole measuring 1 x 1 meter, add chopped grass, organic matter, food waste, and several glasses of wood ash to the soil. With the arrival of spring, the tubers are sprouted in the light until their sprouts reach a size of 10 centimeters. Planting material laid in holes and covered with a nutrient substrate based on ordinary garden soil, sand, humus and wood ash. During the growing season, it is necessary to constantly add soil and feed the plants with fertilizers.
  4. Using the square nesting method allows the bush to obtain the maximum area for nutrition. Using this method makes it possible to obtain good harvests root crops without the necessary hilling. The disadvantages of this method are the need for constant weeding and watering of plants. When planting, the bed is divided into squares with a side size of 80 centimeters. In each corner, dig holes with dimensions of 40*40 centimeters and plant several tubers there, which are sprinkled with humus. Organic matter is added several times as the bush grows.
  5. The method of planting in bags or barrels saves usable space, protects the plant from pest attacks, and allows the gardener to get an early harvest of vegetables. During planting, a thick drainage layer of 20-30 centimeters is poured onto the bottom of the container, then 30 centimeters of nutrient substrate. As the vegetative mass develops, the powder is repeated.

Care after landing

The main measures for caring for potatoes after emergence include periodic watering, timely hilling, applying fertilizers and protecting plants from diseases and pests. The amount of soil moisture is regulated by the weather. In humid summers, no more than three waterings per season are necessary. The first time this is done two weeks after germination, then during flowering. The last watering of plants is carried out on dried soil during the period of fruit formation. The next day after moistening, you need to loosen the soil, which will facilitate the penetration of oxygen to the root system of the crop.

Another important step in caring for potatoes is inter-row cultivation or hilling. This procedure is carried out using a hoe, a manual hiller or small-scale mechanization. Hilling removes weeds, allows moisture to accumulate in the soil, and also protects the crop from return spring frosts. The first loosening is carried out a few days after the emergence of seedlings, then during the flowering period, as well as after rain or watering.

Potatoes are fed until three times during the growing season. The first time this is done on the developing tops, watering the crop with a solution of urea (5 grams of the substance per bucket of water). During moistening, no more than 500 milliliters of liquid are consumed per bush. The following fertilizing is applied to the soil during flowering. To prepare the solution in a bucket warm water dissolve 15 grams of potassium sulfate and 5 grams of sifted wood ash. The last feeding is done at the final flowering vase (200 grams of mullein per 10 liters of water).

The main potato pest is considered Colorado beetle. A variety of things will help you get rid of it chemicals, for example, the drug karate, tyrant or prestige. To obtain environmentally clean products Potato bushes can be dusted with wood ash or sprayed with infusion onion peel, (500 grams per 10 liters of water). Husks can also be added to planting holes or used for mulching between rows, mixed with straw.

Onion infusion helps prevent the development of the popular late blight disease. 200 grams of cloves of this vegetable are crushed, 1 liter of water is added and infused for 2 days. After this, the infusion is filtered, diluted in a bucket of water and sprayed on the plantings. To completely get rid of the disease, 2-3 such treatments are enough.


Summer residents are familiar with the definition of favorable days for planting crops on the site. Some gardeners carry out all actions related to caring for their garden strictly in accordance with the location of the moon. It doesn't matter whether they grow carrots or onions. Should we trust the lunar calendar when growing potatoes? Let’s try to figure it out in the article.

The yield of a crop largely depends from climatic and weather conditions, soil quality, seedlings, soil care and fertilizers, as well as many other factors.

The priority should be weather conditions, not the state of the moon

Among these factors is the location of the moon. However, if you take into account such a calendar, then there are few favorable days.

When to plant in May

In almost all regions, except the southern one, potatoes are planted in May. The soil is already sufficiently warmed up, and warm days allow you to calmly plant the crop without the risk of freezing.

However, in May there are not many favorable days, based on the lunar calendar, on which you can plant potatoes:

In the first decade May 4, 7, 8, 9
In the second decade the luckiest day is May 19
In the third decade two days 24 and 31 May

If you follow the recommendations of astrologers, you need to pre-plan the landing day and prepare the material. To do this, it should be removed from the cellar or storage place in advance, dried, and given time to warm up in the air.

When the tubers sprout, you can start planting. By following all the rules, you can significantly increase productivity.

When can you sow seeds?

Potato seeds can be purchased in specialized stores or collected from your garden in the fall.

Purchased seeds are much easier to obtain than to collect yourself

In the still green potato fruits, which resemble green berries, there are seeds. These seeds are suitable for biological propagation of potatoes.

If you sow seeds in a container, seedlings will appear within a week. It is necessary to prepare seedlings for transplanting into soil for further cultivation.

You need to plant seedlings in the garden at a time when the weather outside has stabilized and the air temperature remains around 15 degrees. Best time planting seedlings from seeds in open ground at the end of May.

If you rely on the lunar calendar, you should select the dates those in the waning moon.

Planting dates in different climate zones

Ural gardeners should take into account that the further north their city is on the map, the later the soil warms up. We need to make sure that the night frosts end. Since Siberia is quite large, each area has its own time for potatoes.

In most places it will not be possible to sow until mid-May. In Irkutsk, it is recommended to plant the plant after May 20. In the conditions of Karelia, planting mid-late and late varieties not advisable.

In central Russia best time to plant potatoes 6, 7, 8, 9, 26, 27, 28 May. In the South, it is good to plant early ripening varieties in April. In the southern regions you can harvest twice per season.

The beginning of April is suitable for planting mid-season varieties in the south.

Generally accepted planting dates for potatoes

Most people, according to established tradition, plant potatoes in early May. But generally accepted standards are not suitable for every region.

Plant potato need to into warm soil, if planted earlier, the fruit will grow poorly or even freeze. It is also impossible to delay planting potatoes. The soil may dry out and this will also affect the yield.

According to statistics, the deviation from the deadlines should not be more than 10 days in one direction or another.

Unheated soil will negatively affect the success of planting

The influence of the moon on productivity

Not everyone follows the recommendations to garden in phases. Therefore, some people get better harvests, while others get worse. Although it could be neighbors. The lunar location has a direct effect on all living beings, as well as on all plants.

Based on this, it is possible provide for the lunar factor before the dacha work. Turning to the lunar calendar is a non-standard approach to obtaining a rich and high-quality harvest.

Planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar

Among experienced gardeners There has always been the concept of a “favorable day for planting.” The influence of the moon on planet Earth is primarily taken into account. The condition of all living organisms on the planet depends on these influences.

The lunar calendar for sowing is based on certain long-studied patterns. Namely - effects of phases on growth plant crops.

The basic rule of the calendar is to pay attention to the aging and waxing moon. If it is decreasing, then it is advisable to plant root crops that bear fruit deep in the ground.

It is not possible to scientifically prove the dependence of garden success on the lunar calendar

If there is a new moon or a waxing moon in the sky, it is recommended to plant terrestrial plants that grow on an open surface.

Such factors are explained by the fact that during the waning moon strengthens root system . But the bush itself is not developing very well. And the opposite happens in the mirror period - land plants develop and the growth of root systems is poor.

Potatoes are one of the crops that grow downwards. Therefore, the waning period is most suitable for planting and caring for the plant. Better days You should choose by carefully monitoring the calendar.

Why you shouldn't trust such calendars

The influence of the moon on life processes have long been proven, but you need to obey the requirements of this calendar only if this is confirmed by common sense.

If the calendar recommends planting potatoes in early May, but the weather suggests otherwise, then it is better to postpone planting. When the weather conditions match With " favorable days” according to the moon, then you can plan to plant the root crop on this very day.

What time to plant without a calendar

The most important thing when planting is compliance early dates seeding By meeting deadlines, the root system develops, which leads to a good harvest.

Potatoes are planted based on the following principles:

  • tubers begin to grow at a soil temperature of +5 at a depth of 10 cm;
  • When planting, it is very important to determine the exact time of sowing the crop. Sowing is calculated based on the variety: early ripening, mid-early, mid-ripening or late.