The strangest and most original signs of the zodiac and the funniest oddities of celebrities. About the zodiac sign Libra ()

Libras are often considered the most attractive people from the point of view of the opposite sex. Astrologers have their own explanation for this, as well as their other character traits.

Many people have great respect for those born under the influence of the Libra sign and even give some reasons for this. Traditionally, they are credited with such qualities as diplomacy and harmonious balance of character, as well as purely external attractiveness. What makes representatives of the Zodiac Sign Libra exactly what they are? Let's figure out what drives and controls them from an astrological point of view.

Astrology of the Zodiac Sign Libra

Everyone who was born from September 24 to November 23 can safely consider themselves to be representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Each person has for his strengths and weak sides corresponds to the position of the planets in his horoscope, which is what you need to know when doing astrology. Therefore, the main features of each of us are endowed by our patron planet according to the Zodiac Sign. Here's what this layout looks like for Libra:

Patron planet: Venus
Planet in exaltation: Saturn

Planet in exile: Mars
Planet in decline: Sun
Element: Air

The planet Venus has the strongest influence on those born during this period, therefore all the qualities that astrologers have endowed it with are best developed in Libra. Venus is the only planet named after a Roman goddess rather than a god, and it traditionally carries the feminine principle. Venus was revered as the goddess of love and beauty. Actually, this is the answer to the question of why most representatives of the Libra sign turn out to be very attractive to the opposite sex. You can always check this: just look in.

The planet Saturn, which is active among those born under the Sign of Libra, endows them with teaching talents, since it influences people’s diligence and sense of responsibility. It is not for nothing that it is called the “teacher planet.” But, on the other hand, the qualities for which Mars and the Sun are responsible turn out to be poorly developed, which can sometimes interfere with life. Mars allows you to be active and have a strong will, and the Sun allows you to show leadership qualities and generally express yourself.

As representatives of the air triad of the Horoscope, Libra exhibits the following typical qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • developed intelligence;
  • diplomacy;
  • relative superficiality;
  • mobility.

However, like every Zodiac Sign, representatives of the Libra Sign have distinct features that are unique to them.

Libra sign: 10 unusual facts

The patron saint of Libra, Venus, makes representatives of this Zodiac Sign very sensual. Perhaps this is precisely the main complexity of their character: one of the cups is filled with the necessary knowledge and logically reasoned judgments, but there is also a second one, completely devoted to emotions. Depending on which of them outweighs, you will recognize this side of the representative of the Libra Sign.

As is already clear, the balance of Venus’s wards turns out to be extremely unstable. If something suddenly goes wrong and for some reason it is really difficult for those born under the constellation Libra, believe me: it will not be sweet for anyone. They will piss off everyone they consider guilty, and maybe they will take revenge. In fact, most problems appear out of nowhere. Sometimes Libra simply needs help to speak out, calm down, and they will sort everything out themselves.

Libras are diplomats and connoisseurs of all things beautiful. It is this quality that makes them come to their senses. They enjoy politeness, try to be courteous themselves, and naturally respond positively to the same behavior from others. They often react very sharply to rudeness and carelessness towards them. Therefore, they themselves try to smooth out conflicts and try to resolve issues so that everyone is satisfied with the final result.

Anyone born under the Sign of Libra can be accused of being real aesthetes. They use their developed sense of beauty to select their own style, which is usually very appropriate and perfectly suits them. Sometimes they decorate their workplace with the same diligence.

Thanks to their receptiveness, Libras are often fascinated by subtle matters. Art for them is both a source of emotions and a way to obtain important life information. And with its help they can relax.

For Libra, information is as necessary as air. They are often considered gossips, which is not always true. But what is clear is that it is vital for them to acquire new knowledge. This also applies to their sphere professional activity, and what happens to the people with whom they interact closely.

Emotions are something very close to representatives of this Zodiac Sign. But you need to understand that emotions and feelings are something very different. In the first case, we are talking about something superficial, something that can quickly pass. Due to their emotionality, Libra can be very amorous and flighty. But this same quality can be used to regulate mood.

Laziness largely characterizes Libra. We can say that they often wait until the last minute, as if “swinging,” and only then get to work. They often show obvious apathy.

Disputes are rightfully considered the native element of the Zodiac Sign Libra. The fact is that they, like no one else, are able to see all the pros and cons. They can prove any point of view, even one that they themselves do not adhere to.

The ability to think, oddly enough, sometimes baffles them. Seeing both advantages and disadvantages, Libra cannot always understand which is more significant and hesitates in making a final decision. Sometimes it is difficult for them to make a decision because Libra knows how they sometimes lack luck. So you can protect yourself and give confidence in your actions with the help of a talisman stone for good luck.

The combination of these qualities shows the typical representatives of the Libra Sign. Remember that astrology is serious and don't forget to press the buttons and


As a rule, these are pleasant people, friendly, but they can also be gloomy, and they really don’t like being bossed around. They are very intelligent, but at the same time surprisingly naive; they themselves can talk for hours, but at the same time they are also good listeners. This active people, but rarely do anything hastily. Perhaps this confused you? There is some kind of change in qualities in this sign that surprises even them.

The symbol of this sign is the golden Libra, so their main goal is to achieve balance in everything. As a result, they may be depressed, confused, and irritable, although they usually make a full impression. Their usual state is a change of mood. They have a Venusian smile that can melt you, these people can be very hard to resist. They are often in a state of indecision when they need to make a decision. Their behavior can also be different: they can talk for too long, listen well, reconcile quarrels, debate.

This sign always strives for harmony. However, some Libras can abuse food, alcohol, and love. This sign is also known as "lazy Libra", which means that they can work very hard; painstakingly and persistently, and then suddenly they fall off in their chair and a period of laziness begins. This state of theirs is also natural, because... they need to restore their strength and during such periods it is useless to persuade them to work. After regaining their strength, they return to work.

So, it is not a dual sign like Gemini, but it can be said about them that they can represent two people in one. They instinctively feel that they need to alternate periods of activity with rest; they have very strong emotions. A philosophical approach to sorrows and joys allows them to smooth out their own problems. This is usually physical and mental healthy people. The biggest danger to their health is overuse of everything. Sensitive parts of the body: chest, legs. But they should never forget about rest.

Their character is made up of equal parts kindness, tenderness, justice, clear argumentation, stubborn unwillingness to capitulate, philosophical logic and indecision. And they always strive for the truth, a straightforward answer, after weighing all the possibilities. But their long deliberation on different sides can be annoying, because... they can remain in an indecisive state for a long time. They never make hasty decisions. If the decision is made by them, then it will be final.

There are rarely eccentric people among Libras; they are very meticulous in their work, honest, and extremely responsible. They do everything as it should, so as not to have to redo anything later. They do not like extremes, for example, the manifestation of anger. They have a fantastic ability to concentrate and penetrate deeply into the essence of a subject. They are born with a love of books. They love the harmony of sounds, flowers, poetry, and are greatly influenced by art. These are lovers of everything beautiful, in a word, these are aristocratic souls.

To truly understand this changing Air sign, you need to solve the riddle of Libra: when Libra falls, their optimism turns into panic, which is burdened by depression. When Libra is balanced, there is harmony between a rich intellect and a loving, compassionate heart. It’s not for nothing that this sign is autumn, because... winter is too cold for them and summer is hot. They should be in the middle in a balanced state.



This person will give you a lot of advice. He always has solutions to all your problems and questions. You don't have to assume that he meets your girlish dreams. He will change some of them and object to others. His habit of rationalizing everything, including love, can drive you crazy. I must warn you that once Libra has cast its spell on you, you will have a hard time leaving the relationship. Trying to free yourself from it is the same as getting out of a bear trap. If you try to leave him, he will persuade you to stay with such logical and clever arguments that it is useless to try to defeat him. He will become so pleasant and gentle that you will forget about his annoying shortcomings. And your heart will turn to him again. And from now on, consider that your fight is lost. His dreams will become your dreams and you will do everything for his happiness. You will be waiting for a smile on his face, and few can resist his smile. Libra's charm is not the same as Scorpio's hypnotic attraction. Libra's attraction is real and logical. There is nothing supernatural about it.

His behavior is full of contradictions. You may have to yell at him or stand on your head to get his attention. Don't be so naive as to think that love with him will be smooth and calm, even though he is ruled by Venus. However, when he remains in a state of balance, life with him is pleasant, easy and fun. It is a huge stress for him to make any decision, and even having made it, he can good reasons change it.

The words “love” and “Libra” are practically synonymous. It was Libra who invented the love story and reduced it to an art that cannot be compared with the novels of Leo, Scorpio and Taurus. This already says something! He will use any trick to woo you and can win over almost any woman. However, having acquired it, he does not always know what to do with it next. Having carefully processed and charmed her, he begins to hesitate. Should he take advantage of her defenseless state or marry her, or maybe both or neither. A mental struggle begins. And this is where the difficulties begin. He will not lose interest in women until he is 90 years old. This may just be interest if he is happily married, but he will never get tired of love itself. Even if it takes the form of a simple thought: “What would it be like with another woman?”

Since love is surprisingly easy for him and comes to him early, he is often surrounded by girls whom he cannot get rid of. Libras do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, although they very often do not even realize how they can hurt a person when they are in bad mood. He doesn't like to say "no" and rarely realizes that dragging out an affair is more cruel than a quick and honest breakup. And prolonged agony can even be painful. And only Aquarius can make this or that decision with great reluctance.

If Libra feels that they are not being fair to someone, then there will be no end to their painful indecision. To be unjust for them is the same as to kill. His reluctance to be cruel may push him into an unsuccessful marriage. So Libra may miss true love In my life. The natural tendency of the Libra man is to value every third woman as his only partner. And very often his friendship and love are inappropriate. But surprisingly, Libras don't suffer from a broken heart very often. He may forget you with insulting speed and perhaps less than another man will allow himself to regret a past love. He might have a few bruises from the explosion, but he won't have any long-term worries. Exceptions are rare.

It is much easier to imagine a soft-hearted Libra man in the clutches of a determined woman who has convinced him that leaving her is a great sin. Caught in such a snare, Libra will be an unhappy prisoner. But both of these extremes are exceptions. Most Libras remain free enough to enjoy romance novels completely, without allowing yourself to be tied down by sentimental ties. They are not too interested in your secrets, although at first glance it seems that he is interested in everything connected with you. But look more closely and you will understand that he does not notice what is happening under his own nose. Everyone can notice, but not him.

And although he can reason a lot, the purpose of his reasoning is not to understand another person, but to talk about abstract things and strive for balance. His questions are not aimed at finding out the reason, he just wants to sort the facts into pieces. He will discuss the pros and cons with amazing logic and rationalism. His conclusions will be very fair, accurate, reasonable and practical. But he has no desire to find out the personal motives and feelings hidden beneath the surface. He is only interested in facts. Deep penetration in the character of Pisces, Scorpios, Aquarius, in his opinion, only spoils the clear picture that he strives for. He instinctively feels what it is psychological research doesn't suit him. The way it is.

If you look extravagant, he concludes that you are a splurge. Therefore, you cannot be relied upon in this regard. And the fact that spending money can calm you down from some kind of shock does not occur to him. He's not a psychiatrist. If you are greedy, he may think that you just need someone's approval that you are good with money. But he has no desire to discover that you have a secret fear of losing your independence if you find yourself without money. Libra is the judge. Always remember that Libra argues out of abstract curiosity. It seems like he's trying to get something out of you, but he's not. He is absolutely not a gossip, as he might seem. And it is almost impossible to get the secret out of him. Therefore you can trust him.

But as far as your personal experiences are concerned, you will have some difficulty with him. You can pour out your soul to him, but you will suffer from the fact that he does not notice your inner experiences. He wants you to feel good, but he rarely understands your deepest desires. And just because he is a master of love and love techniques does not mean that he penetrates deeply into your moods.

It is quite difficult for him to cope with his own. Nothing can be more annoying than you rushing to him to complain that someone hurt you, you are looking for sympathy. What will you get in response? His first question will be: “What did you do to make him do this?” And then he will start telling you what you were wrong about until you cry with resentment. And even so, he will not take your side if he believes that you are really wrong. And many troubles stem from this lack in Libra - a lack of understanding of the soul of their partner. And this seems incredible given that he has such intuition, such logic, such a clear mind. He will not be a miser; on the contrary, typical Libras are quite generous. He is happy to spend money on things that bring beauty and happiness. Get ready to be a good housewife, because... his home will be a center of hospitality at any time of the day or night.

Don't take him to places where there are a lot of people, because he physically doesn't like large gatherings. Crowds of strangers disturb his balance. All Libras have an instinctive aversion to physical contact with crowds. His public life will be filled with intelligent, bright personalities, but again it should not be a crowd, otherwise it will not have enough air. Libra may unexpectedly leave you alone in the theater because he is overcome by claustrophobia - a typical Libra tendency.

The biggest danger in living together with them and the closest road to divorce from him is a mess in the house. For him, it is extremely important how the house is run. Don't forget about this, otherwise he will quickly move away from you. He himself may not be very tidy, but he believes that you should clean up after him. He may not complain, but gradually a secretary with delicate taste may become more and more attractive to him. He needs harmony in everything to maintain balance. His home should be a beautiful, quiet oasis in a chaotic world. You need to be smart enough to understand why he began to disappear from the house or why he sleeps when he is at home. Since he is weak even in analyzing his soul, you must analyze more often yourself. He may not even suspect that his bad condition is caused by the fact that he saw you covered in glitter cream. He may not even realize that he is unpleasant Orange color curtains in the bathroom. So get yourself in order as well as your home and one day realize that your husband is a wonderful person.

Children get a lot of good things from him, he will always explain to them why he punishes them. And this will not make the child angry. He will charm children with his charm. But oddly enough, the Libra man does not have a great desire to have children. For him, his wife will always come first. And of course, if you fall in love with this man, you must offer him absolutely everything yourself, even a marriage proposal. But pay attention to one subtlety, because of which he forces you to make decisions: if something turns out wrong, he will quickly say: “Well, you decided, not me!” Know what you are doing. When you hear such a phrase, you should say: “Yes, I decided, if I had left the decision up to you, we would still be standing under street lamp and would have talked about love and would have long ago gotten pneumonia!" Naturally, he will immediately begin to argue with you, but as soon as he gains his balance and smiles at you, you, like in the old days, standing under the lantern, say again: " I love you!"



Every woman has a little of a man in her and every man has a little of a woman in her. This feature applies most to Libra. A Libra woman can be as gentle as a forget-me-not, speak in a quiet and gentle voice, and wear dresses with lace. But for all her femininity, pleasant manners and elegance, she can wear trousers with amazing ease and they suit her very well. Her mental processes operate with masculine logic, she can be a good partner for you in any discussion. She may even out-compete a man in conversation, although the feminine side of Libra is usually very tactful to show her obvious victory over a man, at least until marriage or until the honeymoon ends. During your courtship, she will never beat you at chess, but she will not hide her sharp mind behind her dimples.

Sooner or later you will have to face the power of her mind, mental abilities at any moment, as soon as the slightest opportunity to discuss arises. Everything she talks about is assessed by her from all sides - all the positive aspects and the negative. She can even conduct a discussion in the form of a monologue. At the same time, she will smile at you every third word. Libra can convince you with apt logic and you won't lose much except your pride. But you won't regret it, influenced by her charm. She is usually right because her final decision is very carefully thought out.

Apart from the typical Libra tendency to weigh everything twice to make sure she hasn't missed anything, she may well satisfy a man who needs either romance or cooperation or both. Her tendency to debate is based on a sincere desire for fairness and justice. the right decision. On the other hand, most of her opinions are presented with diplomatic tact, which softens the blow. The desire to always be fair makes her weigh everything. You may be tired of such a serious approach, but this is very important in serious and important issues. The Libra woman does not believe that what she thinks is always correct and final, your opinion deserves the same respect as hers, until you come to the only correct decision based on her arguments and yours.

Most Libra women work. They need money to purchase nice things that can be bought with it. Libras need a lot of beautiful feathers to decorate their nest. They love to dress beautifully, wear expensive perfume, love classical music and, of course, you. And you, apparently, are surprised that there is something masculine in her. Yes, there is a part of the masculine in her, but you are unlikely to notice her masculine mind under her pretty hairstyle. Libra does not do well in an ugly environment, which is why she must earn money for herself to get out of this situation. If there is one thing on earth that she treasures above all else, it is the man she loves, cares for and respects. Loneliness absolutely harms her. Her greatest need is cooperation with a man, both in work and in love. She is literally unable to live alone.

A Libra woman who comes to an astrologer usually asks the question: “When will I meet someone and really love him?” For her, marriage is joint venture. And the rules there are as strict as at any job. You are the president, you are treated with respect, she is the chairman of the commission that keeps you from making mistakes, and in a very feminine way. It is designed for collaboration. She will be involved in all your interests. Your entertainment is her entertainment, and she will always obey you if you want to change your career or move to another city, make new friends. Here you are completely the master. Its role is to smooth out unpleasant situations and protect you from impulsive actions and ill-conceived decisions.

We must pay tribute, she has no desire to hang like a stone on your heart; rather, she wants to remove all the stones from your path. She will not want to impose her decisions on you, for which she would then be responsible, and in most cases she will prompt you gently and unobtrusively. The average Libra woman is highly intelligent and analytical. This can help you in solving your business problems. She rarely lets her emotions stop her from making a fearless decision, and she can give you best advice than your banker. Her ability in this area makes up for many of her shortcomings.

Moreover, she offers her pearls of wisdom with such charm and friendliness that it will not shock you. on her iron hand a velvet glove is worn and it can lead you away from the wrong path so gently that you will think that it was entirely your thought. Aries, Scorpios, Leos, Taurus usually put such a woman on a pedestal and idolize her. And rightly so, because she idolizes them too. Strangers, coming to your home for the first time, may think that in front of them is Adam and Eve in garden of paradise(but two Libras will have trouble getting along).

You will reap great rewards by living with a Libra. She will never open your mail, it simply won’t occur to her. She will not reveal your secrets and will not put you in an awkward position in front of your boss. It is possible that she will charm him with her smile. Even if Libra loses balance, sooner or later they come to harmony. There will be moments when you may think: is she an angel or a devil? But the angel appears in her more often, you will not lack physical confirmation of her love, because she is sentimental like old lace and very sensual. And although she is aware of her shortcomings and speaks sincerely about them, her smiles, gentle touches and frequent kisses will hide them, as well as her masculine intelligence.

Your home will look like a picture from a magazine. Most Libras use silver in the house and pay a lot of attention to such attributes as good wine, pleasant music, and a varied menu. Considering her intelligence, what else would you like to have? Being a woman is her main calling. And here she strives for perfection. The masculine side of her mind will rarely bother you unless you are one of those men who believe that a woman should be a slave and say nothing but “yes” and “no.” Your Libra woman will talk a lot more, she loves to talk, but will also be a good listener if you need an audience.

This woman is strong and soft at the same time. And not every woman can maintain such a balance. Her gentle manner and ability to smooth out angry lines on your face may make you think that she is weak and helpless and that she will also be defenseless and feminine when trouble comes. And here you are wrong. In moments of crisis, it will be made into 9 parts of steel. You may not notice this because... there was no such case.

Open your eyes when your family is in difficulty. And you will see who will save your ship from wreck. The truth should not insult your manhood; no one but you knows how much you need her hand extended to help when you need good advice. She will never belittle your role, be grateful to her for this, you can always rely on her. And besides, how good she looks when she works in the garden in trousers or walks around the supermarket in them. There is nothing wrong with a woman wearing trousers, as long as she puts on them with the same ease and grace. Evening Dress or a silk peignoir when you're alone. And this applies to Libra. One of her most valuable qualities is her ability to hide her sharp mind behind her charming femininity.

She will love her children and take care of them, but frankly speaking, they will be in 2nd place after you. They are junior partners and you are the president, and she never forgets that. But if you spoil the children, she will interfere. Her children are always well-groomed. But one of the reasons why she had a child is that she wants to make you happier, she gives birth to children mainly for you.

A Libra woman can sometimes go to extremes: either eat too much or drink too much wine. There may be times when she will be silent for a long time, and sometimes she will talk too much. Such moments never last long. Her Libra usually comes into balance on its own, but you can help her with this. When one of the bowls has sunk too low, add some love to it and it will rise. If another is depressed from excess sadness, ease it with understanding and sympathy.

What other woman can look like a princess when you take her to the ball, and then can completely transform, put on heavy boots, zip up her jacket and help you cut wood for the fireplace? If there is no song dedicated to her yet, write your own music at a waltz tempo and dedicate it to your Libra woman.

Libra must understand that a person's beauty is not on the outside, but on the inside, and the same can be said about yourself. Libras must learn to accept themselves as they are. Try to be honest with yourself. You have both bad and the good side, but it's hard to see your bad sides. Libra needs to face the truth, because no one is perfect. Libras need a lot of emotional support, especially when you're feeling down.

Libras are incredibly selfish and vain. You prefer to surround yourself with rich things and love to flirt and manipulate to get what you want. It is difficult for you to help others. Libras love to be worshiped and loved by everyone. Harmony and security are very important to Libra. You must be careful not to scare off your loved ones with your high demands on others. Libra will do anything to get what they want, and most of all you love to be adored and praised! For Libras to be happy they need admiration, love and someone who cares about them. You love to pamper yourself and you spend a lot of time and energy to earn money. Your clothes, your appearance and pleasures in life are also important to you.

Libra must admit that the world is cruel. You have to have the courage to let go of a little more unnecessary stuff. Libras tend to think so much that they can get lost in their own thoughts. Try writing down what you're thinking so your brain can rest.

Libra has many friends, but they can lose them because... They love to receive everything, but they are in no hurry to give. Libras are deceitful, cunning and insightful people. Your friends are mainly those who will give you success in life. Libras combine business and pleasure well. But when friends need help, Libra is not so willing to help. Your behavior will make you lose your friends and life becomes lonely for you.

Libras love to flirt, but they don't like it when their partner does the same. Libra's intense jealousy will manifest itself immediately. You are fickle, which makes it difficult to have a relationship with you. Libra can easily cheat on their partner, and because... It is difficult to resist the charming appearance of Libra, then betrayal can be very frequent. Libras love to receive more than they love to give, and this applies to everything.

Libras have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. You may miss out on a lot of what life has to offer. Libras love to have high status. You like to buy expensive trinkets and then show them off. Libras spend money well, but mostly on themselves. If you own your own business, make sure you have a reputable accountant who takes care of your finances. Otherwise, you may turn your business into bankruptcy.

Negative qualities of Libra

Does not know how to say “no”, the need for approval from others, flirtatious, can be unemotional, superficial, unreliable, indecisive, sarcastic, cunning, vain, demanding, inattentive, likes to control everything and everyone, domineering, insidious.

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Once I had a strange dream: as if I had made a huge scale with two bowls, and on one bowl I put some abstract person of average fatness (this doesn’t happen in dreams), and on the other bowl I began to put different plants and animals one by one. .. And I did this in order to find out who weighs how much and who will outweigh whom... Of course, I was not so stupid as to start weighing with invisible protons, electrons, atoms and even bacteria - they certainly they won’t outweigh my abstract person, that’s why they are a microcosm... But I took a well-fed, well-fed lamb and put it on the scales (with one left hand, this happens in a dream), I thought that it would outweigh my person, but it didn’t : the scales did not tremble and did not go down... I weighed the fat lamb separately: seventy-odd kilos, heavier than my impersonal person, but still did not overweight it on unusual scales!
Then I caught a dolphin in the sea (how long in a dream, skillfully?) and put it on the bowl of these original scales. Well, I think, if it doesn’t outweigh, then it will counterbalance my abstract person (maybe that person is me?..), but that was not the case! It’s as if I threw not a smart dolphin, but a speck of dust onto that notorious cup: it doesn’t react, and that’s it, this unusual cup! The strange weightlessness of something that seems so big, solid and heavy!.. The same thing happened again with the chimpanzee monkey, which is smarter than even a dolphin and which I borrowed from the local zoo especially for this weighing... This is necessary, this is the first time I’ve seen real scales , and all the previous ones, it turns out, were not real!..
Is there a creature on earth that can outweigh even the most seedy person?! (Not me, don't be happy)...
And I got an elephant in Africa, and put it on the scales, but it couldn’t outweigh even my abstract, nameless person...
Well, I think blue whale at one hundred and fifty tons it will certainly be heavier - still not a sheaf of rye... But a seventy-kilogram man (should I call him that contemptuously?) outweighed even a whale! And who would have thought that a person is so heavy!?.
Then I grabbed hundreds of stars from the sky and threw them onto this stubborn scale - well, I was triumphant in advance, now this scale will move, albeit reluctantly and with a terrible creak, like the shoes of Odessa movers, but it will give in!.. But I hoped in vain: it turns out that even I am heavier and more valuable than the huge stars and the Sun?!
I didn’t believe it, I weighed everything again and reweighed it, in front of witnesses, but the result was the same... It turns out that the scales were correct, but it was I who thought wrong, believing that there was something or someone heavier or more valuable even the most seedy and snotty person... By the way, I wanted to throw a light baby on these scales: what if a huge elephant, or even more so a huge whale, outweighs him, a pathetic, stupid baby?.. But he waved his hand: himself again deception, not the scales - they are just accurate, you can’t deceive them...
Instead of an epilogue. I always knew that a person is not a gift, that he is a heavy creature, but here for the first time I involuntarily exclaimed: but not as much!..

Incredible facts

Among the representatives of the Zodiac there are signs that are very predictable and do not particularly favor changes in their lives; these are signs of the earth element – Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus.

But among the originals there are often representatives of other elements, because they are more flexible, more easily adapt to changes and sometimes they themselves are initiators of these changes.

Let's find out which signs are most often referred to strange and original people with their own types of thinking or views on life that stand out from the crowd, as well as those who want to somehow stand out, sometimes provoking scandals.


What is the originality of Aquarius? In unconventional thinking, unpredictability, desire for change.

Aquarius can rightfully be called the strangest and most original among all the signs. This is due to their lack of passion for order and norms, the desire to change, become different, stand out from the crowd, offer original and ingenious ideas and approach solving problems using unconventional methods.

By the way, the planet Uranus (the planet of Aquarius) in the chart, if it relates to a person’s personality and character in the horoscope, gives the very originals, geniuses and freaks. Aquarians do not like traditional paths and are looking for new paths for themselves, but Aquarians do not always want to invite others to follow them and invite others to do the same. They are often loners who feel good alone with themselves, although they may be surrounded by a large number of friends and acquaintances.

Aquarians are often accused of being “on their own wavelength”, not particularly caring about their family, loving freedom and always act in their own way, without regard for anyone. At their worst, Aquarians are often exactly like this, but not always. Intellectual freedom may find expression in the activities of Aquarius, but he can take family, marriage and relationships with other people very seriously.

If Aquarius starts doing something, you won’t see routine or tradition in his work, he will definitely will bring something completely new and original into it, which did not happen before! This is especially noticeable among people of creative professions.


Sometimes Aquarius to express himself in creativity no helpers needed or co-authors. For example, he can write a play himself, stage it himself, and play the only role in it himself.

This is exactly what many of the performances of the famous actor, playwright and director are like. Evgeniy Grishkovets(born February 17, 1967 in Kemerovo), who became famous precisely for the solo performance of his dramatic works. And although many dislike and criticize the original Grishkovets, the army of his fans is not decreasing, but only growing.

Celebrities with weirdness


What makes Scorpios so original?? In highly developed intuition, the ability to manipulate others and see through them, in unusual abilities, in the ability to hide one’s true feelings.

This zodiac sign is distinguished by eccentricity and originality and can compete even with Aquarius. Water element Scorpio is not quite ordinary compared to the others water signs - Pisces and Cancer.

Pisces are ready to share their experiences and inner world with others, Cancers with loved ones, but no one knows what is going on in the soul of Scorpios! Moreover, Scorpio can do so well hide your true feelings and your true face, which surprises other people if it appears from a completely different side.

This zodiac sign has such endurance, which can be envied. Scorpios know how to wait, they know how to be calm and cold even when they need to show emotions. And that doesn't mean they don't care or aren't emotional. They just know how to manage their emotions well.


Scorpio British actress Tilda Swinton(born November 5, 1960 in London) boasts not only an unusual image, but also a very in an unusual way expressing yourself in art, becoming an art object in the museums of modern art in London, Rome and New York in different years of your career.

In 2013, she placed herself in a glass box at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, where she slept peacefully all day in front of astonished museum visitors. No explanation for this performance called TheMaybe there was none, so the public themselves drew conclusions about what the author wanted to say. Well, an unusual way to show your emotions is don't show them at all


What makes Pisces so original?? In an effort to sympathize and empathize with everyone.

Pisces is perhaps one of the strangest representatives of the Zodiac due to its sensitivity and detachment from this world. Pisces are so immersed in their fantasies and in their inner world which is often confuse fantasy with reality, creating artificial memories for yourself.

Pisces believe in things they themselves have invented and may not appear to be very strange persons.

Unfortunately, this zodiac sign is not always able to see the real state of affairs and understand not only himself and others, but also what what's going on around.


A great original and the most numerous father of Russian cinema, Pisces Evgeniy Tsyganov(born March 15, 1979 in Moscow) has 8 heirs: seven from his first wife, Irina Leonova, and one from his second, Yulia Snigir.

It is interesting that he never officially registered the relationship with his first wife and left her, leaving her pregnant, although the family was quite religious and adhered to everyone Orthodox traditions , as reported in the press. What was the reason for leaving the family, in which seven children of the same age are growing up, one can only guess, because the actors do not talk about the details of their personal lives.


What makes Aries original?? In the desire to take first positions always and in everything, in the desire to constantly run or go somewhere.

Although in general Aries cannot be called too strange, there are also plenty of originals among them. If Aries is not enough traditional ways expressions of himself, he can take advantage of very unusual.

Aries prefer to be pioneers Therefore, they often choose professions where they can become a leader, lead the masses, and come up with something new. He succeeds if he has enough passion. But here you can see an original approach: to do things in life that will not come down to routine and monotony. This could also be a frequent change of professions, such as the famous Hollywood actor Aries James Franco, which does not stop there.


American actor, director, screenwriter and artist James Franco (born April 19, 1978 in California) is known for his shocking antics. For example, in 2011, he co-hosted the Oscars with Anne Hathaway, and completely deviated from the intended script, as he stated, because he did not like the script from the very beginning.

That same year, the actor and director revealed that he had made an unseen film « red leaves», which cannot be seen because it exists only in James's imagination. The actor sometimes likes to post nude photos on Instagram, often kisses men on screen, can get a tattoo on the back of his head for the sake of a role and even sell air and many other things that fall under the category of “not quite standard behavior.”

Singer Stefani Germanottu, known under the pseudonym Lady Gaga(born March 28, 1986 in New York), it’s hard not to call her a great original. Her shocking appearance and stunning outfits are combined with the active expression of her own views, especially ideas related to supporting sexual minorities. In addition to her main activity as a pop singer, she is also involved in serious charitable projects.

Sometimes she supports fables about herself that have appeared in the press, probably specifically wanting to stand out even more. For example, she once confirmed that she is... hermaphrodite.

In 2010, Leli Gaga took to the MTV stage Video Music Awards in a dress from real...meatA. The dress was preserved dry and is today in the Rock and Roll Museum.

Strange character


What makes Gemini so original?? In freedom of expression, in the desire to know about everything in the world, in the duality of nature.

The air sign Gemini can be different: incredibly light and agile, or tough and capricious. Sometimes they slip hypocrisy, they may turn out to be like true friends, and vile deceivers.

Gemini is a fickle sign; it is difficult for him to sit still, be predictable and always the same. That is why representatives of this sign are very sociable, love everything new, unknown, are not averse to long journeys and noisy companies, and easily change their lives. Sometimes Gemini's weirdness takes them very far...

Gemini originals

One of the brightest celebrities of the Gemini sign is the actress Angelina Jolie(born June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles), who knows how to surprise the audience and attract close attention with a new outrageous weekend.

You're just surprised when she manages everything: to be an actress, a director, a UN Goodwill Ambassador, a mother of six children, a pilot of her own plane, and the owner of hundreds of the most prestigious awards and titles, and much more.

And although in last years nothing special was observed about her, a list of her oddities left behind, very immodest.

Which ones tattoos no and was not on her body! Some philosophical inscriptions, coordinates of the places where her children were born, symbols of death, animals, crosses and even the name of her second husband (erased after the divorce).

At one time, Jolie was a fan of blood. For example, for a wedding with my first husband Jonny Lee Miller the actress wore a T-shirt with the name of the groom, which she wrote own blood. Not really ordinary decorations Jolie and her second husband had Billy Bob Thornton: They wore pendants with each other's blood.

In 2013, after the actress learned that she was a carrier of the gene responsible for the development of breast cancer, she decided to breast removal surgery followed by their reconstruction. And in 2015, she went under the surgeon’s knife again with the goal of get rid of ovaries since the threat of ovarian cancer was also discovered in her.

Angelina Jolie has pilot license, which she received in 2004. Your first plane Cirrus SR22 The actress bought it herself, and Brad Pitt gave the other one so that he could see his wife more often.

Strange behavior


What is the originality of Lviv? In the desire to see only admiring faces around you.

Leos are very proud and surround themselves certain retinue like any authority. The retinue proves their devotion to the master, extols him and even idolizes him. Such a specific character often forces Leos to choose the appropriate profession and activity, which allows them to be special, famous, respected individuals.

You can hardly find a Leo who will lock himself in his home and work remotely. Usually these people always in sight, they strive to join society and try to achieve certain successes, bypassing competitors.

Leos often become actors, directors, singers, showmen, and in general, choose public professions. This is exactly their path. But among them there are also rich people, known for their grand gestures and strange behavior, attracting attention.

Original Lions

Billionaire investor and philanthropist Nicholas Berggruen born under the sign of Leo on August 10, 1961. He is included in the list of the strangest rich people in the world. He has no ties to real estate or women, he doesn’t particularly go to work, doesn’t have housing, but travels around the world and conducts business remotely.

However, the billionaire had heirs and very in an unusual way: He has two children, born from two different surrogate mothers and one female egg donor.


What makes Sagittarius unique?? In constant movement towards the goal, in the desire to embrace the immensity and be in several places at once.

Sagittarians can be very versatile people with a broad outlook and extensive knowledge, but there are also eccentrics among them who... defy public opinion. This is due to the fact that Sagittarius loves freedom very much, and some confuse this concept with permissiveness, not seeing boundaries and not taking into account the rules of decency.

Sagittarius originals

Among the stars of rock music there are many strange and shocking personalities, and if they were born under the sign of Sagittarius, then you can expect anything and everything. For example , Ozzy Osbourne, who was born on December 3, 1948 in Birmingham (UK), is not against exhibiting his personal life to the public by organizing a reality show "The Osborn Family", or could easily bite off his head bat or dove.

All his antics and quirks are largely related to alcohol and drug addictions, which the musician suffered for many years. After taking so many substances, doctors were generally surprised how he was still alive. After passing a special DNA test, experts reported that such unusual resistance to alcohol and drugs is in his genes.

Ozzy has a lot of quirks and unusual facts biographies. For example, he did not have a driver’s license until the age of 60 and passed on it from 19 times 30 years after I tried to pass my license for the first time.


What is the originality of Virgos? In an excessive desire to see cleanliness and order next to oneself, which sometimes leads to paranoia.

Virgos cannot be called too strange people; among them there are few who are distinguished by quirks, since they are an earthly, practical sign that does not like change and usually lives according to certain rules, keeping order. But Virgos sometimes have strange habits that are not particularly clear to others.

Original Virgos

For example, an actress Cameron Diaz Virgo (born August 30, 1970) has a special phobia that very well illustrates Virgo's desire for cleanliness - the fear of dirt. Hygiene issues come first for her, so the actress tries, for example, not to touch door handles in public places.

Another eccentric actor, known for his simplicity and open-mindedness, is often described as a rather strange person. This is an American Bill Murray, born September 21, 1950. He has his own rules and procedures that he adheres to. For example, Bill doesn't like dealing with agents, so it often happens that assistants and directors find an actor to offer him a role. quite difficult. He can easily come to someone else's party or join an unfamiliar company at a karaoke bar.


What makes Cancers so original?? In the reluctance to be visible and share something intimate with anyone (except for loved ones).

Cancers are usually not distinguished by any oddities, especially among famous personalities strange Cancers are not very common. They don’t particularly like to wash dirty linen in public and prefer don't attract much attention to yourself some antics or quirks.

Original crayfish

However, the whole world knows one strange Cancer, and his oddities are now discussed everywhere, especially after the details of his latest divorce. This is about Tom Cruise, who was born on July 3, 1962 in Syracuse, New York.

It is known that Tom is a follower of a very strange religious movement - Church of Scientology, whose members greatly influence his relationships with his wives. Both of his last marriages failed, and one of them good reasons served Tom's devotion to the church and its principles.


What makes Taurus unique?? In the ability to see and create form and beauty.

Taurus' passion for money and material values, of course, sometimes goes off scale. This is their uniqueness, but somewhere even strange. However, Taurus, like other representatives of earth signs, are not so often strange, out-of-this-world personalities, much less shocking. However, among them too there are exceptions.

Taurus originals

Famous Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali was a Taurus and was born on May 11, 1904 in Figueres. He created his works with the goal of shocking and evoking appropriate feelings and responses, but he was shocking not only in his work, but also in life.

He achieved great recognition during his lifetime, fabulous fees for paintings, and, like all Taurus, loved money. While painting masterpieces, Dali also did not hesitate to produce unremarkable advertisements and even painted airplanes. He believed that there is never too much money and it doesn’t matter how you get it. "The hands of an artist must give birth to gold"- he said.

Interesting that the lollipop logo Chupa Chups, was invented by Dali.


What makes Capricorns so original?? Excessively demanding of yourself, other people and the world around you.

The oddities of Capricorns are usually not particularly noticeable, but sometimes they can concern some global things, like real estate. Capricorns are usually practical and purposeful, they love solid ground under their feet, which is why they work so hard to be confident in the future. But sometimes such a passion for stable soil can play a cruel joke on them, subordinating their lives to collecting material values.

Unlike Taurus, other earth signs, Capricorns are not particularly tight-fisted when it comes to money, but nevertheless also have a passion for material world.


American actor from the famous Coppola family, Nicolas Cage, was born in California on January 7, 1964 under the sign of Capricorn. Nicholas is known for his strange shopping habits.

Behind million dollars he can buy a comic book collection, and for 270 thousand - a dinosaur skull. At one point, he also paid half a million for an octopus, which the actor claimed would help him act.

Cage's larger, more "useful" purchases include sports cars, private jets, yachts, apartments, castles and even islands. Ultimately, the ridiculous expenses led the Oscar-winning actor to serious problems, because even a multi-million dollar fortune comes to an end someday if used ineptly. And you also have to somehow pay property taxes and maintain all these valuables...


What makes Libra so original?? In constant pursuit of harmony and balance.

This zodiac sign is perhaps one of the least strange, although, of course, it has its own characteristics that distinguish representatives of Libra from the rest. Libras are very tactful and know how present yourself, they know how to negotiate and avoid conflicts and scandals in every possible way.

Original scales

French actress Brigitte Bardot, one of the most beautiful and sexy women XX century, was born in Paris on September 28, 1934 under the sign of Libra. Her strangeness and great love life are... animals. At the peak of her fame, shortly before her 40th birthday, she announced that she was ending her film career and promised to devote herself entirely to animal protection.

Already more than 40 years she keeps her promise. Today she is well over 80, she lives alone on her farm, surrounded by pets.

Like many Libras, Brigitte, cannot tolerate injustice, condemns what, in her opinion, goes beyond harmony and naturalness, such as homosexuality or interracial marriage.