Tips on which refrigerator to choose: expert opinion. The best and most reliable brands of refrigerators Prices for LG GA-B429 SEQZ

Every woman dreams of a convenient, beautiful and durable refrigerator. Typically, this miracle of kitchen appliances is purchased once every 15-20 years, when the reliable, old family refrigerator fails.

Of course, it happens that the purchase of a new refrigerator is associated with a change in housing, when several generations of one family move to different apartments. And every family needs its own good refrigerator. Or when newlyweds begin to live separately in an empty rental home. Or when the previous refrigerator began to fall apart piece by piece and broke down much earlier than you expected.

And to prevent this from happening, let's choose the right and reliable refrigerator, which you will be pleased to open every day, taking out all sorts of delicious food from it.

Our advice on buying a refrigerator is for women who do not understand technology, but value convenience and comfort. I’m like that myself, so these are tips for buying a refrigerator from a simple user, a layman. Let them be important specifications Your husband will appreciate the refrigerator, and you choose the right refrigerator based on its beauty and convenient details that you can see and touch.

We will discuss beneficial features ordinary two-chamber refrigerators, which are most often purchased for families in residential buildings and apartments. Such refrigerators most often have the No Frost function and do not require defrosting for a long time. You can simply remove the shelves, wash and dry them, and return them clean to the refrigerator.

Is the refrigerator suitable for use in your climate?

I think the climate class of the refrigerator sold in a store in your city will correspond to yours. climatic zone. It is unlikely that residents of temperate latitudes (where refrigerators are designed for temperatures up to 32 degrees C) will receive refrigerators for the tropics, which can withstand higher temperatures (up to 43 C) and have a coating that is resistant to tropical insects. But, just in case, you can ask the seller what latitudes the refrigerator you like is intended for.

The size of a good refrigerator

If you have a large family, then, of course, it will be convenient for you to store food in a spacious, large refrigerator. If you fill with furniture and household appliances one-room apartment, which you plan to rent out or simply eat little and rarely at home, eating in public catering or semi-finished products, then you may well be satisfied with a small refrigerator.

Think about what will be inside your refrigerator every weekday, what food you usually buy and how often you go to the store. The size and types of shelves and drawers, refrigerator and freezer containers will depend on this.

Which freezer is better - top or bottom?

Who needs a freezer on top?

If you usually eat frozen semi-finished products: pancakes, dumplings, store-bought dumplings and cutlets, and prepare a side dish from frozen vegetable mixtures, then it will be convenient for you to buy a refrigerator with a freezer on top.

This style of eating is not only for hasty, busy housewives, students or single men and women. This set of products is convenient for instant cooking tasty food for elderly relatives who live separately and are looked after by visiting relatives - come, quickly heat up, fry or cook, and your old grandfather (or grandmother) is already fed and cheerful!

If you do not use the freezer very often, then it is better to have the freezer at the bottom and the main part of the refrigerator at the top.

Best freezer location

At the bottom of the refrigerator there should be things that you rarely use. And you should be able to easily reach all the other compartments of the refrigerator with your hands, without bending over. It will be faster this way when you are in the middle of cooking, everything is boiling, sizzling, and you urgently need to get something out of the refrigerator. And if you often open the refrigerator and rummage through it, bent over, your back will definitely get tired, and then, from the frequency of repetitions, it will begin to hurt chronically. We don't need this.

How the refrigerator comes off

Pens and other devices that the hand grabs when opening the refrigerator are very important element designs and important criterion when choosing a good refrigerator.

Examine the handles or handles that open the refrigerator very carefully. If the handle is attached - that is, it does not form a single whole with the refrigerator door, or is somehow attached to the main part, you need to be careful. Feel and try opening and closing the refrigerator several times.

Feel the movement of the door and the hand, whether the handle is installed at a break in this movement, whether the force is distributed evenly, the load on this handle, or at some point it will simply fall off or fall apart in your hands. Just trust your everyday experience and inner feeling.

Which refrigerator handles are most likely to break?

The easiest ones to fail are the external overhead handles of the refrigerator, made of plastic and attached to the door not along its entire length, but only at two ends (that is, a small contact surface, fastening parts). Even expensive refrigerators can suffer from this drawback, in which they have not thought through or have not sufficiently tested the connection of handles with doors for strength and durability.

If the refrigerator door opens when you hook your fingers into the recess in the door (recessed handle), then such problems may not arise at all. Metal handles (for example, like in old Soviet refrigerators) also last longer.

What refrigerators are on sale?

Today I specifically went to a large household appliances store and was convinced that most mid-level refrigerators (tall, two-chamber, from 16 to 24 thousand rubles) have handles recessed into the door itself.

The second most common are refrigerators with overhead, quite durable angular metal handles or handles made of hard plastic. And a minority of refrigerators have streamlined overhead handles, which in appearance raise some doubts about their durability.

There are also refrigerators with lever handles, their design allows you to first squeeze out the rubber seal in a narrow area and depressurize the refrigerator compartment, then we only overcome the action of the magnet that attracts the door to the refrigerator. But I haven’t noticed such refrigerators in the middle price range, maybe you’ll have better luck.

How to find out which refrigerators break down more often

You can ask the seller (or service center), ask friends and acquaintances, or search the Internet for reviews of those who bought the refrigerator model you like, look at the ratings of refrigerators. This way you will know if the refrigerator has problems with handles, shelves, rubber seals, or anything else. Because when the handle of the refrigerator falls off, it is a very big daily inconvenience. If you open it by pulling the door from the side, your fingers will begin to slide and cling to the rubber seal. Eventually you will break something else - either your nails or the rubber band of the refrigerator.

For example, I saw a refrigerator in which, after 10 years of operation, exactly these plastic rounded overhead handles broke (despite everything being fine inside, and the refrigerator works without problems after the handles were broken off for 5 years). Home craftsmen screwed handles from the expander to the doors of the freezer and the main compartment. It looks funny and exotic, but there is no longer any streamlining or decent appearance.

Where to buy a colored refrigerator

I remember as a child I was struck by the original name of the rock band “Let’s paint the refrigerator black.” The idea of ​​changing the color of the refrigerator, as well as window frames, doors, ceiling and other colorless white things of a faded Soviet childhood, I really liked it!

In the late nineties, appliance stores sold refrigerators in all colors: yellow, red, blue, green! And it was so boring and boring to buy ordinary white or gray when there was such a magnificent selection of bright colors! Despite the fact that multi-colored refrigerators were not more expensive than others. Then the refrigerator manufacturers cooled down, apparently our people are always quite ready for color experiments and bright colors in the interior.

The bright colors of household appliances will delight you every day!

As I learned from one of the household appliance dealers, bright colored refrigerators are still produced. They can be ordered online or in small stores that bring refrigerators to order from a catalogue.

A red, lilac or yellow refrigerator will be a bright spot in your kitchen or will harmoniously complement your kitchen set. Positive, joyful colors in the interior will lift your mood even on the gloomiest day!

Well, if you don’t like brightness, but choose halftones and refined restraint, then you will have a huge selection of refrigerators of different brands and shapes in white and gray colors.

What's inside the refrigerator

In the main part of the refrigerator, where the temperature is approx. + 5 degrees With, everything that you will use in the near future is stored: finished products from a store or pan with homemade food, drinks, vegetables and fruits. And all this does not require freezing.

The shelves in the main compartment of a modern refrigerator are usually glass, sometimes lattice, and the containers are made of white or transparent plastic(occasionally they are made with bars, which increases air circulation, but this makes it more difficult to maintain cleanliness and order, in my opinion). Large roll-out containers designed for storing vegetables. Small containers with a lid - for all sorts of things (for example, you can pour berries there, put cream in there, or store tubes of lipstick, batteries, medicines that need to be kept in the cold).

How to store drinks in the refrigerator

In addition, there is always place for bottles, tetra-packs (kefir and milk in cardboard boxes) are also very good there. Many modern refrigerators also have a stand for cooling several bottles of wine lying in a horizontal position. But strong alcoholic drinks cannot be placed horizontally, it is dangerous. Vodka, whiskey, tequila and other strong alcohol should only be placed vertically in special places in the refrigerator door.

All drinks must be tightly closed (sealed) and not spilled.

What shelves are in the freezer?

In the freezer, where the temperature is from 18 to 20 degrees C, there are shelves with hinged lids, and drawers. Boxes (containers) can be made of plastic or mesh, made of metal lattice. Both are convenient. But dumplings or berries from a poorly tied bag may fall into the grid cells. And, if you haven’t washed the refrigerator for a long time and snow and ice have frozen there, it can be difficult to remove the drawer, and the hinged shelves will almost certainly open.

Egg cups in the refrigerator

The egg container shelves that manufacturers install in their refrigerators have always surprised me with the number of holes for eggs. I have always been incomprehensible to the logic of the designers or constructors of these egg nets - how many eggs and why exactly they planned to store so many in these devices in the refrigerator.

It is well known that in Russia eggs are sold in dozens. In other countries, eggs can be sold by weight or in dozens (twelve eggs each, which is very humane; this quantity can easily be divided into 2, 3, 4 and even 6 family members, but our 10 are neither here nor there).

And what does the manufacturer of a refrigerator think, where there are 2 egg cups, each containing 8 pieces? Where will the housewife get 16 eggs and where will she store the rest if she bought, for example, 20?

What does the designer of egg stands for the refrigerator think, suggesting storing 14 eggs (7 in each shelf)? 1 egg did not survive transportation and broke?

Where is the logic and valuable design thought here?

Probably, the number of cells in these stands depends not on what the housewife needs, but on the size of the shelf into which this stand with eggs must be inserted. Gentlemen, designers, pay attention to this almost useless item in our refrigerators; due to the unreasonable number of places for eggs, we are forced to store them in store-bought packages or put them in bowls. It is not right.

Which shelf in the refrigerator is the coldest?

The closer the shelf is to the freezer, the colder it is.

Where to put the refrigerator

Look for a place for the refrigerator in advance. Measure this corner with a tape measure to the baseboards, so you will understand whether the refrigerator from the store, on which its size is written, will fit into this space. The refrigerator should not be constantly heated by the sun, hot stove or radiator. The place for the refrigerator should be convenient, close to cutting table. So that when you cook, you can easily and quickly reach the door, which should open easily and freely.

If suddenly the door refrigerator opens inconveniently, colliding, for example, with the door to the kitchen, then in many refrigerators it is possible to move the door to the opposite side (move the door hinges from right to left or left to right).

If you don’t cook very often or there is no space for a refrigerator in a small kitchen, you can put it in the hallway (hallway) or even in the room. It’s a little inconvenient because you have to carry food far away and you might spill or spill something in a hurry. But this is a good solution for apartments with a small kitchen.

How to transport a refrigerator from an old apartment to a new one

Delivery of a new refrigerator from the store does not cause any problems at all; it is quite light and properly packaged. Therefore, a refrigerator in a box (factory packaging) can easily be lifted to any floor by a couple of ordinary guys.

And when you have a move or housewarming, then, usually, the original packaging of the refrigerator and polystyrene foam are no longer there. Therefore, the refrigerator is transported as is. You just need to remove all the food, defrost it, and clean the refrigerator. Take out glass shelves(they are the heaviest) and trust the movers.

If you are afraid that the door will swing open, you can seal it with tape, but this is not necessary, as the movers assure - these doors do not open when moving.

The refrigerator and stove are the first household appliances that are used in new apartment. Therefore, place the refrigerator in comfortable spot, turn it on and quickly fill it with delicious food!

How to decorate a refrigerator

The refrigerator is often decorated with magnets, or glued with magnets beautiful pictures(the simplest option is bright thermal wipes). Magnetic refrigerator decorations are convenient because... that during washing you can easily remove them or change boring pictures with new ones.

They also sell interesting decorative stickers with ornaments or other patterns, which are produced specifically for interior decoration. I saw these in a building supply store, in the department where they sell wallpaper and other decorative finishing materials.

The refrigerator can be painted acrylic paints or aerosol (from a spray can) through a stencil, or simply write a picture if you know how to draw well. If among your friends there are those who airbrush cars, motorcycles and other serious things, you can ask them to paint your refrigerator!

Just keep in mind that the rougher the surface of the refrigerator becomes, the easier it is for germs and dirt to get stuck on it. You will have to wash the outside of a beautiful decorated refrigerator more thoroughly.

Dear girls, choose the refrigerator that will be the most convenient and affordable for you. And it is he, and not the one that is actively advertised, that will turn out to be the best for you!

I wish you to find and buy a good refrigerator!

  • When choosing a refrigerator, the first thing you usually pay attention to is the brand. A familiar and well-established brand is usually more trusted. But this is not always correct, since a popular manufacturer, for example, of good TVs, can also make kitchen appliances. And there are brands that, on the contrary, have a narrow specialization exclusively on kitchen equipment and are not widely known among ordinary consumers. The rating according to the portal has collected the best brands of refrigerators in terms of reliability and quality and will help you figure out which manufacturers offer the most reliable models.

    To choose best refrigerator, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

    1. Capacity and dimensions. It is important to find the right balance so that it fits in the kitchen, but is large enough to store all the food.
    2. Economical. The refrigerator operates around the clock, so the energy class is very important.
    3. Silence. Cheap models often make a lot of noise, which is especially undesirable in small apartments. After all, the noise will not allow you to fully rest even at night.
    4. Availability No Frost. These are frost-free refrigerators that do not need to be defrosted. They are usually more expensive.
    5. Number of compressors and their characteristics. This is the heart of your refrigerator, which determines uninterrupted operation, quietness, reliability and efficiency.
    6. Functionality. This is the ability to customize the work, for example, temperature regime, load distribution, quick freezing and other useful additions.

    These criteria determine the choice of brand. Some brands operate exclusively in economy class, attracting with their low prices. Some brands Special attention pay attention to environmental friendliness and efficiency. There are traditionally reliable brands of durable equipment. Below is a rating of refrigerator manufacturers offering the most attractive models according to all the above criteria.

    1. Liebherr

    The German company Liebherr produces professional equipment for many industries. Freezing and refrigeration equipment is just one of many areas. Moreover, both the most reliable household refrigerators and professional ones for commercial use are produced.

    It is noteworthy that of the four factories where equipment is manufactured, three are located in Europe. These are Germany, Austria and Bulgaria, and there is also a plant in Asia, located in Malaysia.

    The range includes both compact refrigerators and freezers, as well as bulky two-door refrigerators, built-in appliances, and specialized chambers for wine.

    Manufacturer advantages:

    • all premium products;
    • well-thought-out functionality, convenient location of cameras and compartments;
    • wide range, offering a choice in almost any category;
    • special attention is paid to the equipment being built, a wide selection of sizes;
    • advanced technologies, noiselessness, high-quality cooling and freezing.

    It is really difficult to find any shortcomings from the manufacturer. Even at the price now, Liebherr refrigerators are very competitive. You can purchase a budget model of this brand for about 20 thousand rubles. The most expensive are two-chamber wide models with a freezer on the side; their price is in the range of 100-150 thousand.

    Prices for Liebherr CUwb 3311:


    The South Korean company LG produces a huge range of household appliances, electronics, including high-tech ones, computer components, and smartphones. Electronics are still the most popular brand, but refrigerators are also very high quality and reliable.

    The range includes classic options with a freezer at the bottom, at the top, as well as American-style models with two doors and a freezer on the side.

    In addition, LG produces the most modern type of design to date, these are 4-door refrigerators. There is a refrigerator compartment in the upper part, and a freezer compartment in the lower part, and each of them has two hinged doors.


    • innovative technological solutions;
    • stylish design, quality materials and surface coatings;
    • environmental friendliness and economical consumption of electricity;
    • functionality.

    LG's latest models use a linear inverter compressor, which produces less noise, achieves A++ energy efficiency class and cools food faster.

    Another one serves the same purpose new technology Total No Frost with more efficient air circulation inside the chamber.


    • advanced technologies are used in expensive models, while budget ones are often noisy and consume a lot of energy;
    • Build quality varies greatly depending on the plant; models assembled in Russia often receive negative reviews.

    LG makes it easy to choose an option that suits the price. Budget models cost a little more than 20 thousand, but the most modern multi-door ones will cost about 200 thousand rubles and more.

    Prices for LG GA-B429 SEQZ:

    3. BEKO

    The Turkish company BEKO produces various household appliances in the budget segment. At the same time, the brand can boast of compliance modern trends and technologies.

    In relation to refrigerators, this is, for example, the NoFrost system, in which the freezer and refrigerator are isolated from each other, that is, two different ventilation circuits operate. Such refrigerators do not require periodic defrosting and keep food fresh for a long time.

    Today the range includes the most different models, so budget doesn’t mean lack of choice. There are two-door, built-in and several models with a top freezer compartment.

    Pros of the brand:

    • attractive price-quality ratio;
    • inexpensive repair, parts from other brands in the same class are suitable.


    • noisiness of budget models;
    • many models are not economical.

    The most simple models can be purchased for about 12,000 rubles. And the most expensive ones will traditionally be large-sized double doors, their cost is approximately 80-100 thousand.

    Prices for BEKO RCSK 250M00 W:

    4. Samsung

    The famous Korean brand occupies only fourth place in the ranking of leading manufacturers household refrigerators. The reason is partly due to unfortunate pricing policy, especially after the crisis, Samsung equipment has become very expensive. Now it is difficult for it to compete with many budget brands that are expanding functionality and quality. Plus, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a Korean-assembled model, and Chinese factories no longer produce such high-quality and reliable refrigerators.

    But at the same time, the company is constantly introducing innovations in the lineup, improves technology to make products more convenient. It focuses primarily on optimizing the internal space, maintaining freshness for a long time, improving the microclimate and humidity.

    The latest models feature convenient wide-opening doors, as well as a unique camera with a mode from -23 to +2 degrees. This way you can switch it from freezer mode to simple cooling.


    • manufacturability;
    • stylishness;
    • functionality;
    • ergonomics.

    The only disadvantages include poor quality assembly in some cases. The cheapest refrigerator can be purchased for about 25-30 thousand; the latest large-sized models cost up to 170 thousand rubles.

    Prices for Samsung RB-30 J3000WW:

    5. Sharp

    A Japanese company that also produces a wide range of equipment and electronics. Behind last years Sharp has revised its model range, significantly updating it and bringing it into line with modern times. Now the line includes options with different locations of the freezer compartment, and this also applies to wide multi-door refrigerators.

    Sharp patented own technology ionization, which allows you to eliminate bacteria, odors, mold spores and other harmful elements inside the chamber that spoil products and their taste.

    You can also note the inverter compressor, which itself selects the desired operating mode depending on the load and condition environment. This reduces noise levels and saves energy.


    • technological effectiveness, active use of innovations;
    • noiselessness even of budget models;
    • efficiency;
    • stylish design;
    • convenient arrangement of shelves and storage compartments.

    Buy budget options brands can be purchased for about 20 thousand rubles, advanced multi-door models cost up to 200 thousand.

    Prices for Sharp SJ-F95STBE:


    Even the expensive Bosch brand today has attractive budget models in its arsenal. They, of course, do not differ in the presence large number functions, but at the same time economical and silent. In advanced models, they implement latest developments companies.

    Much attention is paid to ergonomics and organization of internal space. This is why Bosch refrigerators are so convenient and fit perfectly into the interior.

    For fresh vegetables there are special compartments in which to create optimal microclimate. Even budget Bosch models are quiet and have high class energy efficiency.


    • reputation and reliability;
    • company responsibility, quality control;
    • environmental friendliness, quiet operation;
    • stylish appearance;
    • energy saving.

    The cheapest models can be purchased for 22-25 thousand rubles, large three-chamber ones cost about 170-180 thousand rubles.

    Prices for Bosch KGV36NW1AR:

    7. Siemens

    The company has a solid history of work in the Russian market, operates in various industries industry and supplies not only household goods, but also professional equipment. The line of refrigerators includes three large groups: traditional two-chamber models, built-in and two-door options.

    A feature of the latest models are frameless shelves, which look elegant, are clearly visible, are easy to pull out and do not tip over under load.

    Also comfortable tall drawers freezer compartment. Unlike those commonly used, they can easily accommodate a tall can or a whole turkey. And traditionally, European brands pay great attention to energy efficiency.


    • quality and convenience;
    • modern technologies maintaining freshness;
    • cost-effectiveness even of large-sized models.

    Disadvantages: traditionally the brand adds little additional functions, especially in cheap models.
    The cost of Siemens brand refrigerators starts from about 30 thousand rubles, and the most expensive models cost about 160-180 thousand rubles.

    Prices for Siemens KG49NSB21:

    8. Vestfrost

    This little-known company in Russia is one of largest producers refrigerators in Europe. For some time it was part of the Electrolux company, but subsequently bought out the entire share. Now this Danish company produces products both in Europe and in other countries, including China. On Russian market Models produced in Turkey are supplied.

    Vestfrost refrigerators belong to the premium class and are characterized by high reliability.

    A special feature of the brand is its wide range of colors. In addition to traditional ones, they are produced in black, red, and pearlescent colors.


    • build quality;
    • reliability;
    • Hi-tech.


    The simplest refrigerators of the brand cost about 30 thousand rubles, expensive models up to 160 thousand.

    Prices for Vestfrost VF 3863 B:

    9. Indesit

    The company produces very budget refrigerators that are affordable, compact and functional. NoFrost+ technology optimizes air circulation and eliminates the mixing of odors. Ergonomic shelves are designed so that they are easy to pull out and reach good review contents of the refrigerator. Almost all models are quite silent.


    • low price;
    • compactness.


    • few functions and adjustments;
    • cheap models are not economical.

    You can buy an Indesit refrigerator for about 10 thousand rubles, the most expensive models cost up to 32 thousand rubles.

    Prices for Indesit EF 18:

    10. Ariston

    Ariston also makes budget refrigerators, but, unlike the previous brand, it offers a wide range of modern wide two-door models. Moreover, the cost is up to two times lower than analogues of more famous brands.

    Models of energy consumption class A and A+ are offered, with TotalNoFrost technology. Also applies innovative technology maintaining freshness, eliminating bacteria and odors. For this purpose, an exclusive Active Oxygen system is provided, which involves the use of natural ozone.


    • low price even for premium models;
    • use of innovative developments;
    • environmental friendliness.

    Disadvantages: simplicity and inefficiency of the cheapest models.

    Buy inexpensive option Ariston can cost up to 20 thousand rubles, and expensive multi-door ones cost about 70 thousand.

    Prices for Hotpoint-Ariston HF 4200 W:

    11. Atlant

    The Atlant company is a Belarusian manufacturer of household appliances, in particular refrigerators, dating back to the times of the USSR. Of course, now production has been re-equipped in accordance with the requirements of the time.

    Currently, the company offers a wide range of models, including built-in and compact. All have energy consumption class A and A+, many have the NoFrost system.

    Most models have easily removable doors, making them easy to transport.


    • big choice;
    • convenient placement of shelves;
    • low price;
    • silent in most models.


    • there is a decent percentage of defects;
    • The declared functions do not always work, for example, condensation forms or energy is wasted.

    The cheapest options will cost 16-18 thousand rubles, the most expensive a little more than 30 thousand.

    Prices for ATLANT X 2401-100:


    This is what the rating looks like the best manufacturers refrigerators, compiled according to the most important indicators, reliability and quality. Companies at the top of the rankings strive to implement the latest technologies, reduce energy consumption and make their products as comfortable to use as possible. In the middle and end of the rating there are also decent brands of refrigerators, but for less demanding buyers, they are the best in their segment. But they also have their advantages. Make a choice, first of all, based on your preferences, and most importantly, in a trustworthy store. After all, negative reviews are often associated with defective or counterfeit goods.

    In order for the refrigerator to serve for a long time faithfully and truthfully, without demanding extra money and large time expenditures, in order to eliminate all breakdowns directly during operation, it is necessary to adhere to the golden rules of use. Moreover, you periodically need to do simple operations aimed at caring for the refrigerator.

    Of course, refrigerator repairs can be done inexpensively today without any particular problems, but why pay for this service and take it to a service center if you don’t have to? First of all, we pay great attention to the proper transportation of this device. All equipment is transported in a strictly vertical position - after all, if the unit is placed horizontally, the oil flows from the compressor motor into the heating part of the circuit, causing the filter to simply become clogged. When the basic rules and conditions of transportation have not been met, then after installing the device you will need to wait several hours immediately for the oil to flow back into the compressor.

    After the refrigerator has been delivered home, you need to choose where to install it. It is in this case that you will need to take into account that the proximity of heating devices, as well as heat sources, and exposure to the sun's rays will have an extremely negative effect on the operation of the unit.

    When talking about repairing lg refrigerators, it is important to remember that for constant, proper heat exchange, the heat condenser needs a space of no less than five centimeters between the condenser itself and the wall.

    Another important condition is competent, thorough and regular cleaning, which includes airing and washing the chamber. When cleaning your refrigerator, you must always use warm water and a sponge - however, do not use bleach, household chemicals and abrasives for cleaning. You can also use solutions of soda or salt. After the cleaning has been completed and all the dirt has been washed away, we wipe down the refrigerator soft cloth, airing it for about an hour. It is enough to do this treatment once a month.

    The refrigerator has long become an indispensable item in the kitchen, which is almost impossible to do without. Modern manufacturers of refrigeration units endlessly improve their products, introducing more and more innovations into new products. But no matter how sophisticated a refrigerator is, it still remains a mechanism that tends to break down. And because This is still a large household appliance, and also not cheap, before you think about replacing the refrigerator, you should try to fix it. Below, we present the top most common malfunctions of refrigerators.

    TOP 5 faults

    • Thermostat. A thermostat, also known as a thermostat, is a clever mechanism that regulates the temperature in your refrigerator. A relay filled with freon, depending on the level of cooling in the refrigeration chamber, “sends commands” to the compressor, which turns on or off accordingly.
      The “symptoms” of this breakdown are easy to determine - the refrigerator operation indicator is on, but inside it becomes warmer and warmer. In especially severe cases, the owner detects a malfunction by unpleasant smell perishable products. For the same reason, a fur coat may grow in the refrigerator.
      You most likely won’t be able to fix the thermostat yourself, and the right decision will seek professional help.
    • Compressor. One of the most important mechanisms in the refrigerator. Compressor failure is most often caused by our careless use of the refrigerator compartment - loosely closed refrigerator doors, or the “super-freeze” mode turned on and forgotten. As a result, the compressor works "to wear out" and sooner or later breaks down. You won’t be able to repair the compressor even by calling a repairman to your home. The refrigerator will have to be taken to a workshop, because replacing the compressor requires large space. Something our kitchens usually cannot boast of.
    • Start-up relay. Responsible for starting and stopping the motor. If you have not heard characteristic clicks when the refrigerator is operating for a long time, and the temperature inside the refrigerator rises, then most likely the start-up relay has failed. If you are a jack of all trades, you can try to repair the relay yourself, but if you have never done this before and do not understand the system of operation of this mechanism, you should not do it.
      After a poor-quality repair, it is much more difficult for a professional service technician to fix the problem.
    • Electronic control unit. Warn possible problems A voltage stabilizer will help with electronics - our electrical networks often suffer from strong voltage surges, which negatively affects the electronics of all home units. You should not keep containers with water on the refrigerator - vases with flowers, flower pots, jugs, etc. A couple of drops of water falling behind the refrigerator can cause a short circuit.
    • Freon. Freon is a mixture of ethane and methane. The operating principle of this refrigerant is the cyclic evaporation and condensation of freon in the evaporator. And one of typical malfunctions refrigerator is a freon leak. Freon has no smell or color, so you won’t be able to determine this breakdown “by eye.” Again, the main “symptom” is an increase in temperature in the refrigerator compartment. The causes of the leak may be a defect from the manufacturer or mechanical damage to the refrigerator. Although freon is generally not harmful to health, you should not test the strength of your refrigerator by removing pieces of ice with sharp objects.
      If the refrigerator has sharply decreased its performance, and you see cracks covered with corrosion inside, call a specialist.

    It’s sad to realize, but the fact remains that the cause of most refrigerator breakdowns is power surges and our own bungling. Taking good care of household appliances will undoubtedly prolong their life, but if any mechanism breaks down, it is worth calling a specialist who will most likely be able to resuscitate the faulty equipment. In Yekaterinburg, you can call a technician to repair a refrigerator at home on the website

    I can’t say anything about the quality of Japanese refrigerators. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, it was not possible to test them for strength and durability. Here’s another problem with household appliances that disguise themselves as decent brands. I know for sure that BROWN does not produce refrigerators, but I saw with my own eyes a refrigerator with that name. Well, KAISER also confuses me very much. Well, we managed to look inside the Kaiser, but it was true washing machine. Guys, this is definitely not Germany!!! By the way, we were able to see the results of the production of BOSCH refrigerators in Russia. Alas, there are differences for the worse. Well, if you want to believe that it doesn’t matter where it’s collected, then that’s your right, but the quality and contents of the refrigerator, alas, are different. The simplest example is to taste Coca-Cola from the Moscow plant and, apparently, Orlovsky. Well? Difference!!! And you say that it doesn’t matter where they produce it. Happy shopping gentlemen!

    I don’t care which one to take. When choosing, you need to take into account the practical benefits - drawers/shelves, location of the freezer. The cold is the same everywhere. There's already someone who's sticking to which brand. If you don't care about the refrigerator, then the glamorous one can break down just like an ordinary one.

    Great refrigerators. But the current ones do not last as long as their predecessors. "Questions" begin with seals, enamel, handles. Although the compressors themselves work, what beasts!


    I don’t care which one to take

    I strongly disagree.


    Quote: I don’t care which one to take

    Ariston MBA4038 refrigerator does not work
    TOSHIBA refrigerator - need help.
    Refrigerator LG GRS-349SQF clogged with CT
    Gold Star GR-403 FDS has to be thawed monthly
    X-K AEG Santo 75395KG does not start.
    Ice on the freezer door and bottom of the Indesit S13 refrigerator
    x-k HAIER HRF-409A freezes the refrigerator compartment 12
    Refrigerator "DAEWOO FRS-2411 IAL" Spare part needed
    cold-to ERF37400x8 refreezes HC
    Refrigerator SHARP SJ-CT361RBE does not turn on
    refrigerator ATLANT XM-5013-001 does not turn on
    Samsung refrigerator RL28DBSI1/XEK error "dS"
    Refrigerator Atlant, module H70B-M1 resistor value.
    Refrigerator Indesit BH 20 cold. do not cool the camera...
    refrigerator Siemens KG39EX35/01 ratings R
    Cold Samsung RL33EASW1/BWT - incorrect readings on the display.
    The light doesn't work in freezer 4 Bruster

    Cold. Liebherr CNes 38030 Index20v210 not incl.
    freezer liebherr gnp2476 no frost compressor burned out
    Refrigerator Siemens KK33U00/01 - freezes

    Refrigerator STINOL 123L does not freeze MO
    refrigerator STINOL 107 compressor 19 does not start
    Bosh KGP36360/07 refrigerator does not work HC

    Horror. It turns out that any sick person can die. It’s better not to buy anything at all!


    There are bad placements of handles. More precisely, if the handle is made of flimsy plastic, then this is, of course, bad. What happens to the seals and enamel? Do all the “Atlanteans” collectively molt in the spring?


    My mother now has a two-compressor Atlant at home; it is 7 years old. I have already changed one handle, it came off at the place where it is attached to the body. Where the handle came off, the enamel peels off, rusts underneath, and then peels off. It needs to be treated with anti-corrosion and sealed. The solution is to take models without handles. The seal came off and sagged a few years ago, a repairman came and did the job. Nothing like this is observed on my Siemens, but it costs twice as much and is twice as noisy.

    For many years, almost from the very beginning of importing this equipment into the CIS countries, I worked with official suppliers as a customs broker. And here I can voice two points:
    - most of our employees bought this equipment because they were given a good discount, and almost all of them had complaints. The washing machines worked for 6-7 years at most, after which they were simply thrown away, since repairing them would have been more expensive. The boilers worked more or less normally.
    - I saw the real prices at which this equipment came from Italy. This is an economy segment, but in our country it is positioned as a strong middle peasant.

    There is a difference in the number of breakdowns. Perfect option- meet a normal master from a large service center servicing different brands. And ask him which equipment from which brands breaks down most often.

    Quote: Well, I don’t know, almost 20 years ago I bought a Candy refrigerator, on Dorogomilovka, in the Party store, there was one, and nothing, it still works at the dacha. And it still looks decent, nothing has peeled off.


    Uuuuu...... I won’t pass on your words to my Ariston washing machine, otherwise, what good, it will rebel, otherwise it’s been working at full capacity for the 14th year already.
    Thanks for warning!


    The number of breakdowns is not the percentage of defects.

    Quote: You shouldn’t draw such sad conclusions based on one or two cases. Factory defects sometimes happen with expensive equipment.

    Surprisingly, the same applies to my 2 Atlases: the handles are in place, the seal does not come off.

    Quote: So it is, of course. The number of breakdowns is not always determined by the brand. The owners themselves know how to shorten the life of their equipment. Give such people something like “Indesit” or AEG.

    I haven’t worked on refrigerators, so I can’t say anything. And at one time I had to repair radio equipment (and I know repairmen). Equipment in a “dead” state is not uncommon. People simply don’t read the instructions and use it haphazardly.

    Of course, there are statistics - some brands get repaired more often. But if this is not a “leftist” company, then I would not put the label: “everything that costs less than 20k and is not Bosch\Siemens\Liebherr, etc. . - it will break soon."

    P.S. From the list of topics that I have given, it is not at all obvious that inexpensive refrigerators break down much more often.