Download the drawing for cutting with a jigsaw. Technology and drawings for cutting out plywood with a jigsaw

First of all, you should properly organize your workspace. Despite the apparent formality, this is quite important condition. A properly equipped place provides not only comfort and convenience, which is important when working for long hours with a hand jigsaw, but also directly affects the quality of the project being implemented.

A special machine-table is used as a thrust structure, behind which the name “dovetail” is assigned. It represents a small rectangular board, having a wedge-shaped cutout that goes into the working field for sawing. Dovetail attached to the edge of a table or workbench using a clamp.

They work with a hand jigsaw while sitting or standing, placing the workpiece for cutting at a level of 30-40 cm from the eyes. The light source is placed in front at an angle to the working plane. Compliance with these rules will allow you to control the cutting line as accurately as possible, thereby improving the quality of the cut project.

Which jigsaw should you choose?

Despite the simplicity of their design, modern manual jigsaws have a number of features that you should pay attention to when choosing. It is better to avoid models with a frame made of sheet iron and choose a jigsaw made from a metal tube. This option provides better tension on the blade and eliminates its distortion, so the file will not “lead” during operation.

The file is fixed in the frame by tightening the upper and lower wing nuts. When choosing a jigsaw, pay attention that it is equipped with blades made of high-quality steel with wide ears. This will significantly increase the ease of use of the tool during work.

How to properly prepare a tool for use?

The file in the jigsaw is fixed strictly vertically, with the teeth down. The canvas must be stretched. The degree of tension is regulated by compressing the frame: the tool is rested against the edge of the table or squeezed by hand, after which the wings are tightened, if necessary, tightening them with pliers. By straightening, the frame will ensure proper tension on the canvas.

To cut out small parts, figures with sharp contours and complex wood patterns with a hand jigsaw, small files with a large number of teeth per inch are used. They do not jam when turning, creating a thin and neat cut without leaving chips. To create large plywood products and long straight cuts, blades with large teeth are used, which cut much faster.

Let's get down to business. How to cut out plywood and wood with a jigsaw?

To get an accurate and neat cutting line, you should follow a number of basic rules:

  1. The hand with the jigsaw should only perform vertical movements.
  2. Up and down movements are made without sudden jerks and with maximum amplitude in order to use the entire working length of the blade.
  3. The second hand smoothly turns and moves the workpiece during the sawing process.
  4. There is no need to press the file onto the workpiece or apply lateral pressure to the blade.
  5. Sawing occurs only at the moment when the file moves from top to bottom, so the reverse movement should be performed freely without pressure.

When working with a hand jigsaw, it is guided not along the line of the pattern, but along inside contour, since even the thinnest blade leaves a cut, the width of which should be taken into account. This is especially important when cutting out products with precise fitting of elements, for example, or.

When you're done, don't forget to loosen one of the clamps so that the jigsaw frame doesn't lose its elasticity.

What about practicing basic techniques?

The most intricate patterns are always based on a number of basic shapes and elements, after working on which you will be prepared to carry out complex projects. It is advisable to do this on thin plywood up to 3 mm thick.

Obtuse and right angles : the jigsaw moves smoothly without pressing on the workpiece, as if idling; at this time, the second hand slowly turns the wooden piece to the desired angle.

Inner circular outline : to do this, a small hole is drilled in the inside of the figure through which a file is passed. When cutting out a circle, the cutting line is drawn along the inner contour of the design. The tool stroke should be of medium intensity; the workpiece unfolds in proportion to the movements of the jigsaw.

Oval outline : when cutting out such a figure, increase the stroke of the jigsaw in steep areas, turning the workpiece faster in this place.

Sharp corners: a neat sharp angle without chips or other defects is obtained by bringing two cuts together.

Advice! When cutting out complex openwork patterns, start working from the center wooden blank, uniformly shifting to the periphery. This will significantly simplify the cutting process and avoid breakage of the fragile work at the finishing stage.

You have gotten a good feel for the jigsaw, have achieved smooth movement and are maintaining a neat cutting line, but then the movement of the tool becomes difficult and the file jams in the workpiece. This is a typical situation that arises when carving plywood with a hand jigsaw. It happens for the following reasons:

  1. Overheating of the file - when long work the canvas expands due to heating. To avoid such situations, take short breaks or periodically wipe the canvas with a damp cloth.
  2. Features of wooden blanks. The movement of the jigsaw may be difficult due to the fact that the file has run into a denser area: a knot, a lump of glue in plywood, etc.
  3. On long cuts, the saw blade can become pinched between two nearly separated pieces of plywood. You can continue sawing comfortably by pinning the separated ends together with a clothespin.

What kind of plywood is needed for cutting with a jigsaw?

Practice shows that best material for working with a hand jigsaw - birch plywood with a thickness of 2 to 8 mm. It is affordable, easy to use and highly durable.

To create small details or a “dense” openwork pattern, it is more appropriate to use three-layer plywood up to 3 mm thick. It is easy to saw and at the same time quite durable. The likelihood that you will spoil the sawn curl when the blade jams again is significantly lower.

When choosing material for crafts, pay attention to the fact that the plywood is smooth and without large quantity knots. Examine the end for the presence of air chambers; their presence indicates uneven application of the glue. It is better to refuse such low-grade plywood, otherwise you will not avoid a large number of chips that will ruin appearance products.

What if you use wooden blanks?

For all its practicality, plywood does not have such an expressive texture as board. By sawing projects from planks, you can take advantage of these advantages: play on the difference in colors and shades, the orientation of wood fibers (as in intarsia), etc. Crafts made from wood have a more attractive end (without a layered structure like plywood) and are much easier to treat with a finishing compound.

For sawing with a hand jigsaw, workpieces from soft and hard rocks up to 10 mm thick are used. When choosing a material, give preference to tangential cut boards. Blanks radial cut use is not recommended, because they have parallel annual rings, which, due to their hardness, will lead the jigsaw away when sawing.

What to do if chips keep appearing?

The number and size of chips depend on the type of plywood used, the quality of the blade and how correctly the master saws. A few tips and professional tricks will help you cut with a hand jigsaw without chipping:

  • using low-quality plywood that is prone to chipping, saw more intensively, installing blades with fine teeth;
  • use a saw blade with a reverse (reverse) tooth, designed to minimize chipping.
  • glue the cutting lines with reverse side tape or masking tape;
  • moisten the back of the workpiece.

How to transfer a diagram to a wooden piece?

There are several convenient options transferring the printed drawing onto a wooden base:

  • using carbon paper and redrawing the template by hand;
  • gluing the sheet with double-sided tape;
  • gluing the picture onto glue, the remnants of which are rubbed off with sandpaper at the finishing stage.

Openwork saw-cut ornamental carving is perhaps the most beautiful view artistic treatment wood. The cutting carving technique involves preliminary marking of a flat surface, on which patterns are subsequently cut out using a jigsaw. The result, as a rule, is beautiful openwork lace, although here everything depends only on the imagination of the master.

Unfortunately, these days many people consider it more advisable to buy a ready-made craft than to make it with their own hands. However, mass replicated production does not know such a thing as “exclusive”.

And many of us would like to put something original on our shelf that no one else has. And the most obvious way out is to make such a product yourself, which we will talk about in this article.

Jigsaw cutting technology

Probably, few people did not pick up a jigsaw during labor lessons during their school years. And those who not only held this tool, but also tried to cut something out with it, were probably convinced that crafts can be achieved using a hand jigsaw High Quality quite difficult. Only the most diligent and assiduous manage to become true masters of their craft.

By cutting out shape templates from plywood, over time you will be able to move on to more complex patterns that will require more precision from you in your work. However, in order to learn all the intricacies of this craft, you must first master the basic principles of work.

Tools and devices that will be useful at work

  1. First of all, you will need the jigsaw itself.. The price of this tool is low because it has a very simple design.
    It consists of the following elements:
  • Frame. Made in the shape of the letter "P". It comes in both metal and wood.

The metal frame can be tubular (tube-shaped) or plate-shaped.
A tubular frame is preferable because it ensures even tension on the file.
In addition, the length of such a frame is greater, which ensures cutting out more distant edges.

The wooden frame has a screw for fixing the saw. The metal frame has no screws.

To ensure the quality of the metal frame, it should be tested for elasticity.
To do this, you should pull it tightly with both hands, hold it in this position for about two minutes, and then smoothly release it.
If the distance between the clamps is restored, the frame is of high quality.

  • Files. Today you can find a wide variety of jigsaw files on the market, but for your work you will only need two: with a fine and a medium tooth. Fine-toothed files are used when forming small ornaments with sharp turns of lines. Coarse-toothed ones are needed for cutting carved slots, large holes, etc.

When fixing the file on the jigsaw, make sure that the teeth “look” down.

  1. To adjust the part, you should stock up on a sharp knife and needle files: flat, rhombic and round.

  1. Wooden sawing table, strengthening of which in the workplace is carried out using a clamp. It is necessary when cutting out small ornaments.
  2. An awl for making punctures.
  3. Old copy paper(for a not too intense print) is useful when transferring the design to the surface to be processed.
  4. Sandpaper I drank to clean up the places.
  5. Carpenter's glue for making crafts.

Features of cutting with a jigsaw

Carrying out sawing work is carried out in several stages:

  1. Templates for cutting from plywood are selected. These days you can find them anywhere: from specialized magazines to pictures, including on our website. Many craftsmen also use patterns from knitting or embroidery magazines. (see also )
  1. transferred to paper using carbon paper.
  2. Next, all the places intended for sawing are cut out in the paper pattern.
  3. The pattern is applied to a sheet of plywood and transferred onto it using a pencil.

  1. The pattern is cut out with a jigsaw.
  2. The product passes decorative finishing(sanded with sandpaper, opened with varnish, or assembled from several parts, etc.)

Let's get started

The following instructions will help you avoid making mistakes when cutting:

  1. Sawing should be started only after all the punctures have been made in the workpiece, since the workpiece will lose its strength during operation (drop-out contours are removed). A “weakened” sheet may break when punctured. Holes are pierced in all places where “closed” patterns are present.
  2. Punctures are made with a sharp awl. It is impossible to pierce all plywood layers at once, since in this case the bottom layer will crack. The puncture is done as follows: we make a hole so that only the tip of the awl comes out on the other side. Then we turn the sheet over, expanding the hole on the opposite side.
  3. Sawing obtuse angles is done by turning the sheet in place. Having finished cutting to the top of the corner, stop pushing the sheet onto the file, while continuing to move the jigsaw. When you feel the file move more freely, turn the sheet in the desired direction.
  1. We cut out templates from plywood only when correct landing and hand placement. If the fit is incorrect, the saw blade deviates from the vertical. You can check the correctness of the cut as follows: when after, insert it into place from above. If it inserts without effort, the cut is perpendicular and you are doing everything correctly.
  2. Sharp corners can also be sawed out, but in this case the file should be slightly pulled towards itself to avoid excessive rounding.


In this article we looked at the basic principles of openwork sawn carving. With this knowledge, you can, with due diligence, cut out a design of any complexity from plywood. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Similar materials

  1. Hand tool
  2. Jigsaw
  3. Preparing the stencil
  4. Sawing process technology
  5. Defects in work

Wood carving with a jigsaw is rapidly gaining popularity: many people want to purchase an interesting decorative item to decorate their home, furniture, and even clothes! Carved plywood items various thicknesses They fit organically into any interior style; people often buy photo frames with ornaments, cut-out words and letters, or order intricate shelves and other interesting products. Few people know that artistic cutting out of plywood with a jigsaw is a task accessible to anyone, even the untrained and inexperienced. You just need to understand how to work with the tool.

What is a jigsaw: general description

A jigsaw is a tool designed for cutting out plywood various contours, including curved ones. It is equipped with a blade with fine teeth that can make an even cut of plywood without the formation of significant burrs.

Hand tool

The ancestor of this type of tool is a manual jigsaw. It consists of a metal arc in the shape of the letter “U”, between the ends of which a sawing blade is stretched and attached to clamps. They securely hold the file during operation and allow you to adjust its tension. On one side of the frame there is a handle.

The clamps on the tool can rotate, creating different planes for sawing, thereby providing the opportunity for wood carving of varying complexity.

When cutting from plywood with a hand jigsaw, you need to be careful: its design is quite fragile, and during intensive work, the blade often breaks from force and heat, so it has to be replaced. To do this, each master must have several dozen spare files.

When working with a jigsaw for carving internal contours It is convenient to use such an auxiliary board, as in the photo: it will help both protect the table and solve the problem of convenient placement of the workpiece.


The tool runs on electrical network. It is a housing in which the working mechanisms are located, and there is also a handle for control on it. The sawing organ is located in the lower front part. The blade is often protected by a foot, which allows you to cut the contour exactly along the line without deviation. Advanced and professional models jigsaws have various attachments that facilitate the cutting process and straighten the edges of plywood.

Blades can have different teeth in shape and size. It is necessary to select saw blades that are appropriate for the material being processed so that damage and damage to the plywood sheet does not occur during operation of the mechanism.

Classification of jigsaws by power and application:

The instructions on how to use a jigsaw, or the technical data sheet, should describe the main parameters of the tool that must be taken into account when using the mechanism.

Wood carving tools

Sawing with a jigsaw is a creative process, but it requires preparation and additional equipment. What you will need for work:

Preparing the stencil

Drawings for cutting with a jigsaw can be different sizes, depending on the scale of the product being manufactured. To create a diagram of a shelf, a piece of furniture or a composite three-dimensional toy, you can take a large sheet of whatman paper A1 or A0; wallpaper left over after renovation will also work; for small figures, use regular A4 paper or another suitable format.

Using a bright pencil or marker, draw the outline of the future product on the surface, following the dimensions. This could be an element for assembling furniture, a shelf or another large product.

There are such a wide variety of templates for cutting with a jigsaw that it can be difficult to choose the right one. It is much easier to come up with your own cutting patterns and transfer them to paper.

Transferring an image to the surface of plywood or boards

Before you start cutting with a jigsaw, you need to transfer the image from the stencil to a piece of wood or plywood. To do this, cut out a shape from a sheet, apply it to the surface of the plywood and carefully trace it. It is desirable that the line be smooth and accurate. We use a simple pencil so that, if necessary, we can correct the line by erasing it with an eraser.

We apply the contour with back side so that no remaining lines are visible on the finished product. The internal area can be shaded so as not to cut off excess and to mark untouchable areas.

It is important to transfer the design in such a way as to minimize cutting along the grain with a jigsaw - it is so difficult to get an even line.

Sawing process technology

Many people have probably heard how to use a jigsaw. Working with the tool will not cause difficulties if you prepare for it correctly.

Plywood carving begins with the inner contours of the design. To do this, you need to make slots for inserting the tool blade:

  • The plywood is often taken thin, and when cutting a large contour there will be no problems, but tension may arise in a small remainder. Sawing with a jigsaw inside can damage the product - chips, burrs, cuts;
  • It’s easier to work this way: you always have something to hold the workpiece by. WITH large sheet much easier to handle than trying to hold a small sawn piece while shaping its interior.

How to saw with a jigsaw:

Working with a jigsaw is much easier than using a hand tool; there is no need for physical effort and the process goes faster.

How to saw with a jigsaw:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process.

Defects in work

If you did not follow the technology or held the tool incorrectly, the saw may simply move off the line. Why does a jigsaw cut crookedly:

  • tilted the tool while working;
  • the tension of the file has weakened;
  • With an electric saw, the fastening of the saw may become loose.

To avoid such problems, before starting sawing, be sure to check the tension of the saw and the fastening of all working elements. If the blade is beveled and stuck, it is better to start over and make a line parallel to the defective one.

A little about safety

Safety precautions when working with a jigsaw for cutting plywood and wood are simple:

  • Use protective equipment- glasses, gloves, robe. These things will protect you from dust and small chips.
  • Sawing with a hand jigsaw should be done carefully so as not to damage your fingers with the file. Maintain a distance between your body and the tool.
  • If you are a beginner, carefully read the instructions on how to use a jigsaw and the main characteristics of the tool. This information will help avoid accidental injury and unit breakdown.

Wood carving with a jigsaw requires care and attention. Both your health and the integrity of the finished product depend on these qualities.

What can be made from plywood: interesting ideas and drawings

Sawing wood with a jigsaw or hand tools is a creative process. You can create many decorative items different directions:

Drawings of plywood crafts do not have to be made in exact dimensions. Even taking an example from the Internet and changing its proportions, you will get a unique product that no one else has in this form.

DIY plywood crafts can be painted or left in a natural color; you can glue buttons, beads, ribbons and other decor onto them to liven up the product. To do this, it is worth involving children in the work; their imagination is a bottomless well of interesting ideas.

We offer you diagrams with photos for cutting out of plywood with a jigsaw.

You can think of yourself what can be cut using a hand or electric tool, make your own sketch and transfer it to paper, then to a piece of wood or plywood.

Carving plywood with a jigsaw requires certain knowledge and skills. If you don't have them, consider the following rules:

Patterned cutting of plywood is one of the most beautiful works of art, which contains grace and lightness. At the same time, in order to translate your ideas into ready product There is practically no need to resort to any expensive equipment - in most cases, having a jigsaw and the desire to create is quite enough. At the right approach— acquiring initial skills is not as complicated a procedure as it might seem at first glance.

The main role in the process of cutting patterns from plywood is played by the ability to use a jigsaw, as well as the properties of the material used. Also, a lot depends on how well the drawings for cutting out of plywood are copied - only through a correctly transferred sketch can you turn an ordinary sheet of plywood into a real work of art.

Sides - drawings for cutting out a box from plywood with a jigsaw

This article will provide you with detailed instructions about how to learn how to cut basic shapes from plywood with your own hands. Once you've mastered cutting simple drawing lines, you'll understand the basic principles this process— in the future you will not have any difficulties mastering the next levels of mastery. It will also describe the most common methods of transferring drawings to workpieces.

Basic shape cutting skills

There is also an electric modification of the jigsaw, which runs on a 220W network - its use is also acceptable, which significantly speeds up the cutting process. However, the increased weight of the tool makes it difficult to cut smooth lines, which can be a serious drawback for a non-professional - if you are learning the basics from scratch, then it is much more convenient to use manual analogue.

Body positioning

The most optimal position for cutting is a sitting position - cutting while standing is quite tiring. The workbench (work table) should be low enough so that you can sit with a straight back.

To reduce the load on working hand her elbow can be placed on her knee - this way she will get less tired. Ideally - workplace must be fully adapted to the above requirements.


To implement figure cutting you will need:

  • Jigsaw complete with file– the main tool for cutting;
  • Awl or drill with a fine tip– to create initial holes;
  • Set of files, needle files and sandpaper – for processing edges;

Basic moments

Before you seriously think about the question: what can you cut out of plywood with a jigsaw? — you should pay attention to the main features of this process, failure to comply with which can lead to damage to the tool and uneven cuts.

  • The position of the jigsaw must be strictly vertical - the sawing movements must be carried out up and down. Even a slight tilt of the jigsaw will make the cut oblique and the file will “lead”;
  • The sawing movement should be carried out smoothly, without excessive force and pressure - this can damage the file and cause it to break;
  • When cutting out the internal contours using an awl or drill, an initial hole is created into which the file is installed and only after that it is fixed. When positioned correctly, the teeth should face toward the bottom of the holder;

  • The file must be well secured and tensioned - this required condition normal operation of a hand jigsaw. If the blade is not tensioned enough, the cut will have a wavy structure, which will make the work impossible;
  • Vibrating the plywood during the cutting process is unacceptable - this will lead to chips and breakage of the blade. If the sheet is thin and small size- nessesary to use wooden block with a cut that is fixed on the workbench;
  • As the teeth of the blade cut through the wood, the sheet of plywood should be moved towards the jigsaw. The jigsaw must be kept in a strictly vertical position throughout the entire cutting process.

Sawing simple shapes

Smooth lines

There is no need to apply additional effort or create pressure - continue to saw smoothly, returning the jigsaw to a vertical position until the blade levels itself.

Acute and obtuse angles

Obtuse corners - drawings for beginners for cutting out plywood with a jigsaw

To cut obtuse corners, you need to master the “turn on the spot” technique - after cutting to the corner, stop moving the plywood and start turning it, without ceasing to cut, until you reach the required degree. You can cut sharp corners in the same way, but in some cases this is not possible - in this case, the method described below is used.

One of the sides of the angle is formed, then a small loop is cut along the outer contour of the line, through which an acute angle is formed as in the figure below.

Internal corners cut out like this:

  • A hole is made with an awl or drill - the cut begins from there, which continues to the top of the corner.
  • Then the blade returns along the cut to its original position.
  • After which a small hole is cut out, in which the file is turned to form the second side of the corner.
Plywood drawings for cutting with a jigsaw - sharp corners

Transferring a drawing

Almost all patterns are transferred to plywood from a paper sketch - in most cases this process cannot be avoided. Most cheap option This is the use of tracing paper - with its help, a drawing is transferred from paper to a workpiece.

Its price is quite affordable, but the process itself is quite labor-intensive, since each line has to be traced with your own hands.

A less labor-intensive way to transfer drawings for cutting out plywood with a jigsaw is to use a projector, through which the image will be projected onto the workpiece. This option also suitable for cases where the original image size is not large enough and cannot be transferred without first being enlarged.

Although this method takes place in modern practice, is obsolete.

One of the most modern options is the use of self-adhesive sheets of paper, onto which the desired sketch is applied using a printer, after which they are glued to the workpiece.

The paper adheres quite tightly to the plywood, and its presence has practically no effect on the cutting process. The only disadvantage of this method is the relatively high cost.

Bottom line

Our guide will help you master the basics of this skill, which will later allow you to move on to more professional level. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Similar materials

All photos from the article

According to historical data, mass production of plywood dates back to the beginning of the nineteenth century. And since this material at that time it was produced exclusively for decoration and furniture production; almost simultaneously, such a type of craft as do-it-yourself appeared.

For more than 2 centuries, this type of art has not lost its relevance. It is loved for its simplicity and the end product is of decent quality.

By by and large Anyone, regardless of gender and age, can engage in this type of art. A huge advantage is the absence of serious financial investments.

Besides the big own desire you only need a sheet of plywood, the jigsaw itself and stencils or, as the craftsmen also call them, drawings for artistic sawing plywood jigsaw.

Preparing for work

Despite the apparent simplicity of this type of creativity, it should be taken seriously. Success here largely depends on how thoroughly you prepare. Namely, you will select and process a plywood sheet and select drawings that are suitable for your product that can be cut out of plywood with a jigsaw.

Selecting a quality sheet

Now plywood is divided into many types, each of them was developed for specific purposes. And as strange as it may sound, not every material is safe to work with.

Talking about artistic cutting, you should remember that during work you will inevitably breathe fine dust and fumes from the plywood, and this moment they are not always safe.

  • Experienced craftsmen prefer to work with sheets made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde compounds; they can be easily recognized by the first letters of the “FK” marking. Such plywood may already come with decorative coating type of varnish or have a clean “shirt”. In the latter case, it is more convenient to apply drawings to the sheet for cutting out of plywood with a hand jigsaw;
  • Sheets marked “FOF” are aimed at furniture manufacturing and are often also quite safe. But they have another disadvantage: they most often refer to and have a thickness of more than 12 mm;

  • The FB brand was developed as plywood for construction or finishing various kinds boats and yachts, so the price of such material is too far from affordable, although this plywood is also safe;
  • What you definitely shouldn’t mess with is plywood like “FSF”. No matter how beautiful it looks, it should be clearly remembered that its production uses compounds with a high content of phenol, which itself is considered one of the serious and rather toxic carcinogens.

Important: for artistic work, especially for cutting with a jigsaw, it is highly not recommended to take sheets that have knots in the top jacket. They will fall out during operation.

Let's move on to the drawings

The easiest way to make, for example, drawings of animals for cutting out of plywood with a hand jigsaw is to use scrap materials and simple carbon paper. Everyone has a lot of printed material in their home, such as old postcards with birds, fish and other living creatures.

A pre-prepared carbon copy is placed on the prepared and sanded sheet, the image you have chosen or a photo of your favorite animal is placed on top of it, and secured with push pins (now you can use tape for this purpose). After which you just have to clearly outline the outline of the image.

Important: do not worry about the carbon paper getting dirty Blank sheet, while you press your drawings for artistic cutting out of plywood with a jigsaw. After the workpiece is cut, it will in any case need to be sanded with sandpaper; during this processing, all contaminants will be removed.

You should not immediately take on complex highly artistic products with thin fragments. For an inexperienced craftsman, it will be difficult to process small parts without damaging them with careless pressure.

If there are children near you, then it is better to use, for example, simple drawings for cutting out machines from plywood with a jigsaw or to make cutting board. Thus, you will not only gain basic work skills, but will also delight the kids.

Important: do not forget that professional drawings of plywood boxes for cutting with a jigsaw necessarily contain fasteners that are part of the overall plate. Therefore, it is better to start here by cutting out internal cavities and fragments.

If you don’t have enough choice of images from your home archive, we recommend turning to ready-made collections. Nowadays, such stencils are used not only for cutting plywood, but also a number of artistic crafts use them as a basis, so it will not be difficult for you to buy such sets in office supply stores, and sometimes even in underground passages.

Advanced users who have a good printer at home can download one of the common graphics programs to their computer and use it to create professional original works.

Product cutting process

Particular attention should be paid to preparing the jigsaw. As already mentioned, it is better to start with the manual option. The price of such a tool and instructions for working with it are accessible to almost everyone. A couple of decades ago, such work was part of the compulsory labor training program for boys in schools.

Initially, you should properly secure the cutting blade. The teeth of the blade should only point down, towards the handle. First, one of the edges of the blade is securely clamped, after which the second end of the jigsaw is slightly compressed by 10 - 15 mm and the opposite edge of the blade is fixed. There is no need to stretch it too much; the fabric may burst during operation.