Seated carriage 2 with seat arrangement. We're traveling in a seated carriage! Savings are great! Classes of service and categories of Russian Railways cars

Each compartment of the carriage is equipped with ventilation, hangers for clothes and bags, a radio, as well as places for things that are located under the lower and above the upper bunk. There are small mesh mounts on the wall for newspapers and towels.

Side seats

From 37th place the side places begin. Due to them, installed instead of doors in the compartment, several times more passengers can fit in than in a compartment car.

There are a total of 18 side shelves in the carriage; they run along the aisle, perpendicular to the shelves in the compartment.

Just like the compartments, the side seats are equipped with two shelves for passengers to rest - upper and lower, and another shelf for storing luggage and a blanket with a pillow. The lower shelf folds out into a table and two seats.

You can find out more about the location of the side seats, and also see how they look in the photo.

Carriage at night: lighting mode and how to isolate yourself from neighbors

At night, the lights in the carriages are dimmed so that passengers can rest in comfort. Safety rules do not allow turning off the lights completely. A reserved seat card does not allow each passenger to adjust the lighting individually, so from 10 pm to 6 am, the conductor makes sure that the incandescent lamps are only half lit. At this time, the radios are also turned off.

Often, passengers in reserved seat carriages sleep not only at night, but also during the daytime, especially on long-distance trains. The owner of the top shelf can use the bottom one if he wants to have a snack at a common table. However, he cannot claim a seat below if the owner of the bottom bunk is against it.

Reference. You can get bed linen from the guide not only at night, but also during the day.

Nuances in the long-distance Demidov Express

The reserved seat, especially in the hot summer, can be cramped and not very comfortable. More comfortable are reserved seat seats on branded trains, in which, as a rule, the conductors take more care of the cleanliness in the carriage and especially in the restroom; there is air conditioning.

One of these branded trains is the Demidov Express. It follows the Ekaterinburg-St. Petersburg route and is rightfully considered a luxury train. In addition to the usual equipment and equipment, there is:

The guides themselves lay out and make the beds. Each carriage on such a train is equipped with dry toilets with cold and hot water, as well as a display that shows the time, temperature and occupancy of the toilet.

Passengers can contact the conductor to obtain fiction, newspapers and even clothing and shoe care products. In addition, guides can provide special sleep belts for those who are afraid of falling in their sleep.

Traveling in reserved seat carriages can be not only cheap, but also comfortable, especially on new-style trains. In order for the trip to leave a pleasant impression, it is important to be careful when purchasing a ticket, choosing according to your taste.

When purchasing a train ticket, passengers may have questions regarding the interpretation of the alphanumeric designation indicated on the ticket as 2K or 1C. The combination of symbols can be anything, as can the information hidden behind them. Knowing what is hidden behind such a combination of numbers and letters means understanding what class of carriage is meant and what list of additional services you can count on.

We will consider the marking of cars proposed by the Federal Passenger Company, but other carriers have the right to install it at their own discretion.

RIC cars

Such carriages are typical only for international trains, mainly in European directions. They differ in size and layout of passenger seats; 2-3 people can travel.

In double RIC carriages, the markings and travel conditions correspond to the luxury class.

Three-seater carriages belong to class 2I. Passengers have a chair and a washbasin at their disposal, the shelves are located vertically.

General carriage

3O - the lower shelf provides seating for three passengers at once. A dry closet and air conditioning may not be provided. Carriage of small animals is allowed.

3B - boarding is the same as in 3O, but passengers choose their own seats.

Seat carriage

For ease of travel, special chairs are installed. The level of comfort and service varies depending on the specific train.

1C, 2C, 3C - this marking is presented in many trains (both in fast passenger and suburban high-speed trains), each type of train has its own characteristics of such cars. Most often, air conditioning is provided in 1C and 2C; it is not always available in 3C. Other nuances depend on the specific composition.

1P is a sedentary double-decker intercity carriage. From the service, passengers can count on food, newspapers, a blanket, and a hygiene amenity kit.

1B - the same service as class 1P, the only difference is that 1B provides individual seating for passengers.

2P - superior comfort class, there is a modern dry closet and air conditioning; passengers receive a lunch box during the journey.

2B, 3G - soft seats. No additional services are included in the price. But unlike higher travel classes, pets are allowed in 2B and 3Zh.

2E - passenger carriage with seats and air conditioning. A modern bathroom is a rarity in this class.

Reserved seat

These carriages have up to 54 seats, where passengers travel on recumbent seats. Typically, such passenger carriages are classified as third class.

3F - the presence of a modern bathroom and air conditioning.

3T - the toilet may be an old model, but there is always air conditioning.

3D - the same conditions as in 3T, but travel with pets is allowed.

3U - a reserved seat with permission for the presence of pets, but it may not have air conditioning.

3L - standard reserved seat carriage. There is no air conditioning, the bathroom is old.

The carrier company ZAO TKS has modern dry closets and air conditioning systems installed in its 3U marked cars. There are sockets in each compartment, and there is video surveillance for security purposes. At the beginning of the journey, passengers receive bedding and a hygiene kit. Transport of animals is prohibited.

It differs from a reserved seat in that 4 lying shelves are combined into closed sections. Passenger capacity is up to 40 people. Such travel conditions belong to the second class of comfort. Bedding is always paid for when purchasing a ticket.

2E is a luxury compartment car with closed compartments of 4 passengers each, air conditioning and a modern dry closet. Meals, newspapers, and travel hygiene are paid for when purchasing a travel pass.

2E - this marking assigned to double-decker compartment cars implies the same travel conditions as in regular 2E, but passengers are not given a hygiene kit and press.

2B - travel conditions correspond to 2E, but passengers often have to use an old-style bathroom.

2K - pets are allowed, there is air conditioning and a dry closet. Only bedding is included in the ticket price.

2U - similar travel conditions to 2K, but there may not be a dry closet.

2L - no air conditioning or dry closet, pets allowed.

The company ZAO TKS also has the 2T marking, which means that passengers can count on food, drinks, travel hygiene kit, newspapers, bed linen, and disposable slippers. A shower, air conditioning system, sockets, and monitors in each compartment make travel even more comfortable. In some sections, among other things, there is a safe. Coupes are divided into general, male and female.

1B - travel conditions are equivalent to business class. During the journey, the passenger can count on a whole range of services: provision of food and drinks, hygiene items and newspapers. The entire compartment is being purchased. Small pets are allowed.

1E - travel features are the same as in 1B, but you can even buy one seat in a compartment.

1U - the same travel conditions as in class 1B, but additional services are not paid for when purchasing.

1L - the same as 1U, but there may not be a dry closet.

The company ZAO TKS has provided for the same conditions in class 1B cars as in the corresponding class described above. But among other things, the sections have sockets, a safe and a TV for each place. These carriages have a shower, dry closet and air conditioning.

Soft carriage

1A - in addition to four compartments, the carriage also has a lounge bar. A shower, washbasin, dry closet and chair are located in each passenger compartment. Seats for passengers are located one above the other: the upper shelf has standard dimensions, the lower seat when unfolded is wide - 120 cm. The ticket price includes drinks, food and printed publications. Only the entire compartment can be purchased; two adults and one child under ten years old can travel. Pets are allowed.

1I - the same conditions as 1A, but there is no bar in the carriage, instead there is another compartment.

1M - cars of this category already have 6 compartments, conditions are similar to previous classes.

1G are cars of classes 1A, 1I or 1M, but on interstate trains. The carriage has up to 6 compartments, each of which can carry up to three people - two adults and a child or an adult and 2 children.

It differs from first class carriages in more comfortable and spacious compartments, the total number of passengers in which does not exceed 12.


1P - compartment-meeting room, you cannot buy only part of the seats. The service here will be of the highest standard: cold and hot drinks, conditions for business meetings, leather seats - all this will ensure maximum comfort for passengers.

1B - first class seat of the Sapsan train. The service is at the same highest level as in carriage 1P, but without a call center.

1C - implies business class conditions. Convenient seating with sockets, the ability to put things in a closet, drinks and hot meals.

2C - suitable for economical and unpretentious passengers. There are seating options at the table and without it. There are hangers for outerwear and headphones next to each chair.

2B - class of cars “Economic+” (10th and 20th cars). It differs from 2C in wide aisles, a power outlet at each chair, and access to wireless Internet. Passengers receive lunch during the journey.

2E is a bistro car that provides passengers with meals worth up to 2,000 rubles. Tickets for carriages of this class can be purchased online no earlier than 1 day before departure.

The entire train is air conditioned.

1E - SV (VIP). Separate compartment for one or two people traveling together. It is possible to raise the upper shelf and transform the lower one into 2 comfortable chairs. Passengers have at their disposal a bathroom with a shower, several sockets, a TV, and a safe. Hot food and bedding are already included in the ticket price. Pets are allowed.

1E is the same as 1E, but seats can be purchased separately without having to buy the entire compartment.

1P - seats in first class carriages. Wide aisles, soft seating, food, printed materials and a traveler's kit.

2C - slightly less wide passages and lack of service.

All passengers of this train receive clean water for drinking, air conditioning, individual sockets, and dry closets work. Security guards keep order.

The newest double-decker train produced by the Tver Carriage Works started running on the Moscow-Voronezh route. This is the first double-decker train with seats made in Russia. What is unusual is that the level of equipment and comfort undoubtedly surpasses the familiar “Swallows” and even “Sapsan” aircraft.

I was able to attend the first departure of the train along the route and get to know the new product in detail.

Better than Sapsan. Review of the two-story seated train "Moscow-Voronezh"

2. Seated double-decker cars look much more harmonious in appearance than the double-decker compartment cars that have already become commonplace for passengers. The seater has a smooth bend between the side wall and the roof, while in compartment cars on the second floor it was necessary to provide space for the upper shelf - and in this place an angle was formed.

3. The new train will reduce the cost of travel on the route compared to a conventional single-decker seated express train, whose place it will occupy in the schedule. Tickets for the predecessor cost from 1,135 rubles for second class. A two-story building is offered from 704 rubles.

4. For service personnel, this is the first trip on a new train. The first flight with passengers will depart on July 31, and before that time it is necessary to test the route and test the train in action.

5. One of the most important features of the new cars is fundamentally new bogies with damping elements that prevent the train from shaking at high speeds.

6. The interior layout of the cars is similar to the two-story compartment ones, but the finishing materials have been significantly improved. You can distinguish first-class carriages from second-class carriages by the color of the walls in the vestibules. Burgundy in business and purple in economy.

7. Stairs to the first and second floors in a first class carriage.

8. The head of the train.

9. So, the first floor in the first class carriage. Layout 2+1. By the way, the interior design was developed by Italians - the world famous company Italdesign Giugiaro. The same guys designed the interiors of the Italian Pendolino trains and participated in the creation of the Volkswagen Golf.

10. Each chair has its own electrical outlet. In fact, in first class carriages there are at least 2 sockets per passenger because...

11. All seats in first class carriages can be rotated 180 degrees. And the sockets are duplicated on both sides of the base. Journalists study the mechanism for turning the seats and discuss an alternative option, when the seats are turned to look out the window.

12. The chairs can be rotated 180 degrees. Moreover, you can rotate any chair in a row (to rotate double chairs, this operation must be started from the outermost pair). The chairs are very comfortable and comfortable. You can not only recline the backrest, but also extend the seat cushion!

13. The second floor is completely identical to the first, with the exception of a different view from the window. There is a huge headroom in the aisle. There are luggage racks on both floors to the left and right.

14. A toilet that can be used at any time. There are two of them in each carriage. There is a two-color toilet occupancy indicator on the door.

15. Also in the first class carriage there is a separate two-seat seated compartment with a large TV.

16. First class carriages also have optional ambient lighting on the ceiling.

17. The flight is a test, during the process the performance of all components is monitored and the final adjustment of the equipment of each car is carried out.

18. The second class carriage has minimal differences. The main difference is the absence of a separate compartment (instead there is an additional luggage compartment). Everything else is almost identical.

19. First floor of a second class carriage. Layout 2+2. An unusual combination of bright orange and dark gray upholstery.

20. What is surprising about the second class carriage? There are equally comfortable seats with the ability to adjust both the backrest angle and the length of the cushion (the chair in the foreground has an extended cushion and a reclined backrest).

21. Also in second class carriages there are machines with snacks and drinks (in first class carriages hot meals are included in the price).

22. Stairs to the second floor. There is a cooler with hot and cold water in the corner.

23. Second floor of a second class carriage. Everything is the same as on the first floor, except for the view from the window.

24. All windows have double curtains. One for partial absorption of light, the other for complete absorption.

25. For the first time in Russia, each second class passenger has his own personal 220-volt electrical outlet. In addition, the train will have free WiFi Internet. The only complaints are poor cellular coverage along the route, as well as very heavily shielded carriages. Standard WiFi with a multi-SIM router will most likely solve the problem with Internet access, and you should only count on voice communications near populated areas.

26. Additional luggage rack on the second floor. The niche below is the passage to the first floor.

27. The train is being tested: in all cars, except two, there is ballast in the form of sandbags to simulate a real load.

28. Car control panel. Here is the output of images from CCTV cameras.

29. And complete control of all electrical systems, from lighting to heating/air conditioning. All control is carried out from the touch screen.

30. The journey from Moscow to Voronezh took 6 hours 35 minutes. This train will be the fastest on this route.

31. Presentation of the train at the Voronezh-1 station.

32. And now back to Moscow.

The most important advantage of the new composition is the price. The minimum cost of a ticket (if purchased 45 days before departure) in a second-class carriage will be 704 rubles, and in a first-class carriage - 1,245 rubles (including hot meals). In autumn, in accordance with the seasonal coefficient, the cost will be even slightly lower.

In general, I can’t even believe that such a modern and comfortable train was made in Russia. I'm impressed, how about you?

The trains of JSC FPC have various types of passenger cars. They differ in level of comfort and class of service. Depending on the duration of the trip and budget, you can choose a compartment, a reserved seat with a berth, or a bench in a general carriage. In addition, there are carriages with seating. What are they and what do the seats on a Russian Railways train look like?

Scheme of a seated Russian Railways car

A passenger carriage with seats is a carriage which is equipped with comfortable chairs for sitting. It is different from other types of carriages and looks similar to the interior of an international bus or airplane. The seated carriage has two toilets with washbasins, two vestibules and a service compartment for conductors. They have comfortable chairs with armrests and ample legroom. You can recline your seat or use the folding table to dine on the go. There is a luggage rack above the chair.

The number of seats depends on the class of seated carriage. They are divided into three types:

  1. with a standard layout of seats - from 50 to 70 people;
  2. with an improved seating arrangement (salon type) - up to 50 people;
  3. based on a compartment carriage.

Also on Russian railways there are trains with double-decker compartment cars with seats (1st and 2nd class). For example, on train No. 50 Moscow - Kazan, economy class cars are used for 63 or 68 passengers. The seated business class carriage has 43 seats, while the first class carriage has only 10 seats.

The numbering in the seated carriage is simple: even-numbered seats are located near the aisle, odd-numbered seats are located near the window. The location of seats in a seated Russian Railways carriage is shown in the diagram:

Seats in a reserved seat carriage

The most popular type of carriage due to the affordable ticket prices. The capacity of the carriage is 54 seats. It has 9 compartments with 6 beds each: two upper, two lower and two side. There are no doors, all compartments are connected by a common corridor. The lower places are marked with odd numbers, and the upper ones with even numbers.

Places 37 to 54 are “sides”. Essentially, these are two places to sit and a table that can be expanded and turned into a sleeping place. If you are traveling close and want to save money, you can buy a side seat.

Layout of seats in a reserved seat carriage of Russian Railways:

Seats in a common carriage

As a rule, a general carriage is a reserved seat with three seats on each lower bunk, including the lower side ones. You can only travel short distances in such a carriage, since the seats are not intended for long-term sitting: there are no armrests, soft backrests, or headrests. Tickets for a general carriage are sold without a seat, so if you don’t have time to grab the best seat, you won’t have a very pleasant trip.

The general carriage is the least comfortable for the trip, but the ticket for it is the cheapest.

Comfort class of Russian Railways: diagram of a carriage with seats

How conveniently you will spend your time on the road depends on the specific composition and class of the carriage. Seated cars from the carrier FPC JSC are divided into three classes according to:

  1. First class - "1C"

A comfortable seated carriage with folding tables, air conditioning and, as a rule, an LCD TV. The chairs recline to a reclining position. Meals are included in the ticket price. The capacity of the carriage is up to 48 people.

  1. Second class - “2C”

The seats are arranged in 4 rows and there are folding tables. There is not always air conditioning. The capacity of the carriage is up to 68 people.

  1. Third class - “3C”

The journey will be without much comfort: there is little legroom, no air conditioning and no dry closet. But you will pay a minimum for the train ticket. The capacity of the carriage is more than 68 seats.

Trains numbered 801 to 898 also use the seated car classification, but are less comfortable. In double-decker trains, in cars with seats, on the contrary, the level of comfort is higher: there is air conditioning, a dry closet, and sockets at each seat. This does not affect the ticket price - it remains low.

High-speed seated trains usually have 1st and 2nd class. They are much more comfortable than seated carriages on regular trains. Each train has its own set of additional services: wi-fi, footrests, leather seats, etc. For example, the Allegro train, running between St. Petersburg and Helsinki, has a children's playroom.

When should you buy a ticket for a seated carriage?

It is better not to buy a ticket for a carriage with seats if you are planning a long trip - you will quickly get tired and experience discomfort. It is worth traveling in a seated carriage over short distances, for example, on the daily express from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

The main advantage of a seated carriage is the affordable price of train tickets, except for high-speed trains. Travel documents for Sapsan or Swift are more expensive. However, these trains develop high speed, which significantly reduces travel time - you can get from Moscow to St. Petersburg in 4 hours. By regular train the journey will take 8 hours.

Tickets for high-speed trains are more expensive, but they will get you to your destination faster.

I haven't ridden a sedentary train for a thousand years. It always seemed to me that such transport is used by completely marginal individuals, and therefore the quality provided on such trains is appropriate. Imagine my surprise when I found out that sitting can be very comfortable.

Here's a clean and new car we came across:

Together with bloggers denisanikin , djhooligantk , nadi_gourmet , ronny_caramel And igor_n_solovev we found ourselves in this marvelous carriage, planning our super-intricate movements. Returning from Samara last Saturday, we really wanted to stop by Syzran to see the local Kremlin, so we replanned our route a little and instead of a quiet ride in a compartment to Saratov, we took the “Day Express” heading to Penza.

We were greeted, in fact, by these chairs:

It’s soft, with a headrest, and, of course, folds down. In a word, it cannot be compared with a bus. There are even disposable (clean, I checked) head capes, because everything is civilized and aesthetically pleasing. On the left armrest there is a sound control unit. If you have headphones, you can plug them into a standard 3.5 mm jack and listen to one of 6 audio channels to choose from. One of the channels broadcast the sound of the series, which was shown on screens in the carriage. For the rest there was music. An unusual option, especially when you are used to riding pre-revolutionary carriages.

And here are the screens in the carriage:

Here the tables recline and there is room to stretch your legs. I repeat, I was quite surprised that a seated train could be so comfortable.

Having decided to fully enjoy the comfort, he leaned back and dozed off. And Denis read a lullaby map of Syzran, which he grabbed for free at the tourist stand of the Kazan station:

The coolest thing about this train is the power outlets. Thank you, Russian Railways, for starting to make them in the 21st century:

Well, the most important thing is the toilets. There are modern biocabins here that can be used at any time, and they look very, very civilized.

I have only seen toilets like this in double-decker carriages:

For comparison, the toilet in a regular train compartment on which we were traveling to Samara looked like this:

The road from Samara to Syzran lasted 1:40. Tickets for such a seated carriage cost from 400-something rubles. We sat and compared this train with the Swallow, and realized that this is heaven and earth. I’ll tell you as a person who used Swallow almost every day during the Olympic Games in Sochi. This train is unrivaled in terms of comfort. Although not as fast.

After 1:40 we were already in Syzran-city: