How much is maternity capital per year?

Married couples planning to have a second or subsequent child in the near future are probably wondering what it will be like in 2015. According to preliminary data, next year the amount of maternity capital will be about 460,000 rubles. The maternity capital program first appeared in 2007. At that time, its size was 250,000 rubles. Accordingly, compared to the beginning, in 2015 the amount of maternity capital will increase by more than 40%.

Changes in maternity capital in 2015

According to the adopted law on maternity capital, this program should end on December 31, 2016. Accordingly, all families who give birth to or adopt a second or subsequent child next year will receive additional funds. Maternity capital is issued not in cash, but in the form of a certificate, the denomination of which increases annually according to the level. In addition, indexation also affects previously issued certificates that have not been used.

The government allowed the use of 20 thousand rubles of maternity capital

The main change in 2015 related to maternity capital is the permission of the Russian government for parents of two or more children to use maternity capital funds in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. This innovation was introduced as part of the developed anti-crisis program aimed at social support of the population.

We remind you that such a permit already existed during the crisis of 2008 - 2009, when holders of a maternal certificate were given 10 thousand rubles each.

Matkapital can be spent on a down payment on a mortgage

Another important change, which was adopted in May 2015 by the State Duma, is the permission to spend maternity capital funds to pay the down payment on a mortgage at any time after the birth of a child. Before this, maternity capital could be used to pay off a mortgage loan only three years after the birth of a second or subsequent child in the family.

Among other innovations that relate to maternity capital, it is worth noting the recently adopted bill, according to which maternity capital funds cannot be used to repay housing loans issued by microfinance organizations. This law is aimed at protecting against unscrupulous financial organizations.

In addition, several more changes are expected in the maternity capital program in 2015.

Firstly, the government is considering the possibility of introducing a new direction for spending funds. This direction is the provision of high-tech medical care. Now it is impossible to spend the face value of the certificate on the treatment of seriously ill children, but many believe that this restriction should be removed.

Secondly, it is possible that the maternity capital program will continue after 2016. Initially, it was planned to cancel the program on January 31, 2016, but now the issue is being considered to ensure that after this period maternity capital is issued only to low-income families. According to the President of the Russian Federation, the government cannot yet guarantee the extension of this program, because the number of families with incomes below the average level is constantly increasing, and it is not yet known whether there will be enough government funds to pay for maternity capital. However, V.V. Putin assured that, regardless of whether the program continues after 2016 or not, additional support will be provided to low-income citizens.

And thirdly, the issue of removing the opportunity to use the amount of maternity capital for the mother is being considered.

Maternity capital and demographic growth

For a long time, Russia has been experiencing a demographic crisis, the level of which has reached almost catastrophic levels. In this regard, the government was forced to look for additional measures that could increase the birth rate in a short period of time. Maternity capital became such a measure. The law on this program was adopted on January 1, 2007. After which, every Russian citizen, upon the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child, receives a certificate with funds that can be used to improve living conditions, pay for the child’s subsequent education, or as pension savings for the mother. The main goal of the law on maternity capital is not only to improve the well-being of young families, but also to increase the demographic level in the country.

Since the maternity capital program has been in effect for several years, analysts were able to draw some conclusions about its effectiveness. The country's birth rate has indeed increased since 2007, but analysts believe that demographic growth should not be linked solely to the payment of additional funds. As shown by the results of a survey among women who gave birth after 2007, the presence of maternal capital was not the reason why they decided to have a child. The demographic growth of the last six years is, rather, explained by the calm situation in the country and a general improvement in the financial situation. Moreover, experts from the international community, based on the experience of other countries that fought the demographic crisis through material incentives, believe that by 2017-2018, maternity capital could lead to a demographic hole.

Despite the vague future of this program, by the end of 2016 maternity capital will be paid to all families for whom it is intended.

Difficult conditions and realities of life threaten the existence of large families whose income is below a certain level. In this regard, a program called “Maternity Capital” was created, implemented since 2007.

The need for the program is dictated by the fact that the birth rate has been steadily declining in recent years, so the state offered support to the mothers.

Will maternity capital be abolished in 2015?

There are rumors that maternity capital may be canceled in 2015. According to official data, this program is designed for 10 years, so the final year will be 2016, which means there is no talk of any cancellation in 2015.

If a certificate for state aid was received before 2016, but was not used, it will not be considered invalid, since the current legislation did not impose time restrictions.

The amount of maternity capital in 2015

Maternity capital is social assistance that is provided by the state in the form of a certificate. Every year, the amount of assistance is indexed and increased, but a previously received document cannot be replaced. A mother can receive a certificate from the Pension Fund within 3 years from the birth of her baby by submitting an application. The amount indicated in the certificate is not taxed, the assistance is allocated specifically to the parents, and not to the child, so they have the right to decide where to send the funds received.

Over 8 years of implementation, a picture of the indexation level was compiled:


Amount of payments, rubles

Indexation, %

In 2015, indexation will remain at the level of 5%; the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to close the program did not receive support.

For 2015-2017, maternity capital payments were included in the federal budget in full.

According to the Federal Budget Law, in 2015 the amount of maternity capital will be 453,026 rubles, the amount of payments has increased by 23,617 rubles.

Indexation in smaller volumes is planned for 2016 and 2017: 4.5 and 4.3 percent, respectively.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

We would like to remind you that government assistance is given to families with two or more children. The following have the right to receive a maternal certificate: a woman who gave birth to or adopted 2 or more children since 2007, a father who, after the death of his wife or deprivation of her rights, became the guardian of 2 or more minor children, minor children who have lost their only adoptive parent or parent.

In order to receive maternity capital, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund, providing a Russian passport, a child’s birth certificate or an adoption certificate. In other cases, they may require documents confirming the death of a wife or parents, or the deprivation of a woman’s parental rights.

Cash in hand using the certificate is still not issued; only non-cash payments are possible. How to use the certificate?

  • Improve living conditions. After the child is 3 years old, living conditions can be improved. An exception is repayment of debt on a mortgage or loan;
  • Teaching children. The entire amount or part of it can be spent on children's education. All funds must be spent before the child turns 23;
  • Pension. Saving for your mother or father's retirement is another option for using your finances.

Loans secured by maternity capital are not issued; according to experts, its purchasing power is gradually decreasing, so laws need to be revised. In particular, the possibility of purchasing a vehicle, developing a family business, and treating children is being considered, but so far no final decision has been made.

After January 1, 2017, certificates will be issued only to families whose incomes are below the subsistence level in order to improve their difficult financial situation. After 2015, the size of maternity capital is not yet known.

State support for parents is provided by targeted payments - maternity capital, which they can receive after more than one child appears in the family (two, three, four, etc.). Moreover, the child can be either born or adopted. The history of this assistance from the state begins in 2007 and is designed for a ten-year period, which ends on December 31, 2016 (but was extended until the end of 2017).

Such a close date, as well as many rumors, generated great interest in the future fate of this program. The main questions (how to use maternity capital in 2015, conditions, amount of assistance) and further fate will be discussed below.

What it is?

Targeted cash payments that should improve the condition of all family members. To obtain a certificate for the right to manage maternity capital, you need to submit the necessary documents to the Pension Fund to which you are geographically attached. The right to receive a certificate is available to the mother, father (if there is no mother), guardian who has Russian citizenship, as well as when the child turns three years old (with the exception of repayment of mortgage loans for the purchase of housing).

After receiving it, you can use it at any convenient time. The validity period of the certificate is not limited (it can be cashed out at any time after its receipt). This assistance is issued only once; if a certificate was already issued at the birth of the previous child, then the certificate will not be issued again when a subsequent child appears.

Maternity capital in 2015, as in previous years, is issued only for certain purposes:

  • improving the quality of housing (its expansion or improvement);
  • future education of children;
  • pension for mother (almost unused type of assistance).

The main condition for issuing this financial assistance is to improve the living conditions of all family members or the education of all children.

How to get a?

After the child (second, third, etc.) has turned three years old, you can submit your package of documents, but there are some exceptions to the rules. Exceptions: repayment of loans that were received to improve the quality of housing or purchase a new one (building a house, purchasing housing on the primary (new building) or secondary real estate market).

Conditions under which you can repay a loan with maternity capital:

  • the loan is taken from a bank or other institution that has permission for such types of activities;
  • for lending purposes, the purpose must be clearly stated: purchase of real estate or its improvement;
  • The borrower must be either the child's mother or father.

These payments repay either the principal amount of the debt, or interest on it, or are used as a down payment.

Documents in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (you can clarify the list of required documents in the Pension Fund for each specific case):

  • statement;
  • passport or other identification document (the mother must have Russian citizenship);
  • documents that confirm the ownership of real estate;
  • loan agreement;
  • certificate;
  • registration, or a notarized obligation to register all family members in the purchased housing;
  • contract of sale;
  • confirmation from the bank about the remaining debt (certificate).

Another feature of the payment is its non-cash nature - assistance is not given in cash, but is transferred to the borrower’s bank account (where the mortgage or loan was taken out), after which the bank transfers it to the lender’s account to repay the loan or loan.

Indexation and size in the new year (2015)

Maternity capital in 2015 is projected to be over 450 thousand rubles (approximately 453 thousand rubles). The current value is due to the fact that every year since the introduction of the program it is subject to indexation - a constant increase in the size of the payment taking into account the growth of inflation.

Indexation of maternity capital in 2015 will be almost 5%. The budget also includes an increase in payments (its indexation) in 2016 and 2017, but in a more modest amount, since negative influences are affecting the economy of our state.

Changes in the maternity capital program in 2015

Since this program was designed for only ten years and ends at the end of 2016, it was extended until 2017.

In the future, they plan to transform the program or make major changes. But they are still at the stage of development and discussion, so in 2015 all conditions remain the same. Payments will still remain only for intended use (improving housing, education, mother’s pension), they will be personal, they cannot be cashed out or used for other purposes.

The following changes are under discussion:

  1. partial payment of financial assistance in person;
  2. maternity capital for a car (after 2015) for large families (family car);
  3. the opportunity to spend on the treatment of a seriously ill child;
  4. pay maternity capital only to low- and moderate-income families.

The future fate of the program is also being decided: it may be completely curtailed (it will be replaced by another program to provide support to families), or it will be changed. That's all the latest news about maternity capital in 2015.

It remains to add that the certificate will be received by children who were born before December 31, 2017. These certificates can be obtained and used at any time after the program expires, and payments will be subject to indexation at the time of their actual payment. The actual amount of maternity capital in 2015 (how much it is now), conditions and other issues related to this program can be found in the local branch of the Pension Fund.

In 2015, the Maternity Capital program will still be available to all those who are expecting the birth (adoption) of a child in the near future, or are already taking care of a new baby in the family, and read about the changes in 2015 at the bottom of the article.

Family (or maternal) capital (MC) refers to cash payments from the federal budget aimed at helping families with the birth of a second child, as well as subsequent children. State support is confirmed by the one-time issuance of a certificate for the right to use maternity capital, providing the opportunity to spend on it after three years from the date of application.

When issuing a certificate, the following conditions are met:

  • the child born is the second in the family or subsequent;
  • Previously, the family did not use the right to additional benefits and measures to improve living conditions, receive educational services, or increase the retirement age (256-FZ Article 3 Part 1);
  • the mother and the born child must have Russian citizenship;
  • the child’s parents must not have criminal convictions for crimes committed against children;
  • parents should not be deprived of rights in relation to their children;
  • the child must be at least a week after birth at the time of applying for a certificate.

State support is provided to women and men for their own and adopted children (in accordance with Article 3, Part 1 of the 256-FZ), as well as to male adoptive parents (including those who do not have Russian citizenship).

Families where twins and triplets were born can receive a certificate, but women will not be provided with maternity capital for their husband’s adopted children. There is no need to pay personal income tax on the benefits received, and the source of funding for the program does not matter.

What changes await the program in 2014?

Since 2007, the program has undergone almost no changes, and all conditions regarding receiving and spending payments have remained the same. In the future, the State Duma plans to make adjustments to the document regarding the improvement of housing conditions, and is also considering a bill to expand the possibilities for using benefits received under the Maternity Capital project. We are talking about using funds to purchase land plots, overhaul existing housing, and also as payment for expensive treatment without a three-year waiting period.

At the moment, a family that has received family capital has the opportunity to use it only after the expiration of the three-year period established by law. An exception is the repayment of a housing loan that was issued before receiving the certificate.

The new bill includes the concept of “reliable parents”, who will receive maternity capital immediately after the birth (adoption) of a child. The degree of trustworthiness will be determined by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

The draft law, which dealt with payments of family capital for the birth of the first child, was rejected. The State Duma justified this by the fact that such expenses were not included in the state budget.

Another proposed innovation is the creation of a special account with interest accrued to the owner of the MK certificate. It will not be possible to immediately withdraw capital from such an account, but you can use the accumulated interest.

According to the current terms of the program, funds can only be spent on children’s education. The new bill of 2014 considers the possibility of spending capital on the education of parents, as well as on the treatment of children.

What will not change in the program?

The following conditions will not be affected by the changes:

  • the amount of family capital can be spent in the previously indicated areas: to improve the family’s living conditions by purchasing residential real estate, construction, repairs and reconstruction with an increase in living space, educating children, or forming a funded part of a pension;
  • subjects who have the right to receive a certificate will remain the same: women who gave birth (adopted) a second child and subsequent children, male adoptive parents of a second (subsequent) child, as well as the child himself, if his parents (adoptive parents) are deprived of the right to receive a family certificate capital;
  • The requirements for Russian citizenship and the timing of registration of MK after the birth (adoption) of children will remain the same.

Maternity capital amount

At the start of the program (since 2007), the total amount of payments was 250 thousand rubles. It is quite logical that the amount of maternity capital is indexed annually. However, the amount of assistance is quite impressive if we take into account maternity payments, the amount of which in 2012 amounted to 168.4 thousand rubles.

The data below demonstrates the dynamics of indicators of the size of maternity capital by year, as well as the calculated coefficient:

  • 2007: capital amount - 250 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 6 256-FZ dated December 22, 2006), coefficient – ​​1;
  • 2008: capital amount - 276.25 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 11 198-FZ of July 24, 2007), coefficient - 1.105;
  • 2009: capital amount - 312,162 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 11 204-FZ of November 24, 2008), coefficient - 1.13;
  • 2010: capital amount – 343.379 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 10 308-FZ of December 2, 2009), coefficient - 1.1;
  • 2011: capital amount - 365,698 thousand rubles. (241-FZ dated July 28, 2010), coefficient - 1.065;
  • 2012: capital amount - 387,640 thousand rubles. (No. 371-FZ dated November 30, 2011), coefficient - 1.06;
  • 2013: capital amount - 408,961 thousand rubles. (Clause 2 of Article 10 N 216-FZ dated December 3, 2012), coefficient - 1.055;
  • 2014: capital amount - 429,408 thousand rubles. (Article 9 No. 349-FZ dated December 2, 2013), coefficient - 1.05;
  • 2015: capital amount 450.878 thousand rubles., coefficient - 1.05

If the amount of family capital changes, replacement of a previously issued certificate is not required.

How to get maternity capital

To draw up a document to receive maternity capital, you must submit an application to the regional office of the Pension Fund at the place of registration (permanent or temporary) of the parents, or actual place of residence.

The application must be accompanied by the passport of one of the parents (recipient) and the child’s birth certificate. Fund employees check documents and make copies of them.

Deadlines for submission and receipt

The law does not limit the period for applying to the Pension Fund, and you can apply for a certificate at any time. Consideration and decision-making on the issuance of maternity capital takes place within 30 days.

It is possible to send an application by mail, attaching copies of the required documents, and the signatures on them must be certified by a notary.

If the certificate is lost, it is possible to obtain a duplicate, which is issued by the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

How to use

Since the funds received under the Maternity Capital program are provided to the entire family, they can be spent on the needs of any of its members.

MK is not issued in cash, but funds can be used for the following needs:

  • build or purchase housing, apartment;
  • pay for a child’s education in any educational institution in the Russian Federation (up to 25 years of age);
  • allocated to increase the funded part of the pension.

One of the most attractive options for using government assistance is to improve housing conditions. Investing your benefits into education or pensions after three years is a less interesting option for most families. Many banks are ready to provide loans secured by maternity capital, since in this case the solvency of the borrower is guaranteed. MK funds can be partially spent on various needs, and the balance that has not been spent is subject to annual indexation.

Maternity capital cannot be used for:

  • purchase of plots of land;
  • carrying out repair work, purchasing building materials;
  • repayment of targeted loans spent on the purchase of a car and household appliances;
  • repayment of debts on utility bills;
  • medical care and treatment.

Sale and cashing out of maternity capital

Cashing out the certificate is not permitted by law, and maternity capital is not issued in cash. However, quite often there are advertisements providing the service of purchasing MK. In most cases, it is proposed to conduct fictitious transactions with the purchase of real estate, where one of the parties to the contract is a relative or a family friend.

But in any case, all transactions for cashing out maternity capital are considered fraud, and participants in the purchase and sale may be held accountable.

You can use family capital to pay off a mortgage loan almost immediately after receiving the certificate. However, in this case, you should be careful: intermediaries may offer a suspiciously small percentage and the shortest terms for returning MK.

At the same time, the scheme is very doubtful, since you can be left without housing and without money. Contacting law enforcement agencies means admitting to committing fraudulent acts. It is better to avoid such offers from dubious companies altogether, as the risk of losing everything is great.

Validity period of the Maternity Capital program

The government has designated the duration of the program, which began in 2007, and its completion date is expected to be December 31, 2016. These conditions are stipulated in the law on MK.

After expiration, this form of state assistance will not exhaust itself, but can be modified and directed to regions where low-income families live and need state support.


Maternity capital in 2015

In 2015, the program for using maternity capital was revised. Now part of the targeted assistance to large families can be cashed out. This opportunity was adopted to support households with several children during periods of economic instability.

In times of crisis, mothers entitled to receive family capital can receive 20 thousand rubles in their hands. They can use these funds for any needs of the family.

Reference! In 2009-2010 this possibility has already been practiced. Then the state gave out 10 thousand rubles. S. Velmyakin, Deputy Minister of Labor, noted that almost everyone took advantage of the vested right during that period.

The government has adopted a bill protecting earmarked funds from fraudulent cash withdrawals. Since 2015, microfinance organizations have not been allowed to participate in the project, and the criteria for credit cooperatives have also been tightened. Recipients of maternity capital who previously entered into an agreement with microfinance organizations will not be affected by the changes.

This year, targeted targeted support for large families will amount to 453 thousand rubles. The project runs until the end of December 2016. His further fate is not known.

Maternity capital is a state support measure in the amount of 466,617 rubles in 2020, provided for families in which a second (or subsequent) child was born after January 1, 2007. To receive a certificate, two main conditions must be met: the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child during the program period and the presence of Russian citizenship for the recipient and the child.

On January 15, 2020, Vladimir Putin, during his annual address to the Federal Assembly, instructed to make important changes to the maternity capital program:

  • introduce maternity capital for the first child in the amount of 466,617 rubles;
  • extend the maternity capital program until 2026 inclusive;
  • increase the amount of maternity capital by 150 thousand rubles - the total amount for two children will be 616,617 rubles.

All changes are planned to be introduced from January 1, 2020. Moreover, families with a first-born child will receive maternity capital in an increased amount upon the birth or adoption of a second child, starting from 01/01/2020.

The government must implement the relevant instructions of Vladimir Putin by April 15, 2020.

The rules for registration and disposal of maternal capital are established by Federal Law No. 256 of December 29, 2006. Its amount has not increased since 2016, its next one will pass in 2020.

Who is entitled to maternity capital?

According to Art. 3 of Law No. 256-FZ, if all are observed, obtain a certificate for maternal capital they have a right:

Right doesn't go over to the father or adoptive parent if:

  • He - stepfather for the previous child who was taken into account when becoming eligible for a certificate;
  • after the death of the mother, the child was recognized as remaining without parental care.

Parents and adoptive parents are deprived rights to maternity capital when:

  • die or are declared dead by a court;
  • are deprived of parental rights;
  • commit a deliberate crime against the person of a child;
  • the adoption of the child is cancelled.


Children) is deprived of the right to maternity capital only in case of death (declared dead in court).

How to register maternity capital?

To get certificate for maternity capital, the person applying for it must contact the Pension Fund with an application and mandatory documents:

  • Russian passport or other proof of identity and place of residence;
  • birth certificates of all children with a mark on Russian citizenship (if there is none, then another document confirming it is required).

In some situations it may be necessary additional documents, listed bellow.

Happening Document
The child is adopted adoption certificate
The application is submitted by a legal representative
  • identification;
  • proof of residence;
  • documents proving authority
Parent(s) or adoptive parent have lost the right to family capital
  • death certificate or court order declaring deceased;
  • court decision on deprivation of parental rights;
  • documents proving the commission of a crime against the child’s person;
  • confirmation of cancellation of adoption
Place of residence is not confirmed by registration documents confirming the actual place of stay.

If a family applying for maternity capital lives abroad, parents have the right to submit an application and documents directly to the Pension Fund on the territory of the Russian Federation.


You can apply for a certificate Anytime after the right has arisen - including after completion of the program, if a child appeared in the family while she was acting.

You can contact the Pension Fund using one of the following: established methods:

  • To the territorial branch of the Pension Fund:
    • in person or with the help of a representative;
    • send certified copies of documents and an application by post.
  • To the department of the multifunctional center (MFC).
  • Via electronic resources (application only):
    • citizen’s personal account on the Pension Fund website;
    • single portal “State Services”.

If the applicant applies via the Internet, then within 5 working days from the date of registration of the application, he must provide the remaining documents to the Pension Fund office, otherwise the issue will be denied.


The pension fund decides whether to issue a certificate or refuse the applicant within 15 days from the date of application. A certificate for maternity capital can be obtained in the form paper or electronic document.

In case of loss or damage, you can get duplicate by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund.
In the registration of maternity capital there may be denied, If:

  • right to it did not arise or was lost during the application period;
  • information about the order of birth (adoption) and/or the citizenship of the child invalid.

What can maternity capital be used for?

In 2019, Part 3 of Art. 7 of Law No. 256-FZ, provides for the following presented in the table below directions use of maternity capital.

Direction What can you spend it on?
Improving living conditions
  • purchase of residential premises (primary or secondary) under a purchase and sale agreement, including installments;
  • payment of the cost of the agreement for participation in shared construction;
  • making an entrance (share) contribution to a housing cooperative;
  • construction (reconstruction) of an individual housing construction project (IHC);
  • compensation for the costs of construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project, if ownership of a new or expanded premises was registered after January 1, 2007;
  • payment of a down payment and/or repayment of principal and interest on a targeted loan or loan (including mortgage) for the purchase or construction of housing ( including refinanced)
The residential premises must be registered as the common shared property of parents and children
Getting children an education
  • institutional training higher (Bachelor's, Master's, Postgraduate, Residency A), secondary special (college, technical school), additional (sections and circles) education;
  • child's accommodation in a dormitory;
  • maintenance and (or) supervision and care of a child in preschool and secondary education organizations
The first, second, and any subsequent child - natural or adopted - can receive an education at the expense of mat capital.
Mother's funded pension Sending funds to:
  • state pension fund;
  • non-state pension fund
Purchasing goods and services necessary for a disabled child for social adaptation Compensation for purchased goods and services included in the list established by Government Decree No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016.
Monthly allowance for a second child under 3 years of age The family has the right to it if:
  • the child was born (adopted) after January 1, 2018;
  • The average per capita family income is no more than 2 times the subsistence level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

You can apply for an order later three years after the birth (adoption) of a child. The owner of the certificate has the right to submit an application earlier if the maternity capital is used for:

  • payment of the down payment and/or repayment of principal and interest on a housing loan or loan;
  • purchasing goods (services) that serve to adapt a disabled child to society;
  • payment for preschool education and other expenses related to it;
  • receiving a monthly payment for the 2nd child under three years of age.


Any attempts to cash out maternity capital illegal and are punished under Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Fraud in receiving payments. The legal way to receive money from the certificate is to issue a monthly allowance for the second child (born no earlier than January 1, 2018).

As an anti-crisis measure to support families in 2015-16, the Government of the Russian Federation provided for the possibility of receiving lump sum payments from maternal capital funds: 20 and 25 thousand rubles, respectively. Apply for them in 2020 it is forbidden.

Changes in 2019

In 2019 there were a number of serious changes affecting the management of maternity capital:

  1. On March 29, Federal Law No. 37 came into force, which introduced a provision into Law No. 256-FZ that now the Pension Fund will independently request information about suitability purchased residential premises for accommodation from local governments and other institutions.
  2. If maternity capital is used to build a house, the owner of the certificate now has the right to provide a construction notice to the Pension Fund.
  3. According to the amendments introduced by Law No. 37-FZ, targeted loan or loan for the purchase (construction) of housing it will be possible to take only V:
    • banking and non-banking credit organizations under the jurisdiction of the Central Bank;
    • credit consumer cooperative (CPC);
    • Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere JSC "Dom.RF".
    • agricultural CPC.
  4. As established by Art. 1 of Law No. 205-FZ of 08/02/2019, from January 1, 2020, the monthly benefit for the second child will be paid until he turns 3 years. In addition, the income threshold will increase from 1.5 to 2 living wages for the working population.
Possibility to apply for a housing loan (loan) from an employer or another organization not specified in the list abolished.

On April 24, 2019, at a meeting of the Light of the Federation with Vladimir Putin, Valentina Matvienko proposed extend action of maternity capital until 2025. For now, the program runs until the end of 2021. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova instructed the Ministry of Labor to consider the issue of extending the maternity capital program - the report must be submitted by March 1, 2020.

On May 30, 2019, bill No. 721208-7 was introduced into the State Duma, which proposed adding a new direction for spending funds: purchasing a car. However, it was rejected before the first reading.

If it were accepted, then certificate holders would be able to use maternity capital to purchase a car worth up to a million rubles, provided that it was produced in the Russian Federation, was not previously registered and, in addition to the driver’s seat, has three more passenger seats.

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Government to consider the possibility of using capital for gas, water and sewerage.

In addition, the State Duma is considering bill No. 846971-7, which allows the certificate funds to be spent on the construction of a residential building on a garden plot, and bill No. 839769-7, which allows the use of maternity capital to pay for a kindergarten organized by an individual entrepreneur.

The Ministry of Construction has prepared changes that will affect the rules for using maternal capital to improve housing conditions. According to them, the funds from the certificate can be spent on purchasing housing through an escrow account.


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