Coordination and features of installation of an opening in a load-bearing wall. Making doors in a load-bearing wall with your own hands

We are often asked: How realistic is the opening in a load-bearing wall? And this is not without reason - in Lately one of the most common options for remodeling an apartment in standard houses is the arrangement of such openings. Most often, the need for an additional opening arises as a result of a bathroom or toilet due to which the entrance to the kitchen is laid, and a new one is made from the adjacent room. But there are many other redevelopment options that involve load-bearing walls.

But, no matter which one you choose, you should keep in mind that a permanent wall is always key element the design of the house, ensuring its strength and stability, and therefore the safety of all residents.

What are the dangers of creating an unauthorized opening in a load-bearing wall?

Moreover, they can be forced to return “everything as it was” before redevelopment, because the housing inspection is vested with very broad powers, starting with fines and ending with transferring the case to court, the verdict of which may be eviction from the apartment. Therefore, before you unauthorizedly make an opening in a load-bearing wall, you should obtain permission from the Moscow Housing Institute.

Why they refuse to install an opening in a load-bearing structure

Many will have a question: “why is it possible for some, but not for others, it seems to be the same?” The fact of the matter is that “sort of.” In order to understand the difference, you need to know the features of the device a lot of storey building, and specifically at your home.

In most standard panel and block houses, external and many interior walls apartments - load-bearing, that is, serving as a support for horizontal slabs (floors), thus ensuring the stability of a multi-ton structure. And the closer the wall is to the foundation, the greater the total weight it “holds.”

That is why it is more likely to obtain permission for an opening in a load-bearing wall if the apartment is located on one of the upper floors, although here everything depends on the current situation; in our practice, openings on the 2nd floor of a 17-story building were approved, and refusals were received for the openings on the 22nd floor of a 22-story building.

Also, the ability to obtain permission is affected by the condition of the walls in apartments located on the floor above and below. That is, if a similar opening has already been made in at least one of these apartments, your chances are greatly reduced. Although all the same, the opportunity to coordinate still remains, but the only condition is the exact coincidence of the openings vertically. The factors on which the ability to cut an opening in a load-bearing wall depends do not end there - one of the main ones is the indentation of the opening from outer wall at least 1 meter.

The author of the house project is also obliged to take into account the degree of wear and tear load-bearing structures, because houses, like people, tend to “age.” And also check whether the planned opening coincides with the junction of the ceilings and the wall.

All these components will determine (if the decision is positive) the dimensions of the opening in the load-bearing wall (the width of the standard opening in the houses of the State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP is 90 cm), its possible location, as well as the method of using metal profiles.

Features of coordinating redevelopment with an opening in a load-bearing wall

All of the above and other information must be reflected in the design about the state of the structures and the possibility of opening the opening. And all work must be carried out in accordance with the redevelopment project approved by the Housing Inspectorate.

If the opening has already been completed, a technical specification on the admissibility and safety of its design will be required. It will show whether it will be permissible to leave it, or whether partial (or complete) filling of this opening is necessary, as well as other actions, for example, additional reinforcement. Prices for designing openings may fluctuate based on the type of house, year of construction and other factors.

We also note that work on organizing openings must be carried out in strict accordance with the project. If it specifies the use of unequal angles as reinforcement (relevant for MNIITEP houses), then channels should not be used instead. We will talk more about types of amplification below.

It is usually recommended to dismantle the section of wall under the opening using a non-impact tool, that is, a diamond wheel. Cutting and strengthening of a new opening must be inspected by hidden work. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose a contractor who has the appropriate one. If your repairmen do not have access, then when you contact us, we can, on the basis of a contract, carry out technical supervision of the work of your builders.

It should be noted that since 2007, in all apartment buildings, which were designed by the State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP, and this most of panel housing stock in Moscow, it is prohibited to make openings in load-bearing walls. In addition to certain series (for example P44T), where in 3-room apartments a place has been prepared in advance for an opening between the kitchen and the room - the so-called transforming wall.

Now let's talk about the technical nuances and differences when constructing an opening in the load-bearing walls of houses of various types.

Arrangement of openings rectangular shape in load-bearing walls of various types , differs from a technical point of view.

Let's start with opening in a brick wall . From point of view construction work- this is the simplest type of reinforcement, since there are no loads that are distributed over the entire wall. Usually the load on the lintel is calculated, and based on the calculation results, the opening is reinforced with a lintel. The main difficulty when calculating an opening in a brick wall is the presence of many channels in them. Let us remind you that it is impossible to interfere with the design of ventilation ducts.

Reinforcing an opening in a load-bearing brick wall is done as follows: two grooves are cut along the contour of the lintel, channels are inserted on both sides of the wall and pulled together. In this case, the voids between the brick and metal are filled cement mortar. After it dries, an opening is cut and vertical channels are installed.

Important: When constructing an opening in a brick house, a masonry defect may be discovered in the load-bearing wall; simply put, bricks may fall off. In this case, packers are used - special tubes that are driven into the brick through holes in the channel, after which the voids are filled with cement.

At construction of openings in load-bearing walls panel houses it is necessary to calculate the voltage vector in the wall. This can be done using special programs, and with the help of pre-compiled tables (which are available in design institutes). The opening in the load-bearing wall is strengthened using an unequal corner with dimensions 100x63x8. The same as in the case with brick wall, use a self-expanding polymer solution.

Some “talents” reinforce openings in panel houses with the help of a channel, which is absolutely forbidden to do.

It is also worth noting that installation defects occur in panel houses load-bearing elements, in which the interpanel joint is displaced, and sometimes the panel has a thickness less than planned, and therefore the engineer of the design institute may refuse to construct the opening.

Is it possible to expand the load-bearing opening in monolithic house? Device opening or its extension in the wall , somewhat safer than in panel houses, and there are fewer load-bearing walls in such buildings. The only difficulty is the thickness of the walls, which can reach half a meter on the lower floors.

Expansion of openings various shapes in load-bearing walls

You need to understand that widening the opening is a rather complicated undertaking from the point of view of the engineer who will calculate for you its permissible width, and indeed the permissibility of its design, since in the event of an emergency it is he who bears criminal liability for it. As a rule, openings in load-bearing walls of panel houses are not allowed to be widened. By the way, in panel houses built after 2007 according to the designs of OJSC MNIITEP, it is also extremely rare that permission to construct an opening is given. Theoretically, it is possible to expand the opening in a load-bearing wall in any building, but in practice, many design institutes prefer not to link their fate with such a risk.

Arrangement of an arched opening in a load-bearing wall

And now we'll talk about real architectural sophistication. Let us explain: it is much easier to create an ordinary rectangular opening with a headroom, and then install a plasterboard arch in it, than to reinforce an arched opening. The fact is that during this event, a certain number cuts, after which it is pushed into the opening using a jack. The work is technically complex, time consuming and more expensive. Thus, this is disadvantageous neither to the customer nor construction team. By the way, OJSC MNIITEP, as a rule, when an arched opening is discovered, does not complicate it and simply restores the wall.

Construction of an opening or its expansion in a load-bearing wall without reinforcement with metal structures

Yes, yes, this also happens, this usually applies to monolithic houses, since load bearing capacity monolith walls are much higher than their panel and brick counterparts, since they are often low-rise. Often, this happens on the upper floors of buildings.

As you can judge by reading the material in the article, making an opening in a load-bearing wall is quite difficult in compliance with all building codes, and therefore there is a possibility that you will turn to specialists. Our company not only develops redevelopment projects (including those with an opening in a load-bearing wall), but also successfully coordinates them with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for more than one year. Call us or write to email, which can be found in the upper right corner of the screen.

Examples of openings in load-bearing walls

Regulatory acts governing the rules for constructing openings in load-bearing walls:

SP 20.13330.2011. Loads and impacts
SP 52-101-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures
SP 15.13330.2010 Stone and reinforced stone structures
SP 70.13330.2011 Load-bearing and enclosing structures.
SP 54.13330.2011 Residential multi-apartment buildings

The main document regulating the impact of load-bearing structures and, in particular, the organization of openings in load-bearing walls is SNiP 3.03.01-87, which was introduced to replace several different SNiPs and SN.

Let us immediately note that it is not recommended to carry out such work on your own, because the internal walls in panel houses are predominantly load-bearing, so unqualified intervention in the permanent structures of the house can disrupt the stability and strength of the entire building and lead to collapses.

Therefore, if you are planning to make an opening in the wall panel house, then you should know that this event relates to redevelopment, which must be previously agreed upon with the supervisory authorities - with the authorities local government in the Moscow region and the housing inspection in Moscow.

In order to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house according to the law, in the redevelopment project that will be submitted for approval, engineers will include a special section for strengthening the opening made with metal structures (opening drawings, diagram of metal structures, sections, sections, assemblies, bill of materials consumption, conditions and sequence of work ).

As we have already noted, most typical panel high-rise buildings have load-bearing internal walls made of reinforced concrete. Therefore, when planning to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house, you need to take care of compensating for weakening loads by installing a reinforcement frame.

For reference: to make an opening in the non-load-bearing wall of a panel house, additional reinforcement wall panel not required.

Therefore, to make an opening in the wall of a panel house, it is necessary to invite specialists diamond cutting with SRO approval. Since after the work is completed, they will be required to provide certificates of hidden work to strengthen the opening in order to present them to the commission, which will accept the repairs. And these documents can only be drawn up and signed by a licensed contractor.

Now a few words about the progress of the work itself. You can make an opening in the wall of a panel house using diamond cutting. This technology for processing hard materials has many advantages compared to impact tools - a hammer drill, sledgehammer or jackhammer.

Firstly, When working with a diamond tool, a perfectly smooth cut is obtained along the entire contour of the opening, which subsequently simplifies the work of installing the U-shaped reinforcement frame.

Secondly, The technique of diamond cutting of an opening in the wall of a panel house significantly reduces the time of construction work - everything is done much faster.

Third, minimal vibration exerted on the surface being treated does not have a destructive effect on the entire wall panel.

Fourthly, when processing a panel wall diamond tool Much less construction dust and debris is produced.

Besides, in project documentation For redevelopment, the method for making an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house is always indicated. And this method is diamond cutting.

Before proceeding directly to the construction of the opening, temporary racks are installed between the ceilings. This will allow you to correctly redistribute the loads placed on panel wall before they are taken over by the reinforcement frame.

The removed part of the slab is cut into segments convenient for transportation, which are removed one by one. However, depending on the situation, other dismantling methods may be used.

Alternatively, remove a large fragment of the wall at once, lay it on shock-absorbing material (for example, car tires) and break it into smaller blocks using an impact tool.

After the dismantling of the opening is completed, the builders begin work on strengthening the remaining part of the wall panel. For this purpose, a frame is mounted, consisting of metal profiles, selected in accordance with the dimensions of the opening and rigidly connected to each other and the wall panel.

To strengthen the opening in the wall of a panel house, use different types structures - it depends on the type of house and the thickness of the wall. And the method of strengthening, when an opening is made in the wall of a panel house, is determined by the author of the house project.

In Moscow, the authorship of most panel residential buildings belongs to JSC MNIITEP. This design institute strongly recommends strengthening the openings in the houses it has developed with a frame of unequal angles, which, compared to channels fit more tightly to the edges of the opening. Accordingly mint the design from corners is much simpler.

The corners are attached to the wall with reinforcing bars or anchors and welded together using transverse steel wedges. The vertical components of the frame are installed on steel sheets - support heels, attached with anchors to the ceiling.

All voids between the frame and panel wall are filled with a solution of cement and sand to ensure the joint operation of concrete and metal structures.

It would not be amiss to remind you once again that in order to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house, you need a technical opinion from the author of the house project and redevelopment project from any design bureau with a license (SRO approval).

Sometimes, for redevelopment in an apartment or private house, it is necessary to make a new door or window opening. Creating an opening in the load-bearing wall of an apartment building brick house- not an easy task. Things are easier with redevelopment in a private house, here everyone is their own boss.

What is a doorway? This is a hole in the wall intended for installing entrance units. A fixed fixed element in the inter-wall space is called door frame. Often an arch is made as a decorative element of the interior.

Construction of a doorway in a load-bearing brick wall

Before starting work, you must contact a specialist who will make a demonstration project with all calculations based on the client’s wishes. To implement the project, significant costs are required, which start from an amount of 30 thousand rubles. So when you get down to business, you need to consider a lot. Independent work on the installation of a doorway will help the owner save money - it will cost approximately 15 thousand rubles.

Construction of a new opening

  • it must comply with building codes;
  • It is advisable to place the hole in the central part of the supporting structure;
  • it is necessary that the top part coincides with the cement seam of the masonry;
  • the space between walls up to 0.9 m wide does not require reinforcement operations.

When creating an inter-wall space in a supporting wall, you need to properly create reinforcement. Equally important when changing the design of walls is the safety of life of other residents. apartment building and preservation of the structure of the building itself.

Work order

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the organization extra space for entry and exit. It all starts with markup. You need to decide on the width of the hole, and then begin to determine its future location with a pencil. From external wall you need to measure the distance and make a mark - from here we begin to draw the outline of the future interior space.

A thick wall structure is being cut on both sides, so markings will be necessary on the reverse side as well.

For their exact match, it is necessary to drill several holes according to the pencil markings (Fig. 1). And then on the other side connect all the holes with a pencil line.

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The above-described manipulations should be carried out when using building level, triangle and ruler.

Since we will create the space in the load-bearing wall of a brick house, it is necessary to take care of auxiliary partitions and lintels in advance (Fig. 2).

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Removing a section of wall


Before starting work, it is necessary to free the supporting wall structure from the layer of plaster along the drawn line so that the seams of the masonry are visible. However, it is necessary to remove the plaster with extreme caution, because most likely there is wiring located underneath it - damage can lead to the failure of the entire power supply system.

When the seams at the site of the future empty space are visible, you can begin to work. You need to start removing bricks from the very top. First, the top row of bricks is removed, which will be the width of the entire door space. A jumper is inserted here on which the structure will be supported.

Next, more holes are made above the jumper. It is necessary to install a beam into the resulting hole, which will act as a support. The support beam must be supported with a jack so that the structure does not collapse during operation. The beam and jack will support the weight of the entire wall structure (Fig. 3).

Channel lintel

Then all holes are lubricated with concrete solution. After drying concrete mixture, you can continue working on knocking out bricks.

The structure should be strengthened if the door space is more than one meter wide.

To protect the floor from falling bricks, it is necessary to make a flooring from boards. Bricks should be removed diamond drills to minimize damage to the wall structure as much as possible.

Violation of the technology for removing bricks can lead to weakening of the structure, its premature wear and deformation.

It should be noted that the space under the door must be 10-20 centimeters larger than the door or window box. This gap can be filled with foam.

Strengthening the opening

Strengthening work is being taken away maximum amount time, as they are carried out painstakingly. Organized empty space under a door or arch must be reinforced with channels. It is advisable to use a channel jumper with vertical posts. Channels are mounted on both sides, which are screwed into the previously installed wooden lintel using bolts (Fig. 4).

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If the space in the wall structure is large, then it is reinforced not only in the upper part, but also on the sides (Fig. 5).

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How to determine a load-bearing wall in a brick house?

The most basic way to determine the supporting wall is to familiarize yourself with the floor plan of the living space. Such a plan must be included in the registration certificate or house register. To understand diagrams and drawings, you need to have some drawing skills. Experience in construction would be helpful. Then you can easily distinguish a supporting wall from a regular partition.

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Usually interior walls have a thickness of no more than 18 centimeters. The smallest thickness of the supporting wall is 38 centimeters - a masonry of three bricks. Four-brick masonry is possible, which forms a wall 51 centimeters thick. Often the wall thickness is brick houses is 64 centimeters - five-brick masonry (Fig. 6).

If the plan cannot be found, then you should use general rules definitions of load-bearing walls in a house:

  • if the walls face the street, we can definitely say that they are supporting;
  • walls shared with neighbors;
  • wall thickness more than 380 mm, as mentioned earlier;
  • walls facing the landing.

Exterior finishing

After completing the work on forming the opening in the brick load-bearing wall, everything must be decorated decoratively (Fig. 7). What is needed for this? First of all, you need to make a choice finishing material. Will it be wood, plastic or decorative rock- you decide. Next, you need to show a little imagination and create decorative elements in the created space. brick wall.

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For self-cladding you should have basic knowledge in the field finishing works, and also requires a special tool.

If you need to decorate the space for a door without having one, then you should use additional boards. This will add elegance to your new room decor and add sophistication to the interior. You can create such a cladding yourself.

The opening made in the form of an arch looks beautiful. As a rule, arches come in round or pointed shapes. To decide on the shape of the arch for the client, check out the design catalogs. The most common today is Byzantine and Greek style. In some cases, the arch can be made with lighting.

Quite often when you do major renovation apartments, there is a desire to move doorway. This is due not so much to the uniqueness of the apartment design, but to its inconvenience, since in some of our apartment projects there is no logic at all. Therefore, if you want to make an opening in a main wall, or make a door in it, then we would like to consider this issue in this article.

Many apartment owners are wondering: is it possible to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house. Theoretically, it is possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall, but there are a lot of “BUTs” here. First, you need to agree on the redevelopment. Why? There is no need to believe that permission and approval of the opening is a purely bureaucratic procedure. It is such because of the officials, and it was created with good intentions, so that with your changes you do not violate the structure of the building and so that the building does not simply begin to collapse, especially an apartment building.

There are two types of homemade opening in the wall: illegal and legal. Their differences are as follows: a legal layout is a guarantee of quality and safety, you will be sure that you have not caused any harm to the supporting structures of the house and the opening itself will be made in accordance with all the rules. An illegal opening in the wall will help you avoid the procedure for legalizing redevelopment on initial stage, but if the fact of redevelopment in the future is established, then you will be obliged to block the opening or will be required to legalize it, and with the payment of a fine. Therefore, the website builders strongly advise you to do everything legally, in addition, the permitting documentation will include a clear and detailed redevelopment plan, which will simplify the procedure for making an opening.

When everything is agreed upon, you hire a team of builders, or make the opening yourself, using special equipment. Before making an opening in concrete wall it must be cleaned of paint and wallpaper, after which you need to mark the opening on the wall on one side. When the marking is applied, we transfer it to another wall, this can be done using beacons, that is, on the side where the marking is located, you do through holes, based on them you will transfer the marking of the opening to the other side of the wall. This must be done because the opening will be cut on both sides and so that the “contours” of the opening are smooth and symmetrical.

Attention! To make an opening in a wall, never use impact tools such as a jackhammer. Because of high degree Impacts may cause cracks and other damage to appear on the wall.

In order to make an opening you will need a 12 mm drill, an angle grinder and a diamond-coated disk for it. The opening is made in parts, divide the opening space into parts, approximately 40 by 40 cm, and cut it out in such pieces. To do this, make through holes with a drill in increments of 3-4 cm, then cut out this part with a grinder. When cutting, use construction vacuum cleaner, which will collect all the dust. When you pull out the cut parts of the wall, make a flooring from wood materials so as not to damage the floor.

The next stage of work is the so-called strapping. It is necessary for strengthening. Tying is done using metal corners, plates and reinforced rods. More details about the installation of the strapping, the width and length of the corners, as well as other nuances, will be described in the project documentation.